
Current status of the Nymphalidae family (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in western regions of Ukraine

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There are original data of the current state of Nymphalidae family in the regions of Western Ukraine in this article. The entomological materials were collected during the own expedition and the teacher training of the students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. The insects were collected during 2021. The species composition of the diurnal butterflies was conducted. The taxonomic affiliation of the insects was carried out, using modern books of determinants of insects, the atlases and online sources. The list of species of Nymphalidae family is formed according to Nieukerken et al. (2011). The collection of the entomological material was carried out according to the norms of the environmental legislation. These insects are in the collections of The Botany and Zoology Department. The insects were collected in Zakarpattia, Lviv, Volyn, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and Khmelnytskyi regions. The species composition of the collected insects was analysed. 13 species of Nymphalidae family were identified in the studied regions. We studied 80 individuals of Nymphalidae family. The investigated insects belong to 11 genera: Coenonympha Hübner, Maniola Schrank, Aphantopus Wallengren, Melanargia Meigen, Vanessa Fabricius, Inachis Hübner, Agalis Dalman, Polygonia Hübner, Araschnia Hübner, Issoria Hübner and Argynnis Fabricius. We identified that some species of Nymphalidae family are common in Ukraine. The largest number of individuals of this family was calculated. The most popular were Maniola jurtina L., Vanessa atalanta L. and Inachis io L. There were several individuals of Araschnia levana L., Issoria lathonia L. and Argynnis aglaja L. in the entomological collection. We will conduct the systematic entomological studies of the fauna of Ukraine in order to do a detailed analysis of Nymphalidae family and to do the ecological and faunal inventory of the insects. These data can be used for the further analysis of the changes of species diversity of Nymphalidae family.

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The species diversity of the insects of Nimphalinae subfamily (Lepidoptera order), which are stored in the entomological collection of The Botany and Zoology Department of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University were studied. The insects were collected by the students during their teacher training and also by the amateur entomologists during 2000–2020. These insects are in the collections of The Botany and Zoology Department. The species composition of the collected insects was analyzed. There are 202 individuals of Nimphalinae subfamily. Identified insects belong to five genus (Vanessa, Inachis, Agаlis, Polygonia, Nymphalis). The largest number of individuals of this subfamily was calculated (Inachis io –75, Vanessa atalanta – 52, Cynthia cardui – 45). Also 13 individuals of Agаlis urticae and 12 individuals of Polygonia c-album were found. All species of Rhopalocera of European fauna are in The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Most of them are classified as Least Concern (LC). Widespread, numerous and common species of the Nimphalinae subfamily were found in the funds of The Botany and Zoology Department. Identified species belong to the LC category of The IUCN Red List. The Compton tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum) is included in The Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009). Its conservation status is invaluable. Nymphalis vaualbum was not found in the entomological collections of The Botany and Zoology Department of TNPU.
The IUCN is the leading authority on assessing species’ extinction risks worldwide and introduced the use of quantitative criteria for the compilation of Red Lists of threatened species. Recently, we assessed the threat status of the 483 European butterfly species, using semi-quantitative data on changes in distribution and in population sizes provided by national butterfly experts. We corrected distribution trends for the observation that coarse-scale grid cells underestimate actual population trends by 35%. To account for uncertainty, we included a 5% error margin on the distribution and population trends provided. The new Red List of European butterflies determined one species as Regionally Extinct, 37 species as threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable) and a further 44 as Near Threatened. The use of semi-quantitative data on distribution and population trends permitted us to use IUCN criteria to compile a scientifically underpinned Red List of butterflies in Europe. However, a comparison of detailed monitoring data for some grassland species showed that coarse-scale grid cell data and population trends strongly underestimate extinction risks, and the list should be taken as a conservative estimate of threat. Finally, combining the new RedList status with the data provided by the national butterfly experts, allowed us to determine simple criteria to delineate conservation priorities for butterflies in Europe, so called SPecies of European conservation Concern (SPEC’s). Using European butterflies, our approach illustrated how Red Listing can be performed when data are incomplete for some IUCN criteria or vary strongly among countries.
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