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Biodiversity of Old-growth Coniferous Forests in the Ural Mountains

  • The Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
© 2019 PP House
1. Introducon
Due to a steadily growing human-induced impact on the biosphere, natural
biological diversity preservaon and support for forest ecosystems and
their dynamics forecast is one of the most urgent global issues (Mai et
al., 2016; Zobel, 2016). A number of works are devoted to the given issue.
Climac changes, cungs and res are recognized as the most signicant
factors transforming the structure and funcons of forest ecosystems
(Mirkin et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2011, Murray et al., 2017; Schapho et
al., 2016). Despite numerous publicaons on a biodiversity issue, there
is sll insucient reliable understanding of scope of changes ongoing in
forest ecosystems, biodiversity interdependency and sustainability of
natural systems (Lankin, Ivanov, 2011; Westgate et al., 2013).
There are more than 20% of the world forest ecosystems in Russia.
Biodiversity of Old-growth Coniferous Forests in the Ural Mountains
Natalya Sergeevna Ivanova
Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia, Ural State Forest Engineering
University, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Article History
RECEIVED in 16th April 2019 RECEIVED in revised form 30th April 2019 ACCEPTED in nal form 30th May 2019
Old-growth coniferous forest, biodiversity, Ural MountainsKeywords:
Due to a steadily growing human-induced impact on the biosphere, natural
biological diversity preservaon and support for forest ecosystems and their
dynamics forecast is one of the most urgent global issues. The aim of our
research was to idenfy geographical and landscape diversity features of the
mountain forests of the South and the Middle Urals (Russia) based on forest
typology, landscape ecology and vegetaon science approaches. As a result of
the long-term research (1991-2017), quantave data on biological diversity
of old-growth coniferous forests were obtained. Productivity and species
saturaon of the subordinated layer was studied. It was established that a
diversity of forest vegetaon condions and an ecotone eect lead to modern
forest type diversity. The research has complemented data on forest types with
informaon on producvity and species saturaon for a herb and shrub layer
of nominally primary forests. A natural biodiversity level required to preserve
natural ecosystem stability was idened. The minimum values are revealed at
steep slopes and upper mountains, both in the Southern, and the Middle Urals.
The largest species saturaon is revealed in lower smooth slopes for moss spruce
forests of the Southern Urals and for Mul-herb pine forest of the Middle Urals.
The carried-out analysis has shown the advantages for joint use of forest typology,
landscape ecology and orisc analysis methods for forest vegetaon research.
The conducted work forms a scienc basis for biodiversity preservaon of the
Ural mountain forests, their regional and landscape dynamics research, jused
forecast of forest resource condions.
Natalya Sergeevna Ivanova
Corresponding Author
Natural Resource Management
Research Article
Open Access
Citation: Ivanova, 2019. Biodiversity of Old-
growth Coniferous Forests in the Ural Mountains.
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress
Management 2019, 10(3):251-256. HTTPS://DOI.
Copyright: © 2019 Ivanova. is is an open access
article that permits unrestricted use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium after the author(s) and
source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: Legal restrictions are
imposed on the public sharing of raw data. However,
authors have full right to transfer or share the data in
raw form upon request subject to either meeting the
conditions of the original consents and the original
research study. Further, access of data needs to meet
whether the user complies with the ethical and legal
obligations as data controllers to allow for secondary
use of the data outside of the original study.
Conict of interests: e authors have declared no
conflict of interests exist.
Acknowledgement: The paper is written under
the State order of the Botanical garden of the Ural
Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management
June 2019
Print ISSN 0976-3988
Online ISSN 0976-4038
Journal Home: hps://
Arcle AR1985 DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.23910/IJBSM/2019.10.3.1985
IJBSM 2019, 10(3):251-256
© 2019 PP House
Ivanova, 2019
It is of a primary signicance for biosphere perseverance
(Global Biodiversity Outlook 2, 2006) and are the major
naonal treasure for Russia. The Ural forests are located at
the boundary between Europe and Asia: at the joint of two
orae. This forests have exceponal climate-regulang and
water-protecve value. Ecotone locaon promotes greater
vulnerability of the Ural forests to climatic changes and
anthropogenic inuences in comparison with the forests
located in other regions.
The aim of our research was to idenfy geographical and
landscape diversity features of the mountain forests of the
South and the Middle Urals (Russia) based on forest typology,
landscape ecology and vegetaon science approaches.
2. Materials and Methods
The research was conducted in the western low-hill terrain of
the Southern Urals and the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province
of the Middle Urals. Based on the climac geography of
the territory of the Russian Federaon (Alisov, 1956), the
mountainous Southern and Middle Urals are included in the
Connental Atlanc forest area of the temperate zone.
Damp and cool Atlanc air masses have an impact on the
western low-hill terrain of the Southern Urals during the
most part of the year (Kuvshinova, 1968). The main climate
peculiarity is its connentality. Mountain relief roughness
and climac regime dependence on mul-origin air masses
(Atlanc and Arcc) bring considerable implicaons in the
generalized characterisc of climac condions. A dicult
nature of transformaon of the Atlanc air masses by the
Southern Ural Mountain chains of dierent heights has an
impact on climate change regularies depending on the
terrain elevaon (Kuvshinova, 1968). This leads to a strongly-
pronounced altitudinal zonation. A high-altitudinal belt
(700–900 m above sea-level) is disnct in its more contrast
temperature condition. Steep slopes with fine bouldery
ground, humidity of which is not stable and completely
depends on atmospheric precipitaon, are most common.
Here, r woods grow, dominated by Polygonum alpinum
in the second layers. A middle altudinal belt (500–700 m
above sea-level) is the warmest one due to temperature
inversions. Slopes are rolling and steep. Soils are of average
thickness. Here nemorose dark-coniferous forests grow. A
lower altudinal belt (400–500 m above sea-level) is disnct
in its long smooth slopes with thick soils which provide stable
moistening condions. Here high-producve dark-coniferous
forests grow.
The climate of the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province is formed
under the inuence of three types of air masses: Atlanc
damp and cool air masses, coming from the West; cold and
moderately damp polar (Arcc) air masses extending along the
Ural range of mountains from the Arcc Ocean; warm and dry
connental air masses geng from the plains of Kazakhstan
(Kolesnikov et al., 1973). The barrier role of the Ural range
of mountains detaining Atlanc damp air masses which are
moving to the east (Kolesnikov et al., 1973) has a dominant
inuence on the climac condions. Owing to its meridional
orientaon, the Ural Mountains promote intensicaon of
climate connentality in the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province
(Kuvshinova, 1968). The main climate peculiaries are caused
by two factors: low altudes of submountains and their
locaon on the down-wind macroslope of the Ural dividing
mountain range. The first factor defines more favorable
indicators of temperature condions (especially in summer
months), and the second factor denes considerable rainfall
reducon in comparison with the western Ural macroslope,
and therefore reduced moistening. Therefore, dark-coniferous
forests common in the western macroslope are interchanged
with pine forest types in the east macroslope. Besides, a
small range of altudes does not lead to altudinal zonaon
formation. It is cause to note that due to temperature
inversions the middle parts of slopes are warmer. Yearly
precipitaon in the western Southern Ural low-hill terrain
makes 580-680 mm a year, in the Zauralsky hilly piedmont
province of the Middle Urals makes 400-500 mm a year.
During more than 250 years, the Ural forests have been
subject to intensive forest use, besides over the last decades
the intensity of man-induced res has increased. Vegetaon
changes are as follows (Filroze, 1978): consecuve reducon
of land with primary zonal vegetaon types; relave increase
in land with secondary leaf bearing forests; decrease in
productivity of forest soils due to hydrologic behavior
deterioraon and erosion phenomena development.
A topographic and ecological profile method including
constant and temporary sample plots at index plots is the
basis for eld studies. Site invesgaon studies included
invesgaon of lower, middle and top parts of the southern,
northern, western and eastern mountain slopes. This stage of
work allowed nding the old-growth (least disturbed) forests
growing in various forest sites. Sample plots were mapped
across these sites. The size of sample plots was selected so that
there should be not less than 200 trees from main generaon
of the prevailing forest-forming species. A relief posion (a
slope part, its exposion and steepness) was specied for
each plot. Soil thickness was dened. To classify the objects,
forest type outlines drawn based on forest typology principles
(Kolesnikov, 1956; Kolesnikov et al., 1973; Ivanova, Zolotova,
2014) and ecoorisc classicaon were used (Martynenko
et al., 2007; Braun-Blanquet, 1964). Ecoorisc classicaon
allows describing study objects up to the latest world
standards (Martynenko et al., 2003; Mirkin et al., 2010)
Forest stand (Anuchin, 1982; Ivanova, 2017), natural wood
plant revegetation, a herb and shrub layer (Yarmishko,
Lyanguzova, 2002) were studied on sample plots by means
of me-tested techniques heights, diameters and age were
determined for forest stand (for all wood types). Natural wood
plant revegetaon was studied by means of tapes (2-4 tapes
© 2019 PP House
per a plot) 20 meters in length and the 4 meters in width, set
for 2×2 m plaorms. Species composion, projecve cover
and producvity are dened for a herb and shrub layer. To
achieve this purpose, 15-20 subplots of 1×1 m were mapped.
3. Results and Discussion
Connuing the research on diversity and dynamics of the Ural
mountain forest iniated by E.M. Filroze (1968; 1978) and
B.P. Kolesnikov et al. (1973), we studies old-growth forests
the structure of which is similar to climax communities.
These include 120-300-year-old forest plots which were not
exposed to connuous cungs, crowning res and large-scale
wind throws over this period of me. Such forests remained
on incredibly small areas and are of exclusive interest as
a populaon, and forest typological research object. The
research was being conducted from 1991 to 2017.
We studied 2 generalized topographic and ecological proles:
consisng of 9 most widespread forest types in the Southern
Urals (Ivanova, 2000, 2007, 2012) and of 12 forest types
in the Middle Urals (Ivanova, Zolotova, 2011, 2013, 2015).
The main forest forming species of the western Southern
Ural low-hill terrains are Siberian spruce (Picea obovata
Ledeb.) and Siberian r (Abies sibirica Ledeb.). Tilia cordata
Mill is common everywhere in the forest second layer and
undergrowth. However, the tree layer in the top altudinal
belt is formed by Picea obovata only. Contrast temperature
condions conne Abies sibirica Ledeb. and Tilia cordata Mill
vegetave propagaon. White birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.)
is also a usual forest ecosystem element in the Southern Ural
Mountains but it forms nave forest stands only in steadily
water-logged habitats. There are wood types of broad-leaved
forests in the undergrowth of dark-coniferous forests at the
middle warmest parts of slopes: Acer platanoides L., Ulmus
glabra Huds., Quercus robur L.
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 2019, 10(3):251-256
Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is the main forest-forming
species in the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province of the Middle
Urals. At tops and upper parts of slopes, it forms pure forest
stands mixed with some birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh., B.
pendula Roth) and larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.). In the middle
parts of slopes, pine second layer is formed by Tilia cordata
Mill. High-producve r forests grow in the lower parts of
slopes in deep clay-loam soils.
Our advanced research is devoted to studying subordinated
layers of forest community. The research has complemented
data on forest types which are available in literature with
informaon on producvity and species saturaon for a herb
and shrub layer of nominally primary forests. The obtained
data characterize a natural biodiversity level required
to preserve natural ecosystem stability (Zolotova, 2013,
Ivanova, Zolotova, 2011, 2013, 2015). The results of this
part of the research are given in Table 1 and 2. It is revealed
that old-growth coniferous forests of the Southern and the
Middle Urals are characterized by similar specic vegetaon
diversity. This peculiarity is clearly disnct despite the fact that
dierences in the amount of precipitaon in two studied areas
lead to change of the prevailing tree species: dark-coniferous
forests in the western slope of the Ural Mountains are
changed by light-coniferous forests in the eastern macroslope.
Preservaon of a stable orisc diversity level is achieved
by means of species composion change and represents an
adapve ecosystem strategy allowing sustainable funconing
even at a significant change in water and temperature
condions. However, there are dierences revealed between
the studied areas in species saturaon, projecve cover
and herb and shrub layer bioomass. For the Zauralsky hilly
piedmont province, these indicators have higher values. This
feature can be explained with a strong edicator inuence
(Siberian spruce) on subordinate vegetaon composion.
Table 1: Herb and shrub layer of the studied coniferous old-growth forests of the Southern Urals
Projecve cover, % Oven-dry mass, g m-2 Number of species per 1 m2
Average Maximum Cv Average Maximum Cv Average Maximum Cv
Upper altudinal belt (700–900 meters above sea level). Steep slopes
Unstable soil moistening condions
Spruce with Polygonum alpinum
33,9 70, 2 60, 8 28, 0 55, 7 70, 5 5 10 30, 0
Middle altudinal belt (500–700 meters above sea level). Smooth slopes
Stable soil moistening condions
Nemorose spruce forest
77,6 97, 0 12, 2 73, 7 127, 0 68 8 11 18, 0
Lower altudinal belt (400–500 meters above sea level). Smooth slopes
Stable soil moistening condions.
Moss spruce forest
30, 6 83, 7 23, 2 32, 6 77, 9 79, 1 10 15 21, 0
Cv: Coecient of variaon, %
© 2019 PP House
Table 2: Herb and shrub layer of the studied coniferous old-growth forests of the Middle Urals
Projecve cover, % Oven-dry mass, g m-2 No. of species per 1 m2
Average Maximum Cv Average Maximum Cv Average Maximum Cv
Drainage habit areas
Steep slopes. Unstable soil moistening condions.
Cowberry pine forest (Pine forest with Vaccinium vis-idaea)
29,9 67 67, 8 78, 0 195 77, 5 8 14 37, 7
Middle parts of rolling and smooth slopes.
Stable soil moistening condions.
Berry pine forest (Pine forest with Vaccinium myrllus, Rubus saxalis, Fragaria vesca and undergrowth of Pinus sylvestris)
51,4 94, 5 41, 9 116, 4 243, 6 52, 6 8 11 18, 0
Berry and lime pine forest (Pine forest with a second layer of linden (Tilia cordata) and rare undergrowth of coniferous plants)
57,6 78, 0 22, 2 69, 7 81, 6 78 17 21 20, 0
Moss and berry pine-spruce forest (Pine forest with spruce and moss cover)
29, 7 89, 6 91, 3 41, 9 112, 3 93, 6 11 21 66, 9
Bracken pine forest (Pine forest with Pteridium aquilinum and rare undergrowth of coniferous plants)
83,7 100 17,3 123,2 184,1 21,9 15 18 16, 5
Herb and lime pine forest (Pine forest with spruce, second layer of linden, spruce and r and mulspecies herbaceous layer)
39, 2 100 77, 4 59, 3 91, 1 38, 8 14 21 30, 3
Lower parts of rolling slopes.
Stable, intermiently excessive soil moistening condions
Mul-herb pine forest (Pine forest with well developed mulspecies herbaceous layer)
86, 3 100 19, 5 89, 8 113, 1 12,6 28 31 9, 3
Mossy and myrllus pine forest with a dark-coniferous layer (Pine forest with well developed second spruce layer and moss
68, 3 76 7,6 143,7 165,1 11,9 11 12 12, 3
Herb and moss spruce forest (Spruce forest with Oxalis acetosella)
82, 6 100 21, 8 21, 7 29, 9 30, 4 10 15 45, 9
Slightly drained and water-logged habitats
Periodic excessive soil moistening
Mul-herb and tallgrass pine-spruce forest (Pine-spruce forest with well developed herbaceous layer and undergrowth of
Picea obovata and Abies sibirica)
63,2 70, 3 13, 2 51, 4 69, 6 22, 1 18 23 14, 8
Equisec and mossy spruce-Siberian cedar forest (Dark-coniferous forest with Siberian pine and connuous cover of mosses)
73, 4 100 24, 1 54, 8 67, 2 17, 9 12 15 13, 3
Stable excessive soil moistening
Sphagnous and equisec pine forest (Pine forest with sphagnum mosses)
42, 9 48, 8 11, 8 54, 0 72, 1 24, 4 14 20 27, 8
Cv: coecient of variaon
The derived conclusion is also conrmed by comparison of
subordinated forest layer producvity (dark-coniferous and
light-coniferous forests) within one forest vegetaon province
(the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province). Comparave analysis
has shown that lower layers have the minimum producvity
under a shelterwood of the dark-coniferous forest.
Species saturaon of the subordinated layers relates to the
relief. This indicator takes the minimum values at steep slopes
and at the upper mountain parts, both in the Southern Urals,
and in the Middle Urals. Minimum values are idened at
steep and rolling slopes for Spruce with Polygonum alpinum
in the Southern Urals and for Cowberry pine forests in the
Ivanova, 2019
© 2019 PP House
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 2019, 10(3):251-256
Middle Urals. The largest species saturaon is revealed in the
lower parts of smooth slopes for moss spruce forests of the
Southern Urals and for Mul-herb pine forest of the Middle
Urals (Table 2).
A orisc diversity analysis revealed that the pronounced
ecotone effect is of great importance for forest species
composion formaon. The Eastern European lime-oak and
lime forests on the one hand and the Southern Taiga dark-
coniferous forests and broad-leaved and dark-coniferous
subtaiga forests on the other hand have an impact on forest
type formaon at the western low-hill terrains of the Southern
Urals. Forest types in the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province
are formed on the joint of two subzone vegetaon groups:
light-coniferous and dark-coniferous taiga-like boreal forests
and hemiboreal light-coniferous green forests. Under the
condions of excessive moistening, intrazonal non-forest
vegetaon types have an impact on a species composion
in both regions: swamps and water meadows, which even
more severely complicates regularies of species composion
4. Conclusion
As a result of the research, we obtained data which
characterize a natural biodiversity level required to preserve
ecosystem sustainability. The carried-out analysis has shown
the advantages for joint use of forest typology, landscape
ecology and orisc analysis methods through the obtained
measurable parameters of type productivity for forest
vegetaon research. The conducted work forms a scienc
basis for biodiversity preservation of the Ural mountain
forests, research of their regional and landscape dynamics,
jused forecast of the forest resource condion.
5. Acknowledgement
The paper is wrien under the State order of the Botanical
garden of the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of
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Vegetaon Science 27 (1), 8–18.
Zolotova, E.S., 2013. Forest and typological peculiaries of
vegetaon and soils in the Zauralsky hilly piedmont
province: Ph.D, Biology thesis. Yekaterinburg, 208.
Ivanova, 2019
... Overstorey and understorey layers was studied. Detailed comparative analysis of the tree stand, species diversity and species composition of the studied forest types were presented earlier (Ivanova, 2019(Ivanova, , 2020Zolotova & Ivanova, 2015). ...
... The problems of biodiversity (Mirkin et al., 2014;Sannikov et al., 2017;Ivanova, 2019) and forest productivity (Usoltsev et al., 2011(Usoltsev et al., , 2019Schepaschenko et al., 2017), ecology of individual species of woody plants ( Kalashnikova & Makhnev, 2013;Maiti et al., 2016;Sannikov et al., 2018), history of vegetation development (Panova & Antipina, 2016), reforestation and stand formation (Tantsyrev & Sannikov, 2008;Menshchikov et al., 2013;Fomin et al., 2015;Zalesova et al., 2019) have been actively discussed in the literature for the Ural Mountains, but our study on the adaptation of forest ecosystem vegetation to different moisture regimes is one of the first for taiga mountain forests in Russia. It has estimated the stability and trends of changing species composition and productivity when changing the moisture regime. ...
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Adaptation of plant communities is an important factor for maintaining their functioning and stability in changing conditions. The aim of our research is study of the effect of soil moisture regime on the species richness and biomass of the herb layer for old-growth coniferous forests in the Ural Mountains (Russia). The research has been carried out between 57° 00'N; 60° 15''E and 57° 05'N; 60° 25'E. The studied area is part of the Zauralsky hilly piedmont province, the Southern boreal forest region. Sample plots (0.25 hectares) were laid in pine forests growing in habitats with different moisture regimes: insufficient, optimal (stable), and excessive. The research was conducted in 2010.To determine the herb layer productivity, 10-20 subplots 1x1 m in size were laid on each sample plot. Data analysis is based on the One-way ANOVA and species abundance distributions. It has been established that species richness in extreme (insufficient and excessive soil moisture regime (Cowberry pine forest and Pine forest with shrubs and sphagnum) and optimal (stable) soil moisture regime (Multi-herb pine forest) were found to vary significantly, with soil moisture regime being a statistically significant factor. By contrast, herb layer biomass is maintained fairly stable regardless of the soil moisture regimes. ANOVA showed no significant differences between pine forests growing under different soil moisture regimes. It has been found that biomass is maintained by increasing of the dominant species contribution to the overall biomass and increasing of the approximation function graph slope. At the same time, the parameter β of exponential and power approximating functions is increased and can be considered as an indicator of influencing on forest ecosystems and a measure of their adaptation to insufficient and excessive soil moisture. Thus, species abundance distributions can be used as method to measure the effects of factors that determine forest ecosystem composition and functioning.
... However, these issues have not been practically studied, which makes it impossible to make any reliable forecasts of ecosystem degradation. Therefore, data insufficient for biodiversity modeling and developing scenarios for sustainable forest management is recognized as an urgent problem [2,[14][15][16]. ...
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The investigation of typological patterns in dynamics of herb layer biodiversity after logging in the Ural Mountains was carried out. Seven predominant types of pine ecosystems were studied in the following variants: 160-year- old forest and its 2-6-year-old cutting. Statistically significant differences in species saturation between conditionally indigenous forests and 2-6-year-old cutting were found for Berry, Bracken, Multi-herb pine forest, and Mossy and blueberry pine forest with a dark-coniferous layer. Moreover, in all cases, except for Multi-herb pine forest, an increase in species saturation was found in solid cuttings compared to forests. The preservation and increase in species richness in clear-cut areas in comparison with old-growth forests indicate a high adaptive potential of forest vegetation in the mountains of the Middle Urals to external destructive influences. However, the question of the transformation of the species structure remains open and requires additional research.
The Ural Mountain Range spans from the arctic tundra in the north to temperate forest and steppes in the south. Between these two biomes lie vast acreages of taiga (boreal forest) at varied elevations within the mountains and across the adjacent foothills and plains. This includes large intact forest landscapes and Europe's largest remaining primeval forest—the Virgin Komi Forest—as well as second growth forests and severely degraded areas impacted by modern commercial activities such as mining and conversion to agricultural and other land uses. Mining, fossil fuel extraction and climate change are the main threats, while logging is a relatively modest threat to the remaining intact forest landscapes. Although impacts from indigenous peoples have occurred for thousands of years, these impacts were well integrated with the natural dynamics, including the disturbance dynamics of fire and wind, the relationships of forest types to landscape physiography, natural ecotones between tundra, taiga, temperate forest and steppes, and intact predator-prey systems with large predators and other top-level carnivores still present. Conservation strategies should prevent mining and logging from extending into extant primary forests, and use restoration and close-to-nature forestry in second growth forests so that they provide a buffer zone from more intense human activities. Taiga in the Ural Mountains is very sensitive to climate change because of climate-dependent boundaries with nearby tundra, temperate broadleaf forest, and grassland biomes. A warming climate could lead to replacement of large swaths of the existing taiga by temperate forests and grasslands. Mitigation of climate change by reducing global CO2 emissions would make these climate impacts less extreme.
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Climate change threatens natural landscapes through shifting distribution and abundance of species and attendant change in the structure and function of ecosystems. However, it remains unclear how climate-mediated variation in species’ environmental niche space may lead to large-scale fragmentation of species distributions, altered meta-population dynamics and gene flow, and disrupted ecosystem integrity. Such change may be especially relevant when species distributions are restricted either spatially or to a narrow environmental niche, or when environments are rapidly changing. Here, we use range-wide environmental niche models to posit that climate-mediated range fragmentation aggravates the direct effects of climate change on species in the boreal forest of North America. We show that climate change will directly alter environmental niche suitability for boreal-obligate species of trees, birds and mammals (n = 12), with most species ranges becoming smaller and shifting northward through time. Importantly, species distributions will become increasingly fragmented, as characterized by smaller mean size and greater isolation of environmentally-suitable landscape patches. This loss is especially pronounced along the Ontario-Québec border, where the boreal forest is narrowest and roughly 78% of suitable niche space could disappear by 2080. Despite the diversity of taxa surveyed, patterns of range fragmentation are remarkably consistent, with our models predicting that spruce grouse (Dendragapus canadensis), boreal chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus), moose (Alces americanus) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) could have entirely disjunct east-west population segments in North America. These findings reveal potentially dire consequences of climate change on population continuity and species diversity in the boreal forest, highlighting the need to better understand: 1) extent and primary drivers of anticipated climate-mediated range loss and fragmentation; 2) diversity of species to be affected by such change; 3) potential for rapid adaptation in the most strongly-affected areas; and 4) potential for invasion by replacement species.
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Forest typology holds the central position in modern forestry. We give an overview of research on forest typology in Russia. Forest typology in Russia actively developed and improved with respect to requests forestry throughout the entire period of its existence. It remains the necessary basis for preserving the biodiversity of land ecosystems and ensuring sustainable forest management amid the growing anthropogenic impact and climate change. The birth of scientific forest typology is associated with the name of G.F. Morozov. A biogeocoenotic approach to forest classification was offered by V.N. Sukachev. V.N. Sukachev developed classifications for boreal forests which had been little affected by economic activity. The biogeocoenotic approach proved effective there. However, when literally applied to commercial forests, the biogeocoenotic approach sometimes failed to deliver satisfying results. The exponential shrinkage of natural forests and the increasing share of dynamic secondary growth brought about the need to reflect the time-related forest changes in classifications. The origins of the genetic approach can be found in the writings of G.F. Morozov. The first satisfactory geo-genetic forest classification was built by B.A. Ivashkevich. B.P. Kolesnikov provided the theoretical grounding and main postulates for the approach. According to B.P. Kolesnikov, a geographical and genetic classification means a classification based on the forest origin and evolution patterns which takes account of all the forest ecosystem stages and can be used to predict their future changes. Currently forest typology develops as an interdisciplinary science. It integrates forestry, geobotanics, forest taxation, soil sciences, biogeography, geology, and landscape ecology. A new methodology is being developed. It is a synthesis of forest ecology and synergetic. It uncovers new reserves for the forest science development.
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Russia's boreal forests provide numerous important ecosystem functions and services, but they are being increasingly affected by climate change. This review presents an overview of observed and potential future climate change impacts on those forests with an emphasis on their aggregate carbon balance and processes driving changes therein. We summarize recent findings highlighting that radiation increases, temperature-driven longer growing seasons and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations generally enhance vegetation productivity, while heat waves and droughts tend to decrease it. Estimates of major carbon fluxes such as net biome production agree that the Russian forests as a whole currently act as a carbon sink, but these estimates differ in terms of the magnitude of the sink due to different methods and time periods used. Moreover, models project substantial distributional shifts of forest biomes, but they may overestimate the extent to which the boreal forest will shift poleward as past migration rates have been slow. While other impacts of current climate change are already substantial, and projected impacts could be both large-scale and disastrous, the likelihood for a tipping point behavior of Russia's boreal forest is still unquantified. Other substantial research gaps include the large-scale effect of (climate-driven) disturbances such as fires and insect outbreaks, which are expected to increase in the future. We conclude that the impacts of climate change on Russia's boreal forest are often superimposed by other environmental and societal changes in a complex way, and the interaction of these developments could exacerbate both existing and projected future challenges. Hence, development of adaptation and mitigation strategies for Russia's forests is strongly advised.
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Co-existence theories fail to adequately explain observed community patterns (diversity and composition) because they mainly address local extinctions. For a more complete understanding, the regional processes responsible for species formation and geographic dispersal should also be considered. The species pool concept holds that local variation in community patterns is dependent primarily on the availability of species, which is driven by historical diversification and dispersal at continental and landscape scales. However, empirical evidence of historical effects is limited. This slow progress can be attributed to methodological difficulties in determining the characteristics of historical species pools and how they contributed to diversity patterns in contemporary landscapes. A role of landscape-scale dispersal limitation in determining local community patterns has been demonstrated by numerous seed addition experiments. However, disentangling general patterns of dispersal limitation in communities still requires attention. Distinguishing habitat-specific species pools can help to meet both applied and theoretical challenges. In conservation biology, the use of absolute richness may be uninformative because the size of species pools varies between habitats. For characterizing the dynamic state of individual communities, biodiversity relative to species pools provides a balanced way of assessing communities in different habitats. Information about species pools may also be useful when studying community assembly rules, because it enables a possible mechanism of trait convergence (habitat filtering) to be explicitly assessed. Empirical study of the role of historic effects and dispersal on local community patterns has often been restricted due to methodological difficulties in determining habitat-specific species pools. However, accumulating distributional, ecological and phylogenetic information, as well as use of appropriate model systems (e.g. archipelagos with known biogeographic histories) will allow the species pool concept to be applied effectively in future research.
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The distributions of many terrestrial organisms are currently shifting in latitude or elevation in response to changing climate. Using a meta-analysis, we estimated that the distributions of species have recently shifted to higher elevations at a median rate of 11.0 meters per decade, and to higher latitudes at a median rate of 16.9 kilometers per decade. These rates are approximately two and three times faster than previously reported. The distances moved by species are greatest in studies showing the highest levels of warming, with average latitudinal shifts being generally sufficient to track temperature changes. However, individual species vary greatly in their rates of change, suggesting that the range shift of each species depends on multiple internal species traits and external drivers of change. Rapid average shifts derive from a wide diversity of responses by individual species.
Many methods for the study of timber-yielding plants exist. These methods encompass a variety of issues. They are based on traditional approaches and approaches of nonlinear dynamics. The greatest attention is paid to the study of forest stand biomass. Regression method is considered the most accurate and versatile. The set of functions is available to approximate tree biomass depending on its diameter. Allometric function is the most biologically driven. However, all these biomass functions belong to the regression method. They cannot claim to be a universal dependency, which can be used in a wide age range and geographic range. Therefore, prediction on this basis is not accurate. Logistics systems of equations are more versatile. Our research has shown that the use of systems of differential equations gives good results for the study of the joint growth of two wood species. This approach allows one to predict the role of valuable wood species in the forest stand structure in the process of reforestation. It is useful for the planning of forest management and environmental measures. However, the gap between the mathematical and experimental ecology continues to exist. The development of new universal methods of forecasting the state of timber-yielding plants and their ecosystems is still relevant.
Forest trees and shrubs play vital ecological roles, reducing the carbon load from the atmosphere by using carbon dioxide in photosynthesis and by the storage of carbon in biomass and wood as a source of energy. Autoecology deals with all aspects of woody plants; the dynamism of populations, physiological traits of trees, light requirements, life history patterns, and physiological and morphological characters. Ecophysiology is defined by various plant growth parameters such as leaf traits, xylem water potential, plant height, basal diameter, and crown architecture which are, in turn, influenced by physiological traits and environmental conditions in the forest ecosystem. In short, this book details research advances in various aspects of woody plants to help forest scientists and foresters manage and protect forest trees and plan their future research. Autoecology and Ecophysiology of Woody Shrubs and Trees is intended to be a guide for students of woody plant autoecology and ecophysiology, as well as for researchers in this field. It is also an invaluable resource for foresters to assist in effective management of forest resources.
Climate of the USSR. MSU publishing house
  • B P Alisov
Alisov, B.P., 1956. Climate of the USSR. MSU publishing house, Moscow, 128.