The healthcare sector is one of the important service sectors. Human resources are of huge
importance in the healthcare sector, in which patients expect a high degree of personalized
and customized services, which are possible only if the manpower, is skilled and psychologi-
cally fit. Achieving a dedicated employee is a difficult task, which begins with the recruit-
ment process and then involves retaining the staff member for a long period. An employee
must establish a balance between his/her job and personal life. This may appear to be an easy
proposition, but in reality, can be hard to achieve. This can be due to many factors such as
dissatisfaction in the workplace, environment, and stress in the workplace, or to some other
reasons that may lead to a decision to leave the job. Human Resource Management (HRM)
principles are shifting from traditional to modern approaches, allowing organizations to ex-
periment with innovative working styles. Employees are viewed as assets rather than liabili-
ties. Employees with new abilities may not be ready to work longer hours or on more difficult
tasks. Rather, they anticipate a form of employment that is intrinsically inspiring and permit
innovative employment methods in the organization. Human Resource Management (HRM)
now encompasses new dimensions, like psychological capital, work-life balance, employee
job attitudes, and employee welfare activities, which were previously overlooked. As a result
of the complex and growing nature of Human Resource Management (HRM), there is a total
transformation in work, employee attitude, and manager-employee interactions. These new
developments have highlighted the necessity of these constructs for employees' intrinsic mo-
tivation in the workplace. The study on these constructs has been conducted in several devel-
oped countries and various businesses. However, just a few studies from emerging economies
and poor countries have been published in reputable journals. It's worth noting that scholars
in India, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir, haven't paid much attention to psychological
capital, work-life balance, and job attitude. The nature of work in the health care sector in
Jammu & Kashmir is different from the other parts of the country. This study helps to identi-
fy the gaps in psychological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude concerns that may
occur among employees in Jammu and Kashmir. Even though a large amount of research is
done, no such research has been undertaken in Jammu and Kashmir healthcare sectors on
these constructs.
As a result, the current research study was designed to investigate the causal relationship be-
tween psychological capital, work-life balance, job attitude, and the mediating role of work-
life balance taking into account the global and regional context. Furthermore, this study fo-
cused on healthcare workers in Jammu and Kashmir's public and private healthcare institu-
tions, a group that includes doctors, technicians, and healthcare managers about whom little
research has been done. After doing a literature review, the researcher found that there is no
current model or research framework that effectively examines psychological capital, work-
life balance, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover intention all at the
same time. Based on the current literature, a conceptual study model has been proposed to
examine the causal relationship between psychological capital, work-life balance, and the job
attitude of healthcare professionals. Structural Equation Modelling was used to test this rela-
tionship. The study of these factors is presented more in detail in five chapters, as follows.
• The first chapter (Introduction): This chapter examines the changing nature of
Human Resource Management, laying the groundwork for understanding the im-
portance and extent of psychological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude. The
chapter provides a summary of the study's reasoning as well as its goals and objec-
tives. It also explains why a study of Jammu and Kashmir's healthcare sector was
conducted. The chapter concludes with a description of the study's research agenda.
• Second chapter: This chapter presents in detail the existing literature regarding psy-
chological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude in the field of human resource
management. This chapter forms the foundation of the whole thesis and is the motiva-
tor to undertake this research work. Furthermore, research on the causal relationship
between psychological capital and work-life balance is available, Finally, in light of
the preceding literature review, this chapter addresses research gaps.
• Third chapter: This chapter explains the research methodology adopted to undertake
the study. The chapter shows the path moved throughout the study. Without a struc-
tured methodology, this study would not have been possible. The study objectives,
hypotheses formulation, instrument creation, sampling process, data collection, relia-
bility, and validity of the scale are highlighted in this chapter. It is followed by the de-
sign of the theoretical study model.
• Chapter Four: This chapter describes the data analysis used in this study forms the
basis of the outcome of my research. It presents several tables that were created with
the help of static tools like SPSS25 and AMOS 19 The first portion of the analysis
provides a profile of the respondents. The measurement model is calculated in the
same chapter to determine scale reliability and validity. The standardized structural
model fit was determined after that, and path analysis was used to test the study hy-
potheses. This chapter also summarises the current study's findings.
• Fifth chapter: This chapter summarises the study's contributions both practical and
theoretical. This chapter further discusses the significance of the findings for manage-
rial action. In addition, this chapter discusses limitations and advises aspiring re-
searchers about future study directions. In the end, recommendations are given which
can be followed by the employer and the employee to maintain better psychological
capital and work-life balance to enhance positive job attitudes and reduce employee