
Human Resource Management : Study Guide

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... Training is a critical aspect of improving employee performance and involves acquiring skills, concepts, rules, or attitudes that improve employee performance (Byars & Rue, 2008). Training programs have been developed over the years to promote effective learning, long-term retention, and application of learned skills or factual information in training to professional situations . ...
... Career development involves a series of activities that include learning new skills, moving to higher responsibilities, changing careers within the same organization, or moving to another organization . Career development is an ongoing process of formal organizational engagement focused on developing and enhancing an organization's human capital in light of the needs of its employees and the organization (Byars & Rue, 2008). Personal interests, values, competencies, activities, and duties are essential to the development of employee talents and skills (Aswathappa, 2008). ...
... The study also found a statistically significant relationship between performance management systems and employee performance. Byars and Rue (2008) argued that performance management systems were directly tied to an organization and employee's performance since performance systems helped employees work diligently and creatively toward achieving organizational objectives. However, the study found that training and development did not enhance employee competencies to a great extent. ...
The construction industry requires competent and skilled talent to achieve set milestones. Talent management is a human resource strategy designed to attract, develop, and retain manpower. This study aims to explore the impact of talent management on employee performance in the construction industry. The three factors of talent management strategies taken into consideration for this study are training and development, talent retention strategies, and performance management systems. A simple random sampling technique was used to distribute questionnaires to working professionals in Province 1. Linear regression analysis was used to find the correlation between talent management strategies and employee performance. The findings revealed that talent retention strategies and performance management systems significantly affect employee performance in the construction industry, while training and development moderately affect employee performance. The dependent variables were correlated with R2 values of 0.816, 0.793, and 0.549 for talent retention strategies, performance management systems, and training and development, respectively. All independent variables were correlated with an R2 value of 0.896. Succession planning, career development, management feedback, and employee appraisal were identified as key factors in achieving standard quality output in the construction industry. This study highlights the importance of talent management strategies in enhancing employee performance in the construction industry. The findings suggest that organizations should focus on talent retention strategies and performance management systems to improve employee performance. Keywords: training and development, talent retention strategies, performance management system, employee performance
... Mullins (2008) mentioned that motivation is closely related to job satisfaction. Various factors such as an employee' s needs and desires, social relationships, style and quality of management, job design, compensation, working conditions, perceived long range opportunities, and perceived opportunities elsewhere are considered to be the determinants of job satisfaction (Byars & Rue, 1997). However, there is no universal definition of employee satisfaction that exposes all these dimensions at the same time (Bernadin, 2007). ...
... Various factors such as an employee' s needs and desires, social relationships, style and quality of management, job design, compensation, working conditions, perceived long range opportunities, and perceived opportunities elsewhere are considered to be the determinants of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a significant influence on employees' organizational commitment, turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, accidents, and grievances (Byars &Rue, 1997). ...
... Setiap individu pekerja memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda, maka kepuasan kerja yang dimiliki pun juga berbeda. Tinggi rendahnya kepuasan kerja tersebut tergantung pada sikap mental individu yang bersangkutan sebagaimana Roe dan Bryars (2008) mengatakan bahwa kepuasan kerja yang tinggi akan mendorong terwujudnya tujuan organisasi secara efektif. Sementara tingkat kepuasan kerja yang rendah merupakan ancaman yang akan membawa kehancuran atau kemunduran bagi organisasi, secara cepat maupun perlahan. ...
Pos Indonesia merupakan perusahaan Negara yang pertama kali bergerak dibidang jasa pengiriman. Dalam penelitian akan diteliti pengaruh beban kerja dan Kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Cabang Kupang. Apakah beban kerja berpengaruh terhadap Kepuasan kerja Karyawan PT. Pos Indonesia ( Persero) Cabang Kupang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan yang berjumlah 126 responden. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu sebanyak 56 orang karyawan. Adapun penetapan anggota sampel atau responden dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis regresi sederhana nilai t hitung untuk beban kerja sebesar 4,984 sedangkan nilai t tabel adalah sebesar 2,005(df=nk=56-1-1=54) selain itu nilai signifiksnnya 0,000 lebih kecil dari alpa (α)0.05 karena nilai t hitung ≥ t table (4,984≥ 2,005) dan nilai signifikannya lebih kecil dari alpha (α) or ((2,005< 0,05), maka hipotesis pertama diterima artinya Beban Kerja berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja. Model Summary, nilai koefisien Determinasi R Squer (R2) adalah sebesar 0,315). Hal ini berarti 31,5% variabel Y( Kepuasan Kerja) dipengaruhi oleh variabel X (Beban Kerja) sedangkan sisanya (68,5%) dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Disini tampak bahwa beban kerja memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja namun pengaruhnya relatif lemah. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja antara lain : gaji, rekan sekerja, atasan promosi lingkungan sekerja(Harianja 2002).
... Indirect compensation is a type of payment which is not involved directly with basic salary or wage. Common elements of compensation category are social security, worker's compensation for work related injury, retirement plan, paid holiday, paid vacation and other benefits (Byars & Rue, 2008). Indirect compensation consists of two elements. ...
... Meanwhile, a low level of job satisfaction is a threat that will bring destruction or decline to the organization, quickly or slowly. Job satisfaction is very important for a company so that the company can realize what the organization desires [1]. ...
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This research aims to determine the level of job satisfaction among employees at PT. Matahari Agri Bersama. The approach used in this research is quantitative. The research population used was employees of PT. Matahari Agri Bersama, with a total research sample of 200 people. The sampling technique used is incidental sampling. Data collection was used using a job satisfaction scale in the form of a Likert scale. The job satisfaction scale was distributed online via Google form to research subjects. After the data is collected, it is processed using SPSS. The research results show that the level of employee job satisfaction at PT. Matahari Agri Bersama is at a low level. Based on the research results, PT. Matahari Agri Bersama, management is expected to take action to increase employee job satisfaction. An increase in high job satisfaction will be able to make employees have a positive attitude towards various situations in the workplace. Having job satisfaction will provide good benefits for employee performance and also have a positive impact on the organization or company. Action that can be taken by organizations to increase employee job satisfaction is by improving organizational communication. This is because if employees are communicated about their roles, responsibilities and performance, employees will feel more appreciated for their contribution to the organization and feel cared for, which will make them feel more satisfied with their work.
... Employee performance is defined as the effectiveness and productivity level at the workplace. Byars and Rue, (2011) defines performance as the individual's ability to 1 Senior Research Fellow, Department of Management Studies, Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University), Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. E-mails:; ...
The relationship between HAW (Happiness at Work) and EP (Employee Performance) has been a focal point for many organizational studies. Apart from happiness at work meanwhile employee engagement is also necessary for more production and better performance. Therefore, this research aims to investigate mediating effect of WE (work engagement) in the relationship between HAW and EP among IT employees in NCR. The study adopted a quantitative research approach. A convenience sampling method was employed to select participants from the IT sector in NCR. The data collected was subsequently analyzed using the Smart PLS 4 statistical software, focusing on both the measurement and structural models. Preliminary findings revealed a positive association between happiness at work and employee performance. Further analysis unveiled that work engagement plays a crucial mediating role in this relationship. However, it was observed that WE only partially mediated relationship, indicating the presence of other influencing factors or potential mediators. The study is confined to the IT sector in NCR, and as such, its findings might not be generalized to other sectors or regions. Future research can consider exploring other potential mediating or moderating variables that influence the relationship between HAW (Happiness at Work) and performance.
... Hal ini merupakan langkah penting dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan produktif. Pelatihan juga berdampak pada produktivitas dan sikap karyawan terhadap pekerjaannya (Byars et al., 2016). Hal ini dilakukan dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kemampuan yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan tugas mereka dengan optimal. ...
Laporan ini menganalisis, mengamati, dan mewawancarai pemilik LaundryKlin untuk memahami situasi dan merumuskan strategi yang tepat. LaundryKlin, sebuah MUKM laundry di Menanggal, Surabaya. Strategi yang direkomendasikan dalam laporan ini bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan potensi positif LaundryKlin dan meningkatkan daya saingnya di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat. Menghadapi beberapa kendala dalam pengembangan usahanya, yaitu keterbatasan pemasaran yang hanya menggunakan brosur dan sumber daya manusia yang terbatas. Selain itu, munculnya tiga pesaing baru di area tersebut menjadi ancaman bagi keberlangsungan usaha LaundryKlin. Melakukan diversifikasi strategi pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan media sosial, platform online, dan promosi kreatif. Meningkatkan brand awareness melalui berbagai upaya branding dan promosi. Memanfaatkan teknologi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasi dan memberikan kemudahan bagi pelanggan. Dengan menerapkan strategi-strategi tersebut, LaundryKlin diharapkan dapat memaksimalkan potensi positifnya, meningkatkan daya saingnya, dan meraih kesuksesan di masa depan. Kata Kunci: Diversifikasi pemasaran, Laundry, Meningkatkan daya saing, Pelayanan, Strategi bisnis, UMKM.
... According to Byars and Rue (2000), performance is also defined as the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an employee's job. From the definition above, performance results from work demonstrated by a person to achieve previously determined organizational goals. ...
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Objective: This study aims to describe and analyze data on the competence of school supervisors in carrying out school principals' performance assessments to create effective education units (Phenomenological Study in Sidoarjo). Method: This research uses a qualitative approach with the research subject, namely the Sidoarjo Regency Education Service supervisor at the Junior High School Level. The data collection technique in this research uses three data collection techniques, namely participant observation, in-depth interviews, and study of documents. Results: The assessment results show that the performance of school principals is critical in realizing an effective school. The school supervisor oversees the school principal's performance appraisal process. They start from collecting, processing, analyzing, and interpreting data about the quality of the school principal's work according to his duties as a school principal. School supervisors conduct managerial supervision to correct weaknesses in target schools through intensive training. School supervisors are one of the parts that are very influential in improving the quality of education in target schools. School supervisors always try to improve the ability of school management personnel in all aspects in order to obtain optimal quality education. Novelty: This study shows five competencies of school supervisors in carrying out performance assessments of school principals, namely personality, managerial supervision, academic supervision, educational evaluation, research and development, and social competence.
... This transition highlights the importance of having a proficient workforce adept at fostering innovation and entrepreneurial endeavours. Human Resource Management (HRM) plays a pivotal role in achieving this vision by attracting, developing, and retaining top talent because it is believed that effective HRM practices influence employee behaviours and attitudes, including job satisfaction (Byars & Rue, 2017). Companies in Qatar seek to invest in training programs and attract international expertise to meet the objectives of the National Vision 2030. ...
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This paper explores Human Resource Management (HRM) policies in Qatar, considering the unique cultural, legal, and socioeconomic landscape. It addresses the need for organizations to effectively manage their human capital in this dynamic economy. Beginning with an overview of HRM in Qatar, it highlights challenges and opportunities. Through analysis, it identifies common problems faced by organizations and proposes solutions. The findings stress cultural sensitivity, compliance with regulations, and modern HR practices tailored to Qatar. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of aligning HRM strategies with organizational goals for growth and sustainability in Qatar's business environment.
... Kondisi ini mengarah pada perilaku organisasi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi. Organizational citizenship behavior merupakan bagian dari perilaku organisasi (Byars & Rue, 2015). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh organizational citizenship behavior terhadap kinerja karyawan (Studi pada PT Karya Marga Intinusa Probolinggo). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan tetap PT Karya Marga Intinusa Probolinggo sejumlah 43 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus sehingga seluruh populasi dijadikan sebagai sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang kemudian dilakukan analisis deskriptif, uji instrumen data, uji asumsi klasik, uji analisis linier sederhana, dan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan bantuan software SPSS versi 26. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa organizational citizenship behavior berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah semakin kuat organizational citizenship behavior maka semakin besar kinerja karyawan yang dihasilkan. Kata kunci: Organizational Citizenship Behavior; Kinerja Karyawan.
... The Organizational Justice: as the outcome of the agreement between the efforts made and obtained outcomes, in a way that contributes to achieving the desired objectives of the Organization. (Byars and Rue, 1997). ...
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The goal of this study is to help us to know the degree of Organizational Justice practiced by the administrative leaders in Baghdad for Economic Sciences and of Al-Ma'mun private university colleges in Baghdad and its relationship to the employees' work or Career Performance. In order to achieve this goal, the study will seek to answer the following questions: • What is the degree of Organizational Justice practiced by the administrative leaders in the above mentioned colleges from the employees' point of view? • What is the level of Career Performance of employees from the point of view of their leaders? The study group consists of administrative leaders and department heads of the institution under discussion. Researchers will use a questionnaire for data collection and it will include, the responder's demographic information, the measuring tool for the Organizational Justice practiced by the administrative leaders, the measurement of Career Performance of their employees.The instruments of the study were verifiedby informing the referees jurisdiction, and by the appropriateness of using the test method and the test itself. To respond to the questions, researchers will use arithmetic averages, standard deviations and Pearson Linklabs. 1
... The involvement of HRD in OD interventions includes advising line managers on change strategies and facilitating the actual change process (Werner & DeSimone, 2012). Definitions by Cummings and Worley (2005), Swanson and Holton (2001), Lynham (2002), Berger and Berger (2011), and Byars and Rue (1991) highlight the diverse dimensions of OD. ...
This study investigates the intricate relationships between Training and Development, Organization Development, Career Development, Performance Management, and Employee Commitment. Employing a comprehensive five-point Likert Scale, the descriptive statistics unveil nuanced patterns within each variable. In the realm of Training and Development, employees exhibit an overall agreement, emphasizing the positive impact of organizational programs on skills, knowledge, and attitude. Organization Development elucidates a strong consensus on the clear communication of mission, values, and objectives, although moderate variability in responses suggests diverse perspectives. Career Development, characterized by positive perceptions of training, work environment, and planning, underscores the need for a nuanced approach due to varying employee viewpoints. Performance Management indicates a positive organizational climate with strong agreement, yet moderate variability calls for nuanced strategies. Employees Commitment showcases a positive association, necessitating further exploration through inferential statistics. The study provides insights into organizational practices that influence commitment positively, albeit with a recognition of the nuanced nature of employee perspectives. These findings offer a foundation for organizations to refine their strategies, fostering a more engaged and committed workforce. Further analysis is recommended to deepen the understanding of these relationships and inform tailored approaches to enhance overall employee commitment. Keywords: Training and Development Organization, Career, Performance, Employee Commitment
... These conditions have given rise to heightened levels of work stress, increased absenteeism, and elevated employee turnover. Addressing absenteeism becomes a formidable challenge when it transforms into a habitual or accepted behavior among employees, with stress identified as a primary contributor to long-term absences (Byars & Rue, 2011). This underscores the understanding that stress impacts employees' psychological and physical well-being and overall organizational turnover. ...
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In today’s diverse business landscape, the pervasive challenge of stress affects individuals across various sectors. This study, employing a quantitative research approach, explores the multifaceted nature of work stress, investigating its dual impact on individuals and organizations. Specifically, it scrutinizes the intricate relationship between work stress and organizational dynamics, concentrating on identified factors contributing to diminished employee performance. Utilizing a sample size of 80 participants from XYZ Industries, a manufacturing company in Ayer Keroh, Melaka, Malaysia, the research employs SPSS version 20 for data analysis. The study further delves into the consequences of stress on employee performance, manifested through absenteeism and turnover. The findings highlight the substantial influence of employee performance on the overall organizational effect, underscoring the pivotal role of a healthy work environment. Furthermore, turnover emerges as a significant factor shaping organizational dynamics, emphasizing the necessity of addressing challenges associated with turnover. These insights contribute to a nuanced understanding of stress-related challenges within organizational contexts, offering actionable recommendations to navigate these complexities effectively.
... Based on some of the definitions expressed, it can be concluded that reward is recognition received for good performance or success in achieving something, and therefore, it can be divided into financial and non-financial. Then according to Byars and Rue (2011) reward indicators are categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic reward is a part of the job itself, as are the responsibilities, challenges, and feedback characteristics of the job. ...
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Work behaviors that go beyond defined role descriptions within an organization are referred to as organizational citizenship behaviors. Therefore, companies must take special care to ensure that their employees demonstrate organizational citizenship behavior. This study aims to analyze the Effect of Perceived Organizational Support, Rewards, and Job Satisfaction on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of employees at PT PP (Persero) Tbk. With quantitative methods and samples, as many as 325 were determined using the Slovin formula. Data collected by distributing questionnaires and analyzed using multiple regression analysis after data collection. In the results of the study, it is known that there is a partial and simultaneous influence of all variables X (Perceived Organizational Support (X1), Rewards (X2), and Job Satisfaction (X3) on Y (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) so that all hypotheses in this study are accepted. In this study, three factors that influence employees' organizational citizenship behavior are pointed out by variables X1, X2, and X3 62,1%, and other factors or variables influence 37.9%
... Human capital is the human factor in the production process; and consists of the combined knowledge, skills or competencies and abilities of the workforce (Chandan, 2011). Byars and Rue, 2016) also shared the same sentiment. According to Beesley and Shebby (2020), Connolly and York (2020), capacity building can be defined as a process for strengthening the management and governance of an organization so that it can effectively achieve its objectives and fulfill its mission. ...
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Within the framework of New Public Management (NPM) theory, this study examined the nexus between human capacity building and service quality in federal colleges of education SouthEast Nigeria, 2012-2022. This study was guided by one research questions and hypothesis. The study adopted the survey design. It relied on primary and secondary data, and multiple stage sampling technique was used to select the sample population. The data collected were presented in frequency table, pie chart, bar chart and simple percentage. Pearson Product Moment Correlations Coefficient statistical techniques were used with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to test the research hypothesis. Findings of the study show that there is a significant relationship between human capacity building and service quality in the federal colleges of education in SouthEast , Nigeria at the conventional 5percent levels. This study therefore recommends that, federal colleges of education as a matter of policy should develop a positive culture for human capacity building. It should carry out capacity building as a basic human resource management tool for improved employee service delivery .
... The term management itself contains many meanings, so interpreting it depends on what point of view is used. According to (Byars & Rue, 2000) it is explained that management is a form of cooperation in carrying out an activity through coordinating and organizing various sources such as land, labor and capital in an effort to achieve organizational goals. Management as a system is a process to achieve the target maximally and comprehensively. ...
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Today, especially during the covid-19 pandemic, as it is today, all activities of educational institutions or madrasas/schools must carry out the online learning process. One of the learning innovations that can be carried out by madrasas/schools is by implementing blended learning-based distance learning. This study aims to determine how management, learning planning, and evaluation of learning based on blended learning are carried out at MA Al Azhar, Banjar, Indonesia. The number of respondents in this study consisted of 15 teachers spread across various fields of study. The study used qualitative data analysis techniques with descriptive methods. As a result, research shows that at the planning stage, schools had previously formulated a special curriculum that was adapted to the blended learning model carried out during the covid-19 pandemic, this was also supported by very adequate learning facilities and infrastructure. At the implementation stage, there are differences in the use of the learning approach with real events in the field, namely the time shift in utilizing learning. MA Al Azhar applies a 50% system: 50% in the use of learning, a week of face-to-face learning and the following week is an online system. At the evaluation stage, MA Al Azhar carried out face-to-face and online-based evaluations such as the use of evaluations through recapitulation results on google classroom and excel on google classroom.
Human resource management (HRM) plays a vital role in the growth and sustainability of companies and in achieving company objectives, as HRM relates to the workers’ practices and their functional roles. The main objective of this paper is to identify the HRM strategies, practices and their impact on worker’s performance in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Industry. The method which was used in this study was based on three stages. After the completion of the database and web engine search, the total number of sources found were 149. Next, the sources’ titles and abstracts were reviewed and those marked as relevant to the review were chosen to be retrieved and thoroughly reviewed. The sources were chosen based on the following inclusion criteria: (a) the sources implied in HRM strategies in the AEC industry, (b) the sources released between 2010 and 2023, (c) the online sources, and (d) the English-language sources. Also, the selected sources are reviewed to extract the factors using the content analysis method which is a thorough and systematic study of the contents of a specific body of material. In addition, content analysis is carried out to extract practices of HRM strategies and their impact on worker performance. This can be followed up and observed through the figures and tables that come later. As a final result, which concludes the outputs of the previous stages which results in a first-round total of 31 HRM strategies practice but in the second-round result of reaching 39 different sources from 149 related sources. After that, discussing the most popular between them based on the appearance of it in the sources which reviewed beside that, the impact of it on worker’s performance were viewed in the AEC industry. Based on that, it was found the following 5 categories of strategies: (1) Human Resources Planning; (2) Polarization and Recruitment; (3) Training and Development; (4) Human Resources Following-up; (5) Career Planning. At the same time the most popular practices are based on appearance in sources: In terms of Human Resources Planning Strategy, “The company’s management analyses the functions accurately”. In Polarization and Recruitment Strategy, “The company’s internal resources are the best to provide its human resource needs” and “Selection and recruitment policies are in line with the company’s current and future needs”. In Training and Development of Human Resources Strategy, “The company evaluates the results of development and training programs to achieve the purpose of feedback”. In Human Resources Following-up Strategy, “There is a fair incentive system in the company”. In Career Planning Strategy, “There is a clear description of the relationship of workers to each other”. Finally, human resource management strategies and practices are one of the major players in the AEC industry, which is evidenced by its impact on the performance of workers. First published online 22 October 2024
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This study investigated the association between job satisfaction (JS) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of employees of Federal Inland Revenue, Warri, Delta State. More specifically, the study sought to determine the association between three dimensions of JS (career development, attractive salary, and employee recognition) and OCB. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population size was 300 out of which a sample size of 171 was determined using Cochran's sample size at 5% error tolerance and 95% level of confidence. Out of 171 copies of the questionnaire that were distributed, 155 copies were returned while 16 were not returned. The hypotheses were tested using simple linear regression. The findings indicated that career development significantly affected OCB positively (r = 0.864, p < 0.05); attractive salary significantly affected OCB positively (r = 0.834, p < 0.05). Lastly, employee recognition significantly affected OCB positively (r = 0.883, p < 0.05). The study concluded that JS have significant positive effect on OCB of employees of Federal Inland Revenue, Warri Delta State. The study recommended that the organization should factor components of JS into its policies, as it will go a long way in sustaining employee's confidence in the course of discharging their duties and in exhibiting citizenship behaviors.
This Study examined the relationship between the Pay As You Go Pension scheme and employee performance in Anambra state local government system from 2012 to 2021. The motivation for the study arose from the need to ascertain how the availability of retirement benefits inspires employee’s performance and commitment to the organization while still in service. In line with the specific objectives of the study, three research questions and hypotheses were formulated and tested for the study. The study was anchored on the Deferred Wage Theory. The methodology adopted was survey design. Primary and secondary sources of data were used. A structured questionnaire instrument was administered to the respondents and the data obtained was presented using tables and mean scores and analyzed using Pearson correlation. The major findings from the study, among others are that the pay as you go pension scheme has a relationship with employees’ performance in the Anambra state local government system. On the basis of the findings from this study, the study recommended, among others, that government should make adequate budgetary allocations for prompt payment of pensions and pension arrears. They should demonstrate strong support to ensure necessary political and economic support for the scheme.
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Human resources are an asset for organizations and agencies, because humans are part of the elements in every organization that can trigger creativity. Without effective human resources, it will be impossible for the organization to achieve its goals.The analysis used to test the research hypothesis uses descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of this study show that there arethere is a positive influence of the physical environment on work motivation, there is a positive influence of situational leadership on work motivation, there is a positive influence of the physical environment on teacher performance, there is a positive influence of situational leadership on teacher performance, there is a positive influence of work motivation on teacher performance, there is a direct influence of the physical environment on performance through work motivation, there is a direct influence of situational leadership on performance through work motivation.In an effort to improve teacher performance, management ensures that the physical work environment is adequate, and that situational leadership is supportive so that it can increase work motivation.
The aim of this research is to find out and describe the performance of village-owned enterprises (BUMD) in Tanggetada Village, Tanggetada District, Kolaka Regency. Type of qualitative descriptive research. The research location is Tanggetada Village. The informants in this research consisted of the Tanggetada Village Head, village secretary, village treasurer, Chair of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), hamlet head, as well as the director, secretary, and treasurer of the Tanggetada Village-Owned Enterprise (Bumdes), including the Tanggetada Village community. Types and sources of data are primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of research regarding the performance of Bumdes on efficiency indicators, in terms of providing information to the public, it has not been implemented well. Bumdes and the village government are not thorough in conducting outreach to the community, so the Bumdes program is not yet fully known to the community. In terms of effectiveness, there is still a lack of public interest in purchasing Bumdes program businesses, coupled with business production, which has decreased due to limited capital. In the aspect of justice, community involvement in implementing the Bumdes program is still limited, as can be seen from the decline in sales production, coupled with sales prices that are quite different compared to other places. Meanwhile, in terms of responsiveness, the management of income from the Bumdes program to the village government is generally unknown to the community, and also the development of Bumdes' businesses has not been able to run well.
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This study investigates the strategic role of human resource management (HRM) in responding to financial crises, focusing on Al-Hikma Pharmaceuticals in Jordan. Using a mixed-methods approach, we surveyed 110 employees and conducted regression and correlation analyses. Our findings reveal that while human resource capacity is positively related to strategic responses to external uncertainties, Al-Hikma Pharmaceuticals' strategic responses did not significantly mitigate the effects of financial crises. The study contributes to the literature by highlighting the complex relationship between HRM practices and organizational resilience in the pharmaceutical industry during financial turmoil. These findings have important implications for HR professionals and organizational leaders in developing strategic HRM practices to enhance crisis preparedness and response.
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This research was conducted to determine and analyze (1) the effect of work competence on the performance of Non-Civil Servant Government Employees (PPNPN) at the Kapuas Regency Land Office; (2) the effect of work competence on the work motivation of non-civil servant government employees (PPNPN) at the Kapuas Regency Land Office; (3) the effect of work motivation on the performance of Non-Civil Servant Government Employees (PPNPN) at the Kapuas Regency Land Office; (4) the effect of work motivation as a mediation of the relationship of work competence on the performance of non-civil servant government employees (PPNPN) at the Kapuas Regency Land Office. Research respondents were 30 non-civil servant government employees (PPNPN) at the Kapuas Regency Land Office. The data was collected through a questionnaire in order to provide an assessment of work competence (X), test work motivation as a mediation (Z) and measure how much employee performance is to the organization (Y). The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS)3. The results of the study show that, Work Competence has no significant effect on the performance of PPNPN, Work Competencehas a significant effect on work motivation, work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance and work competence has a significant effect on employee performance through the role of mediating work motivation
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Sosyal medyanın ve teknolojinin hızlı gelişmesi, insanların yaşam tarzında büyük değişikliklere neden olmaktadır. Dijital ortamlar, bilgiye erişimden eğlenceye kadar pek çok alanda fayda sağlarken, aynı zamanda bazı olumsuz sonuçlara da yol açabilmektedir. Bu olumsuz sonuçlardan biri de "phubbing" olarak adlandırılan ve sosyal ilişkileri olumsuz etkileyen bir davranış biçimidir. Telefon bağımlılığı olarak tanımlanan phubbing, insanların sosyal ortamlarda yüz yüze etkileşim yerine telefonları ile ilgilenmeleri ve bu nedenle diğer kişileri ihmal etme durumu olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Dijital bağımlılığın bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan ve günümüzde oldukça yaygın olan phubbing, sadece bireysel ilişkileri değil aynı zamanda iş hayatını da etkilemektedir. Giderek yaygınlaşan phubbing, işgörende dikkat dağınıklığı ve iletişim problemi yaşamasına neden olduğu gibi işgörenin verimliliğinde düşüşe de neden olabilmektedir. Bu tür yaşanan olumsuz durumlar örgüt içi dinamiklere zarar verdiği gibi işgörenin kariyer başarısı ve iş tatminini de olumsuz yönde etkileyebilmektedir. Bu araştırmada bir dijital bağımlılık sendromu olan phubbingin işgören kariyer başarısına ve iş tatminine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada önceden kullanılmış hazır ölçek soruları TR72 bölgesinde yer alan Kayseri, Sivas ve Yozgat illerinde özel sektörde çalışan işgörenlere yöneltilmiştir. Uygulama sonucunda elde edilen veriler SPSS25 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde phubbingin kariyer başarısı ve iş tatmini üzerinde olumsuz etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Kariyer başarısı ile iş tatmini arasında pozitif yönlü bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diğer taraftan Z kuşağında phubbing seviyesinin daha yüksek olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Araştırma modelinin uygunluğunu test etmek için AMOS20 programı kullanılmıştır.
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This study aims to analyze the influence of work environment and motivation on employee career development. A conducive work environment and strong motivation are considered important factors in encouraging employees to develop their skills and competencies, which ultimately contribute to career advancement. The research method used was a quantitative survey with sampling from employees of various companies. Data was collected through a questionnaire containing questions regarding employees' perceptions of the work environment, motivation levels, as well as their career progression. The regression analysis results show that a supportive work environment significantly enhances employees' career progression, while intrinsic motivation also plays an important role in accelerating career advancement. The implications of this study suggest that companies should pay attention to the quality of the work environment and provide the right motivational boost to optimize employees' career development.
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This study aimed to determine the role of work engagement as a mediator in the relationship between employee happiness at work and employee performance. The research was carried out on people who were employed in the IT sector in the cities of Noida and Gurugram located in the NCR region. A structured adapted questionnaire was used. The statistical software Smart PLS 4 was used to analyze the gathered data. The analysis focused on the measurement model, structural model, and then the model's out of sample prediction. Findings shows that happiness at work affects the job engagement. Job engagement affects employee performance. Happiness at work also affects the employee performance. Job engagement partially mediates the relationship between happiness at work and employee performance. Additionally, model has a considerable amount of prediction power that is find out on the model's out of sample prediction power. This model can be utilized in subsequent research endeavors. The utilization of job engagement for the first time as a mediator between happiness and performance is a significant contribution to the originality of this study.
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Training occupies a basic element in the regulatory from of industrial organization including hotels to participate in preparing qualifying and developing their abilities and skills. The aim of the study was to measure the outcomes of the training programs in Egyptian hotels by identifying the opinions and attitudes of the employees of the food and beverage service before and after obtaining the training programs using a set of variables that reflect the effects and returns of the training from the point of view of the employees. Based on this, the study seeks to develop a specific model to evaluate the training returns. It can also be used to analyze all activities and plans related to human resource development. Therefore, the philosophy of this study depends on measuring the outcomes of training on a model of advanced scientific methods in this field, For example (Kirk Patrick model) and its use in measuring the return on training whether these benefits are tangible in functional performance or intangible in job performance directly. A self-administered questionnaire was used as data collection tools. The questionnaires were distributed to a sample of hotels employees in Cairo working in food and beverage service areas in order to investigate their perceptions towards training program that obtained to measuring the outcomes of training programs. A major contribution of this study is to develop a practice model for hotel managers in order to measure the outcomes of training program to improve service quality and thus achieve customer and staff satisfaction and loyalty in hotels.
Dijitalleşme hemen her alanda kurumsal süreçler ve iş yapma yöntemlerinin yanı sıra çalışanların sahip olması gereken beceri ve yetkinlikleri de önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dijitalleşme sürecinin iç denetçilerden beklenen beceri ve yetkinlikleri ne ölçüde etkilediğini tespit etmektir. Bu kapsamda, 15 Ekim 2022 ila 1 Nisan 2023 tarihleri arasında Türkiye'deki özel sektör şirketleri tarafından yayınlanan toplam 335 iç denetçi iş ilanı içerik analizi yoluyla incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, iç denetçi istihdamına yönelik iş ilanlarında aranan teknik beceriler bakımından, dijital çağın gerekliliklerine uygun becerilerden ziyade Microsoft Office uygulamalarına ilişkin yetkinliklerin talep edilmeye devam ettiğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca, incelenen iş ilanlarında teknik ve teknik olmayan becerilerin dengeli bir bileşiminin talep edildiği gözlemlenmiştir. Öte yandan, iç denetim ve bilgi teknolojileri denetimi alanlarında çok sayıda önemli uluslararası mesleki sertifikanın varlığına rağmen, işverenlerin en fazla Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavir (SMMM) sertifikasına talep gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu durum, özel sektörün mali denetim ağırlıklı bir iç denetim talep etmeye devam ettiğini göstermektedir. Çalışma bulguları, işletmelerin dijital çağla uyumlu iç denetçi becerilerini talep etme eğilimlerinin düşük düzeyde olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışma, dijitalleşme bağlamında iç denetçilerin sahip olması gereken beceriler ile mevcut iç denetçilerin beceri gereksinimlerindeki bu değişime ne ölçüde uyum sağladıklarına ilişkin akademik çalışmalar kadar, işverenlerin bu becerileri talep düzeylerine ilişkin araştırmaların da önemini vurgulamaktadır.
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This study sought to explore ‘how’ leadership styles of the headmasters and headmistresses in the five selected schools affected the performance of teaching staff in senior high schools. The study found out ‘why’ certain leadership styles of the heads resulted in certain job performances on the part of the teachers. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were adopted for this study. The type of case study used was exploratory in nature. The instruments employed to collect data for the study were questionnaire and interview guide. The participants of this study were all headmasters and headmistresses as well as sampled teachers who teach in Senior High Schools in the Ejisu Municipality. Five heads from the five selected study schools in the Ejisu Municipality were chosen using the non-probability technique of purposive sampling. Also, in selecting 230 teachers for the survey questions, the study adopted the probability sampling method of simple random sampling. The results gathered were then subjected to statistical computations using frequencies, percentages and graphs. The study concluded that if the appropriate leadership styles and positive relationships are adopted by school heads, teachers are likely to cooperate and work hard to give optimum performance that will help achieve the goals of their schools. It was therefore recommended that Ghana Education Service conduct performance appraisal regularly for Senior High School heads and their teachers to provide a ready reference on the performance of each school.
This research aims to determine the influence of the recruitment system (HR) on employee performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Pinrang Branch. The population in this research is all employees of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia with the number of respondents. This type of research used is quantitative descriptive. The data sources used are primary and secondary data where the primary data comes from observations and questionnaires. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained from documentation. The data analysis technique used is Simple Regression Analysis using statistical calculations via the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 26 application. Results of research regarding the Influence of the Human Resources (HR) Recruitment System on Employee Performance at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Pinrang Branch found that the recruitment system variable had a positive influence with tcount (15.160) > ttable (0.214) positive and significant results, the Recruitment System variable obtained a tcount of 15.160 and a ttable of 0.214.
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Conducting business in today's ever-changing market environment necessitates making strategic decisions that reach beyond the borders of an SME. To not only survive but also thrive in the face of constant shifts, it is essential to make well-thought-out choices that allow for adaptation, resilience, and prosperity. The research emphasizes the significance of two perspectives, one individually and the other on bundling, and strategically implementing these perspectives of human resource management (HRM) practices within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve their competitive position, financial performance, non-financial performance, and organizational performance. Hence, through the adoption of an integrative interdisciplinary approach and a relational perspective, this thesis sheds light on the influence of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices (recruitment and selection, training and development, communication and information, compensation and reward, job design, performance appraisal) and their impact from multiple dimensions on organizational performance (financial and non-financial) of SMEs. As a result, a quantitative study using self-administered questionnaires with the SMEs was conducted. Using the data obtained from 153 manufacturing SMEs, it tests, examines, and develops the direct relationship between HRM practices and the financial performance, non-financial performance, and organizational performance of SMEs. The findings indicate a positive relationship between HRM practices and financial performance, a positive influence of HRM practices on the non-financial performance of SMEs, and a direct impact of HRM practices as a bundle on the organizational performance of SMEs. In addition, the findings also show that some HRM practices that act individually have a non-significant impact on financial and non-financial performance. This research provides a substantial contribution to the theoretical and practical understanding of the relationship between HRM practices and SME performance.
Companies to achieve their objectives need talented employees with unique skills and competencies to obtain competitive advantage. The chapter's goal is to analyze the influence of attracting and retaining talents on organizational performance in Romanian companies. There were also investigated the characteristics of the three generations of talents, perceived through these human resources (HR) processes. Using PLS-SEM 4.0, it was determined that all the attraction and retention proposed variables had a positive and direct influence on organizational performance. The most important influential attraction factors are brand and nondiscrimination (4.63), salary and work conditions (4.60), and as retaining factors the offered training programs and good communication (4.73) and working atmosphere (4.70). The three generations were analysed according to attraction and retention variables, and because their scores were different, HR department could build a future guide based on their specificities in order to attract the best talents and to keep them to achieve long run performance.
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This research examines the critical role of human resource management (HRM) in improving and sustaining total quality management (TQM) initiatives within organizations. It suggests that strategic HRM practices are not purely supportive but are fundamental to the productive implementation of TQM efforts, steering to superior organizational performance and a sustainable competitive advantage. By analyzing the interplay between HRM and TQM, the study aims to identify specific personnel management strategies that contribute effectively to quality improvement processes and overall organizational excellence.
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Education is recognized as one of the most powerful aspects of human development and poverty reduction. There is a wise saying that "Education is the backbone of a nation". Bangladesh government has taken various measures to educate its population in recognition of the potentials of education for its nation. Since 1971s, Bangladesh government has recognized education as one of the top priority areas. Job satisfactions of secondary school teachers mean teachers are satisfied or dissatisfied in the job as a teacher in the secondary school. For this purpose determine the satisfaction level. In this case researcher prepared a structured questionnaire. Through this questionnaire data are collected. In this collected data determine personal and job related factors. Calculating these determine the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction level. Overall the most of the secondary school teachers are dissatisfied in their present job. Though the govt. secondary school teacher are satisfied with most of the factors but non-govt. secondary school teachers are dissatisfied with most of the factors.
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Pandemi COVID-19 yang ditetapkan WHO sejak 11 Maret 2020 menuntut banyak perusahaan untuk melakukan upaya-upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan di tempat kerja agar operasional perusahan tidak terganggu. Banyak perusahaan yang melakukan efisiensi dengan pengurangan jam kerja, pembagian sebagian bekerja di kantor dan sebagian bekerja di rumah serta pengaturan jadwal kerja menyesuaikan dengan kebijakan pemerintah setempat. Bagi banyak pekerja, kondisi ini bersama dampak ekonomi yang ditimbulkannya menjadi pemicu timbulnya masalah mental seperti kekhawatiran akan hilangnya pekerjaan saat ini dan masa mendatang (job insecurity). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai job insecurity dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja dan kecemasan pekerja katering dan akomodasi PT. PDC di lingkungan kerja Pertamina SHU Zona 10. Terdapat 153 responden yang berpartisipasi secara sukarela dalam penelitian ini dan hanya 147 yang datanya dapat dianalisis lebih lanjut. Pengukuran variabel dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala likert. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk analisis model pengukuran dan model struktural adalah SmartPLS 3 dan untuk analisis deskriptif menggunakan SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pekerja katering dan akomodasi merasakan ancaman job insecurity namun tidak sampai menimbulkan kecemasan yang berarti. Pekerja juga mempunyai kinerja yang bagus diserta resiliensi yang tinggi. Analisis dengan metode PLS-SEM menunjukkan bahwa job insecurity berdampak pada peningkatan kecemasan namun tidak berdampak pada kinerja. Kecemasan berdampak pada kinerja sekaligus memediasi pengaruh job insecurity terhadap kinerja. Resiliensi menjadi variabel yang memoderatori pengaruh job insecurity terhadap kecemasan. Perusahaan disarankan untuk konsisten memberikan kepastian jaminaan keberlangsungan pekerjaan bagi pekerja, menyediakan fasilitas penunjang operasional dan non-operasional, melakukan kajian ulang risiko terkini pandemi COVID-19, mengembalikan jadwal kerja normal, dan meningkatkan komunikasi yang baik dengan para pekerja.
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The study evaluates the competencies of Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu, in terms of delivery of basic services, executive functions, and legislative functions during the Fiscal Year 2023. The study involved 100 respondents, mostly female, married, aged 31+, with high school education and an average monthly income of 5,001-10,000. With 100 samples taken through non-probability sampling method via purposive sampling, and with the use of weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples, One-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s r the findings indicate that Punong Barangays are generally competent in their duties and functions. The study supports the Antal Szerletics, Gerry Stoker, and B. Guy Peter’s model, which emphasizes the importance of establishing a good governance structure to guide and manage sustainability and responsibility. This structure allows leaders to set direction, establish goals, and create policies to execute strategies. Good governance can be conceived as a basket of practices, including professional civil service, anti-corruption policies, transparency and accountability, democratic decision-making, the rule of law, protection of human rights, and independent judiciary. The findings suggest that the Punong Barangays in Hadji Panglima Tahil, Province of Sulu are competent in their duties and functions, with age, gender, average monthly income, and educational attainment not significantly mediating their assessment of competencies.
This research aims to examine the human resource management policies of private special education institutions and rehabilitation centers based on the managers’ views. The basic qualitative research design was adopted in the research. The participants of the study consisted of managers of private special education institutions and rehabilitation centers operating in the province of Adıyaman. Criterion sampling technique was adopted in determining the participants. In this context, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 managers of private special education institutions and rehabilitation centers. The data obtained from the interviews with managers has been analyzed through content analysis. In the research, the opinions of the institution managers regarding the teacher employment process of their institutions were discussed under the themes of "employment criteria“, “employment process," and "problems encountered in the employment process." Policies for teacher development were examined under the themes of "personal development" and "professional development", while policies for teacher integration were examined under the themes of "rewarding". Policies for teacher evaluation were studied under the themes of "in-house evaluation" and "external evaluation". According to research results, the policies that shape the employment process are related to the nature of pre-service education and the professional and academic qualifications of teacher candidates. Additionally, based on the views of school administrators, it has been concluded that the shortage of subject experts is one of the problems encountered in the human resources management process of teacher employment. However, it has been stated that career planning and policies for professional development are insufficient in the process of teacher training and development, and teacher evaluation policies are shaped within the framework of internal and external evaluation criteria.
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This study aimed to determine the role of work engagement as a mediator in the relationship between employee happiness at work and employee performance. The research was carried out on people who were employed in the IT sector in the cities of Noida and Gurugram located in the NCR region. A structured adapted questionnaire was used. The statistical software Smart PLS 4 was used to analyze the gathered data. The analysis focused on the measurement model, structural model, and then the model’s out of sample prediction. Findings shows that happiness at work affects the job engagement. Job engagement affects employee performance. Happiness at work also affects the employee performance. Job engagement partially mediates the relationship between happiness at work and employee performance. Additionally, model has a considerable amount of prediction power that is find out on the model’s out of sample prediction power. This model can be utilized in subsequent research endeavors. The utilization of job engagement for the first time as a mediator between happiness and performance is a significant contribution to the originality of this study.
Conference Paper
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مقدمه : براي درك مفهوم ارزشیابی عملکرد بایستی ابتدا مفهوم عملکرد را دریابیم. عملکرد به درجه انجام وظایفی که شغل یک کارمند را تکمیل میکند اشاره دارد و نشان میدهد که چگونه یک کارمند الزامات یک شغل را به انجام میرساند. عملکرد اغلب با «تلاش» که اشاره به صرف انرژي دارد یکسان تلقی میشود، اما عملکرد براساس نتایج فعالیتها اند ازه گیري میشود. شاخص های عملکرد منایع انسانی: توانایی ، شناخت شغل ، حمایت سازمان ، انگیزه ، ارزیابی ، اعتبار و محیط. هدف : توسعه مطالعات مربوط به اولویت بندی شاخص های عملکرد منابع انسانی به روش AHP فازی است. و باتوجه به توانمندی جامعه در فراهم نمودن آن ، پرداخته است. امید است نتایج تحقیقات ارائه شده در این مقاله راهگشایی در جهت سیاست گذاری های کلان و به دنبال آن ، افزایش آمار عملکرد منابع انسانی باشد. روش و ابزار : با طراحی و توزیع پرسشنامه و انجام تحقیقات میدانی ، اطلاعات مورد نیاز جمع آوری شده و به وسیله نرم افزار AHP فازی تحلیل شده است. نتایج : تنها شاخصی که هم ازشکاف موزون بالا و هم از سطح بالای توانمندی بهبود برخوردار است شاخص شناخت شغل است. شاخص های توانایی ، حمایت سازمان ، ارزیابی و اعتبار بالاترین شکاف موزون را دارا است و بالاترین توانایی بهبود متعلق به شاخص محیط است و شاخص انگیزه نسبت به دیگر شاخص های عملکرد منابع انسانی نه از شکاف موزون بالایی برخوردارند و نه توانمندی بهبود مطلوبی دارند. نتیجه گیری : باتوجه به نتایج به دست آمده از تحقیقات ، کشور با توجه به اینکه توانمندی خوبی برای افزایش بهبود عملکرد منابع انسانی دارد می تواند با برنامه ریزی و وضع قوانین درست و کاربردی آن را بهبود و ارتقا دهد. واژگان کلیدی: عملکرد منابع انسانی، اولویت بندی، مدلAHP فازی، شهر تهران
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis 1) ntuk menganalisa Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja karyawan pada PT.Pertamina (PERSERO) Terminal BBM Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, 2) untuk menganalisa kepuasan kerja terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT.Pertamina (PERSERO) Terminal BBM Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, 3) untuk menganalisa pengalaman kerja terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan pada PT.Pertamina (PERSERO) Terminal BBM Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru. Unit analisisnya adalah karyawan PT. Pertamina (PERSERO) Terminal BBM Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru yang berjumlah 36 orang dari 116 jumlah populasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan wawancara dengan menggunakan model kuesioner serta teknik observasi. Kuesioner berisi 18 item pertanyaan. Untuk menguji pengaruh digunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian: 1) Disiplin kerja memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM, 2) Kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM, 3) Pengalaman kerja memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan PT. Pertamina (Persero) Terminal BBM.
The healthcare sector is one of the important service sectors. Human resources are of huge importance in the healthcare sector, in which patients expect a high degree of personalized and customized services, which are possible only if the manpower, is skilled and psychologi- cally fit. Achieving a dedicated employee is a difficult task, which begins with the recruit- ment process and then involves retaining the staff member for a long period. An employee must establish a balance between his/her job and personal life. This may appear to be an easy proposition, but in reality, can be hard to achieve. This can be due to many factors such as dissatisfaction in the workplace, environment, and stress in the workplace, or to some other reasons that may lead to a decision to leave the job. Human Resource Management (HRM) principles are shifting from traditional to modern approaches, allowing organizations to ex- periment with innovative working styles. Employees are viewed as assets rather than liabili- ties. Employees with new abilities may not be ready to work longer hours or on more difficult tasks. Rather, they anticipate a form of employment that is intrinsically inspiring and permit innovative employment methods in the organization. Human Resource Management (HRM) now encompasses new dimensions, like psychological capital, work-life balance, employee job attitudes, and employee welfare activities, which were previously overlooked. As a result of the complex and growing nature of Human Resource Management (HRM), there is a total transformation in work, employee attitude, and manager-employee interactions. These new developments have highlighted the necessity of these constructs for employees' intrinsic mo- tivation in the workplace. The study on these constructs has been conducted in several devel- oped countries and various businesses. However, just a few studies from emerging economies and poor countries have been published in reputable journals. It's worth noting that scholars in India, particularly in Jammu and Kashmir, haven't paid much attention to psychological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude. The nature of work in the health care sector in Jammu & Kashmir is different from the other parts of the country. This study helps to identi- fy the gaps in psychological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude concerns that may occur among employees in Jammu and Kashmir. Even though a large amount of research is done, no such research has been undertaken in Jammu and Kashmir healthcare sectors on these constructs. XIV As a result, the current research study was designed to investigate the causal relationship be- tween psychological capital, work-life balance, job attitude, and the mediating role of work- life balance taking into account the global and regional context. Furthermore, this study fo- cused on healthcare workers in Jammu and Kashmir's public and private healthcare institu- tions, a group that includes doctors, technicians, and healthcare managers about whom little research has been done. After doing a literature review, the researcher found that there is no current model or research framework that effectively examines psychological capital, work- life balance, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and turnover intention all at the same time. Based on the current literature, a conceptual study model has been proposed to examine the causal relationship between psychological capital, work-life balance, and the job attitude of healthcare professionals. Structural Equation Modelling was used to test this rela- tionship. The study of these factors is presented more in detail in five chapters, as follows. • The first chapter (Introduction): This chapter examines the changing nature of Human Resource Management, laying the groundwork for understanding the im- portance and extent of psychological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude. The chapter provides a summary of the study's reasoning as well as its goals and objec- tives. It also explains why a study of Jammu and Kashmir's healthcare sector was conducted. The chapter concludes with a description of the study's research agenda. • Second chapter: This chapter presents in detail the existing literature regarding psy- chological capital, work-life balance, and job attitude in the field of human resource management. This chapter forms the foundation of the whole thesis and is the motiva- tor to undertake this research work. Furthermore, research on the causal relationship between psychological capital and work-life balance is available, Finally, in light of the preceding literature review, this chapter addresses research gaps. • Third chapter: This chapter explains the research methodology adopted to undertake the study. The chapter shows the path moved throughout the study. Without a struc- tured methodology, this study would not have been possible. The study objectives, hypotheses formulation, instrument creation, sampling process, data collection, relia- bility, and validity of the scale are highlighted in this chapter. It is followed by the de- sign of the theoretical study model. • Chapter Four: This chapter describes the data analysis used in this study forms the basis of the outcome of my research. It presents several tables that were created with the help of static tools like SPSS25 and AMOS 19 The first portion of the analysis XV provides a profile of the respondents. The measurement model is calculated in the same chapter to determine scale reliability and validity. The standardized structural model fit was determined after that, and path analysis was used to test the study hy- potheses. This chapter also summarises the current study's findings. • Fifth chapter: This chapter summarises the study's contributions both practical and theoretical. This chapter further discusses the significance of the findings for manage- rial action. In addition, this chapter discusses limitations and advises aspiring re- searchers about future study directions. In the end, recommendations are given which can be followed by the employer and the employee to maintain better psychological capital and work-life balance to enhance positive job attitudes and reduce employee turnover
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THE EFFECTS OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (Kaizen) ON HRM IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE PUBLIC AND PRİVATE HOSPITALS IN ISTANBUL One of the main objectives of The Health Transformation Program is an adoption of the philosophy of the Continuous Improvement and Development. With the developments of globalization, technology and communication channels, our future hospital quality management systems have become an indispensable element to be able to respond to the expectations of the differentiating society and to capture the renovation. The aim of this study is to shed a light on the effecs of Quality Management System, and Continuous Improvement on the HRM. The population of the study consists of two public and two private hospitals in Istanbul, which employ 1.600 health sector employees. The sample of the study is consisted of 360 health sector employees determined by the stratified sampling method. As the sampling of the study randomized methods have been used, and the data has been collected through the questionnaire method. In the study, A Likert-Type and Yes-No Scales were used. To test the reliability of the scale, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients are used and then, Cronbach’s Alpha value is determined to be 0.895 in the pilot study which consist of 25 people. This result reveals that the scales are reliable. In the study; it is found that the continuous improvement of the subdimensions of the HRM; that job description-task-authority-responsibility, orientation, training, job rotation, career development, performance evaluation and rewarding are highly related to each other but, the continuous improvement effects on occupational health and safety are determined to be less effective. In conclusion, it is found that Continuous Improvement has a positive influence on HRM in Quality Management System at a medium level. In order to be successful, hospitals needs to renovate their HRM functions continually in such a competitive environment. Health organizations, which improve processes, invest on human and manage their employees in a dynamic setting will be the most successful among their counterpart
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Teachers are one of the most essential components determining the school’s success in realizing its vision, mission, and goals. This study aims to determine the performance of teachers in State Vocational Schools. This research is a form of quantitative research to empirically examine the relationship between variables; emotional intelligence (X1), work motivation (X2), and organizational culture (X3) with teacher performance (X4). A quantitative research design was used to collect data. The population in this study is public elementary school teachers in the Cipondoh sub-district, Tangerang City. The population of this study amounted to 332. The results of this study stated that 1) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and the performance of SMKN teachers in Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta. 2) There is a significant relationship between work motivation and the performance of SMKN teachers in Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta. 3) There is a significant relationship between organizational culture and the performance of SMKN teachers in Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta. 4) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence, work motivation, and organizational culture of SMKN teachers in Pasar Rebo District, East Jakarta.
The world is facing a fast global development. It requires businesses to be able to compete in any developments. Companies need to be supported by the good Performance of the employees to achieve the vision and mission of the organization. Rewards and Job Satisfaction are two variables that can influence Performance. Rewards can be either Intrinsic and Extrinsic. If both types of Rewards are high so as to form high Job Satisfaction, then it can impact Performance improvement of employees. Based on this, this research aims to analyze the influence of Intrinsic Rewards and Extrinsic Rewards to Performance with Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable. This research uses a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used by distributing questionnaires to 52 contract employees division of Corporate Customer Access Network at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Jatim Surabaya. Sampling techniques in this research using census method. Mechanical testing of the data used in this research is SEM-PLS. Results of this research shows that Intrinsic Rewards influence positively and significantly related to Performance, while Extrinsic Rewards influemce negatively and not significantly related to Performance. The next results shows that Job Satisfaction can mediating partially the relationship of Intrinsic Rewards to Performance and mediating fully the relationship of Extrinsic Rewards to Performance.
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