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Therapeutic Manuka Honey as an Adjunct to Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy: A 12-Month Follow-Up, Split-Mouth Pilot Study


Abstract and Figures

Periodontitis is recognized as one of the most common diseases worldwide. Non-surgical periodontal treatment (NSPT) is the initial approach in periodontal treatment. Recently, interest has shifted to various adjunctive treatments to which the bacteria cannot develop resistance, including Manuka honey. This study was designed as a split-mouth clinical trial and included 15 participants with stage III periodontitis. The participants were subjected to non-surgical full-mouth therapy, followed by applying Manuka honey to two quadrants. The benefit of adjunctive use of Manuka honey was assessed at the recall appointment after 3, 6, and 12 months, when periodontal probing depth (PPD), split-mouth plaque score (FMPS), split-mouth bleeding score (FMBS), and clinical attachment level (CAL) were reassessed. Statistically significant differences between NSPT + Manuka and NSPT alone were found in PPD improvement for all follow-up time points and CAL improvement after 3 and 6 months. These statistically significant improvements due to the adjunctive use of Manuka amounted to (mm): 0.21, 0.30, and 0.19 for delta CAL and 0.18, 0.28, and 0.16 for delta PPD values measured after 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. No significant improvements in FMPS and FMBS were observed. This pilot study demonstrated the promising potential of Manuka honey for use as an adjunct therapy to nonsurgical treatment.
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Citation: Opšivaˇc, D.; Musi´c, L.;
Badovinac, A.; Šekelja, A.; Boži´c, D.
Therapeutic Manuka Honey as an
Adjunct to Non-Surgical Periodontal
Therapy: A 12-Month Follow-Up,
Split-Mouth Pilot Study. Materials
2023,16, 1248.
Academic Editor: Lia Rimondini
Received: 10 December 2022
Revised: 15 January 2023
Accepted: 28 January 2023
Published: 1 February 2023
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Therapeutic Manuka Honey as an Adjunct to Non-Surgical
Periodontal Therapy: A 12-Month Follow-Up, Split-Mouth
Pilot Study
David Opšivaˇc 1, Larisa Musi´c 2, Ana Badovinac 2, An ¯
delina Šekelja 3and Darko Boži´c 2,4,*
1School of Medicine, University of Pula, Zagrebaˇcka 30, 52100 Pula, Croatia
2Department of Periodontology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Gunduliceva 5,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
3Health Center Zagreb, Runjaninova 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
4University Dental Clinic, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Kišpati´ceva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +385-14802202
Periodontitis is recognized as one of the most common diseases worldwide. Non-surgical
periodontal treatment (NSPT) is the initial approach in periodontal treatment. Recently, interest has
shifted to various adjunctive treatments to which the bacteria cannot develop resistance, including
Manuka honey. This study was designed as a split-mouth clinical trial and included 15 participants
with stage III periodontitis. The participants were subjected to non-surgical full-mouth therapy,
followed by applying Manuka honey to two quadrants. The benefit of adjunctive use of Manuka
honey was assessed at the recall appointment after 3, 6, and 12 months, when periodontal probing
depth (PPD), split-mouth plaque score (FMPS), split-mouth bleeding score (FMBS), and clinical
attachment level (CAL) were reassessed. Statistically significant differences between NSPT + Manuka
and NSPT alone were found in PPD improvement for all follow-up time points and CAL improvement
after 3 and 6 months. These statistically significant improvements due to the adjunctive use of Manuka
amounted to (mm): 0.21, 0.30, and 0.19 for delta CAL and 0.18, 0.28, and 0.16 for delta PPD values
measured after 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. No significant improvements in FMPS and FMBS
were observed. This pilot study demonstrated the promising potential of Manuka honey for use as
an adjunct therapy to nonsurgical treatment.
Keywords: periodontitis; manuka honey; nonsurgical periodontal therapy
1. Introduction
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the teeth’s supporting ap-
paratus. Bacterial biofilm and the associated periodontal pathogenic bacteria, mainly
Gram-negative anaerobes, are the main etiological factor of the disease [1].
The main goal of periodontal treatment is to reduce the number of periodontal
pathogens and arrest the inflammatory process. The contemporary gold treatment standard
is non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT), which involves scaling and root planning using
manual and machine-driven (sonic or ultrasonic) instruments [
]. The literature suggests
that this therapy is highly effective in eliminating the infection. The latest systematic review
article by Suvan et al. on subgingival instrumentation for periodontitis treatment estimates
a weighted range of pocket depth reduction of 1.0–1.7 mm and a ratio of pocket closure of
57–74% after 3/4 and 6/8 months, respectively, that was achieved through non-surgical
periodontal treatment only [
]. Although NSPT can effectively reduce the number of peri-
odontal pathogens, microbial recolonization commonly occurs, and residual pockets are
expected to remain after NSPT [2].
Materials 2023,16, 1248.
Materials 2023,16, 1248 2 of 10
Various systemically administered and locally delivered adjuncts to NSPT have been
suggested, including systemic and local antibiotics, antiseptics, probiotics, lasers, and pho-
todynamic treatment. However, the latest guidelines on the treatment of periodontitis stage
I–III do not support the use of adjuncts. The exception in terms of open recommendations
is given for locally administered sustained-release chlorhexidine and antibiotics and the
use of systemic antibiotics in specific patient groups [2].
The fact that bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics and antiseptics
has shifted the interest of medicine to alternative treatment methods against which bacterial
resistance cannot be developed. This approach includes using honey, which is increasingly
used in medicine. Since the 1990s, when the first studies appeared on the therapeutic
effects of honey, particular interest has been focused on its antibacterial properties against
infections and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This effect is consequential mainly of the high
sugar concentration of honey, its low pH value, and the formation of hydrogen peroxide
that occurs in the enzymatic breakdown of glucose by the glucose oxidase enzyme [
Contemporary research on the effects of honey focuses predominantly on one specific honey
type, leading to the medicinal use of Manuka honey due to its antibacterial properties [
This is an endemic type of honey produced by bees in Australia and New Zealand from the
flowers of the plant Leptospermum scoparium [6].
The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in Manuka honey is lower than in other types
of honey [
]. The specific antibacterial activity in Manuka honey is based on methylglyoxal
(MGO), a compound proven to be a very efficient bactericide, virucide, and fungicide.
Furthermore, Manuka honey is highly effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria [
]. The
antibacterial potency of Manuka honey was found to be related to its Non-Peroxide Activity
(NPA), trademarked as Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) rating, a classification system which
reflects the equivalent concentration of phenol (%, w/v) required to produce the same
antibacterial activity as honey, and it is correlated with the methylglyoxal and total phenols
content [
]. In addition to its antimicrobial properties, published literature suggests that
MGO also has immunomodulatory effects which may positively impact wound healing
and tissue regeneration [10,11].
Therapeutic Manuka honey has not yet been investigated as a possible adjunct to NSPT.
Therefore, this pilot study aims to evaluate the effects of a product containing Manuka
honey on periodontal parameters when applied to periodontal pockets after nonsurgical
periodontal treatment in patients with stage 3 periodontitis.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Design
This study was designed as a single-center prospective pilot trial with a 12-month
follow-up. A split-mouth study model was used. Two quadrants were randomly assigned
to the test treatment of NSPT + product containing Manuka honey or NSPT-only.
This pilot study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Dental
Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia; approval No. 05-PA-30-IX-9/2019. All parts of the
study were conducted in full accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration
of Helsinki on ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.
2.2. Population Screening and Inclusion
Patients who sought or were referred for periodontal therapy at the Clinical Depart-
ment of Periodontology, University Hospital Zagreb, between September 2019 and March
2021, were screened for possible inclusion in the study. The inclusion criteria were: (1) sys-
temically healthy patients of both genders, between the age of 18 and 70; (2) non-smokers;
(3) presence of at least 20 teeth; and (4) untreated generalized advanced chronic periodon-
titis according to the 1999 Classification 1999 [
], i.e., generalized stage III periodontitis
according to the 2007 Classification [
]. Exclusion criteria were: (1) pregnant and nursing
women; (2) antibiotics prescribed for dental or non-dental diseases six months before the
start of the research; (3) systemic diseases or the use of drugs known to affect periodontal tis-
Materials 2023,16, 1248 3 of 10
sues; and (4) acute oral or periodontal inflammation or infection (pericoronitis, necrotizing
periodontal diseases, etc.). Following inclusion, a periodontal examination was performed
by one calibrated periodontist (D.B.). Assessments were done at six sites using a UNC-15
periodontal probe (HuFriedy, Chicago, IL, USA). The following parameters were measured
and recorded: probing pocket depth (PPD), recession of the gingival margin (REC), clinical
attachment loss (CAL; calculated as the sum of PPD and REC), split-mouth bleeding score
(SMBS; calculated as the percentage of positive bleeding sites on probing and expressed for
NSPT + Manuka and NSPT-only quadrants, respectively) and split-mouth plaque score
(SMPS; calculated as the percentage of sites with present plaque and expressed for NSPT
+ Manuka and NSPT-only quadrants, respectively) [
]. Third molars, if present, were
excluded from data analysis.
All participants have given written informed consent to study participation.
2.3. Periodontal Treatment
Nonsurgical treatment was performed by standardized protocol by a single operator
(D.O.). All patients received identical oral hygiene instructions, presuming the use of
appropriately sized interdental brushes and manual toothbrushes with regular fluoride-
containing toothpaste. The use of mouthwashes of any formulation was not allowed
during the study period. Mechanical subgingival instrumentation was performed using an
ultrasonic instrument (Piezon, E.M.S. Electro Medical Systems S.A., Nyon, Switzerland)
and curettes (BioGent, Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL, USA). Local anesthesia (Ubistesin 40 mg/mL
+ 0.005 mg/L, 3M Deutschland GmbH, Seefeld, Germany) was provided to all participants.
Instrumentation was performed according to the individual situation and without any time
limitation. All treatments were concluded within the timeframe of 24 h.
The adjunctive treatment used in this study was a novel commercial product (Pocket
Protect, CleverCool B.V., Lijnden, The Netherlands) containing therapeutic Manuka honey
and hydrogen peroxide. The two substances mix within a double-barrel syringe before
deposition within the pocket.
The product was administered in all pockets (depths
4 mm) in the two active
quadrants as per the instructions of the manufacturer. Once the inserted syringe reached
the bottom of the periodontal pocket, the product was extruded until the excess was
observed in the sulcus. Subjects were not allowed to consume drinks or food for at least
30 min following the procedure.
All subjects were required to report possible adverse effects.
The patients were scheduled for recall visits after three, six, and 12 months when PPD
and CAL were re-evaluated. In the first three months only were the patients scheduled
for supportive treatment at one-month intervals. The supportive treatment consisted of
OH re-instructions, if deemed necessary, and supragingival scaling and polishing. The
collected data were pseudo-anonymized immediately after collection. Only the clinician
performing the treatment had the access to the patient’s identifying information.
2.4. Randomization and Blinding
Randomization of patients was done using a computerized random number generator.
Each quadrant was allocated to receive one of the two treatments (Manuka + NSPT or
NSPT-only), with the allocation ratio forced to 1:1. The concealment was achieved using
sealed and numbered envelopes. A researcher not involved in the operative phases of the
study performed the random allocation sequence and intervention assignment.
Blinding was not possible during the experimental period (operator, subjects) due to
the specific design of the product-delivery syringe and product’s taste.
The examiner was unaware of the treatment allocation at any point during the ongoing
study period. Blinding was also done for statistical analysis.
Materials 2023,16, 1248 4 of 10
2.5. Statistical Analysis
As the assumption of normality of distribution was verified by inspecting normal
Q-Q plots, the comparisons between the NSPT + Manuka and the NSPT-only quadrants
were performed using a two-tailed t-test for independent samples with the assumption
of homoskedasticity. PPD and CAL values were compared between the NSPT + Manuka
and the NSPT-only quadrants at each time point (baseline, three months, six months, and
12 months). The changes in the parameters PPD and CAL (denoted as delta PPD and delta
CAL, respectively) were calculated for each time point by subtracting the baseline values
from the values measured after three months, six months, and 12 months. The obtained
delta values were statistically compared between the NSPT + Manuka and the NSPT-only
quadrants using a two-tailed t-test for independent samples. BoP index and plaque index
were represented as percentages of sites that were positive for bleeding or the presence of
plaque, respectively. These percentages of positive sites were compared between the NSPT
+ Manuka and the NSPT-only quadrants using the chi-square test.
The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 25; IBM, Armonk, NY,
USA) at a level of significance of 0.05.
3. Results
A total of 86 patients were screened for inclusion and 15 participants (eight males and
seven female) were recruited for this pilot study. However, three of them were excluded
from the study due to not showing up at the follow-up appointment at 3 months (two
participants) and 6 months (one participant). Hence, a total of 12 participants (five males
and seven female) were included. The mean age was 43.1 years (range 31–49), with a mean
number of teeth at 26, and 1331 sites with increased PPD (
4 mm); 4–6 mm at 905 sites and
>6 mm at 426 sites. All patients were non-smokers.
Table 1shows the PPD and CAL values, and the corresponding delta values represent-
ing differences from baseline measured after 3, 6, and 12 months. There were no statistically
significant differences in baseline values for PPD and CAL between the sites treated with
NSPT + Manuka and the sites treated with NSPT-only. In addition, no significant differ-
ences were observed for PPD and CAL in the comparisons with the sites treated with NSPT
+ Manuka and the sites treated with NSPT-only at each of the follow-up time periods (3, 6,
and 12 months). However, statistically significant differences between NSPT + Manuka and
NSPT-only were identified in delta PPD values for all follow-up time points, as well as for
delta CAL values for the time points of 3 and 6 months. The delta CAL values calculated for
12 months could be considered marginally significant at the selected level of significance
of 0.05. These statistically significant further improvements due to the adjunctive use of
Manuka amounted to (mm): 0.21, 0.30, and 0.19 for delta CAL and 0.18, 0.28, and 0.16 for
delta PPD values measured after 3, 6, and 12 months, compared to NSPT-only.
Table 2shows FMPS and FMBS values measured at baseline, 3, 6, and 12 months. At
baseline, the quadrants that received NSPT-only had significantly greater values of plaque
and bleeding. No significant differences between the quadrant groups were identified, with
the exception of lower bleeding scores at 6 months in the NSPT + Manuka quadrants.
One patient reported generalized dentine hypersensitivity that spontaneously de-
creased until the 1-month check-up. No other adverse effects were reported.
Materials 2023,16, 1248 5 of 10
Table 1.
Measured values of periodontal pocket depth, clinical attachment level, and changes of these
parameters from the baseline values. All data are represented as mean values with 95% confidence
interval limits in parentheses.
Variable Time Point NSPT + MANUKA NSPT-Only p-Values
PPD (mm) baseline 4.27 (4.12, 4.43) 4.07 (3.93, 4.21) 0.060
3 months 2.81 (2.72, 2.91) 2.82 (2.73, 2.92) 0.846
6 months 2.57 (2.48, 2.65) 2.66 (2.57, 2.74) 0.140
12 months 2.53 (2.45, 2.61) 2.52 (2.44, 2.60) 0.825
PPD (mm) 3 months
1.46 (
1.25 (
6 months
1.71 (
1.41 (
12 months
1.74 (
1.55 (
CAL (mm) baseline 4.30 (4.14, 4.45) 4.11 (3.97, 4.25) 0.080
3 months 2.91 (2.81, 3.02) 2.91 (2.81, 3.01) 0.952
6 months 2.69 (2.60, 2.79) 2.78 (2.68, 2.88) 0.201
12 months 2.66 (2.57, 2.75) 2.63 (2.54, 2.72) 0.609
CAL (mm) 3 months
1.38 (
1.20 (
6 months
1.61 (
1.33 (
12 months
1.64 (
1.48 (
PPD—periodontal pocket depth; CAL—clinical attachment level; —delta.
Table 2.
Measured values of split-mouth bleeding score and split-mouth plaque score, represented as
percentages of positive sites in respective quadrants (%).
Variable Time Point NSPT + MANUKA NSPT-Only p-Values
SMBS (%) baseline 82.1 86.5 0.007
3 months 46.7 43.7 0.178
6 months 44.8 50.8 0.007
12 months 54.6 55.8 0.575
SMPS (%) baseline 92.7 95.4 0.009
3 months 30.9 31.2 0.990
6 months 46.7 47.4 0.775
12 months 51.3 52.2 0.678
SMBS—split-mouth bleeding score (number of positive sites/all measuring sites
100 in Manuka or NSPT-only
quadrants); SMPS—split-mouth plaque score (number of positive sites/all measuring sites
100 in Manuka or
NSPT-only quadrants); %—percentage.
4. Discussion
This pilot study investigated the impact of Manuka honey as an adjunct to NSPT.
It showed statistically significant improvements in terms of PPD reduction and CAL
gain after 3, 6, and 12 months of follow-up, compared to the outcomes of the NSPT-only.
Improvements in bleeding and plaque scores were also observed in both quadrant groups.
The present study was motivated by numerous literature reports on the beneficial
effects of Manuka honey when used for various medical purposes. Accelerated wound
healing was reported after the topical use of Manuka honey for the treatment of ulcers,
bed sores, and other skin infections [
]. In addition, Manuka honey was demonstrated
to promote healing in infected wounds that do not respond to conventional therapy,
i.e., antibiotics and antiseptics, including wounds infected with methicillin-resistant S.
aureus [
]. Manuka honey may promote the repair of the damaged intestinal mucosa,
Materials 2023,16, 1248 6 of 10
stimulate the growth of new tissues, and work as an anti-inflammatory agent [
]. Clinical
observations have reported reduced symptoms of inflammation when Manuka honey
is applied to wounds [
]. The removal of exudate in wounds dressed with honey was
helpful for managing inflamed wounds [
]. The aforementioned effects encouraged our
investigation of the possible effects of Manuka honey on periodontitis treatment.
Although the effects of Manuka honey on oral bacteria have not been investigated
in vivo
, there are several
in vitro
studies that convincingly indicated its antibacterial ac-
tivity. The study by Safii et al. was based on the minimum amount of honey required
to kill bacteria or inhibit their growth on blood agar, as evaluated by the minimum bac-
tericidal concentration or minimum inhibitory concentration (MBC/MIC), and showed
a high antibacterial potential of Manuka honey, especially against Gram-negative anaer-
obic bacteria [
]. Similar results were published in the
in vitro
work of Schmidlin et al.
on the antimicrobial effect of Manuka honey compared to other types of honey against
three common pathogens present in the oral cavity (S. mutans,P. gingivalis, and A. actino-
mycetemcommitans). Antibacterial activity was analyzed on blood agar, and Manuka honey
demonstrated a stronger antibacterial effect compared to other types of honey due to its
specific non-peroxidase activity mediated by methylglyoxal, to which P. gingivalis was
found to be especially sensitive [17].
The research by Badet and Quero analyzed
in vitro
adhesion of oral cavity bacteria
exposed to different concentrations of Manuka honey on glass and hydroxyapatite surfaces
immersed in saliva. The results showed that Manuka honey with higher methylglyoxal
concentrations inhibits the adhesion of S. mutans [
]. Sigrun et al. compared the effec-
tiveness of Manuka honey and regular honey on P. gingivalis, which is one of the most
important periodontal pathogenic bacteria. It was shown that the planktonic form is
extremely sensitive to exposure to Manuka honey, which additionally substantiates its
antibacterial properties [20].
The only
in vivo
study on the use of Manuka honey in the oral cavity is reported in the
article by Al-Khanati et al. who investigated the analgesic effect of Manuka honey applied
to the post-extraction alveolus following the extraction of impacted third molars. Their
randomized split-mouth study showed a statistically significant reduction in postoperative
pain on the side where Manuka honey was applied [
]. This finding suggests favorable
analgesic properties and potential anti-inflammatory activity of Manuka honey.
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis analyzed the adjunctive effects of locally
delivered antimicrobials in the nonsurgical treatment of periodontitis. The meta-analysis
for studies of 6–9-month follow-ups showed statistically significant benefits in terms of
PPD reduction (WMD = 0.365) and CAL gain (WMD = 0.263). For long-term studies of
12 to 60 months, significant differences were only observed for PPD (WMD = 0.190). The
authors highlighted that the heterogeneity was significant due to a great number of different
active agents and a difference in study design. The products with the largest observed
benefits were those containing doxycycline or tetracycline [
]. The improvements in the
treatment outcome following the adjunctive use of Manuka honey in the present study
can be compared to the systematic review’s results in terms of PPD reduction, as the mean
difference at 6 and 12 months were 0.30 and 0.19, respectively.
Although the differences between the two quadrant groups in our study seem small
and that the baseline values might also seem low, it is interesting to note that in a recent
multicenter clinical trial investigating the flapless application of enamel matrix derivative in
non-surgical therapy when the authors sub-analyzed CAL changes at 12 months including
all pockets, and not only the deep ones, the difference between the control and test group
was only 0.1 mm in favor of the enamel matrix derivative, with overall CAL changes of
0.8 mm and 0.9 mm, respectively. However, when they analyzed only pockets of 5–8 mm,
CAL changes were significantly higher, 2.1 mm for the control group and 2.2 mm for the
test group [
]. If we compare the results from the above-mentioned study on all sites to
ours, we can see that our CAL changes in the test quadrants were 1.64 mm and 1.48 mm in
the control quadrants which is higher than in the Schallhorn study.
Materials 2023,16, 1248 7 of 10
Another observation in our study was the continuous improvements in both PPD
reductions and CAL values at 3, 6, and 12 months. However, statistical significance between
the two groups was only found at 6 months in favor of the test quadrants for both variables.
At 3 months, PPD changes were
1.46 mm for the test quadrants and
1.25 mm coming
very close to statistical significance (p = 0.002) with a further improvement to
1.74 mm
in test quadrants and
1.55 mm in the control quadrants at 12 months with p values still
not significant. This difference in the lack of significance at 3 and 12 months compared to 6
months, although the actual numbers in differences are 0.21 mm, 0.30 mm, and 0.19 mm,
could be due to the pressure during probing which cannot be entirely controlled although
clinical measurements were done by an experienced and calibrated periodontist.
Both quadrant groups presented with an initial reduction in plaque and bleeding
scores following treatment. After 3 months, at re-evaluation, the reduction of bleeding
was 35.4% in the Manuka + NSPT and 42.8% in NSPT-only quadrants. These values are
lower than previously reported by the systematic review of Suvan et al., of a weighted
mean reduction of 56.7% at 3/4 months after non-surgical treatment [
]. At 6 months,
while the Manuka + NSPT quadrants presented a further, albeit minimal, reduction of 1.9%
in bleeding scores, the NSPT-only quadrants presented a rise in bleeding scores of 7.1%.
From 6 to 12 months, quadrants treated with both treatment modalities presented with
an increase in bleeding scores. The observed reduction of plaque (SMPS) at 3 months was
61.8% in the Manuka + NSPT quadrants and 64.2% in the NSPT-only quadrants, which is as
expected following nonsurgical treatment [
]. At 6 and 12 months, quadrants treated with
both modalities expressed an increase in plaque score. The increase in both parameters
at later follow-ups could be explained by the omission of intensive supportive treatment
at 1-month intervals and lack of patients’ motivation. It needs to be highlighted that the
data on the effects of these two treatment modalities and the direct comparison between
the two treatments on plaque and bleeding have to be interpreted with caution, as there
was a statistically significant difference in these parameters between the Manuka + NSPT
and NSPT-only quadrants at baseline. As per the effects of Manuka honey on plaque and
bleeding, a pilot study by Molan et al. showed that Manuka honey has a positive effect
on reducing the amount of dental plaque and the incidence of gingivitis compared to the
control group that did not use Manuka honey [7].
The commercial product used in this research combines Manuka honey and hydrogen
peroxide. Thus, the effect of the adjunctive cannot be attributed solely to Manuka. The
extent of these substances’ sole or combined impact on clinical outcomes would need to be
evaluated in an appropriately designed RCT. Schmidlin et al., however, reported a greater
antibacterial effect of Manuka above the NPA value of 15 compared to “regular” honey,
whose activity relies on peroxide-based antimicrobial factors [
]. Hydrogen peroxide as an
adjunct to non-surgical treatment for pocket irrigation failed to show further improvements
in clinical outcomes when compared to subgingival debridement alone [
]. Research on
the use of 1.7% hydrogen peroxide in custom trays and H
photolysis (irradiation of 3%
with 405 nm light or diode laser) showed promising results in terms of significantly
greater PPD reduction in test groups compared to controls [2528].
Adding hydrogen peroxide in the commercial product definitely facilitates clinical
handling as it decreases the honey’s viscosity and the application inside the periodontal
The main limitation of this pilot study is the small sample size (n = 12). However,
despite the small sample size, the included subjects represent a specific population of
patients with severe inflammation and advanced forms of periodontitis, for which it was
possible to identify a small but statistically significant improvement in the reduction of
PPD at sites treated with Manuka honey compared to the control sites. An analogous
improvement was identified for CAL in the sites treated with Manuka honey.
Furthermore, microbiological analysis was not conducted in this research. So far,
antibacterial efficacy of Manuka on periodontal pathogens was shown only in
in vitro
studies [
]. Thus, further data is needed from studies on humans. Studies with mid-
Materials 2023,16, 1248 8 of 10
and long-term follow-ups may show possible prolonged effects of this adjunctive on the
subgingival microbial composition compared to subgingival debridement alone.
The statistical analysis was performed at the level of individual periodontal sites,
meaning that the statistical unit was represented by the site instead of the patient. When
individual sites are considered as statistical units, the actual sample size becomes 2025
(12 subjects
28.125 teeth per subject on average
6 sites per tooth = 2025 sites in total).
Calculating the “delta” values for PPD and CAL and using these values instead of the
original pooled PPD and CAL values measured at each individual time point provided
higher statistical power for identifying significant differences in the comparisons of the
NSPT + Manuka and the NSPT-only quadrants. By calculating the differences in PPD
and CAL at the level of the individual site, the heterogeneity among sites becomes less
influential, as the “net” effect is isolated for each site and used for the statistical analysis
rather than pooling the original PPD and CAL values measured at individual time points.
This reasoning explains why the significant effects of Manuka honey were identified only
for delta PPD and delta CAL variables and not for the original PPD and CAL variables.
Furthermore, the authors are aware of the possible disadvantages of the split-mouth design.
As both sides received some modality of treatment and the product itself comes in a highly
viscous form and is delivered locally, the possibility of the carry-across effect (i.e., bacterial
contamination from an untreated sides/possible effect of the Manuka honey on the NSPT-
only quadrants) was minimized [
]; however, we do recognize a risk of it happening.
A relatively high number of teeth (20 teeth) set as an inclusion criterion also positively
influenced the similarity between randomization units.
5. Conclusions
This pilot study indicated a promising potential of Manuka honey as an adjunct
in NSPT. Despite the improvement in outcomes appearing modest in absolute terms, it
was statistically significant for all follow-up time points, indicating the potential use of
Manuka honey as a simple and affordable adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy.
Furthermore, the product is considered a safe adjunct and no adverse events related to its
use were reported during the study period. Encouraging results from this pilot study led
to a further randomized clinical study on a larger sample that is currently being performed
by our group.
Author Contributions:
D.B.—study conception, experimental design, funding acquisition, per-
formed experiments, formal analysis and data interpretation, statistical analysis, visualization, and
wrote manuscript; D.O., L.M., A.B., and A.Š.—experimental design, performed experiments, data
acquisition and interpretation, and revised and approved final manuscript; D.B.—study conception,
experimental design, supervision, data interpretation, project administration, resources, and revised
and approved final manuscript. D.B.—experimental design, data acquisition and interpretation, su-
pervision, resources, and revised and approved final manuscript. D.O. and L.M.—study conception,
experimental design, supervision, data interpretation, project administration, resources, and revised
and approved final manuscript. D.B.—study conception, supervision, resources, data interpretation,
project administration, and revised and approved final manuscript. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Dental Medicine, University of
Zagreb, Croatia; approval No. 05-PA-30-IX-9/2019.
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Periodontitis standard treatment is based on non-surgical periodontal therapy that consists of mechanical root debridement, to eliminate or reduce dental plaque, by removing as much as possible of the subgingival plaque colonized by a great number of pathogens. Although this therapy is very effective, bacteria can recolonize the space, and residual pockets can still remain [156]. ...
... In their study, Opšivač et al. evaluated the effects of a Manuka honey-containing product on periodontal indicators as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment in patients with stage 3 periodontitis [156]. They found statistically significant improvements in periodontal probing depth (PPD) reduction and clinical attachment level (CAL) gain after 3, 6, and 12 months of follow-up, compared to the outcomes of the non-surgical periodontal treatment only. ...
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Honey is one of the oldest natural compounds that come from ancient times to nowadays with health benefits. It has been used for the treatment of several diseases, but its role in oral health faces real skepticism due to the high concentration of carbohydrates in its composition. Many studies over the years have confirmed several pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, antibacterial, antihistaminic, etc. It is composed of different chemical compounds like carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, organic acids, phenolic compounds, and volatile substances. Honey contains many enzymes such as invertase, catalase, glucose oxidase, and acid phosphorylase, as well as traces of vitamins B2, B4, B5, B6, B11, and vitamin C, minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium. A promising challenge is the use of honey as a targeting product obtained from green synthesis, with high-efficiency thanks to nanotechnology. This study aims to investigate the potential benefits of honey in oral health, leveraging its diverse biological activity like antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects. Additionally, our scope was to provide scientific evidence supporting the use of honey in dentistry, emphasizing its broader health benefits and novel applications in oral health care.
... Agente antimicrobiano en enfermedades orales. (9) Miel de Manuka como terapia complementaria en periodontitis. ...
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Objetivo: analizar la efectividad antimicrobiana de la miel de abeja en cepas de Porphyromona Gingivalis. Método: Revisión sistemática en 25 articulos. Resultados y Conclusión: Los estudios revisados destacan que la miel, especialmente la de Manuka, posee una acción antimicrobiana significativa gracias a sus compuestos bioactivos, como el metilglioxal y los polifenoles, que inhiben el crecimiento bacteriano y la formación de biopelículas, la capacidad de la miel para combinarse con antibióticos refuerza su papel como complemento en terapias contra bacterias resistentes. Aunque las diversas variedades de miel han mostrado efectividad, la necesidad de estandarizar su uso y optimizar su aplicación clínica es fundamental para garantizar resultados consistentes en el control de P. gingivalis.
... Beyond wound care, MH formulations have been investigated for diverse clinical applications. The non-wound-associated applications of MH can be grouped into a few main types, including the treatment of ophthalmic conditions, such as dry eye, and blepharitis (Hu et al., 2022); the management of diabetic foot ulcers (Gill et al., 2019;Nair et al., 2020), in oral and gastrointestinal applications such as chronic periodontitis, oral mucositis, functional dyspepsia, acute pouchitis, and cold sores (Al-Kubaisi and Al-Ghurabi, 2023;Onuoha et al., 2023;Opsǐvačet al., 2023); for respiratory disorders like cystic fibrosis, chronic rhinosinusitis, and esophagitis (Lee et al., 2021;Roberts et al., 2022), and in the treatment of ear infections such as acute otitis, to mention a few (see Supplementary Table S2 for a complete list). In addition, although none of the clinical trials specified the cause of these conditions, we assessed MH's clinical applications by possible infectious aetiology. ...
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The antibiotic resistance (ABR) crisis is an urgent global health priority. Staphylococci are among the problematic bacteria contributing to this emergency owing to their recalcitrance to many clinically important antibiotics. Staphylococcal pathogenesis is further complicated by the presence of small colony variants (SCVs), a bacterial subpopulation displaying atypical characteristics including retarded growth, prolific biofilm formation, heightened antibiotic tolerance, and enhanced intracellular persistence. These capabilities severely impede current chemotherapeutics, resulting in chronic infections, poor patient outcomes, and significant economic burden. Tackling ABR requires alternative measures beyond the conventional options that have dominated treatment regimens over the past 8 decades. Non-antibiotic therapies are gaining interest in this arena, including the use of honey, which despite having ancient therapeutic roots has now been reimagined as an alternative treatment beyond just traditional topical use, to include the treatment of an array of difficult-to-treat staphylococcal infections. This literature review focused on Manuka honey (MH) and its efficacy as an anti-staphylococcal treatment. We summarized the studies that have used this product and the technologies employed to study the antibacterial mechanisms that render MH a suitable agent for the management of problematic staphylococcal infections, including those involving staphylococcal SCVs. We also discussed the status of staphylococcal resistance development to MH and other factors that may impact its efficacy as an alternative therapy to help combat ABR.
... All MRSA-infected mice recuperated after IV treatment with MH, and a substantial reduction of bacterial load was seen in K. pneumoniae subjects (Qamar et al., 2018). Other more obscure yet interesting uses include treatment of dry eye (Hu et al., 2022), dental ailments (Al-Kubaisi and Al-Ghurabi, 2023;Opsǐvačet al., 2023), and sinus rinses for cystic fibrosis patients (Roberts et al., 2022). To improve MH's delivery to problematic sites of infection, circumvent its dilution, and improve contact time, other studies have explored the use of agents such as artificial liposomes and micelles for the in vivo delivery of MH (Maddocks and Jenkins, 2013;Patra et al., 2018). ...
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Introduction Staphylococci are among the list of problematic bacteria contributing to the global antibiotic resistance (ABR) crisis. Their ability to adopt the small colony variant (SCV) phenotype, induced by prolonged antibiotic chemotherapy, complicates staphylococcal infection control options. Novel and alternative approaches are needed to tackle staphylococcal infections and curb ABR. Manuka honey (MH), a non-antibiotic alternative is recognized for its unique antibacterial activity based on its methylglyoxal (MGO) component. Methods In this study, MH (MGO 830+) was tested in combination with gentamicin (GEN), rifampicin (RIF), or vancomycin (VA) against staphylococcal wildtype (WT) and SCVs. To our knowledge, there are no current studies in the literature documenting the effects of MH on staphylococcal SCVs. While Staphylococcus aureus is well-studied for its international ABR burden, limited data exists demonstrating the effects of MH on S. epidermidis and S. lugdunensis whose pathogenic relevance and contribution to ABR is also rising. Results & discussion The three staphylococci were most susceptible to RIF (0.06-0.24 μg/ml), then GEN (0.12-0.49 μg/ml), and lastly VA (0.49-0.96 μg/ml). The MICs of MH were 7%, 7-8%, and 6-7% (w/v), respectively. Fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) evaluations showed that the combined MH + antibiotic effect was either additive (FICI 1-2), or partially synergistic (FICI >0.5-1). While all three antibiotics induced SCVs in vitro, stable SCVs were observed in GEN treatments only. The addition of MH to these GEN-SCV-induction analyses resulted in complete suppression of SCVs (p<0.001) in all three staphylococci, suggesting that MH’s antibacterial properties interfered with GEN’s SCV induction mechanisms. Moreover, the addition of MH to growth cultures of recovered stable SCVs resulted in the inhibition of SCV growth by at least 99%, indicating MH’s ability to prevent subsequent SCV growth. These in vitro analyses demonstrated MH’s broad-spectrum capabilities not only in improving WT staphylococci susceptibility to the three antibiotics, but also mitigated the development and subsequent growth of their SCV phenotypes. MH in combination with antibiotics has the potential to not only resensitize staphylococci to antibiotics and consequently require less antibiotic usage, but in instances where prolonged chemotherapy is employed, the development and growth of SCVs would be hampered, providing a better clinical outcome, all of which mitigate ABR.
... They were asked to follow oral hygiene self-care regimens and not allowed to use mouthwashes of any formulation during the research period. 21 These oral hygiene instructions were repeated and reinforced to each patient in their re-evaluation visits according to the plaque scores at 1, 3, and 6 months. Full month SRP with an ultrasonic instrument (Newtron ® , P5 XS B Led, Acteon, Satelec, France) and hand curettes (Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL, USA) were carried out under local anesthesia. ...
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Epidemiological data show people with diabetes mellitus (DM) have three‐fold increase in risk of periodontitis. A vitamin D insufficiency can affect the progression of DM and periodontitis. This study evaluated the effects of different‐dose vitamin D supplementation to nonsurgical periodontal therapy for vitamin‐D‐insufficient diabetic patients coexisting with periodontitis and changes of gingival bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (BMP‐2) levels. The study included 30 vitamin‐D‐insufficient patients receiving nonsurgical treatment followed by administration of 25,000 international units (IU) vitamin D3 per week (the low‐VD group) and 30 patients receiving 50,000 UI vitamin D per week (the high‐VD group). The decreases of probing pocket depth, clinical attachment loss, bleeding index, and periodontal plaque index values of patients after the six‐month supplementation of 50,000 UI vitamin D3 per week to nonsurgical treatment were more significant than those after the six‐month supplementation of 25,000 UI vitamin D3 per week to nonsurgical treatment. It was found that 50,000 IU per week vitamin D supplementation for 6 months could lead to a better glycemic control for vitamin‐D‐insufficient diabetic patients coexisting with periodontitis after nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Increased levels of serum 25(OH) vitamin D3 and gingival BMP‐2 were found in both low‐ and high‐dose VD groups, and the high‐dose VD group exhibited higher levels than the low‐dose VD group. Vitamin D supplementation in large doses for 6 months tended to improve the treatment of periodontitis and increase gingival BMP‐2 levels in diabetic patients coexisting with periodontitis who were vitamin D deficient.
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Honey is an ancient natural remedy for the treatment of infected wounds. It has regained attention in the medical profession, as it has recently been reported to have a broad-spectrum inhibitory effect against bacteria. Data concerning Manuka honey of New Zealand origin, which is claimed to provide additional non-peroxide antimicrobial activity (so-called standard NPA) against oral pathogens, is still scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to screen for the antibacterial efficacy of different Manuka honey products against S. mutans (OMZ 918), P. gingivalis (OMZ 925) and A. actinomycetemcomitans (OMZ 299). Chlorhexidine and saline served as positive and negative controls, respectively, whereas a Swiss multifloral honey served as control honey without intrinsic non-peroxide activity. Chlorhexidine showed the highest inhibiting potential against all specimens tested. Manuka honey below an NPA value of 15 showed the least bacterial growth-inhibiting potential, even less – although not significantly so – than multifloral Swiss honey. Manuka honey above an NPA value of 15 showed a significantly higher antibacterial effect compared to the other honeys tested. All Manuka honey preparations were more effective in inhibiting the growth of P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans, rather than S. mutans. In conclusion, the study showed an NPA dose-dependent antibacterial efficacy of Manuka honey. Further investigations of this natural product are now open for scrutiny.
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Wound healing is a complex process with many interdependent pathophysiological and immunological mediators to restore the cellular integrity of damaged tissue. Cutaneous wound healing is the repair response to a multitude of pathologies induced by trauma, surgery, and burn leading to the restoration and functionality of the compromised cells. Many different methods have been employed to treat acute and chronic wounds, such as antimicrobial therapy, as most wounds are susceptible to infection from microbes and are difficult to treat. However, many antimicrobial agents have become ineffective in wound treatment due to the emergence of multiple drug-resistant bacteria, and failures in current wound treatment methods have been widely reported. For this reason, alternative therapies have been sought, one of which is the use of honey as a wound treatment agent. The use of honey has recently gained clinical popularity for possible use in wound treatment and regenerative medicine. With this high demand, a better delivery and application procedure is required, as well as research aiming at its bioactivity. Honey is a safe natural substance, effective in the inhibition of bacterial growth and the treatment of a broad range of wound types, including burns, scratches, diabetic boils (Skin abscesses associated with diabetic), malignancies, leprosy, fistulas, leg ulcers, traumatic boils, cervical and varicose ulcers, amputation, burst abdominal wounds, septic and surgical wounds, cracked nipples, and wounds in the abdominal wall. Honey comprises a wide variety of active compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic acid, organic acids, enzymes, and vitamins, that may act to improve the wound healing process. Tissue-engineered scaffolds have recently attracted a great deal of attention, and various scaffold fabrication techniques are being researched. Some incorporate honey to improve their delivery during wound treatment. Hence, the aim of this review is to summarize recent studies on the wound healing properties of honey.
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Background: Mechanical debridement is the gold standard in the periodontitis therapy. However, it is suggested that adjunctive use of lasers can result in a more effective treatment outcome. Objective: Evaluate the efficiency of diode laser-assisted nonsurgical therapy of periodontitis as adjunctive to scaling and root planing (SRP). Methods: One hundred sixty vertical bone defects [pocket depth (PD) at baseline ≥6 mm] had been randomly allocated to receive SRP alone (group C) or SRP coupled to a diode laser (980 nm) protocol (group C+L): SRP, irrigation with hydrogen peroxide solution (3%), de-epithelization of the internal and external gingiva followed by blood stabilization, and coagulation by laser beam were made. Beam parameters: 10 μsec/pulse duration, 10 kHz, pick power of 10 W, average power of 1 W, and fiber diameter of 400 μm. Plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing, gingival recession (GR), clinical attachment level (CAL), and PD were measured at baseline, at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 18 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months. Microbiological data were collected randomly from 26 pockets from both groups at baseline, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months after treatment. Results: At all periods of follow-up, there was a significant difference between both groups in all clinical parameters except in GR. In group C+L, 76% of pockets had PD ≤3 mm after 12 months of follow-up and an average of PD = 1.77 ± 0.46 mm, while 56% of pockets in group control (C) had an average of PD = 5.00 ± 0.83 mm after 12 months of follow-up. Total bacteria count in group C + L was significantly lower compared to group C only at 12 weeks and 6 months of follow-up. Furthermore, there was high significant decrease in the number of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Prevotella intermedia at all the follow-up periods. Conclusions: As adjunctive to SRP, diode laser-assisted nonsurgical therapy of periodontitis has significantly improved clinical parameters of PI and POB and has significantly reduced the clinical attachment loss (CAL) and PD compared to the control group after 1 year of follow-up. A significant reduction in periodontal pathogens has been observed in group C + L only at 12 weeks and 6 months of follow-up.
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Background The recently introduced 2017 World Workshop classification of periodontitis, incorporating stages and grades of disease, aims to link disease classification with approaches to prevention and treatment, as it not only describes disease severity and extent, but also the degree of complexity and an individual`s risk. There is, therefore, a need for evidence‐based clinical guidelines providing recommendations to treat periodontitis. Aim The objective of the current project was to develop a S3 Level Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the treatment of stage I‐III periodontitis. Material and Methods This S3 CPG was developed under the auspices of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), following the methodological guidance of the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). The rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 15 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, the formulation of specific recommendations and consensus, on those recommendations, by leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders. Results The S3 CPG approaches the treatment of periodontitis (stages I, II and III) using a pre‐established stepwise approach to therapy that, depending on the disease stage, should be incremental, each including different interventions. Consensus was achieved on recommendations covering different interventions, aimed at: i) behavioural changes, supragingival biofilm, gingival inflammation and risk factor control; ii) supra‐ and sub‐gingival instrumentation, with and without adjunctive therapies; iii) different types of periodontal surgical interventions; and iv) the necessary supportive periodontal care to extend benefits over time. Conclusion This S3 guideline informs clinical practice, health systems, policymakers and, indirectly, the public, on the available and most effective modalities to treat periodontitis and to maintain a healthy dentition for a lifetime, according to the available evidence at the time of publication.
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Background and Purpose Sufficient evidence exists recommending the use of honey in the management of wounds. Studies revealed that the healing effect of honey could be classified by its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of its components. Since surgical extraction of impacted molars is one of the most common operations in the oral cavity and the postoperative pain disturbing the patient may reduce the quality of health service, this study aimed to assess the analgesic potential of Manuka honey application into the extraction socket of impacted mandibular third molars. Methods This randomized split-mouth controlled study included 33 patients undergoing impacted bilateral lower third molars surgery under local anesthesia (n = 66). Randomization was carried out by coin flipping. One of the two impacted third molars was assigned to treatment group (Manuka honey applied just before suturing), other side to control group (nothing applied). Postsurgical pain was evaluated using visual analogue scale (VAS) of faces 7 days after extraction. The total analgesic dose used was also evaluated. Results In treatment group, postoperative VAS scores were significantly lower compared to that in control group regarding first and second days postoperatively (P < 0.05). Total analgesic intake in the control group was significantly higher (P = 0.0001). Conclusion This study demonstrated that intrasocket application of Manuka honey after surgical extraction of impacted lower third molar is an effective method for reducing acute postsurgical pain.
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Periodontal health is defined by absence of clinically detectable inflammation. There is a biological level of immune surveillance that is consistent with clinical gingival health and homeostasis. Clinical gingival health may be found in a periodontium that is intact, i.e. without clinical attachment loss or bone loss, and on a reduced periodontium in either a non‐periodontitis patient (e.g. in patients with some form of gingival recession or following crown lengthening surgery) or in a patient with a history of periodontitis who is currently periodontally stable. Clinical gingival health can be restored following treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. However, the treated and stable periodontitis patient with current gingival health remains at increased risk of recurrent periodontitis, and accordingly, must be closely monitored. Two broad categories of gingival diseases include non‐dental plaque biofilm–induced gingival diseases and dental plaque‐induced gingivitis. Non‐dental plaque biofilm‐induced gingival diseases include a variety of conditions that are not caused by plaque and usually do not resolve following plaque removal. Such lesions may be manifestations of a systemic condition or may be localized to the oral cavity. Dental plaque‐induced gingivitis has a variety of clinical signs and symptoms, and both local predisposing factors and systemic modifying factors can affect its extent, severity, and progression. Dental plaque‐induced gingivitis may arise on an intact periodontium or on a reduced periodontium in either a non‐periodontitis patient or in a currently stable “periodontitis patient” i.e. successfully treated, in whom clinical inflammation has been eliminated (or substantially reduced). A periodontitis patient with gingival inflammation remains a periodontitis patient (Figure 1), and comprehensive risk assessment and management are imperative to ensure early prevention and/or treatment of recurrent/progressive periodontitis. Precision dental medicine defines a patient‐centered approach to care, and therefore, creates differences in the way in which a “case” of gingival health or gingivitis is defined for clinical practice as opposed to epidemiologically in population prevalence surveys. Thus, case definitions of gingival health and gingivitis are presented for both purposes. While gingival health and gingivitis have many clinical features, case definitions are primarily predicated on presence or absence of bleeding on probing. Here we classify gingival health and gingival diseases/conditions, along with a summary table of diagnostic features for defining health and gingivitis in various clinical situations.
Background: Treatment of periodontitis aims to halt progressive bone and attachment loss and regenerate periodontal structures. In this study, the effect of using an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy (test) versus non-surgical therapy alone (control) was evaluated. Methods: A prospective, split-mouth, multi-center study evaluated scaling and root planing (SRP) with and without EMD in 51 patients presenting with moderate to severe periodontitis (PPD = 5 to 8 mm) in at least 2 pockets per contralateral quadrants within the same arch. The primary outcome variable was change in clinical attachment level (CAL) after 12 months. Secondary variables included probing pocket depth (PPD), bleeding on probing (BoP), gingival margin level, dentin hypersensitivity, and percent of pockets converted to sites no longer requiring surgical treatment. Results: CAL changed significantly (P < 0.001) from baseline to 12 months for both treatment modalities (test = -2.2 ± 1.5 mm versus control = -2.1 ± 1.3 mm) and similarly for PPD; the difference between groups was not significant. A significant difference, favoring test conditions, was observed in percentage of both healthy PPDs (pockets < 5 mm) and converted pockets (sites no longer requiring surgical treatment); 79.8% of test versus 65.9% of control sites. BoP decreased significantly more (P < 0.05) in test sites (BoP at 17.8% test versus 23.1% control). Conclusions: Both test and control treatments resulted in significant improvements in CAL and PPD. The adjunct use of EMD with SRP resulted in significantly greater improvements in overall periodontal health with less frequent BoP and a higher number of healthy PPDs.
Aim: To answer the following PICOS question: in adult patients with periodontitis, which is the efficacy of adjunctive locally delivered antimicrobials, in comparison with subgingival debridement alone or plus a placebo, in terms of probing pocket depth (PPD) reduction, in randomized clinical trials with at least 6 months of follow-up. Material and methods: A systematic search was conducted: 59 papers, reporting 50 different studies, were included. Data on clinical outcome variables changes were pooled and analysed using weighted mean differences (WMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), and prediction intervals (PI), in case of significant heterogeneity. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed, in 6-9 month studies, for PPD (WMD=0.365, 95% CI [0.262; 0.468], PI [-0.29; 1.01]) and clinical attachment level (CAL) (WMD=0.263, 95% CI [0.123; 0.403], PI [-0.43; 0.96]). For long term-studies, significant differences were observed for PPD (WMD=0.190, 95% CI [0.059; 0.321]), but not for CAL. For adverse events, no differences were observed. Results were affected by study design (split-mouth versus parallel studies) and assessment (full- or partial-mouth), as well as by the formulation tested. Conclusions: The use adjunctive locally delivered antimicrobials in periodontitis therapy results in statistically significant benefits in clinical outcomes, without relevant side effects.
Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of subgingival instrumentation (PICOS-1), sonic/ultrasonic/hand instruments (PICOS-2) and different subgingival instrumentation delivery protocols (PICOS-3) to treat periodontitis. Methods: Systematic electronic search (CENTRAL/MEDLINE/EMBASE/SCOPUS/LILACS) to March 2019 was conducted to identify randomized controlled trials (RCT) reporting on subgingival instrumentation. Duplicate screening and data extraction were performed to formulate evidence tables and meta-analysis as appropriate. Results: As only one RCT addressed the efficacy of subgingival instrumentation compared to supragingival cleaning alone (PICOS-1), baseline and final measures from 11 studies were considered. The weighted pocket depth (PD) reduction was 1.7 mm (95%CI: 1.3-2.1) at 6/8 months and the proportion of pocket closure was estimated at 74% (95%CI: 64-85). Six RCTs compared hand and sonic/ultrasonic instruments for subgingival instrumentation (PICOS-2). No significant differences were observed between groups by follow-up time point or category of initial PD. Thirteen RCTs evaluated quadrant-wise vs full-mouth approaches (PICOS-3). No significant differences were observed between groups irrespective of time-points or initial PD. Five studies reported patient-reported outcomes, reporting no differences between groups. Conclusions: Nonsurgical periodontal therapy by mechanical subgingival instrumentation is an efficacious means to achieve infection control in periodontitis patients irrespective of the type of instrument or mode of delivery. Prospero ID:CRD42019124887.
Background Authors were assigned the task to develop case definitions for periodontitis in the context of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and Conditions. The aim of this manuscript is to review evidence and rationale for a revision of the current classification, to provide a framework for case definition that fully implicates state‐of‐the‐art knowledge and can be adapted as new evidence emerges, and to suggest a case definition system that can be implemented in clinical practice, research and epidemiologic surveillance. Methods Evidence gathered in four commissioned reviews was analyzed and interpreted with special emphasis to changes with regards to the understanding available prior to the 1999 classification. Authors analyzed case definition systems employed for a variety of chronic diseases and identified key criteria for a classification/case definition of periodontitis. Results The manuscript discusses the merits of a periodontitis case definition system based on Staging and Grading and proposes a case definition framework. Stage I to IV of periodontitis is defined based on severity (primarily periodontal breakdown with reference to root length and periodontitis‐associated tooth loss), complexity of management (pocket depth, infrabony defects, furcation involvement, tooth hypermobility, masticatory dysfunction) and additionally described as extent (localized or generalized). Grade of periodontitis is estimated with direct or indirect evidence of progression rate in three categories: slow, moderate and rapid progression (Grade A‐C). Risk factor analysis is used as grade modifier. Conclusions The paper describes a simple matrix based on stage and grade to appropriately define periodontitis in an individual patient. The proposed case definition extends beyond description based on severity to include characterization of biological features of the disease and represents a first step towards adoption of precision medicine concepts to the management of periodontitis. It also provides the necessary framework for introduction of biomarkers in diagnosis and prognosis.