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Priming Activity to Increase Interpersonal Closeness, Inter-Brain Coherence, and Team Creativity Outcome


Abstract and Figures

Organizational research demonstrates that team interpersonal closeness enhances team performance and creativity. Design thinking practitioners and educators have adopted the concepts of interpersonal closeness and developed priming activities to propel subsequent creative-innovation tasks. In recent years it has become paramount that these activities are effective in in-person and virtual (Zoom ®) interaction settings. In this chapter, we present a design thinking (DT) activity to increase interpersonal closeness in in-person and virtual teams. We derived the DT activity from a Nonviolent Communication exercise frequently used to increase interpersonal closeness between individuals. In an empirical study (N = 72 participants, N = 36 dyads), we assessed whether the DT activity increased interpersonal closeness compared to two control tasks (i.e., a problem-solving and a creative-innovation task). Dyads partners engaged in either an in-person or virtual interaction group throughout the experiment (between-subject design). We also captured inter-brain signatures between dyad partners with portable functional-near infrared spectroscopy neuroimaging during the entire study. Results show that the DT activity increased interpersonal closeness in the in-person and virtual groups compared to the control tasks. We identified a distinct inter-brain signature in the right frontocortical region linked to the DT activity. Notably, this inter-brain signature differed between in-person and virtual groups. This finding suggests that conducting the DT activity in person may be more conducive to this prosocial inter-brain coherence pattern than the virtual interaction setting. Finally, preliminary results (N = 12 dyads) suggest that the DT activity increased performance in a subsequent creative-innovation task. Future research needs to confirm this hypothesis. 3
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Preprint Design Thinking Research 2023, Springer
Priming Activity to Increase Interpersonal Closeness,
Inter-brain Coherence, and Team Creativity Outcome
Stephanie Balters, Grace Hawthorne, Allan L. Reiss
Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Stanford University School of Medicine
401 Quarry Road
Stanford, CA 94305-5795
Stephanie Balters:
Allan L. Reiss:
Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (
Building 550, 416 Escondido Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-3086
Grace Hawthorne:
Organizational research demonstrates that team interpersonal closeness enhances team
performance and creativity. Design thinking practitioners and educators have adopted the
concepts of interpersonal closeness and developed priming activities to propel subsequent
creative-innovation tasks. In recent years it has become paramount that these activities are
effective in in-person and virtual (Zoom®) interaction settings. In this chapter, we present a design
thinking (DT) activity to increase interpersonal closeness in in-person and virtual teams. We
derived the DT activity from a Nonviolent Communication exercise frequently used to increase
interpersonal closeness between individuals. In an empirical study (N = 72 participants, N = 36
dyads), we assessed whether the DT activity increased interpersonal closeness compared to two
control tasks (i.e., a problem-solving and a creative-innovation task). Dyads partners engaged in
either an in-person or virtual interaction group throughout the experiment (between-subject
design). We also captured inter-brain signatures between dyad partners with portable functional-
near infrared spectroscopy neuroimaging during the entire study. Results show that the DT activity
increased interpersonal closeness in the in-person and virtual groups compared to the control
tasks. We identified a distinct inter-brain signature in the right frontocortical region linked to the
DT activity. Notably, this inter-brain signature differed between in-person and virtual groups. This
finding suggests that conducting the DT activity in person may be more conducive to this prosocial
inter-brain coherence pattern than the virtual interaction setting. Finally, preliminary results (N =
12 dyads) suggest that the DT activity increased performance in a subsequent creative-innovation
task. Future research needs to confirm this hypothesis.
1. Introduction
Design thinking practice has adopted the concept of interpersonal closeness to improve team
collaboration and creative innovation (Druskat & Wolff, 2001b; Uebernickel & Thong, 2021).
Research shows that design thinking training can increase team collaboration and creative
confidence (Jobst et al., 2012; Kelley & Kelley, 2013; Rauth et al., 2010; Royalty et al., 2012,
2014) through practicing empathy and social interaction skills in a design thinking team setting
(Noweski et al., 2012; Plank et al., 2021; Traifeh et al., 2020; von Thienen et al., 2017).
Practitioners are using many design thinking activities explicitly or implicitly- to help increase
interpersonal closeness and thereby enhance team collaboration and creative innovation
(Kerguenne, 2021; Koch, 2021; Ney & Meinel, 2019). For example, team “check-ins” and “check-
outs” before and after each workday to share momentary personal sensitivities, opinions, and
feelings with the team can improve team collaboration (Ney & Meinel, 2019). If a team or
interpersonal conflict needs to be resolved, design thinking encourages the use of structured
formats for communicating and receiving feedback (Ney & Meinel, 2019). Other activities serve
as primers for specific collaborative work modes (e.g., creative-innovation sessions) and are
typically applied when initiating a new design thinking work phase. Such design thinking (DT)
activities usually involve stepping out of one’s comfort zone and often result in some form of
playful body movement or verbal interaction (Rothouse, 2020; West et al., 2017). As a result,
these DT activities contribute to establishing a work culture of psychological trust (Auernhammer
& Roth, 2021; Edmondson, 1999; Liedtka, 2017), in which one is permitted to make mistakes and
show vulnerabilities in front of colleagues without fearing rejection (West et al., 2017).
In the last year’s edition of Design Thinking Research, we introduced a DT activity
designed to enhance interpersonal closeness and team creative innovation in in-person and
virtual (Zoom®) team interactions (Balters, Weinstein, et al., 2022). We derived the DT activity
from Nonviolent Communication Practices, a communication method to increase interpersonal
closeness and trust between individuals (Rosenberg & Chopra, 2015). Here, we provide empirical
validation of the effectiveness of this DT activity in both in-person and virtual (Zoom®) interaction
settings. We invited a total of N = 72 participants who interacted with their dyad partner either in
person or virtually during the duration of the study. Dyads collaborated during the DT activity and
two control tasks (i.e., a problem-solving and a creative-innovation task). After each of the three
tasks, participants rated measures of interpersonal closeness (i.e., connectedness, trust, likability,
other-in-self, and similarity). We also captured inter-brain signatures between dyad partners using
functional near-infrared spectroscopy neuroimaging during the entire study. Our analyses focused
on (1) elucidating the behavioral and inter-brain correlates of the DT activity and (2) assessing
whether the effectiveness of the interaction differed between in-person and virtual interactions.
2. DT Activity to Increase Interpersonal Closeness between Dyad Partners
During the DT activity, participants engage in a modified version of a Nonviolent Communication
exercise used to increase interpersonal closeness and trust between individuals (Rosenberg &
Chopra, 2015). Participants are provided with a list of “Needs We All Have” (Figure 1).
Participants are asked to collaborate and identify four needs from the list that are most meaningful
to them. To emphasize the importance of each need, they are asked to describe a situation from
their life when this need was not met and how it made them feel. The partner is instructed to
actively listen, acknowledge the feelings of the one who shared, and describe why the need is
also meaningful to them. The design thinking facilitator keeps a time of eight minutes.
Figure 1. Instructions for the DT activity. The Figure is derived from (Balters, Weinstein, et al., 2022).
Needs we all have
to know and to be known
to see and be seen
to understand and be understood
Introduction: For the next eight minutes collaborate with your partner. Together, identify four
needs from the list above that are most meaningful to both of you. To emphasize the
importance of each need, describe a situation from your own life when that need was not met
and how it made you feel. As a partner, listen actively, acknowledge the feelings of the one
who shared, and describe why the need is also meaningful to you.
Figure 2. Between-subject study setup. Thirty-six dyads interacted either in in-person (A) or virtually (B)
during the study.
3. Study Methodology to Assess the Efficacy of Need Sharing Activity
The study methodology was approved by the Stanford University Institutional Review Board (IRB
#18160) and followed COVID-19 regulations for human experimentation as defined by the
Stanford University School of Medicine. Written consent was obtained from all participants. The
study methodology has been previously presented in (Balters, Miller, et al., 2023). Below, we
summarize the study methodology and refer the reader to the original paper for detailed
3.1 Participants
A total of 72 adults participated in the study (36 females, 36 males, mean age: 27.11 years, SD =
7.57 years). The racial and ethnic composition of the sample was 3% African American/Black,
23% Asian/Pacific Islander, 6% Biracial/Multiracial, 15% Hispanic/Latinx, 6% Middle Eastern,
22% South Asian, and 25% Caucasian/White.). All participants were right-handed, healthy, with
normal or corrected to normal hearing and vision. The study followed a between-subject design,
and participants interacted with their dyad partner either in person or virtually throughout the
experiment. The previously unacquainted dyad partners were randomly assigned to either
interaction condition. Groups were matched based on age, sex, and race/ethnicity. Both
interaction conditions contained six female-female, six female-male, and six male-male dyads.
The experimental procedure lasted approximately three hours, and participants were
compensated with an Amazon gift card ($25 USD per hour).
3.2 Experimental Procedure
In the in-person group, dyads sat face-to-face at a square table nine feet away, following
Figure 3. Functional NIRS regions of interest. We measured concentration changes of oxygenated
hemoglobin (HbO) in 32 regions of interest across the cortex.
COVID-19 guidelines. To decrease obstruction of faces, participants wore transparent, anti-fog
facemasks (ClearMask). Dyads of the virtual group sat at desks in two separate rooms and
interacted over Zoom® video conferencing. The Zoom® window was maximized, and no self-view
window was displayed. We used two identical laptops for video conferencing (Lenovo Yoga 730-
15IKB, 15.6”) and placed the laptops to approximate the facial proportions of the in-person group.
Participants of the virtual group also wore a facemask to prevent bias between the conditions.
Before the experiment, participants had three minutes to introduce themselves to one another.
During the experiment, participants were alone in the room(s), and we provided instructions
through audio prompts. After the experiment, participants filled out post-experimental
questionnaires in two separate rooms.
3.3 Experimental Tasks
In addition to the 8-min-long DT activity described in Section 2, participants engaged in two other
collaborative tasks (i.e., a problem-solving and a creative-innovation task). Both tasks serve as
control tasks in data analyses that test the effectiveness of the DT activity. In the problem-solving
task, dyads were instructed to collaborate and identify four traffic rules that significantly impact
safety on US highways. To emphasize the importance of each rule, participants had to describe
how a chosen rule enhances safety on US highways and why the rule was more important than
other traffic rules. In the creative-innovation task, dyads were instructed to collaborate and to
design a solution to increase water conservation in California households. The solution could take
any form (i.e., product, process, campaign, etc.). Dyads were instructed to write down their
solution after completion of the task. Dyads collaborated on each task (i.e., DT activity, problem-
solving task, and creative-innovation task) for eight minutes without interruptions. The task order
was randomized across dyads, and we separated tasks by a two-minute calming video of a beach
to minimize carryover effects across tasks.
3.4 Neuroimaging with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a portable neuroimaging technology that has
become popular in the field of design (thinking) research (Balters & et al., 2022). Compared to
portable electroencephalography (EEG) neuroimaging, fNIRS has a higher spatial resolution (~1
cm) and higher robustness to motion artefacts (Li et al., 2017). These advantages make fNIRS
an ideal tool for assessing cortical brain function in applied design (thinking) contexts (Balters &
et al., 2022). For example, design (thinking) researchers have utilized fNIRS to investigate the
neural signatures associated with unstructured idea generation (i.e., brainstorming, Hu et al.,
2021) and structured idea generation via design science tools such as Theory of Inventive
Problem-solving “TRIZ” (Hu et al., 2018; Shealy et al., 2018) or sketching (Kato et al., 2017, 2018).
About a decade ago, researchers extended single-brain assessments to hyperscanning modes
in which two or more brains are scanned simultaneously. Researchers have focused on assessing
when and how neural processes become synchronized and how this inter-brain coherence (IBC;
correlation of cortical activity between brains) relates to behavioral measures (Babiloni & Astolfi,
2014; Balters et al., 2020; Czeszumski et al., 2020). Results from fNIRS hyperscanning studies
have shown increased IBC during enhanced levels of dyadic interaction, such as during
cooperative games (Baker et al., 2016; Cui et al., 2012; Kruse et al., 2021), in therapy sessions
(Zhang et al., 2018), mother-child bonding (Bembich et al., 2022), and after gift exchanges
(Balconi et al., 2019; Balconi & Fronda, 2020). For a more comprehensive introduction to fNIRS
hyperscanning, we refer the reader to Balters et al. (2020).
We utilized fNIRS hyperscanning in this study to elucidate the inter-brain correlates of the
DT activity and to assess whether the effectiveness of the interaction differed between in-person
and virtual interactions. Specifically, we recorded the cortical hemodynamic activity of each
participant using a continuous wave fNIRS system (NIRSport2 System, NIRX, Germany). We
utilized two wavelengths (760 and 850 mm) and a sampling frequency of 10.2 Hz. The system
high-density contains 64 sources and 64 detectors, which we we divided between the two
participants to generate 100 measurement channels per person. According to the international
10-20 EEG placement system, we placed the channels over the entire cortex. For data
processing, we followed rigorous scientific procedures (see Balters, Miller, et al., 2023 for detailed
processing steps) to derive concentration changes of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO) for a total of
32 regions of interest (ROIs). We then applied Wavelet Transform Coherence analysis (Cui et al.,
2012) to assess averaged IBC values across each 8-minute task. (Note: Inter-brain coherence is
a measure of similarity between NIRS signals of dyad partners across a specific time duration).
For each task (i.e., DT activity, problem-solving task, and creative-innovation task), we calculated
IBC values for each possible ROI pair between participants. We utilized these IBC values in
statistical analyses.
3.5 Interpersonal Closeness Measures
Participants rated the subjective sense of closeness towards their dyad partner (i.e.,
“Interpersonal Closeness” [Tarr et al., 2015]) on five 7-point Likert subscales. This included
questions about connectedness and trust (Wiltermuth & Heath, 2009), likeability (Hove & Risen,
2009), similarity in personality (Valdesolo & DeSteno, 2011), and an adapted version of the
inclusion of other in self scale (i.e., “people’s sense of being interconnected with another”; Aron
et al., 1992). We used the five interpersonal closeness measures to test if the DT activity, in
contrast to the two control tasks, was effective in increasing interpersonal closeness in the in-
person and virtual dyads.
3.6 Post Experimental Assessments
After the experiment, participants filled out personality trait surveys (i.e., NEO-FFI-3 survey
[McCrae & Costa, 2007], Adult Attachment Scale Survey [Collins & Read, 1990], and Wong and
Law’s Emotional Intelligence Survey [Wong & Law, 2002]) to capture personality traits. They also
executed the Alternate Uses Task (AUT) to assess individual levels of divergent thinking and
creativity (Guilford, 1967). Lastly, participants rated their prior experience and proficiency with
Zoom® video conferencing. We used these measures to assess whether the two groups (in-
person, virtual) matched on various individual difference variables or whether certain covariates
would need to be considered in statistical analyses.
4. Study Results and Discussion
4.1 Conditions were Matched on Individual Difference Variables
In the original paper (Balters, Miller, et al., 2023), we demonstrated that the two groups (in-person,
virtual) matched on various individual difference variables. Specifically, subjects participating in
the two groups were matched on age, inter-dyad age differences, personality traits (i.e., NEO-
FFI-3 T scores, Adult Attachment style, emotional intelligence), creative ability (i.e., Alternate
Uses Task AUT fluency, AUT originality), and familiarity with Zoom® video conferencing (i.e.,
experience and proficiency). These findings allowed us to execute the primary research analyses
without controlling specific covariates.
4.2 Activity Increases Interpersonal Closeness
While we utilized the average score of all five interpersonal closeness measures in the original
paper (Balters, Miller, et al., 2023), we present a novel measure-specific in this chapter. For each
of the five interpersonal closeness measures (i.e., connectedness, trust, likability, other-in-self,
and similarity), we ran a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with task (problem-solving,
creative-innovation, DT activity) as within-subjects factor and group (in-person, virtual) as
between-subjects factor. These analyses tested for potential main effects of task, main effects of
group, and interaction effects of task and group on the five measures. We applied false discovery
rate (FDR) correction for multiple testing on the resulting p values (i.e., five testings). The results
showed significant main effects of task on connectedness (F[2,140] = 9.458, p < 0.001, partial
η2 = 0.119), trust (F[2,140] = 8.556, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.109), likability (F[2,140] = 10.590, p
< 0.001, partial η2 = 0.131) and other-in-self (F[2,140] = 9.458, p = 0.013, partial η2 = 0.064), but
not on similarity (p = 0.068). We conducted subsequent posthoc pair-wise comparison analyses
with FDR correction for multiple comparisons (i.e., three comparisons per measure). The results
for all four measures showed increased values for the DT activity compared to the problem-
solving and creative-innovation task (Figure 4). We summarize the statistics in Table 1. There
were no significant differences between the problem-solving and the creative-innovation tasks.
The results indicate that the DT activity effectively increased connectedness, trust, likability, and
other-in-self measures in contrast to both control tasks. Notably, we did not find the main effects
of group or interaction effects of task and group on any of the five measures (p > 0.155). These
results suggest that the DT activity effectively increased interpersonal closeness measures
independent of the interaction settings.
For the four interpersonal closeness measures that showed significant univariate effects,
we conducted subsequent correlation analyses with each of the other three measures. These
analyses focused on data from the DT activity only. We used FDR-correction to adjust for multiple
testing (i.e., six correlation analyses). Results showed statistically significant positive correlations
for all six analyses (0.40 < r < 0.84, p < 0.001; Figure 5). These findings validate
that connectedness, trust, likability, and other-in-self are all measures of the same interpersonal
closeness construct.
Figure 4. Results of the interpersonal closeness measures. Four of the five interpersonal closeness
measures (i.e., connectedness, trust, likability, and other-in-self) showed higher values in the DT activity as
compared to the two control tasks (i.e., problem-solving and creative innovation tasks). We did not find
main or interaction effects of group on the measures. These findings suggest that the DT activity was
effective in increasing measures of interpersonal closeness in both in-person and virtual teams. Statistically
significant differences at FDR-corrected p < 0.05 are indicated by *. Variance is illustrated as the standard error
of the means.
Interpersonal closeness measures
Mean difference between task with adjusted p values
DT activity > problem-solving task
DT activity > creative-innovation task
0.389 [95% CI, 0.181 to 0.596, p < 0.001]
0.458 [95% CI, 0.214 to 0.702, p < 0.001]
DT activity > problem-solving task
DT activity > creative-innovation task
0.208 [95% CI, 0.040 to 0.377, p = 0.024]
0.347 [95% CI, 0.170 to 0.525, p < 0.001]
DT activity > problem-solving task
DT activity > creative-innovation task
0.222 [95% CI, 0.009 to 0.355, p = 0.002]
0.403 [95% CI, 0.222 to 0.583, p < 0.001]
DT activity > problem-solving task
DT activity > creative-innovation task
0.208 [95% CI, 0.022 to 0.394, p = 0.044]
0.319 [95% CI, 0.072 to 0.567, p = 0.036]
Table 1. Overview of the pair-wise comparison statistics. Abbreviation: Confidence Interval (CI)
solving Creative-
innovation DT
Activity Problem-
solving Creative-
innovation DT
solving Creative-
innovation DT
Activity Problem-
solving Creative-
innovation DT
Figure 5. Results of the correlation analyses across interpersonal closeness measures. Results
showed statistically significant correlations between all four interpersonal closeness measures that
demonstrated significant differences in the primary analyses. The moderate to strong associations are
positive. These findings validate that connectedness, trust, likability, and other-in-self are all measures of
the same interpersonal closeness construct.
4.3 Inter-Brain Coherence
In the original paper (Balters, Miller, et al., 2023), we executed statistical analyses to assess
whether there were main effects of task (problem-solving task, creative-innovation task, DT
activity), main effects of group (in-person, virtual), or interaction effects of task and group on inter-
brain coherence values. The results showed a statistically significant interaction effect of task and
group for an ROI pair spanning the right dorsal frontopolar area (dFPA) across dyad partners
(Figure 6A). In other words, specifically for the DT activity (and not the other two tasks), IBC
significantly differed between in-person and virtual dyads. As demonstrated in Figure 6B, IBC
was higher in the in-person group than in the virtual group (mean difference = 0.084 [95% CI,
0.045 to 0.123, p < 0.001]). Prior research has consistently found increased IBC, particularly in
right prefrontal ROI pairs, to be positively associated with prosocial behavior (Cui et al., 2012; Dai
et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2016; Lu et al., 2019; Miller et al., 2019; Pan et al., 2017; Xue et al., 2018).
Therefore, our findings suggest that conducting the DT activity in person elicits IBC, which may
be more conducive to prosocial interaction (Balters, Miller, et al., 2023).
0 2 4 6 8 10
4 6 8 10
4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8
r= 0.84
p< 0.001
r= 0.56
p< 0.001
r= 0.46
p< 0.001
r= 0.64
p< 0.001
r= 0.41
p< 0.001
r= 0.40
p< 0.001
Figure 6. Results of the inter-brain coherence analyses. Results showed a statistically significant
interaction effect between task and group for the ROI pair spanning the right dorsal frontopolar area (dFPA)
across dyad partners. In other words, specifically for the DT activity (and not the other two tasks), IBC
significantly differed between in-person and virtual dyads. Statistically significant differences at FDR-corrected
p < 0.05 are indicated by *. Variance is illustrated as the standard error of the means.
4.4 Preliminary Performance Analysis in Subsequent Creative-Innovation Task
Lastly, we were interested in getting a first glimpse of whether the DT activity effectively increased
performance in a subsequent creative innovation session. We conducted a preliminary analysis
of parts of the existing data. Specifically, we utilized data from task order 1 and task order 6 that
resulted from this study's randomized task order methodology (with N = 6 dyads per order across
both groups; Figure 7A). Dyads with task order 1 experienced the DT activity before the creative-
innovation task. In contrast, dyads with task order 6 experienced the problem-solving task before
the creative-innovation task. This preliminary analysis used the latter task order as a control
condition. We define task order 1 as the “priming condition” and task order 6 as the “control
Two researchers rated the level of creative-innovation for all dyads to generate
performance measures of the creative-innovation task. Both raters had expertise in assessing
creative-innovation according to the Stanford Design School principles (authors S.B. and G.H.).
Specifically, the raters assessed the creative-innovation rating based on four subscales, including
fluency (i.e., the total number of elements in a design solution), originality (i.e., the statistical rarity
of the response across answers in this study), elaboration (i.e., the level of imagination and
exposition of detail), and accountability (i.e., the effectiveness of water conservation) as derived
from (Torrance, 1974). We obtained the ratings on a five-point scale ranging from 1 (“very low”)
to 5 (“very high”) and averaged the scores from these four subscales to get the final creative-
Inter-brain Coherence
In-person Virtual
Figure 7. Descriptive results of the preliminary analysis of performance in subsequent creative-
innovation task. (A) Our study methodology comprised six different task orders across dyads due to the
randomization of the three experimental tasks. (B) Descriptive findings indicate that the DT activity (here
labeled priming condition) could effectively increase performance in a subsequent creative innovation task
compared to the control condition. Horizontal lines represent the median values, and „x“ represent
the mean values.
innovation performance score. Inter-rater reliability index was good (ICC = 0.855). We extracted
the scores from dyads belonging to the priming condition and the control condition. We removed
outliers with more than two standard deviations from the mean, which resulted in data for N = 5
dyads in the priming condition and N = 6 in the control condition. Due to the low statistical power,
we refrained from executing formal statistical analyses and inspected descriptive statistics,
including effect sizes. As depicted in Figure 7B, the average task performance in the creative-
innovation task was higher for the priming condition than the control condition, with a moderate
effect size of Cohen’s d = 0.500. These descriptive results could suggest that the DT activity was
effective in increasing performance in the subsequent creative-innovation task, compared to a
preceding problem-solving task. Subsequent correlation analyses between the performance
score and each creative ability score (i.e., AUT fluency and AUT originality from section 4.1)
across all N = 11 dyads were not significant (p > 0.223). This additional preliminary finding
suggests that the observed descriptive difference in performance score could be attributed to the
DT activity rather than differences in creative ability traits between dyads in the two conditions.
Future research needs to formally test the hypothesis that the DT activity, compared to a control
task (e.g., problem-solving task), increases performance in a subsequent creative-innovation
5. Conclusion
This chapter presented a DT activity to increase interpersonal closeness and creative innovation
in in-person and virtual design thinking teams. We derived the DT activity from a Nonviolent
Communication exercise frequently used to increase interpersonal closeness between
N= 6 dyads across both conditions
N= 6 dyads across both conditions
Problem-solving task
Task Order 1
Task Order 2
Task Order 3
Task Order 4
Task Order 5
Task Order 6
Creative-innovation task Priming condition Control condition
task performance
DT activity
N= 5 N= 6
individuals. We tested the effectiveness of the DT activity through an empirical study that
considered both in-person (N = 18 dyads) and virtual interaction settings (N = 18 dyads). The
study results provide evidence that the DT activity, in contrast to two other collaborative control
tasks (i.e., problem-solving and creative innovation tasks), effectively increased measures of
interpersonal closeness (i.e., connectedness, trust, likability, and other-in-self) in both in-person
and virtual interaction settings. Functional NIRS neuroimaging results demonstrated that the DT
activity elicited inter-brain coherence in regions associated with prosocial behavior. However, our
findings also indicate that conducting the DT activity in person could be more conducive to this
prosocial inter-brain coherence pattern than the virtual interaction setting. Finally, preliminary
results indicated that the DT activity could effectively increase team performance in a subsequent
creative-innovation task. Future research needs to validate these preliminary findings. We hope
this chapter provides practitioners and educators alike with a novel DT activity to increase
interpersonal closeness in in-person and virtual design thinking teams.
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... Yet despite the significant role played by social factors in regulating creativity, most research in this field has focused predominantly on isolated individuals, without considering potential group dynamics 8 . While emerging studies have focused on creativity in dyads [9][10][11][12][13][14][15] ,the question of what neural mechanisms form the basis of group creativity remains unresolved. ...
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Although the impact of group dynamics on creativity is widely recognized, prior research has primarily concentrated on individuals in isolation from social context. To address this lacuna, we focus on groups as the fundamental unit of analysis. We used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to examine brain activity in groups of four during brainstorming discussions. We assessed interbrain coupling in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), a brain region linked to flexibility, and in the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), a region associated with imitation. Our findings demonstrate that creativity-focused discussions induced interbrain coupling both in regions related to flexibility and herding. Notably, interbrain coupling in the IFG was associated with more imitation of responses. Critically, while interbrain coupling in the DLPFC positively predicted group creativity, in the IFG it negatively predicted creativity. These findings suggest that increase in group mindsets of flexibility relative to herding is important for enhancing group creativity.
... This becomes even more important with the recent rise in newer digital prototyping technologies (e.g., Unity), and prototyping technologies uniting the digital and physical domains (e.g., mixed reality) (Kent et al., 2021). Moreover, in today's digital society, there is a reliance on a plethora of digital communication media (e.g., video conferencing platforms), with remote collaboration also occurring in design activities (Balters et al., 2023b(Balters et al., , 2023a. However, emerging neuroimaging evidence suggests that digital media are inadequate substitutes for traditional in-person social interactions, as altered patterns of interpersonal neuronal synchrony and reduced prosocial behaviour is associated with digital interactions (Balters et al., 2023b). ...
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This article presents an fNIRS experiment investigating cognitive differences between physical and digital prototyping methods in designers (N=25) engaged in open and constrained design tasks. Initial results suggest that physical prototyping yields increased hemodynamic response (i.e., brain activity) compared to digital design, and that constrained design yields increased hemodynamic response compared to open design, in the prefrontal cortex. Further work will seek to triangulate results by investigating potential correlations to design processes and design outputs.
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A growing number of social interactions are taking place virtually on videoconferencing platforms. Here, we explore potential effects of virtual interactions on observed behavior, subjective experience, and neural “single-brain” and “interbrain” activity via functional near-infrared spectroscopy neuroimaging. We scanned a total of 36 human dyads (72 participants, 36 males, 36 females) who engaged in three naturalistic tasks (i.e., problem-solving, creative-innovation, socio-emotional task) in either an in-person or virtual (Zoom) condition. We also coded cooperative behavior from audio recordings. We observed reduced conversational turn-taking behavior during the virtual condition. Given that conversational turn-taking was associated with other metrics of positive social interaction (e.g., subjective cooperation and task performance), this measure may be an indicator of prosocial interaction. In addition, we observed altered patterns of averaged and dynamic interbrain coherence in virtual interactions. Interbrain coherence patterns that were characteristic of the virtual condition were associated with reduced conversational turn-taking. These insights can inform the design and engineering of the next generation of videoconferencing technology. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Videoconferencing has become an integral part of our lives. Whether this technology impacts behavior and neurobiology is not well understood. We explored potential effects of virtual interaction on social behavior, brain activity, and interbrain coupling. We found that virtual interactions were characterized by patterns of interbrain coupling that were negatively implicated in cooperation. Our findings are consistent with the perspective that videoconferencing technology adversely affects individuals and dyads during social interaction. As virtual interactions become even more necessary, improving the design of videoconferencing technology will be crucial for supporting effective communication.
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Design Neurocognition is an emerging research field that aims to elucidate the "black-box" of a designer's mind through the use of brain imaging tools such as electroencephalography (EEG), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). More than a decade worth of study has led to many interesting research findings. Here, we systematically review the existing literature in the field. We identify 82 publications and provide an overview of nine main research topics that have been studied. We uncover a large variety of methodological approaches that currently hamper the evaluation of research findings through meta-analysis. Finally, we provide recommendations to advance the field and collaboratively generate a more complete understanding of human behavior during design activities.
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Early neonatal relation with the caregiver is vital for newborn survival and for the promotion of an appropriate neural development. The aim of this study was to assess if the empathic cortical response of a mother to her baby’s pain is synchronized with the neonatal cortical response to the painful stimulation. We used hyperscanning, a functional neuroimaging approach that allows studying functional synchronization between two brains. Sixteen mother‐newborn dyads were recruited. Maternal and neonatal cortical activities were simultaneously monitored, by near‐infrared spectroscopy, during a heel‐prick performed on the baby and observed by the mother. Multiple paired t‐test was used to identify cortical activation and wavelet transform coherence method was used to explore possible synchronization between the maternal and neonatal cortical areas. Activations were observed in mother’s parietal cortex, bilaterally, and in newborn’s superior motor/somatosensory cortex. The main functional synchronization analysis showed that mother’s left parietal cortex activity cross‐correlated with that of her newborn’s superior motor/somatosensory cortex. Such synchronization dynamically changed throughout assessment, becoming positively cross‐correlated only after the leading role in synchronizing cortical activities was taken up by the newborn. Thus, maternal empathic cortical response to baby pain was guided by and synchronized to the newborn’s cortical response to pain. We conclude that, in case of potential danger for the infant, brain areas involved in mother‐newborn relationship appear to be already co‐regulated at birth.
Conference Paper
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Hyperscanning with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an emerging neuroimaging application that measures the nuanced neural signatures underlying social interactions. Researchers have assessed the effect of sex and task type (e.g., cooperation versus competition) on inter-brain coherence during human-to-human interactions. However, no work has yet used deep learning-based approaches to extract insights into sex and task-based differences in an fNIRS hyperscanning context. This work proposes a convolutional neural network-based approach to dyadic sex composition and task classification for an extensive hyperscanning dataset with N = 222 participants. Inter-brain signal similarity computed using dynamic time warping is used as the input data. The proposed approach achieves a maximum classification accuracy of greater than 80 percent, thereby providing a new avenue for exploring and understanding complex brain behavior.
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This article outlines the origin and evolution of one of the most influential design thinking perspectives in the Innovation Management discourse. This study addresses two significant criticisms of design thinking, namely, theoretical grounding and construct clarity. It also illustrates how this humanistic and creative design practice transcended into a comprehensive Innovation Management approach, facilitating entrepreneurship and innovation. Our research analyzes the evolution of the design philosophy and practices developed at Stanford University from 1957 to 2005 through document analysis. We identified design qualities that have been consistent over the decades, providing further construct clarity and insights on managing Design-driven Innovation. These design qualities elucidate design thinking as a cognitive process, creative practice, organizational routine, and design culture. They emphasize finding profound needs and problems and translate them into tangible designs, creating value for people. This design philosophy is deeply rooted in humanistic psychology theories, particularly on creativity and human values. Collaborations between psychologists, industrial researchers, and designers created this creative and human-centered design approach, known today as design thinking. This value-driven innovation offers a humanistic perspective on innovation theory and practice. It also offers an Innovation Management schema of design qualities essential for developing Design-driven Innovation capabilities in organizations and educational institutions. We emphasize that developing a creative design culture in which people have the human values, abilities, and confidence to collaboratively identify continuous emerging problems and needs and contribute through tangible designs generates an era of innovation and is essentially innovation management.
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Empathy is a central concept in design thinking. According to human-centred design, developers of novel products shall strive for a good understanding of product users, in order to design for their needs. This requires sophisticated cognitive capacities on behalf of the designers: being able to distinguish between their own knowledge states and needs versus that of the users. An IT expert who develops a banking app for elderly people must be able to imagine what it is like for an extreme user—such as an elderly person, who can barely use a mobile phone—to learn about online banking. What goes on in the design thinker’s mind when he or she tries to understand a user? What sub-capacities are involved, where the design thinker may be more or less capable? What routes to “understanding others” are promoted and taught by means of design thinking empathy methods? Neuroscience has produced a cornucopia of research studies on the biological underpinnings of understanding others. In this chapter, we review insights from neuroscience on how humans understand fellow people. This includes an overview of conceptual distinctions and sub-capacities, such as empathy versus compassion, or affective versus cognitive routes of social understanding. We also review measurement approaches that can be used in design thinking research and human-centred design practice to assess people’s abilities of understanding others. Moreover, the chapter discusses biases and pitfalls in understanding others, such as a natural tendency of the human brain to react less (to “empathise less”) with persons who seem to be particularly different from us.
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The research presented in this paper explores how engineering students cognitively manage concept generation and measures the effects of additional dimensions of sustainability on design cognition. Twelve first-year and eight senior engineering students generated solutions to 10 design problems. Half of the problems included additional dimensions of sustainability. The number of unique design solutions students developed and their neurocognitive activation were measured. Without additional requirements for sustainability, first-year students generated significantly more solutions than senior engineering students. First-year students recruited higher cortical activation in the brain region generally associated with cognitive flexibility, and divergent and convergent thinking. Senior engineering students recruited higher activation in the brain region generally associated with uncertainty processing and self-reflection. When additional dimensions of sustainability were present, first-year students produced fewer solutions. Senior engineering students generated a similar number of solutions. Senior engineering students required less cortical activation to generate a similar number of solutions. The varying patterns of cortical activation and different number of solutions between first-year and senior engineering students begin to highlight cognitive differences in how students manage and retrieve information in their brain during design. Students’ ability to manage complex requirements like sustainability may improve with education.
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Advances in video conferencing capabilities combined with dramatic socio-dynamic shifts brought about by COVID-19, have redefined the ways in which humans interact in modern society. From business meetings to medical exams, or from classroom instruction to yoga class, virtual interfacing has permeated nearly every aspect of our daily lives. A seemingly endless stream of technological advances combined with our newfound reliance on virtual interfacing makes it likely that humans will continue to use this modern form of social interaction into the future. However, emergent evidence suggests that virtual interfacing may not be equivalent to face-to-face interactions. Ultimately, too little is currently understood about the mechanisms that underlie human interactions over the virtual divide, including how these mechanisms differ from traditional face-to-face interaction. Here, we propose functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) hyperscanning-simultaneous measurement of two or more brains-as an optimal approach to quantify potential neurocognitive differences between virtual and in-person interactions. We argue that increased focus on this understudied domain will help elucidate the reasons why virtual conferencing doesn't always stack up to in-person meetings and will also serve to spur new technologies designed to improve the virtual interaction experience. On the basis of existing fNIRS hyperscanning literature, we highlight the current gaps in research regarding virtual interactions. Furthermore, we provide insight into current hurdles regarding fNIRS hyperscanning hardware and methodology that should be addressed in order to shed light on this newly critical element of everyday life.
Organizational research demonstrates that team interpersonal trust enhances team performance and creativity. Design thinking offers many interactive team events such as warm-up games that are aimed at increasing team trust and collaboration. While effective in practice, little is understood about the underlying brain mechanisms that facilitate interpersonal trust during these activities. In this chapter, we present a novel interpersonal trust activity centered around human emotions that is designed to enhance interpersonal trust in both in-person and virtual (zoom) team interactions. We hypothesize that participating in an interpersonal trust activity prior to a collaborative design task will increase interpersonal trust and the creativity level of the collaborative outcome (i.e., creative product/innovation). We present our scientific approach for testing this hypothesis by applying the methods of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) hyperscanning in both in-person and virtual (video conferencing) team interactions. A better understanding of the neural signatures underlying an interpersonal trust activity will allow design thinking practitioners and educators to design novel and effective design thinking activities and interactions that can positively impact team trust and collaboration.