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Reading Photograph of the Covid-19 Body by Joshua Irwandi using Visual Literacy. The photo of Joshua Irwandi's Covid-19 body went viral when influencer Anji posted Joshua's photo and gave negative comments. Various negative comments, interpretations and justifications from netizens actually represent challenges in the development of visual literacy in Indonesia, more specifically there is no literacy in terms of "reading" a photo. T he purpose of this research is to find out how the method of reading a photographic with perspective of visual literacy. Researchers used Maria Avgerinou's visual literacy competency, namely understanding Visual vocabulary, Visual Convention, Visual Thinking, Visualization, Visual Reasoning, Critical Viewing, Visual Discrimination, V isual Reconstruction, Visual Association, Reconstructing meaning and Constructing meaning. By using the concept of visual literacy from Maria Avgerinou, Joshua Irwandi photo’s brings out the meaning that Covid-19 changes the cultural and social roots of the Indonesian people, especially the dialectic between death and the meaning of life at the same time. ABSTRAK Foto jenazah Covid-19 karya Joshua Irwandi menjadi viral saat influencer Anji memposting foto Joshua dan memberi komentar bernada negatif. Beragam komentar, tafsir dan justifikasi yang negatif dari netizen sebenarnya adalah representasi tantangan dalam pengembangan literasi visual di Indonesia, lebih spesifik terdapat nirliterasi dalam hal “membaca” sebuah foto. Maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana metode baca sebuah karya fotografi dalam perspektif literasi visual. Peneliti menggunakan kompetensi literasi visual Maria Avgerinou, yaitu pemahaman kosakata visual (Visual vocabulary) , memahami kesepakatan visual dari simbol yang ada (Visual Convention) , kemampuan berpikir secara visual saat produksi dan saat membaca imaji (Visual Thinking) , kemampuan menyajikan sebuah visual (Visualization) , alasan visual pada saat produksi visual (Visual Reasoning) , pembacaan visual dengan perspektif kritis (Critical Viewing) , kemampuan membedakan stimulus visual (Visual Discrimination) , kemampuan melakukan konstruksi ulang atas sajian visual yang ada (Visual Reconstruction) , pemahaman makna asosiatif yang ada dalam semua objek (Visual Association) , kemampuan merekonstruksi makna saat produksi visual (Reconstructing meaning) dan kemampuan membaca bangunan makna dari sajian visual atau disebut Constructing meaning . Dengan menggunakan konsep literasi visual dari Maria Avgerinou, foto karya Joshua Irwandi ini memunculkan makna bahwasanya Covid-19 mengubah akar kultural dan sosial masyakarat Indonesia, khususnya dialektika antara kematian dan makna kehidupan sekaligus.

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The spread of hoax on health issue is a compelling phenomenon in digital era. By focusing on visual literacy as a way to avoid hoax, this qualitative research attempts to find how visual hoax operated. The main concept of Visual Literacy proposed by Maria Avgerinou, reading the spectrum of an image by Roland Barthes and six dimension of photograph life by Widiatmojo are used to analysis visual hoax. The result shows that visual hoax on corona virus occurred as the time frame dimension were diminished, the meaning was changed as well as the narration of the original image, the topic was compromised, the lost of image quality and the distribution on social media by anonymous identity. Therefore, people need to have basic competence in visual literacy, which is the ability to understand visual language accompanied by the ability to think and analyze. It will make an individual produce a positive perception that should be use to avoid hoaxes.
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How far can this empirical, unguidedventure guarantee that young people are not partial and passive receivers of visual messages; that they are able to make a critical selection between the necessary and the unnecessary; that they can recognize the different functions (i.e., to inform, to persuade, to instruct, and to entertain) of visual media and appreciate that in some instances, these functions are combined; and that they do distinguish superficial, glamorous, and pseudo-sophisticated messages from the truly meaningful ones? This paper discusses Visual Literacy (VL) against the new digital landscape mindsets and natives, and makes the case for VL's inclusion in the school curriculum as well as the educators' professional development.
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Many people from very diverse disciplines have attempted to define the concept of Visual Literacy (VL), but with little general consensus so far. This is probably due to the fact that those representing the different disciplines and paradigms are each wanting to interpret Visual Literacy in a way that reflects and flatters their contribution or way of thinking. As a consequence, a theoretical concept with seemingly little practical value has been created, but cannot be used productively until an agreed definition is established. It is self evident that if a concept does not have a broadly accepted definition, if the theory behind it is confusing, and if its viability on practical terms is a matter of continuing controversy, then the only reasonable way to cope with it is to abandon it. Nevertheless, with the exception of very few and of minor importance cases, no serious attempt has ever been made towards discarding VL altogether.
Social Deconstruction Through Hoax Photo. The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki TjahayaPurnama was sentenced to 2 years in prison due to a blasphemy case that occurred in 2016 ago. As a result of this incident, the FPI mass organization (Front Pembela Islam) held an action "411 AksiDamai" which was led directly by FPI chairman Habib Rizieq Shihab with demands to thoroughly investigate Ahok as a suspect in the blasphemy case. On the other hand, the community is separated into two camps. This incident made AganHarahap, a digital artist make creative manipulations, as if Ahok and Habib Rizieq had made peace. In essence, people are dragged by the media to form a social flow that has the power to force. Social currents that may be created in the crowd of cyberspace are seen as contestation of opinion. Agan tried to shake up the political fact into a reality that is formed using Photoshop software.
This study reviews historical thinking about visual literacy, addresses the issue of setting visual literacy's parameters, and provides a philosophy to link individual theories in this multidisciplinary movement. The report examines the roots of the visual literacy movement and the seminal literature in the field. It includes a categorizing of topics and fields of study in the visual literacy movement, and generates a broad position statement that locates visual literacy in relationship to its parent disciplines. A definition of visual literacy is proposed and a set of principles to foster further development of the theoretical foundations in this emerging area is postulated. An extensive bibliography is provided. (Author/MER)
This brief survey of successful visual literacy programs designed for students at the elementary and secondary level outlines projects to teach visual communication skills in Ohio, Indiana (Project Visual Understanding in Education/VUE), Virginia, Iowa (Media NOW), California, Canada, England, and Australia (Visual Education Curriculum Project). (EJS)
Towards a Visual Literacy Index Teaching Interactive Multimedia Design from a Visual Communications Standpoint : Curriculum & Assessment Strategies
  • M D Avgerinou
Avgerinou, M. D. (2016). Towards a Visual Literacy Index Teaching Interactive Multimedia Design from a Visual Communications Standpoint : Curriculum & Assessment Strategies. 6529 (May).
From Pigment to Light
  • L Moholy-Nagy
Kominfo. (2020). "Laporan Isu Hoaks." Moholy-Nagy, L. (1936). From Pigment to Light. In n Photography in Print Bauhaus (pp. 339-348). Bauhaus.
The Fundamental of Creative Photography
  • D Präkel
Präkel, D. (2010). The Fundamental of Creative Photography.
Photagogos: Terang-Gelap Fotografi Indonesia
  • T P Svarajati
Svarajati, T. P. (2013). Photagogos: Terang-Gelap Fotografi Indonesia. Semarang: Suka Buku.