
Uso de Microalgas no Setor Agrícola e Agroindustrial

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O setor agrícola e agroindustrial surge como impulsionadores da economia do Brasil e de muitos países em desenvolvimento. Porém suas atividades causam preocupações acerca dos impactos ambientais que têm gerado ao ambiente. Dessa forma, várias pesquisas surgem em busca de alternativas para diminuir os efeitos adversos. As microalgas têm sido utilizadas para minimizar o impacto ambiental causado por algumas atividades do setor agroindustrial, em função de seus vários fatores benéficos. Podem ser aplicadas em diversas vertentes do ramo agrícola e tecnológico. No entanto, apesar dos atributos serem favoráveis ao solo, plantas e ambiente, ainda não é amplamente difundido em território brasileiro. O objetivo do trabalho foi discorrer sobre os benefícios das microalgas em várias atribuições do setor agrícola e agroindustrial. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho foi a revisão bibliográfica. Foram abordados aspectos sobre os efeitos das microalgas como biofertilizantes na agricultura, o uso na limpeza de efluentes oriundos na suinocultura, como fonte de cultivo em vinhaça e, por fim, os impactos socioeconômicos e ambientais na produção de biocombustíveis. Concluiu-se que a utilização desse micro-organismo nos setores agrícola e agroindustrial é promissor. Seu principal papel se desempenha na busca pela atenuação dos impactos ambientais para agricultura e pecuária, além de auxiliar na redução de custos com produção de biocombustíveis, já que as microalgas não interferem negativamente na produção dos produtos agrícolas e energéticos. Palavras-chave: Biofertilizantes. Efluentes da Suinocultura. Biocombustíveis. Impacto Ambiental. Abstract The agricultural and agro-industrial sectors are the economy driving forces in Brazil and in many developing countries, but their activities cause concerns about the environmental impacts it has generated on the environment, so several studies have emerged in search of alternatives to decrease these adverse effects. Microalgae have been used to minimize the environmental impact caused by some activities in the agro-industrial sector due to its many beneficial factors and can be applied in different aspects of the agricultural and technological fields. However, although the attributes are favorable to the soil, plants and the environment, it is still not widespread in Brazilian territory. The objective of this study was to discuss the benefits of microalgae in various attributions of the agricultural and agro-industrial sector. The methodology used in this work was the literature review. It addressed their effects as biofertilizers in agriculture, their use in cleaning effluents from pig farming and as a source of cultivation in vinasse, and finally, the socioeconomic and environmental impacts on the biofuels production. It is concluded that the use of this microorganism in the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors is promising, with its main performance being the search for the environmental impacts mitigation for agriculture and livestock, as well as helping to reduce costs with the biofuels production, since microalgae do not interfere negatively in the production of agricultural and energy products. Keywords: Biofertilizers. Swine Effluents. Biofuels. Environmental Impact.

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This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of freshwater alga, Chlorella fusca on the improvement of growth and qualities in organic spinach and Chinese chives farm. The average height of Chinese chives treated with the chlorella was 3.7 cm smaller than that of the untreated. The leaf width and fresh weight of Chinese chives treated with the chlorella was 0.5 mm wider and 30.3 g heavier than that of the untreated. The commercialization and yield of Chinese chives treated with the chlorella was 11.9% and 18.3%, respectively higher than that of the untreated. Also, the disease severity of gray mold disease of Chinese chives treated with the chlorella was reduced by more than 24.2% when compared with the untreated. The thickness and number of spinach leaves treated with chlorella was 27.9% and 41.8%, respectively higher than that of the untreated. The fresh weight and yield of the spinach treated with the chlorella was 63.6% and 31.5%, respectively higher than that of the untreated. Moreover, the mineral content of K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, and Mn were recorded higher in the spinach treated with chlorella compared with that of untreated. The results indicated that the freshwater alga, Chlorella fusca is efficient and economical biostimulant in improving plant growth and quality of Chinese chives and spinach in organic farm.
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The worldwide increase in human population raises a big threat to the food security of each people as the land for agriculture is limited and even getting reduced with time. Therefore, it is essential that agricultural productivity should be enhanced significantly within the next few decades to meet the large demand of food by emerging population. Not to mention, too much dependence on chemical fertilizers for more crop productions inevitably damages both environmental ecology and human health with great severity. Exploitation of microbes as biofertilizers is considered to some extent an alternative to chemical fertilizers in agricultural sector due to their extensive potentiality in enhancing crop production and food safety. It has been observed that some microorganisms including plant growth promoting bacteria, fungi, Cyanobacteria, etc. have showed biofertilizer-like activities in the agricultural sector. Extensive works on biofertilizers have revealed their capability of providing required nutrients to the crop in sufficient amounts that resulted in the enhancement of crop yield. The present review elucidates various mechanisms that have been exerted by biofertilizers in order to promote plant growth and also provides protection against different plant pathogens. The aim of this review is to discuss the important roles and applications of biofertilizers in different sectors including agriculture, bioremediation, and ecology.
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This study evaluated the feasibility of using vinasse as a nutrient source for microalgae cultivation. The Scenedesmus sp was grown in a medium supplemented with vinasse and process variables were optimized using a factorial design and a Central Composite Design (CCD). The factorial design results showed that it was possible to cultivate microalgae at concentrations of up to 40% of vinasse in the culture medium. The CCD results showed that the light intensity and vinasse concentration influenced the amount of biomass produced.
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As microalgas tem sido foco de muitos estudos nos ultimos anos tendo em vista sua grande aplicabilidade na industria de alimentos e farmaceutica, nas areas da biomedicina e ambiental. As aplicacoes ambientais das microalgas incluem a biofixacao de CO2, remocao de materia orgânica e metais toxicos de efluentes, producao de biocombustiveis como biodiesel e bioetanol e na producao de moleculas de origem lipidica com capacidade surfactante entre outros. Dentre as microalgas estudadas, a Spirulina platensis tem apresentado grande potencial de utilizacao em todos esses setores com destaque especial na area ambiental. Objetivou-se revisar as principais aplicacoes ambientais dos cultivos microalgais, com enfase para a microalga Spirulina platensis.
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The ability of Cyanobacteria and green algae to improve physiological activity and plant development gives a promising perspective and has a useful potential in practice, although literature concerning this issue is scanty. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of two species of Cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa MKR 0105, Anabaena sp. PCC 7120) and one of green algae (Chlorella sp.) on select physiological processes, determining rooting of cuttings and the subsequent growth of willow (Salix viminalis L.) plants. Two procedures were used to apply sonicated and unsonicated monocultures of Cyanobacteria and green algae to woody cuttings: (i) four-day soaking of cuttings which were then rooted in universal horticulture substrate in a vegetation chamber or in a field and watered with tap water, and (ii) moistening the substrate in which the untreated cuttings were subsequently rooted and plants were grown. The cuttings treated with water, GA(3), IBA, Bio-Algeen S90, and environmental sample were the control. The results show that the used monocultures of Cyanobacteria and green algae significantly stimulated some metabolic processes, thus having an important impact on plant development. Their application increased the stability of cytomembranes and intensified activity of net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, dehydrogenases, RNase, acid, and alkaline phosphatase, and decreased intercellular CO2 concentration in the rooted cuttings and plants. These physiological events caused increased rooting of willow cuttings and plant growth under laboratory and field conditions.
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Recebido em 22/11/11; aceito em 5/7/12; publicado na web em 31/8/12 BIODIESEL DERIVED FROM MICROALGAE: ADVANCES AND PERSPECTIVES. Microalgae are a promising source of raw material for biodiesel production. This review discusses the latest developments related to the application of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production. Characterization of fatty acid of microalgae and comparisons with other sources of raw materials and processes are presented. Furthermore, technological perspectives and approaches for growing microalgae in photobioreactors, microalgal oil extraction techniques, and procedures for synthesizing biodiesel are reviewed.
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As microalgas são consideradas fontes potenciais de diversos compostos químicos. Os ácidos graxos obtidos da biomassa podem apresentar efeitos terapêuticos em humanos e podem ser usados para produção de biodiesel. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho verificar o conteúdo lipídico e o perfil dos ácidos graxos das microalgas Spirulina sp., Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlorella kessleri e Chlorella vulgaris cultivadas em diferentes concentrações de dióxido de carbono e bicarbonato de sódio. A microalga Chlorella kessleri cultivada com 12% de CO2 apresentou a maior concentração de lipídios na biomassa seca (9,7% p/p). A máxima concentração de ácidos graxos insaturados foi 72,0% (p/p) para C. vulgaris cultivada com 12% de CO2. Para os ácidos graxos saturados o maior valor encontrado foi 81,6% (p/p), quando a microalga Spirulina sp. foi cultivada com 18% de CO2 e 16,8 g.L-1 de bicarbonato de sódio.Microalgae have a great potential as a source of several chemical compounds. The fatty acids have shown therapeutic effects and used to produce biodiesel. The aim of this work was to verify the lipid contents and the fatty acids profile of the microalga Spirulina sp., Scenedesmus obliquus, Chlorella kessleri and Chlorella vulgaris cultived in different carbon dioxide and sodium bicarbonate concentrations. The microalgae Chlorella kessleri cultived with 12% CO2 showed the highest lipid content in the dry biomass (9.7% p/p). The maximum unsaturated fatty acids concentration was 72.0% (p/p) to C. vulgaris in the culture with 12% CO2. The highest saturated fatty acids value was 81.6% (p/p) when microalga Spirulina sp. was cultived with 18% CO2 and 16.8 g.L-1 sodium bicarbonate.
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De maneira geral, a vinhaça apresenta elevadas concentrações de nitrato, potássio e matéria orgânica; sua utilização pode alterar as características do solo promovendo modificações em suas propriedades químicas, favorecendo o aumento da disponibilidade de alguns elementos para as plantas. Por outro lado, a vinhaça também pode promover modificações das propriedades físicas do solo, de duas formas distintas: essas alterações podem melhorar a agregação, ocasionando a elevação da capacidade de infiltração da água no solo e, consequentemente, aumentar a probabilidade de lixiviação de íons, de forma a contaminar as águas subterrâneas quando em concentrações elevadas, além de promover a dispersão de partículas do solo, com redução da sua taxa de infiltração de água e elevação do escoamento superficial, com possível contaminação de águas superficiais. Pelo fato de haver diferentes tipos de solo e composições de vinhaça, os resultados dos trabalhos são bastante variáveis; contudo, existe consenso de que sua disposição deve ser efetuada de acordo com a capacidade do solo em trocar e reter íons.
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The microalgae biomass production from swine wastewater is a possible solution for the environmental impact generated by wastewater discharge into water sources. The biomass can be added to fish feed, which can be used in the formulation of meat products. This work addresses the adaptation of the microalgae Spirulina platensis (Arthrospira platensis) in swine wastewater and the study of the best dilution of the wastewater for maximum biomass production and for removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), ammonia and phosphorous to the microalgae. The cultivation of Spirulina platensis, strain Paracas presented maximum cellular concentrations and maximum specific growth rates in the wastewater concentration of 5.0 and 8.5%. The highest COD removals occurred with 26.5 and 30.0% of wastewater in the medium. The maximum removal of total phosphorous (41.6%), was with 8.5% of wastewater, which is related to the microalgae growth. The results of Spirulina culture in the swine wastewater demonstrated the possibility of using these microalgae for the COD and phosphorous removal and for biomass production.
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In this way it is very important to know the sulfate concentration in vinasse samples before to make the biodigestor design. A previous developed and indirect method (Anal. Chim. Acta. 1996, 329, 197), was used to determine sulfate in samples of vinasse, after previous treatments, done in order to eliminate organic matter with hydrogen peroxide 30% and concentrated nitric acid mixture (3:1), under heating. Interferent cationic ions were isolated by using ion exchange columns. The results obtained for some samples from Araraquara and Penápolis are here presented. The phosphate concentration was also determined.
This study was carried out to examine the production of Chlorella vulgaris and its effects on growth, yield, and fruit quality of organically grown tomato production in greenhouses, C. vulgaris was cultured in a tubular photobioreactor system and was used in three different forms [dry algae application to soil (2.5 g seedling⁻¹), liquid algae application to soil (250 mL seedling⁻¹), foliar spray] used as biofertilizer on tomato production (cv. Simsek). Plants with no algae application were used as control. The experiment was designed according to randomized parcel and production was performed between March and June of 2014. Obtained results showed that using C. vulgaris as a biofertilizer increased plant growth, yield and some fruit quality (dry weight, total soluble solids, titratable acidity and vitamin C); among the used treatments, applications to soil -especially dry algae- showed better performance; C. vulgaris may be used as a nature-friendly fertilizer in organic farming.
Due to negative environmental influence and limited availability, petroleum-derived fuels need to be replaced by renewable biofuels. Biodiesel has attracted intensive attention as an important biofuel. Microalgae have numerous advantages for biodiesel production over many terrestrial plants. There are a series of consecutive processes for biodiesel production with microalgae as feedstock, including selection of adequate microalgal strains, mass culture, cell harvesting, oil extraction and transesterification. To reduce the overall production cost, technology development and process optimization are necessary. Genetic engineering also plays an important role in manipulating lipid biosynthesis in microalgae. Many approaches, such as sequestering carbon dioxide from industrial plants for the carbon source, using wastewater for the nutrient supply, and maximizing the values of by-products, have shown a potential for cost reduction. This review provides a brief overview of the process of biodiesel production with microalgae as feedstock. The methods associated with this process (e.g. lipid determination, mass culture, oil extraction) are also compared and discussed.
This review analyzes the current state of a specific niche of microalgae cultivation; heterotrophic growth in the dark supported by a carbon source replacing the traditional support of light energy. This unique ability of essentially photosynthetic microorganisms is shared by several species of microalgae. Where possible, heterotrophic growth overcomes major limitations of producing useful products from microalgae: dependency on light which significantly complicates the process, increase costs, and reduced production of potentially useful products. As a general role, and in most cases, heterotrophic cultivation is far cheaper, simpler to construct facilities, and easier than autotrophic cultivation to maintain on a large scale. This capacity allows expansion of useful applications from diverse species that is now very limited as a result of elevated costs of autotrophy; consequently, exploitation of microalgae is restricted to small volume of high-value products. Heterotrophic cultivation may allow large volume applications such as wastewater treatment combined, or separated, with production of biofuels. In this review, we present a general perspective of the field, describing the specific cellular metabolisms involved and the best-known examples from the literature and analyze the prospect of potential products from heterotrophic cultures.
Microalgae have the ability to mitigate CO(2) emission and produce oil with a high productivity, thereby having the potential for applications in producing the third-generation of biofuels. The key technologies for producing microalgal biofuels include identification of preferable culture conditions for high oil productivity, development of effective and economical microalgae cultivation systems, as well as separation and harvesting of microalgal biomass and oil. This review presents recent advances in microalgal cultivation, photobioreactor design, and harvesting technologies with a focus on microalgal oil (mainly triglycerides) production. The effects of different microalgal metabolisms (i.e., phototrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic, and photoheterotrophic growth), cultivation systems (emphasizing the effect of light sources), and biomass harvesting methods (chemical/physical methods) on microalgal biomass and oil production are compared and critically discussed. This review aims to provide useful information to help future development of efficient and commercially viable technology for microalgae-based biodiesel production.
Environmental changes that have occurred due to the use of fossil fuels have driven the search for alternative sources that have a lower environmental impact. First-generation biofuels were derived from crops such as sugar cane, corn and soybean, which contribute to water scarcity and deforestation. Second-generation biofuels originated from lignocellulose agriculture and forest residues, however these needed large areas of land that could be used for food production. Based on technology projections, the third generation of biofuels will be derived from microalgae. Microalgae are considered to be an alternative energy source without the drawbacks of the first- and second-generation biofuels. Depending upon the growing conditions, microalgae can produce biocompounds that are easily converted into biofuels. The biofuels from microalgae are an alternative that can keep the development of human activity in harmony with the environment. This study aimed to present the main biofuels that can be derived from microalgae.
The performance of microalgae aquaculture wastewater treatment system predominated mainly by Scenedesmus and Chlorella was assessed. Treatment induced a progressive reduction in both COD and BOD to values below the discharge limits. Different patterns were obtained for removal of phosphorus, nitrogen, and ammonia; however, the algal culture efficiencies reached 100% in their removal by the end of the treatment period. The applied aquatic systems demonstrated percentage reduction of heavy metals in the range between 52.3 and 100% in the batch system and 64.2 and 100% in the continuous system. Wastewater supported algal growth by inducing the incorporation of a significantly higher content of the individual amino acids Asp, Thr, Ser, Glu, Gly, and Tyr, and a markedly higher level of Pro. However, His, Lys, and Arg were markedly reduced compared to their levels in synthetic-medium-grown algae.
Microalgae enhance the removal of nutrients, organic contaminants, heavy metals, and pathogens from domestic wastewater and furnish an interesting raw material for the production of high-value chemicals (algae metabolites) or biogas. Photosynthetic oxygen production also reduces the need for external aeration, which is especially advantageous for the treatment of hazardous pollutants that must be biodegraded aerobically but might volatilize during mechanical aeration. Recent studies have therefore shown that when proper methods for algal selection and cultivation are used, it is possible to use microalgae to produce the O(2) required by acclimatized bacteria to biodegrade hazardous pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolics, and organic solvents. Well-mixed photobioreactors with algal biomass recirculation are recommended to protect the microalgae from effluent toxicity and optimize light utilization efficiency. The optimum biomass concentration to maintain in the system depends mainly on the light intensity and the reactor configuration: At low light intensity, the biomass concentration should be optimized to avoid mutual shading and dark respiration whereas at high light intensity, a high biomass concentration can be useful to protect microalgae from light inhibition and optimize the light/dark cycle frequency. Photobioreactors can be designed as open (stabilization ponds or high rate algal ponds) or enclosed (tubular, flat plate) systems. The latter are generally costly to construct and operate but more efficient than open systems. The best configuration to select will depend on factors such as process safety, land cost, and biomass use. Biomass harvest remains a limitation but recent progresses have been made in the selection of flocculating strains, the application of bioflocculants, or the use of immobilized biomass systems.
Metal binding by algae has enormous potential for environmental bioremediation targeting towards detoxification of water bodies. The present work reports the use of live and dead Spirulina sp. for sorption of metals like Cr(3+), Ni(2+), Cu(2+), and Cr(6+) in form of Cr(2)O(7)(2-). Preliminary investigation shows that this biomass takes up substantial amount of metal ions indicated above. IR spectroscopic study, kinetics models, Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms, SEM analysis, and fluorescence microscopic study of Spirulina sp. and the Spirulina sp. treated with different metal ions have been employed to understand the sorption mechanism. It is hoped that live Spirulina sp. will be a strong candidate for management of industrial wastewater.
Fermented swine urine (3%) (v/v) was added to a control medium (CT), named KEP I, and an aquatic microalgal culture (10% Bold's Basal Medium) for growing mixed Scenedesmus species. During a two-month period, the KEP I medium effected, the delayed onset of the stationary phase of cell division in a batch culture. After 31 days, of culturing, the growth rate (3-fold), dry weight (2.6-fold) and amino acid levels (2.7-fold), and secondary metabolites including chlorophyll a (2.1-fold), astaxanthin (2.8-fold), lutein (2.7-fold) and alpha (greater than 30-fold) and beta-carotene (greater than 5-fold) increased a greater degree in Scenedesmus grown in KEP I medium than in CT medium. Total lipids were much less in cells grown in KEP I than those grown in CT. An increased quantum yield of photosystem II of the aquatic microalgae. The KEP I medium should improve the cost efficiency of industrial mass batch cultures for CO(2) sequestration, bioremediation, phytonutrients, agricultural fertilizers, and microalgal stock for the species preservation of aquaculture strains for use in young fish feed. It may also serve to attenuate negative environmental impact via the recycling of animal wastewater.
The ability of three different bacterial species supported on granular activated carbon (GAC) to remove hexavalent chromium from low concentration liquid solutions was investigated, in batch and column studies. The microorganisms tested were Cr(VI) reducing types: Streptococcus equisimilis (CECT 926), Bacillus coagulans (CECT 12) and Escherichia coli (CECT 515). The results showed metal uptake values of 5.82, 5.35 and 4.12 mg/gbios., respectively, for S. equisimilis, B. coagulans and E. coli, for an initial metal concentration of 100 mg/l. In the same order and for the initial concentration of 50 mg/l, metal uptake values were 2.33, 1.98 and 3.60 mg/gbios.. Finally, for the initial metal concentration of 10 mg/l, those values were, respectively, 0.66, 1.51 and 1.12 mg/gbios.. Studies made with an industrial effluent, with the aim of testing these biofilms in a real situation, showed values of Cr uptake of 0.083, 0.090 and 0.110 mg/gbios., respectively, for S. equisimilis, B. coagulans and E. coli, for an initial concentration of 4.2 mg/l of total Cr. The quantification of polysaccharides, playing a key role in the whole process, was made and it was concluded that the production of polysaccharides is higher for B. coagulans followed by S. equisimilis and E. coli (9.19, 7.24 and 4.77 mg/gbios.).
Microalgae are a group of unicellular or simple multicellular photosynthetic microorganisms that can fix CO(2) efficiently from different sources, including the atmosphere, industrial exhaust gases, and soluble carbonate salts. Combination of CO(2) fixation, biofuel production, and wastewater treatment may provide a very promising alternative to current CO(2) mitigation strategies.
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Obtenção de Biomassa de Microalgas de Chlorella vulgaris tolerante a herbicidas
  • A C Zanata
ZANATA, A.C. Obtenção de Biomassa de Microalgas de Chlorella vulgaris tolerante a herbicidas. Dois Vizinhos: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2020.