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Strength of earth dams considering the elastic-plastic properties of soils

  • Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства

Abstract and Figures

The article provides a detailed review of well-known publications devoted to studying the stress state and dynamic behavior of earth dams, taking into account the elastic and elastic-plastic properties of soil. To assess the stress-strain state of earth dams, considering the elastic-plastic properties of soil under the action of static loads, a mathematical model was developed using the principle of virtual displacements. A technique, algorithm, and computer programs were developed for estimating the stress state of dams using the finite element method and the method of variable elasticity parameters. A test problem was solved to assess the adequacy of the developed models and the reliability of the technique, algorithms, and computer programs. The stress-strain state of the Pskem earth dam, 195 m high, was studied using the developed models and calculation methods, taking into account the elastic-plastic properties of soil under the action of body forces and various levels of filling the reservoir with water. It was established that an account for the elastic-plastic properties of soil leads to a sharp change in the stress state of the dam, especially in the upper prism and in the core of the dam, and changes the intensity of normal stresses, which can lead to a violation of the integrity of the dam.
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Strength of earth dams considering the elastic-plastic
properties of soils
Mirziyod Mirsaidov1,2, Takhirjon Sultanov1, Javlon Yarashоv1*, and Abduraxim Kayumov2
1Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research
University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Institute of Mechanics and Seismic Stability of Structures of the Academy of Sciences of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Abstract. The article provides a detailed review of well-known
publications devoted to studying the stress state and dynamic behavior of
earth dams, taking into account the elastic and elastic-plastic properties of
soil. To assess the stress-strain state of earth dams, considering the elastic-
plastic properties of soil under the action of static loads, a mathematical
model was developed using the principle of virtual displacements. A
technique, algorithm, and computer programs were developed for
estimating the stress state of dams using the finite element method and the
method of variable elasticity parameters. A test problem was solved to
assess the adequacy of the developed models and the reliability of the
technique, algorithms, and computer programs. The stress-strain state of
the Pskem earth dam, 195 m high, was studied using the developed models
and calculation methods, taking into account the elastic-plastic properties
of soil under the action of body forces and various levels of filling the
reservoir with water. It was established that an account for the elastic-
plastic properties of soil leads to a sharp change in the stress state of the
dam, especially in the upper prism and in the core of the dam, and changes
the intensity of normal stresses, which can lead to a violation of the
integrity of the dam.
1 Introduction
The assessment of the stress-strain state and strength of earth dams are considered in the
article, taking into account the elastic-plastic properties of soil under various impacts, i.e.,
under the action of mass forces and different levels of filling the reservoir with water.
Today, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, special requirements are stated for the safety of
hydro-technical structures confirmed by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On the
safety of hydraulic structures, dated 08.20.1999, Resolution of the President of the Republic
of Uzbekistan No. PP-4794 dated 07.30.2020 On measures on radical improvement of the
system for ensuring seismic safety of the population and the territory of the Republic of
Uzbekistan and the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On ensuring seismic safety of the
population and the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 13, 2021.
*Corresponding author:
E3S Web of Conferences 365, 03001 (2023)
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License 4.0 (
Therefore, the development of design, construction, and operation of unique earth
structures requires the creation of structures that work reliably under various kinds of loads.
The existing elastic calculation, especially for high-rise structures, cannot cover the actual
operation of the structure. Therefore, the development of new mathematical models and
modern calculation methods that consider the nonlinear and plastic properties of soils, real
geometry, non-homogeneity, and design features of the structure is relevant. Classical
studies, which highlight the main theories and methods for assessing the strength
parameters of earth structures, are given in [1-12].
Along with these publications, we should mention the following studies:
in [13], natural oscillations of discrete systems were given, the difference between
elastic-plastic oscillations and elastic ones was shown; it was shown that under elastic-
plastic oscillations, the movement occurs according to an aperiodic law;
in [14], numerical studies and evaluations of the seismic behavior of earth dams
were conducted using the finite-difference method, considering the ideal plastic properties
of soil and damping. The nonlinear dynamic behavior of the dam was investigated;
the nonlinear seismic behavior of earth dams was considered in [15], using the
finite element method and Geo-Studio software. In the numerical study, a nonlinear finite
element analysis was used, taking into account the linear and elastic-plastic components of
the model to describe the soil properties;
in [16], the mitigation of the dam damage using a damping protective layer (a layer
of river sand) between the foundation and the base was studied in the model of an earth
dam under strong earthquakes;
in [17], a unified analytical solution for the analysis of elastic-plastic stresses around
a cylindrical cavity under biaxial stresses was presented. It was shown that the biaxial state
of the initial stresses has a significant effect on the stress distribution around the internal
cavity. The solutions obtained under loading and unloading were verified by comparison
with the results of numerical simulation and other analytical solutions;
in [18], the corresponding computational model and method were selected using the
ABAQUS software package, and dynamic characteristics of a complex structure under
strong dynamic impacts were analyzed. It was shown that the method of elastic-plastic
analysis is more rational and reliable in assessing the behavior of structures and in checking
calculations under strong dynamic impacts, and the calculated results are more accurate;
elastic-plastic analysis of high-rise buildings under strong ground motions was
performed in [19], using the ABAQUS software package. Anti-seismic characteristics were
assessed, the structural scheme was optimized, and weak parts of the structure were
in [20], a nonlinear model was considered, taking into account the interaction of the
structure with the soil base. Nonlinear effects were calculated based on an elastic-plastic
model of the soil material adjacent to the structure's base. For the artificial boundary, non-
reflective boundary conditions were used. A numerical method for solving the nonlinear
equation of motion was developed;
in [21], the method of gradual reduction of shear strength parameters was used to
analyze the static stability of the slopes of earth dams based on numerical simulation.
Strains in the body of the dam and base after the end of construction and the corresponding
safety factor were modeled;
the finite element method was used in [22] for the numerical calculation of earth
dams; it considers the moisture content and plastic properties of soils and the nonlinear
strain of the structure. Calculations were performed for three earth dams using the model
proposed in the study;
in [23], an improved elastic-plastic soil model was used to simulate the subsidence
of high dams (182 m high) built from hard soils. The results showed a good agreement
E3S Web of Conferences 365, 03001 (2023)
between the calculated subsidence and the monitoring data. The stress-strain dependences
were shown, and the results for volumetric strain were in better agreement compared to the
results obtained using other models;
in [24], the stability of slopes of earth dams was studied using an elastic-plastic
the stability and displacement of an earth dam during construction were studied in
[25] by mathematical modeling and experimental studies. The simulation results were
compared with experimental data;
in [26], the strain in the bodies was considered taking into account the elastic-plastic
properties of the material and finite deformations. As an example, the tension of a rod of a
circular cross-section was considered under elastic-plastic deformation;
in [27], a technique for solving problems for a soil mass was presented, taking into
account the elastic-plastic deformation of soil. As an example, the subsidence of an earth
embankment was studied considering the elastic-plastic properties of soil;
in [28], the pattern of strains and displacements of the body of the structure was
studied by computer modeling;
in [29], a two-dimensional problem of assessing the stress-strain state of a slope in
an elastic-plastic formulation was solved using a numerical method;
the strain state of water-saturated clay soils under triaxial cyclic loading was
considered in [30], considering elastic-plastic deformation. It was shown that the calculated
diagrams agree with the experimental strain diagrams of real soils.
Along with this, the stress-strain state and dynamic behavior of various structures
were studied in [31-43], taking into account the nonlinear, inelastic properties of the
material and the features of their deformation.
The above review of known publications shows that studying the stress-strain state
of earth structures, considering the elastic-plastic properties of soil, is an urgent task.
2 Methods
2.1 Mathematical model of the problem
A non-homogeneous deformable system under the action of various static loads is
considered (Fig. 1). It occupies volume V=V1+V2+V3. Some elements of system V have
elastic-plastic properties, and the other elements are elastic. It is necessary to determine the
stress-strain state (SSS) of a non-homogeneous system (Fig. 1) under the action of body
and the hydrostatic pressure of water
. The problem is considered for the
plane-strain state of the system (Fig. 1).
When setting the problem, it is assumed that the surface of the dam base
is rigidly
fixed, the areas of the crest and downstream slope
are stress-free on the surface,
and the hydrostatic water pressure
acts on Sp , i.e., on the part of the surface
It is necessary to determine the displacement and stress fields arising in the body of the
dam (Fig.1) under the action of body forces
and the hydrostatic pressure of water
various levels of reservoir fillings with water.
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Fig. 1. Design scheme of a non-homogeneous system
To simulate the process of deformation in the body of the dam (Fig. 1), the principle of
virtual displacements is used:
Along with (1), the following values are used:
- kinematic boundary conditions
0: ux
- to describe the physical properties of the material in each area of the dam body (V1,
V2, V3), the generalized Hooke's law [44] is used:
- to describe the relationship between the components of the strain tensor and
displacement vector, the linear Cauchy relations are used [44]:
The hydrostatic pressure of water on the upstream face of the dam is determined by the
following formula [45]:
are the components of the displacement vector,
are the components
of the strain and stress tensors;
is the hydrostatic water pressure;
is the vector of
E3S Web of Conferences 365, 03001 (2023)
body forces;
is the Kronecker symbol;
is the density of water; (h-y) is the depth of
a point on the upstream face of the dam;
are the components of
displacement vectors,
yxxxx ,,
are the components of the coordinate system.
In the case of considering the law of elastic-plastic deformation of the materials of the
dam, values
are variables determined from the experiment for each section of
, and in the case of elastic deformations, they are the Lame constants
(index nshows the correspondence of the characteristic of the material to the part of the
body - V1, V2, V3);
When considering the elastic-plastic properties of the material, if at certain points of the
dam body the stress intensity
iexceeds the yield strength
т (
т is determined from
experiments for specific materials), then it is assumed that plastic deformations begin to
develop in them due to a change in the shape of the body.
Now the problem under consideration can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to
find the components of displacements
xu &&
, strains
, and stresses
under the
action of body forces
)( f
and hydrostatic water pressure
, satisfying equations (1),
(3), (4) and conditions (2) at all points of the dam body (Fig. 1) for any virtual displacement
2.2 Model implementation method
When implementing this approach, the virtual work of elastic forces must be rewritten in
terms of the spherical and ninefold parts of stresses and strains [44]. Then the integrand in
(1) can be represented as:
is the volume modulus of elasticity, En is the modulus of
elasticity, n is the shear modulus of elasticity, n is Poisson's ratio.
The first term in (6) is the virtual work produced by changing the shape, and the second
term is due to the volume change.
The intensity of normal stresses
and strains
are determined by the following
2211 6
2211 2
In the case of plastic strains increment, the ninefold and spherical parts of the strains of
corresponding stress components have the following form
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The relationship between the components of the strain tensor and the stress tensors can
be written as [44, 48]:
Here, Sij,eij are the ninefold and
are the spherical parts of stress and strain
i are the stress and strain intensities;
are the variable elasticity
parameters [46-48], determined through elastic parameters
, and intensities of
normal stresses
iand strains
I, i.e.:
As seen from expression (10), the changing physical and mechanical parameters
at each structure point are determined based on the achieved strain state
the corresponding
(according to the selected strain diagram (Fig. 2), i.e.,
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Fig. 2. Strain diagram and implementation scheme of the method of variable elasticity parameters
2.3 Problem solution methods
The considered variational problem is solved by the finite element method (FEM) [49]. The
FEM procedure allows us to reduce the problem under consideration to a nonlinear system
of algebraic equations of the N-th order:
Here kij are the coefficients of the equation, which are elements of the stiffness matrix of
the structure
and depend not only on the elastic parameters but also on the
stress-strain state of the structure;
is the sought-for vector of nodal displacements;
is the vector of acting loads (i.e., body forces
and water pressure
Then, at each stage of the process, the nonlinear system of algebraic equations (11) is
solved by the Gauss method.
At the first stage of the solution, an elastic calculation of an earth structure is performed;
the structure is in equilibrium under the action of applied loads. Then, the transition to the
second stage of the calculation is realized, which consists of the analysis of the SSS in all
finite elements of the system (Fig. 1). If in individual finite elements, the stress intensity
(Fig. 2) exceeds the yield strength
Т (
Т is determined from experiments for specific
materials), it is assumed that plastic deformations begin to develop in them due to a change
in the shape of the body.
Using (10), variable elasticity parameters are determined for these elements, stiffness
matrices and then common matrix
for the entire system are compiled (Fig. 1).
The solution of the resulting new system of equations (11) is analyzed: if necessary, new
variable elasticity parameters are introduced, and then the process continues until sequence
i converges throughout the structure within the specified accuracy. The described method
(Fig. 2) is a method of variable elasticity parameters [46-48].
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2. Test task 4
The reliability of the developed models, methods, algorithms, and computer programs was
verified by studying the practical convergence when solving test problems.
The solution to a plane problem under the action of body forces for a homogeneous
structure of an earth dam (Fig. 3) is considered, taking into account the elastic and elastic-
plastic properties of soil. The problem is solved for the plane-strain state of the structure.
The following values of geometric parameters of the dam and physical and mechanical
properties of the soil material were taken: height - H=86.5m; the ratio of slope =
1: 2.5,=1:2.2; modulus of elasticity and specific gravity of soil Е=3.07 104МPа;
=1.98 t/m3; Poisson's ratio - =0.36; soil yield strength σТ=5 МPа.
Fig. 3. Design scheme of a homogeneous earth dam
With the developed mathematical model and methods, the stress-strain state of the earth
dam (Fig. 3) was determined under the action of body forces, taking into account the elastic
and elastic-plastic properties of the dam material.
Vertical displacements u2, intensities of horizontal  and normal stresses obtained
at various partitions of the structure into finite elements for elastic and elastic-plastic cases
are given in Table 1 for certain points (A, B, C) of the dam.
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Table 1.The results obtained with various partitioning of the structure into finite elements
nt and stress
Number of finite elements
Elastic solution
N = 280 N = 336 N = 576
Point - В
-20.7621 -20.7108 -20.6831
Point - С
-20.9777 -20.6428 -20.2835
Elastic-plastic solution
Point - А
16.206 16.673 16.888
-16.868 -16.274
Point - В
65.241 65.741 64.833
-17.188 -16.917 -16.781
Point - С
64.281 64.301
-13.605 -12.912 -12.524
Checking the practical convergence of the results obtained (Table 1) of the problems
under consideration for various numbers of finite elements shows good convergence of the
results. In the elastic case, the convergence of the results occurs more rapidly than in the
elastic-plastic case.
3 Results
The stress-strain state of the newly designed Pskem earth dam was studied; its height is
= 195 m, crest width - bcrest=12m, the ratio of slope m1=2.4, m2=2.0, the core width at
the bottom -130 m. Physical and mechanical properties of the core material are: specific
gravity γ =1.7t/m3, deformation modulus Εdef=30 MPa, Poisson's ratio
=0.32, internal
friction angle =24
, cohesion coefficient c=30 kPa, yield strength Т=3 MPa. Physical
and mechanical properties of the material of retaining prisms are specific gravity
γ=1.97t/m3, deformation modulus Εdef=95MPa, Poisson's ratio
=0.27, internal friction
angle =42
, cohesion coefficient c=70 kPa, yield strength Т=5 MPa. The data is taken
from the project.
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According to [50],  =
(!") =
(!").σТ=3 МPа(for loam material),
σТ=5 MPa (for retaining prisms).
The calculation results of the Pskem earth dam, taking into account the non-
homogeneous design features and elastic-plastic properties of soil under the action of body
forces and hydrostatic pressure of water, are the definitions of the components of the
displacement vector, the strain tensor, stress
, and stress intensity
for all points of the
considered area - of the cross-section of the dam.
To assess the effect of hydrostatic water pressure on the SSS of the dam, various levels
of water filling in the reservoir were considered. The SSS obtained at each level of filling
was compared with the results without considering the filling of the reservoir.
Figure 4 shows the isoline of distribution of equal values of the stress tensor
components and the intensity of normal stresses obtained for the Pskem earth dam under
the action of body forces, with account for the elastic and elastic-plastic properties of soil.
Solid (_____) lines show elastic calculation, and dashed lines (--------) show the elastic-
plastic calculation.
а) ∙10
$ МPа
b)  ∙10
$ МPа
c)  ∙10
$ МPа
d)  ∙10
$ МPа
Fig. 4. Isolines of the distribution of equal values of the stress tensor components and the intensity of
normal stresses in the Pskem earth dam under the action of body forces
, taking into account
elastic (──) and elastic-plastic (----) properties of soil
The analysis of the results obtained (Fig. 4) shows the highest stress values σi,σ11,σ22,
that occur in the middle of the lower part of the dam. Accounting for non-homogeneity, i.e.,
the presence of a core with other mechanical characteristics of soils leads to a decrease in
stresses in the body of the core. Therefore, the distribution pattern of the isolines of these
stresses in the dam's core goes down a little.
As for the isoline of distribution of tangential stressesσ, unlike other stresses, its most
minimal value is observed approximately in the middle of the dam since the value of the
ratio of both slopes is almost the same. The value of σ increases from the middle of the
dam to the middle of the surcharge wall, then there is a slight decrease near the slope.
When considering the elastic-plastic properties of soil, the distribution of the intensity
of normal stresses qualitatively differs little from the distribution in the elastic case,
while quantitatively the value of this stress in some sections of the dam decreases to 17%.
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When considering the plastic properties of soil, the greatest change occurs in horizontal
stress  in the middle part of the dam, it decreases to 30%.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of the isoline of equal values of the components of the
stress tensor and the intensity of normal stresses obtained for the Pskem earth dam under
the action of body forces and hydrostatic pressure of water when the reservoir is filled to a
height h= 190 m, taking into account the elastic and elastic-plastic properties of soil.
An analysis of the results obtained for the dam under body forces and hydrostatic water
pressure at various levels of reservoir filling showed a sharp change in the stress-strain state
in the upper prism of the dam. If we compare the results given in Figs. 4 and 5, we can see
a significant change in the stress-strain state of the dam. In this case, the stress is distributed
asymmetrically in the upper retaining prism up to 2/3 of the dam's height. Then,
considering the water pressure in the calculations, the intensity of normal stress in the
upper retaining prism increases to 30%, and vertical stress  increases to 50% for
individual sections of the dam. The stresses , change substantially not only in the
upper prism, but they change in the core of the dam; the symmetrical distribution of stresses
 throughout the body of the dam is completely broken.
а) ∙10
$ М%а
b)  ∙10
$ М%а
c)  ∙10
$ М%а
d)  ∙10
$ М%а
Fig. 5. Distributions of equal values of the stress tensor components (σ11, σ12, σ22) and normal stress
intensity σiin the Pskem earth dam under the action of body forces
and water pressure
the reservoir is filled up to h=190 m, considering elastic (──) and elastic-plastic (----) properties of
An account for the elastic-plastic properties of soil leads to a decrease in stress from 10
to 50% in the upper prism and the core of the dam and from 5 to 30% in the lower prism
and different parts of the dam.
4 Conclusions
1. A detailed review of the current state of the problem of assessing the stress-strain
state of various dams is given, taking into account the nonlinear and elastic-plastic
properties of the structure's material.
2. A mathematical model was developed for assessing the stress-strain of earth dams
under various static effects using the principle of virtual displacements and small elastic-
plastic strains occurring due to changes in the body's shape.
E3S Web of Conferences 365, 03001 (2023)
3. The methods and computer programs were developed for determining the stress state
of earth dams using the finite element method and the method of variable elasticity
4. The effectiveness of the developed methods and algorithms for implementing the
problem is shown by solving test problems.
5. The stress-strain state of the newly designed Pskem earth dam (H=195 m high) was
studied under the action of body forces and hydrostatic pressures of water.
6. It was determined that:
when considering the elastic-plastic properties of soil, the distribution of the
intensity of normal stresses under the action of body forces qualitatively differs little
from the distribution in the elastic case, while in different parts of the dam, it leads to a
decrease in the stress state;
under the action of body forces and hydrostatic water pressure on the dam at various
levels of reservoir filling, an account for the elastic-plastic properties of soils leads to a
sharp change in the stress state, especially in the upper prism and in the core of the dam. It
changes the intensity of normal stresses up to 50%.
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E3S Web of Conferences 365, 03001 (2023)
... Articles [12,13] are devoted to the dynamic problems of the strain state of earth dams under seismic impacts. A method was developed for solving wave problems to determine the stress-strain state of earth structures, in particular earth dams. ...
... The equation for shear forces is written as: (12) The initial conditions of the problem were assumed to be zero. Example. ...
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A dynamic continuum plate model of a multi-story building is proposed in the form of a cantilevered orthotropic plate, developed in the framework of Timoshenko’s theory of plates, which describes seismic vibrations of buildings. Formulas are given for determining the reduced moduli of elasticity, shear, and density of a plate model of a building. Transverse natural and forced oscillations of a nine-story building under nine-point seismic impacts are considered. Numerical results are obtained.
... -in [30][31][32][33][34][35], some results are given concerning the study of the stress-strain state and the dynamic behavior of an earth dam as a multilayer structure interacting with a ground base. The internal force factors and the strength of these structures are evaluated under various types of impacts. ...
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This article offers a detailed analysis of the current state of plane structure dynamics, addressing the complexities posed by non-homogeneous materials exhibiting nonlinear elastic and viscoelastic properties during real-life operations. The study proposes a comprehensive mathematical model and algorithm to investigate the dynamic behavior of such structures, employing the non-linear hereditary Boltzmann-Volterra theory to describe viscoelastic material properties accurately. Nonlinear oscillatory systems are analyzed using Lagrange equations based on the d’Alembert principle. The problem is approached through a multi-step process. Initially, the linear elastic problem of the structure’s natural oscillations is solved to determine its natural frequencies and modes of oscillations. Subsequently, these eigenmodes are employed as coordinate functions to address forced nonlinear oscillations in viscoelastic non-homogeneous systems. The complexity of the problem necessitates solving a Cauchy problem comprising a system of nonlinear integrodifferential equations. To illustrate the methodology, the study examines the Gissarak earth dam, considering real operational conditions and nonlinear, viscoelastic material properties near resonant modes of vibrations. Utilizing numerical methods, the dynamic behavior of the structure is analyzed, assessing displacements and stress components at different time points under non-stationary kinematic action. Stress concentration regions within the structure are identified for resonant vibrations, allowing the evaluation of its strength. Furthermore, the impact of nonlinear elasticity and viscoelasticity on the structural dynamics is quantified. This research provides valuable insights into the behavior of plane non-homogeneous structures, considering real-world scenarios and material complexities, ultimately contributing to an improved understanding of structural dynamics and facilitating the identification and mitigation of potential structural challenges.
... In [19,20], a detailed review of known publications devoted to the study of the stress state and dynamic behavior of earth dams is presented, taking into account the elastic and elastoplastic properties of soil. A mathematical model was developed using the principle of virtual displacements to assess the stress-strain state of earth dams, considering the elasticplastic properties of soil under static loads. ...
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The article is devoted to the study of longitudinal wave propagation in a viscoelastic medium. A mathematical model of the problem of a linear viscoelastic medium was developed. The solution to the considered problems is reduced to the solution of a system of differential equations solved by the method of characteristics with the appropriate boundary conditions. The results are compared with known results obtained by other authors; a comparison shows the adequacy of the task posed. It was determined that the maximum values of stress, strain, and velocity of particles in viscous media vary according to a non-linear law. In the initial section of the medium and near it, first, the stress reaches its maximum, and then the strain and velocity of particles reach their maximum values.
... Articles [1,2] are devoted to the dynamic problems of the strained state of earth dams under seismic impacts. A method was developed for solving wave problems for determining the stress-strain state of earth structures, in particular earth dams. ...
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The article presents the main provisions of modeling multi-story buildings with seismic isolation, the characteristics of the seismic isolation device, structural elements and materials, the methodology for conducting experimental studies on a laboratory vibro-stand under dynamic (seismic) effects and the results of the modeling.
... Articles [3,4] are devoted to the dynamic problems of the deformed state of earth dams under seismic impacts. A method was developed for solving wave problems for determining the stress-strain state of earth structures, in particular earth dams. ...
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This article is devoted to the development of a continual layered plate model of a multi-story building to dynamically assess the seismic resistance of multi-story buildings in a spatial statement. Seismic vibrations of a building are modeled as a motion of a thick anisotropic cantilevered plate, the deformation of which is described on the basis of the bimoment theory of thick plates.
... In [14], a method was developed for calculating structures with self-isolation under seismic effects within the framework of nonlinear dynamics using the finite element method (FEM). Articles [15,16] are devoted to the dynamic problems of the strained state of earth dams under seismic impacts. A method was developed for solving wave problems for determining the stress-strain state of earth structures, in particular earth dams. ...
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This article presents the results of evaluating the seismic resistance of high-rise buildings on real records of the accelogram and on regulatory documents using the LIRA-SAPR SP. The maximum and minimum values of bending moments, longitudinal forces, shear stresses are determined, and the most vulnerable areas where cracking in load-bearing structures is possible are determined. It was found that the values of force factors arising in buildings under the action of the accelogram turned out to be 2 times less than the values obtained from the data based on regulatory documents. Along with this, it was found that the results of the calculation for the seismic resistance of high-rise buildings according to real accelerograms and according to regulatory documents showed that the higher the building, the greater the magnitude of displacements, bending moments and longitudinal forces on the upper floors of buildings. This requires the development of appropriate measures to reduce the vibrations of the upper floors of multi-story buildings.
... Articles [8,9] are devoted to the dynamic problems of the deformed state of earth dams under seismic impacts. A method was developed for solving wave problems for E3S Web of Conferences 402, 07018 (2023) ...
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The article is devoted to the development of a continual spatial plate model of a multi-story building, developed in the framework of the bimoment theory of thick plates. A technique for dynamic spatial calculation for the seismic resistance of buildings under longitudinal seismic impacts is proposed. Formulas are given for determining the reduced moduli of elasticity. Numerical results of eigenfrequencies and displacements are obtained.
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The loads acting on the pressure face of hydraulic structures from the water mass of the reservoir during earthquakes are usually set in the form of a diagram of the coefficients of the added mass of water, while the hydrodynamic pressure of water along the height of the pressure face is distributed in proportion to the diagram of the obtained coefficients. The paper presents a solution to the problem of hydrodynamic water pressure on the pressure face of an earth dam at slope angles from 0 to 75 degrees (with respect to the vertical). Construction of isolines of the streamline function distributionψ (x, z) in the computational domain was carried out in PC MATLAB. Solution Δψ = 0 allows to build isolines of the distribution of the hydrodynamic pressure function φ(x, z) in the computational area. The paper presents hydrodynamic grids and graphs that make it possible to construct a diagram of the added mass of water for the entire range of emplacement of the upper slopes of dams. The developed method for solving the problem of hydrodynamic water pressure on the pressure face of the dam can be applied to any shape of the slope profile of the dam.
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This study is devoted to the assessment of the stress state and dynamic characteristics of various structures. The actual task at the design stage is to determine the parameters of a structure. In this article, a mathematical model was developed for assessing the stress state and dynamic characteristics of plane and spatial structures based on the Lagrange variational equation using the d’Alembert principle. The variational problem for the structures considered by the finite element method leads to the solution of nonhomogeneous algebraic equations or to the solution of algebraic eigenvalue problems. To assess the adequacy of the model and the accuracy of the numerical results obtained, a plane and spatial test problem with an exact solution was solved. Using the proposed model, the eigenfrequencies and modes of oscillations of the gravitational and earth dams (296 m high) of the Nurek reservoir were investigated. At that, it was revealed that in the natural modes of vibration of earth dams, the greatest displacements under low frequencies are observed at the crest part or at the middle of the slopes.
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The transverse vibrations of an extended cylindrical underground structure under the action of concentrated forces changing according to a harmonic law are considered. The problem of transverse vibrations of a cylindrical rod interacting with an elastic homogeneous medium was solved by the Fourier method. Approximate solutions are obtained using the method of compensating loads. The influence of soil conditions and geometrical dimensions of the structure, the location of active forces on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the object are analyzed.
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The paper is devoted to improving the theory of bending and vibrations of three-layer plates with transverse compressible filler and thin outer bearing layers. For the outer layers, the Kirchhoff-Love hypothesis is accepted and the motion of their points is described by the equations of the theory of thin plates relative to forces and moments. Unlikebearinglayers, a filler is considered as a three-dimensional body that does not obey any simplifying hypotheses. The equations of the bimoment theory of thick plates with respect to forces, moments and bimoments, created in the framework of the three-dimensional theory of elasticity, taking into account the nonlinearity of the distribution law of displacements and stresses over the thickness, are taken as the equations of motion of the filler. Expressions of forces, moments, and bimoments in the layers, as well as boundary conditions at the edges of a three-layer plate with respect to force factors are given. In the conjugate zones of the layers, the complete contact conditions for the continuity of displacements and stresses are set. An example is considered and numerical results are obtained.
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The article is devoted to improving the model of a box-like structure of a building, taking into account the forces and moments in the zones of contact interaction of beam and plate elements. The equations of motion of the box-like elements, the boundary conditions in the base of the box and the contact conditions between the elements of the box are given; the graphs of panels and beams displacements are constructed.
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An assessment of the dynamic behavior of a plane earth structure with account of its foundation is considered in the paper. A structure with a foundation is considered as an inhomogeneous system, the material of its certain parts is considered elastic or viscoelastic. To assess the effect of the foundation on dynamic behavior of the structure, a finite domain is cut from the foundation and conditions are set at the boundary of this domain that provide energy entrainment from the structure to infinity in the form of the Rayleigh wave. To describe the internal dissipation in material, a linearly hereditary theory of viscoelasticity with the Rzhanitsin kernel is used. A mathematical model, method and algorithm have been developed to assess the dynamic behavior of the structure-finite foundation system. To ensure the adequacy of the mathematical model and to assess the accuracy of the calculation, model problems have been solved when describing the process under consideration. Dynamic behavior of inhomogeneous viscoelastic system of earth dam-foundation with non-reflecting boundary conditions on the boundary of the final domain of the foundation is investigated. In the process of studying the dynamic behavior of inhomogeneous viscoelastic “structure-foundation” systems, a number of mechanical effects.
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The experimental diagrams between stress and strain components for soft soils are non-linear. Nonlinear diagrams qualitatively differ for soils of undisturbed and disturbed structures. It is believed that the manifestations of nonlinear properties of soil are associated with micro-destruction of soil structure under compression and, therefore, with changes in its mechanical characteristics under strain. It follows that the modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, viscosity and other mechanical parameters are the variables in the process of soil strain. Based on this, from the experimental results given in scientific literature, the changes in the modulus of elasticity and plasticity of soil are determined depending on the values of compression strain. In the process of static and dynamic compression of soil it is almost impossible to determine the boundaries of elastic and plastic strains in soft soil. So, the modulus under soil compression is called the strain modulus. From published results of experiments on dynamic and static compression of soil the most informative ones have been selected. Processing the selected compression diagrams of soft soil, the secant moduli of strain for loess soil and clay have been determined. It is established that the moduli of strain of clay and loess soil under static and dynamic strain vary depending on the rate of strain, the state of the structure and the level of compressive load.
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This article was devoted to the development of methods of the dynamic calculation based on the finite difference method of laminar structures in the framework of the bimoment theory, which takes into account the spatial stress-strain state. Were given the solutions of the problem of transverse vibrations of the plate model of structures.
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This paper presents the results of the assessment and prediction of the dynamic behavior of earth dams of various heights, taking into account large strains (geometric nonlinearity) and inhomogeneous features of structures under multi-component kinematic effects. A mathematical model, methodology and algorithm for estimating dynamic behavior of earth dams taking into account inhomogeneous features of structures and large strains in spatial and plane statements are given. Dynamic behavior of the models of the Pachkamar, Gissarak and Nurek earth dams has been studied taking into account large strains and inhomogeneous features of structures in various pre-resonant and resonant modes under multi-component kinematic effect. A number of new effects associated with the manifestation of large strains in the structure under various dynamic influences are revealed.
Conference Paper
Numerical investigations are carried out to consider the seismic behavior of earth dams. A fully nonlinear dynamic finite difference analysis incorporating an elastic perfectly plastic constitutive model is taken into account to describe the stress-strain response of the soil during earthquakes. In addition, Rayleigh damping is used to increase the level of hysteretic damping in numerical analyses. The Masing rules are implemented into the constitutive relations to precisely explain the nonlinear response of soil under general cyclic loading. As a result, the soil shear stiffness and hysteretic damping can change with loading history. The constructed numerical model is comprehensive calibrated via the centrifuge test data as well as the field measurements of a real case history both in the time and frequency domains. Good agreements are shown between the computed and measured quantities. It is confirmed that the proposed numerical model can predict the essential fundamental aspects of nonlinear behavior of earth dams during earthquakes. Then, a parametric study is conducted to identify the effects of dam height and input motion characteristics on the seismic response of earth dams. To this end, three real earthquake records with different intensities and PGAs are used as the input motions.