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The objective of this research was to find out the significant effect of the scramble method on students’ achievement in learning vocabulary. The experimental design was used as the research design. The population of this research was taken from the eighth-grade students of SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan. There were 7 parallel classes with a total number of 231 students. Each class consisted of 33 students. The sample was taken by applying cluster random sampling with the lottery technique. Class VIII1 consisting of 33 students was selected as the experimental group and class VIII3 consisting of 33 students was selected as a control group. The total sample was 66 students. The experimental group was taught by applying the scrambling method, while the control group was taught by applying the conventional method. Multiple-choice tests containing vocabularies were used as the instrument for collecting the data. The mean score of the experimental and control groups were then compared and calculated. The value of both groups then was tested using the t-test formula. It was obtained that that tobserved value was higher than ttable value (7.25 1.66) at a level of significance =0.05 with a degree of freedom df=58. Based on the determined hypothesis, it meant that Ha was accepted and Ho was successfully rejected. Thus, it was concluded that there was a significant effect of the scramble method on students’ achievement in learning vocabulary.
EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 1 | June | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103
English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan
Susi Rosanti
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan
Iskandar Zulkarnain
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan
Linda Astuti Rangkuti
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, FKIP, Universitas Alwashliyah, Medan
The objective of this research was to find out the significant effect of scramble method on students’
achievement in learning vocabulary. Experimental design was used as the research design. The population
of this research was taken from the eighth grade students of SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan. There were 7
parallel classes with total number of 231 students. Each class consisted of 33 students. The sample was
taken by applying cluster random sampling with lottery technique. Class VIII1 consisted of 33 students
was selected as the experimental group and class VIII3 consisted of 33 students was selected as control
group. The total sample was 66 students. The experimental group was taught by applying scramble
method, while the control group was taught by applying conventional method. Multiple choice tests
containing vocabularies were used as the instrument for collecting the data. The mean score of
experimental and control group were then compared and calculated. The value of both groups then was
tested using t-test formula. It was obtained that that tobserved value was higher than ttable value (7.251.66)
at level of significance =0.05 with degree of freedom df=58. Based on the determined hypothesis, it
meant that Ha was accepted and Ho was successfully rejected. Thus, it was concluded that there was a
significant effect of scramble method on students’ achievement in learning vocabulary.
Keywords: word games, scramble method, vocabulary
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek signifikan metode scramble terhadap pencapaian
pembelajaran kosakata. Desain eksperimen digunakan sebagai desain penelitian. Populasi penelitian ini
diambil dari siswa kelas delapan SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan. Ada 7 kelas parallel dengan jumlah
seluruhnya 231 siswa. Setiap kelas terdiri dari 33 siswa. Sampel diambil dengan mengaplikasikan sampel
kelas acak dengan teknik undian. Kelas VIII1 yang terdiri dari 33 siswa terilih sebagai kelompok
eksperimen dan kelas VIII3 terdiri dari 33 siswa terpilih sebagai kelompok kontrol. Jumlah seluruh
sampel penelitian ini adalah 66 siswa. Kelompok eksperimen diajar menggunakan metode scramble,
sementara kelompok kontrol diajar menggunakan metode konvensional. Tes pilihan berganda yang berisi
kosakata digunakan sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data. Skor rata-rata kelompok eksperimen dan
kelompok control kemudian dibandingkan dan dihitung. Nilai kedua kelompok kemudian diuji dengan
menggunakan rumus uji-t. Diperoleh bahwa nilai thitung lebih tinggi dari nilai ttabel (7,251,66) ada level
signifikan =0,05 dengan derajat kebebasan df=58. Berdasarkan hipotesis yang telah ditentukan, hal ini
berarti bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa ada efek yang
signifikan dalam menggunakan metode scramble terhadap pencapaian pembelajaran kosakata.
Kata kunci: permainan kata, metode scramble, kosa kata
EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 1 | June | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103
English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan
A. Introduction
One of the most important elements in
English is vocabulary. Vocabulary is an
inseparable part of any language learning
process. It would be impossible to learn a
language without vocabulary. That is why to
be able to master the four skills, students must
master vocabulary first. Emor (2012) says
vocabulary is one of the important factors in
all language learning because students must
continually learning words as they learn
structure and practice sound system in
addition. Webster (2002) defines vocabulary
as a list of words and often phrases,
abbreviation, inflectional form, etc. usually
arranged in alphabetical order and defined or
otherwise identified, as in a dictionary and
glossary. Richards and Schmidt (2002) says
vocabulary is the core component of language
proficiency and provides much of the basic
for how well learners speak, listen, read, and
write. Based on those various definitions, it
can be concluded that vocabulary is set of
words in a language usually arranged in
alphabetical order, with the explanation of
their meanings used in particular kind of
work. Fahrizal (2019) revealed two factors as
the cause of problems in learning vocabulary.
First is from the students their self and second
is from the teacher. Some students prefer not
to participate in the teaching learning process
and just chat or lay with other friends, though
the teacher has reminded and scolded them to
pay attention. The teacher in this case only
does action such as asks the students to work
on assignments written on student’s book and
responses the students if they ask more
explanation on some difficult assignments.
These make students lack of ability to
pronounce, remember word meaning, spell,
and use words properly. While Umasugi,
Hanapi, Bugis, and Handayani (2018) explain
that recent research shows that vocabulary
instruction may be problematic because of the
teacher’s unconfident feeling to apply which
best practice in vocabulary instruction is.
Umasugi et al. (2018) also add that the use of
appropriate method can be one solution in
teaching vocabulary easily, pleasantly, and
The problems in this research were
found when conducting a teaching practice at
SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan of the eighth
grade students. Most students still had
difficulties in learning vocabulary. They were
bored in learning vocabulary. They did not
pay attention to the teacher’s explanation
during teaching learning process. Moreover,
they had difficulties in remembering the
vocabularies and their meaning. Therefore,
they did not have enough interest in learning
vocabulary. When the students were
questioned about this situation, most of them
said it was because of the teacher’s way of
teaching. The teacher did not use suitable
method in teaching vocabulary. Thus, learning
vocabulary needs interesting method and
strategy in order to make the students
enjoyable in teaching learning process.
There are many interesting methods or
strategies to assist students in learning
vocabulary. One of them is using scramble
method. Umasugi et al (2018) mention that
one of games that is possible to implement to
improve students’ interest in learning is the
scramble words game and assume that
scramble is effective to make students interest
and enjoy the studying and motivate the
students to improve their vocabulary. Suparno
in Dames (2012) states that scramble method
is one of the language games. Basically, the
language game is an activity to acquire
specific skills in a way of encouraging.
According to Ariseno (2014) scramble
learning model is one of a modern learning
which is focused on the student’s activeness.
Komalasari (2010) as well states that scramble
learning model invites the students to seek
answers of questions or a match of concepts
creatively by arranging the letters which
firstly are set randomly. It builds an answer or
a meaning of concept. In addition, Budiati and
Wagino (2015) states that through scramble
students can be trained to arrange the jumble
words, sentences, or discourse to be a
meaningful arrangement which is perhaps
better than the original arrangement. The
game is also able to optimize the students to
think more creative to define and construct a
new thing or structure so that it can increase
knowledge and understanding because
students are active in the game. The accuracy
and speed of thinking in answering the
EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 1 | June | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103
English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan
questions become one of the key games in
scramble learning method. Therefore, it can
be assumed that scramble method is a form of
random game uses question exercise land can
be used within group.
Considering the facts above, thus, this
research was conducted under the objective to
find out the significant effect of scramble
method on students’ achievement in learning
vocabulary of the eighth grade at SMP Al
Washliyah 8 Medan.
B. Research Method
This research was conducted at SMP Al
Washliyah 8 Medan, one of private junior
high schools in Medan. The research design
applied was experimental research design
with two groups. One as experimental group
was taught by using scramble method while
the other as control group was taught by
conventional method.
The population in this research was the
eighth grade students which consisted of 7
parallel classes. Each class consisted of 33
students and so the total population was 231
students. Arikunto (2006) states that for the
estimation, if the number of population is less
than 100, it is better to take all and if the
number of population is more than 100, the
sample can be taken 10-15 % or 20-25% or
more of the population. Thus, in this research,
the population was the whole students of the
eighth grade. Out of 7 classes, two classes
were randomly selected using lottery
technique to decide the research sample. The
names of the 7 classes were written on small
pieces of papers and took out two roll of the
paper. It was obtained that class VIII1
consisted of 33 students as the experimental
group and class VIII3 consisted of 33 students
as the control group. So, the total number of
the sample was 66 students.
The data for this research were
collected through several techniques as
1. Pre-test
The pre-test was administered before
treatment. The test was used to find out the
students preliminary achievement. Both
experimental and control groups were
given the same test. They were asked to
write vocabulary based on the given topic.
2. Treatment
After administering the pre-test, the
students were given the treatment. The
experimental group received the treatment
using scramble method while the control
group received conventional method. The
procedures in giving the treatment to the
experimental group were as follows:
a. the teacher gave an example of images
printed on paper;
b. the teacher explained the part in the
c. the teacher asked the students about
people, place, and thing based on the
3. Post-test
Post-test was given after administering
treatment. The objective was to know the
students’ achievement after being treated.
The mean score of pre-test and post-test
of both groups were compared to find out the
significance difference of using scramble
method on the students’ achievement in
learning vocabulary.
In collecting the data, multiple choice
tests were used as the instrument in this
research. The question given consisted of 10
questions. The time given to complete the test
was 45 minutes. The test was scored 10 points
for each correct answer. So, the total score of
all correct answer was 100 points.
To know the differences between the
two groups, it was applied the comparative
analysis technique which compared the Mean
(M) of the two groups using the t- test formula
as follow:
Ma : The mean of experimental group
Mb : The mean control group
da : The standard deviation of
experimental group
db : The standard deviation of
control group
Na : The total numbers of
experimental groups
Nb : The total number of control groups
EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 1 | June | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103
English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan
C. Research Finding and Discussion
The research conducted revealed that
the mean score of experimental group (Ma)
was 28.6 and the mean score of control group
(Mb) was 18.3 and these value with others
were put together to obtain the t-observed.
Ma = 28.6
Da2 = 1155.37
Na = 33
Mb = 18.3
Db2 = 1025.34
Nb = 33
Thus, the above values were put into the t-test
formula as follow:
 󰇢󰇡
 󰇢󰇡
To obtain the validity of the test, Correlation
Coefficient Point Biserial Formula was
 
 = correlation coefficient point biserial
Mp = the mean scores of sample who
answered the correct item
Mt = the mean of total score (average
scores of all followers of test)
St = standard deviation of the total score
P = proportion of sample who answered
the correct item
q = 1-p
Then, the above formula was used to test the
validity of the test as follows:
 
Mp = (79.33) = 3.96
Mt = ( 292) = 8.84
St = 1.39
P = 20 = 0.60
q = 1-0.60 = 0.4
 = 3.96-8.84 =
= 2.39 X 1.22
= 2.91
To find out the significant effect of scramble
method on students’ achievement in learning
vocabulary, the results of the test were
calculated by using the Kuder Richardson
Formula 21(KR 21) Formula as follow:
KR21 =
 󰇜
KR21 = Coefficient Reliability
K = The number of item in the test
M = The mean of the test score
S2 = The variance of the score or
the standard deviation of the test
According to Best and Khan (2002), the
coefficient of (R) can be interpreted using the
following criteria:
0.00-0.20 = Negligible
0.21-0.40 = Low
0.41-060 = Moderate
0.61-080 = Substantial
0.81-1.0 = High to very high
The calculation of KR 21 Formula is
presented below.
M = 8.96
S = 2.99
K =15
EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 1 | June | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103
English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan
r =
r = 
r = 
r = 1.07󰇡
󰇢 = 0.40
r = 0.64
After obtaining all the values needed,
then the final step was conducting the
hypothesis testing. The hypothesis testing was
aimed at showing the result of the analysis. In
this research, t-observed value (7.25) was
higher than that of t-table value (1.69) at level
of significance =0.05 with degree of
freedom (df)=58. It can be written as the
t-obs -table (=0.05) with df=58
7.25 1.69 (=0.05) with df=58
The above equitation meant that the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and
the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected since
the t-observed was higher than t-table.
As stated previously, the objective of
this research was to find out the significant
effect of scramble method on students’
achievement in learning vocabulary of the
eighth grade at SMP Al Washliyah 8 Medan
which was originally implemented in
September during academic year of 2018-
2019. This research was conducted by using
experimental research design which involved
two groups. The experimental group was
taught by applying scramble method, while
the control group was taught by applying
conventional method. Scramble method was
applied to the experimental group to help the
teacher to design teaching material. It could
be proved from the mean scores obtained by
the students where the experimental students
got higher scores than the scores of control
group. Based on the calculation, the mean
score of the experimental group was higher
than that of control group. The difference was
tested by using t-test formula which showed
that the t-obs value (7.25) was higher than t-
table value (1.69). Thus, this research
concluded that there was a significant effect
of scramble method on students’ achievement
in learning vocabulary.
The result in this research was the same
with other previous researches that using
scramble to teach vocabulary can affect
students’ achievement. Umasugi et al (2018)
using scramble game intended to find out the
improvement of students’ vocabulary and to
find out the motivation between the pre-test
and post-test of one group experimental
design. The data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics and inferential statistics
and obtained the result that the use of
scramble game in teaching vocabulary
improved the students’ vocabulary. This
research finally concluded that scramble game
was effective in improving students'
vocabulary and interest to learn vocabulary.
Research by Fahrizal (2019) aimed to
investigate the effect of scramble game on the
seven grade students’ vocabulary mastery.
The data obtained were analyzed by applying
t-test formula and indicated that the value of t-
counted was higher than t-table or 4.33>2.002
and concluded that there was effect of
scramble game on students’ vocabulary
Therefore, comparing all the research
results implemented concerning scramble on
students’ vocabulary mastery, it all proved the
effectiveness of scramble method to influence
the students’ achievement in vocabulary
mastery. Not only the quantitative
achievement but also the qualitative as well
such as the feeling of enjoyable learning, the
easier in understanding and memorizing the
vocabulary and the meaning can be noted as
the additional result. The students were
actively engaged in class during the
implementation of scramble method. Umasugi
et al (2018) also explain that the result of
questionnaire revealed that the students were
interested in scramble game because it helped
the shy students and liberated students with
difficulty in vocabulary. In addition, using
scramble was fun and most students agreed
that the enjoyment leads to better learning.
D. Conclusion and Suggestion
The conclusion of this research was
drawn based on the data analysis which
showed that t-observed was higher than t-table
(7.25>1.69) at the level of significance α=0.05
with degree of freedom (df)=58. It meant that
the alternative hypotheses (Ha) was accepted
and the null hypotheses (Ho) was rejected. So,
EXCELLENCE Journal of English and English Education p-ISSN: 2807-6389
Volume 2 | Number 1 | June | 2022 e-ISSN: 2807-2103
English Education Study Program, FKIP UNIVA Medan
there was a significant effect of scramble
method on students’ achievement in learning
As addition of this research result, it is
suggested that English teachers should build a
favorable atmosphere at times of teaching-
learning process because a conductive
condition in teaching would become one
access to get the success of material to be
taught. English teachers should apply this
scramble method as an alternative method in
learning vocabulary because this method can
motivate the students to achieve satisfying
results and students will be more active in the
class when they are taught by using scramble
E. References
Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006). Prosedur
Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik.
Jakarta: PT RinekaCipta.
Best, J & Khan. (2002). Research in
Education. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Budiati, EFR & Wagino. (2015). Pengaruh
Penerapan Metode Scramble Terhadap
Kemampuan Menyusun Kalimat Anak
Tunarungu Kelas V SDLB-B Dharma
Dames, Poppy. (2012). Pengaruh
Penggunaan Metode Scramble
Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ilmu
Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa. Skripsi.
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Emor, J. (2012). Using Semantic Mapping in
Teaching Vocabulary through
Descriptive Text. Thesis. Tanjungpura
University Pontianak.
Fahrizal, Muhammad. (2019). The Effect of
Scramble Game on the Seven Grade
Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at SMP
PAB 19 Manunggal. Thesis.
University of Muhammadiyah
Sumatera Utara, Medan.
Komalasari, Kokom. (2010). Pembelajaran
Kontektual Konsep dan Aplikasi.
Bandung: Refika Aditama.
Richards, J. C & Schmidt. (2002).
Methodology in Language Teaching
and Anthropology of Current Practice.
Cambridge University Press.
Umasugi, S., Hanapi, Bugis, R., and
Handayani, N. (2018). The Scramble
Game in Improving Students’
Vocabulary at the Seventh Grade of
Webster. (2002). Grey Loped Cambridge
Dictionary of the English. New York:
Laotian House.
... Through collaborative efforts, students can support each other, making it easier to overcome complex vocabulary. This collaborative approach helps learn new words and builds a supportive learning community (Rosanti et al., 2022). Maintaining student engagement is critical to the success of the RTTB game. ...
Full-text available
In the era of globalization, mastering English is crucial for international communication. However, the success of English education in Indonesia is often hindered by limited language skills, particularly in vocabulary, which significantly affects students' comprehension. This challenge underscores the importance of fostering students' motivation to learn, as motivation serves as a key driver for academic success. This study employed a qualitative case study approach to investigate the implementation of the "Run to the Board" game as a method to teach English language skills at a junior high school. Participants were Kampus Mengajar batch 4 student teachers. Data collected through observations, interviews, and documentation were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of this study enrich the theoretical understanding of the "Run to the Board" (RTTB) method and offer practical insights for English language educators. This research provides alternative implementations of RTTB to suit diverse classroom contexts and explores the reflections of pre-service English teachers in applying this game. These reflections highlight the challenges and strategies involved in effectively utilizing RTTB, offering a valuable perspective for improving student engagement and vocabulary acquisition through innovative teaching methods. The results are expected to inspire teachers to be more creative in boosting students' self-confidence and addressing vocabulary challenges that impede their English proficiency.
... Through collaborative efforts, students can support each other, making it easier to overcome complex vocabulary. This collaborative approach helps learn new words and builds a supportive learning community [24]. Maintaining student engagement is critical to the success of the RTTB game. ...
... The scramble method is very suitable when applied to history lessons that have the assumption that they tend to be boring because the game method (scramble) will be able to reduce student boredom or boredom in history learning so that students' interest in learning is awakened. Rosanti (2022) explains the application of the scramble, a method that affects students' reading comprehension and interpersonal intelligence. Nurhasanah et al. (2020) also stated that scrambling in history learning influences student activity and learning outcomes. ...
The scramble method can help students understand history learning material easily, but not many teachers have implemented it in history learning. The purpose of this research was to find the effect of the scramble method in history learning to increase students' interest in learning history. The quantitative method used is a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design and divides the class into two groups, namely experimental and control. This study used a population of class X SMA students in Ambon, with a total sample of 104. The sampling technique used cluster sampling, and data collection used observations, interviews, and instruments. In analysing the test data, the independent sample t-test and the N-gain score test were used to see changes. The results showed that the scramble method in learning had a good influence on increasing students' interest in learning history as evidenced by the independent sample t-test test with a significance value of 0.000 0.05, and the N-gain score test which was included in the medium criteria. The scramble method in history learning is an innovation applied by history teachers so that learning objectives are achieved so that history learning will be more meaningful.
This study aims to understand how the scramble method is implemented in connecting Arabic letters in teaching writing skills (maharatul kitabah) to elementary school students, and to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors. This research is qualitative and uses a field research approach. The data sources are Arabic language teachers and third-grade students from MI Al-Hidayah Mangli Jember. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that the implementation of the scramble method in connecting Arabic letters in maharatul kitabah learning involves three stages: planning, execution, and evaluation. The supporting factors for implementing the scramble method include student enthusiasm and motivation, the presence of engaging game elements, heterogeneous group division, and the provision of rewards. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include the teacher's limited understanding of student conditions, differences in student learning abilities, and limited time allocation. These findings can serve as a reference for Arabic language practitioners in exploring appropriate methods for teaching Arabic.
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Purpose of the study: This research aims to improve Civics (Citizenship Education) learning outcomes using the scramble learning model for fifth grade students at Prawirotaman Yogyakarta State Elementary School Methodology: This research is ex-post researchThis type of research is classroom action research. The research subjects were 17 students in class V of Prawirotaman State Elementary School, Yogyakarta. Data collection methods in research include tests, observation and documentation. The research instruments are tests and learning implementation sheets. The data analysis technique used is quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The indicator of the success of the action is marked by ≥75% of the total number of students who took part in the learning process having obtained a score of ≥75. Main Findings: The main finding of this research is improvementCivics learning outcomes for fifth grade students at Prawirotaman State Elementary School, Yogyakarta after using the scramble learning model in cycle I and cycle II.Based on test results in implementing learning with modelsscramble learning , students who achieved a score of ≥75 were 70.59% in cycle I and increased to 88.24% in cycle II. The increase in learning outcomes occurred after improvements in actions in cycle II, namely the teacher divided the groups more clearly, the number of group members was reduced, andgiving rewards to calm students. The action is dismissed on the cyclebecause it has achieved the success criteria. Novelty/Originality of this study: The Scramble learning model is designed to improve understanding of concepts. Research can evaluate the extent to which Civics learning outcomes have improved, especially in understanding the concept of citizenship.
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The objectives of this research was find out whether the use of scramble game there are any different significant improvement of students' vocabulary and to find out the motivate between the pretest and posttest of the students' vocabulary after they have been treatment. This research employed Pre-Experimental design namely The One-group pre-posttest design where the researcher did an experiment in the researcher was used random sampling technique. This research only focus one group. The sample consisted of 18 students at The Seventh Grade of MTS LKMD Sawa. The data were collected through writing test to obtain data of students' Vocabulary. Data on students' Vocabulary were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics through SPSS program version 20.0. The result of the research was: The use of scramble game in teaching vocabulary improved the students' vocabulary and it can be concluded that the using of scramble game is effective to be implemented in improving the students' vocabulary, and students' interested to learning vocabulary through scramble game.
Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik
  • Suharsimi Arikunto
Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT RinekaCipta.
Research in Education
  • J Best
  • Khan
Best, J & Khan. (2002). Research in Education. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Scramble Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa. Skripsi
  • Poppy Dames
Dames, Poppy. (2012). Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Scramble Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Siswa. Skripsi. Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga.
Using Semantic Mapping in Teaching Vocabulary through Descriptive Text. Thesis
  • J Emor
Emor, J. (2012). Using Semantic Mapping in Teaching Vocabulary through Descriptive Text. Thesis. Tanjungpura University Pontianak.
The Effect of Scramble Game on the Seven Grade Students' Vocabulary Mastery at SMP PAB 19 Manunggal. Thesis
  • Muhammad Fahrizal
Fahrizal, Muhammad. (2019). The Effect of Scramble Game on the Seven Grade Students' Vocabulary Mastery at SMP PAB 19 Manunggal. Thesis. University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan. 3456789/3270
Pembelajaran Kontektual Konsep dan Aplikasi
  • Kokom Komalasari
Komalasari, Kokom. (2010). Pembelajaran Kontektual Konsep dan Aplikasi. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
Methodology in Language Teaching and Anthropology of Current Practice
  • J Richards
  • Schmidt
Richards, J. C & Schmidt. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching and Anthropology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.
Grey Loped Cambridge Dictionary of the English
  • Webster
Webster. (2002). Grey Loped Cambridge Dictionary of the English. New York: Laotian House.