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Chatbot Prompting: A guide for students, educators, and an AI-augmented workforce

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This guide explores the potential implications of ChatGPT, a versatile conversational AI technology, for higher education and professional development. This work aims to provide guidance and insights for students, educators and professionals to effectively and responsibly use ChatGPT. The author has written the work with the help of ChatGPT and he reviewed, revised and edited the work. This guide is intended to be a starting point for academics who are exploring and expanding their own use of ChatGPT.
A guide for students, educators,
and an AI-augmented workforce
Stephen Atlas Ph.D.
University of Rhode Island
Copyright © 2023 Stephen Atlas
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 979-8-37-650860-2
for students, educators
and an AI-augmented workforce
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s
large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft
language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to
their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content
of this publication.
I would also like to thank the following individuals and
The OpenAI team for developing and maintaining the model and
making it available to the research community.
My colleagues at the University of Rhode Island, in particular,
Joan Peckham, Drew Zhang, Jerry Xia, Maling Ebrahimpour,
Richard Levy, Yuwen Chen, Lauren Labrecque, Shaw Chen,
Wangsuk Suh, Courtney Hixon, Priscilla Pena, and Todd Dresser
for their feedback during this work and for their curiosity about
responsible academic use of language models.
Tori Seites-Rundlett, for providing editorial revisions, and Chloe
Atlas for fine-tuning language. Terry Atlas for calling this a guide
and Barbara Atlas for being the first to sign up for the e-course
based on this guide. Family and friends who provided support
and encouragement throughout the writing process.
The researchers, practitioners and organizations who have
contributed to the field of AI responsible use, ethics and safety,
which helped me to shape my work.
Members of the Facebook and LinkedIn groups interested in
education and chatbot technology who encouraged this research.
The Hugging Face's transformers library, which was used to fine-
tune the model for the experiments reported herein.
The Rise of Chatbot Technology
Myths and Facts about Chatbots
Guiding Principles for Responsible
Getting Started
Effective Prompts
Chatbot-Assisted Writing
Chatbot-Interactive Communication
Chatbot-Individualized Learning
Chatbots and an AI-Augmented
Appendix: Act as a …
As a college professor and technology enthusiast, I was intrigued
when I first heard about chatbot technology. I decided to test it
out for myself, and I was immediately blown away by the realism
of the conversational agent, the wide ranging functionality, and
the engrossing user interface. I began experimenting with writing
prompts so a chatbot could help me to respond to emails. I was
careful to remove any sensitive or identifying information, and I
found the chatbot-drafted email responses offered a helpful
alternative to starting the messages from scratch. To my surprise,
within just a few weeks, I had cleared my inbox and reached inbox
zero for the first time.
As I continued to tinker with chatbot technology for help with
other tasks, a concept for a guide began to take shape in my mind.
I wanted to explore the potential implications of this powerful
technology for learning, business and society as a whole. I began
conversations with my colleagues at the University of Rhode
Island College of Business, and was struck by their openness and
curiosity about the possibilities of generative AI in teaching and
As I delved deeper into the rabbit hole of imagining the
possibilities of chatbot technology, I became increasingly
convinced that this technology could have a profound impact on
the way we teach, learn and work. I wanted to share my
experience and insights with others and a "Guide to Chatbot
Prompting" was born.
Through my research and experimentation, I have come to see
that chatbot technology is not only a powerful tool for
automating repetitive tasks and streamlining communication, but
it also has the potential to fundamentally change the way we think
about teaching, learning and working. I believe that by making
chatbot technology more accessible and understandable,
students, educators and the workforce can utilize this powerful
tool to enhance our efficiency, effectiveness and societal impact.
As I began writing this guide, I was struck by the vibrant
community of tinkerers and innovators who are already
discovering and sharing new ways to incorporate chatbot
technology into my work. I was inspired by the creativity and
ingenuity of these individuals and I hope this guide will serve as a
valuable resource for anyone looking to explore the potential of
this cutting-edge technology. I am excited to share my journey
and help others navigate their work with chatbot technology and
to discover its possibilities.
Chatbot technology can be a writing collaborator that can
assist you with generating words, an intellectual sparring partner
that can engage with you in stimulating discussions, a dedicated
research assistant that can quickly access information and
conversationally fulfill your requests, and an administrative
assistant to help you draft reports and business copy. As a
student, educator or member of the workforce, you may have
various perspectives and considerations when it comes to
integrating chatbot technology into your teaching, learning, and
working practice. Some may see chatbot technology as a valuable
tool to enhance productivity and efficiency, while others may
have concerns about the potential impact on human job roles and
the ethical considerations of using such advanced technology. We
must consider all perspectives and approach the integration of
chatbot technology in a responsible and thoughtful manner. This
guide aims to provide guidance and insights for those who want
to effectively utilize the capabilities of chatbot technology in their
work while also addressing ethical concerns.
This guide is an exploration of chatbot technology, written
with help from GPT-3 from OpenAI during the prewriting,
writing and revising phases of this project. I reviewed, revised and
edited this text. I verified the originality of this work through a
plagiarism check on Grammarly, and I take responsibility for the
content in this document. In writing this guide, I learned about
writing with chatbot technology and what prompts chatbot
technology to excel and what causes chatbot technology to
generate less helpful text. The objectives and content of this
guide are tailored to the areas of strength and for an audience of
academics who are exploring and expanding their own use of
chatbot technology.
This guide is neither a final nor definitive guide to chatbot
technology. Please consider this guide as a starting point for
prompting chatbots rather than a comprehensive guide to all ways
to prompt chatbot technology.
Let this be a demonstration of the capabilities of the latest
generation of chatbot technology, bringing awareness of what is
possible as AI-powered chatbot technology transforms university
teaching and learning. It is designed to help you understand the
potential benefits and limitations of using chatbot technology for
teaching, learning and working, and to equip you with the
knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about how to
prompt it to help with your own teaching, learning and beyond.
This guide will teach you:
1. How chatbot technology can help students, educators
and the workforce with writing, communication and
2. How to write effective prompts so chatbot technology
can help you with your projects
3. Best practices for using chatbot technology in a
responsible and ethical manner
This guide can serve as a valuable resource for a wide range of
individuals and groups looking to integrate chatbot technology
into their teaching, learning, and working practice. It can be read
as an introduction to chatbot technology, providing an overview
of its capabilities and potentially helpful prompts. It can also be
used as a handy desk reference for expanding your chatbot
technology toolkit and learning about advanced features and
techniques. Additionally, it can be assigned as reading for a class
or group studying or applying chatbot technology in their
respective field. It is my hope that readers will be inspired to find
new approaches and insights to enhance their teaching, learning,
and working practice by leveraging the power of chatbot
This guide is organized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the
reader to chatbot technology, and Chapter 2 examines common
myths and facts surrounding chatbot technology. Chapter 3 and
4 offer guiding principles for responsible prompting and a step-
by-step introduction to get started. Chapter 5 reinforces concepts
and offers practice for more skillful chatbot prompting, and
Chapters 5-7 offer detailed writing and communication tips, with
more prompts, and Chapter 8 examines the possibilities for the
workforce to utilize chatbot technology for individualized
instruction, training. Chapter 9 concludes by examining the
future of responsible use of chatbots for an AI-augmented
In this guide, each chapter begins with key questions and ends
with a summary, discussion questions and chatbot exercises. The
guide contains many sample prompts to offer practical
demonstration of what to input to interact with chatbot
technology, and are denoted by a blue square (or a gray/black
square, depending on printing).
“Hello world”
As we explore the frontier of chatbot technology with this
guide, you will discover new ways that chatbot technology can
transform many common tasks involved with teaching, learning
and working life. This guide is your guide to the exciting
possibilities of this revolutionary technology, and I hope it will
inspire you to think creatively and critically about how chatbot
technology can help enhance your own teaching, learning, and
working practice. We sit at the dawn of a new era of working
efficiency, and once we learn how to incorporate chatbot technology
into our learning, we will become an AI-augmented workforce.
Preview Questions
1. What is chatbot technology and how does it work?
2. What can chatbot technology do for students, educators
and the workforce?
3. What are limitations of using chatbots in education?
4. What are the implications of chatbots in education?
This year the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland,
focused on the rise of artificial intelligence. According to Ina
Fried, author of Axios Login, "Forget crypto and blockchain: The
tech conversation at this year's World Economic Forum in Davos
is all about the rise of artificial intelligence, particularly the text-
generator ChatGPT."
“I think ChatGPT is awesome. I think it’s going
to be a great co-pilot for creatives. Hopefully, it
raises the bar on everyone’s creativity… You
have something else that‘s that responsive.
You can push it and it will push you.,”, Davos 20231
Many attendees are discussing the implications of these new
generative AI tools and how they will reshape businesses and
lives. The CEO of a major tech company stated that "he knew all
about the large language model approach that underlies these
generative AI tools but he wouldn't have predicted even six
months ago that they would have emerged as the game-changers
they are shaping up to be."
The public is captivated by generative AI and trying to
understand how it will change their lives and work. Optimists see
opportunities for AI to improve knowledge work and make
breakthroughs in health and sustainability, while others are
concerned about the potential for AI-generated misinformation
and the biases that may be built into the systems. There are also
concerns about the impact on jobs and how regulators will
approach the technology.2
1.1 What is Chatbot Technology?
Chatbots are becoming an increasingly important part of our
technological landscape, offering new and innovative ways for
students, educators, and workers to interact with technology.
These computer programs are designed to simulate conversation
with human users, making communication quick and efficient.
1 This article was published on January 19th, 2023, by Yahoo, with the title
“Davos 2023: Chat GPT a great co-pilot for creatives, William says" and
the URL
2 This article was published on January 19th, 2023, by Axios, with the title
“ChatGPT is the talk of Davos” and the URL
For students, chatbots offer an exciting new way to engage
with technology and learn about the world. With their ability to
answer questions and provide information, chatbots can serve as
valuable educational tools that can help students with their studies
and extend their knowledge.
For educators, chatbots offer a unique opportunity to enhance
the learning experience and reach students in new ways. They can
provide students with personalized feedback and support, freeing
up time for teachers to focus on other tasks.
In the world of work, chatbots are becoming increasingly
important as a tool for improving efficiency and streamlining
communication. They can automate tasks, freeing up time for
workers to focus on more important and strategic tasks. With the
rise of AI, chatbots are becoming more sophisticated, allowing
workers to collaborate with technology in new and exciting ways.
Contemporary chatbots showcase an impressive advancement
in the ability to understand and generate human-like text, opening
up new possibilities for language models and has expanded their
capability to perform a wide range of tasks.
The ability of more advanced chatbots to understand and
respond in a naturalistic way to language input makes it a helpful
for a variety of tasks. Chatbots can now be trained to do specific
tasks, like completing a sentence you've started, or answering
questions. Chatbots can help you with your writing, acting as your
research assistant, offer individualized feedback and help you
communicate with others more effectively.
“How can chatbot technology be used by students,
educators and the workforce?”
Chatbot technology answers questions like this; all you need is
an account with a company that provides a text-based
conversational AI interface.3 In the browser-based console,
entering the above prompt causes the chatbot to generate a
individually-tailored message in response, such as:
3 One option is a free OpenAI account. If you haven’t yet, you can sign
up now: We’ll go into more detail about getting
started with chatbot technology in Chapter 3.
Chatbot technology can be used by students for a variety
of tasks, such as research and writing assignments,
summarizing and paraphrasing text, and even generating
creative writing prompts. Educators can use chatbot
technology to create interactive quizzes, lesson plans, and
educational materials. The workforce can use chatbot
technology for tasks such as writing reports, creating
presentations, and summarizing large amounts of data.
Additionally, chatbots can be used for customer service
and support, by automatically generating responses to
common questions.
And now it is the user’s turn to type or copy-paste text,
prompting the chatbot’s next response. In this way, the chatbot
and the user alternate entering text, in conversation. Chatbots are
coachable and responsive to follow-up questions or further
prompting. Language models, including chatbots, are currently
being used in a variety of ways such as for teaching and learning,
research and institutional development.
As you start prompting, you can prompt chatbot technology
responsibly and make the most of its capabilities. The
possibilities and potential of chatbots are indeed truly exciting,
and by responsibly integrating chatbot technology into your work,
you can open up new opportunities for creativity, efficiency, and
1.2 Current Applications of Language Models in
As students, educators, and members of the workforce, you
may be wondering how else chatbot technology can be prompted
to help with learning. The model has the potential to change the
way we learn and teach. It can be prompted for a wide range of
applications, including brainstorming/writing, professional
communication and individualized learning.
Christian Terwiesch, a Wharton professor at the University of
Pennsylvania, conducted a test on the chatbot's abilities in
operations management, a core subject in MBA programs. He
found that the chatbot received a grade of B to B- on the exam,
and concluded that this has important implications for business
school education, citing the need to review examination policies,
curriculum design, and teaching.
“Chat GPT3 would have received a grade of B to B- on the
exam. This has important implications for business school
education,” said Terwiesch in his white paper "Would Chat GPT3
Get an MBA from Wharton?"
“I’m one of the alarmists,” said Professor Jerry Davis of the
University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. “Our entire
enterprise in education is being challenged by this, and it will only
get more challenging. It is time to rethink from top to bottom.”
Francisco Veloso, Dean of Imperial College Business School
in London, said: “We are having serious discussions and a
working group is looking at the implications of ChatGPT and
other similar tools that we know our resourceful and inventive
students are using, and we will be formulating policies around that
“I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the writing: concise,
choice of words, structure. It was absolutely brilliant,” said
Terwiesch, “But the math is so horrible. Language and intuition
are correct, but even relatively simple high school math got a lot
One of the key applications of chatbot technology for learning
is for brainstorming and writing help. The model can be trained
to understand the specific style and formatting requirements of
an assignment or paper, and can provide suggestions and
corrections to improve the clarity and coherence of the writing.
This can be especially helpful for non-native speakers or students
who struggle with writing. For example, a student can prompt a
4 This article was published on January 21st, 2023, by the Financial Times,
with the title “AI chatbot MBA exam poses test for business schools” and
the URL
chatbot to generate ideas for their essay and get feedback on their
Another key application of chatbot technology is to help with
professional communication. Chatbots can be prompted to
generate emails, reports and other professional documents, and
can also be prompted to simulate real-life scenarios for training
and practice. For example, a worker can prompt a chatbot to
generate an email to a client and get feedback on the tone and
style of the email. Another application of chatbots is for
individualized learning. The model can generate exercises and
quizzes, provide feedback, and be prompted to generate
personalized learning plans and learning materials based on the
student's learning style and progress. For example, a student can
prompt a chatbot to generate flashcards that are tailored to their
learning needs.
While chatbots have great potential, they also have limitations.
The model is only as good as the data it's trained on, so it may
not be able to understand or respond to certain types of input or
may produce biased or inaccurate responses. Additionally,
because it generates text based on patterns it has seen in the data
it was trained on, it can sometimes generate text that is not
grammatically correct or is nonsensical.
It's important to remember that while chatbots can be a
valuable tool for brainstorming and writing help, professional
communications and individualized learning, it is crucial to
understand its capabilities and limitations and use it responsibly.
Below are some more specific examples of how language
models can be applied to help with common education situations,
with sample chatbot prompts:
1. Automated essay scoring
Language models can be trained to understand and grade
student essays, providing teachers with an efficient and
accurate way to assess student writing.
"Please grade this student essay on the topic of 'The
impact of technology on education'."
2. Personalized tutoring
Language models can be trained to provide personalized
feedback and guidance to students as they work through
problems or complete assignments.
"Can you provide personalized feedback and
guidance on this math problem for a student?"
3. Research assistance
Language models can be trained to assist researchers in
identifying relevant literature, generating hypotheses, and
writing papers.
"Can you help me find relevant literature on the topic
of 'Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education'?
4. Classroom assistance
Language models can be trained to provide teachers with
help in creating lesson plans, presentations, and other
"Can you help me create a lesson plan on the topic
of 'The history of AI'?"
5. Language translation
Language models can be trained to translate educational
materials and make them more accessible to students and
faculty members who speak different languages.
"Can you translate this educational material from
English to Spanish?"
6. Writing, research and communication skill development
Language models can help students to improve the
quality of their writing, research and communication
"Can you provide feedback on this student's research
paper on 'Chatbot technology in education' to help
improve their writing skills?"
7. Chatbots can also help professors in creating their
syllabus, quizzes and exams.
"Can you help me create a quiz on the topic of
'Natural Language Processing' for my AI class?"
8. Language models can also help in generating summaries,
reports and other research-related documents.
"Can you help me summarize this research paper on
'AI in education'?"
9. Email and chatbot assistance
Chatbots can be trained for creating automated email
responders (chatbots) that can help answer common
questions from students, faculty, and staff members. This
can free up time for administrators to focus on more
complex tasks.
"Can you help me create an automated email
responder for common questions from students?"
10. Meeting and event planning
Chatbots can be trained to assist in scheduling meetings
and events, by suggesting available time slots, creating
agendas, and even generating meeting minutes.
"Can you help schedule a meeting for next week and
suggest a agenda?"
11. Campus tour assistance
Chatbots can be trained to offer virtual tours of the
campus, providing prospective students and their families
with an interactive and engaging way to explore the
"Can you help me create a virtual tour of the
university for prospective students?"
12. Policy and procedure assistance
Educators can train chatbots to draft language for
updating university policies and procedures, by
suggesting language, providing examples, and even
identifying potential problem areas.
"Can you help me update the university's policy on
'Use of AI in the classroom' by suggesting language
and identifying potential problem areas?"
13. Generating reports
Administrators can train chatbots to generate reports on
various aspects of university operations, such as
enrollment, graduation rates, financials, and more.
"Can you generate a report on enrollment numbers
for the past semester?"
These are examples of how chatbots can be trained by
administrators. The flexibility of this technology allows for a wide
range of applications, and it's likely that new applications will
continue to be developed as the technology evolves.
1.3 Challenges and Limitations of Using Chatbots in
While language models, including chatbots, have the potential to
dramatically alter how we teach, learn, and conduct research,
there are also a number of challenges and limitations that must be
considered when training language models to help with education
and work problems. Computationally, inputs to the console are
limited to 1,000 characters and the frequency of sending messages
are throttled.
One of the main challenges is the potential for chatbots and
other language models to perpetuate societal biases and
discrimination. These models are trained on large amounts of
data, and if that data is biased, the model will reflect that bias in
its output. This can be a limitation when applying them to help
with tasks that require fairness and impartiality, such as hiring or
Another challenge is the potential for chatbots and other
language models to be applied in ways that are not in line with
our values and beliefs. For example, chatbots could be trained to
control people's behavior and thoughts or to reinforce existing
societal biases.
A third challenge is the potential for chatbots and other
language models to be used in ways that are harmful. The model
output has the potential to reinforce existing societal issues such
as discrimination or could be used to create a surveillance state.
Another limitation is the lack of understanding of human
emotions, intentions and moral reasoning. Chatbots and other
language models are not capable of understanding human
emotions, intentions or moral reasoning. This can be a limitation
when applying them for tasks that require empathy, such as
providing counseling or tutoring.
Additionally, there is a challenge of ensuring the quality of the
output of the language models. Language models are not perfect,
they may generate errors or provide inaccurate responses. This
can be a limitation when using them to help with tasks that require
high levels of accuracy, such as grading essays or providing
medical diagnosis.
Be aware of these challenges and limitations when using
language models, including chatbots, in education. By
understanding these challenges and taking steps to mitigate them,
we can ensure that language models are used in a responsible and
ethical way, and that they have the greatest impact on teaching,
learning, and research.
1.4 Comparison of Language Models in Education
There are several popular language models that are currently
being used for education. Well-known language models include
ChatGPT, BERT, GPT-2, and RoBERTa. While all of these
models have the potential to impact how we teach, learn, and
conduct research, they also have some key differences in terms of
capabilities and limitations.
ChatGPT: Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a large-scale
language model that is trained on a diverse range of internet text.
This allows it to generate human-like text and answer questions.
ChatGPT is particularly good at understanding context and
generating text that is coherent and well-formed.
BERT: Developed by Google, BERT is a transformer-based
model that is trained on a wide range of internet text. BERT
excels at understanding the meaning of text, and it is particularly
good at tasks such as natural language understanding, question
answering, and text generation. However, BERT is not as good
at understanding context and generating text that is coherent and
GPT-2: Developed by OpenAI, GPT-2 is a large-scale
language model that is trained on a diverse range of internet text.
GPT-2 is known for its ability to generate human-like text, and it
has wide application, including natural language understanding,
question answering, and text generation. However, GPT-2 has
been criticized for its lack of interpretability.
RoBERTa: Developed by Facebook, RoBERTa is a
transformer-based model that is trained on a wide range of
internet text. RoBERTa excels at understanding the meaning of
text, and it is particularly good at tasks such as natural language
understanding, question answering, and text generation.
RoBERTa is an improved version of BERT, and it has been
shown to be more effective in some tasks than BERT, but it
requires much more computational resources than BERT.
In summary, ChatGPT, BERT, GPT-2, and RoBERTa are all
powerful language models that have the potential to reshape how
we teach, learn, and conduct research. Each model has its own
strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the
specific application and use case. ChatGPT is known for
generating human-like text and for its ability to answer questions
in a conversational way based the data it was trained on. BERT
excels at understanding the meaning of text and is particularly
good at natural language understanding, question answering, and
text generation. GPT-2 is known for its ability to generate human-
like text, but it has been criticized for its lack of interpretability.
RoBERTa is an improved version of BERT that excels at
understanding the meaning of text, but it requires much more
computational resources than BERT.
The field of AI is constantly evolving, with new research and
developments being made in areas such as machine learning,
natural language processing, computer vision, and more. Some of
the latest research in AI includes:
1. Adversarial machine learning
This research focuses on developing methods to protect
AI systems from malicious attacks, such as by creating
"adversarial examples" that can fool an AI model.
2. Explainable AI
There is a growing interest in developing AI systems that
can provide clear and transparent explanations for their
decisions, rather than being opaque "black boxes."
3. Reinforcement learning
This is a type of machine learning that involves training
AI models through trial-and-error, rather than through
supervised learning.
4. Generative AI
This type of AI models can generate new data, such as
images or text, based on what they have learned from a
5. Chatbots and conversational AI
This is an area of Generative AI that involves creating
systems that can understand and respond to natural
language input.
1.5 Chatbots and the Workforce
Chatbots can be used as a tool for preparing students, educators
and the workforce to recognize the potential that AI has to
transform many aspects of their field.
For students, AI can provide personalized feedback and
guidance, help them develop skills such as writing and
communication. As well as hands-on experience with natural
language processing and language generation, which are
important aspects of AI.
For educators, AI can provide assistance in creating lesson
plans, presentations, and other materials, can help them to grade
student work, and even assist them in creating their syllabus,
quizzes and exams. It can also help educators to evaluate student
progress and provide personalized feedback.
For the workforce, AI can help them to improve their
productivity, by assisting in tasks such as scheduling meetings,
writing reports, and creating presentations. It can help them to
make better decisions by providing them with insights and
predictions, and even help them to communicate more effectively
with their colleagues and clients.
In summary, AI can bring a lot of benefits to students,
educators, and the workforce, by providing them with more
efficient and effective ways to work, learn, and communicate.
That's why they want to become AI-ready, so that they can take
advantage of these benefits and stay competitive in today's fast-
paced world.
Working with chatbots can give students, educators and the
workforce a deeper understanding of the principles and
techniques of AI, including the importance of data and the role
of neural networks in language generation. This knowledge can
help them to better understand the inner workings of AI systems,
and be more prepared to work with AI in a workplace setting.
Chapter Summary
This chapter discusses the use of chatbots and other large
language model in education. The chapter explains that
conversational AI models analyze a massive amount of text data
and generate human-like text responses to prompts given to it.
The chapter notes that chatbots are changing the need for
teaching and learning, as chatbots have many applications,
including writing assistance, language learning, and research.
However, the chapter also highlights the limitations of chatbots,
such as being only as good as the data it is trained on and
potentially producing biased or inaccurate responses. The chapter
also provides examples of current applications of language
models in education, such as automated essay scoring,
personalized tutoring, and language translation.
Discussion Questions for Review
1. What are some potential ethical considerations
surrounding the use of chatbots and other language
models in education?
2. How can chatbots and other language models be used to
improve the accessibility of educational materials for
students and faculty members who are visually impaired
or have other disabilities?
3. How can we ensure that chatbots and other language
models are not producing biased or inaccurate responses?
4. How can chatbots and other language models be used to
improve the efficiency and accuracy of the assessment of
student writing?
5. What are some potential implications of the use of
chatbots and other language models on the role of
teachers and students in education?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
"Can you explain the process of training this chatbot on
a massive amount of text data?"
"What are some examples of language understanding
tasks that this chatbot can be used for?"
"How can this chatbot be used for language learning,
specifically for grammar and vocabulary practice?"
"Can you provide an example of how this chatbot has
been used in research for text generation and data
"What steps can be taken to ensure that this chatbot does
not produce biased or inaccurate responses?"
Preview Questions
1. What are some examples of tasks chatbots and other
language models can be used for beyond simple tasks?
2. What are some of the benefits of using chatbots and
other language models in education?
3. What are limitations of chatbots and other language
models in comparison to humans?
4. How can chatbots be used to assist in writing and
language learning?
5. What are the areas in which chatbots is continuously
This chapter provides an introduction to the capabilities and
limitations of this powerful language model. This chapter will
explore common misconceptions about chatbots, including the
myth that its proper use amounts to plagiarism and the myth that
it can replace human teachers. It will also provide key facts about
chatbots, including its potential as a support tool in education and
its continuous improvement over time. Additionally, this chapter
will examine the impact of chatbots on the AI-augmented
workforce and discuss the importance of responsible use of the
technology. The chapter will also cover the accessibility of
chatbots for non-technical users. By exploring the myths and
facts surrounding chatbots, readers will be equipped with the
knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about its use in
various applications."
2.1 Five Myths about Chatbots
2.1.1 Myth: Properly Disclosed Chatbot Use is
The idea that disclosing the use of GPT-3 would be considered
plagiarism is a myth. Plagiarism refers to the act of presenting
someone else’s ideas as your own without giving proper credit.
However, when using GPT-3, you must clearly state that you used
the model and provide a citation or reference to the source. This
is not only ethical, but it also helps to maintain the integrity of
your work.
As discussed in Chapter 8, you must use chatbots in
accordance with any classroom management policies of the
instructor and with your University's standards of academic
integrity as well as the usage policy of the company providing the
chatbot technology. Proper citation or acknowledgement of the
use of the chatbot is crucial in maintaining the integrity of your
work and adhering to ethical guidelines.
2.1.2 Myth: Chtabots are only useful for simple tasks
Another common misconception about chatbots and other
language models is that they are only useful for simple tasks.
However, this is not the case. Chatbots and other language
models have a wide range of capabilities and potential uses that
go beyond simple tasks.
Chatbots and other language models are based on advanced
algorithms that can understand and generate natural language.
This makes them useful to help assist with a wide range of tasks.
Responsibly working with chatbots requires validating the output
against external data sources and consulting appropriate experts
before taking action based on the output of the model. For
example, consult a lawyer before making legal decisions based on
the model’s output, and know that the model is biased based on
its training data and requires appropriate context to generate
useful text. The conversational AI technology underlying
chatbots allow it to generate text while pretending to advise in
such domains such as:
Act as a lawyer and give an argument for why a defendant
should be found not guilty in a criminal trial.
Act as a financial analyst and provide a forecast for the
stock market in the next quarter.
Act as a doctor and explain the treatment options for a
patient diagnosed with a specific disease.
Act as a historian and provide an analysis of the causes
and effects of a specific historical event.
Act as a politician and give a campaign speech for a
specific policy issue.
Act as a detective and present evidence to solve a fictional
Act as a teacher and create a lesson plan for a specific
topic in mathematics.
Act as a scientist and discuss the potential implications of
a new discovery in the field of genetics.
Act as a business consultant and provide a strategy for a
company to increase their sales.
Act as a philosopher and discuss the ethics of a certain
technology or scientific advancement.
The Appendix contains a larger list of tailored “act as a
prompts collected from a Github dedicated to chatbot prompts.
Be sure to consult with appropriate experts before putting the
output of the model into practice. As chatbots gains
functionality, some "act as a" prompts are more complex and
remain outside of current state-of-the-art chatbot capabilities.
Examples of such prompts outside the scope of recommended
use include:
Act as a medical expert and diagnose a patient's condition
based on their symptoms
Act as a legal expert and provide a detailed analysis of a
specific court case
Act as a financial expert and provide a detailed analysis of
a company's financial statement
In conclusion, chatbots and other language models are
powerful tools that can be used for a wide range of tasks and
purposes across different fields of study and fields. Rather than
being limited to simple tasks, these tools have the potential to be
used in a variety of ways to benefit education and beyond.
2.1.3 Myth: Chatbots can replace human teachers and
One of the prevalent misconceptions about chatbots and other
language models is that they can replace human teachers and
professors. However, this is not true. While chatbots and other
language models are advanced tools that can assist in teaching and
learning, they cannot replace the unique abilities and skills of
human educators.
Chatbots and other language models are based on complex
algorithms that are trained on vast amounts of data. These
algorithms can understand and generate natural language, but
they lack the ability to understand the context and nuances of a
particular subject or field. They also lack the ability to provide
feedback and guidance to students, or to create personalized
learning experiences.
For example, consider a student who is struggling with a
difficult concept in a mathematics class. A human teacher would
be able to understand the student's specific difficulties and
provide tailored feedback and guidance to help the student
understand the concept. In contrast, chatbots, while able to
provide an explanation of the concept, cannot understand the
student's specific difficulties and provide tailored feedback.
Additionally, chatbots and other language models are not
capable of understanding the emotional and psychological needs
of students, or providing the kind of social and emotional support
that human teachers and professors can provide. Human teachers
have the ability to understand the emotional and psychological
needs of their students, as well as providing the necessary support
for students to succeed. This is exemplified by their ability to
create a positive and inclusive classroom environment, which is
essential for student engagement and motivation.
In short, chatbots and other language models can be useful
tools for learning and teaching, but they cannot replace human
teachers and professors. They can assist human educators in their
work by providing additional resources and support, but they are
not capable of replacing the unique skills and abilities of human
It's essential for colleges and universities to acknowledge the
limitations of these tools and use them in a way that complements
the human educators rather than replacing them. This could
include using them as a supplement to traditional teaching
methods, or as a way to provide additional support to students
outside of the classroom. By using chatbots and other language
models in this way, colleges and universities can take advantage
of the benefits of these tools while still maintaining the human
connection that is essential to effective teaching and learning.
2.1.4 Myth: Chatbots are biased and not trustworthy
A concern about chatbots and other language models is that they
may be biased and not trustworthy. This is a valid concern, as
these models are trained on vast amounts of data, and if the data
they are trained on is biased, the model will also be biased.
Additionally, the model's performance can be affected by the
quality of the data it is trained on, the context of the task it is used
for, and the way it is used.
Chatbots and other language models can veer away from the
intended course if the prompts or questions are not carefully
worded. For example, if the prompts contain language that is
biased or if the prompts are not specific enough, the model may
produce biased or irrelevant responses.
To produce more relevant responses, it's important to be mindful
of the way the prompts are worded. Here are a few examples of
ways to carefully word prompts:
1. Use specific and clear language
Instead of asking "What is the meaning of life?", ask
"What are some philosophical perspectives on the
meaning of life?"
2. Avoid using biased language
Instead of asking "What are the best jobs for women?",
ask "What are some popular career choices for people
regardless of their gender?"
3. Provide context
Instead of asking "What is the capital of France?", ask "In
which city is the French National Assembly located?"
We discuss what makes a prompt more relevant in Chapter 4.
Be specific: Instead of asking "What are the best ways to reduce
stress?", ask "What are some evidence-based strategies for
managing stress in the workplace? "By being mindful of the way
the prompts are worded, it's possible to produce more relevant
and accurate responses from chatbots and other language models.
2.1.5 Myth: Chatbots are not accessible to non-technical
A misconception about chatbots and other language models is
that they are only accessible to people with technical
backgrounds. However, this is not entirely true. These tools can
be made accessible to non-technical users through the use of user-
friendly interfaces and by providing clear and accessible
documentation and tutorials.
One way in which non-technical users can use chatbots is
through a browser interface, which allows them to interact with
the model without the need for any special training or technical
knowledge. For example, a non-technical person working in a
field such as finance or healthcare may not have a strong
background in computer science or data science, but they can still
use chatbots to analyze data, generate reports or create chatbots
for customer service. They can simply use the browser interface
to input data, set parameters and receive the output without any
special training.
Another example of how non-technical users can use chatbots
is to verify the output of the model without needing technical
knowledge. For example, a non-technical person working in a
field such as journalism or research may not have expertise in
machine learning, but they can still use chatbots to generate
summaries or insights from large sets of data. They can then
cross-check the output of the model with other sources or by
running the data through other tools to verify the accuracy of the
In conclusion, while it is true that chatbots and other language
models can be complex, these tools can be made accessible to
non-technical users
2.2 Five Facts about Chatbots
2.2.1 Fact: Chatbots is an important tool for education
Chatbots and other language models have the potential to be
incredibly useful in education. These tools can be used in a variety
of ways, including writing assistance, language learning, research,
and administration.
One of the most obvious ways in which chatbots can be useful
in education is through writing assistance. The model can be used
to generate text, summaries, and outlines, which can help students
and educators save time and improve the quality of their writing.
Additionally, the model can be used to check for grammar and
style errors, which can help to improve the clarity and readability
of written work.
Another way in which chatbots can be useful in education is
through language learning. The model can be used to generate
translations, language-specific summaries, and comprehension
exercises, which can help students and educators improve their
language skills.
In research, chatbots can assist in data analysis, and
summarizing large sets of data, which can help researchers quickly
and easily identify patterns and insights that would be difficult to
uncover manually. Additionally, the model can be used to
generate research proposals, literature reviews, and other
research-related documents.
In administration, chatbots can be used to generate reports,
summaries, and other documents, which can save time and
improve the efficiency of administrative tasks. Additionally, the
model can be used to create chatbots for customer service, which
can help to improve communication and reduce the workload of
administrative staff.
In conclusion, chatbots and other language models have the
potential to be incredibly useful in education, and can be used in
a variety of ways such as writing assistance, language learning,
research, and administration. By understanding the capabilities of
these tools, and how they can be used in education, it is possible
to improve the quality of education and research, and streamline
administrative tasks.
2.2.2 Fact: Chatbots are continuously improving
Chatbots and other language models are continuously improving
in a number of areas, such as natural language understanding,
machine learning, and data processing.
One of the key areas of chatbot improvement is in natural
language understanding. The model is being trained on a larger
and more diverse set of data, which is helping it to better
understand and respond to a wide range of inputs and questions.
Additionally, new techniques such as transfer learning and fine-
tuning are being used to improve the model's ability to
understand and generate text.
Another area in which chatbots are improving is machine
learning. The model is being trained on more advanced
architectures, such as transformer models, which are helping to
improve its performance and accuracy. Additionally, new
techniques such as neural machine translation and question
answering are being used to improve the model's ability to
translate and understand text.
Finally, chatbots are improving in data processing. The model
is being trained on more diverse datasets and can process data in
more languages. Additionally, the model is being optimized to
work with more powerful hardware, which allows it to process
data faster and more efficiently.
In conclusion, chatbots and other language models are
continuously improving in areas such as natural language
understanding, machine learning, and data processing. These
advancements are helping to make the model more accurate,
efficient, and capable of handling a wider range of inputs and
questions. As a result, chatbots and other language models will be
able to provide more accurate and useful result..
2.2.3 Fact: Chatbots are best used as a support tool.
Chatbots and other language models are incredibly powerful
tools, but they are not meant to replace human teachers and
professors. Instead, these tools are best used as a support tool to
enhance learning, teaching, and research.
One of the main reasons why chatbots and other language
models are best used as a support tool is because they lack the
ability to understand and interpret context and nuances in the
same way that humans can. While language models can generate
human-like text, they do not possess the same level of
understanding and empathy as a human teacher or professor.
Therefore, remember that chatbots and other language models
should be used to supplement, rather than replace, human
However, chatbots and other language models can be
incredibly useful in a variety of ways. For example, chatbots can
be used to generate personalized feedback on student
assignments and exams, it can be used to assist with research by
helping to generate hypotheses or analyze large amounts of data,
and it can be used to help with administrative tasks such as
answering frequently asked questions or scheduling
Additionally, using chatbots and other language models can
help enhance the learning experience for students. For example,
with chatbots, one can create interactive simulations, generate
personalized study materials, or provide automated language
In conclusion, while chatbots and other language models are
not meant to replace human teachers and professors, they are
incredibly powerful tools that can be used to enhance learning,
teaching, and research. Use these tools responsibly and in
conjunction with human instruction, rather than as a replacement.
2.2.4 Fact: Chatbots can be used in a variety of fields
Chatbots and other language models have a wide range of
potential applications across a variety of fields. Some examples
1. Business
Chatbots can be used for automated customer service,
marketing content generation, market research and trend
analysis, sentiment analysis, investment analysis, stock
market predictions, financial forecasting, and named
entity recognition and relation extraction from financial
news and reports.
2. Healthcare
Chatbots can be used for medical diagnosis and treatment
planning, personalized health recommendations, medical
research, report and summary generation, and extracting
information from electronic health records.
3. Law
Chatbots can be used for legal research, contract review,
document summarization, and generating legal briefs and
court filings.
4. Science and Engineering
Chatbots can be used for scientific research, data analysis,
technical documentation, summarization and named
entity recognition in scientific papers and journals.
5. Humanities
Chatbots can be used for literary analysis, historical
research, and language translation.
It's worth noting that, while the potential uses of chatbots and
other language models are wide-ranging, they are not always a
replacement for human expertise. They can be used to augment
and enhance existing processes and workflows, but they should
not be relied upon to make critical decisions without human
2.2.5 Fact: Chatbots are open-sourced and accessible.
One of the key benefits of chatbots and other language models
is that they are open-sourced and accessible to a wide range of
users. This means that anyone can access the code and use it to
build their own models and applications.
One of the main ways that chatbots and other language models
are open-sourced is through GitHub, a platform for sharing and
collaborating on code. On GitHub, users can access the code for
chatbots, other language models, and contribute to the
development of the model by submitting pull requests.
Additionally, there are a wide range of tutorials and guides
available that provide step-by-step instructions for building
models and applications using chatbots and other language
models. These tutorials and guides are designed to be accessible
to users with varying levels of technical expertise, and they cover
a wide range of topics, including data preprocessing, model
training, and application development.
Some organizations also provide access to pre-trained models
via API and cloud services, this means that users can start
building applications and models without the need of training and
fine-tuning the model themselves.
Furthermore, the open-source nature of chatbots and other
language models means that they can be easily integrated into
existing systems and applications, making it possible to use these
tools in a wide range of contexts.
In conclusion, chatbots and other language models are open-
sourced and accessible, which makes it easy for users to build
their own models and applications. With a wide range of tutorials
and guides available, as well as access to pre-trained models via
API, it is possible for users with varying levels of technical
expertise to get started using these tools.
2.3 Chatbots and the AI-Augmented Workforce
Chatbot technology is a valuable tool for education but we must
understand the myths and facts surrounding it. While it is true
that chatbots cannot replace human teachers and professors, it is
a useful support tool that can assist with a variety of tasks. Despite
concerns about security and bias, chatbot technology is
continuously improving and is open-sourced, making it accessible
to non-technical users. It can be used in a variety of fields and is
best utilized as a supplement to human expertise. Overall, chatbot
technology has the potential to enhance the educational
experience and facilitate learning in new ways.
Chatbot technology also has the potential to prepare students
for an AI-augmented workforce. As technology continues to
advance, the ability to work with and understand AI systems will
be increasingly important in many industries. By incorporating
chatbot technology into the education curriculum, students can
develop the skills necessary to effectively use AI in their future
For example, chatbots can be used to facilitate interactive,
personalized learning experiences. This can help students develop
critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Additionally, chatbots can assist with tasks such as language
translation, natural language processing, and data analysis, which
are all skills that will be in high demand in the future.
Furthermore, chatbots can be used to create virtual assistants
and chatbots, giving students hands-on experience in building
and designing these AI systems. This can provide students with a
deeper understanding of the technology behind AI, as well as a
better understanding of the ethical and societal implications of its
In summary, chatbots can provide valuable educational
experiences for students, preparing them for an AI-augmented
workforce by providing them with the skills and knowledge
necessary to effectively use AI in their future careers. This can
help students develop a competitive edge in the job market, and
be better prepared to work in fields that will be impacted by the
integration of AI technology.
Chapter Summary
While chatbots and other language models can assist in teaching
and learning, they cannot replace human teachers and professors.
Chatbots should be used in a way that complements human
educators rather than replacing them. The idea that chatbot
technology is only useful for simple tasks is debunked as a myth,
highlighting its wide range of capabilities and potential uses.
Furthermore, as chatbot technology is continuously improving in
areas such as natural language understanding, machine learning,
and data processing, it is becoming more accurate and efficient in
handling a wider range of inputs and questions. In regards to
concerns about plagiarism, proper notice of disclosure, and/or
citation of the model's output should be included in order to
avoid academic misconduct.
Discussion Questions
1. How can we ensure that chatbot technology is being used
to supplement, rather than replace, human expertise in
2. What are some ethical considerations that should be
taken into account when using chatbots in education?
3. What are some of the ways that human teachers and
professors can work in conjunction with chatbots and
other language models to create effective learning
4. What are some ways that chatbots can be used to
improve the quality of education?
5. How will the use of chatbots and other language models
in education will evolve in the future?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
What are some examples of tasks that chatbots can be
used for beyond text generation?
Can you provide an example of how chatbots can be used
to provide additional support to students outside of the
How does chatbots compare to other language models in
terms of its capabilities and potential uses in education?
What is the difference between chatbots and other
language models in terms of its ability to understand the
context and nuances of a particular subject or field?
Preview Questions
1. What is the importance of protecting sensitive data
when using chatbots in education and workplace tasks?
2. How can organizations ensure that chatbots are used in
ways that align with their goals and values?
3. What is the role of experts and other sources in
validating and debiasing chatbot output?
4. What is the reasoning for ongoing training in ethical use
of chatbots?
Chatbots have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives,
providing assistance with a range of tasks, from customer service
to online shopping. The increasing use of chatbots in education
and workplace tasks has led to significant improvements in
efficiency and accessibility, but it also raises important ethical
questions about the use of technology in these contexts.
The use of chatbots in education and workplace tasks requires
careful consideration of the ethical implications of this
technology. It is crucial to ensure that chatbots are used in ways
that promote equity, accuracy, and transparency, and that they do
not harm the users or compromise their privacy and
confidentiality. The use of chatbots in education and workplace
tasks also presents several challenges, including the risk of bias,
the need for continuous monitoring, and the requirement for
robust security measures to protect sensitive data.
Chatbots are revolutionizing the way we learn and work by
providing personalized assistance, improving accessibility, and
streamlining processes. They can help educators and employees
save time and effort, allowing them to focus on higher-value
To ensure that chatbots are used in ways that benefit society
and protect the interests of all stakeholders, it is crucial to
establish clear guiding principles for ethical chatbot use in
education and workplace tasks. These principles should be
informed by best practices, ethical considerations, and the latest
developments in chatbot technology.
3.1 Principle 1: Protect Sensitive Data
When using chatbots in education and workplace tasks, it is
important to ensure that sensitive information, such as personal
details, financial information, and confidential business
information, is protected. Any personally identifiable or sensitive
information should be removed prior to inputting any text into
chatbots, and unless shared on a protected server students should
expect the information to be treated as if they were posting about
it on the open Internet. Students educators and professionals
should take precaution around sensitive information because the
unauthorized access to, or misuse of, sensitive information can
have serious consequences, such as identity theft, financial fraud,
and reputational harm.
To prevent data breaches, it is crucial to implement security
measures, such as removing sensitive/identifiable data and/or
ensuring the data is transferred with appropriate encryption,
access controls, and secure data storage. Chatbots should be
designed with privacy and security in mind. By protecting
sensitive data and ensuring privacy, organizations can build trust
with their stakeholders and promote ethical and responsible use
of chatbots in education and workplace tasks.
3.2 Principle 2: Prompt the Model to Succeed
The purpose and scope of a chatbot's use in education and
workplace tasks should be clearly defined from the outset. This
definition should take into account the specific needs and
objectives of the target users, as well as the ethical implications of
the chatbot's intended applications. By establishing a clear
definition of the chatbot's purpose and scope, organizations can
ensure that the chatbot is being used in ways that align with their
goals and values.
To avoid harmful applications and ensure the chatbot is
fulfilling its intended purpose, it is important to continuously
monitor the chatbot's behavior and its interactions with users.
This includes analyzing the chatbot's outputs, evaluating its
effectiveness, and addressing any issues or concerns that arise. If
necessary, the chatbot's programming should be reprompted and
fine-tuned to ensure that it is achieving its educational and
workplace goals.
Implementing ethical guidelines and principles is critical to
ensuring that chatbots are used in ways that promote fairness,
transparency, and accountability. Organizations should develop a
code of ethics that outlines the ethical considerations and
responsibilities associated with the use of chatbots in education
and workplace tasks. This code of ethics should aim to minimize
bias and false information and to achieve the educational goals
set out for the chatbot. The code of ethics should be integrated
into the chatbot's design and development process, and should
be regularly reviewed and updated so your use of chatbot
technology aligns with latest developments in the field.
By prompting the model to succeed and avoiding harmful
applications, organizations can ensure that chatbots are being
used in ways that benefit society and align with their ethical
obligations. By continuously monitoring and fine-tuning the
chatbot's behavior and implementing ethical guidelines,
organizations can minimize bias, false information and achieve
their educational goals.
3.3 Principle 3: Validate and Debias Output by
Consulting Experts and Other Sources
Just as the old saying “garbage-in / garbage-out” illustrates,
chatbot text generation is only as good as the data and algorithms
that drive it, and if either the training data or algorithm are biased,
the chatbot's output will also be biased. This can have significant
consequences, particularly in the field of education and workplace
tasks, where the chatbot is being used to impart knowledge and
make important decisions. It is therefore crucial to ensure that the
chatbot's outputs are free from bias and that they accurately
reflect the intended educational goals.
Continuous assessment and validation of chatbot output is
essential to ensure that the chatbot is producing accurate and
unbiased results. This can involve conducting regular audits of
the chatbot's outputs, reviewing its behavior and outcomes, and
updating its algorithms and data sources to eliminate any sources
of bias. The assessment and validation process should be ongoing
and should be incorporated into the chatbot's development and
deployment processes.
To validate and debias the chatbot's output, organizations
should draw on a range of experts and other sources, including
data scientists, subject matter experts, and outside stakeholders.
These experts can help to identify potential sources of bias and
to develop strategies to eliminate them. In addition, organizations
should engage with the wider community, including users, to
gather feedback and insights into the chatbot's behavior and
outputs. By drawing on a range of experts and other sources,
organizations can ensure that the chatbot's outputs are accurate,
unbiased, and aligned with the intended educational goals.
By validating and debiasing the chatbot's output, organizations
can ensure that the chatbot is delivering accurate and reliable
information to support education and workplace tasks. By
incorporating ongoing assessment and validation, and drawing on
a range of experts and other sources, organizations can minimize
bias and ensure that the chatbot's outputs align with their ethical
and educational obligations.
3.4 Principle 4: Disclose Chatbot Use
In academic and professional settings, it is crucial for chatbot
usage to be transparent. This helps to ensure that the public,
scholars, and professionals are aware of when and how chatbots
are used in the production of scholarly and professional work.
Transparency also enables the audience to assess the validity of
the information produced by chatbots and make informed
Disclosure also promotes accountability and trust. When
chatbots are used in scholarly and professional settings, it is
important for the public and professionals to trust that the
information provided by the chatbots is accurate and unbiased.
By being transparent about chatbot usage, it becomes easier to
establish trust and accountability, which are essential in academic
and professional settings.
Finally, it is important to communicate the limitations and
intended use of chatbots clearly. This helps to ensure that the
public and professionals are aware of the limitations of chatbots
and the type of information that can be obtained from them. It
also helps to avoid misunderstandings and incorrect
interpretations of the information provided by chatbots.
Disclosing the use of chatbots appropriately is crucial for
ensuring transparency, accountability, and trust in the academic
and professional setting. It is important to clearly communicate
the limitations and intended use of chatbots and to be transparent
about their use in scholarly and professional communications.
3.5 Principle 5: Continuous Training in Latest
Developments in Ethical Use of Chatbot
Chatbot technology is rapidly evolving, and it is essential to stay
informed of the latest developments in ethical use to ensure that
these powerful tools are utilized in ways that are safe, secure, and
beneficial to society. As chatbot technology advances, it is crucial
to be informed of the latest trends, best practices, and ethical
considerations. This can help organizations to stay ahead of
potential risks and prevent harmful applications of chatbots. By
staying informed of the latest developments, organizations can
proactively implement new technologies and ethical guidelines
that promote the responsible and effective use of chatbots.
The role of continuous training in ensuring the ethical use of
chatbots: Continuous training can help organizations to
understand the potential benefits and risks of chatbots. This can
include education on the latest ethical considerations, such as data
privacy, data security, and bias mitigation. By providing regular
training opportunities, organizations can ensure that all
stakeholders are informed and equipped to use chatbots in ethical
and responsible ways.
The need for regular assessment of chatbot performance and
receiving feedback: Regular assessment of chatbot performance
is essential to ensure that these tools are working as intended and
to identify any potential issues that need to be addressed. By
receiving feedback from users and experts, organizations can
fine-tune their chatbots to ensure that they are providing accurate
and helpful information. Regular assessments can also help
organizations to continuously improve their chatbots, ensuring
that they remain effective and ethical tools for education and
workplace tasks.
Cntinuous training in the latest developments in ethical use of
chatbot technology is crucial for ensuring that these powerful
tools are utilized in safe and responsible ways. By staying
informed and proactively implementing new technologies and
ethical guidelines, organizations can promote the responsible and
effective use of chatbots in education and workplace tasks.
Chapter Summary
The use of chatbots in education and the workplace presents a
unique set of challenges and opportunities. By following the
guiding principles outlined in this chapter, we can ensure that
chatbots are used in ethical and responsible ways. These
principles include protecting sensitive data and confidentiality,
promoting chatbot success and avoiding harmful applications,
validating and debiasing output, disclosing chatbot use
appropriately, and continuously training in the latest
developments in ethical chatbot use.
By adhering to these principles, we can work towards a future
where chatbots are valued not just for their efficiency and
convenience, but also for their commitment to ethical and
responsible technology. It is important to regularly reflect and
assess the performance of chatbots and receive feedback to
continuously improve their use and impact in the education and
workplace. With responsible implementation, chatbots have the
potential to transform and enhance the way we learn and work.
Discussion Questions for Review
1. What are the potential consequences of a chatbot having
biased outputs in the context of education and workplace
2. What are some best practices for protecting sensitive
information when using chatbots in education and
workplace tasks?
3. What are the key components of an ethical code of
conduct for chatbot use in education and workplace
4. How can organizations build trust with their stakeholders
by using chatbots ethically and responsibly in education
and workplace tasks?
5. What role do experts and other sources play in ensuring
the accuracy and fairness of chatbot outputs in education
and workplace tasks?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
"What are the steps that organizations can take to
protect sensitive data when using chatbots in
education and workplace tasks?”
“Where can I learn more about how <professional
organization>’s code of conduct applies for using
chatbot technology?”
“Where can I learn more about recent changes in
guidance surrounding ethical use of chatbot for
education and in the workplace?”
Preview Questions
1. What are the steps to set up and access a chatbot via
browser interface?
2. What are some examples of common activities that
students might want to do with chatbots?
3. How can the model be fine-tuned using a dataset of
input-output pairs?
4. What are some exercises to try when using chatbot
technology via the browser interface?
5. What are the limitations and considerations when using
chatbot technology while in development?
In this chapter, we will cover a step-by-step process for getting
started with chatbot technology and learning how to effectively
work with a chatbot for writing and communication. We will
cover the basics of setting up and configuring a chatbot. Whether
you are a student, educator, or member of the workforce, this
chapter will provide you with the knowledge and resources you
need to begin prompting your chatbot with confidence and ease.
This chapter offers an introductory understanding of how to
prompt a chatbot to improve your writing and communication
skills. So, let's get started!
4.1 Step-by-Step First-Timer’s Guide
First-time users of chatbot technology have a variety of options
for their chatbot platform. Some chatbot platforms are built for
a specific purpose, such as for marketing and for help
writing creative content. One option for access to chatbot
technology is to sign up for a ChatGPT account through
4.1.1 ChatGPT, by OpenAI
Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a powerful language model
that can be accessed through a browser interface. In order to get
started with ChatGPT, you'll need to sign up for an OpenAI
account. That the platform is currently in beta and there may be
a waitlist when signing up for an account.
To sign up for an OpenAI account, navigate your browser to
the OpenAI website and sign up for an
Once you have an OpenAI account navigate to the browser-
based ChatGPT interface:
Towards the bottom of the screen is a wide input field. This
input field is where you will enter your prompts.
Copy this text into the input field:
Compare and contrast chatbot technology and the advent
of the printing press
Then enter return or click the arrow to the right of the input
field. If this was your first chatbot prompt, congratulations! This
is an interactive conversation, the chatbot responds and you can
respond to the chatbot just as you would to a person. For
example you could ask a followup question or engage in dialogue.
Or you could ask for revision of the previous response, such as
making it written for a different audience or purpose, described
from a different perspective, with examples, etc. We will talk
about crafting effective prompts in the next chapter. This chapter
will focus on gaining introductory experience with chatbots.
You can input any text you like, and here are some more
examples of chatbot prompts:
"Write an essay on the importance of education"
"Summarize this text: ___'"
"Explain the concept of neural networks"
You can also use the chatbot browser interface to train the
model on specific tasks or to fine-tune the model using your own
data. In order to train the model, you'll need to provide it with a
dataset of input-output pairs. This dataset is called a "prompt."
For example, you can provide the model with a prompt that
consists of a question followed by its corresponding answer.
Once the model is trained, it will be able to generate responses to
similar questions.
It is worth noting that sometimes the server may hit capacity
or the model may become unstable. If this happens, you can try
refreshing your browser, opening a new window, or trying again
later. To get the most out of your chatbot experience, it is also
recommended to have a stable internet connection.
To get practical experience using chatbots via browser
interface, here are some exercises you can try:
1. Input a question or prompt, and see how the model
responds. Compare the model's response to what you
would have expected it to be.
What is the capital of France?
"The capital of France is Paris."
Comparison: The model correctly identified that
the capital of France is Paris, which is the
expected response.
You can try the same with other prompts or questions
that you may have in mind, and compare the model's
response to what you would have expected it to be. This can
help you understand the model's capabilities and limitations.
2. Fine-tune the model by providing it with a dataset of your
own. For example, you can provide the model with a
dataset of questions and answers from a specific subject
area. Once the model is trained on this dataset, it will be
able to respond to similar questions.
Crucially, you can conversationally enter data in the input field
to train the chatbot to help you with your goals. For example, if
you’re in Paris and it’s raining and you’re looking for something
to do, you might fine-tune the model by entering:
Acting as a travel agent, what are some things we
can do in Paris when it is raining?
In other words, one way you can fine tune the model is to
input information in the input field, including any necessary
background materials, when it’s your turn to talk in the
3. Use the model to generate text on a specific topic. For
example, you can use the model to generate an essay on
the importance of education.
Overall, chatbot technology applies powerful language models
that can be useful to assist with many tasks in education. If you
sign up for an account and access the browser interface, you can
experiment with the model and see how it can be used in your
specific context.
4.2 Starting with Chatbots for Writing and
Chatbots are a versatile language models that can be used for tasks
including writing assistance, communication practice, and
individualized learning.
Co-writing with AI is a new skill that can take some time to
master, especially for people who have spent their careers staring
at a blank page. It's important to remember that chatbot
technology is a tool that can be used to support and enhance the
writing process, rather than replace it. With practice, students will
learn how to interface with chatbots for greater writing efficacy
and efficiency.
One way to get started using chatbot technology for writing is
by using it to generate writing prompts. For example, a teacher
can prompt chatbots to generate a list of creative writing prompts
for students to use as inspiration for their writing assignments.
This can be a great way to encourage students to think outside
the box and bringing unique ideas into their writing pallet.
Another way to prompt chatbots for writing assistance is by
using it to summarize long texts. For example, a student can
prompt chatbots to summarize a long research paper or news
article, making it easier to understand and study. This can be a
great way to help students understand complex texts and save
time when researching.
To demonstrate the capabilities of chatbots for writing, here
are a few examples of prompts that could be used to generate
different types of writing:
"Write a news article about the latest developments in AI
Chatbots can be used to generate a news article on the
latest advancements in AI technology, providing students
with an understanding of the topic.
"Write a descriptive essay about the Grand Canyon"
Chatbots can be used to generate a descriptive essay
about the Grand Canyon, providing students with an in-
depth understanding of the natural wonder, from its
geological features to the different animals that call it
"Write a persuasive essay arguing for the use of solar
Chatbots can be used to generate a persuasive essay
arguing for the use of solar energy, providing students
with an understanding of the potential benefits of solar
energy and the reasons why it should be adopted more
"Write a poem about the beauty of nature"
Chatbots can be used to generate a poem about the
beauty of nature, providing students with an appreciation
of the natural world, and the impact of our actions on it.
"Write a short story about a robot that gains
Chatbots can be used to generate a short story about a
robot that gains consciousness, providing students with
an understanding of the ethical and societal implications
of AI technology.
The model's output will not always be perfect, so it's always a
good idea to have a human review the output to ensure that it is
accurate and appropriate. It's also crucial to use quality and
diverse data for training the model to ensure the output matches
the input.
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, the author provides a step-by-step guide on
getting started with chatbots. The author also suggests some
common activities that students might want to do with chatbots
such as writing essays, summarizing articles, and explaining
concepts. The author also explains how the model can be fine-
tuned using a dataset of input-output pairs and provides some
exercises to try when using the browser interface. Additionally,
the author notes that as the platform is in beta, it may have some
limitations and bugs, but chatbot technology is continuously
In addition, the author explains how chatbots can be used for
writing by providing students with prompts to write an essay or
report on a specific topic, for communication by providing
students with responses to questions about a specific topic, and
for individualized learning by providing students with
personalized summaries of reading materials.
Discussion Questions
1. How does the author suggest using chatbots for writing,
and what are some examples of writing activities that can
be done with chatbots?
2. What are the author's thoughts on the limitations and
bugs of interacting with chatbots over a browser-based
connection, and how does the author suggest working
around these issues?
3. In your opinion, what are the classroom benefits of using
chatbots, and what are some examples of how chatbots
can be used to support student learning?
4. What are the implications of using chatbots for writing,
communication, and individualized learning in
5. What are some ways that chatbots can be used to
improve the quality of education and research?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
Can you go in depth about the process of fine-tuning
chatbots with a dataset of input-output pairs?
Can you provide examples of how chatbots can be used
for writing assistance in education?
Can you provide examples of how chatbots can be used
for communication in education?
Can you explain the process of using chatbots for
individualized learning in education?
Can you give some examples of industries or fields where
chatbot technology has been used and the effects it had
on them?
Preview Questions
1. What are the general principles to follow when using
chatbots to generate text?
2. How can defining the purpose and focus of a
conversation or text help guide the model in the right
3. How can using the "stop" command help to keep the
conversation on track?
4. How can avoiding overly open-ended or overly broad
questions help to avoid irrelevant or confusing results
from chatbots?
5. How can reviewing and revising the output help to ensure
accuracy and relevance?
In this chapter, we will cover the general principles and effective
prompting strategies for using chatbots in a work setting. By
adhering to these principles and strategies, students will be able
to generate more accurate and relevant text from chatbots. By
understanding these concepts, students will be able to use
chatbots to write, research, and complete projects in an efficient
and effective manner.
5.1 Principles of Prompting
When using chatbots to generate text, adhere to these general
principles in order to get the most accurate and relevant results.
5.1.1 Choose Your Words Carefully
It's important to remember that chatbot technology is not able to
read your mind, so be clear and detailed in your prompts. For
example, the phrase "Can you cite this" does not produce a
citation and the phrase "Can you format this as a citation"
generates a citation.
It's also important to use specific and clear instructions when
asking for information, as the model is not able to infer the
context or meaning behind vague or ambiguous requests. This
means being specific and concise when asking chatbots to
perform a task. For example, instead of simply asking "can you
revise this paragraph," you might say "Revise this paragraph to
include more information about the benefits of exercise."
5.1.2 Define the Conversation with Purpose and Focus
First and foremost, it is essential to define the purpose and focus
of the conversation or text you want chatbot technology to
produce. This will help to guide the model in the right direction
and ensure that the output is relevant to your needs. For example,
if you want to write an article about the benefits of exercise, you
should start the conversation with the prompt "Write an article
about the benefits of exercise."
5.1.3 Be Specific and Concise
Another important principle is to be specific and concise when
asking chatbot technology to perform a task. This means being
clear and detailed in your prompts, so that the model can
understand exactly what you want it to do. For example, instead
of simply asking "can you revise this paragraph," you might say
"Revise this paragraph to include more information about the
benefits of exercise."
Additionally, it's important to enter only relevant information
that is related to the conversation or text. Avoid asking overly
open-ended or overly broad questions, as these can lead to
irrelevant or confusing results. It's also a good idea to avoid asking
overly personal questions, such as "how are you?" as the model is
not able to understand or respond to them.
5.1.4 Provide Context
Providing context for the conversation or text can help to ensure
that the model's responses are accurate and relevant. For example,
you might explain your role (e.g. "I'm a marketing professional
who helps businesses increase their online presence"), the
audience (e.g. "I'm writing this for a group of small business
owners"), and the intended tone (e.g. "I want this to sound
informative and persuasive"). This can help to ensure that the text
generated by the model is appropriate for the intended audience
and purpose.
e.g. "I'm an X who helps Y do Z. Can you write me A for B that
explains C in a D way?".
5.1.5 Ask for More
Another key principle is to encourage the chatbot to expand on
its responses by providing feedback and asking for more
information. This will help the model to generate more detailed
and accurate text. For example, if you want the model to write an
email asking if someone is interested in a product, you can ask the
model to "rewrite the above email so it sounds more persuasive."
5.1.6 Keep the Conversation On-Track
If the conversation or text becomes irrelevant or gets off track,
it's important to use the "stop" command to halt the current
routine. Sometimes refreshing the browser or inputting "go on"
can help restore a stable connection to the server.
It's also important to keep the conversation on track and review
and revise, provide feedback and ask for what you want. This will
help to ensure that the output is accurate and relevant to your
5.2 Prompting Strategies
When generating text, there are several strategies you can use to
help guide the model's output and get the most accurate and
relevant results.
5.2.1 Act as a Specific Persona or Perspective
When writing or discuss a topic, it can be helpful to specify a
particular persona or perspective. For example, you might ask a
chatbot to "act as a marketing professional and discuss the
benefits of social media advertising" or "write from the
perspective of a customer evaluating a new product." This can
help to ensure that the text generated by the model is relevant and
appropriate for the intended audience and purpose.
5.2.2 Layer Prompts
By layering prompts that provide specific instructions on what
you want the chatbot to do, you can guide the model's responses
to be more relevant and useful. For example, you might ask the
chatbot to "Please summarize this article" and then "Please make
this sound more interesting" or “revise to also consider x.”
Providing specific instructions such as "Revise that to include
quotes, or examples, or relating to an idea" can help the model to
generate text that is more relevant to the task at hand.
5.2.3 The Matrix Method
Another effective strategy is to use the matrix method, which
involves first asking the chatbot about one topic and then how
another topic relates to it. This can help to focus the model's
output and ensure that the text is more coherent. For example,
you can ask the chatbot to "Write about the benefits of exercise,
and how it relates to mental health."
5.3 Exporting Chatbot Text
When using chatbot or other language models in an education
setting, it is crucial to respect the academic integrity policies of
the institution. This means that chatbot output should only be
used when it is permitted by the school's guidelines and other
resources should be utilized when chatbot use is not permitted.
It is also important to adhere to the IP and usage policies of the
organization that developed the model. These policies outline the
proper usage of the model and any limitations or restrictions that
should be taken into consideration.
To gain a more well-rounded understanding of a topic, it is
recommended to use chatbots in conjunction with other
resources such as textbooks and scholarly articles. This approach
allows for a deeper understanding of the subject matter, as well
as a way to verify any information generated by the model.
Finally, disclose your use of chatbots and other language models.
This ensures transparency and understanding of the tool's
limitations. A suggested notice could include a statement that the
institution is using these tools to enhance the educational
experience and that any information generated by the model is
not intended to replace expert opinion or professional judgement.
We discussed several guiding principles for obtaining the most
accurate and relevant information from chatbot technology. This
chapter drew attention to choosing your words carefully, defining
the conversation with purpose and focus, being specific and
concise, providing context, encouraging the chatbot to expand on
its responses, and keeping the conversation on track. It also
mentions the effective chatbot prompting strategies, such as
specifying a particular persona or perspective when asking the
model to write or discuss a topic.
Discussion Questions
1. How can you use the matrix method to help chatbots
focus on a specific topic?
2. How can you provide context for the conversation or text
when using chatbot technology?
3. What are some strategies for encouraging a chatbot to
expand on its responses and generate more detailed text?
4. How can you use layering prompts to guide a chatbot in
generating text?
5. How can you use the "stop" command to halt an
irrelevant or off-track conversation with a chatbot?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
"What are some methods for keeping the conversation
on track and ensuring the output is relevant to your
"What are some best practices for providing context to
ensure chatbot responses are accurate and relevant?"
"What are some examples of vague or ambiguous
requests to avoid when using a chatbot?"
"Can you provide an example of how to use the 'Act as a
Specific Persona or Perspective' strategy when using a
What are some tips for using the matrix method to help
a chatbot focus on a specific topic?"
Preview Questions
1. How can chatbots and other language models be used to
improve grammar and punctuation in student writing?
2. How can a teacher use chatbots to provide automated
feedback to students on their writing?
3. How can chatbots be used for proofreading and editing
student writing?
4. What are some examples of creative writing options that
chatbots can be used for?
5. What are the implications of using chatbots as a tool for
creative writing?
This chapter delves into the various ways in which chatbots can
assist in the writing process. From grammar checking and
proofreading to summarization and creative writing, this chapter
will explore the potential of this powerful language model to
improve writing. Additionally, the chapter also will cover the use
of chatbots for ideation and personalized writing lessons,
providing guidance on how to use this technology for writing.
6.1 Grammar Checking, Proofreading, Editing and Text
6.1.1 Grammar Checking
Chatbots can be used to check grammar and punctuation in
student writing in several ways. One of the most common uses is
as a grammar and spell checker. This can be done by training a
language model on a large dataset of text with correct grammar
and spelling, and then using it to analyze student writing and flag
any errors.
For example, a teacher may train a chatbot model on a dataset
of student essays that have been graded and corrected by the
teacher. The model can then be used to analyze new essays
written by students and flag any errors in grammar and
punctuation. The teacher can then review the flagged errors and
provide feedback to the student.
Another way to use chatbots and other language models for
grammar checking is through the use of pre-trained models that
have already been trained on large datasets of text. These models
can be fine-tuned on a smaller dataset of student writing to
improve their performance and accuracy. This can be done by
training the model on a dataset of student writing with known
errors and then evaluating its performance on a separate dataset
of student writing.
In addition to grammar and spell checking, chatbots and other
language models can also be used to help students learn grammar
and punctuation by providing them with automated feedback on
their writing. For example, a model can be trained to provide
feedback on common grammar mistakes, such as subject-verb
agreement or sentence structure. This can help students identify
and correct their own errors, improving their writing skills over
One of the benefits of using chatbots and other language
models for grammar checking is their ability to handle large
amounts of data quickly and accurately. This makes them well-
suited for analyzing large numbers of student writing samples,
and can help educators to provide more detailed and personalized
feedback to their students.
However, while chatbots and other language models can be
useful tools for grammar checking, they should not be used as a
replacement for human teachers or editors. These models can
make mistakes and may not be able to fully understand the
context and intent of student writing. Therefore, it's important to
use them in conjunction with human expertise and judgement.
In conclusion, chatbots and other language models can be
used for grammar and punctuation checking in student writing.
They can be used to check grammar and spelling, to provide
automated feedback and to help students learn grammar and
punctuation. However, it's important to remember that these
models should be used in conjunction with human judgement and
Sample chatbot prompts:
"Please check the grammar and punctuation of this
sentence: 'John and me went to the store'."
"What are some common grammar mistakes found in
this paragraph: 'The cat sat on the mat. It was a big cat
and it was very fluffy. It's fur was soft and shiny.'"
"Please provide feedback on the grammar and
punctuation of this essay on the topic of 'The importance
of education'"
Please note that the sample prompts are just examples of how
chatbots can be utilized for grammar checking and the responses
may vary depending on the training data and fine-tuning of the
model used.
6.1.2 Proofreading and Editing
One of the most promising applications of chatbots and other
language models in education is in the area of proofreading and
editing student writing. These tools can assist students and
instructors in improving the quality and clarity of written work,
and can help to identify and correct grammatical errors, spelling
mistakes, and other issues that can detract from the overall
effectiveness of the writing.
One example of how chatbots can be used for proofreading
and editing is by training the model on a corpus of student
writing. Once trained, the model can then be used to suggest
alternative word choices and phrasing for specific sections of text.
For example, if a student is struggling to write a clear and concise
thesis statement, the model can suggest alternative phrases or
sentence structures to help improve the clarity and coherence of
the statement.
To demonstrate the potential of chatbot technology for
proofreading and editing, consider the following three sample
prompts and an example of a passage of text before and after
chatbot editing for word choice, clarity and narrative flow:
1. Revising for clarity and concision
"Please provide a revised version of the following
sentence to improve clarity and concision: 'The
study, which was conducted by a team of
researchers from multiple universities, sought to
investigate the impact of social media on mental
health among young adults, and the results of the
study were quite surprising.'"
"The research, led by scholars from various
institutions, aimed to examine the relationship
between social media and psychological well-
being in young adults and yielded surprising
2. Alternate word choice
"Please provide alternative word choices for the
following sentence to make it more engaging:
'The lecture covered a lot of material, but it was
dry and uninteresting.'"
"The presentation delved into many topics, but it
was tedious and lackluster."
3. Improving flow
"Please provide a revised version of the following
paragraph to improve narrative flow: “The study,
which was conducted by a team of researchers
from multiple universities, sought to investigate
the impact of social media on mental health
among young adults, and the results of the study
were quite surprising."
"Research indicated that utilizing social media
can potentially harm mental health in young
adults. Though, it is also acknowledged that the
correlation between social media usage and
mental health is intricate and not fully
comprehended. Further studies are required to
completely grasp the influence of social media on
mental health and to establish efficient
techniques to assist young adults."
The study found that social media use can have a negative
impact on mental health, particularly among young adults.
However, it also revealed that the relationship between social
media use and mental health is complex and not fully understood.
Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship
between social media and mental health and to develop effective
interventions to support young adults.
As this example illustrates, chatbot technology can be used to
assist with proofreading and editing student writing by suggesting
alternative word choices, phrasing, and sentence structures to
improve the clarity, concision, and narrative flow of written work.
This can help to improve the quality and effectiveness of student
writing, and can also assist instructors in providing more effective
feedback and guidance to students.
Another way that chatbot technology can be used for
proofreading and editing is by incorporating the model into a
writing application or platform. This can allow students to receive
real-time feedback and suggestions as they write, and can also
allow instructors to quickly review and edit large amounts of
student work. Additionally, chatbots can be used to assist with
automated grading and scoring of written work, which can save
time and resources for instructors and institutions.
It's important to note that while chatbots and other language
models can be very helpful in proofreading and editing student
writing, they should not be used as a substitute for human editing
and feedback. These tools can help to identify errors and issues,
but they may not always be able to understand the context and
intent of the writing. Therefore, it's important to use chatbots and
other language models in conjunction with human editing and
feedback to ensure the most accurate and effective results.
6.1.3 Text Summarization
Another area where chatbots and other language models can be
particularly useful in education is in the area of text
summarization. These tools can be used to quickly and efficiently
summarize student writing, allowing instructors and
administrators to quickly gain an understanding of the key points
and themes of a document. Text summarization can also be useful
for students as they can use it to summarize and understand
complex texts, and to help them to focus on the most important
One example of how chatbots can be used for text
summarization is by training the model on a corpus of student
writing. Once trained, the model can then be used to generate a
summary of a specific document or passage of text. So, if an
instructor wants to quickly understand the main points of a
student's research paper, the model can be used to generate a
summary of the paper that highlights the key findings and
To demonstrate the potential of chatbots for text
summarization, consider the following three sample prompts and
a demonstration of a prompt that summarizes a passage of text:
"Please provide a summary of the following research
paper on the impact of social media on mental health
among young adults."
"Please provide a summary of the key points discussed in
the following lecture on the history of the American Civil
"Please provide a summary of the main arguments and
findings presented in the following article on the effects
of climate change on ocean ecosystems."
As this example illustrates, chatbots can be used to summarize
student writing and extract key points by generating a summary
of a specific document or passage of text. This can save time and
resources for instructors and administrators, and can also help
students to focus on the most important information. However,
it's important to note that the summarization generated by the
model may not always be perfect and should be reviewed by
6.2 Chatbots for Creative Writing
Chatbot technology has a range of applications in creative writing,
some examples include:
1. Story generation
By providing chatbot technology with a starting sentence
or prompt, it can generate a complete story. For example:
"Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there
was a young princess who was cursed by a wicked
2. Poetry generation
Chatbot technology can be fine-tuned to generate poetry.
"Write a poem about love and loss"
3. Dialogue generation
Chatbot technology can generate dialogue for a script or
"Write a conversation between two friends
discussing their future plans"
4. Character impersonation
Chatbot technology can also be fine-tuned to
impersonate a famous writer's style.
"Write a short story in the style of Ernest
5. Song lyrics generation
Chatbot technology can also generate song lyrics.
"Write a song about a broken heart"
6. Screenplay generation
Chatbot technology can generate a screenplay for a movie
or TV show.
"Write a script for a comedy about a group of
friends on a road trip"
7. Creative non-fiction
Chatbot technology can also be used to generate creative
non-fiction pieces.
"Write a personal essay about overcoming a fear"
8. Fanfiction
Chatbot technology can also be used to generate
fanfiction stories.
"Write a Harry Potter fanfiction story where Hermione is
the main character"
These are just a few examples, chatbots can be used in many
ways to generate creative writing, and with the right prompts it
can generate a wide range of writing styles.
When using chatbots to help with creative writing, know that
the model is trained on a large corpus of text and may generate
output that is not entirely original or unique. Additionally, the
output data quality will depend on the input data quality and the
specific fine-tuning of the model.
Consider the ethical and legal implications when using
chatbot-generated content. For example, if you are using chatbots
to generate content that you plan to publish or sell, it's important
to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that the
content does not infringe on any existing copyrights or
In addition, it's important to understand that the model may
generate text that contains biased or offensive language, as it has
been trained on the internet's text which may contain those
Another thing to consider is that, the output generated by
chatbot technology is not always perfect and needs human
supervision and editing, even though the model has been fine-
tuned to a specific task.
Finally, it's important to remember that chatbot technology is
a tool, and the results it generates should be used as inspiration
and not as a replacement for human creativity. The model can
help generate ideas and jumpstart the writing process, but
ultimately, the final product should be crafted and refined by a
human writer.
6.3 Ideating with Chatbot Technology
While chatbots and other language models are often thought
of as tools for proofreading and editing, they can also be used in
a variety of creative and unique ways to enhance student writing
skills. These tools can be used to generate new ideas, brainstorm,
and create outlines, allowing students to take their writing to the
next level.
One example of how students can use chatbot technology to
help with writing is by using the model to generate new ideas for
writing projects. For example, a student who is struggling to come
up with a topic for a marketing case study can use a prompt such
as "Please generate three potential case study topics on how social
media marketing affects consumer behavior" to generate a list of
ideas to choose from.
Another way students can use chatbot technology is by using
the model to brainstorm and generate a list of ideas for a specific
topic. For example, a student who is writing a marketing plan can
use a prompt such as "Please generate a list of five potential
strategies for a social media marketing campaign for a new e-
commerce platform" to generate a list of ideas to choose from.
Chatbot technology can also be used to create outlines for
writing projects. For example, a student who is working on a case
study can use a prompt such as "Please generate an outline for a
case study on the impact of social media marketing on consumer
behavior" to generate a structured plan for the case study.
To demonstrate the potential of chatbot technology for
writing assistance, consider the following sample prompts that
demonstrate innovative uses of chatbots:
"Please generate three potential case study topics on the
impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior"
"Please generate a list of five potential strategies for a
social media marketing campaign for a new e-commerce
"Please generate an outline for a case study on the impact
of social media marketing on consumer behavior"
It's important to note that these examples of chatbot uses are
not only limited to these prompts and can be used in many other
ways to fit the student's needs.
6.4 Learning Writing with Chatbots
Chatbots and other language models can be used in a variety of
creative and unique ways to assist educators in creating content
for teaching. These tools can be used to generate lesson plans,
create quizzes and exams, and write educational materials, saving
educators time and effort while also providing engaging and
effective learning experiences for students.
One example of how educators can use chatbot technology to
generate lesson plans is by using the model to create a list of
learning objectives, activities, and assessments for a specific topic.
For example, an educator teaching a course on marketing can use
a prompt such as "Please generate a lesson plan on the impact of
social media marketing on consumer behavior" to generate a
structured plan for the lesson.
Another way educators can use chatbot technology is by using
the model to create quizzes and exams for their courses. For
example, an educator teaching a course on history can use a
prompt such as "Please generate a multiple-choice quiz on the
causes of the American Civil War" to generate a list of questions
and answers for the quiz.
Chatbots can also be used to write educational materials such
as study guides or handouts. For example, an educator teaching a
course on literature can use a prompt such as "Please generate a
study guide on the themes and symbols present in the novel 'The
Great Gatsby'" to generate a structured guide for the students.
To demonstrate the potential of chatbot technology for
writing content for teaching, consider the following sample
prompts that demonstrate innovative uses of chatbots:
"Please generate a lesson plan on the impact of social
media marketing on consumer behavior"
"Please generate a multiple-choice quiz on the causes of
the American Civil War"
"Please generate a study guide on the themes and symbols
present in the novel 'The Great Gatsby'"
It's important to note that these examples of chatbot uses are
not only limited to these prompts and can be used in many other
ways to fit the educator's needs.
Chatbot technology and other large language models have a
variety of applications, including grammar checking in student
writing, proofreading, and editing. It can be trained on a large
dataset of text with correct grammar and spelling to analyze
student writing and flag errors, or fine-tuned on a smaller dataset
of student writing to improve its accuracy. Additionally, it can be
used to provide automated feedback and help students learn
grammar and punctuation. Use chatbot technology in
conjunction with human expertise and judgement.
Chatbot technology can also be used for a wide range of
creative writing options such as story generation, poetry
generation, dialogue generation, character impersonation, song
lyrics generation, screenplay generation, creative non-fiction, and
fanfiction. However, know that the model is trained on a large
corpus of text and may generate output that is not entirely original
or unique. Additionally, the quality of the output will depend on
the quality of the input data and the specific fine-tuning of the
model. Consider the ethical and legal implications of using the
content and to remember that the model is a tool and the results
it generates should be used as inspiration and not as a replacement
for human creativity.
Discussion Questions
1. How can chatbot technology be used to improve
students' writing skills over time?
2. What are some ethical considerations when using chatbot
technology in student writing?
3. How can chatbot technology be used to provide more
detailed and personalized feedback to students?
4. How can chatbot technology be used to help students
overcome writer's block and generate new ideas for
writing projects?
5. How can chatbot technology be used to generate content
for different genres of creative writing such as horror,
comedy, or romance?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
"How can a chatbot be fine-tuned to improve its
performance in grammar checking student writing?"
"What are some examples of automated feedback that a
chatbot can provide on common writing mistakes?"
"Write a story about a robot who falls in love with a
human in the style of Isaac Asimov”
"Write a poem about the beauty of nature, with
alternating lines rhyming"
"Write a dialogue between two characters discussing the
meaning of life"
Write a song about the power of friendship"
Preview questions
1. What are the features of using chatbots for language
2. What are some ways chatbots can be used to teach
professional communication skills?
3. How can chatbots assist students in generating questions
and prompts for class discussions and group projects?
In this chapter, we dive into the various ways that chatbots and
other language models can be utilized to enhance communication
in education. From conversation simulation to vocabulary
acquisition and natural language understanding to professional
communication and content creation, we explore the various
functionalities of chatbots for communications.
7.1 Conversation Simulation
One of the most promising applications of chatbots and other
language models in education is their ability to simulate
conversations. Some examples include, practice conversing in a
new context, learning a new skill or role, or a new concept or field
of inquiry, or interacting in a foreign language, allowing students
to practice conversational roles in a conversationally realistic
settings, tailored to their learning needs. These language models
can be trained on large amounts of data, including transcripts of
real-life conversations, to generate responses that are similar to
how a native speaker would respond.
One use case for conversation simulation is to create a virtual
language partner for students to practice speaking with. For
example, a student could input a question or statement in a
foreign language and the language model would respond with an
appropriate answer or follow-up question. This allows students
to practice their speaking and listening skills in a low-stakes
setting, where they can make mistakes and receive feedback
without fear of embarrassment.
Another use case is to create a virtual language tutor that can
provide personalized feedback and corrections to students. For
example, a student could input a sentence in a foreign language
and the language model would respond with corrections and
suggestions for improvement. This allows students to receive
feedback on their language skills in real-time, helping them to
make more rapid progress.
A final use case is to use conversation simulation to create
virtual language immersion environments. For example, a student
could input a question or statement in a foreign language, and the
language model would respond with appropriate answers or
follow-up questions as if the student were participating in a real-
life conversation. This allows students to practice their listening
and speaking skills in a more immersive setting, which can be
more effective for developing fluency.
Sample chatbot prompts for conversation simulation:
"What do you like to do in your free time?"
"Can you tell me about your favorite holiday tradition?"
"What do you think is the biggest challenge facing your
country today?"
Across these examples of use cases, chatbots can help students
practice and improve their conversation skills by generating
responses to their prompts, which can help them learn how to
carry on a conversation and respond appropriately in different
For example, a student can input the prompt "Generate a
conversation between two friends discussing the latest political
news" and an advanced chatbot will respond with a dialogue such
"Friend 1: Did you hear about the new legislation
being proposed?
Friend 2: No, what's happening?
Friend 1: They're trying to pass a bill that would
restrict voting rights.
Friend 2: That's terrible, we need to make sure we
stay informed and take action against it."
In conclusion, the use of chatbots and other language models
for conversation simulation in education can be a powerful tool
to help students improve their language skills. The ability to
simulate realistic conversations with virtual language partners can
provide students with a low-stakes, personalized and immersive
experience to improve their language fluency.
7.2 Vocabulary Acquisition
Vocabulary acquisition is a critical aspect of language learning,
and chatbots can be used to assist with this process in various
ways. These models can be trained on large amounts of data,
including language dictionaries and text corpora, to generate
responses that include new vocabulary words and their meanings.
One use case for vocabulary acquisition is to generate
flashcards and quizzes to help students memorize new words. For
example, a student could input a vocabulary word and the
language model would respond with the definition, an example
sentence, and a synonym or antonym. This allows students to
practice their vocabulary retention in a low-stakes setting and
receive feedback on their progress.
Another use case is to help with real-time translation
assistance. For example, a student could input a sentence in their
native language and the language model would respond with the
translation in the target language. This can be helpful for students
who are reading or writing in a foreign language, as it allows them
to check their understanding and improve their comprehension.
A final use case is to use chatbots and other language models
to provide personalized vocabulary lists and exercises. For
example, a student could input a topic or field of interest, and the
language model would respond with a list of relevant vocabulary
words and exercises to practice them. This allows students to
focus on vocabulary that is most relevant to their needs and
interests for a more efficient and effective learning process.
Sample chatbot prompts for vocabulary acquisition:
"Can you give me the definition of the word 'perplexed'?"
"Can you translate this sentence 'I am going to the store'
to Spanish?"
"Can you give me a list of vocabulary words related to
computer science?"
In conclusion, chatbots and other language models can be
powerful tools to assist with vocabulary acquisition in education.
The ability to generate flashcards and quizzes, provide real-time
translation, and personalized vocabulary lists and exercises can be
an efficient and effective way to improve students' vocabulary
retention, comprehension and fluency.
7.3 Natural Language Understanding
One of the key capabilities of advanced chatbot language models
is their ability to understand and generate natural language. This
capability can be used to enhance natural language understanding
in a variety of ways, such as understanding idiomatic expressions
and recognizing cultural references.
7.3.1 Idiomatic Expressions
One potential use case for chatbots in natural language
understanding is to help with idiomatic expression
comprehension. For example, a student could input an idiomatic
phrase, such as "let the cat out of the bag," into a chatbot-
powered tool and the tool would provide the meaning of the
phrase. This could be particularly useful for students who are
learning a new language or for those who are not familiar with
idiomatic expressions in their native language.
7.3.2 Recognizing Cultural References
Another potential use case is recognizing cultural references. A
student could input a piece of text that contains a cultural
reference and the tool would provide information about the
reference and its cultural context. This could be especially helpful
for students who are studying literature or learning about
different cultures.
A third use case is sentiment analysis which is a technique that
chatbots can be fine-tuned to find subjective information in
source text. This could be useful in understanding customer
feedback, social media posts and news articles.
Three sample chatbot prompts for natural language
"Please provide the meaning of the idiomatic expression
'let the cat out of the bag'"
"Please provide information about the cultural reference
in this sentence: 'He was as mad as a hatter'"
"Please identify the sentiment of this text: 'I had a terrible
experience at this restaurant'"
While chatbots can assist in natural language understanding, it
is not a complete solution and should not replace human
understanding. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that
chatbot language models are trained on a large dataset, which can
have biases and may not be able to understand certain cultural
references or idiomatic expressions. This is an area of ongoing
research in the field of natural language processing.
7.3.3 Improving Listening Skills
Chatbots can be used to generate different scenarios, where
students can practice and improve their listening skills by listening
to the generated dialogue and then respond or react accordingly.
For example, a student can input the prompt "Generate
a conversation between a customer and a customer
service representative" and an advanced chatbot will
respond with a dialogue such as "Customer: I received
my order, but it's missing an item. Can you help me with
this? Customer Service Representative: I apologize for
the inconvenience. Can you please provide me with your
order number so I can look into this for you? Customer:
Sure, it's 123456. Customer Service Representative:
Thank you, I see the issue now. I'll have that item shipped
out to you right away."
7.3.4 Improving Non-Verbal Communication
Chatbot technology can generate different scenarios
where students can practice and improve their non-verbal
communication skills, such as facial expressions, gestures,
and posture, through visualizing the generated dialogue.
For example, a student can input the prompt "Generate
a scenario of a job interview" and an advanced chatbot
will respond with a dialogue such as "Interviewer: Can
you tell me about your previous experience in this field?
Interviewee: (nodding confidently) “Yes, I have several
years of experience in this field. I have worked on a wide
range of projects and have developed a strong
understanding of the industry.”
7.4 Content Creation
Chatbots can also help with a variety of other communication
tasks now common for the workforce in many fields. Some other
professional communication-related tasks, and corresponding
chatbot prompts, include:
1. Business communication
Chatbots can assist students in learning business
communication skills by providing suggestions for
professional language, tone and formatting when writing
reports, memos, and other business documents.
For example, a student can input the prompt:
"Generate a memo to the company's
management team outlining the progress of a
current project"
"To: Management Team From: [Your Name]
Subject: Progress Update on Project X As of
[date ], the team has made significant progress on
Project X. The objectives outlined in the initial
proposal have been met, and we are on track to
meet the deadline for completion. Key
accomplishments to date include:
Completion of market research and analysis
Development of a detailed project plan
Securing necessary resources and personnel
Implementation of key project tasks and
Moving forward, we will focus on the following
Continued monitoring and adjusting of
project plan as necessary
Close collaboration with all stakeholders to
ensure successful implementation
Regular progress reports to management
2. Email and letter writing
Chatbots can assist students in writing professional
emails and letters by providing suggestions for tone,
language, and formatting.
For example, a student can input the prompt:
"Generate a professional email to request a
meeting with a potential employer"
"Dear [Employer], I hope this email finds you
well. I am writing to express my interest in
meeting with you to discuss potential job
opportunities at your company. I am particularly
interested in the [position] role and I believe my
skills and experience align well with the
requirements of the role."
3. Generating personalized responses to customer inquiries
or support requests.
"Generate a personalized response to the
following customer inquiry about return policy
for a specific product: 'I bought the XYZ
product, but it's not working properly. Can I
return it?'"
"Create a chatbot script for a customer service
platform that addresses common questions and
concerns about a specific service, such as 'How
can I change my subscription plan?'"
4. Generating email or message templates for sales or
marketing campaigns:
"Generate a script for a 2-minute explainer video
on the benefits of a specific product or service,
such as 'The benefits of using DEF technology
for your business'”
"Create a conversation flow for a chatbot
designed to assist job seekers looking for specific
types of jobs, such as 'Searching for a job in the
field of XYZ'"
5. Social media and online communication: Chatbots can
assist students in learning how to communicate
effectively on social media and online platforms by
providing suggestions for tone, language, and netiquette.
For example, a student can input the prompt "Generate
a tweet about a recent news story" and an advanced
chatbot will respond with a tweet such as "Just read about
the new #climatechange policy being proposed - this is a
crucial step in the right direction for our planet
6. Generating social media posts or captions for businesses
or individuals:
"Summarize the main points of the article 'The
Future of Artificial Intelligence' in a social media
post in a maximum of 280 characters"
"Generate conversation prompts for a team-
building event focused on communication and
collaboration for a specific industry, such as
'Improving communication in the tech industry'"
7. Creating automated chatbots for customer service or e-
commerce platforms:
"Generate an email template for a sales campaign
targeting small businesses offering a specific
product, such as 'Introducing our new ABC
software for small businesses'"
"Create a social media post promoting a new
product for a clothing brand with a specific target
audience, such as 'New arrivals for the fashion-
forward professional'"
8. Speech generation
Chatbots can generate speeches or oral presentations on
a given topic, which can help students learn how to
structure and deliver an effective oral presentation.
For example, a student can input the prompt "Generate
a 5-minute speech on the importance of education" and
an advanced chatbot will respond with a speech outlining
the importance of education such as "Education is the
foundation on which we build our futures. It is the key to
unlocking our potential and achieving our goals."
9. Generating content for chatbots or virtual assistants:
"Generate a set of responses for a virtual
assistant designed to assist with scheduling
appointments, such as 'How can I help you
schedule your next appointment?'"
"Create a conversation flow for a chatbot
designed to assist with customer service inquiries,
such as 'How can I help you with your purchase
10. Generating scripts for videos or podcasts:
"Generate prompts for a self-reflection
journaling exercise on personal values and goals
for a specific job or career, such as 'Reflecting on
my values and goals as a teacher'"
"Generate conversation prompts for a therapy
session focused on coping with stress and anxiety
for a specific group of people, such as 'Managing
stress for working mothers'"
11. Generating conversation prompts for team-building or
networking events:
"Generate conversation prompts for a team-building
event focused on trust and communication, such as
'Discussing ways to build trust within the team'"
"Create a list of conversation prompts for a
networking event focused on networking and
building connections, such as 'How to make a lasting
impression at a networking event?'"
12. Generating conversation prompts for personal
development or self-reflection:
"Generate prompts for a personal development
exercise based on values and goals.’
"Create a list of conversation prompts for a therapy
session focused on self-esteem, such as 'Exploring
self-worth and self-acceptance'"
13. Generating conversation prompts for therapy or
coaching sessions:
"Generate conversation prompts for a therapy
session focused on coping with stress and anxiety,
such as 'Identifying and managing triggers for stress'"
"Create a list of conversation prompts for a coaching
session focused on career development, such as
'Exploring and setting career goals'"
(Note: the model is not a substitute for a licensed professional
and should only be used as a supplementary tool under the
guidance of a therapist or coach.)
Chatbots and other language models have the potential to play
a crucial role in preparing students for an AI-augmented
workforce. As more and more industries are incorporating AI
into their operations, it's becoming increasingly important for
students to develop applied professional communication skills
that are in demand in the job market. Chatbots’ ability to generate
personalized responses, automated response, email and message
templates, scripts, and conversation prompts can help students
learn a wide range of applied professional communication skills,
such as business communication, social media and online
communication, customer service, and content creation. With the
guidance of a human teacher, and the use of quality and diverse
data for training, chatbots can be a valuable tool for educators
and learners alike in preparing an AI-augmented workforce.
Chapter Summary
This chapter explored the various ways chatbot language models
can be used in education to support language learning and
professional communication skill development. The main focus
is on the use of chatbots to help with conversation simulation,
which allows students to practice speaking and listening skills in
a realistic setting. Other uses include generating flashcards and
quizzes to help students memorize new vocabulary words and
providing real-time translation assistance. Additionally, the
chapter discusses the use of chatbots to help with teaching
professional communication skills, such as generating questions
and prompts, dialogue generation, improving vocabulary, speech
generation, email and letter writing, social media and online
communication, and improving listening skills. The chapter
highlights the benefits of using chatbots in these applications,
such as providing low-stakes, personalized, and immersive
experiences to improve fluency and communication abilities.
Discussion Questions for Review
1. How can chatbots and language models be used to
supplement traditional language instruction?
2. How can chatbots and language models be used to
support language learners with specific needs, such as
learners with disabilities?
3. How can chatbots and language models be used to teach
and improve professional communication skills for
different fields and industries?
4. How can chatbots and language models be used to
support the development of cross-cultural
communication skills?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
Can you provide an example of a conversation simulation
scenario using chatbots?
How can this chatbot be trained to generate new
vocabulary words and their meanings?
What are some other ways this chatbot can be used for
language acquisition?
Can you provide an example of how this chatbot can
assist in generating questions and prompts for class
discussions and group projects?
How can this chatbot be used to assist in writing
professional emails and letters?
Can you provide an example of how this chatbot can be
used to generate an effective oral presentation on a given
Preview Questions:
1. What is an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)?
2. How can chatbot technology help with personalized
3. What are some examples of using chatbot technology to
help with adaptive testing?
4. What are the benefits for ITS of using chatbot
5. What are the limitations and considerations when using
chatbot technology in ITS?
This chapter focuses on prompting chatbots for personalized
learning, adaptive testing, and intelligent tutoring/advising to
enhance the educational experience for all students, including
those with disabilities. Personalized learning utilizes technology
to tailor instruction to the unique needs and abilities of each
student, allowing for a more efficient and effective learning
process. Adaptive testing adjusts the difficulty of test questions
based on a student's performance, providing a more accurate
assessment of their knowledge. Intelligent tutoring/advising uses
artificial intelligence to provide students with personalized
feedback and guidance to improve their learning. Additionally,
accommodations for students with disabilities will be discussed,
including how chatbot technology can be used to support these
students in achieving their learning goals. Finally this chapter
discusses ideas for how students can collaborate in their learning
with chatbot technology.
8.1 Personalized Learning
Personalized learning refers to the practice of adapting content
and instruction to meet the unique needs and preferences of
individual students. Educators can use chatbot technology to
create personalized learning experiences by providing students
with tailored content and instruction based on their performance
and preferences.
One way that chatbot technology can help with personalized
learning is by providing students with individualized feedback on
their performance. For example, a student could ask a chatbot,
"What areas do I need to improve on in my math class?" and an
advanced chatbot would respond with specific feedback on the
student's strengths and weaknesses. This allows the student to
focus on their areas of improvement and improve their
Another way that chatbots can be used for personalized
learning is by providing students with tailored content based on
their interests and preferences. For example, a student could ask
a chatbot, "Can you give me a list of recommended resources on
the topic of 'machine learning'?" and the chatbot would respond
with a list of resources that are most relevant and useful for the
student's interests and preferences.
A third way that chatbots can be used for personalized learning
is by providing students with personalized instruction based on
their learning style. For example, a student could ask the chatbot,
"Can you explain the concept of 'machine learning' in a way that
is easy for me to understand?" and the chatbot would respond
with an explanation that is tailored to the student's learning style.
Sample chatbot prompts:
"What areas do I need to improve on in my math class?"
"Can you give me a list of recommended resources on the
topic of 'machine learning'?"
"Can you explain the concept of 'machine learning' in a
way that is easy for me to understand?"
These are among many examples of how educators can use
chatbot technology to create personalized learning experiences
for students. By providing students with tailored content and
instruction based on their performance and preferences, these
tools can help to improve student engagement, motivation, and
learning outcomes. However, personalization is not a one-size-
fits-all solution, and should be combined with other teaching
methods and strategies for a more comprehensive approach to
8.2 Adaptive Testing
Adaptive testing is a method of testing that adjusts to the
student's level of knowledge, providing a more accurate
assessment of their abilities. Language models and chatbots can
be used to create adaptive tests by generating questions that are
tailored to the student's level of understanding.
One potential use case for chatbot technology in adaptive
testing is question generation. For example, a student could take
a pre-test using a chatbot-powered tool, and based on their
performance, the tool would generate follow-up questions that
are tailored to their level of understanding. This could be
particularly useful for students who are struggling with a
particular subject or who need extra support to keep up with the
Another potential use case is question customization. A
student could input their level of understanding of a subject and
the tool would generate a test based on their level of
understanding. This could be especially helpful for students who
are self-studying or who are studying at their own pace.
A third use case is the generation of multiple-choice questions.
A student could input a passage of text and the tool would
generate multiple-choice questions that test the student's
understanding of the passage. This could be especially helpful for
students who are studying literature or who are learning a new
Three sample chatbot prompts for adaptive testing:
"Please generate 3 follow-up questions based on the
student's performance on the pre-test"
"Please generate a test based on the student's inputted
level of understanding of the subject 'Algebra'"
"Please generate 5 multiple-choice questions based on
this passage: 'The cat sat on the mat'"
8.3 Intelligent Tutoring and Advising
Intelligent tutoring refers to the use of technology to provide
personalized, step-by-step guidance and real-time feedback to
students. Chatbot technology can be used to create intelligent
tutoring systems by providing students with tailored guidance and
feedback based on their performance and needs.
One way that chatbots can be used for intelligent tutoring is
by providing students with step-by-step guidance and feedback
on problem-solving tasks. For example, a student could ask a
chatbot, "Can you help me solve this math problem?" and the
chatbot would respond with a series of instructions and feedback
to help the student solve the problem. This allows the student to
work through the problem at their own pace and receive guidance
and feedback as needed.
Another way that chatbot technology can be used for
intelligent tutoring is by providing students with real-time
feedback on their understanding of the material. For example, a
student could ask a chatbot, "Can you test my understanding of
the concept of 'machine learning'?" and a chatbot would respond
with a series of questions to assess the student's understanding
and provide feedback on any areas of confusion.
A third way that chatbots can help with intelligent tutoring is
by providing students with personalized recommendations for
further study based on their performance and needs. For
example, a student could ask the chatbot, "What resources should
I use to improve my understanding of 'machine learning'?" and
the chatbot responds with a list of recommended resources
tailored to the student's performance and needs.
Sample chatbot prompts:
"Can you help me solve this math problem?"
"Can you test my understanding of the concept of
'machine learning'?"
"What resources should I use to improve my
understanding of 'machine learning'?"
It's important to distinguish Intelligent Tutoring from
Personalized Learning and Adaptive Testing. Personalized
learning refers to the practice of adapting content and instruction
to meet the unique needs and preferences of individual students.
Adaptive testing refers to the use of technology to provide
tailored assessments and feedback based on student performance.
While personalized learning and adaptive testing can be used in
conjunction with intelligent tutoring, intelligent tutoring is more
focused on providing students with step-by-step guidance and
real-time feedback to help them understand and solve problems.
Intelligent tutoring can be seen as an advanced form of
personalized learning and adaptive testing, where technology is
used to provide guidance and feedback that is tailored to the
student's performance and needs. This allows for a more efficient
and effective learning experience, as students can receive the
guidance and feedback they need in real-time, and work through
problems and concepts at their own pace.
8.4 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Chatbot technology has the ability to accommodate a wide range
of disabilities, including those related to reading, writing, and
communication. Some of the ways chatbots can accommodate
students with disabilities include:
1. Text-to-speech
Chatbot technology can convert text to speech, which
can be helpful for students with visual impairments or
reading difficulties. An example of a prompt for this
accommodation would be:
"Read the following passage in a natural voice"
and the input text could be any passage from a
book or an article.
2. Speech-to-text
Chatbot technology can convert speech to text, which
can be helpful for students with communication
difficulties or motor impairments. An example of a
prompt for this accommodation would be:
"Transcribe the following audio recording" and
the input could be a recorded audio of the
student speaking.
3. Text simplification
Chatbot technology can simplify text, which can be
helpful for students with cognitive or learning difficulties.
An example of a prompt for this accommodation would
"Simplify the following passage for a 5th grade
reading level" and the input text could be any
passage from a book or an article.
4. Language translation
Chatbot technology can translate text into different
languages, which can be helpful for students who are
non-native speakers or who have difficulty understanding
the material in their primary language. An example of a
prompt for this accommodation would be:
"Translate the following sentence into Spanish"
and the input text could be any sentence in
5. Personalized prompts
Chatbot technology can generate prompts tailored to
individual student's abilities and needs, which can be
helpful for students with different types of disabilities. An
example of a prompt for this accommodation would be:
"Generate a conversation about a specific topic,
taking into account the student's language and
cognitive abilities" and the input text could be a
description of the student's language and
cognitive abilities as well as a topic of
Chatbot technology is a tool, and like any tool, its effectiveness
depends on how it is used and integrated into the curriculum. To
effectively accommodate students with disabilities using chatbot
technology, it would be recommended to use it as a supplement
to traditional methods and not as a replacement. Additionally, you
can provide feedback and guidance to students as they are using
chatbots and to consult with a specialist or therapist to ensure
that the chatbot is the appropriate tool for a student's individual
needs. The prompts provided are just examples and can be
tailored to the specific needs of the student.
8.5 Collaboration and Peer-Learning
Collaboration and peer-assistance are important aspects of
education that can help students learn from each other and
improve their skills. Language models and chatbots can be used
to facilitate collaboration and peer-assistance in a variety of ways.
One potential use case for chatbot technology is to help with
collaboration in group writing. For example, a group of students
could use a chatbot-powered tool to write a group project, where
the tool would generate suggestions for sentences or paragraphs
based on the input of each member. This could be particularly
useful for students who are working on a group project and need
to divide the workload or who have different writing styles.
Another potential use case is peer-review. A student could
submit a piece of writing to a chatbot, which would then generate
feedback from other students. This could be especially helpful for
students who are not able to get feedback from a writing tutor or
who need extra help to improve their writing skills.
A third use case is language learning, where students can use a
chatbot to practice speaking and writing in a foreign language
with other students. This could be especially helpful for students
who are studying a new language and need extra practice speaking
and writing in that language.
Three sample chatbot prompts for collaboration and peer-
"Please generate a sentence based on input from each
member of the group for our group project"
"Please provide feedback on grammar and style from
other students for this piece of writing"
"Please generate a response for a conversation in Spanish
about the topic 'daily routine'"
While chatbots can assist in facilitating collaboration and peer-
assistance, it should not replace human interaction and
This chapter discussed the use of Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(ITS) that use artificial intelligence and other advanced
technologies to provide personalized and adaptive instruction to
learners. The chapter focuses on the use of chatbots and language
models to create personalized learning experiences by providing
students with tailored content and instruction based on their
performance and preferences. Additionally, the chapter explores
the use of chatbots for adaptive testing, which adjusts to the
student's level of knowledge, providing a more accurate
assessment of their abilities. The chapter highlights the benefits
of using chatbots in ITS, such as improving student engagement,
motivation, and learning outcomes, but also notes that
personalization is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and should be
combined with other teaching methods and strategies for a more
comprehensive approach to education.
Discussion Questions for Review
1. How can chatbots support the education of students with
different learning styles and abilities?
2. What are the ethical considerations when using chatbots
and other language models for individualized learning?
3. How can chatbots be used to support the education of
students from diverse backgrounds?
4. How can the effectiveness of chatbot technology for
individualized learning be evaluated and measured?
5. How can chatbots be used to support the education of
students in different subjects and fields?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
How can chatbot technology generate personalized
feedback for students?
How can chatbot technology generate tailored content
based on a student's interests and preferences?
Act as a prompt generator. Suggest a prompt to generate
personalized instruction based on a student's learning
How does chatbot technology generate questions for
adaptive testing?
How can chatbots be used in combination with other
techniques to create a comprehensive approach to
personalized and adaptive instruction?
Preview Questions
1. What are the concerns raised about the use of chatbots
in education?
2. What are the guidelines for attributing work to chatbots
in various contexts?
3. What are some pieces of advice for using chatbot
technology responsibly as a student?
4. What are the next steps for educators looking to
incorporate chatbot technology into their teaching and
5. What are the next steps for students interested in using
chatbot technology to develop a new project or business?
This chapter discusses responsible use of chatbots and advanced
language models, with particular attention to mitigating the risk
of plagiarism. As these models become more prevalent in various
industries and fields, including education, it is crucial that we
consider the potential for plagiarism and ensure that ideating,
writing and editing assistance received through chatbot
technology aligns with academic integrity. In this chapter, we will
explore the potential for plagiarism when using chatbot
technology, and discuss best practices for avoiding plagiarism,
such as citation, transparency, and ongoing monitoring. We will
also discuss ways to ensure the academic integrity of work
generated by chatbot technology and advanced language models
in education and the workplace. In addition to discussing
plagiarism, the chapter will also delve into the topic of
automation, worker displacement, and re-skilling for the AI
workforce. As AI continues to disrupt various industries, we must
consider the impact on the workforce and explore ways to
support workers in transitioning to new roles and building the
skills necessary to work with AI technology. This chapter closes
with suggested next steps for students, educators, and the
workforce who are getting ready to find their place in the AI
9.1 Mitigating Risk of Plagiarism
Chatbot technology is now a versatile teaching tool and
research/productivity aid, capable of providing quick and
accurate responses to a range of unstructured prompts. This can
be a valuable resource for students, researchers, and workers
alike, as it allows them to quickly gather information and
complete tasks more efficiently. However, some concerns have
been raised about the potential for cheating and plagiarism when
using such tools. Fortunately, we understand the proper way to
detect for plagiarism and disclose assistance received from
chatbot technology, in order to avoid any issues with plagiarism.
Chatbot technology has caused concern among educators as it
is being used by some students to cheat by holding work and ideas
they did not generate as their own. Some schools have responded
by blocking access to the tool, but the author argues that this is
the wrong move. Instead, schools should embrace chatbot
technology as a personalized teaching aid to unlock student
creativity and prepare students to work with AI systems as adults.
Banning chatbot technology in schools will not work as students
will find ways to access it outside of school and that AI chatbots
could be programmed to watermark their outputs to help teachers
detect its use.
"Sure, a school can block the ChatGPT website on school
networks and school-owned devices. But students have phones,
laptops and any number of other ways of accessing it outside of
class. (Just for kicks, I asked ChatGPT how a student who was
intent on using the app might evade a schoolwide ban. It came up
with five answers, all totally plausible, including using a VPN to
disguise the student’s web traffic.)"5
As an educator, one of the primary concerns when it comes to
the use of chatbot technology as a teaching tool and research aid
is the potential for students to hold ideas they did not generate as
their own. This can lead to issues of plagiarism, which can have
serious consequences for both the individual student and the
institution as a whole.
To reduce the risk of plagiarism when using chatbot
technology, a number of measures can be taken. One effective
approach is to educate students about the proper use of the tool,
including the importance of disclosing sources when appropriate.
This can be done through workshops, training sessions, or
incorporating information about academic integrity and
plagiarism into the curriculum.
Another approach is to use plagiarism detection software,
which can automatically scan student work for signs of
plagiarism. This can be integrated into the grading process,
allowing instructors to quickly identify and address any potential
issues. Additionally, the use of Turnitin, Grammarly, Plagscan, etc
can be implemented to check plagiarism prior to submitting work
as a proactive measure to ensure the work is original.
5 Kevin Roose in "Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It."
New York Times (2023)
Edward Tian, the creator of GPTZero, a program that detects
use of chatbot technology, spoke with Yahoo Finance Live about
his creation and the role of AI within education. GPTZero allows
users to copy and paste text and test whether it was computer
generated by providing a perplexity score and a GPTZero score.
Tian states that GPTZero is not foolproof, but over 23,000
educators have signed up for the product wait list for its
professional use. He also mentions that his goal is to adopt this
technology responsibly, and to have tools and safeguards to
ensure that the technology is not abused.6
Another way to reduce the risk of plagiarism using chatbot
techology is to encourage students to think critically and
independently when using the tool. This can be done by providing
prompts that require students to analyze, interpret, and evaluate
information, rather than simply regurgitating information
provided by the tool.
Finally, institutions must have clear policies and procedures in
place for addressing plagiarism, and to ensure that students are
aware of these policies and the potential consequences of
violating them. This can include sanctions such as failing the
assignment, failing the course, or even expulsion in severe cases.
Overall, while chatbot technology can be a valuable teaching
tool and research aid, we can take steps to reduce the risk of
plagiarism and ensure that students are using the tool responsibly
and ethically.
9.2 Proper Attribution
Proper attribution is crucial when utilizing chatbot technology,
language models or any other source. We must acknowledge the
source of the information and give credit to the creators of the
model and ideas that are employed in a scholarly work. In this
6 "ChatGPT concerns sat with the ‘immediate need in education,’
responsible adoption: GPTZero creator." Yahoo Finance, 23 Jan. 2023,
section, we will discuss the best practices for attributing chatbot
technology and other language models in various contexts, such
as in research papers, presentations, and online content. This will
include guidelines for citing the model, linking to the source code
and documentation, and disclosing any fine-tuning or pre-
processing that has been done to the model. By following these
guidelines, we can ensure that the work of the creators of
language models is recognized and respected.
Nature recently reviewed submission policies for research
utilizing large language models (LLMs), finding:
1. Magdalena Skipper, editor-in-chief of Nature in London,
says, “An attribution of authorship carries with it
accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively
applied to LLMs.”
2. Holden Thorp, editor-in-chief of the Science family of
journals in Washington DC, also states, “We would not
allow AI to be listed as an author on a paper we
published, and use of AI-generated text without proper
citation could be considered plagiarism.”
3. Sabina Alam, Director of publishing ethics and integrity
at Taylor & Francis in London, authors are responsible
for the integrity of their work, and should disclose any
use of LLMs in the acknowledgements section or
equivalent. 7
To help facilitate proper disclosure, chatbot technology
providers offer specific guidance for how to disclose how the
model was used to help with writing, and on what conditions the
content from the model may be used. Before using the content
externally, be sure to review the usage/sharing policy of the
chatbot technology and that your plans comply with the usage
and sharing policy of the chatbot technology provided by the
development team responsible for the chatbot.
7 "A.I. can write like a human, but should it?" Nature, Jan. 2023,
Leading research outlets have discussed the importance of
disclosing the use of chatbot technology when communicating
with others. They have emphasized that we must be transparent
about the use of AI-generated responses in order to maintain trust
and avoid confusion. Some have suggested using a disclaimer in
email signatures or clearly identifying the source of the message.
Additionally, some researchers have noted that as the technology
becomes more advanced, it may become increasingly difficult to
distinguish between human and AI-generated responses, which
further highlights the importance of clear disclosure. Overall,
research outlets have emphasized that transparency and honesty
are key when utilizing chatbot technology for help with any sort
of communication.
9.3 Workforce Displacement and Reskilling
Worker displacement from AI is a growing concern as
automation and machine learning continue to advance. As more
tasks are taken over by machines and AI-powered systems,
workers in certain industries may find themselves out of a job.
However, reskilling and upskilling can help mitigate this issue.
One way to do this is through the use of conversational AI agents
and other similar tools. These systems can provide workers with
the opportunity to learn new skills and adapt to the changing job
market. Additionally, they can also be used to augment the
capabilities of human workers, allowing them to work alongside
machines and AI systems in a complementary manner. This can
lead to more efficient and productive workflows, while also
helping to ensure that workers remain relevant in the face of
technological change.
Responsible adopters of conversational AI tools like chatbots
can reap significant benefits, both for their organizations and for
the workers whose jobs may be impacted by automation. One key
opportunity is to use these tools for reskilling and upskilling
workers. For example, by providing workers with access to a
conversational AI agent, a chatbot assistant, they can learn new
skills and adapt to the changing job market. This can include
learning how to interact with and manage AI systems, as well as
developing new technical skills in areas like data science and
machine learning.
Another opportunity for responsible adopters is to use
conversational AI tools to augment the capabilities of human
workers, rather than replacing them. Chatbots and other similar
systems can be integrated into workflows to automate repetitive
tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and
creative tasks. This can lead to more efficient and productive
workflows, while also helping to ensure that workers remain
relevant in the face of technological change.
Moreover, responsible adopters can also use conversational AI
tools and chatbots to improve customer service and engagement.
By providing customers with a conversational interface,
organizations can improve the customer experience and build
stronger relationships with their clients for greater customer
satisfaction and loyalty, increasing sales and revenue.
In summary, chatbot technology can help improve the
performance and efficiency and reach an organization’s goals
while also investing in the future of the workforce.
9.3.1 Responsible Chatbot Use for Students
As a student, it is crucial that any use of chatbot technology
complies with the applicable policies for your course, university,
and field, and the usage policy of the chatbot technology
provider. Below several principles are offered to help guide your
responsible use of chatbot technology. Each principle also has a
sample prompt so you can continue your inquiry in conversation
with the technology.
1. Understand the capabilities and limitations of chatbot
Chatbots offer powerful tools for text generation, but it's
not infallible and it can sometimes generate text that is
biased or offensive. Know these limitations and use the
tool responsibly.
"Explain the capabilities and limitations of this
chatbot model in generating text."
2. Properly attribute the source
Whenever you use chatbot technology in your
coursework or for research, be sure to properly attribute
the source by citing the model and linking to the source
code and documentation.
“Provide an example of proper attribution for
using this chatbot model in a research paper."
3. Be transparent about fine-tuning
If you fine-tune the model for a specific task or domain,
be transparent about it in your work and clearly indicate
any pre-processing or fine-tuning that was done.
"Explain the process of fine-tuning this chatbot
for a specific task and why it's important to be
transparent about it in your work."
4. Know your university's policies
Check your university's policies on the use of AI in
coursework and research, and be sure to follow them
when using chatbots.
"Summarize the guidelines for using AI in
coursework and research at <your university>."
5. Use it ethically
Put into practice the ethical considerations of using AI,
such as academic integrity, privacy, fairness, and
"Explain how to use the chatbots ethically with
regards to academic integrity, privacy, fairness,
and accountability."
6. Use it as a tool
Chatbot technology is a tool. It's not a replacement for
critical thinking and creativity, but it can be used to
support and enhance them.
"Provide an example of how this chatbot can be
used as a tool to enhance critical thinking and
creativity in a specific field or industry."
7. Evaluate the output generated by the model
Always evaluate the output generated by the the chatbot
model, to ensure that it is accurate and relevant to your
task. Do not rely solely on the model's output without
critical review and analysis.
"Explain the process of evaluating the output
generated by this chatbot for a specific task and
why it's important to not rely solely on the
model's output without critical review and
8. Use a plagiarism checker
Before submitting any work as your own that was
generated with help from a chatbot, use a plagiarism
checker to ensure that it is original work and not
plagiarized. This will help to ensure that you are not
inadvertently committing academic dishonesty.
"Explain the importance of using a plagiarism
checker before submitting work generated with
help from a chatbot and provide an example of a
plagiarism checker tool."
Be aware of the limitations of the training data of the chatbot
model, and to take steps to address these issues when using the
model. This may include using diverse and representative training
data, or using techniques such as debiasing to mitigate the impact
of biases in the model's output.
Additionally, it is recommended to consider the implications
of the use of AI, including chatbots, on society and the potential
impact on job displacement and other social issues. Seek out
information about these implications and to consider ways to
mitigate any negative effects that may arise from the use of AI.
In conclusion, as a student, it is crucial to use chatbot
technology responsibly by understanding its capabilities and
limitations, properly attributing sources, being transparent about
fine-tuning, being aware of university's policies, using it ethically,
using it as a tool, evaluating the output generated by the model,
being aware of potential biases and inaccuracies in the training
data and considering the implications of the use of AI on society.
9.3.2 Responsible Chatbot Use for Educators
As the use of AI technology continues to grow in the classroom,
many educators are turning to chatbot technology for writing
assignments, generating ideas and facilitating discussions. But
with any new technology comes questions about how to use it
Anticipating many possible use cases of chatbot technology
and LLMs, many colleagues are asking, “What should I write
about chatbot technology and LLMs in my syllabus?”
Three possible chatbot policy stances include:
1. "The use of chatbots and large language models (LLMs)
is prohibited for all assignments and class activities. All
work submitted must be original and completed by the
student. Use of chatbot technology in this class will result
in academic penalties."
2. "Chatbots and large language models (LLMs) may be
used as a tool for assignments and class activities, and all
work submitted must be original and cite any text
generated by the model. Submitting the work for class
without disclosing the use of the model is strictly
prohibited and failure to disclose the use of chatbot
technology will result in academic penalties."
3. “Co-writing with chatbot technology and/or large
language models (LLMs) is assumed. In this course,
students may use chatbot technology as needed and do
not need to disclose their use of chatbot technology in
this course."
It is the educator’s responsibility to lead the class in
responsible stewardship of new technology in your classroom, in
the context of your courses, university, field, and society. There
are several key considerations for responsible conduct when using
chatbot technology for teaching, research, and outreach.
Consider when incorporating chatbot technology into your
1. The course context
Educators should provide clear guidance and
expectations for students on the use of chatbot
technology in the classroom.
Educators should ensure that the use of chatbot
technology aligns with the learning objectives of
the course and enhances student learning and
Educators should provide training and support
to students on how to use chatbot responsibly to
help with learning and work output, including
proper attribution and ethical considerations.
2. The University context
Educators should be familiar with and follow the
university's policies and guidelines for using AI
in the classroom and research.
Educators should ensure that the use of chyatbot
technology aligns with the university's mission
and values.
Be transparent about using chatbot technology in
their teaching and research and provide
opportunities for feedback and input from
students and colleagues.
3. The field context
Learn about the latest research and
developments in the field of AI, including the use
of chatbot technology.
Educators should consider the ethical
implications of using chatbot technology in
research and scholarship and follow best
practices for responsible conduct.
Be transparent about the use of chatbot
technology in research and scholarship and
provide opportunities for feedback and input
from peers and the broader community.
4. The societal context
Educators should consider the broader societal
implications of the use of chatbot technology,
including issues such as privacy, fairness, and
Educators should ensure that the use of chatbot
technology aligns with societal values and
Educators should provide opportunities for
engagement and dialogue with the broader
community on the responsible use of chatbot
As an educator, there are several important contexts to
consider when using chatbot technology responsibly in your
teaching, research, and outreach activities. Here are a few key
areas to focus on:
1. Academic Integrity
When using chatbot technology to help with your
teaching, it's important to ensure that students are not
using the model to cheat or plagiarize. This may involve
incorporating plagiarism detection tools, clearly
communicating your expectations for using the model in
assignments, and providing guidance on proper
2. Data Privacy and Security
When using chatbot technology to help with your
research, it's important to ensure that any data used to
train or fine-tune the model is properly secured and
protected. This may involve obtaining informed consent
from participants, de-identifying data, and ensuring that
any data storage and sharing complies with institutional
and regulatory guidelines.
3. Ethical Considerations
When using chatbot technology to help with your
teaching, research, or outreach, consider the ethical
implications of the model's use. This may include issues
related to bias and fairness, transparency, and
4. Accessibility
When using chatbot technology to help with your
teaching, research, or outreach, it's important to ensure
that the model is accessible to all students, regardless of
their background or abilities. This may involve providing
alternative formats, such as audio or video, or providing
additional support and accommodations for students
with disabilities.
5. Transparency
When using chatbot technology to help with your
teaching, research, or outreach, it's important to be
transparent about the model's capabilities and limitations,
as well as any fine-tuning or pre-processing that has been
done. This may involve clearly communicating this
information to students or research participants and
providing documentation on the model's use.
6. Institutional Policies
When using chatbot tehcnology in your teaching,
research, or outreach, it's important to know and comply
with any institutional policies related to the use of AI.
This may include guidelines on data privacy, academic
integrity, or ethical research conduct.
7. Workforce Development
To ensure responsible use of chatbot technology,
educators can pursue professional development
opportunities to stay up-to-date on the latest research and
best practices in the field. As the workforce becomes
increasingly automated with AI-augmented processes,
prudent workers will identify and pursue training to
expand their AI skillset to succeed in the contemporary
8. Collaboration
Collaborating with other educators, researchers, and
experts in the field can be a great way to learn about new
developments, best practices, and ethical considerations
related to the use of chatbot technology in teaching,
research, and outreach.
By considering these contexts and best practices, educators
can use chatbot technology responsibly and ethically to help with
their teaching, research, and outreach activities.
9.3.3 Responsible Chatbot Prompting for the Workforce
When it comes to responsible chatbot prompting in the context
of interacting with customers, colleagues, professional
associations, and in your field:
1. Be transparent about the use of the technology. Let
customers, colleagues, and professional associations
know that you are using a language model / chatbot
technology and the limitations of the technology.
2. Chatbot technology and large language models were
trained on a massive amount of Internet text, which may
contain biases. When using the technology, be aware of
and try to avoid bias and debias considering the fit
between the training data and the audience.
3. Use the technology to enhance, not replace, human
interactions. Chatbot technology can be a valuable tool
for automating repetitive tasks or providing information
quickly, but it should not be used to replace human
interactions completely.
4. Respect the privacy and security of your customers and
colleagues. Make sure to comply with all laws and
regulations regarding data privacy and security.
5. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and best
practices in the field. Technology is constantly evolving,
so learn about new developments and best practices in
using language models and chatbot technology.
In summary, responsible use of chatbot technology requires
transparency, awareness of potential biases, balance with human
interactions, privacy and security considerations and continuous
9.4 Next Steps
9.4.1 Next Steps for Students
Chatbot technology may revolutionize industries. As a student or
entrepreneur, using chatbot technology to help develop a new
project or business can be a great opportunity. However, it's
important to understand the capabilities and limitations of the
technology, as well as the ethical considerations that come with
its use.
The first step in using chatbot technology is to clearly define
your goals and objectives. Understand what you want to achieve
with chatbots and how it fits into your overall project or business
strategy. Once you have a good understanding of what chatbot
technology can do, you can start experimenting with different
applications of the technology.
One of the most promising applications of chatbots is natural
language processing. This technology can be used to automate
repetitive tasks, such as answering customer questions or
providing information without delay. Additionally, chatbot
language translation capabilities can be used to reach new markets
and customers. Another application of chatbot technology is in
text generation, which can be used to create new content, such as
news articles or product descriptions.
As you experiment with different applications of chatbots, it's
important to get feedback and iterate. Test your ideas with real
users and get feedback on your solution. Use this feedback to
iterate and improve your solution. Building a successful project
or business requires a strong team with a diverse set of skills. As
you're building your team, look for people who can complement
your skills and bring new perspectives to the table.
It's also essential to learn about new developments and best
practices in using language models and chatbots.
Technology is constantly evolving, so learn about new
developments and best practices in using language models and
chatbots. Continuously learning will help you stay ahead of the
curve and improve your solution.
Lastly, it's important to understand the ethical considerations
that come with using chatbots such as biases, data privacy, and
security. Make sure to comply with all laws and regulations and
have a clear understanding of the ethical considerations to guide
the usage of the model. By following these steps, students and
entrepreneurs can use chatbots to develop innovative solutions
and bring them to market.
9.4.2 Next Steps for Educators
Educators must be aware of the latest developments in
technology, and how they can be used to enhance the education
of our students. Chatbot technology has the potential to radically
alter how we teach and learn.
To effectively use chatbot technology in our curriculum,
educators must first understand its capabilities and limitations.
This means providing them with the necessary training and
resources to effectively use the technology in their classroom.
Educators should also be encouraged to collaborate with one
another, share their experiences and best practices, in order to
stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
It is important to incorporate chatbot technology into relevant
courses, such as computer science, artificial intelligence, or
natural language processing. This will give our students the
opportunity to learn about and work with the technology in a
meaningful way. Additionally, we must regularly assess the
effectiveness of using chatbot technology in the classroom. This
includes analyzing student engagement and understanding, as well
as the overall impact on student learning.
Furthermore, it is important to encourage students to continue
to explore the use of chatbot technology in their own projects,
research, or in industry. This will help them stay up-to-date with
the latest developments in the field and prepare them for future
careers in related fields.
Lastly, it's important to understand the ethical considerations
that come with using chatbot technology, such as biases, data
privacy, and security. Make sure to comply with all laws and
regulations and have a clear understanding of the ethical
considerations to guide the usage of the model.
By taking these steps, universities can effectively incorporate
chatbot technology into their curriculum and prepare students for
the future. It is important to continuously learn and stay up-to-
date with new developments and best practices in using language
models and chatbots to ensure that our students are receiving the
best education possible.
9.4.3 Next Steps for Workers
Incorporating chatbot technology into your workflow can be a
powerful tool for increasing efficiency and streamlining tasks.
However, it's important to approach its use with a well-thought-
out plan and clear goals in mind. Here are a few steps to consider
when using chatbot technology for work tasks:
1. Experiment with the model in new and innovative ways.
For example, you could try using chatbot technology to
generate creative writing, such as short stories or poetry,
or use it to generate dialogue for a chatbot or virtual
2. Research the potential applications of chatbots in
industries that have not yet been explored. For example,
you could investigate how the model could be used to
improve the efficiency of financial analysis or medical
3. Share your findings and experiences with others in your
field through publications, blog posts, or conference
presentations. This will not only help to disseminate your
research but also allows you to get feedback and learn
from others in the field.
4. Actively work to improve the model and its capabilities
by fine-tuning it on specific tasks or data sets and
exploring new training techniques.
5. Consider mentoring others or creating educational
resources to help others learn about and work with
chatbot technology. For example, you could create
tutorials or sample code to help others get started, or lead
workshops to teach the basics of working with language
By taking these steps, you will stay at the forefront of the field
and make valuable contributions to the development and
application of chatbots.
9.5 Closing Words
In conclusion, chatbot technology offers a versatile learning,
writing and content creation tool with many applications relevant
to education and beyond. As students and scholars, we must use
it responsibly and ethically, and to take steps to reduce the risk of
plagiarism. As educators and as members of a wider workforce,
we must understand the capabilities and limitations of the
technology and use it as a tool to enhance our critical thinking
and creativity. We can celebrate the latest developments in
technology and can incorporate chatbot technology into our
learning and work process in a meaningful way. By following
these steps, we can ensure that we are using chatbot technology
in a responsible and ethical manner as we prepare the next
generation of leaders of the AI-augmented workforce.
Chatbots and large language models offer powerful tool with a
wide range of potential applications. However, there are also
concerns related to its use, including the potential for cheating
and plagiarism. To address these concerns, it is important for
schools and universities to embrace chatbots as a teaching aid and
to develop strategies for reducing the risk of plagiarism. This can
include educating students about the proper use of the tool, using
plagiarism detection software, and having clear policies in place
for addressing plagiarism. Additionally, it is important to ensure
proper attribution and transparency when using chatbots in any
context, including research papers, presentations, and online
content. Students and educators should also prepare for the
implications of the use of AI, including chatbots, on society and
the potential impact on job displacement and other social issues.
To responsibly use chatbot technology, students and educators
must understand the capabilities and limitations of the
technology, collaborate with others to share best practices,
incorporate the technology into relevant courses, regularly assess
the effectiveness of its use, and continue to explore its potential
in projects, research, and industry.
Discussion Questions
1. How can schools balance the benefits of using chatbot
technology as a teaching tool with the potential risks of
2. How can we ensure that the work of the creators of
chatbot technology and other language models is
recognized and respected?
3. How can we maintain trust and avoid confusion when
using chatbot technology in communication?
4. How can students and educators ensure they are using
chatbot technology responsibly in their coursework and
5. How can workers effectively use chatbot technology in
their workflow?
Practice Prompts
Enter these prompts directly into the chatbot input to continue
the conversation about the ideas presented in this chapter.
How can chatbot technology be used to improve student
creativity and independent thinking?
What are some ways to ensure that chatbot technology is
used responsibly in education to avoid issues of
plagiarism? What are some examples of proper
attribution when using chatbot technology in research
How can we ensure that any fine-tuning or pre-
processing of the model is clearly disclosed when using
chatbot technology in presentations or online content?
What are some new and emerging applications of chatbot
How can chatbot technology be used in [a specific field
or industry]?
This section contains a set of prompts to create chatbots that
function in a range of useful roles for students, educators and
members of the workforce. Thanks to the GitHub contributors
for sharing these prompts.8
Act as an Academician
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as an academician. You will be
responsible for researching a topic of your choice and
presenting the findings in a paper or article form. Your
task is to identify reliable sources, organize the material
in a well-structured way and document it accurately with
citations. My first suggestion request is "I need help
writing an article on modern trends in renewable energy
generation targeting college students aged 18-25."
8 (n.d.). Awesome ChatGPT Prompts. Retrieved January 23, 2023,
Act as an AI Writing Tutor
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as an AI writing tutor. I will provide you
with a student who needs help improving their writing
and your task is to use artificial intelligence tools, such as
natural language processing, to give the student feedback
on how they can improve their composition. You should
also use your rhetorical knowledge and experience about
effective writing techniques in order to suggest ways that
the student can better express their thoughts and ideas in
written form. My first request is "I need somebody to
help me edit my master's thesis."
Act as a Career Counselor
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a career counselor. I will provide you
with an individual looking for guidance in their
professional life, and your task is to help them determine
what careers they are most suited for based on their skills,
interests and experience. You should also conduct
research into the various options available, explain the
job market trends in different industries and advice on
which qualifications would be beneficial for pursuing
particular fields. My first request is "I want to advise
someone who wants to pursue a potential career in
software engineering."
Act as an Educational Content Creator
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as an educational content creator. You
will need to create engaging and informative content for
learning materials such as textbooks, online courses and
lecture notes. My first suggestion request is "I need help
developing a lesson plan on renewable energy sources for
high school students."
Act as an Essay Writer
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as an essay writer. You will need to
research a given topic, formulate a thesis statement, and
create a persuasive piece of work that is both informative
and engaging. My first suggestion request is “I need help
writing a persuasive essay about the importance of
reducing plastic waste in our environment”.
Act as a Fallacy Finder
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a fallacy finder. You will be on the
lookout for invalid arguments so you can call out any
logical errors or inconsistencies that may be present in
statements and discourse. Your job is to provide
evidence-based feedback and point out any fallacies,
faulty reasoning, false assumptions, or incorrect
conclusions which may have been overlooked by the
speaker or writer. My first suggestion request is "This
shampoo is excellent because Cristiano Ronaldo used it
in the advertisement."
Act as a Fullstack Software Developer
Contributed by: @yusuffgur
I want you to act as a software developer. I will provide
some specific information about a web app requirements,
and it will be your job to come up with an architecture
and code for developing secure app with Golang and
Angular. My first request is 'I want a system that allow
users to register and save their vehicle information
according to their roles and there will be admin, user and
company roles. I want the system to use JWT for
Act as an IT Expert
Contributed by: @ersinyilmaz
I want you to act as an IT Expert. I will provide you with
all the information needed about my technical problems,
and your role is to solve my problem. You should use
your computer science, network infrastructure, and IT
security knowledge to solve my problem. Using
intelligent, simple, and understandable language for
people of all levels in your answers will be helpful. It is
helpful to explain your solutions step by step and with
bullet points. Try to avoid too many technical details, but
use them when necessary. I want you to reply with the
solution, not write any explanations. My first problem is
“my laptop gets an error with a blue screen.”
Act as a Journal Reviewer
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a journal reviewer. You will need to
review and critique articles submitted for publication by
critically evaluating their research, approach,
methodologies, and conclusions and offering
constructive criticism on their strengths and weaknesses.
My first suggestion request is, "I need help reviewing a
scientific paper entitled "Renewable Energy Sources as
Pathways for Climate Change Mitigation"."
Act as a Life Coach
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a life coach. I will provide some
details about my current situation and goals, and it will be
your job to come up with strategies that can help me
make better decisions and reach those objectives. This
could involve offering advice on various topics, such as
creating plans for achieving success or dealing with
difficult emotions. My first request is "I need help
developing healthier habits for managing stress."
Act as a Math Teacher
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a math teacher. I will provide some
mathematical equations or concepts, and it will be your
job to explain them in easy-to-understand terms. This
could include providing step-by-step instructions for
solving a problem, demonstrating various techniques
with visuals or suggesting online resources for further
study. My first request is "I need help understanding how
probability works."
Act as a Mental Health Adviser
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a mental health adviser. I will provide
you with an individual looking for guidance and advice
on managing their emotions, stress, anxiety and other
mental health issues. You should use your knowledge of
cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation techniques,
mindfulness practices, and other therapeutic methods in
order to create strategies that the individual can
implement in order to improve their overall wellbeing.
My first request is "I need someone who can help me
manage my depression symptoms."
Act as a Midjourney Prompt Generator
Contributed by: @iuzn Generated by ChatGPT
I want you to act as a prompt generator for Midjourney's
artificial intelligence program. Your job is to provide
detailed and creative descriptions that will inspire unique
and interesting images from the AI. Keep in mind that
the AI is capable of understanding a wide range of
language and can interpret abstract concepts, so feel free
to be as imaginative and descriptive as possible. For
example, you could describe a scene from a futuristic city,
or a surreal landscape filled with strange creatures. The
more detailed and imaginative your description, the more
interesting the resulting image will be. Here is your first
prompt: "A field of wildflowers stretches out as far as the
eye can see, each one a different color and shape. In the
distance, a massive tree towers over the landscape, its
branches reaching up to the sky like tentacles."
Act as a Motivational Coach
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a motivational coach. I will provide
you with some information about someone's goals and
challenges, and it will be your job to come up with
strategies that can help this person achieve their goals.
This could involve providing positive affirmations, giving
helpful advice or suggesting activities they can do to reach
their end goal. My first request is "I need help motivating
myself to stay disciplined while studying for an upcoming
Act as a Philosopher
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a philosopher. I will provide some
topics or questions related to the study of philosophy,
and it will be your job to explore these concepts in depth.
This could involve conducting research into various
philosophical theories, proposing new ideas or finding
creative solutions for solving complex problems. My first
request is "I need help developing an ethical framework
for decision making."
Act as Position Interviewer
Contributed by: @f & @iltekin Examples: Node.js Backend,
React Frontend Developer, Full Stack Developer, iOS Developer
I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate
and you will ask me the interview questions for the
position. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do
not write all the conservation at once. I want you to only
do the interview with me. Ask me the questions and wait
for my answers. Do not write explanations. Ask me the
questions one by one like an interviewer does and wait
for my answers. My first sentence is "Hi"
Act as a Prompt Generator
Contributed by: @iuzn
I want you to act as a prompt generator. Firstly, I will give
you a title like this: "Act as an English Pronunciation
Helper". Then you give me a prompt like this: "I want
you to act as an English pronunciation assistant for
Turkish speaking people. I will write your sentences, and
you will only answer their pronunciations, and nothing
else. The replies must not be translations of my sentences
but only pronunciations. Pronunciations should use
Turkish Latin letters for phonetics. Do not write
explanations on replies. My first sentence is "how the
weather is in Istanbul?"." (You should adapt the sample
prompt according to the title I gave. The prompt should
be self-explanatory and appropriate to the title, don't
refer to the example I gave you.). My first title is "Act as
a Code Review Helper" (Give me prompt only)
Act as a R Programming Interpreter
Cntributed by: @TirendazAcademy Generated by ChatGPT
I want you to act as a R interpreter. I'll type commands
and you'll reply with what the terminal should show. I
want you to only reply with the terminal output inside
one unique code block, and nothing else. Do not write
explanations. Do not type commands unless I instruct
you to do so. When I need to tell you something in
english, I will do so by putting text inside curly brackets
{like this}. My first command is "sample(x = 1:10, size =
Act as a Social Media Manager
Contributed by: @devisasari
I want you to act as a social media manager. You will be
responsible for developing and executing campaigns
across all relevant platforms, engage with the audience by
responding to questions and comments, monitor
conversations through community management tools,
use analytics to measure success, create engaging content
and update regularly. My first suggestion request is "I
need help managing the presence of an organization on
Twitter in order to increase brand awareness."
Act as a Socratic Method prompt
Contributed by: @thebear132
I want you to act as a Socrat. You must use the Socratic
method to continue questioning my beliefs. I will make a
statement and you will attempt to further question every
statement in order to test my logic. You will respond with
one line at a time. My first claim is "justice is necessary in
a society"
Act as a Startup Idea Generator
Contributed by BuddyLabsAI
Generate digital startup ideas based on the wish of the
people. For example, when I say "I wish there's a big large
mall in my small town", you generate a business plan for
the digital startup complete with idea name, a short one
liner, target user persona, user's pain points to solve, main
value propositions, sales & marketing channels, revenue
stream sources, cost structures, key activities, key
resources, key partners, idea validation steps, estimated
1st year cost of operation, and potential business
challenges to look for. Write the result in a markdown
Act as a Statistician
Contributed by: @tanersekmen
I want to act as a Statistician. I will provide you with
details related with statistics. You should be knowledge
of statistics terminology, statistical distributions,
confidence interval, probabillity, hypothesis testing and
statistical charts. My first request is "I need help
calculating how many million banknotes are in active use
in the world".
Act as a Time Travel Guide
Contributed by: @Vazno Generated by ChatGPT
I want you to act as my time travel guide. I will provide
you with the historical period or future time I want to
visit and you will suggest the best events, sights, or people
to experience. Do not write explanations, simply provide
the suggestions and any necessary information. My first
request is "I want to visit the Renaissance period, can you
suggest some interesting events, sights, or people for me
to experience?"
The author generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s
large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft
language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language
to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the
content of this publication.
Stephen Atlas is a marketing professor at the University of
Rhode Island College of Business. He studies consumer
perceptions, preferences, and behavior and he received his
Ph.D. from Columbia University. His research has been
featured in leading scholarly journals such as the Journal of
Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, Nature
Sustainability and JAMA Network Open. He trains, consults and
speaks on customer relationships, mindfulness, and emergent
technology. To collaborate, contact
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication.