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Foliar And Stem Anatomy Structures in Selected Taxa of The Genus Ononis L. (fabaceae) in Kurdistan Region – Iraq


Abstract and Figures

This work revealed the anatomical characteristics of the leaf and stem (herbarium speciemen)for one species and two subspecies of perennial ononis genus (ononis sicula), subspecies (ononis spinose leiosperma), and (ononis viscosa breviflora) were first time investigated for the evaluation in term systematic of resemblance and variation in these taxa. The trunk and foliar were prepared for anatomical description by paraffin method. Which shows some differences were the outline and structure of stem and leaf in cross section. Prismatic crystal and tannins are found in all sample stems. The outgrowth from the epidermis are presence in all parts of the taxa; which are multicellular or unicellular and glandular or non-glandullar
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* Dept. of Field Crops, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Salahaddin,
Kurdistan Region -Iraq
**Dept. of Biology, College of Science, University of Salahaddin, Kurdistan RegionIraq
(Received: September 3, 2022; Accepted for Publication:November 8 , 2022)
ABSTRACT This work revealed the anatomical characteristics of the leaf and stem (herbarium speciemen)for one
species and two subspecies of perennial ononis genus (ononis sicula), subspecies (ononis spinose
leiosperma), and (ononis viscosa breviflora) were first time investigated for the evaluation in term
systematic of resemblance and variation in these taxa.
The trunk and foliar were prepared for anatomical description by paraffin method. Which shows some
differences were the outline and structure of stem and leaf in cross section. Prismatic crystal and tannins
are found in all sample stems.
The outgrowth from the epidermis are presence in all parts of the taxa; which are multicellular or
unicellular and glandular or non-glandullar.
KEYWORD: Ononis anatomy, morphology of Ononis , Stem anatomy of fabaceae, Taxonomy of
fabaceae, leaf anatomy of Ononis, distribution of fabaceae family.
abaceae is the largest family of flowering
plants and importance to humans; its
cosmopolitan family. In different zones in the
world the more species of this family are
cultivated for foods; as beans, peas, peanuts, and
soybean (Doyle and Luckow, 2003) that is
essential sources of gums, tincture, oils,
insecticides, fiber, fuel, lumber, curative and
throb (Wang and Grusak, 2005). The
morphological, anatomical, and geographical
traits of Fabaceae family were studied by
researchers, because of a few studies of
anatomical and morphological merit about some
Ononis species as Siahpoosh et al, 2015 and
Ceter et al 2012. (Turini et al 2010) mention is
included the genus Ononis within the tribe
Trifolieae and comprises 86 species are
allocation in temperate territory. (Linnaeus,
1753, 1754) recognized only 17 species, based
on leaf stipules free or stipules adhere to the
(De Candolle, 1825) classified the genus into
two sections: Euononis and Lotononis. Ononis
subdivided into four sections and six subsections
based on habit, leaf composition, presence or
absence of spines, pedicel elongation and flower
color (Fayed et al 2019). The Ononis species are
used in classic medication to diuretic, antiseptic
and antimicrobial effects, and the anatomical
implementing are the considerable importance in
the recognize of medicinal plants (Baytop,1999),
(Baldemir and Coşkun, 2016). The leaf
epidermal surveys are benefit in setting their
anatomical possession (Ogie-Odia et al 2010)
consequently assisting to know the evaluation of
a taxonomic connection base on similarities and
differences between the species (Arıhan and
Güvenç, 2011). The current study was
concentrated on the anatomical study of some
Ononis species of Fabaceae which have
scattered in Kurdistan region-Iraq.
The paraffin methods as adopted by
(Najmaddin and Mahmood, 2016), (Najmaddin
et al 2019), were applied to the preparation of
permanent slides for tissues. Samples of Ononis
Journal of University of Duhok., Vol. 25, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 279-285, 2022
Journal of University of Duhok., Vol. 25, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 279-285, 2022
were prepared from herbarium specimens. The
collected specimens were stored in the
herbarium of the Department of Biology /
college of Science / University of Salahadin/
Erbil/Iraq. The parcel of samples has been put in
FAA and have been dehydrated using a series
concentration of alcohol after which the samples
were cleared by xylene for 3-4 hrs. Later, they
were embedded in a mixture of xylene and
paraffin for 30 min., then transferred into pure
paraffin wax and left in it at 60C for overnight.
After that preparation of paraffin blocks were
made and sections were prepared with the
thickness of 8 µm using the rotary microtome.
Then the sections were stained using safranin
and fast green or light green. Finally, the
sections were mounted by DPX, examined and
imaged by Light Microscopes (Olympus AC100
with a camera, Japanese-made).
1. Leaf anatomy:
1.1 Ononis sicula
The adaxial and abaxial cells of leaf are
quadrate or rectangular-shaped, and are
monolayer with anticlinal walls. Cells are either
isobilateral or elongated with wavy, straight or
undulate walls. Cuticle is smooth to straight.
Under epidermis there are generally 2-4 layers of
palisade parenchyma. The spongy parenchyma
cell composed of 2-5 layers with thin-walled
cells, isodiametric parenchymatous cells with
few intercellular spaces. Multicellular-glandular
and unicellular non-glandular trichomes are
observed. Tannins and fibers presence above
vascular bundle, secretary canals are present.
Solitary Prismatic non-living component with
various shapes and sizes present in mesophyll.
The abaxial cells are covered with a thin cuticle
The midrib outline of adaixal and abaxial
surfaces are straight in shape. The abaial cells
are tiny than the adaxial; and are covered with a
thin cuticle. Two layers of parenchyma located
beneath the epidermis. The margin is straight
rounded Fig. (2). Sclerenchyma cells generally
crescent-shaped; which are groups around the
phloem and the xylem. Solitary ergastic
substance which are very changeable in size and
shape (styloids) are characteristically observed
(Arıhan and Güvenç, 2011).
1.2 Ononis spinosa subsp. Leiosperma
The adaxial surface of the leaf are quadrate or
rectangular shape and superfine walled, major
than the upper layer cells; and covered with a
thin layer called cuticle. Commonly 2-3 layers of
palisade cells found under the epidermis. The
spongy layer is involve 2-4 parenchyma cells,
which formed from thin walled, equal size
parenchymatous cells with big intercellular
spaces, and are irregular arranged. Multicellular-
glandular, and unicellular non-glandular
trichomes are presence, and secretary canals are
present Fig. (1).
The midrib outline is adaixally concave with
abaxial surface is rounded in shape. The adaixal
and abaxial cells have same shape as square or
rectangular-shaped, and are unicellular-layered
with anticlinal walls and lid with a thin cuticle.
The margin is rounded with presence
multicellular non-glandular trichomes. Tannin’s
presence in epidermis and parenchyma. The
fiber presence on the vascular bundles Fig. (2).
1.3 ononis viscosa subsp. Breviflora
The lower layer cells of leaf are bigger than
the upper epidermis, they are square or
rectangular in shaped. The lower layer coverd
with straight cuticle. Beneath the epidermis cells
found ordinarily 2-3 layers of palisade cells. The
spongy parenchyma cells have a unicellular-
layer or double layers of cells. The equal size
parenchymatous cells with few intercellular
spaces are unequal arranged. Glandular-
unicellular and non-glandular multicellular
trichomes are observed. The secretary canals are
present Fig. (1). Tannins and solitary prismatic
crystallization with various shapes and sizes
present in epidermis and parenchyma cells
The midrib outline is adaixally concave with
abaxial surface is “V” in shaped. The margin is
pointed straight with found trichomes Fig. (2).
Tannins and solitary prismatic crystals with
various shapes and sizes presence in parenchyma
and vascular bundle. The fiber present on the
vascular bundle. Multicellular non-glandular
trichomes are observed.
Journal of University of Duhok., Vol. 25, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 279-285, 2022
Fig. (1): T.S of lamina and midrib, A. Ononis sicula lamina, B. Ononis spinosa subsp. leiosperma lamina, C.
Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora lamina, D. Ononis sicula midrib, E. Ononis spinosa subsp. leiosperma midrib,
F. Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora Midrib. up: upper epidermis, lo: lower epidermis, pa: palisade layer, sp:
spongy layer, S: secretory canal, vb: vascular bundle, p: prismatic crystals, trichomes (small black arrow).
A,B,C,D,E,F=10X. G. ononis sicula lamina (magnified portion 40X)
Journal of University of Duhok., Vol. 25, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 279-285, 2022
Fig. (2): T.S margin, A. Ononis sicula, B. Ononis spinosa subsp. leiosperma, C. Ononis viscosa subsp.
breviflora tr: trichomes (small black arrow). A,B,C =10X.
2. Stem anatomy describes
2.1 Ononis sicula
The outline of the stem is sub-circular to
rounded with presence thin-layered of cuticle.
The outer layer of stem encompass of a mono-
layer of square or short rectangular cells.
Parenchyma cells are thin cell wall and have 1-4
lines, which have number of prismatic crystals,
secretory cells with tannins and fibers. The
vascular bundles are closed arrangement. The
collenchyma is angular Fig. (3). The pericycle
surrounded by the parenchyma cells and usually
not clear. The fiber cells which are bloc as
crescent-shaped. The Phloem is composed of
small and patchy shaped cells. The cambium
forms 1 or 3 rows at the start of the xylem.
However, it is not very obvious and endodermis
layer is not apparent. Pith is rounded with big
parenchymatic cells; also is identified
charactersitically by secretory cells in places
(Baldemir and Coşkun, 2017).
Journal of University of Duhok., Vol. 25, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 279-285, 2022
2.2 Ononis spinosa subsp. leiosperma
The transver sections of the stem are oblong
to irregular shaped. The epidermis consists of an
one layer of rectangular cells. Parenchyma has 1-
3 lines. The prismatic crystals and tannins
present in the cortex. Sclerenchyma cells which
are clustered irregular shaped as fiber. The
collenchyma is angular. The fibers are presence
as a continuous ring. The pith area is tighter than
that of O. sicula and numbers of pith rays are 5-7
layers. The trichromes of stem are multicellular
glandular, unicellular and non-glandular Fig. (3)
(Amirabadizadeh et al., 2015).
3.3 Ononis viscosa subsp. Breviflora
In the transverse sections the stem are oval
shaped. The epidermis consists of unicellular-
layer cells. The parenchyma cells are elliptical-
shaped with 2-4 lines. The prismatic crystals and
tannins present in parenchyma cells. The pith
area is narrower cells which are large and
irregular shaped and large intercellular spaces.
The stem has multicellular glandular and
multicellular non-glandular trichomes. The
collenchyma is angular Fig. (3).
Journal of University of Duhok., Vol. 25, No.2 (Agri. and Vet. Sciences), Pp 279-285, 2022
Fig. (3): T.S of stem, A. Ononis sicula, B. magnification power of Ononis sicula, C. Ononis spinosa subsp.
leiosperma, D. Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora, E. magnification power of Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora e:
epidermis, S: secretory canal, vb: vascular bundle, C: collenchyma cells, T: tannins, p: prismatic crystals, f:
fibers, trichomes (small black arrow). A,C,D=4X, B, E =10X.
In this study provides comprehensive
information on anatomical stem and leaf
characteristics of all Ononis species growing in
Kurdistan region - Iraq are revealed anatomically
is describe for the first time. This research
display that the anatomical study provide to be
most important in applying information of
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Objectives: The leaf and stem anatomical characteristics of three endemic Ononis L. (Leguminosae) species were studied for the first time for the evaluated in terms of systematic of similarities and differences in these taxa. Materials and Methods: Ononis sessilifolia Bornm., Ononis basiadnata Hub.-Mor. and Ononis macrosperma Hub.-Mor. were collected from different provinces of Turkey. In this anatomical study, transversal and superficial sections from the leaves and transversal sections from stems of the species were taken and examined by appropriate reagends. Illustrations were obtained by using an Olympus U-DA 2K 17149 drawing tube attached to an Olympus BX50 microscope. The microphotographs were taken by a Leica DM 4000 B microscope. Results: O. macrosperma is bifacial leaf, the others are monofacial leaf. The leaf of O. basiadnata has eglandular trihomes. If the anatomical similarities between species are to be listed, Rubiaceae type stoma was observed in all three species and solitary crystals were found in stem and leaf sections. Conclusion: Anatomical characteristics, such as mesophyll structure, transmission bundles and crystal structures, may contribute to the taxonomy of Ononis species for future work.
Full-text available
This study presents investigations into the epidermal and phytochemical features of Eragrostis tremula (S.W.Beauv.), Cymbopogon citratus (Stapf.) and Axonopus compressus.(P.Beauv.). Epidermal features of the different species in the three genera showed slight differences for both the adaxial and abaxial parts with respect to prickles, papillae, macro hairs and micro hairs. Long cells, short cells, stomata and silica bodies are almost universally present in all the three species. With respect to their phytochemical characteristic, Cymbopogon citratus tested positive for alkaloid, saponin, inulin, cellulose, tannin and lignin; Eragrostis tremula tested negative for lignin and positive for cellulose, saponin and alkaloids while Axonopus compressus tested negative for lignin, but positive for alkaloid, saponin, inulin, cellulose and tannin respectively. Leaf epidermal studies help to determine patterns of variation in plant species thus helping in our knowledge of such species. It is useful in determining their different morphological, epidermal and phytochemical characteristics thus helping in the assessment of its values in species identification, classification and in establishing a taxonomic relationship between different species being studied.
Full-text available
This study examined morphological, anatomical and palynological characters for six species, two subspecies and two varieties of perennial Onobrychis growing in northeast Iran. In the morphological study, shape, size and color of vegetative organs and legumes were assessed. For the anatomical study, cross sections of mature fresh or dried stems, leaflets and petioles were prepared and stained. In the palynological study, pollen were extracted, acetolysed and observed by SEM. The morphological study indicated that some characteristics varied among species, such as shape of stipules and calyx teeth, color and shape of corolla segments and legumes and an identification key is provided based on these characters. Also, in internal structure some differences were noticed in the shape of petiole cross sections, the thickness of cortex and pith shape in petioles and the arrangement of vessels in stems. Some anatomical characters proved useful to identify species, but not sections. Palynological results showed circular and obtuse triangular pollen in polar view and elliptical pollen in equatorial view with reticulate ornamentation. In addition, a cluster analysis was done based on morphological, anatomical and palynological features. The resulting dendrogram confirmed the taxonomic treatment suggested by Sirjaev and Rechinger.
This study was conducted on the anatomical structure of the stems of 9 Salix L. (willow) species (9 taxa) growing in Ankara, Turkey. These taxa are S. triandra L. subsp. triandra, S. alba L., S. excelsa J.F.Gmel., S. fragilis L., S. babylonica L., S. caprea L., S. cinerea L., S. pseudomedemii E.Wolf, and S. amplexicaulis Bory & Chaub. Illustrations and photographs were obtained of microscopic views of cross sections from the stems of each taxon. The differing anatomical structures of stems of the Salix species are suitable for use as an additional tool in identification. Our aim was to contribute information on anatomy for the taxonomy of this highly variable genus. The anatomical study of these 9 species does not indicate signifi cant separations in morphological observations but instead yields data that can be used in taxonomy.
Most readers of a special issue of Plant Physiology on legumes will be familiar with only a handful of species, primarily pea (Pisum sativum) and the various economically important “beans” such as soybean (Glycine max), and of course, the model legumes Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus. That leaves around 700 other legume genera and 20,000 species left to consider—legumes are the third largest flowering plant family, behind only orchids (Orchidaceae) and asters (Asteraceae). And the numbers tell only part of the story. Neither these two larger families, nor the grasses, another large group, even begin to approach the legumes in their overall range of variation. The legumes are incredibly diverse in every way imaginable and defy generalization about almost any attribute. Even the characteristic fruit type that gives legumes their name is highly variable and ranges from tiny single-seeded forms to meterlong woody pods and from typical dehiscent legumes to indehiscent wind-dispersed winged fruits and articulated loments with “stick-tight” dispersal strategies. Ecologically the family ranges from rain forests to deserts, and from lowland to alpine habitats; there are even aquatic species. They include giant forest trees that are prominent sources of lumber and ex
Comparative morphological studies on three endemic
  • A Baldemir
  • M Coşkun
Baldemir A. and Coşkun M. (2016). Comparative morphological studies on three endemic
with the first record of Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora
  • Egypt
Egypt, with the first record of Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora. Phytotaxa, 408 (1): 1-29. doi:
Developed Silver Nitrate Pigment for Plant, Animal Tissue and Bacterial Staining
  • C Najmaddin
  • F Kamel
  • H Shekha
Najmaddin, C., Kamel, F., H., Shekha, M., S., and Aziz F.,M. (2019). Developed Silver Nitrate Pigment for Plant, Animal Tissue and Bacterial Staining. The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 50(2): 196-202.