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EFX Exists for Four Agents with Three Types of Valuations

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In this paper, we address the problem of determining an envy-free allocation of indivisible goods among multiple agents. EFX, which stands for envy-free up to any good, is a well-studied problem that has been shown to exist for specific scenarios, such as when there are only three agents with MMS valuations, as demonstrated by Chaudhury et al(2020), and for any number of agents when there are only two types of valuations as shown by Mahara(2020). Our contribution is to extend these results by showing that EFX exists for four agents with three distinct valuations. We further generalize this to show the existance of EFX allocations for n agents when n-2 of them have identical valuations.
arXiv:2301.10632v1 [cs.GT] 25 Jan 2023
EFX Exists for Four Agents with Three Types of Valuations
Pratik GhosalVishwa Prakash H.V.Prajakta NimbhorkarNithin Varma§
In this paper, we address the problem of determining an envy-free allocation of indivisible goods
among multiple agents. EFX, which stands for envy-free up to any good, is a well-studied problem
that has been shown to exist for specific scenarios, such as when there are only three agents with MMS
valuations, as demonstrated by Chaudhury et al. (2020), and for any number of agents when there are
only two types of valuations as shown by Mahara (2020). Our contribution is to extend these results
by showing that EFX exists for four agents with three distinct valuations. We further generalize this to
show the existance of EFX allocations for nagents when n2 of them have identical valuations.
1 Introduction
Fair division of indivisible goods is a fundamental problem in the field of multiagent systems. The problem
is to allocate a set G={g1,}of mgoods to a group A={a1,}of nagents such that each agent
thinks of the allocation as being fair. One of the most well-studied fairness notions is that of envy-freeness.
To quantify this notion, we model each agent ai,i[n], as having a valuation function vi: 2GR0on
bundles of goods. An allocation (X1, X2,...Xn)1is said to be envy-free (EF) if all agents value their own
bundle at least as much as that of any other agent, i.e., vi(Xi)vi(Xj) for all i, j [n]. It is well-known
that EF allocations may not exist in general and various relaxations of such allocations have been proposed.
Budish (2011) proposed the concept of envy-freeness up to one good (EF1), where the goal is to find an
allocation such that, for each agent ai, there exists some good gin each bundle Xjsuch that aivalues Xi
at least as much as Xj\ {g}. It is known that EF1 allocations always exist and can be found in polynomial
time Lipton et al. (2004). In between the notions of EF and EF1 allocations, lie envy-freeness up to any
good (EFX), which was introduced by Caragiannis et al. (2019b). Given an allocation, an agent aistrongly
envies another agent ajif there exists gXjsuch that aivalues Xj\ {g}over their own bundle Xi. An
allocation is EFX if no agent strongly envies another agent. In other words, each agent aivalues Xiat least
as much as Xj\ {g}for any good gpresent in any Xj.
Contrary to both EF and EF1, the question of whether EFX allocations always exist or not is far from set-
tled and is one of the important questions in contemporary research on fair allocation. Plaut and Roughgarden
(2020) show that when all agents have the same valuation function on bundles, then EFX always exists. They
also showed that when there are only two agents, EFX always exists. Mahara (2020,2021) improved upon
this result and showed the existence of EFX for multiple agents when there are only two valuation functions.
In a recent breakthrough, Chaudhury et al. (2020) showed that EFX always exists for 3 agents when the
valuation functions of agents are additive.2In addition to improving the state of the art, their contributions
also include several new technical ideas to reason about EFX allocations.
In this work, we show the following improvement over the state of the art.
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§Chennai Mathematical Institute. Email:
1Our convention is to allocate the bundle Xito agent aifor all i[n]. Additionally, we only consider allocations that are
complete, i.e., where Si[n]Xi=G.
2A valuation v: 2GR0is additive if, for each bundle S G of goods, v(S) = PgSv({g}). The result of Akrami et al.
(2022) holds for slightly more general valuation functions, which they call MMS-feasible valuations (see Definition 2.3).
Theorem 1.1. Consider a set of nagents with additive valuations where at least n2agents have identical
valuations. Then, for any set of goods, an EFX allocation always exists. Moreover, this holds even when all
the agents have more general MMS-feasible valuations.
When n= 4, the above theorem implies the following corollary
Corollary 1.2. Consider a set of 4agents with at most 3distinct additive valuations Then, for any set of
goods, an EFX allocation always exists. Moreover, this holds even when all the agents have more general
MMS-feasible valuations.
Theorem 1.1 is the first result for the existence of EFX for an arbitrary number of agents with more than
two distinct valuations and is, in this sense, an improvement over the work of Mahara (2020,2021).
1.1 Overview of Our Techniques
Several of the ideas that we use in our proofs of Theorem 1.1 are attributed to the work of Akrami et al. who
give a simplified proof for the existence of EFX allocations for three agents. Our proof of Theorem 1.1 begins
by considering, what we refer to as an almost feasible EFX allocation. An almost EFX feasible allocation
ensures that the first n1 bundles are EFX feasible for the first n2 agents with identical valuations
and that the last bundle is EFX feasible for one of the remaining two agents. Our procedure modifies such
an allocation carefully to get to an EFX allocation, in which case we are done, or to another almost EFX
feasible allocation. The termination of our procedure is ensured by the fact that the resulting almost EFX
feasible allocation is strictly better than the previous one in a concrete sense. The novel challenge arising
in our case is the fact that maintaining the above mentioned invariant and arguing about the increase in
potential is more involved due to a higher number of dependencies caused by a larger number of agents.
1.2 Related Work
The notion of envy-free allocations was introduced by Gamow and Stern and Foley. For indivisible goods,
Lipton et al. and Budish consider a relaxed notion of envy-freeness known as envy-freeness up to one good
(EF1). The notion of envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) was introduced by Caragiannis et al.. The
existence of EFX allocations has been shown in various restricted settings like 2 agents with arbitrary
valuations and any number of agents with identical valuations Plaut and Roughgarden (2020), for additive
valuations with 3 agents Chaudhury et al. (2020), at most two valuations for an arbitrary number of agents
Mahara (2020,2021), for the case when each value of each agent can take one of the two possible values
Amanatidis et al. (2021), etc. EFX allocations for the case when some goods can be left unallocated have
been considered in several papers Brams et al. (2022); Cole et al. (2013); Caragiannis et al. (2019a) etc.
Caragiannis et al. (2019a) show that discarding some items can achieve at least half of the maximum Nash
Welfare whereas Chaudhury et al. show that an EFX allocation always exists for nagents with arbitrary
valuations with at most n1 unallocated items, Berger et al. improve this to EFX for 4 agents with at most
one unallocated item.
2 Preliminaries
Let A={a1, a2,··· , an}be a set of nagents and let G={g1, g2,··· , gm}be a set of mindivisible goods.
An instance of discrete fair division is specified by the tuple hA,G,Vi, where V={v1(·), v2(·),··· , vn(·)}is
such that for i[n], the function vi: 2GR0denotes the valuation of agent aion subsets of goods.
Let a A, g G, S, T G, v : 2GR0. To simplify notation, we write v(g) to denote v({g}) and use
S\g,Sgto denote S\ {g},S {g}, respectively. We also write S >aTto denote va(S)> va(T) and
similarly for <a,a,aand =a. We use mina(S, T ) and maxa(S, T ) to denote arg minY∈{S,T }va(Y) and
arg maxY∈{S,T }va(Y).
We often use the term bundle to denote a subset of goods. An allocation is a tuple X=hX1, X2,...,Xni
of nbundles such that bundle Xiis assigned to agent aifor all i[n] and Si[n]Xi=G. Given an allocation
X=hX1, X2,··· , Xni, we say that agent aienvies another agent ajif vi(Xj)> vi(Xi). As a shorthand, we
sometimes simply say that agent aienvies the bundle Xj.
Definition 2.1 (Strong Envy).Given an allocation X=hX1, X2,··· , Xni, an agent aistrongly envies an
agent ajif vi(Xi)< vi(Xj\g)for some gXj.
An allocation is EFX if there is no strong envy between any pair of agents.
Definition 2.2 (EFX-Feasibility).A bundle S G is said to be EFX-feasible w.r.t. a disjoint bundle T
according to valuation v, if for all hT,v(T\h)< v(S). Given an allocation X=hX1, X2,··· , Xni,
bundle Xiis EFX-feasible for an agent ajif Xiis EFX-feasible w.r.t. all other bundles in Xaccording to
valuation vj.
An allocation X=hX1, X2,··· , Xniis said to be EFX if for all i[n], the bundle Xiis EFX-feasible
for agent ai.
Minimally Envied Subset. If agent aiwith bundle Xienvies an agent ajwith bundle Xj, we call a
subset SXjaminimally envied subset of Xjfor agent aiif both the following conditions hold.
1. vi(Xi)< vi(S)
2. vi(Xi)vi(S\h)hS
Non-Degenerate Instances Chaudhury et al. (2020); Akrami et al. (2022)An instance I=hA,G,Vi
is said to be non-degenerate if and only if no agent values two different bundles equally. That is, ai A
we have vi(S)6=vi(T) for all S6=T, where S, T G.Akrami et al. (2022) showed that it suffices to
deal with non-degenerate instances when there are nagents with general valuation functions, i.e., if each
non-degenerate instance has an EFX allocation, each general instance has an EFX allocation.
In the rest of the paper, we only consider non-degenerate instances. This implies that all goods are
positively valued by all agents as value of the empty bundle is assumed to be zero.
Properties of Valuation Functions A valuation vis said to be monotone if STimplies v(S)
vi(T) for all S, T G. Monotonicity is a natural restriction on valuation functions and occurs frequently
in real-world instances of fair division. A valuation vis additive if v(S) = PgSv({g}) for all S G.
Additive valuation functions are, by definition, also monotone. Akrami et al. (2022) introduced a new class
of valuation functions called MMS-feasible valuations which are natural extensions of additive valuations.
Definition 2.3. A valuation v: 2GR0is MMS-feasible if for every subset of goods S G and every
partitions A= (A1, A2)and B= (B1, B2)of S, we have
max(v(B1), v(B2)) >min(v(A1), v(A2))
Plaut and Roughgarden Algorithm In 2020,Plaut and Roughgarden (2020) gave an algorithm to
compute an EFX-allocation when all agents have the same valuation v(·), where the only assumption on v(·)
is that it is monotone. Throughout this paper, we refer to this algorithm as the PR algorithm. Let M G
be a subset of goods and let abe an agent with valuation v. Let X={X1, X2,··· , Xk}be a k-partition of
M. In its most general form, the PR algorithm takes (X, v, k) as input and outputs a (possibly different)
k-partition Y={Y1, Y2,··· , Yk}. We crucially use the following properties Plaut and Roughgarden (2020)
of the output of the PR algorithm.
1. If Yiis allocated to agent athen agent adoes not strongly envy any other bundle in Y.
2. The value of the least valued bundle does not decrease, i.e.,
min(v(Y1), v(Y2),··· , v(Yk)) min(v(X1), v(X2),··· , v (Xk)).
3 EFX for four agents with three valuations
In this section, we show that EFX allocation always exists for nagents when n2 of the agents have identical
valuations thus prove Theorem 1.1.
Consider a set of nagents A={a1, a2,··· , an2b1, c1}, a set of mgoods G={g1, g2,··· , gm}and a set
of three valuation functions V={va, vb, vc}such that agents a1, a2,··· , an2have valuation vaand agents
b1and c1have valuations vband vcrespectively. The valuations vaand vbare assumed to be monotone and
vcis assumed to be MMS-feasible.
Definition 3.1. We say that an allocation X=hX1, X2,··· , Xniis almost EFX-feasible if it satisfies the
following conditions:
1. The first n1bundles X1, X2,··· , Xn1are EFX-feasible for agents a1, a2,··· , an2.
2. Xnis EFX-feasible for either agent b1or agent c1.
We define a potential function φwhich assigns a real value for each allocation X=hX1, X2,··· , Xnias
φ(X) = min{va(X1), va(X2),··· , va(Xn1)}.
To prove Theorem 1.1, we first show that almost EFX-feasible allocations always exist. Then we show
that, if an allocation Xis almost EFX-feasible, then either Xis an EFX allocation or there exists another
almost EFX-feasible allocation Xwith a strictly higher potential value, i.e., φ(X)> φ(X). Since φ(X)
cannot grow arbitrarily as φ(X)< va(G), there must exist an almost EFX-feasible allocation which is also
an EFX allocation.
Proof of Theorem 1.1:For any given instance with nagents such that n2 agents have identical valuations,
an almost EFX-feasible allocation always exists. This can be obtained by running the PR algorithm on G
with the valuation vafor all nagents. Lets call this initial allocation X=hX1, X2,··· , Xni. From the
property 1 of the PR algorithm, all the bundles are EFX-feasible for agents a1, a2,··· , an2. Let agent c1
pick the most valued bundle from Xaccording their valuation vc. Without loss of generality, we can assume
that the bundle picked by agent c1is Xn. Its is clear that Xnis EFX-feasible for c1. Hence Xis almost
If either one among the agents b1or c1has at least one EFX-feasible bundle other than Xn, say Xk, then
we are done. We allocate hXn, Xkito agent c1and b1respectively, and the remaining bundles to agents
a1, a2,··· , an2arbitrarily. The resulting allocation is EFX.
In the remainder of the proof, we consider the case that Xnis the only EFX-feasible bundle for both b1
and c1.
Let gband gcbe the least valuable good(s) in Xnaccording to agents b1and c1, respectively. Since Xn
is the most valued bundle and also the only EFX-feasible bundle in Xfor agent b1(or c1), even if we give
the maximum valued bundle from {X1, X2,··· , Xn1}according to vb(vc, respectively) to agent b1(c1,
respectively), they would strongly envy the bundle Xn. That is
b(X1, X2,··· , Xn1) (1)
c(X1, X2,··· , Xn) (2)
Without loss of generality, assume
Now, we consider the cases which arise when we move the least valued good from Xn(according to b1or c1)
and add it to the bundle X1.
Case 1: The bundle Xn\gbremains to be the most favorite bundle for agent b1or the bundle Xn\gc
remains to be the most favorite bundle for agent c1. That is,
Here we assume that Xn\gb>bX1gb. The procedure is analogous if we consider Xn\gc>cX1gc
as we are only using the monotonicity of the valuation functions for Case 1. The new allocation is
X=hX1gb, X2,··· , Xn\gbi. Combining Xn\gb>bX1gbwith (1), we get that the bundle
Xn\gbis the most valuable according to vband hence EFX-feasible for agent b1in the new allocation.
Case 1.1: X1gb<aX2.
Combining X1gb>aX1and (3), we can see that
φ(X) = va(X1gb)> va(X1) = φ(X).
Thus there is an increase in the potential. For agents a1, a2,··· , an2, the bundle X1gbremains
EFX-feasible as no other bundle has increased in value. Furthermore, For agents a1, a2,··· , an2,
the bundles X2, X3,··· , Xn1are EFX-feasible when compared to X1gbas they are more valu-
able than X1gbaccording to va. They are also EFX-feasible when compared to Xn\gbbecause
they were EFX-feasible against a higher valued bundle Xn. Thus, bundles X1gb, X2,··· , Xn1
are EFX-feasible for agents a1, a2,··· , an2. Therefore, the new allocation is almost EFX-feasible
and has an increased potential.
Case 1.23:X1gb>aX2.
Let (X1gb)\Zbe a minimally envied subset with respect to X2under valuation va. That is,
(X1gb)\Z >aX2, and
((X1gb)\Z)\h <aX2h(X1gb)\Z(4)
Now, let the new allocation be
1, X
2,··· , X
=h(X1gb)\Z, X2,··· ,(Xn\ {gb})Zi
Since (X1gb)\Z >aX2, it holds that φ(X) = va(X2)> va(X1) = φ(X). Thus the potential
has strictly increased.
From (1), we have Xn\gb>bmaxb(X1, X2,··· , Xn1). From the Case 1 assumption, we also
have Xn\gb>bX1gb. Therefore,
n= (Xn\gb)Z >bmax
1, X
2, X
Thus X
nis EFX-feasible for agent b1.
Next, we show that the bundles X
1, X
2,··· , X
n1are EFX-feasible among themselves (i.e, not
compared with X
n) to agents a1, a2,··· , an2.
3Note that we do not have to consider the case that X1gb=aX2since the instance is assumed to be non-degenerate.
The bundle X1was EFX-feasible w.r.t. X2,··· , Xn1in X. Therefore, X
1>aX1is also EFX-
feasible w.r.t. X
2,· · · , X
Bundles X
2,··· , X
n1are EFX-feasible w.r.t. each other as they remain unchanged. From (4)
we know that X
1\h= ((X1gb)\Z)\h <aX2h((X1gb)\Z), and from (3) we
have X2<a··· <aXn1. Therefore, both X
2,··· , X
n1are EFX-feasible w.r.t. X
1for agents
a1, a2,··· , an2. Therefore, the bundles X
1, X
2,··· , X
n1are EFX-feasible among themselves to
agents a1, a2,··· , an2.
All that remains is to check the EFX-feasibility of bundles X
1, X
2,··· , X
n1w.r.t. X
n. If the
bundles X
1, X
2,··· , X
n1are EFX-feasible w.r.t. X
n, then we meet all the conditions of the
invariant and hence Xis almost EFX-feasible. Since φ(X)> φ(X), we have an almost EFX-
feasible solution with increased potential and we are done.
Now, consider the case that one of the bundles in {X
1, X
2,··· , X
n1}is not EFX-feasible w.r.t.
n. That is,
nsuch that X
n\h >amin
1, X
2,··· , X
1, X
2,··· , X
1, X
2,··· , X
n) = min
1, X
2,··· , X
n1) = X2>aX1
Now, we apply the PR algorithm on Xunder the valuation vato get a new allocation X′′. We
can see that X′′ is almost EFX-feasible by relabeling the bundles appropriately if needed. From
the property 2 of the PR algorithm, we also know that mina(X′′)>amina(X)>aX1. Therefore,
φ(X′′)> va(X1) = φ(X). Thus we obtain a new almost EFX-feasible allocation with increased
Case 2: The bundle Xn\gbis not the most favorite bundle of agent b1and bundle Xn\gcis not
the most favorite bundle of agent c1. That is,
Xn\ {gb}<bX1 {gb},and
Xn\ {gc}<cX1 {gc}
In this case, we run the PR algorithm on hX1gb, Xn\gbiunder valuation vbto get bundles Yn1, Yn.
Now the new allocation is X=hX
1, X
2,··· , X
n1, X
ni=hX2, X3,··· , Yn1, Yni.
We first show that bundles Yn1and Ynare EFX-feasible for agents b1and c1respectively.
b(Yn1, Yn)>bmin
=Xn\ {gb}(Case 2 assumption)
b(X2,··· , Xn1) ( (1))
Therefore, the bundles Yn1and Ynare both EFX-feasible for agent b1.
We let agent c1choose their favorite bundle among Yn1and Yn.w.l.o.g let Yn>cYn1. From the
maximin property of vc, we know the following:
Yn= max
c(Yn1, Yn) (Yn>cYn1)
c(X1 {gc}, Xn\ {gc}) (vcis MMS-feasible)
=Xn\ {gc}(Case 2 assumption)
c(X2,··· , Xn1) (From (2))
Therefore, the bundle Ynis EFX-feasible for agent c1.
Now, recall that the current allocation is X=hX2, X3,··· , Yn1, Yni. Depending on the envy from agent
a1, we have the following three cases:
Case 2.1: Agent a1does not strongly envy Yn1or Yn. Since X2<a··· <aXn1, agents
a2, a3,··· , an2also does not strongly envy Yn1or Yn. Thus, Xis an EFX allocation.
Case 2.2: Agent a1strongly envies both Yn1and Yn. Then,
X3>aX2From (3)
Therefore, mina(X) = X2>aX1=φ(X). That is, the minimum has strictly increased. Now we run
the PR algorithm on Xwith the valuation vato get an almost EFX-feasible allocation X′′ with a
potential value φ(X′′)> φ(X).
Case 2.3: Agent a1strongly envies Yn1but not Yn. The other case is similar.4
Let Y
n1Yn1be such that Y
n1>aX2but Y
n1\h <aX2hY
Now consider the new allocation X′′ =hX′′
1,··· , X′′
n1, X′′
ni=hX2,··· , Y
n1, Yn(Yn1\Y
Previously, Ynwas EFX-feasible for agent c1. Now, the value of this bundle has increased and values
of other bundles have not increased. Therefore, the new bundle X′′
nis EFX-feasible for agent c1.
The potential of the new allocation X′′ is φ(X′′ ) = mina(X′′
1, X′′
2,··· , Y
n1) = X2>aX1=φ(X).
That is, the potential value has increased. Now, if the bundles X′′
1, X′′
2,··· , X′′
n1are EFX-feasible for
agents a1, a2,··· , an2, we are done.
We know that bundles X′′
1,··· , X′′
n2are EFX-feasible among themselves for agents a1, a2,··· , an2.
By the construction of Y
n1, it is clear that X′′
1, X′′
2,··· , X′′
n1are EFX-feasible among
themselves for agents a1, a2,··· , an2. Now, if X′′
1, X′′
2,··· , X′′
n1are EFX-feasible with respect to
n, then all the invariant constraints are met and X′′ is a new almost EFX-feasible allocation with a
higher potential value. Otherwise, if one of X′′
1, X′′
2,··· , X′′
n1is not EFX-feasible w.r.t. X′′
to valuation va, then we have:
nsuch that X′′
n\h >amin
1, X′′
2,··· , X′′
>amina(X1, X2,··· , Xn)
4If agent a1strongly envies Yn, then give Ynto agent b1and Yn1to agent c1. We know both Ynand Yn1are EFX-feasible
for agent b1. Thus we meet the invariant by making X′′
nEFX-feasible for agent b1instead of agent c1.
That is, the overall minimum has increased. Now, we run the PR algorithm on X′′ with the valuation
vato get a new allocation Z. Let agent c1pick their favorite bundle. From the property of the PR
algorithm, we know that φ(Z)> φ(X). Thus, we have a new almost EFX-feasible allocation with
higher potential. This concludes the proof.
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Suppose that two players, P1 and P2, must divide a set of indivisible items that each strictly ranks from best to worst. Assuming that the number of items is even, suppose also that the players desire that the allocations be balanced (each player gets half the items), item-wise envy-free (EF), and Pareto-optimal (PO). Meeting this ideal is frequently impossible. If so, we find a balanced maximal partial allocation of items to the players that is EF, though it may not be PO. Then, we show how to augment it so that it becomes a complete allocation (all items are allocated) that is EF for one player (Pi) and almost-EF for the other player (Pj) in the sense that it is EF for Pj except for one item — it would be EF for Pj if a specific item assigned to Pi were removed. Moreover, we show how low-ranked (for Pj) that exceptional item may be, thereby finding an almost-EF allocation that is as close as possible to EF — as well as complete, balanced, and PO. We provide algorithms to find such almost-EF allocations, adapted from algorithms that apply when complete balanced EF-PO allocations are possible.
We consider the classic problem of fairly allocating indivisible goods among agents with additive valuation functions and explore the connection between two prominent fairness notions: maximum Nash welfare (MNW) and envy-freeness up to any good (EFX). We establish that an MNW allocation is always EFX as long as there are at most two possible values for the goods, whereas this implication is no longer true for three or more distinct values. As a notable consequence, this proves the existence of EFX allocations for these restricted valuation functions. While the efficient computation of an MNW allocation for two possible values remains an open problem, we present a novel algorithm for directly constructing EFX allocations in this setting. Finally, we study the question of whether an MNW allocation implies any EFX guarantee for general additive valuation functions under a natural new interpretation of approximate EFX allocations.
The maximum Nash welfare (MNW) solution—which selects an allocation that maximizes the product of utilities—is known to provide outstanding fairness guarantees when allocating divisible goods. And while it seems to lose its luster when applied to indivisible goods, we show that, in fact, the MNW solution is strikingly fair even in that setting. In particular, we prove that it selects allocations that are envy-free up to one good—a compelling notion that is quite elusive when coupled with economic efficiency. We also establish that the MNW solution provides a good approximation to another popular (yet possibly infeasible) fairness property, the maximin share guarantee, in theory and—even more so—in practice. While finding the MNW solution is computationally hard, we develop a nontrivial implementation and demonstrate that it scales well on real data. These results establish MNW as a compelling solution for allocating indivisible goods and underlie its deployment on a popular fair-division website.
Conference Paper
Several fairness concepts have been proposed recently in attempts to approximate envy-freeness in settings with indivisible goods. Among them, the concept of envy-freeness up to any item (EFX) is arguably the closest to envy-freeness. Unfortunately, EFX allocations are not known to exist except in a few special cases. We make significant progress in this direction. We show that for every instance with additive valuations, there is an EFX allocation of a subset of items with a Nash welfare that is at least half of the maximum possible Nash welfare for the original set of items. That is, after donating some items to a charity, one can distribute the remaining items in a fair way with high efficiency. This bound is proved to be best possible. Our proof is constructive and highlights the importance of maximum Nash welfare allocation. Starting with such an allocation, our algorithm decides which items to donate and redistributes the initial bundles to the agents, eventually obtaining an allocation with the claimed efficiency guarantee. The application of our algorithm to large markets, where the valuations of an agent for every item is relatively small, yields EFX with almost optimal Nash welfare. We also show that our algorithm can be modified to compute, in polynomial-time, EFX allocations that approximate optimal Nash welfare within a factor of at most 2ρ, using a ρ-approximate allocation on input instead of the maximum Nash welfare one.
The goal of fair division is to distribute resources among competing players in a "fair" way. Envy-freeness is the most extensively studied fairness notion in fair division. Envy-free allocations do not always exist with indivisible goods, motivating the study of relaxed versions of envy-freeness. We study the envy-freeness up to any good (EFX) property, which states that no player prefers the bundle of another player following the removal of any single good, and prove the first general results about this property. We use the leximin solution to show existence of EFX allocations in several contexts, sometimes in conjunction with Pareto optimality. For two players with valuations obeying a mild assumption, one of these results provides stronger guarantees than the currently deployed algorithm on Spliddit, a popular fair division website. Unfortunately, finding the leximin solution can require exponential time. We show that this is necessary by proving an exponential lower bound on the number of value queries needed to identify an EFX allocation, even for two players with identical valuations. We consider both additive and more general valuations, and our work suggests that there is a rich landscape of problems to explore in the fair division of indivisible goods with different classes of player valuations.
This paper proposes a new mechanism for combinatorial assignment—for example, assigning schedules of courses to students—based on an approximation to competitive equilibrium from equal incomes (CEEI) in which incomes are unequal but arbitrarily close together. The main technical result is an existence theorem for approximate CEEI. The mechanism is approximately efficient, satisfies two new criteria of outcome fairness, and is strategyproof in large markets. Its performance is explored on real data, and it is compared to alternatives from theory and practice: all other known mechanisms are either unfair ex post or manipulable even in large markets, and most are both manipulable and unfair.
Conference Paper
We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods to a set of people from an algorithmic perspective. fair division has been a central topic in the economic literature and several concepts of fairness have been suggested. The criterion that we focus on is envy-freeness. In our model, a monotone utility function is associated with every player specifying the value of each subset of the goods for the player. An allocation is envy-free if every player prefers her own share than the share of any other player. When the goods are divisible, envy-free allocations always exist. In the presence of indivisibilities, we show that there exist allocations in which the envy is bounded by the maximum marginal utility, and present a simple algorithm for computing such allocations. We then look at the optimization problem of finding an allocation with minimum possible envy. In the general case the problem is not solvable or approximable in polynomial time unless P = NP. We consider natural special cases (e.g.additive utilities) which are closely related to a class of job scheduling problems. Approximation algorithms as well as inapproximability results are obtained. Finally we investigate the problem of designing truthful mechanisms for producing allocations with bounded envy.
  • Hannaneh Akrami
  • Jugal Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury
  • Kurt Garg
  • Ruta Mehlhorn
  • Mehta
Hannaneh Akrami, Bhaskar Ray Chaudhury, Jugal Garg, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Ruta Mehta. 2022. EFX Allocations: Simplifications and Improvements.