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Abstract and Figures

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) consist of emerging technologies that have the potential to be used gradually in various sectors providing a wide range of applications. In agricultural tasks, the UAV-based solutions are supplanting the labor and time-intensive traditional crop management practices. In this direction, this work proposes an automated framework for efficient data collection in crops employing autonomous path planning operational modes. The first method assures an optimal and collision-free path route for scanning the under examination area. The collected data from the oversight perspective are used for orthomocaic creation and subsequently, vegetation indices are extracted to assess the health levels of crops. The second operational mode is considered as an inspection extension for further on-site enriched information collection, performing fixed radius cycles around the central points of interest. A real-world weed detection application is performed verifying the acquired information using both operational modes. The weed detection performance has been evaluated utilizing a well-known Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named Feature Pyramid Network (FPN), providing sufficient results in terms of Intersection over Union (IoU).
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Multimodal Data Collection System for UAV-based
Precision Agriculture Applications
Emmanuel K. Raptis, Georgios D. Karatzinis, Marios Krestenitis, Athanasios Ch. Kapoutsis, Kostantinos
Ioannidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris and Elias B. Kosmatopoulos
Abstract—Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) consist of emerg-
ing technologies that have the potential to be used gradually
in various sectors providing a wide range of applications. In
agricultural tasks, the UAV-based solutions are supplanting the
labor and time-intensive traditional crop management practices.
In this direction, this work proposes an automated framework
for efficient data collection in crops employing autonomous path
planning operational modes. The first method assures an optimal
and collision-free path route for scanning the under examination
area. The collected data from the oversight perspective are used
for orthomocaic creation and subsequently, vegetation indices
are extracted to assess the health levels of crops. The second
operational mode is considered as an inspection extension for
further on-site enriched information collection, performing fixed
radius cycles around the central points of interest. A real-world
weed detection application is performed verifying the acquired
information using both operational modes. The weed detection
performance has been evaluated utilizing a well-known Convolu-
tional Neural Network (CNN), named Feature Pyramid Network
(FPN), providing sufficient results in terms of Intersection over
Union (IoU).
Index Terms—Path planning, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAVs), Data gathering, Plant Inspection, Weed Detection, Pre-
cision Agriculture
Remote sensing holds a key role in Precision Agriculture
(PA) and Smart Farming (SM) serving as the core tool for
monitoring cultivated fields [1]. The UAVs’ inherent attributes
of agility [2], adaptability [3], non-destructive data acquisition
[4], their Internet of things (IoT) enabling nature [5], as well
as their ultra-high spatial resolution of acquired images [6],
compose them the preferred solution over their competitors.
Satellite imagery provides data for large areas but with low
spatial resolution and manned aircraft can cover large areas
quickly but they are expensive alternatives. Ground systems
This research has been financed by the European Regional Development
Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Opera-
tional Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the
call RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE (T1EDK-00636) and from the
European Commission under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101021851 (NESTOR).
(Corresponding author: Emmanuel K. Raptis)
Emmanuel K. Raptis, Georgios D. Karatzinis and Elias B. Kosmatopoulos
are with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus
University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece and Information Technologies Institute,
The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece (erap-, and
Marios Krestenitis, Athanasios Ch. Kapoutsis, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Ste-
fanos Vrochidis and Ioannis Kompatsiaris are with Information Technologies
Institute, The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
(,,, and
Fig. 1: Holistic Path Planning Scheme for Precision Agricul-
ture Applications.
are best suitable for close-up inspections but in a destructive
manner, while also they cannot cover large areas. Thus, UAVs
can be virtually assumed to be depicted on the switching
spot between spatial resolution and data acquisition simplicity,
creating an ever-increasing demand for UAV-related appli-
cations in the PA domain. Different sensors can be placed
on UAVs, resulting in various sensory data that can mainly
range between [7]: a) RGB imaging (Red, Green, and Blue
wavebands); b) Multispectral imaging (several wavebands in
visible and near-infrared range); c) Hyperspectral (hundreds to
thousands of wavebands in visible and near-infrared regions);
d) Thermal infrared imaging, and; e) Light detection and
ranging (LiDAR) sensory data.
UAV technologies have been applied in a wide range of PA
applications such as weed detection [8], semantic segmentation
[9], [10], classification procedures [11], vegetation health
monitoring [12], diseases detection [13], plant stress detection
[14], crops spraying [15] and yield estimation [16]. Extensive
taxonomy studies have been presented in the literature for
UAV-based applications in PA regarding the type of UAVs,
the equipped sensors, health indexes, and evaluation tasks
[14], [17], [18]. Weed mapping is one of the most popular
applications in PA aiming to identify non-desirable plants that
cause losses to crop yields during their growth, as well as
at harvesting. Therefore, accurate weed mapping leads to the
reduction of herbicide usage preventing also the evolution of
herbicide-resistant weeds.
More often than not, different types of UAV missions are
needed to cover specific PA needs [19]. The most common
type of UAV mission includes a uniform mapping over an
area of interest. Although several research works provide this
kind of capability, they do not offer the capability of handling
obstacles and no-fly-zones [20], [21]. Additionally, several
close-up inspections are usually needed to verify and examine
detections and intuitions with higher granularity. Usually,
these inspections are needed at different stages of growth to
constantly assess problematic areas and are executed by either
non-UAV (employing specialized farmers and agronomists to
be on the field) or manually controlled UAV missions.
Although there are UAV-based solutions that provide ef-
ficient approaches in drainage pipe mapping [22], irrigation
management [23] and yield estimation [16], do not foresee
path planning development for mapping and intensive tar-
geted data collections actions. Individual practicability features
should also be included towards unlocking the utilization of
existing UAVs and enhancing adopt-ability from farmers and
agronomists. It is of great importance to minimize human
intervention during flight missions and maximize human co-
operation capabilities at the same time, serving as an integral
tool for a wide range of PA applications.
To tackle the aforementioned challenges, a holistic two-
mode path planning solution is proposed that is capable of
providing an automated way for data acquisition in agriculture
applications. At a glance, the contributions of the developed
system, which is outlined in Figure 1, are:
A low-cost, yet automated, UAV-based solution for data
acquisition in PA applications. Two operational modes
emerge a) A path planning algorithm is responsible for
producing the optimal route complete coverage of a given
area of interest, while, at the same time, respecting no-
fly zones. Subsequently, image data are processed by a
ground control station and health indices can be extracted
to assess the biomass levels of crops. b) A circular-
like inspection around points of interest in the field
is performed in lower altitudes to collect high-quality
images providing enriched information.
Custom android application to enable the intercommuni-
cation between UAV and ground control station, enabling
the direct incorporation with existing, commercial UAVs.
A real-world weed detection application is performed on
a wheat and cotton field. The data have been acquired
by the proposed PA path planning approach, using both
operational modes. The quality of the gathered data is
being verified by evaluating with a well-known Convolu-
tional Neural Network (CNN), more specifically Feature
Pyramid Network (FPN), in terms of Intersection over
Union (IoU) providing sufficient results.
The material of this paper is organized as follows: Section
II and Section III presents the UAV-based data collection
system describing the path planning operational modes and
the developed user-friendly interface, respectively. In Section
IV the verification of the automated UAV-based data collection
framework is performed, while also a real-world weed detec-
tion problem is presented. Finally, Section V summarizes the
main innovations and functionalities of the proposed system.
To cover a continuous area, it is essential to deploy a method
capable of providing safe and efficient paths, while ensuring
high-percentage coverage of the agricultural field. To deal with
robot-related challenges faced in real-world scenarios, one
should follow an end-to-end Coverage Path Planning (CPP)
technique. CPP is the determination of a collision-free path
that the robot must follow to pass through all the points
of an area or Region Of Interest (ROI). A comprehensive
review of CPP methods including their advances in many field
applications is depicted in [24].
A. STC-based Coverage Path Planning PA Module
In this work, in terms of a CPP method, we utilized the
Spanning Tree Coverage (STC) algorithm [25], [26]. This
algorithm deploys an off-line CPP algorithm while knowing in
advance any related information about the environment. The
main steps of the aforementioned methodology are outlined in
Figure 2.
For ease of understanding, it is assumed that the agricultural
field is constrained within a rectangle in Cartesian coordinates
(x, y). As a first step, the proposed algorithm discretizes the
area of interest into a set of equal cells of size D based
on the user-defined information1; the finite number of the
cells represents the level of spatial resolution and the sensing
capabilities of the robot used. The discretized cells are then
grouped into large square-shaped cells of size 2D each of
which is either entirely blocked (black) or entirely unblocked
(white) as shown in Figure 2(a). It must be noted, that the only
algorithm’s requirement, is that the stationary obstacle areas
within the grid cannot be smaller than a 2D cell. As a next step,
as shown in Figure 2(b), every unoccupied 2D cell is translated
into a node and an edge is introduced following the Von
Neumann neighborhood, resulting an undirected graph. For
the resulting graph, a minimum spanning tree is constructed
by applying any Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) methodology
(e.g. Kruskal or Prim [27]) as illustrated in Figure 2(c)-(d). A
path is then created by circumnavigating this tree Figure 2(e)
via a clockwise direction starting from a cell of size D while
traversing every D cell which lies in the MST, producing,
thus, an optimal covering path as shown in Figure 2(f). This
navigation route (Figure 2(f)) has the advantage of avoiding
unnecessary movements of the robot which do not contribute
to the process of scanning the area. A mission starts and ends
in the same place with each cell being covered only once while
avoiding any obstacle/no-fly-zone possible defined within the
operational area. In this way, the paths created are very suitable
for energy-efficient applications taking into account energy
constraints such as the battery consumption of the UAV.
Having illustrated all the main features that establish a safe
and efficient path, we proceed to present an “adaptive” navi-
gation algorithm including path planning switching features
1obstacles (x, y, z), image overlap (%) and flight altitude (h)
(a) Grid representation of the field (b) Cell to Node conversion
(c) Minimum Spanning Tree (d) Minimum Spanning Tree as nav-
igation guide
(e) Circumnavigate MST (f) Final coverage path
Fig. 2: Main steps of the Spanning Tree Coverage algorithm.
for monitoring agricultural resources tailored to field char-
acteristics. Algorithm 1 outlines in pseudocode the proposed
navigation algorithm.
In line 1, the user-selected area of the field, hereafter men-
tioned as Polygon, is transformed from the spatial reference
system WGS84 to a North-East-Down (NED) frame where the
coordinates can be defined as a Cartesian Plane shape (x, y).
The reason why this transformation is needed is that Polygon
is initially defined by the user in a set of latitude/longitude
pairs while the Overlap between two corresponding images in
adjacent flight path lines is translated in meters by introducing
aScanning distance parameter (line 2), as sketched in Figure 3.
Therefore, the NED projection was employed to represent both
input parameters using a common metric system in meters.
Having transformed the input coordinates Polygon to a
Cartesian Plane shape, in lines 2-7 the entire field is grouped
into large 2D cells and each cell is represented as a node
to which an edge is assigned. These nodes-edges (V, E )form
the graph Gwhich defines the allowed movements of the UAV
within the field (lines 7-9). In lines 8-9, a graph minimization
methodology is applied to the previously formed graph G
Algorithm 1 STC-based Coverage Path Planning method
Require: Polygon,Obstacles,Overlap,Altitude
Ensure: A sequence of waypoints
1: WGS84 to NED project to NED
2: {Overlap,Altitude} Scanning distance [26]
3: for row, col to x, y do
4: D 2D cells R2No. of cells based on Overlap
5: end for
6: for each node grid do
7: G= (V, E )add edge between nodes
8: end for
9: Apply MST algorithm to G MST G
10: Traverse MST through D cells. Halt when starting cell is
encountered again.
11: if flight direction is T rue then graph rotation
12: rotate Gby ϑ
13: go back to line 8
14: end if
15: NED to WGS84 project to WGS84
16: return Coverage path
Fig. 3: Overlap between two sequential images in adjacent
parallel flight path lines for one UAV in two different time-
steps upon the extracted coverage path.
and the circumnavigation phase takes place. Hence, to provide
an efficient path tailored to the field, Gmust have the most
favorable -in terms of coverage- representation within the grid.
To do so, in lines 10-13 a rotation technique is introduced. The
key idea is the rotation of each node within the grid by an
angle ϑin a counter-clockwise direction around its center-
point. Modifying the flight’s direction, there might appear
more favorable configurations of Ginside the grid, where the
number of nodes is greater. Such configurations are more likely
to provide paths that achieve a higher percentage of coverage
for the given field as illustrated in Figure 4.
Fig. 4: Flight path direction regulated by the ϑ.
Once a path within the grid has been determined, in line 14,
the extracted points are projected back to the WGS84 system
to generate a sequence of waypoints to be used in real-world
scenarios. Finally, in line 15, the output of the algorithm gen-
erates a simple closed path (Lat1, Lon1), (Lat2, Lon2), . . . ,
(Latm, Lonm), where mdenotes the number of waypoints.
B. Targeted High-Detail Data Acquisition Module
Based on the resulted CPP flight, a number of aerial images
will be collected and processed. After the post-processing
analysis, it is usual to identify some specific spots that require
more detailed “on-site” inspection. This task can be also
automated by using UAVs with the appropriate path planning
From the motion planning perspective, the planning of
the route for accessing a finite set of points is limited to
the problem of finding the optimal path with the minimum
realization cost. For the visual “on-site” inspection, we applied
the Travelling Salesman algorithm [28], a renowned method
for finding the shortest path within an undirected graph. More
specifically, this algorithm treats the problem as an unoriented
stationary graph, with the finite points being the vertices of
the graph and the edges being the paths that the UAV can
follow during its mission, as illustrated in Figure 5(a). It
is a problem that starts and ends at a specific vertex after
having visited all the other vertices of the graph, exactly once.
After calculating the optimal path, the points - vertices of the
graph are “transformed” into centers of circular shapes, and
a set of madditional points on the perimeter of the circle
are generated. These additional points are created in the 3D
space given a desired altitude h, an angle ϕ[0°, 360°]and
a constant radius r. This way, along with the path formed
by TSP, the UAV repeatedly performs fixed radius cycles
around all central points of interest as depicted in Figure 5(b).
Apparently, this operation provides enriched “on-site”/local
information, as images are acquired from lower altitude levels
(e.g., 10 meters) and different angles. Moreover, during the
execution of the mission, the user can also use the physical
remote control to modify the speed and altitude of the aircraft.
(a) Travelling salesman problem (b) Circular flight
Fig. 5: Visual “on-site” inspection around a point of interest
One must note that, for both path planning modes, to ac-
quire high-resolution images, a number of parameters (namely
Overlap, Altitude, Flight Direction, Speed) should be tuned
To provide a data collection solution able to perform
coverage and inspection missions for real-life use, a UAV-
based middleware application is needed to enable message
interactions and real-time communication. Towards this direc-
tion, a custom and user-friendly interface based on the UAV’s
handling capabilities have been developed with the use of
the DJI API offering a simplified form of on-site commands
as illustrated in Figure 6. Specifically, the developed android
application is used as a data transceiver between the automatic
navigation algorithms and the flight control system, allowing
the UAV to follow the waypoints to cover or inspect an
area and collect data. Note that the aforementioned android
application is configured to provide i) autonomous missions
and ii) dynamic display of flight data capable of integrating
different types of commercial UAVs. In addition, it also acts
as an on-the-field pilot, allowing the users to monitor the
missions live, enabling them to take control and handle the
UAV instantly, if needed.
Fig. 6: Custom-developed android application
Based on this application, the UAV during the mission
automatically stores images or video footage in an embedded
micro-SD card from the area covered. Note that the sampling
frequency of the captured images and the UAV’s speed should
be adjusted to meet the appropriate requirements of overlap
and quality (noise, blurring effect). This custom android UAV-
based application is open-source and publicly available2to the
research community.
This section presents two real experiments where the pro-
posed automated UAV-based data collection framework was
used to acquire qualitative and quantitative data. The objectives
of the experiments were to thoroughly test the proposed
autonomous navigation system and collect aerial UAV footage
for two different types of precision agriculture applications
i) crop-field monitoring, geo-mapping, and assessment and
ii) weed detection based on image processing and computer
vision techniques.
A. Hardware components
For both experiments, a commercial UAV (DJI Phantom
4 Pro) equipped with a 1-inch 20-megapixel RGB sensor
was used for the data acquisition. The flight path planning
for crop monitoring and weed detection was done by the
developed algorithms described in the subsections II-A and
II-B, respectively. To manage and control the automated
missions, an android smartphone device (Xiaomi Mi Max
2) was used to run the UAV control application described
in subsection III. Last but not least, a portable 4G router
(tp-link M7350) was used to load the maps to adjust the
UAV missions based on the field characteristics. However, it
should be noted that the transferring and reception of data
across devices was made internet-free via a local network
enabling real-time communication with minimum latency even
in locations where the internet is inaccessible.
B. STC-based Coverage Path Planning PA Module: A wheat
field case
This subsection consist an experimental projection of the
path planning algorithm described in II-A having an ulterior
motive to provide the crops’ health condition from an oversight
perspective. More specifically, the under examination area is
a wheat field. First, the mission planner designs the shortest
possible path, avoiding unnecessary movements of the UAV
(II-A), the waypoints are received by the UAV via radio
signal and the autonomous mission of data collection takes
place (III). The low-cost device is equipped with an RGB
camera capturing images at a pre-defined sampling frequency,
overlap and altitude. The off-line image processing includes
orthophoto generation aiming to enhance the overall visualiza-
tion extracting useful information about the crop monitoring
and management. Vegetation Indices (VIs) that are based
on the reflective properties of vegetation in the visible light
spectral range were considered as described in Table I. The
overall assessment of plant health for the under investigation
field, Figure 7(a), is depicted in Figure 7(b)-(e). For better
visualization and immediate monitoring perception, a color
scale is applied, with low values presented in red and high
values in green. The results show that the selected vegetation
indices can capture the crop’s state in terms of plant health
enabling effective monitoring for decision-making objectives.
C. Targeted High-Detail Data Acquisition Module: A weed
detection application
In this subsection, an experimental evaluation is conducted
in terms of a vision-based weed detection method using a
deep learning model that effectively detect weeds in UAV-
captured images. In this case, we utilized the agronomist-
annotated CoFly-WeedDB-dataset [29], which contains a set
of 201 RGB images of size 1280 ×720 pixels, depicting
different types of weed species among crop plants. Note that
the RGB images were acquired by a Phantom 4 Pro UAV while
it was performing an inspection mission as described in II-B.
More specifically, in this dataset, three types of weeds were
identified: 1) Johnson grass; 2) Field bindweed; 3) Purslane. In
Figure 8 indicative examples of the annotated dataset, for each
weed class are presented. All three weed classes have been
unified as Weed class, while the remaining area is considered
as Background. The objective is to validate the information
content of the deployed dataset and its ability to lead to robust
weed detection models.
(a) Orthomosaic
(b) VARI (c) GLI
Fig. 7: The produced orthomosaic for a wheat crop and the
corresponding vegetation indices.
Fig. 8: Annotated images for each type of identified weed.
The designed validation approach was focused on the se-
mantic segmentation task. In specific, a robust deep Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) for semantic segmentation,
with novel backbone architecture, was employed as a base-
line. Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) is a typical model for
semantic segmentation which has reported promising results
in various cases was utilized. FPN is based on the well-
known scheme of encoder-decoder. In particular, the input
image is firstly processed by the encoding block, which
aims at progressively reducing the spatial dimensions while
simultaneously increasing the depth dimension of the extracted
tensor. The aforementioned process leads to an encoded image
representation yet, enclosing high-level information. In the
decoding stage, the inverted process takes place, where the
compact image representation is gradually upsampled while
TABLE I: Vegetation indices description
RGB-based Visual Atmospheric Green Normalized Green Normalized Green
Vegetation Index Resistance Index Leaf Index Red Difference Index Blue Difference Index
Formula GB
the channel dimension is reduced, to produce the segmented
outcome that meets the initial input dimensions. The main
aspect of FPN is the employment of skip connections that
add the extracted feature maps from the individual encoding
levels to the corresponding layers of the decoder and employ
a1×1convolution to further fine-tune the extracted outcome.
Regarding the backbone architecture employed in the encoding
stage, the family of EfficientNet networks was utilized which
contains state-of-the-art results in image classification tasks.
The employed dataset was randomly split into a training
and testing set, following an 80% 20% rule. The specific
process was repeated 3times, to derive different split subsets
containing divergent data distributions and thus, allow to con-
duct of a more detailed and concrete evaluation. Regarding the
training process, the FPN model was trained for 500 epochs
with a batch size equal to 16 and the Adam optimization
algorithm. Since the designed dataset is imbalanced, a focal
loss function was utilized aiming to tackle the specific issue.
For the training stage, several augmentation techniques were
employed aiming to increase the amount of processed data and
thus, increase the model’s efficiency. In detail, the following
augmentation methods are deployed on every training image
with a chance of 50%: horizontal/vertical flip, random rotation,
random rescale, gaussian blurring, and random change of
the image brightness. The aforementioned techniques were
selected taking into consideration that processed data are
UAV-acquired imagery and our aim was to simulate different
capturing scenarios by the UAV camera. Finally, the patch
of 256 ×256 pixels is randomly cropped from every image,
operating as another augmentation process, and forwarded as
input to the model. All experiments were conducted on a
GeForce RTX 3090 GPU.
Table II presents the accuracy of the FPN pre-described
model in terms of Intersection-over-Union (IoU). Specifically,
it shares EfficientNetB1 as the encoder backbone, which
is pretrained on the well-known dataset ImageNet. Results
are reported for each one of the three data splits with the
corresponding mean value.
TABLE II: Evaluation performance of FPN in terms of IoU
for three different split subsets
Model Split Background Weed mIoU
1 95.45 44.58 70.01
2 94.93 38.81 66.87
3 96.29 42.58 69.44
Results imply that the quality of the collected data is
adequate to create robust weed detection methods based on
deep learning models empowering the UAV robots also as a
tool for automatic visual inspection in precision farming.
In this work, an UAV-based data collection system for
precision agriculture applications has been proposed. Two path
planning operational modes have been presented in order to
provide compact and effective solutions for a wide range of
PA-related tasks from the data collection perspective. The
main path planning/navigation algorithm produces an optimal
and collision-free route for data gathering in monitoring-
related applications. However, for more detail-demanding ap-
plications which require intensive crop inspection, such as
weed detection, a second operational path planning mode
is presented. More precisely, circular-like inspection takes
place around points of interest to collect enriched local field
information. All the UAV’s path planning capabilities are
internet-free functioning on mobile devices including user-
friendly on-site commands and flight data tracking that ease
the utilization of UAVs. The functionality of the proposed
system was tested and validated in two different types of
precision agriculture applications. In both experiments, the
proposed framework preserved all the desired features while
at the same time the preliminary evaluation results showed
that the collected dataset from the visual inspection mission
can lead to robust weed detection models. These features
are of paramount importance in agribusiness, as they can
be utilized to design sustainable legume-supported cropping
systems for monitoring, assessment, weed detection, and pest
control management. As future work, we plan to extend our
system to include the incorporation of several UAVs in the
same mission, using a combination of offline path-planing [30]
and an online adaptation [31], to reduce the execution time by
several orders of magnitude.
This research has been financed by the European Regional
Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national
funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, En-
trepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH -
CREATE - INNOVATE (T1EDK-00636) and from the Euro-
pean Commission under the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement no
101021851 (NESTOR). Also, we gratefully acknowledge the
support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of GPUs
used for this research.
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... Raptis et al. [149] The study presented a precision agriculture data gathering system based on UAVs and validated it using actual weed management. It allowed aerial image collection and analysis by summarizing the system's primary advances and functionalities. ...
... Among deep learning models, we test: Feature Pyramid Network with ResNet101 backbone (ResNet101-FPN) [66], MaskRCNN [67], and DeepLabv3 [68]. Currently, these architectures are widely used and show high performance in various computer vision domains, such as medical imaging [69], precision agriculture [70], and remote sensing [71]. ...
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Increasingly, automation helps to minimize human involvement in many mundane aspects of life, especially retail. During the pandemic it became clear that shop automation helps not only to reduce labor and speedup service but also to reduce the spread of disease. The recognition of produce that has no barcode remains among the processes that are complicated to automate. The ability to distinguish weighted goods is necessary to correctly bill a customer at a self checkout station. A computer vision system can be deployed on either smart scales or smart cash registers. Such a system needs to recognize all the varieties of fruits, vegetables, groats and other commodities which are available for purchase unpacked. The difficulty of this problem is in the diversity of goods and visual variability of items within the same category. Furthermore, the produce at a shop frequently changes between seasons as different varieties are introduced. In this work, we present a computer vision approach that allows efficient scaling for new goods classes without any manual image labelling. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach that allows a smart checkout system to recognize new items without manual labelling. We provide open access to the collected dataset in conjunction with our methods. The proposed method uses top-view images of a new class, applies a pseudo-labelling algorithm to crop the samples, and uses object-based augmentation to create training data for neural networks. We test this approach to classify five fruits varieties, and show that when the number of natural training images is below 50, the baseline pipeline result is almost random guess (20% for 5 classes). PseudoAugment can achieve over 92% accuracy with only top-view images that have no pixel-level annotations. The substantial advantage of our approach remains when the number of original training images is below 250. In practice, it means that when a new fruit is introduced in a shop, we need just a handful of top-view images of containers filled with a new class for the system to start operating. The PseudoAugment method is well-suited for continual learning as it can effectively handle an ever-expanding set of classes. Other computer vision problems can be also addressed using the suggested approach.
... Additionally, most of them aim to improve specific workflows such as estimating plant volume [8], monitoring vegetation canopy reflectance [9] and evaluating chlorophyll levels in rice paddies [10]. Other practices include periodic crop status inspections, pH level, and acidity calculations, as well as vineyard monitoring and mapping [11][12][13]. Regarding motion planning, while numerous options are available for flight control and mission planning using opensource UAV flight controllers and simulators [14,15] none of them extend their capabilities beyond flight control to include data post-processing, and they do not cater to the unique characteristics of each field, such as no-fly zones and automatic UAV-based weed detection. ...
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This paper presents a modular and holistic Precision Agriculture platform, named CoFly, incorporating custom-developed AI and ICT technologies with pioneering functionalities in a UAV-agnostic system. \textbf{Co}gnitional operations of micro \textbf{Fly}ing vehicles are utilized for data acquisition incorporating advanced coverage path planning and obstacle avoidance functionalities. Photogrammetric outcomes are extracted by processing UAV data into 2D fields and crop health maps, enabling the extraction of high-level semantic information about seed yields and quality. Based on vegetation health, CoFly incorporates a pixel-wise processing pipeline to detect and classify crop health deterioration sources. On top of that, a novel UAV mission planning scheme is employed to enable site-specific treatment by providing an automated solution for a targeted, on-the-spot, inspection. Upon the acquired inspection footage, a weed detection module is deployed, utilizing deep-learning methods, enabling weed classification. All of these capabilities are integrated inside a cost-effective and user-friendly end-to-end platform functioning on mobile devices. CoFly was tested and validated with extensive experimentation in agricultural fields with lucerne and wheat crops in Chalkidiki, Greece showcasing its performance.
The relevance of the work lies in the fact that in the conditions and after the end of the war, many elements of weapons and military equipment remain on agricultural fields. In order to avoid collisions of agricultural machinery with these elements, the following tasks are solved with the help of the proposed system: monitoring of the field based on the use of space and unmanned aerial vehicles, planning of fieldwork, and synthesis of the routes of movement of unmanned tractors and combines, as well as control and operational management of their modes of operation. Based on information from the sensors of space and aircraft using special software, a microrelief of the field is constructed, and the coordinates of dangerous elements (obstacles) in the path of unmanned vehicles are determined. In addition, water erosion of the soil is monitored at this stage. The compromise-optimal routes and movement parameters of unmanned tractors for plowing and fertilizing the land are determined in the second stage. In the third stage, the volume and density of the crop in each field section are specified. The coordinates of obstacles to implementing the compromise-optimal movement trajectories and unmanned harvesters' optimal speed of movement combine harvesters during harvesting.
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The CoFly-WeedDB contains 201 RGB images (∼436MB) from the attached camera of DJI Phantom Pro 4 from a cotton field in Larissa, Greece during the first stages of plant growth. The 1280×720 RGB images were collected while the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was performing a coverage mission over the field's area. During the designed mission, the camera angle was adjusted to -87°, vertically with the field. The flight altitude and speed of the UAV were equal to 5m and 3m/s, respectively, aiming to provide a close and clear view of the weed instances. All images have been annotated by expert agronomists using the LabelMe annotation tool, providing the exact boundaries of 3 types of common weeds in this type of crop, namely (i) Johnson grass, (ii) Field bindweed, and (iii) Purslane. The dataset can be used alone and in combination with other datasets to develop AI-based methodologies for automatic weed segmentation and classification purposes.
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Due to noisy actuation and external disturbances, tuning controllers for high-speed flight is very challenging. In this letter, we ask the following questions: How sensitive are controllers to tuning when tracking high-speed maneuvers? What algorithms can we use to automatically tune them? To answer the first question, we study the relationship between parameters and performance and find out that the faster the maneuver, the more sensitive a controller becomes to its parameters. To answer the second question, we review existing methods for controller tuning and discover that prior works often perform poorly on the task of high-speed flight. Therefore, we propose AutoTune, a sampling-based tuning algorithm specifically tailored to high-speed flight. In contrast to previous work, our algorithm does not assume any prior knowledge of the drone or its optimization function and can deal with the multi-modal characteristics of the parameters’ optimization space. We thoroughly evaluate AutoTune both in simulation and in the physical world. In our experiments, we outperform existing tuning algorithms by up to 90% in trajectory completion. The resulting controllers are tested in the AirSim Game of Drones competition, where we outperform the winner by up to 25% in lap-time. Finally, we validate AutoTune in real-world flights in one of the world’s largest motion-capture systems. In these experiments, we outperform human experts on the task of parameter tuning for trajectory tracking, achieving flight speeds over 50kmh150 \,\mathrm{k}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{h}^{-1} .
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This paper proposes a novel mission planning platform, capable of efficiently deploying a team of UAVs to cover complex-shaped areas, in various remote sensing applications. Under the hood lies a novel optimization scheme for grid-based methods, utilizing Simulated Annealing algorithm, that significantly increases the achieved percentage of coverage and improves the qualitative features of the generated paths. Extensive simulated evaluation in comparison with a state-of-the-art alternative methodology, for coverage path planning (CPP) operations, establishes the performance gains in terms of achieved coverage and overall duration of the generated missions. On top of that, DARP algorithm is employed to allocate sub-tasks to each member of the swarm, taking into account each UAV’s sensing and operational capabilities, their initial positions and any no-fly-zones possibly defined inside the operational area. This feature is of paramount importance in real-life applications, as it has the potential to achieve tremendous performance improvements in terms of time demanded to complete a mission, while at the same time it unlocks a wide new range of applications, that was previously not feasible due to the limited battery life of UAVs. In order to investigate the actual efficiency gains that are introduced by the multi-UAV utilization, a simulated study is performed as well. All of these capabilities are packed inside an end-to-end platform that eases the utilization of UAVs’ swarms in remote sensing applications. Its versatility is demonstrated via two different real-life applications: (i) a photogrametry for precision agriculture and (ii) an indicative search and rescue for first responders missions, that were performed utilizing a swarm of commercial UAVs. An implementation of the the mCPP methodology introduced in this work, as well as a link for a demonstrative video and a link for a fully functional, on-line hosted instance of the presented platform can be found here:
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Karst wetlands have the characteristics of small scale and poor stability. At present, the wetland is being severely damaged and its area is seriously degraded, and the accurate identification of vegetation communities is very important for the rapid assessment and management of karst wetland. In this paper, Huixian Karst National Wetland Park, located in Guilin city, China, was taken as the study area, the digital orthophoto map (DOM) and digital surface model (DSM) of UAV images were selected as the data sources, and the vegetation communities of karst wetland were classified by using the object-based Random Forest (RF)-Decision Tree (DT) algorithm and SegNet algorithm. When the object-based RF algorithm and SegNet algorithm were used for coarse classification of karst vegetation, the parameters (mtry, ntree) of the object-based RF algorithm were optimized, and the data dimensionality reduction and RFE variable selection algorithm were used for selecting feature, and the single-class SegNet model was integrated based on the soft voting method to improve the applicability of vegetation classification in karst wetlands. In the classification of vegetation communities in karst wetlands, the optimized object-based RF-DT algorithm were used to extract the vegetation communities in the Areas A, B, and C. The statistical analysis of the importance of the feature variables (spectral features, texture features, geometric features, and position features) of various types of land cover in the three areas was carried out to explore the optimal classification variables of various types of vegetation. The results showed that: (1) the optimized object-based RF algorithm performed better than the SegNet algorithm in classifying karst vegetation at 95% confidence level during the coarse classification. The average accuracy of wetland vegetation was improved by 1.06–13.58%; (2) the object-based RF-DT algorithm had high classification ability for the karst wetland vegetation community, with overall accuracy and kappa coefficient above 0.85; and that (3) although geometric features accounted for the largest proportion (52.2%) in the classification of bermudagrass, water hyacinth, lotus, linden and other vegetation, texture features accounted for the highest proportion of 56.3% in the classification of vegetation whose importance was more than 90.
Autonomous, agile quadrotor flight raises fundamental challenges for robotics research in terms of perception, planning, learning, and control. A versatile and standardized platform is needed to accelerate research and let practitioners focus on the core problems. To this end, we present Agilicious, a codesigned hardware and software framework tailored to autonomous, agile quadrotor flight. It is completely open source and open hardware and supports both model-based and neural network–based controllers. Also, it provides high thrust-to-weight and torque-to-inertia ratios for agility, onboard vision sensors, graphics processing unit (GPU)–accelerated compute hardware for real-time perception and neural network inference, a real-time flight controller, and a versatile software stack. In contrast to existing frameworks, Agilicious offers a unique combination of flexible software stack and high-performance hardware. We compare Agilicious with prior works and demonstrate it on different agile tasks, using both model-based and neural network–based controllers. Our demonstrators include trajectory tracking at up to 5 g and 70 kilometers per hour in a motion capture system, and vision-based acrobatic flight and obstacle avoidance in both structured and unstructured environments using solely onboard perception. Last, we demonstrate its use for hardware-in-the-loop simulation in virtual reality environments. Because of its versatility, we believe that Agilicious supports the next generation of scientific and industrial quadrotor research.
Vineyard classification is an important process within viticulture-related decision-support systems. Indeed, it improves grapevine vegetation detection, enabling both the assessment of vineyard vegetative properties and the optimization of in-field management tasks. Aerial data acquired by sensors coupled to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may be used to achieve it. Flight campaigns were conducted to acquire both RGB and multispectral data from three vineyards located in Portugal and in Italy. Red, green, blue and near infrared orthorectified mosaics resulted from the photogrammetric processing of the acquired data. They were then used to calculate RGB and multispectral vegetation indices, as well as a crop surface model (CSM). Three different supervised machine learning (ML) approaches—support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF) and artificial neural network (ANN)—were trained to classify elements present within each vineyard into one of four classes: grapevine, shadow, soil and other vegetation. The trained models were then used to classify vineyards objects, generated from an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach, into the four classes. Classification outcomes were compared with an automatic point-cloud classification approach and threshold-based approaches. Results shown that ANN provided a better overall classification performance, regardless of the type of features used. Features based on RGB data showed better performance than the ones based only on multispectral data. However, a higher performance was achieved when using features from both sensors. The methods presented in this study that resort to data acquired from different sensors are suitable to be used in the vineyard classification process. Furthermore, they also may be applied in other land use classification scenarios.
Digital agriculture has evolved significantly over the last few years due to the technological developments in automation and computational intelligence applied to the agricultural sector, including vineyards which are a relevant crop in the Mediterranean region. In this work, a study is presented of semantic segmentation for vine detection in real-world vineyards by exploring state-of-the-art deep segmentation networks and conventional unsupervised methods. Camera data have been collected on vineyards using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) equipped with a dual imaging sensor payload, namely a high-definition RGB camera and a five-band multi-spectral and thermal camera. Extensive experiments using deep-segmentation networks and unsupervised methods have been performed on multimodal datasets representing four distinct vineyards located in the central region of Portugal. The reported results indicate that SegNet, U-Net, and ModSegNet have equivalent overall performance in vine segmentation. The results also show that multimodality slightly improves the performance of vine segmentation, but the NIR spectrum alone generally is sufficient on most of the datasets. Furthermore, results suggest that high-definition RGB images produce equivalent or higher performance than any lower resolution multispectral band combination. Lastly, Deep Learning (DL) networks have higher overall performance than classical methods. The code and dataset are publicly available on neyard_segmentation_study.git.
Karst wetlands have the characteristics of small scale and poor stability. At present, the wetland is being severely damaged and its area is seriously degraded, and the accurate identification of vegetation communities is very important for the rapid assessment and management of karst wetland. In this paper, Huixian Karst National Wetland Park, located in Guilin city, China, was taken as the study area, the digital orthophoto map (DOM) and digital surface model (DSM) of UAV images were selected as the data sources, and the vegetation communities of karst wetland were classified by using the object-based Random Forest (RF)-Decision Tree (DT) algorithm and SegNet algorithm. When the object-based RF algorithm and SegNet algorithm were used for coarse classification of karst vegetation, the parameters (mtry, ntree) of the object-based RF algorithm were optimized, and the data dimensionality reduction and RFE variable selection algorithm were used for selecting feature, and the single-class SegNet model was integrated based on the soft voting method to improve the applicability of vegetation classification in karst wetlands. In the classification of vegetation communities in karst wetlands, the optimized object-based RF-DT algorithm were used to extract the vegetation communities in the Areas A, B, and C. The statistical analysis of the importance of the feature variables (spectral features, texture features, geometric features, and position features) of various types of land cover in the three areas was carried out to explore the optimal classification variables of various types of vegetation. The results showed that: (1) the optimized object-based RF algorithm performed better than the SegNet algorithm in classifying karst vegetation at 95% confidence level during the coarse classification. The average accuracy of wetland vegetation was improved by 1.06–13.58%; (2) the object-based RF-DT algorithm had high classification ability for the karst wetland vegetation community, with overall accuracy and kappa coefficient above 0.85; and that (3) although geometric features accounted for the largest proportion (52.2%) in the classification of bermudagrass, water hyacinth, lotus, linden and other vegetation, texture features accounted for the highest proportion of 56.3% in the classification of vegetation whose importance was more than 90.
Disaster risk management of movable and immovable cultural heritage is a highly significant research topic. In this work, we present a pipeline for 3D digitisation, segmentation and annotation of large scale urban areas in order to produce data that can be exploited in disaster management simulators (e.g fire spreading, crowd movement, firefighting training, evacuation planning, etc.). We have selected the old town of Xanthi (Greece) as a challenging case study. We developed a custom multispectral camera to be carried by a commercial drone. Using the structure from motion / multiview stereo (SFM/MVS) approach, we produced a 3D model of the urban area covering 0.5km2 that is followed by a multilayer texture map which carries information from visible and near-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. We developed a set of machine learning approaches based on logistic regression, support vector machines and artificial neural networks that allow 3D model segmentation by exploiting not only morphological and structural features but also the multispectral behaviour of different material surfaces. We objectively evaluate the performance of the proposed segmentation approaches on six significant material-based classes (cobbled-roads granite kilns, building walls, ceramic roof-tiles, low-vegetation, high-vegetation and metal surfaces) that are used in simulating fire propagation and crowd movement. The experiments revealed that the segmentation accuracy can be enhanced by taking into consideration surface material multispectral properties as well as morphological features. A Web-based multi-user annotation tool complements our proposed pipeline by enabling further 3D model segmentation, fine tuning and semantics annotation (e.g. usage-based building classification and evacuation priorities, escape paths and gathering points).