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How to cite:
Hamdan, D. A., & Pasomba, I. (2023). Formulation of Balm from
Lemongrass Oil as Aromatherapy. SIGn Journal of Public Health, 2(1), 1-12.
This work is licensed under a CC BY-4.0 License
Vol. 2 Issue 1: January – June 2023 Published Online: January 24, 2023
Article Title
Formulation of Balm from Lemongrass Oil as Aromatherapy
Dian Furqani Hamdan*
Universitas Mega Buana Palopo || dianfurqanihamdan@gmail.com
*Corresponding Author
Indiani Pasomba
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Pertiwi Luwu Raya || indianipasomba10@gmail.com
SIGn Journal of Public Health, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (January - June 2023)
As a tropical country, Indonesia has diverse biological and natural resources.
This diversity is very beneficial, especially the many medicinal plants used by the
community as medicine. Even for generations, these herbs and medicinal plants have
been used as traditional medicines because they are easy to find, affordable, easy to
mix, and have low side effects compared to chemical drugs. Therefore, people use it as
a traditional medicine for daily health maintenance.
Lemongrass is an herbal plant in the grass family Poaceae and belongs to
the Cymbopogon genus (Pranaka et al., 2020). The Cymbopogon genus consists of
140 species that thrive in tropical climates, namely the continents of Asia, America,
and Africa. Members of the Cymbopogon genus produce essential oils and are also
known as aromatic grasses (Kumar et al., 2009). A strong lemon scent is the main
characteristic of this type of grass due to its high oil citral content. This oil’s aroma is
used in soaps, detergents, and perfumes. As a good source of citral, it has found many
applications in the perfumery and food industries (Srivastava et al., 2013).
In lemongrass, the content that is often used as an alternative to herbal
medicine is its essential oil (Howarto et al., 2015). To take advantage of the usefulness
of the lemongrass, it will be processed to extract its essential oil. Essential oils are
substances that give aroma to plants. Lemongrass essential oil consists of a complex
mixture of volatile phytochemicals from different classes, including monoterpenes,
the results of a physical evaluation of a balm made from lemongrass essential oil. This research uses the
experimental method. The research was conducted at the STIKES Bhakti Pertiwi Pharmacy Laboratory,
Luwu Raya Palopo. Data obtained from observations and results of laboratory examinations were
computerized and presented in tabular form with explanations. The results showed that the preparation
of lemongrass leaf balm, which included organoleptic tests, homogeneous tests, pH similarity tests, and
irritation tests, resulted in several conclusions. First, formula A, with a concentration of 15% citronella
essential oil, meets the requirements for topical balm preparation. Second, formula B, containing 20%
citronella essential oil, meets the requirements for topical balm preparation. Third, formula C with a
concentration of 25% citronella essential oil does not meet the requirements for topical balm preparation
because the preparation undergoes separation between solid and liquid preparations. Therefore, it is
recommended for further research to focus on observing the concentration of 25% citronella essential
oil so that it can be successfully used as a balsam preparation using laboratory equipment. That is more
supportive or can be combined with other chemical substances to make it more homogeneous. In addition,
namely in the form of balm sticks, so that the general public likes the aroma of lemongrass. Furthermore,
research is needed on the storability test of lemongrass balm formulations.
Keywords: Aromatheraphy; Balsem; Lemongrass.
Hamdan, D. A., & Pasomba, I. (2023). Formulation of Balm ...
sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropanoids. Currently, essential oils have been used as
perfumes, cosmetics, food additives, and medicines (Prabandari & Febriyanti, 2017).
Many researchers have studied crucial oils’ antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant,
and antiviral properties (Azizah et al., 2022). This essential oil is active against many
different viruses, such as influenza virus (IFV), human herpes virus (HSV), human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), yellow fever virus, and avian flu (Ma & Yao, 2020).
Aromatherapy is a non-pharmacological therapy using essential oils or pure
oil extracts to maintain or improve health, arouse passion, and enthusiasm, stimulate
healing processes, and refresh and calm the soul (Manurung & Noviya, 2019).
Aromatherapy can trigger changes in the limbic system that will affect heart rate,
blood pressure, breathing, and the release of various hormones to create a feeling of
calm. Aromatherapy has the effect of reducing pain and anxiety, increasing energy and
short-term memory, and relaxation. The application of aromatherapy can be used as
inhalation and massage therapy, diffuser, and hot or cold compresses (Gaware et al.,
2013). Using aromatherapy given directly through the nose (inhalation) is much faster
than other methods.
Several previous studies have also examined the effectiveness of lemongrass
essential oil. Lemongrass has also been processed to extract its essential oil, known
as citronella oil, for various purposes, including aromatherapy and liniment, for pain
relief and increased blood circulation (Santoso et al., 2020).
Usrina (2018) researched the effectiveness of citronella essential oil as a pain
reliever. Based on research conducted, it has been found that certain essential oils of
lemon grass have relaxing, sedative, and pain-relieving effects. Purba et al. (2020) found
that citronella essential oil could be produced as a lip balm in different concentrations,
namely 15%, 20%, and 25%. Lemongrass oil can provide an aromatherapy effect
characterized by a refreshing aroma when inhaled into a nutritious product that can
give a warm feeling. The best concentration as an aromatherapy preparation is 25%
because it gives preference to the aroma, and the highest test is based on the results
of the preference test conducted on 15 respondents.
Most Indonesian people use limited essential oils in topical oil preparations.
Therefore, it is necessary to innovate other preparations, such as stick balm preparations,
to increase user comfort and ease of application. Balms are preparations that are applied
by rubbing them into the skin with your hands (Warditiani et al., 2020). A galenic-
shaped balm applied by hand requires an innovation, namely an aromatherapy balm
formulation with warm and soothing properties and a refreshing aroma (Yati et al.,
2018). Lemongrass oil once considered “old fashioned” and often used by old people,
has become more stylish and modern with a convenient form of balm that can be used
as a perfume and can be used by anyone (Rahayu & Naimah, 2010).
SIGn Journal of Public Health, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (January - June 2023)
Based on the description above, this study aims to make balm formulations
from lemongrass essential oil as aromatherapy and to find out the results of a physical
evaluation of balm preparations from lemongrass essential oil.
A. Overview of Research Methods
This study used an experimental method, which began with sample collection
and processing, Simplicia characterization, phytochemical screening, preparation
of balsam preparations, and preparation testing. The research was conducted at
the STIKES Bhakti Pertiwi Pharmacy Laboratory, Luwu Raya Palopo. The sample
used in this research is lemongrass.
This study uses several methods in the data collection process, namely:
1. Primary data is data collected by the researchers. Data regarding the
manufacture of balm preparations as aromatherapy were obtained from
Laboratory Tests, namely carrying out examinations using the tools available
in the research laboratory accompanied by documentation.
2. Secondary data comes from literature searches, research results, relevant
literature books, reports, and related agencies.
The tools and materials in this research are as follows:
1. The tools used were a pestle, stirring rod, porcelain cup, measuring cup,
mortar, pipette, PH meter, horn spoon, spatula, and digital scales.
2. Ingredients in the manufacture of balm preparations as aromatherapy, namely;
lemongrass essential oil, menthol, oleum menthae, liquid paraffin, and album
B. Working Method
The workings of making citronella essential oil balm in the Laboratory are
as follows:
All ingredients were weighed: paraffin liquid, albumin vaseline, menthol,
and oleum menthae. Album vaseline is melted over a water bath. The mortar is
heated, and then put liquid paraffin, menthol, oleum menthae, melted vaseline
album, and ground until homogeneous. After that, add the essential oil of the
citronella plant and stir until it is homogeneous, then leave it to cool. Put it in the
available balm container (Indratmoko et al., 2017).
Hamdan, D. A., & Pasomba, I. (2023). Formulation of Balm ...
C. Preparation Evaluation Test
1. Organoleptic test
It is an examination that aims to observe whether there is a change or
separation of the emulsion, odor or not, and color changes (Pitaloka, 2019).
2. Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test aims to see whether or not the particles are
separated or the dispersed phase is evenly distributed in the dispersing phase
visually and by touch (Pitaloka, 2019).
3. pH similarity Test
An examination aims to determine whether the pH of the preparation
is compatible with the pH of the skin, namely 4.5-6.5 (Tranggono & Latifah,
2017). It is because if the pH of a product is too high or low, it will irritate
the skin. Apriliani and Aniriani (2017) explains that skin products should
have a pH of around 5.5, while according to SNI Number 16-4399-1996, the
recommended pH for cream products ranges from 4.5-8.0.
4. Irritation Test
An irritation test was carried out to determine the irritating effect of the
Balm Cream preparations after being used on the skin so that the safety level
of the Balm preparations could be determined before being sold to the public
(Jumriani et al., 2022). This irritation test is done to prevent side effects on the
skin (Wasitaatmadja, 2019).
D. Data Analysis
The data obtained from the observations and the results of laboratory
examinations were processed computerized and presented in tables accompanied
by explanations.
SIGn Journal of Public Health, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (January - June 2023)
The results obtained during the manufacture of nutritional products from
Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf essential oil were divided into 4 (four) samples, as
A. Organoleptic/Sensory test
Table 1. Organoleptic/Sensory Test Results
Indicator Formula Obervation
Week I Week II
AWhite White
BWhite White
CWhite White
ASemi Solid Solid
BSemi Solid Solid
CSemi Solid Liquid
ALemongrass Lemongrass
BLemongrass Lemongrass
CLemongrass Lemongrass
Source: Primary Data 2022
1. Formula A: Lemongrass Essential Oil Concentration 15%
2. Formula B: Lemongrass Essential Oil Concentration 20%
3. Formula C: Lemongrass Essential Oil Concentration 25%
B. Homogeneity Test
Table 2. Homogeneity Test Results
Formula Obervation
Week I Week II
AHomogen Homogen
BHomogen Homogen
CHomogen Inhomogenous
Source: Primary Data 2022
Hamdan, D. A., & Pasomba, I. (2023). Formulation of Balm ...
C. pH similarity Test
Table 3. pH Similarity Test Results
Formula PH Standard of Human
Week I Week II
A4,5 – 6,5 5 5
B4,5 – 6,5 5 5
C4,5 – 6,5 5 5
Source: Primary Data 2022
D. Irritation Test
Tabel 4. Irritation Test Results
Formula Volunteer Observation After Giving
12 hours 24 hours
A 5 0 0
B 5 0 0
C 5 0 0
Source: Primary Data 2022
Based on HET-CAM is a method used to classify the irritating potential of
compounds. In this study, the index of severity of irritation reaction, no irritation: 0.0,
very slight irritation: 0.1-0.4, slight irritation: 0.41-1.9, moderate irritation: 2.0-4.9,
irritation severe: 5.0-8.0.
In this study, the active ingredient used was lemongrass essential oil. It contains
compounds such as citronella, citral, geraniol, methylheptenone, eugenol-methylether,
dipentene, eugenol, kadinene, cadinol, limonene, saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols,
and alkaloids. Based on research conducted by Khasanah et al. (2011), it was found
that certain essential oils from citronella leaves act as relaxants, sedatives, and pain
relievers. Aromatherapy oil produced from lemongrass aromatherapy functions as an
antidepressant, namely suppressing and eliminating depression or stress so that it
can cause a feeling of relaxation in both body and mind (Sumiartha et al., 2012).
Additives used in this study were menthol to create a relaxed and fresh feeling,
champora as an anti-irritant, solid paraffin to solidify the base layer of the balm and
album petroleum jelly as a background layer that sticks to the skin. The physical
evaluation of the preparation includes sensory tests, homogeneity tests, pH tests, and
irritation tests. Inoculant sensory testing (Table 1) showed that the sensory test of
the three formulations from the first week to the second week had the best A and B
SIGn Journal of Public Health, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (January - June 2023)
formulations from semisolid to solid. Formula C does not produce good semisolids to
liquids. From the results of observing the composition, it was found that conditioners
with formula A at a concentration of 15% and B at a concentration of 20% had a solid
texture. In comparison, formula C at a concentration of 25%, had a solid-liquid texture.
If the main ingredient of lemongrass essential oil is too large, it will affect the level
of mixing, causing the ingredients to be inconsistent. The results of a different study
conducted by Romadhonni and Anastasia (2019) with formulations A and B found that
the two formulations with different concentrations showed good, best formulations
and had dense textures.
Research conducted by Purba et al. (2020) formulated citronella essential oil
with concentrations of 15%, 20%, and 25%. The higher the concentration of essential
oils, the more oily the preparation will be, and the consistency of the stick balm will
become softer. Thus, the reason for adding citronella leaf essential oil at a concentration
of 15% was because, at this concentration, there was already a distinctive lemongrass
aroma, and it gave the stick balm consistency that was good and not too oily.
Observations on the colour of the preparations obtained from formulas A,
B, and C from week 1 to week two did not change colour during storage; formulas
A, B, and C were still plain white. As with previous studies where samples showed
that the balsam preparation during storage time was stable (Usrina, 2018). Conduct
a homogeneity test of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf essential oil formulation to
determine whether the resulting formulation contains coarse particles. When a
variety of fine balsams are used, they must be free of particles or particles that retain
agglomerates. The homogeneity test procedure includes taking up to 0.5 g of the
preparation and spreading it on three slides to observe homogeneity. The balm is said
to be homogeneous if there are no large particles on the three blades (Romadhonni &
Anastasia, 2019).
Homogeneity testing of the stick balm preparation is carried out by smearing
the stick balm preparation on the surface of a glass object or other transparent
material. Good homogeneity results Stick balm with 20% citronella essential oil.
Results of Simplicia Characterization before the essential oil is taken into a stick balm
preparation, the lemongrass leaves are first characterized. In research conducted by
Triana (2019) on homogeneity tests on ginger essential oil preparations with formula
concentrations 1 to 5 (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) by applying them to glass (glass
object) shows no lumps and flat structure and has a uniform colour from the starting
point of application to the endpoint.
Based on Table 2, observing the homogeneity of the preparations made in the first
week of samples A, B and C gave homogeneous results. However, in the second week,
samples A and B remained homogeneous, showing a formula where the composition
Hamdan, D. A., & Pasomba, I. (2023). Formulation of Balm ...
of the balm was homogeneous, but sample C showed heterogeneous properties where
the active ingredients were: Lemongrass essential oil separated into liquid. The factor
that affects the homogeneity of preparation is the process of mixing the ingredients
(Dwi Rachmawati., 2018). In this study, the mixing process was carried out by melting
all the ingredients at a certain temperature so that this process determined whether
the stick balm preparation was homogeneous or not.
Because only two formulations gave consistent preparation results and met the
consistency test requirements, the results of the pH similarity test were obtained in
Table 3. The parameters observed in the pH testing process were carried out after the
balm made from Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf citronella essential oil was made
with different concentrations. This test was carried out using a universal pH through
a sample of the balm preparation from the essential oil of citronella leaves, weighed
as much as 1 gram, put in a porcelain cup, and then melted. The pH requirements for
an excellent topical preparation must match the pH of human skin, which is 4.5-6.5
(Usrina, 2018).
The Irritation test on the balm formulation from the essential oil of
Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf citronella leaves aims to determine whether the
preparations are safe. Based on Table 4, the results of observations of the irritation
test of the preparations carried out in the first 12 hours on the skin given samples
A, B and C did not show any irritation reactions. Furthermore, at 24 hours, samples
A, B and C remained consistent, showing no signs of irritation to the skin given the
balm preparation formula. The results of this study are in line with research at a
concentration of 15% and 20%, which was conducted by Purba et al. (2020), where
the three formulas did not show irritation to the skin given a balm in the form of a
stick in aromatherapy made from citronella oil by applying a stick balm preparation
to the skin of the arm, then left for 30-60 minutes and observed skin reactions that
occur. An irritant reaction occurs when there is a rash or swelling, itching, or a small
lump in the area that is being treated. In the 25% concentration treatment, there was
a difference in where the treatment was carried out; there was a separation of solid
and liquid preparations due to different treatment times.
The limitation of the test in our study was that the observation time was
only carried out for two weeks, so the hedonic test observation to observe the
concentration of aromatherapy was the most preferred by respondents. Similar
research was conducted by Triana (2019) regarding aromatherapy for white ginger
balsam preparations, showing that respondents preferred aroma at a concentration
of 20%. In addition, further research is needed regarding more efficient packaging so
that it can be easily used by patients, namely in the form of balm sticks, so that the
general public likes the aroma of lemongrass. Furthermore, research is needed to be
related to the storability test of lemongrass balm formulations.
SIGn Journal of Public Health, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (January - June 2023)
Based on the research results in the manufacture of lemongrass leaf balm
preparations which included organoleptic tests, homogeneous tests, pH similarity
tests, and irritation tests, resulted in several conclusions. First, formula A, with
a concentration of 15% citronella essential oil, meets the requirements for topical
balm preparation. Second, formula B, containing 20% citronella essential oil, meets
the requirements for topical balm preparation. Third, formula C with a concentration
of 25% citronella essential oil does not meet the requirements for topical balm
preparation because the preparation undergoes separation between solid and liquid
preparations. Based on these conclusions, it is recommended for further research
focus on observing the concentration of 25% citronella essential oil so that it can be
successfully made into balsam using laboratory equipment that is more supportive or
can be combined with other chemical substances to make it more homogeneous. In
addition, further research is needed regarding more efficient packaging so that it can
be easily used by patients, namely in the form of balm sticks, so that the general public
likes the aroma of lemongrass. Furthermore, research related to the storability test of
lemongrass balm formulations is needed.
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