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VOLUME XX, 2017 1
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
Accelerated Particle Filter with GPU for
Real-Time Ballistic Target Tracking
Daeyeon Kim1, Yunho Han2, Heoncheol Lee3, Member, IEEE, Yunyoung Kim4, Hyuch-hoon
Kwon4, Chan Kim4, and Wonseok Choi4
1School of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, 39177 Korea
2Department of IT Convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, 39177 Korea
3Department of IT Convergence Engineering, School of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, 39177 Korea
4PGM R&D Lab, LIGNEX1, 13488 Korea
Corresponding author: Heoncheol Lee (e-mail: hclee@kumoh.ac.kr).
This work was supported by Theater Defense Research Center funded by Defense Acquisition Program Administration under Grant UD200043CD.
ABSTRACT This study addresses the problem of real-time tracking of high-speed ballistic targets. Particle
filters can be used to overcome the nonlinearity of motion and measurement models in ballistic targets.
However, applying particle filters (PFs) to real-time systems is challenging since they generally require a
significant computation time. So, most of the existing methods of accelerating PF using a graphics processing
unit (GPU) for target tracking applications have accelerated computation weight function and resampling
part. However, the computational time per part varies from application to application, and in this work, we
confirm that it takes a lot of computational time in the model propagation part and propose accelerated PF by
parallelizing the corresponding logic. The real-time performance of the proposed method was tested and
analyzed using an embedded system. And compared to conventional PF on the central processing unit (CPU),
the proposed method shows that the proposed method significantly reduces computational time by at least 10
times, improving real-time performance.
INDEX TERMS Ballistic target tracking, Graphics processing unit, Particle filter, Real-time systems
The performance of ballistic target interception highly
depends on accurate target tracking. For high-accuracy
tracking under measurement uncertainties, state estimation
must be adopted based on various filtering algorithms.
Generally, measurement model noise is assumed as a
Gaussian distribution for mathematical simplicity. However,
owing to the nonlinear and non-Gaussian characteristics of
the measurement noise caused by the seeker random and
scintillation, the assumption of a Gaussian distribution is
invalid [1],[2]. In nonlinear and non-Gaussian uncertainties,
conventional filtering algorithms may perform
unsatisfactorily. For this reason, linear Kalman filter-based
target tracking filters may not converge properly or even
diverge during interception.
Accordingly, various nonlinear filters have been previously
applied to target state estimation, including the extended
Kalman filter (EKF), particle filter (PF), and unscented
Kalman filter (UKF). Compared to the EKF, PF performs
more consistently under nonlinear and non-Gaussian noise
[3],[4],[5]. This is because the PF has an inherent capability
and flexibility to deal with various types of error
distributions. However, the primary difficulty of a PF in a
real-time system is the heavy computational burden, as the
required number of particles exponentially increases with the
number of state variables. The computational issue is a
crucial constraint and must be solved for real-time
The PF takes more time because the number of iterations
increases as the number of particles increases due to the nature
of the sampling-based algorithm. However, this repetition is
necessary to find an appropriate value using particle
information and the particle resampling process, the algorithm
progress time can be reduced if the parts that require many
calculations are parallelized [6]. Therefore, algorithms such as
PFs, which require a significant time to find target information,
can be accelerated by parallelization using a graphics
processing unit (GPU) [7]. PFs are accelerated using GPU in
studies that require quick results, such as target tracking using
sensors or fields used in real-time.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
VOLUME XX, 2017 2
Related works
GPU-based Parallelization
Parallelization Part
Missile Application
Weight computation
rendering / normalized
Likelihood calculation
Model propagation
To achieve high-speed target tracking, the PFs are
accelerated in Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)
with a GPU. If the entire process of the PF algorithm is
converted to CUDA, all parts regardless of their computation
time are converted. Then to use a PF in a GPU, the data can be
handed over to a PF running on the CPU to the GPU required.
But this is inefficient. It can lead to a considerable overhead
time. Therefore, the identification of parts of the PF requiring
a considerable amount of computational time is accelerated
using a GPU. Calculation parts that require a considerable
amount of computational time are parallelized using a GPU.
Thus, the computational time can be further reduced even if
overhead is generated.
As the PF algorithm is suitable for tracking, it is widely used.
From Table I, it is used for various tracking tasks such as target
tracking [11] and [12], object tracking, and motion tracking.
In [13] and [14], they used a PF for missile applications.
Acceleration studies were conducted using a GPU to perform
the PF algorithm in real-time. In [15] and [19], the PF that is
parallelized for the weight computation is proposed. A GPU
was used to improve the PF estimation for target tracking
rather than acceleration [15], And in [19], a GPU was used to
accelerate IoT applications. The tracking algorithm was
accelerated by approximately 55 % compared to the CPU-
based algorithm. In [17], they proposed a PF that parallelized
the likelihood function calculation and reduced the calculation
time of that. However, it required time to generate random
values, such studies have conducted parallelization in
environments with a considerable change in the signal or
amount of information of particles, such as image tracking. In
[18],[20] and [21], more than one part requiring a long
computation time in the research environment or those that
could be parallelized independently were parallelized.
Examples include weight computation, likelihood function
evaluation for calculating the particle state, and resampling.
When two or more parts of a PF are parallelized in the GPU,
more overhead is generated. Therefore, tasks reducing the
overhead time, such as kernels, can be shared. So, unlike
previous related works, we propose a method that parallelized
part of the measurement acquisition, especially the model
propagation part, using GPU.
This paper explains a high-speed target tracking system and
the necessity for the PF algorithm acceleration. Parallelization
is used in parts of the PF requiring a considerable amount of
calculation time to accelerate. This achieves high-speed for
target tracking. Methods using a GPU to accelerate parts of the
PF and reasons for accelerating those parts are described. The
results and analysis of the target-tracking algorithm with the
accelerated PF to that of the original target-tracking algorithm
with un-accelerated PF are compared.
The contributions of this paper are as follows:
• This is the first approach to accelerate a PF for ballistic
target tracking under glint noise.
• To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to
address and analyze the problem of long computation time
for the model propagation of the sampling process.
• A new parallelization method was developed for real-time
PFs for ballistic target tracking.
• The computation time of the PF was significantly reduced
even with the overhead time for the CUDA initialization on
a widely-used embedded system.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the target missile tracking system based on
PFs and the real-time problems of PFs. In Section 3, after the
computation times for the PF are profiled block-wise, a new
parallelization method for the model propagation of the
sampling process is proposed. In Section 4, the evaluation
results of the proposed method are presented and
quantitatively compared with those of other methods using a
widely used embedded system. Finally, conclusions are
presented in section 5.
The objective of the target-tracking filter is the real-time
estimation of the true target states. To evaluate the
performance of the tracking filter and accelerate the system,
the target trajectories of ballistic missiles are generated. We
consider a target-tracking filter for the reentry phase of a
ballistic missile. In the reentry phase, atmospheric drag is a
significant force determining the path of the missile.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Accordingly, the forces acting on the target during reentry
arise from gravity and aerodynamic drag. A ballistic missile is
represented as a point mass in three-dimensional Cartesian
coordinates. Since we only consider target tracking for the
reentry phase, the thrust force is set to zero and the mass of the
tracking target is constant. Aerodynamic drag is expressed
as a function of the air density , target velocity ,
aerodynamic coefficient , and reference area .
A. Motion and Measurement Model for Particle Filter
Since target-tracking estimations are based on the target
motion model, several target models have been proposed. In
this study, the well-known Singer model was used [8] and [9].
The Singer model assumes that the target acceleration is a
zero-mean, first-order, stationary Markov process. The state-
space representation of the continuous-time Singer model is:
Here, is the state of target, is the zero-mean white
Gaussian noise. And and in represent the maneuver
time constant and identity matrix of order 3. Its discrete-time
equivalent is as follows:
where and represents state transition matrix and
sampling time interval. Covariance in Eq. 6 consists of
the power spectral density and white noise jerk model .
The acceleration increment over a time period is the integral
of the jerk over the period.
For the state-space representation in Eq. 2, denotes the
associated variable of the target position, velocity, and
acceleration. , , and in Eq. 7 are the target position,
velocity, and acceleration, respectively, in Cartesian
where (, , ) represent the target position in the Cartesian
coordinate system. Three measurements achieved by the
radar were assumed: elevation, azimuth, and range. The
measurements were acquired with respect to the target and
radar position. In Eq. 9, the subscript denotes the relative
position between the target and radar. represents the
position of the radar. Consequently, two bearing angles ,
and the relative range can be represented as nonlinear
equations as Eq. 10 using states in Cartesian and radar noises.
where , , and represents the receiver noise of the
radar, and and are non-Gaussian glint noises
generated in radar measurements[3].
For high-speed targets such as ballistic missiles, the filter
update rate and estimation accuracy are crucial. Because
precision guidance and control lead to a successful
interception, accurate target tracking is an indispensable
element. In this study, a PF was used for higher estimation
accuracy and consistency. However, the heavy computational
burden of PF should be solved for real-time application. To
cope with the problem, we propose a GPU-based acceleration
method for PFs.
The iterations of the parts in the PF algorithm were
processed as many times as the number of particles. And the
entire PF algorithm was iterated a predetermined number of
times by the user. If the PF is iterated 300 times, the model
propagation and weighting function are calculated by iterating
as many times as the number of particles for each iteration.
If the PF algorithm proceeds using a CPU, the calculations
are sequentially performed as the number of iterations. As the
number of particles increases, the computation time increases
accordingly. In the CPU, the repetitive calculation in the PF
algorithm was carried out as many times as the number of
particles. Whereas in the GPU, the same calculation could be
parallelized and calculated simultaneously. Therefore, when
using a GPU, the parts requiring a considerable amount of
calculation time in the iterations can be significantly reduced.
If the appropriate parallelization technique is applied, the
larger the number of particles, the shorter the calculation time
compared to that of the CPU.
The PF flowchart for target tracking is shown in Fig. 1.
Initially, the particles were sprinkled at random intervals
within the measurement range. The model propagation step
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
predicts how the target will move. The movement is estimated
using Eq. 11. In Eq. 11, is the acceleration, speed, and
location information of the initial particles; is a
matrix of random values; is a 9×9 matrix of the filter
covariance and can be represented by Eq. 12. In Eq. 12,
is the signal accuracy of the filter covariance; is the
time the state of the target change. and the matrix is the
target state transition matrix, which is defined in Eq. 5.
was obtained using these values. The matrix was used to
estimate the state of the target. This process is performed for
each particle. All the obtained information in is added
and used in the filter update part. After the model propagation
step, glint and sensor noise models generated values.
) (11)
FIGURE 1. Flowchart describing the PF algorithm for target missile
tracking using only CPU.
To accelerate the PF, the part of the PF algorithm requiring a
considerable amount of calculation time should be identified.
Computation time measurement for each part was performed
in Nvidia Jetson Xavier, and the results are summarized in
Table 2, showing that the model propagation part takes more
time than the other parts. The computation time for each part
of PF shown in Table 2 is the result of an experiment with
5000 particles.
The calculation proceeded in the model propagation part
consists of obtaining the square root of the filter covariance
value, adding, and multiplying matrixes. The matrix and
are matrixes of size 9×9. The is a matrix with 9 rows and
columns as large as the number of particles. The model
propagation part is calculated for one column of the matrix
at one iteration. As shown in Fig. 1, the matrix calculation
process in the model propagation part is repeated as many as
the number of particles. Since the matrix calculation process,
which is iterated as many as the number of particles, is
performed every single iteration of the particle filter algorithm,
the model propagation part is taken the most computation time.
The filter update part and likelihood function part in Fig. 1 are
also iterated as many as the number of particles, but since the
two parts are simple numerical operations rather than matrix
operations, so the computation time of the two parts is not
taken much time compared to the model propagation part.
The Computation time for each part of PF in only the CPU
Computation time(s)
Create a true target model and
Generate particles
Model propagation
Create noise
Calculate weight function
C. Parallelized Particle Filter 1.0
The PF was accelerated by performing parallel calculations
using Eq. 11, which progresses in the model-propagation part.
As described in Part B, when the number of particles used in
the PF algorithm is large, the calculated matrices become large.
Therefore, a significant amount of calculation time is required
for the model propagation part. However, Eq. 11 does not
consist of complex equations compared to time-consuming
equations. Thus, it is easy to parallelize using a GPU and can
be accelerated effectively.
For CUDA, tasks such as CUDA initialization and malloc
are executed first. The matrices to be used for input are copied
to the variables defined by CUDA to be used. The GPU
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
memory is required as shown in Fig. 2, according to the size
of the matrices calculated. The matrix has 9 rows and 1024
threads in one block, and the more particles are used, the more
GPU memory uses. As shown in Fig. 2, the memory usage of
the GPU must be defined to store values in the memory
designated when using the CUDA kernel and calculate them
in parallel.
FIGURE 2. GPU memory allocation for CUDA kernel use.
Fig. 3 shows a flowchart when performing the model
propagation part using CUDA. The kernels are calculated in
parallel using GPU. In the first kernel, as shown in Fig. 2, the
random values according to the normal distribution are
generated using the “curand_normal” function provided by the
CUDA library. To put different seeds for each thread, the time
when the kernel is performed and the thread ID that is
generated by using ParticleID in Fig. 2 are used as seeds and
applied to the “curand”. The random value, which is the result
of kernel execution, is generated as a matrix in which rows are
9 and columns are as many as the number of particles. Because
the size of the random value matrix should be adjusted for
matrix operation to be applied in Kernel 4. Kernel 1 is also
used in the parallelized PF 2.0 described in section D.
FIGURE 3. Flowchart of parallelized model propagation using integrated
kernels in PF algorithm.
FIGURE 4. Random values generated in CUDA Kernel 1 are shown in
Fig. 3. We define it as the number of particles and store the generated
random value in each tid.
To deal with the matrixes using Kernel 2, it is necessary to
generate IDs that specify the addresses of the values of the
matrixes. Fig. 5 is shown how to create IDs, which are defined
equally within all kernels used in this part and the D part. The
target matrixes of the kernels have a size of 9×9 or a size in
which rows are 9 and columns are as many as the number of
particles. It is the same as the ParticleID in Fig. 3,and its size
is the same as the number of particles. Therefore, ID can
assign as many addresses as the number of particles in the
column. StateID assigns the address of a matrix row that has 9
rows and StateIDy assigns the address of a matrix column. The
generated IDs in Fig. 5 are used to assign addresses to
elements of the matrixes to be targeted by kernels so that the
values of each address can be calculated in parallel. In this part,
the parallelized PF 1.0 which is a method of using a kernel
integrated with all the functions used in Eq. 11 is described.
Kernel 2, all equations in Eq. 11 are calculated, which is
described in detail in Fig. 6. The addresses of the matrixes
calculated in Kernel 2 are assigned as the size of the target
matrixes of calculations in Eq. 11. Since the CreateIDs in Fig.
5 are declared in the first order in Kernel 2, addresses for the
values of the matrixes can be assigned using stateID, StateIDy,
and ID according to the size of the matrixes used in each
calculation. It is difficult to calculate Eq. 11 as one equation as
in CPU because the size of the result matrixes of each
calculation is different. This is also the reason for defining the
IDs with different sizes and addresses in Fig. 5. The variables
, , and defined within Kernel 2 in Fig. 6 are
necessary for storing the result matrixes having a different size
for this reason. After performing Kernel 2, the matrix can
be obtained as a result of the parallelized model propagation.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
FIGURE 5. Create IDs used to calculate matrixes. Each id is defined to
FIGURE 6. The Kernel is defined for using in CUDA to compute Eq. 11.
D. Parallelized Particle Filter 2.0
Eq. 11 consists of a square root operation of a matrix,
multiplication, and addition between matrixes. The method
described in Part C performs parallel calculations by
kernelizing Eq. 11 by integrating it into one kernel. As shown
in Fig. 2, this method was used by defining two kernels. Thus,
the variables to store the results of each equation are defined
in the kernel. Therefore, each time the particle filter is iterated,
the task of defining variables within the kernel for storing the
result matrixes is iterated. This means that the task of
allocating the space in GPU to store the values of the variables
is performed every iteration.
To reduce the time required for these tasks, a method of
securing the space in GPU by declaring variables in advance
before using the kernel was devised. Declared variables should
be used as inputs or outputs of the CUDA kernels. Since the
calculations constituting Eq. 11 are not complicated, Kernel 2
in Fig. 5 was subdivided, and parallel calculations were
performed. Subdivided kernels are defined so that predefined
variables can be used as inputs and outputs of the kernels
described in this part. The particle filter of this method is
proposed 2.0, and Fig. 7 reconstructs the kernel of Fig. 6 and
proposes three kernels. The proposed PF 2.0 is performed by
subdividing Kernel 2 in the proposed PF 1.0 into three kernels.
FIGURE 7. Presents Kernel 2 in Parallelized PF 1.0 as three kernels.
The subdivided kernels are shown in Fig. 8, 9, and 10. In
Kernel 2 in this part, as shown in Fig. 8, the matrix
multiplication of and is calculated in parallel. Since the
size of matrix is 9×9, the address of the row is assigned
using stated and the address of the column is assigned using
stateIDy. The multiplication of matrixes is added after the
values of the rows in the preceding matrix and the columns in
the following matrix are multiplied. Therefore, the row
address of , which is the following matrix, is assigned as
stateIDy to calculate the multiplication of matrixes. And the
size of the column in the is the number of particles, so the
addresses of the columns are assigned using ID. And then, as
shown in Fig. 9, three matrixes are multiplied in Kernel 3. First,
multiply A matrix by the square root of Q matrix and store it
in matrix. The size of the two matrixes is 9×9, so the size
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
of matrix is the same. And the matrix is
multiplied by a random value matrix generated by Kernel 1
and stored in . In Kernel 4, result matrixes of Kernel 2
and Kernel 3 are added in parallel, as shown in Fig. 10. Since
both resultant matrixes have a size that rows of 9 and columns
are as many as the number of particles, the result matrix, ,
is obtained as a matrix of the same size.
FIGURE 8. Multiplication matrix and matrix in Eq. 11.
FIGURE 9. Multiplication matrix, square root of matrix and
matrix in Eq. 11. After calculating the multiplication of the two matrixes,
the resulting matrix and random value matrix are multiplied.
FIGURE 10. Addition of result matrixes from Kernel 2 and Kernel 3. The
matrix, the result of Kernel 4, is the result matrix of the model
propagation part.
Parallelized Particle Filter 2.0
• Generate particles
for i = 1 : simulation time do
• Model propagation:
do in parallel : for N = 1 : num of particles
//kernel 2
do in parallel : for N = 1 : num of particle
//kernel 3
do in parallel : for N = 1 : num of particle
//kernel 4
• Create sensor noise
• Create glint noise
• Measurement acquisition
• Calculate weight function
for j = 1 : Particles do
• Filter update
• Associated likelihood functions
end for
• Resampling
end for
end procedure
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Anyway, since the sequential particle filter method
proceeds to calculate Eq. 11 and verifies whether it has been
repeated as many as the target number of particles, it can be
said that the time complexity is determined by the number of
particles. An algorithm with linear time complexity can reduce
calculation time by eliminating overlapping calculations, so a
parallelized particle filter will show excellent performance. In
addition, from the perspective of space complexity, the
optimal memory required for the algorithm is allocated in
advance according to Fig. 2. However, in the proposed PF 1.0,
we reallocate space to store the resulting matrix in the process
of all operations in Eq. 11 at once, which results in poor space
complexity. Therefore, the proposed PF 2.0 pre-allocates a
place to store computational results, which makes space
complexity better, and efficiently uses GPU resources.
In this study, GPU-based accelerated PF for high-speed target
tracking was performed by parallelizing the model
propagation process in PF. First, the simulation results of
ballistic target tracking can be described by glint noise.
Furthermore, the proposed PF algorithm performs faster
calculations compared to the results of the CPU based on the
acceleration of various GPUs. Compared to the other methods
of PF to parallelize resampling or likelihood functions, the
only way to show good performance in our applications was
The effectiveness of the proposed acceleration method is
assessed in a ballistic target tracking scenario. For the
numerical simulation, the dynamic model in Eq. 1 and Eq. 2
were used to set the true reference trajectory. The aerodynamic
drag and weight of the missile were set as in [10]. The
sampling interval was set to = 0.01s, with 200 intervals,
yielding a total simulation time of 2s. The standard deviations
of the radar receiver noise models , , and were 0.1°,
0.1°, and 1 m, respectively. Glint noise and are
mixtures of Gaussians, which follow the distribution.
. (13)
where is the glint probability. and are Gaussians
in and at the range of 100m
in respectively [3]. The tracking motion model follows the
Singer model in Eq. 5 and the measurement model is
expressed by Eq. 13. The position of the radar is assumed to
be fixed on the ground. Whereas the ballistic target moves at
a high speed, considering the gravity and aerodynamic drag.
As a result, the velocity of the ballistic target varies with the
simulation time.
The resulting trajectory and the estimated results are
represented in Fig. 11–13. The number of particles is 15000,
which shows a satisfactory tracking performance.
FIGURE 11. Estimated target downrange compared to downrange
calculated by radar measurements and true position.
FIGURE 12. Estimated target cross range compared to cross range
calculated by radar measurements and true position.
FIGURE 13. Estimated target altitude compared to altitude calculated by
radar measurements and true position.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
We constructed the following experiments on the embedded
system, Jetson Xavier NX: computational time measurements
of each algorithm for the number of particles. The parallelized
algorithms have significantly faster performance, And the
larger the number of particles used in the particle filter
algorithm, the less time the particle filter calculated in parallel
using GPU takes to computation. The performance of the PF
algorithm for the entire algorithm is shown in Table 3. Here,
for parallelized computation using CUDA, overhead is
inevitable, the overhead includes CUDA initialization,
variables definition for using CUDA, kernels definition, etc.
However, even if the overhead time is included, it takes more
time when the algorithm is performed using only the CPU.
FIGURE 14. Performance time of the entire algorithm in a Xavier
environment. The parallelized PF algorithm using GPU kernels required
much less performance time.
Fig. 15 shows a comparison of the calculation time of the
entire algorithm using only CPU and using both CPU and
GPU with CUDA when the number of particles is 5000. The
PF algorithm takes almost the same amount of time to perform
the entire algorithm, and the other parts, except the PF, have a
short time. This result shows that the calculation time
decreases significantly when parallelization using CUDA is
used in the model propagation part, where it takes the most
time. And Fig. 15 shows the speedup between the
conventional PF and the parallelized PF algorithm 2.0. The
difference in the performance time between the conventional
PF and the proposed PF 2.0 is the largest in the model
propagation part.
FIGURE 15. Time of the entire algorithm in a Xavier environment. When
the target tracking algorithm was applied, the method performed only
the CPU required the longest calculation time in the model propagation
part. The calculation time using the GPU was dramatically reduced in
this part.
Other methods include parallelization of resampling or
parallelization of likelihood functions, which are compared
and shown in Fig. 16. In conclusion, other methods have not
only very slow computational time for model propagation, but
also show that the performance may be lower than that of
conventional PF due to overhead, and our method achieves
optimal performance by selectively parallelizing the parts that
need acceleration through computational time profiling in
advance. Most importantly in this result, comparing different
parallelization methods by applying them to our applications
may result in unfair results. Other methods are designed for
applications that are different from ours, and the input of the
application may be different, finally, they will eventually show
optimal performance in their applications. After all, what this
shows is that parallelize for computation should be applied
differently for each application. In other words, each
acceleration algorithm can ensure optimal results when
configured with the appropriate acceleration algorithm
through profiling of its applications. So, we conducted
profiling about conventional PF, and we found that the model
propagation part takes most of the whole computation time.
And the parallelization of model propagation has shown better
performance in our applications.
FIGURE 16. Time of the algorithms including other PF methods in a
Xavier environment. The calculation time in the proposed PF 2.0 was
dramatically reduced in this part.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Table 4 is an extension of the above experiments, and is the
result of profiling the performance of a particle filter with 5000
particles using other embedded boards, Jetson AGX Orin, and
several GPU cards. The hardware specification was higher, the
better performance was shown. For example, the computation
time with Jetson AGX Orin was smaller than the computation
time with Jetson Xavier NX because Jetson AGX Orin has
higher hardware specification than Jetson Xavier NX. Instead,
the local memory usage with Jetson AGX Orin was larger than
the local memory usage with Jetson Xavier NX, which
indicates that there exists a trade-off relation between the
computation time and the local memory usage. In addition, the
computing peak performance values on the Geforce RTX
3070 and 3090 were 2.57 % and 2.54 %, respectively,
resulting in bottlenecks due to the robust performance of the
GPU compared to the performance required by the proposed
method. Therefore, one should select carefully a hardware for
algorithm acceleration by considering the hardware cost and
the trade-off relation. The most important point in Table 4 is
that the conventional particle filter only on CPU can be highly
speeded up by the proposed parallelized particle filter
regardless of the selection of the GPU-based hardware system.
Size (GB)
Peak-Performance (%)
Usage (MB)
Intel i7-10700
Xavier NX
AGX Orin
NVIDIA Geforce
RTX 3070
NVIDIA Geforce
RTX 3090
The computation time of the target tracking algorithm was
compared when using only the CPU and when using
parallelized particle filter 1.0 and 2.0. the result is that the
entire algorithm to which the parallelized particle filter was
applied had much less computation time than when the
algorithm was performed using only the CPU. And when
comparing two methods using GPU, it took less time to
compute when using the proposed PF 2.0 method.
The reasons for the result of comparing the proposed PF 1.0
and 2.0 are as follows. First, since most of the overhead time
occurs in CUDA initialization, if the number of kernels or
variables used is not significantly different, the overhead time
is similar. For the difference to occur in overhead time, used
kernels that perform more complex computations are
integrated, or inputs and outputs are defined a lot compared to
the experimental environment of this paper. however, the
difference in the number of used kernels and variables in the
two methods described in this paper is not significant.
Therefore, the occurrence time of the overhead is similar. The
parallelized particle filter 2.0 uses predefined variables in
which the values of the result matrix will be stored to move
the result matrixes of the kernels. By defining variables to be
used in advance, the area where the values will be stored has
been set. However, the parallelized particle filter 1.0 method
defines variables every iteration when the kernel is executed
to sets the area where the variables will store. Therefore, the
second reason is a difference in that variables are defined in
advance, or the variables are defined every iteration. For this
reason, the parallelized particle filter 1.0 method takes more
computation time in the model propagation part than the
proposed PF 2.0 method.
In this study, the first approach was developed to accelerate
a PF for target missile tracking. A PF algorithm was used to
track the high-speed moving ballistic target, and acceleration
was performed using a GPU to achieve real-time performance.
For the ballistic target, a PF was used to track the state of the
target, such as its movement and angle, and it was successfully
estimated without significant differences.
Most of the time was spent in the PF algorithm in the target
tracking algorithm, especially in the model propagation part of
the information held by the particles. The part identified as
requiring a lot of computation time was parallelized by CUDA
using a GPU. The result of parallelization was that the
computation time was reduced compared to the algorithm
using only a CPU, even considering the overhead time
inevitably occurring when using CUDA. The algorithms with
the parallelized PF proposed in this study using a GPU require
less computation time than estimating the state of the ballistic
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
target using only the CPU. Both methods using GPU can be
said to have much more real-time performance than when the
entire algorithm is performed using only the CPU. Comparing
the two methods using GPU, using the proposed PF 2.0
method is more effective because the calculation is not
complicated and the variables to be used in GPU are
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DAEYEON KIM will be graduating with a B.S.
degree in electronic engineering from Kumoh
National Institute of Technology, Gumi,
Gyeongbuk, Korea, in 2023. His research interest
includes deep learning, real-time embedded
systems, and algorithm acceleration with GPU
and FPGA
YUNHO HAN received B.S. degree in
electronic engineering from Kumoh National
Institute of Technology, Gumi, Gyeongbuk,
Korea, in 2021. He is now an M.S. candidate in
Department of IT Convergence Engineering,
Kumoh National Institute of Technology. His
research interest includes path planning, robot
navigation, real-time embedded systems, and
algorithm acceleration with GPU and FPGA.
HEONCHEOL LEE received his B.S.
degree in Electronic Engineering and
Computer Sciences from Kyungpook
National University, Daegu, Korea, in 2006
and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences from
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in
2008 and 2013, respectively. From 2013 to
2019, he was a senior researcher at the
Agency for Defense Development in
Daejeon, Korea. Since 2019, he has been an
Assistant Professor at the School of
Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi,
Korea. His research interests include SLAM, robot navigation, machine
learning, real-time embedded systems, prognostics, and health management.
He is a technical adviser at the Robot Navigation Division, Cleaning Science
Research Institute, LG Electronics.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
YUNYOUNG KIM received B.S. degree in
mechanical engineering from Hanyang University,
Seoul, Korea, in 2014 and M.S. degree in
aerospace engineering from the Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Daejeon, Korea, in 2016.
Since 2016, she has been a senior researcher at
LIG Nex1, Seongnam, Korea. Her research
interests include the control and guidance of
unmanned aerial vehicle and missile systems,
optimal control, and convex optimization.
Hyuck-Hoon Kwon received the B.S., M.S.,
and Ph.D in aerospace engineering from Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST), Deajeon, South Korea, in 2002, 2005,
and 2020 respectively.
In 2009, he joined the LIG Nex1 for development
of precision guided missiles. His research interests
include convex optimization, optimal control,
guidance and autopilot design, and nonlinear
Chan KIM received his master's degree in
Information and Control Engineering from
Kwangwoon University, Seoul in 2015.
From 2015 to 2019 he worked as a researcher in
a company related to vehicle parts. From 2020 to
the present, he is working as a Senior Researcher
at PGM R&D Group Development LIGNex1 in
Gyeonggi-do. His research interests are embedded
systems, embedded hw/fw, real-time embedded
systems, missile systems, optimization and
Wonseok Choi received the M.D. degree in
Defense Convergence Engineering from Yonsei
University, Seoul, Korea, in 2017.
From 2015 to 2017, he was a senior researcher
with LIGNex1 for PGM R&D Group Development
in Gyeonggi-do, Korea. His research interests
include embedded systems, embedded SW, real-
time embedded systems, and missile systems.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3238873
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/