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... This comprehensive approach facilitates a holistic understanding of scientific principles and their real-world applications across various domains. (Making et al., 2023). ...
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This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the 5E learning cycle model in improving student learning outcomes and their engagement in the learning process. The research adopts the Classroom Action Research method, conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah Ambon, with a sample from Class XI through random sampling. Data collection includes observation, tests, and documentation. Research instruments comprise observation sheets guiding the investigation, tests assessing students' mastery level, and documentation gathering relevant materials about the research context. Data analysis involves both qualitative and quantitative methods. Quantitative analysis processes numerical data, while qualitative analysis involves reduction, display, and verification. The research findings highlight the effectiveness of the 5E learning cycle model in enhancing student learning outcomes and engagement. Throughout the cycles, there is a noticeable increase in learning completeness based on cognitive assessments. There was a significant increase of 72.5% in Cycle I, and this trend further substantially increased in Cycle II by 85.0%. Performance assessments also reflected these positive trends, showing a 75.0% increase in the first Cycle and a significant 87.5% improvement in the second. This study, marked by its effectiveness, successfully concluded at the end of Cycle II. This success is evident in applying the learning model, the learning process involving teacher and student activities, and the overall improvement in student learning outcomes across cognitive components. The 5E learning cycle model holds significance in Education, emphasizing student-student-centred Learning. Therefore, it is recommended that the 5E learning cycle model be implemented sustainably in educational activities to create a dynamic learning environment and enhance overall learning outcomes.
Landslides are one of the most dominant geomorphic processes that affect humid tropical environments. Previous studies in Hong Kong were mainly focused on spatial and temporal relationships between landslide distribution and the potential controlling factors using geographical information systems (GIS). Few natural landslide studies have examined the geomorphological aspects regarding the drainage network development at a basin scale. This research examined landslide locations with reference to theories of fluvial drainage development. Eight small drainage basins (5.31 km2) were studied in which 451 landslides were recorded. Results have shown that landslide locations are related to a headward progression of the drainage network integration, starting from the mainstream (the fifth order) up to the first order tributaries, indicated by the systematic variation between morphometric parameters and landslide density.
Since European settlement 160 years ago, much of the indigenous forest in New Zealand hill country has been cleared for pastoral agriculture, resulting in increased erosion and sedimentation. To prioritise soil conservation work in the Manawatu–Wanganui region, we developed a model of landslide susceptibility. It assigns high susceptibility to steep land not protected by woody vegetation and low susceptibility everywhere else, following the commonly used approach for identifying inappropriate land use. A major storm on 15–16 February 2004 that produced many landslides was used to validate the model. The model predicted hills at risk to landsliding with moderate accuracy: 58% of erosion scars in the February storm occurred on hillsides considered to be susceptible. The model concept of slope thresholds, above which the probability of landsliding is high and below which the probability is low, is not adequate because below 30° the probability of landsliding is approximately linearly related to slope. Thus, reforestation of steep slopes will need to be combined with improved vegetation management for soil conservation on moderate slopes to significantly reduce future landsliding.
Lanslide Form And Hill Slope Mophology: An Example from new zeeland
  • R J Blong
Blong, R.J., 1974. Lanslide Form And Hill Slope Mophology: An Example from new zeeland, The Australian Geographer, 12,5, pp. 439-444
A historic viewpoint on insurability. Paper presented at the 'Challenging Insurability' deeting, 5 December, Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation
  • G Clark
Clark, G. (2003) A historic viewpoint on insurability. Paper presented at the 'Challenging Insurability' deeting, 5 December, Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics.
Living Along the Faultline: An update on earthquake awareness and preparedness in Southern California
CRED (Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters); (2008), CRED Crunch #12, Brussels. Davis, M. S. (1989). Living Along the Faultline: An update on earthquake awareness and preparedness in Southern California. Urban Resources, 55, 8-14.
Kebijakan Penataan Ruang dalam Pengelolaan Kawasan Rawan Bencana Longsor. Makalah, disampaikan dalam Lokakarya "Penataan Ruang Sebagai Wahana Untuk Meminimalkan Potensi Kejadian Bencana Longsor
  • D A Hermanto
Hermanto, D.A, 2006. Kebijakan Penataan Ruang dalam Pengelolaan Kawasan Rawan Bencana Longsor. Makalah, disampaikan dalam Lokakarya "Penataan Ruang Sebagai Wahana Untuk Meminimalkan Potensi Kejadian Bencana Longsor", kerjasama Ditjen. Penataan Ruang Dep. Pekerjaan Umum dengan Badan Kejuruan Sipil Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia, Jakarta, 7 Maret 2006.
Evaluasi Lahan Untuk Permukiman di Kota Ambon
  • Lasaiba
Lasaiba, (2006). Evaluasi Lahan Untuk Permukiman di Kota Ambon, Tesis S2 Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Lies Rahayu, Indra Bastian, Imam Zameoni, Wulansari. 2009. Model Inovasi-Inovasi Pendidikan Berparadigma Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Pada Pendidikan Dasar di Di Yogyakarta. Laporan Penelitian Hibah Riset Unggulan UGM tahun 2009.