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Software testing applications in a computer science curriculum

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The traditional methods of testing both hardware and software within a product's lifecycle has evolved into various methodologies, some successful and others not so successful. These various strategies have grown in importance and the traditional phases of coding and then testing no longer have definitive boundaries. The traditional scenario of “design”, code, and then “toss over the wall” for testing is no longer applicable. Henry Cogswell College, has responded to this importance of the testing process from industry in information technology with a new course entitled CS 472, Software Testing and Reliability. Prior to the introduction of this specialty course, software testing was covered only in a software engineering course. The goal of this course is to prepare students for software testing management, testing considerations, designing for testing, and exposure to these various methodologies. Various design techniques for product reliability, quality assurance, and applying various testing tools and methodologies are studied and applied in a classroom environment. The end result is to achieve a product that is reliable, effective, and produced at or under budget and also “on time”. The application of automated test cases and the strengths and weakness of synergistic applications are also explored

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... In early years, software testing (ST) was mostly thought as one of the chapters in SE course, not as its own course. Thus, own ST course should be designed by taking into account elements of test management, test considerations, test design and test methodologies [13]. [14] proposed a holistic approach to do this by integrating following components: framework, common testing experiences, testing methods, test lab, test product and test services. ...
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This paper proposes the design of specific programme dedicated for students who want to specialize in software testing at postgraduate level. The motivation behind this proposal is to encourage more higher learning institutions to offer variety of software engineering related programme, in particular software testing so that this area is recognized as another key contributor for developing competent testing professionals. Although there are many software testing professional certifications available in the market, there is still a need for offering this kind of programme in university at postgraduate level to nurture the importance of software testing in producing quality software. The proposed programme is designed based on coursework basis to mainly cater for the working students. As the structure emphasizes on mix of theories and practical knowledge with the use of suitable testing tools, thus the substance of this programme should at least cover the fundamentals knowledge of testing, every key types of testing performed today such as functional testing, security testing, performance testing, usability testing and compatibility testing as well as latest trends in testing such as testing in agile environment. It is expected that the proposed programme should be able to produce graduates that demonstrate advanced competencies in software testing and able to apply the acquired skills in producing high quality software.
Conference Paper
One of the very important aspects of software quality is software testing. Software testing consumes 30%-50% of the most software projects. Testing should not only be performed for the quality or development process requirement but due to the fact that testing needs to ensure that the software performs what it is supposed to do. UWS has responded to this need of the software testing in industry by introducing a course on Software Testing- ‘Fundamentals of Software Testing’ in undergraduate studies. This course is an outcome of strategic alignment of UWS with Polaris Software Pty Ltd involved in testing of large software projects. The course aims to prepare students for understanding of Software Testing Life cycle. This course is jointly delivered by academics and software testing specialists from industry, to provide a holistic view of software testing as practiced by the software industry.
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