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Abstract and Figures

Hacking is a typical method for breaching personal and confidential information. As a result, hacking is also known as infiltration. Intrusions, on the other hand, were not always recognized as theft and were employed for productive purposes. A person or corporation that does ethical hacking and receives incentives from a network or system owner for testing can enter an apparatus (system or network) to locate, repair, and expose network flaws. Most ethical hackers, also known as black hat hackers, test systems using different approaches, methodologies, and tools. Because today's life is lived in a digital world, we need to protect our privacy from cyber-attacks. The proposed paper discussed ethical hacking and its ramifications, in which black hackers "hack" networks. The proposed research emphasizes ethical hacking tactics. This research also examines the impact of ethical hacking on business, education, health, society, the workplace, technology, sensitive information, and human life. Finally, a brief survey based on certain questions is better to grasp the public's understanding of ethical hacking. In summary, this research offers the user fascinating and helpful information when working on ethical hacking.
Content may be subject to copyright.
DOI: Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Technology, PakJET
ISSN (p): 2664-2042, ISSN (e): 2664-2050
Volume: 5, Number: 4, Pages: 29- 35, Year: 2022
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Impacts of Ethical Hacking and its Security
Hafiz Burhan Ul Haq1, Muhammad Zulkifl Hassan2, Muhammad Zunnurain Hussain3, Rabia Aslam
Khan1, Sabreena Nawaz1, Hassan Raza Khokhar1 and Mahnoor Arshad1
1Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Sciences, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore Pakistan
2Department of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of
Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
3Department of Computer Science Bahria University Lahore Campus, Lahore, Pakistan
Corresponding author: Hafiz Burhan Ul Haq (email:
Received: 07-08-2022 Revised: 18-11-2022 Accepted: 16-2022
Abstract- Hacking is a typical method for breaching personal and confidential information. As a result, hacking is also known
as infiltration. Intrusions, on the other hand, were not always recognized as theft and were employed for productive purposes.
A person or corporation that does ethical hacking and receives incentives from a network or system owner for testing can
enter an apparatus (system or network) to locate, repair, and expose network flaws. Most ethical hackers, also known as black
hat hackers, test systems using different approaches, methodologies, and tools. Because today's life is lived in a digital world,
we need to protect our privacy from cyber-attacks. The proposed paper discussed ethical hacking and its ramifications, in
which black hackers "hack" networks. The proposed research emphasizes ethical hacking tactics. This research also
examines the impact of ethical hacking on business, education, health, society, the workplace, technology, sensitive
information, and human life. Finally, a brief survey based on certain questions is better to grasp the public's understanding of
ethical hacking. In summary, this research offers the user fascinating and helpful information when working on ethical
Index Terms-- Ethical Hacking, Unauthorized, Security, Penetration testing.
Ethical hacking validates the security of networks and systems
[1]. The central mission of ethical hackers is to protect your data
from unethical hackers. The ethical hacker uses the same
methods as black-hat hackers, except with network
administrator privileges. We must protect our data in today's
evolving digital world, where biometric signatures are also
digitized. Imagine hackers having stolen data and biometrics
and causing financial and moral harm. Different companies pay
millions to ethical hackers. Various companies lose billions of
dollars annually after these payments due to these hacking
activities [2]. Hacking can be defined as unauthorized or
privileged access to a system, using software and computer
technology to discover system threats and penetrate the system
[3] introduces students to 4,444 modern defence mechanisms
built on the organization's assets. Determine the tools and
mechanisms needed to maintain the support and infrastructure
of various organizations. These include processes, protocols,
laws, employees, partnerships, and more required to house
assets and your organization's infrastructure. Determine the
hardware, machine, operating system, and software
requirements for every test.
Similarly, defining and implementing in real-world scenarios
that model an organization's assets and the protections for those
assets for testing, and also determining the limits of those
protections. Furthermore, identifying the data and results
obtained from the test. It is also verified that the security check
result complies with the interaction rules and does not give false
results related to the impact of ethical hacking.
The goal of ethical hacking.
•The legal implications of using ethical hacks outside the
deployed environment.
•Use ethical hacking as a defence process.
•The handiness of the exercises and their ease of
•The use of practical exercises outside the laboratory.
•Build their practice exercises [4].
•The main reason for ethical hacking is to assess the target
system's security, system infrastructure, or network and identify
weaknesses. This process finds and exploits the vulnerability
and determines whether it can be accessed by unauthorized
persons or other malicious activity.
This paper highlights the hacking comprehensively by
elaborating on its history or background. Furthermore, types of
hackers, which include black, gray, and white hat hackers, are
elaborated to show how these terms are different in terms of
working and understanding. Similarly, ethical hacking methods
and five main phases are also discussed. After that, the impact
of ethical hacking on business, education, health, society, the
workplace, technology, sensitive information, and human life is
described, which indicates how the hacking occurred in the
fields above. Finally, a survey is conducted based on several
questions that show the level of awareness among the people.
This data is difficult to obtain. The estimates below are
estimates and should be treated as such. Table 1 shows the field's
evolution by showing data for 2013, 2016, and 2019 and a
prediction for 2022. According to the above figure, China still has
a major influx of hackers. Another reason these figures are
estimates is because they are based on logged traffic and do not
necessarily include activity on the dark web. But in general,
ratings reflect well on what's going on.
1. China-Approx. 41.4%
1. China 27.24%
1. China
2. China 41%
2. USA - 10%
2. USA 17.12%
3. Brazil 14.2%
4. USA 10%
3. Turkey 4.8%
3. Turkey 10.24%
5. Russia 4.1%
6. Turkey 4.5%
4. Russia 4.4%
4. Brazil 8.6%
7. Poland 5%
8. Russia 4.1%
5. Taiwan 3.8%
5. South Korea 7.47%
6. Brazil 3.4%
6. India 6.67%
7. Romania 3.4%
7. Spain 6.32%
India 2.3%
8. India 2.3%
8. Thailand 5.85%
Italy 1.4%
9. Italy 1.6%
9. Japan 5.55%
Taiwan 3.7%
Hungary 1.4%
Russia 5.14%
South Korea 1.4%
The First Internet Security Hacker: The first hacker to get media
attention was Robert Tappan Morris in 1989 [6]. He launched the
first denial of service (DoS) worm attack developed by Morris at
Cornell University a year ago. He was working on a digital
version of a nuclear weapon. Robert said he didn't intend to do
any harm, but he wanted to highlight a security flaw.
Unfortunately, a bug in the code caused the worm to replicate so
many times that it caused serious damage that lasted several days.
The history of hacking leads us to how ethical hacking got started.
This means that the history of ethical hacking precedes the history
of general hacking. To get a clear picture of this, we must delve
into it [7]. The past shows that being a hacker is not necessarily a
bad thing. In fact, according to history, the term "MIT" first
appeared in the modern context of the famous institute, the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The term "ethical
hacking" was first used by Vice President John Patrick of IBM in
1995. However, this concept spread for a long time.
In the 1960s, "hacking" was a term used by engineering students
to find various ways of optimizing systems to make them more
efficient. History tells us that hacking was a creative activity done
by the world's smartest people. In the 1990s, when the use of the
Internet spread around the world, the number of hackers surged.
Personal computers gained immense popularity in the 1980s and
1990s. Many personal data and other sensitive records are stored
in computer programs. This sparked the minds of hackers trying
to access these systems [8]. After that, this information was sold
for a great profit. Hackers were considered people who were
trapped in a room all day and continued to program for hours. In
the 1960s, when this was the most popular phone, no one seemed
to care about hackers. Instead, most people didn't know what a
hack was. Hacking has attracted media attention, but it's not
positive. Hackers have been viewed as criminals (cyber criminals)
who use their expertise to access private systems, steal data, and
even provide substantial sums of money to blackmail companies.
A hacker of this type is now known as a black hat hacker [9], and
Fig. 1 depicts the hacking journey.
FIGURE 1. Hacking Journey
In 1961, MIT researchers hacked a toy train to change its
functionality. This was the beginning of the hack! It wasn't until
later that they started hacking very expensive mainframes. There
was no internet hacking in the 1970s, and computers were used
only by huge government companies and agencies. Phone
services were so expensive that hackers targeted the phone system
to take advantage of free calls. Computers became popular in the
1980s. The Internet was primarily used for research and defense,
but as it became more widespread, so did cybercrime. The
government started with measures and laws such as the US
Computer Crime Control Act. The law banned access to
unauthorized computers and made hacking a serious crime [10].
In the 1990s, the use of the Internet became more common. As
more and more people started using the Internet, so did criminal
Hackers like Kevin Mitnick and Robert Morris have been arrested
for crimes such as hacking computer systems and stealing their
code. As the Internet continued to expand in the 2000s, major
media platforms, e-commerce, and different search engines were
attacked. Even the International Space Station (ISS) has been
compromised. After all, companies are worried about protecting
their systems from hacking. They started hiring ethical hackers
and became good guys fighting villains [10]. Many of the
legendary hackers for good began as malicious actors and were
imprisoned. When they got out of jail, they started using their
hacking skills to protect the system instead of hacking it. Your
efforts have made the cyberworld a better place for everyone.
[10]. The hacking term comes from the old spaghetti western,
where the bad guy wore a black cowboy hat and the good guy
wore a white hat. Figure 2 demonstrates the various types of
FIGURE 2. Types of Hackers
White Hat Hackers use their power for good rather than bad.
White hackers are also "ethical hackers," who may pay employees
and contractors who work as security specialists in companies
seeking to find holes through hacking. White hat hackers use the
hacking method first with the system owner's permission. Doing
so makes the process completely legal. You are working for a
conscientious purpose.
On the other hand, black hat hackers are unethical hackers who
use hacking methods for fraudulent purposes. This hack is illegal
and is used maliciously for personal gain [11]. Grey hat hackers
are a mixture of the first two, ethical and unethical. They usually
work at the national level for security.
To dispose of cybercrime, protecting yourself from ethical
hacking is required. Ethical hackers always gain access to the
system by asking permission from the user or organization to find
weaknesses in the system and improve its security of the system.
It then finds loopholes in the system and helps the organization
solve them [13].
VI. Certified Ethical Hacker
Professionally certified ethical hackers are professionals in the
hacking field. They perform the duties of a black box hacker and
a white box hacker. The International E-Commerce Commission
issues these certificates or licenses.
FIGURE 3. Security Life Cycle
VII. Ethical hacking method
Figure 3 shows five different phases of ethical hacking. However,
the elaboration of each phase is discussed below:
A collection of technologies such as fingerprinting, scanning,
enumeration, and processes is used to discover and find
information about the system's target. Ethical hackers try to gather
information about a system's target during reconnaissance.
Following the 7-step process related to reconnaissance:
The idea here is to collect information about an interesting, new,
and important goal. To this end, hackers use many tools to block
planned attacks. Once you've decided on the destination IP
address to determine network coverage, it's time to define the
network range. It is important to verify and know the maximum
possible number of networks that will provide a clear plan and
hacking matrix.
Once you've decided on the destination IP address, it's time to
define the network range. Knowing the maximum number of
networks will provide a clear plan, and the hacking matrix is
It would help if you found active machines in the target range of
your network. This is an easy way to ping the target network.
Proper examples must be followed to complete the process to
avoid being intercepted or rejected by the host.
After determining the scope of the network and active machines,
the ethical hacker goes through a port scanning process to get
open TCP and UDP access ports
The process by which the hacker finds out the target device on
which the OS is currently working. Thus, it is the phenomenon of
calculating and exerting influence on a remote host ID running on
the operating system. This is carried out by sending mainly
crafted packets to a goal system, after which they note down their
response. It is analyzed by collecting the facts to determine the
goal by OS.
The Study of the Network on Physical Connectivity As an ethical
hacker, network mapping discovers devices and connectivity on
your network. These devices should be comfortable with network
discovery or enumeration, which leads to attribute discovery [14].
Using this technique, intrusion testers can easily identify open
doors in any network. At this stage, the hacker creates an
overview of the targeted network. The overview includes the
destination network for the IP address and other services running
on that system.
There are three types of scans:
Port Scan
Network scan
Vulnerability scan
These steps need to be followed when running a scan:
Which server is running?
Specific IP address.
Operating system
System architecture
Individual services are run systemically
In this scan, the target system is scanned for information such as
open ports, active systems, and different services that are running
on the host.
Check targets for vulnerabilities. Automated tools usually do this.
Searches the topology of networks, routers, firewalls, servers (if
any), and host information and creates a network diagram with
the available information [15].
This is the most critical step for an attacker to get your system or
network access and destroy your system, also known as "system
ownership," in the world of hacking. This means that the hacker
has the full approach to fixing the system. Hackers can use a
unique application or tool known as "zombies" to spread and
damage many computers.
After a hacker gains access, it is too easy to utilize and exploit all
resources and the system itself. They can turn this system into a
lunch pad, scanning and destroying other systems. This means
that the entire organization can be abused. Hackers use backdoors
or Trojan horses to access the system.
The thief doesn't want to be caught. Intelligent hackers always
remove all evidence, so there is no evidence leading to him at a
later point. This includes changing / corrupting/deleting log
values, changing registry values, uninstalling applications, and
deleting created folders.
Hackers or attackers have a large impact on society. Ethical
hacking is not bad, but you need to know what ethical hackers are
doing in society. There are many areas in which information
technology is involved. Ethical hackers have a big impact. Today,
the whole world is in the circle of information technology, and we
can't do that either. Just imagine a life without the Internet. The
Internet today is a link for mobile devices to access the world. As
a result, hackers attacked the world [10].
The teaching of hacking to students is a difficult process. Students
are always interested in and ready to learn about new
technologies. Whenever any teacher teaches any hack, he can
ensure that the student understands the concept. Students must try
to hack other devices or use them to do bad things. In classes,
95% of students can take lessons well, while the remaining 5%
can be malicious. "A huge problem for students trying to teach
this approach is that teachers provide students with effectively
loaded weapons" [14].
The main issue is that students don't know what hacking is or
what it means, but they try to hack. This can be good or bad.
Currently, the number of participants in safety courses is on the
rise. It would be best if you learned how to hack easily and then
profit from it. They are fascinated by new hacker technologies
that can hack into computers and other devices. If ethics are not
included, we need to clarify to them that ethical hacking is bad.
You can run workshops, seminars, and awareness programs to get
them on the right track.
Today, people in business use a lot of IT-based software. All our
data is digitized, as we live in a digital world. In the end, the
entire transaction is now processed. The growth and accessibility
of the Internet have encouraged people to make digital
transactions. As a result, the percentage of customers using e-
commerce sites is increasing. It is very easy for ethical hackers to
buy products from these sites.
On the one hand, he can hack websites to buy products or hack
other people's accounts and use them for payments. There are
good, ethical programmers who do the right thing. However, they
can use their talents with malicious intent. They can attack
businessmen and businesses [14]. Business is the lifeline of all
economies. Every company, from Fortune 500 to local start-ups,
strives to be more productive and successful. Many companies
use cloud computing and other software to perform basic
operations related to analytics, marketing, finance, and more. If
any of these software programs were hacked, all companies (that
is, users) would be at great risk. In addition, many companies are
exposed to cyber threats due to poor password practices, poor
network protection, and other reasons. Without ethical hackers,
businesses continue to be exposed to the constant risk of cyber-
attacks and cannot optimally produce and operate.
Ethical hacking provides an easy way to detect vulnerabilities in a
system. Many businesses have suffered losses due to theft, and
their valuable information has been lost. Others lost customer
trust due to security vulnerability measurement. To avoid these
consequences, companies and organizations hire ethical hackers
to monitor network security and reduce potential vulnerabilities.
These include computer security companies, mobile companies,
and network providers. Ethical hacking experts update your
system and maximize your system's safety. Information
technology is rapidly advancing in modern society, and all
available data is computer programs, bytes, and electronic
numbers. This data needs security to increase service life and the
use of electronic systems. Numerous websites and electronic
marketplaces get customers online. Too many people, instead of
shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. We provide the following
personal information: address and bank account details; risk
without the services of an ethical hacker's reliable nature.
Ethical hackers can provide a secure email environment for
clients and others. If the business can win the audience's trust, it
can be very beneficial. Ethical hackers play a major role in
reducing cybercrime in society. Create a crime-free environment.
The advantages of an ethical hacker are not yet known to the
public. Some company interviews prove that not all companies
use the services of ethical hackers and make a profit. Awareness
is required to allow businesses to be more open to ethical hacking
and product security. Ethical hackers are skilled cyber thieves.
And black hat hackers, and take them over. It would be easier for
the service to handle them. Only these experts can think and act
like malicious hackers. It is important to promote the importance
of this social [11].
Most companies today store their data in digital form. Therefore,
ethical hackers can hack data and use it for their purposes.
Hackers can access information about the employees of a
company. Hackers can attack a company's server to get access to
all its data. They use various virus codes for this purpose. To
eliminate hacking, you must improve the security of your
operating system. This target is achieved by finding the
information that hackers use to hack the system and fixing these
vulnerabilities to enhance security. Hackers can attack company
servers and extract large amounts of data. However, businesses
now have several mechanisms to deter ethical hackers [14].
Few things are safe and reliable in today's world. Almost all the
information is at your fingertips. Anyone can easily get
information about any system. This makes it easier for ethical
hackers to obtain and attack your system's IP address. There are
several tools that ethical hackers can use to get their job done
easily. The most commonly used tool is Nmap, which helps
ethical hackers find open ports on other systems. The other is
Acunetix, which is used to find vulnerabilities. Both tools are
used without prejudice by ethical hackers. Hackers can use them
to commit crimes, but ethical hackers use them to find
weaknesses and flaws in network security.
New technologies are not without loopholes and errors. Without
the efforts of ethical hackers, these technologies are not feasible
and secure for the masses. Take Amazon's Ring video doorbell as
an example. Over the past year, various users of this Amazon
product have seen cases where hackers use video doorbells to spy
on them and their families. Many of these technologies on the
market are full of errors that cause customers to hesitate to buy
them. Therefore, there is no doubt that ethical hackers will play a
major role in making new software, hardware, and applications
safer, more reliable, and more widely accepted.
Today, sensitive information in society is by no means secure in
the presence of hackers. A large number of ethical hackers work
at multiple institutions where financial transactions take place.
Therefore, hackers can access important data about the account's
owner. Hackers can use this data to make trades or steal money
from the account holder. Hackers primarily use phishing emails
and advertisements to gain access to their accounts. There is a
huge issue with ethical hackers following the overviews. Hacking
differs from ethical hacking. However, due to all the means of
entry available to ethical hackers, they may also enter this circle.
Also, it can be very difficult for an ethical hacker to prove that he
is a legal hacker, i.e., if an ethical hacker is hired to investigate a
weakness in a sensitive information system and data leaks from
the system a few days later, everyone blames the ethical hacker
and turns him into an unethical hacker, which is known as a
"Black Hat hacker." Confidential data such as military and
personal information (PII) remains at the highest risk of being
hacked. Numerous incidents of hackers hacking sensitive data,
government-sponsored cyber spying, and criminal hackers
leaking or stealing sensitive information have threatened society's
structure. Ethical hackers use their expertise to provide digital
security and data privacy for such databases and organizations.
Finally, ethical hackers indirectly affect each of us. We all use
different gadgets and apps to make our lives more convenient. By
making these gadgets safe, ethical hackers also protect our lives,
i.e., Alexa, Google Home, and other voice support devices are
installed in millions of homes. Thanks to these professionals and
their ethical hacking training, we can all sleep at night without
fear of someone spying on us. In short, ethical hackers benefit
society and positively affect everyone in the information age.
Ethical hackers are cyber-world defenders if ethical hacking is an
antidote to criminal hacking (see Fig. 4).
Furthermore, a survey shown in Fig. 5 was conducted among
people of different ages and categories, such as students,
instructors, employed personals, private-sector workers, armed
forces personnel, etc. The following results were concluded for a
few questions: The survey identifies that most are unaware of
what is happening, but they want to be one of those people. Table
II shows the questionnaires: TABLE II
1. Do people suffer from hacking?
2. Do people want to become and work ethically as
3. Do people have any knowledge of hacking and
penetration testing?
4. Has anyone ever worked as a hacker or had any
experience with hacking (i.e., Penetration
5. Do people suffer from hacking?
FIGURE 4. Survey Census Report
This research elaborates on the implications of ethical hacking
its types, phases, methods, and implications. Hackers discover
flaws and vulnerabilities in systems or change depending on your
network requirements. The researchers also conducted a survey
indicating that most users were unaware of ethical hacking. So,
hackers need to be raised ethically to avoid product security
breaches. Most information technology organizations conduct
ethical hacking of wireless and wired networks, operating
systems, and applications frequently used on frequent routes or in
annual searches. There is no single unique set of methodologies
leading to ethical hacking.
FIGURE 5. Survey Analysis Report
The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest to report
regarding the present study.
The Authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to
report regarding the present study.
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... Meluasnya popularitas penggunaan internet menyebabkan peningkatan aktivitas serangan siber. Hacking dapat didefinisikan sebagai akses khusus atau istimewa ke suatu sistem dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak melalui sebuah teknologi komputer untuk menemukan sistem yang rentan untuk ditembus (Ul Haq et al., 2022). Jika hacker telah terhubung dengan jaringan komputer, ia akan mencari kerentanan pada sebuah sistem atau jaringan dengan peralatan yang terkontrol untuk mencuri data penting orang lain dan menjualnya ataupun menghancurkan data targetnya yang di kemudian hari dapat menyebabkan masalah kepada korbannya. ...
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Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) merupakan alasan utama sebuah instansi atau perusahaan perlu beradaptasi. Perkembangan TIK mengharuskan pengelolanya menerapkan sistem keamanan termasuk pada aplikasi berbasis website. Penerapan keamanan pada aplikasi berbasis website ditujukan untuk mengatasi kemungkinan serangan cyber. Aplikasi akademik berbasis website XYZ merupakan layanan validasi data yang diberikan universitas XYZ kepada mahasiswa. Untuk memeriksa keamanan aplikasi ini diperlukan proses pengujian kerentanan. Dalam penelitian ini pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). Beberapa tools yang digunakan diantaranya SSL Scan, Whois, Nmap,, Google Chrome, Metasploit Framework, dan OWASP ZAP untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan sesuai dengan standar Top OWASP 2021 dan Top OWASP API Security Risk 2023. Melalui proses pengujian kerentanan tersebut, ditemukan sebanyak delapan belas bentuk kerentanan dengan tingkat risiko high, medium, low, dan informational dengan bentuk kerentanan yang paling critical adalah broken object level authorization untuk tahun 2023.Sementara untuk 2021 kerentanan yang paling critical adalah broken access control. Oleh karena itu diperlukan tindak lanjut pada aplikasi akademik XYZ berdasarkan penyebab yang ditemukan. Adapun solusi yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan tingkat risiko kerentanan.
... The observed data is in the form of research related to issues, roles, and the level of need for ethical hacking in a company in order to create cybersecurity (Haq et al., 2022). Meanwhile, this study chose to focus on the level of need for the use of ethical hacker services in accounting information systems through ethical hacking programs. ...
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This study aims to identify the needs analysis of a company in involving ethical hackers to achieve the desired goals. This research focuses on accounting information systems which are vital systems in business processes. The company's goals will be translated into a need analysis using the PIECES framework (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service). The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method and uses documentation techniques in collecting data. This study uses secondary data in the form of a literature review of 80 journal articles published in 2018-2023. Only ISSN indexed journals are used as data sources to ensure the quality of research output remains relevant. The results of this study are that the information aspect holds the highest urgency at 31.25% and the control aspect ranks second with a score of 25.00%. While the aspect with the lowest urgency is the economic aspect with an achievement of only 6.25%. Comparison of the scope of research and how researchers explore in more detail in linking opportunity costs can be input for further research. Furthermore, future research can also link several concepts such as urgency needs analysis with the PIECES framework, opportunity costs, and user trust in ethical hackers. So that the results of the research conducted will be more interesting and can be a reference for companies in making policies.
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Almost all the people around the world are fully equipped with technologies and software’s. But the how many are really using it wisely, we as the creators of all technologies are being governed by such a technology itself. The software’s are being discovered every day and each one provides a new facility and a hidden disadvantage in it. Many people don’t even have the basic knowledge of what they are doing and that’s the main reason for all cyber-crimes and security breaches. It has become responsibility of every citizen who is using a tech to keep their information safe and secure from others. Be aware of what we are doing in mobiles, laptops, PCs, etc.… since a small activity could lead to great crisis.
Conference Paper
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Ethical hacking or penetration testing is the act of using hacking techniques, skills and tools in order to discover vulnerabilities and locate weaknesses of information systems. It has been used to yield better security professionals who can protect themselves and their personal information from security attacks. Thus, the teaching and practice of ethical hacking can be considered as a necessary component of a computer security curriculum and a method of teaching defensive techniques. However, there is a considerable shortage in the technical papers that describe the implementation of ethical hacking techniques for hands-on lab exercises that can be conducted in an isolated laboratory environment, which adheres to constraints such as budgets and physical space. This paper presents the usage of the VIrtual of the cloud-based cyBer secuRity trAiNing plaTform (VIBRANT) to execute scenario-based practical ethical hacking exercises. The analysis of the evaluations' results showed that over 85% of the students surveyed had found the VIBRANT platform gave them more freedom to experiment and improved accessibility over the VirtualBox platform.
Conference Paper
Teaching "hacking" as a legitimate means of training students in how to protect a future employer's data assets has been introduced into courses with increasing frequency. The introduction of "red teaming" and attack-based exercises into information security courses presents a potential ethical problem. This paper explores the issues involved in designing an information security course with lab components that involve destructive actions.
Concepts of Ethical Hacking: A Survey
  • D Rajesh
  • V Totakura
  • B Goud
  • M I T Hassan
D. Rajesh,V. Totakura V., B.A Goud and M. I. T. Hassan-"Concepts of Ethical Hacking: A Survey" April 2020 pp. 1279-1280.
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication -BEIESP
  • C Nagadeepa
  • R Mohan
  • A Singh
C. Nagadeepa, R. Mohan, and A. Singh, "Ethical Hacking: Cyber-Crime Survival in the Digital World," International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 8, no. 4. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication -BEIESP, pp. 10332-10334, Nov. 30, 2019. doi: 10.35940/ijrte.d4612.118419.
Top 10 countries where security hackers come from & their types
  • M Plis
M. Plis, "Top 10 countries where security hackers come from & their types," Cyberkite, 2021, [Online]. Available:
Top 10 Countries With Most Hackers in the World
  • V Rajiwade
V. Rajiwade, "Top 10 Countries With Most Hackers in the World," cyberyug, 2021, [Online]. Available:
  • Bscholarly
Bscholarly, "Countries with the Best Hackers in the World 2022: Top 10 Cyber Attacks," 2021, [Online]. Available:
Brief history of cybersecurity and hacking
  • C Hiley
C. Hiley, "Brief history of cybersecurity and hacking," cybernews, 2021. [Online]. Available:
a brief history of ethical hacking
  • Cyber Coastal
CYBER COASTAL, "a brief history of ethical hacking",2020, [Online]. Available: