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Abstract and Figures

The ability to communicate is critical for enhancing the learning experience. Integrated messaging applications, such as Discord, are critical with the increased diffusion of digitally mediated courses. The Discord application allows educators and students to readily communicate learning experiences within asynchronous and synchronous environments by sending messages, images, links, audio, and video. Our systematic review sought to understand the benefits and challenges of using the Discord application in higher education courses. We summarized research from eight empirical studies within global higher education. Benefits of using Discord included ease of access, user-friendliness, useful communication and interaction, and increased social presence leading to enhanced student learning outcomes. Challenges included the increased potential for distraction and technology issues, both of which can inhibit engagement. Practical recommendations and future research recommendations regarding the use of Discord are provided.
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Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Examining the Discord Application in Higher Education:
A Systematic Review of the Literature
1 Ontario Tech University
The ability to communicate is critical for enhancing the learning experience.
Integrated messaging applications, such as Discord, are critical with the increased
diffusion of digitally mediated courses. The Discord application allows educators
and students to readily communicate learning experiences within asynchronous and
synchronous environments by sending messages, images, links, audio, and video.
Our systematic review sought to understand the benefits and challenges of using
the Discord application in higher education courses. We summarized research from
eight empirical studies within global higher education. Benefits of using Discord
included ease of access, user-friendliness, useful communication and interaction,
and increased social presence leading to enhanced student learning outcomes.
Challenges included the increased potential for distraction and technology issues,
both of which can inhibit engagement. Practical recommendations and future
research recommendations regarding the use of Discord are provided.
Keywords: Higher education, Online communication, Learning networks, Discord,
ommunication in higher education is vital as it can enhance the learning experience with
increased opportunities or negatively influence it when options are limited (Schneider &
Preckel, 2017). Furthermore, the choice of educational technology will also affect how
effective the learning environment is (MacLeod et al., 2019). As higher education moves away
from teacher-centred education to student-centred learning environments, we must use
technologies that enhance supportive learning-focused digital communication (MacLeod et al.,
2019; Schneider & Preckel, 2017). Digital communication in educational environments affords the
ability to stimulate discussions that result in multiple responses, leading to enhanced peer-to-peer
engagement around the learning materials (Zhou, 2015). However, communication tools,
especially open-access social media apps, can promote toxic and destructive behaviours that
severely inhibit productive conversations and learning (Weller, 2020). The current challenge is to
develop an effective platform that maximizes effective communication among students (Weller,
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Multiple communication and interaction strategies are required to support successful online
communication in digitally mediated courses (Vlachopoulos & Makri, 2019). With the advent of
digital technologies, our communication ability extends to asynchronous and synchronous
environments and includes tools such as messages, images, audio, and video (Vlachopoulos &
Makri, 2019). With the deepening relationship between higher education and digital technology,
including more online classes or lectures (Johnson et al., 2019), educators and students seek
effective online tools to communicate and support learning outcomes. “Discord” is an application
initially released for gamers in 2015 that has emerged as a potential connector (Thornton, 2021).
Discord is a social communication application which gained popularity with online gamers
as a comprehensive tool supporting private and public interaction (Odinokaya et al., 2021). The
free application provides the opportunity to maintain “servers” which act as communication hubs,
housing scaffolded communication affordances known as “channels” (Odinokaya et al., 2021).
Administrators can set up protected channels that include diverse interaction methods such as chat
rooms, direct messaging, voice and video calls, and integrations with other gamer-focused
Interaction is a critical element of learning (Dewey, 1916)and, by extension,
communication (Vlachopoulos & Makri, 2019). Educators have taken note and started integrating
Discord into higher education settings to enhance communication. Communication reflects a
process of meaning-creation achieved through conditional relationships (Schirato & Yell, 2000).
Often, cultural, political, and social conditions influence communication, and its effectiveness
requires interaction to understand other perspectives and develop relationships (Schirato & Yell,
2000; Vlachopoulos & Makri, 2019).
Previous Research on Communication Tools
As Discord is a social networking site, we sought insight from early and modern
implementations. The following articles provide context from early social media implementation,
recent use, and insight from a similar application.
During social media’s initial growth, Tess (2013) conducted a literature review to
understand the role of social media in the higher education classroom. Early research found that
the forerunners in education settings were Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Blogs, and Twitter.
Most articles used self-reported data and content analysis to gain insight; however, empirical
studies were limited. While promising, Tess (2013) suggested that many early-use cases were more
experimental and were still trying to figure out the best way to use the new digital affordances of
social media.
Through a systematic review of 57 articles, Al-Qaysi et al. (2020) sought to gain insight
into factors related to the adoption of social media in higher education. The authors found that the
most frequent factors influencing social media adoption were perceived enjoyment, subjective
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
norm, self-efficacy, perceived critical mass, and openness. The authors suggest that the factors can
help guide future implementation insight.
Another application which provides similar affordances to Discord, notably its ability to
limit geographical and temporal restrictions to support digital connection and communication, is
the Meta-owned WhatsApp. Suárez-Lantarón et al. (2022) conducted a systematic review of its
use across 192 articles primarily focused on higher education (87%). The primary applications of
WhatsApp included supporting the education process, increased participation, promotion of
collaboration, and student reminders. Suárez-Lantarón et al. (2022) found that WhatsApp
enhanced active learning, decision-making, and motivation.
In exploring the online communication hub, we used the Population, Exposure, Outcome
(PEO) framework to construct our research objective (Barroga & Matanguihan, 2022): what are
the benefits and challenges of using the Discord application in higher education courses? The
following sections outline the methodology, results, and suggestions for future research and
educator application.
We undertook a rapid systematic review to assess Discord to deliver applicable information
for informed practice and decision-making (Tricco et al., 2022). Page et al.’s (2021) Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses 2020 (PRISMA) guided our review
by affording clarity and transparency to our findings. We first carefully documented the search
process. Then we outlined and applied inclusion criteria for articles. Lastly, we use a mixed-
method result to build diverse insight and minimize methodological differences (Sandelowski et
al., 2006).
Search Process
Over three searches, we focused on exploring the characteristics, benefits, and challenges
of using the Discord application in higher education. The first searchDiscord in education
occurred through the Omni academic search tool via the Ontario Tech University Library, which
provides access to 392 high-quality databases. The delimiters included available online, articles,
English, and the title contains “discord education.” To elaborate on potential insight, we used
Google Scholar for the second search using the term “Discord education.” The delimiters of 2015+
(the year Discord was released) and all of the words: “Discord education” plus ‘in the title of the
article.’ The third search occurred through the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) with
the search term “Discord education” and the delimiter “articles.” We collected five more articles
for review through reference mining during the review process. Figure 1 outlines the article search
flow and final selection process.
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Figure 1
PRISMA Flow Diagram
Inclusion Criteria & Article Descriptions
For this review, we selected empirical studies that explicitly referenced the use of Discord
in higher education courses. The search, review, and retrieval process resulted in eight peer-
reviewed articles. Appendix A provides article summaries, and Appendix B offers detailed
descriptions of each paper. Due to the completion of three searches, duplicate articles were the
primary reason (n = 11) for exclusion. Next, six articles referenced ‘discord’ in the context of its
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
actual meaning: a lack of harmony. Two articles did not reference higher education, and another
two focused on the conceptual application of Discord.
Analysis & Coding
We followed a three-step integrated analysis and synthesis of study outcomes to afford the
assimilation and expression from qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods investigations
(Sandelowski et al., 2006). First, we gathered article summaries, noting the database, resource,
title, and purpose (Appendix A). Step two included compiling demographic factors related to each
study, including the population, location, sample size, gender, average age, study type, reliability,
and validity (Appendix B). In the third step, emergent coding from thematic analysis resulted in
the development of primary and secondary themes through a four-phase integrated synthesis
(Popay et al., 2006; Sandelowski et al., 2006; Thornberg & Charmaz, 2014). The first phase
explored relationships between study attributes to direct secondary themes. The second phase
assessed the quality and quantity of the emergent themes through concept mapping (Popay et al.,
2006). To further hone the concepts, phases one and two are repeated. The findings section outlines
and summarizes the themes and sub-themes.
Study Characteristics
The eight studies in this review collected data through various research methods and levels
of rigour. Most studies used a mixed methods approach (n = 4), followed by qualitative (n = 3)
and quantitative (n = 1) methodologies. Four studies used a scaled survey, three used yes/no
surveys, and two used content analysis. Other sampling methods included interviews, open-ended
questions, and learner reflection.
Participants. In total, the research referenced 583 participants. Three fields of study used
Discord, most notably social science, which accounted for 63% (n =5) of the articles, four of which
focused on language studies. The remaining studies focused on computer technologies (n = 2) and
health sciences (n = 1). The primary academic level of study was undergraduate (n = 7), while two
studies included graduate students. The research was rooted in six countries, most notably
Indonesia (n = 3). Further research occurred in France, Peru, Romania, Russia, and the USA (n =
1 each). Only one study (Dayana et al., 2021) referenced participant gender but did not reflect on
its relationship with study outcomes (see Appendix B).
Quality. The quality of the articles used in this review is somewhat limited. Only one study
(Odinokaya et al., 2021) conducted checks for reliability and validity, reflected on individual
differences, used pre- and post-test design, and examined use over a full term with an experimental
and control group. Study duration varied, with one study occurring over two terms (Vladoiu &
Constantinescu, 2020) and five occurring over one term. Checks for individual differences (n = 2)
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
and reliability (n = 2) were also rare. Five studies appeared in peer-reviewed journals, two in
conference proceedings, and one was a conference poster.
Benefits of Using Discord (n = 7)
Student Perceptions of Discord’s Usefulness (n = 6). A majority of the participants in
five of the eight studies indicated that Discord is a valuable tool in their learning experience for
three reasons. First, the application was beneficial to support peer-to-peer communication for
course-related insights and social integration within a course (Di Marco, 2021; Jannah &
Hentasmaka, 2021; Vladoiu & Constantinescu, 2020). Second, it supported course learning
objectives and the associated activities therein (Arifianto et al., 2021; Jannah & Hentasmaka, 2021;
Wulanjani, 2018). Finally, Discord was an effective and comfortable method for connecting with
instructors (Di Marco, 2021; Fonseca Cacho, 2020). Students in Fonseca Cacho’s (2020) study
reached out to educators more often than in traditional face-to-face scenarios.
Student Perceptions of Discord’s User-Friendliness (n = 4). Participants from four
studies indicated that using Discord in their learning experience was beneficial due to its ease of
use, attractiveness, and short learning curve (Arifianto et al., 2021; Dayana et al., 2021; Di Marco,
2021; Wulanjani, 2018). Students appreciated the application's ease of use and access (Arifianto
et al., 2021; Dayana et al., 2021; Di Marco, 2021; Wulanjani, 2018), further supported by its
potential for low internet bandwidth requirements when a video was not the primary method of
communication (Arifianto et al., 2021). A pleasant interface and overall perception of
attractiveness also endeared the application to participants (Arifianto et al., 2021; Dayana et al.,
2021). While some students in Wulanjani’s (2018) study initially found Discord unfamiliar, they
indicated that it did not take long to adapt and become familiar with it.
Challenges of Using Discord (n = 5)
We identified two primary challenges from five studies. First, that Discord was not ideal
for online lecturing and higher-level thinking (Di Marco, 2021; Vladoiu & Constantinescu, 2020).
Following the use of Discord to promote community and communication during the COVID-19
pandemic, Di Marco (2021) conducted a review to gain insight into student perceptions through a
validated rubric evaluation tool. The response analysis indicated that the application has limited
support in the context of cognitive engagement. Furthermore, Vladoiu and Constantinescu (2020),
who used the application as a course hub, found that students were more easily distracted with
detrimental implications for learning complex subjects.
Second, several technology issues emerged (Arifianto et al., 2021; Wulanjani, 2018).
Contrasting with earlier studies, over half of the students who had never previously used Discord
in Arifianto et al.’s (2021) article found it confusing, complicated, and strange. Meanwhile,
students surveyed in Wulanjani’s (2018) research indicated that internet connectivity was
inhibitivenoting regular issues with connection in class and impaired audio quality.
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Educator Perceptions (n = 3)
Three studies offered educators insight into using Discord, reflecting positive perceptions
(Dayana et al., 2021; Di Marco, 2021; Odinokaya et al., 2021). Dayana et al. (2021) expressed that
the application was effective for conducting an online class and providing an easily accessible
online social space. Similarly, Di Marco (2021) found that it was beneficial for analyzing learner
performance, customizing learning content, and teaching presence. Regarding its impact on
learning outcomes, Odinokaya et al. (2021) noted that during the use of Discord in an EFL course,
students showed increased vocabulary skill development compared with the traditional in-person
Following our research objective, our review outlines the benefits, challenges, and educator
perceptions of using the Discord application in higher education. Our review reflects similar study
characteristics as previous reviews of social media classroom use in higher education. Like the
early adopters referenced in Tess’ (2013) review, educators are in the experimental phase of
introducing Discord into practice. Furthermore, studies reflected on self-reported data and content
analysis with limited longitudinal insight. The application’s ease of use, attractiveness, social
connectivity, and affordance for enhanced teaching presence reflect similar insight from Al-Qaysi
et al.’s (2020) and Suárez-Lantarón et al.’s (2022) systematic reviews. Potentially new insight
includes reflection on the learning curve required for practical use in higher education.
The two primary benefits of using Discord are student perceptions of its usefulness and
user-friendliness. The application is perceived as beneficial for supporting student communication
with their peers and educators regarding course-related insight and social integration within a
course. Perceptions of user-friendliness were rooted in ease of use, attractiveness, and a short
learning curve.
Educators who plan to implement Discord in their courses should consider the two
challenges associated with its use. First, the application is not well suited for online lecturing and
cognitive engagement due to a high potential for distraction. Second, technology issues such as
negative stress states associated with using a new technology and internet connection inhibited
student engagement.
Educator Perception
Of the studies that offered educator insight, the overall perception was positive. Primarily,
the application provides an easily accessible form of digital communication that enhanced social
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
learning presence through its ease of use (Dayana et al., 2021; Di Marco, 2021; Odinokaya et al.,
2021). As a result, students were likely to experience enhanced learning outcomes.
The insight from this review can help guide educators during their implementation of the
Discord application in higher education. Towards practical application, we offer the following
suggestions. Based on our findings, we should use Discord as a user-friendly and easily accessible
tool to support learning objectives by streamlining course-based communication between students
and educators (Arifianto et al., 2021; Dayana et al., 2021; Di Marco, 2021; Jannah & Hentasmaka,
2021; Odinokaya et al., 2021; Vladoiu & Constantinescu, 2020; Wulanjani, 2018). If implemented,
educators can anticipate that students are more likely to reach out through Discord than in
traditional face-to-face environments and are encouraged to outline their availability at the onset
of a course (Fonseca Cacho, 2020).
However, Discord use is best as a tool for direct communication. Currently, there is limited
support for practical cognitive engagement due to increased distraction and a limited level of
technological diffusion (Arifianto et al., 2021; Di Marco, 2021; Vladoiu & Constantinescu, 2020;
Wulanjani, 2018). The lack of diffusion references a potentially limited pre-existing knowledge
which can unnecessarily increase the learning curve allotted to course time and hinder student
accessibility. Furthermore, educators will want to receive institutional approval as they often need
to vet technology to ensure that it aligns with institutionally-defined student privacy and
accessibility guidelines.
Future Research
Based on the results of this review, we offer four suggestions for future research on the use
of Discord. First, research is needed to understand how participant characteristics impact learning
outcomes or experiences. To date limited research has been conducted on individual differences
and experience using Discord. Second, considerations of student privacy need to be reviewed and
assessed when Discord is implemented. Third, research on Discord needs to expand to more
diverse subject areas and geographical locations. Lastly, a content analysis of communication
quality and flow would help explore the impact of Discord in more depth. These recommendations
are non-exhaustive but can offer greater insight as we navigate beyond the early adopter phase of
implementing Discord for communication and interaction.
While further research is required, the Discord application is an effective tool for peer-
based learning and communication. Early indications from our review suggest that students and
educators positively perceive Discord due to its ability to support effective communication,
learning outcomes, and social interaction. We propose that insights in this article provide context
and guidance for using Discord by educators and future researchers.
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
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Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Appendix A: Article Description Summaries
Search Terms
Article Type
Arifianto et al. (2021)
International Journal of
Emerging Technologies
in Learning
Students' acceptance of Discord as
an alternative online learning
Dayana et al. (2021)
discord app
Proceedings of the 19th
LACCEI International
Multi-Conference for
Engineering and
Design of the Discord application
as an e-learning tool at the
University of Sciences and
Di Marco (2021)
discord in
European Journal of
User-centered evaluation of
Discord in midwifery education
during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Analysis of the adaptation of the
tool to student needs
Fonseca Cacho (2020)
Conference Poster
UNLV Best Teaching
Practices Expo
Using Discord to improve student
communication, engagement, and
Jannah &
Hentasmaka (2021)
Premise: Journal of
English Education and
Applied Linguistics
The use of Discord application in
virtual English learning: An
investigation on students'
Odinokaya et al. (2021)
discord app
Education Sciences
Using the Discord application to
facilitate EFL vocabulary
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Search Terms
Article Type
Vladoiu &
Constantinescu (2020)
discord in
Proceedings -
Conference, 2020
Learning during COVID-19
pandemic: Online education
community, based on Discord
Wulanjani (2018)
English Language and
Literature International
Conference (ELLiC)
Discord application: Turning a
voice chat application for gamers
into a virtual listening class
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
Appendix B: Article Characteristic Insights
To identify student
perceptions of Discord as
a digital learning tool
during the pandemic.
Tech Acceptance Model
(TAM), Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA).
Qualitative questions and
To demonstrate Discord's
potential for effective and
efficient communication
in online learning.
1 session
Case study,
Survey, yes/no responses
Class simulation
To determine student
perceptions of Discord
and if it met the standards
for using software in
1 term
Anstey & Watson's Rubric for
eLearning Tool Evaluation
(scaled criteria)
To use a modern system
for discourse and
1 term
Scaled survey (5 points)
To determine student
perceptions of learning
English through Discord.
1 term
Intrinsic case study,
yes/no questions with 3
To explore the application
of Discord in facilitating
EFL in higher education.
1 term
Control and in-person Discord
groups, Pre- and post-test
design, Online testing,
vocabulary test, speech
transcription, questionnaire
Journal of Digital Life and Learning 2022, Vol. 2, No. 2, 52-66
DOI: 10.51357/jdll.v2i2.205
To reflect on various
perspectives of how
Discord affects the learning
2 terms
BSc, MSc teachers, and alumni
Content analysis, questionnaire,
learner reflections.
To explain how Discord
can support listening
classes towards education
1 term
Case study
Yes/no questionnaire & semi-
structured questionnaire.
Chris D. Craig is an educator and coach who provides and supports quality lifelong learning experiences through creative but
relevant opportunities. Currently, he is pursuing his Ed.D. at Ontario Tech University. Work in higher education includes roles as a
lecturer, instructor, instructional designer, academic coach, projects coordinator, and microcredential facilitator. Author insights are
grounded in adult education and digital technology studies built on life experiences in art, construction, fitness, and small business.
Chris’s recent joy—and sources of conversation outside of educationinclude coffee, graphic novels, strength and conditioning, and
random TV or movies. M.Ed., B.A.EdT., A.S.Phys-Ed.
Dr. Robin Kay is the Dean of and a Full Professor in the Faculty of Education at Ontario Tech University. He has published over 160
articles, chapters, and conference papers in pedagogy technology in education. As an educator, Robin has over 25 years of experience
teaching computer science, mathematics, learning and development, and educational technology at the high school, college,
undergraduate, and graduate levels. His research focuses on factors influencing student learning and digital technology, including
wearable tech, web-based learning tools, learning environments, scale development, and BYOD learning. Dr. Kay received his M.A.
in Computer Applications in Education at the University of Toronto and his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science (Educational Psychology) at
the University of Toronto.
Corresponding Author:
Chris D. Craig
... Recently, some systematic literature reviews (SLR) about Discord have been conducted by some researchers (Andriansyah & Erlangga, 2023;Craig & Kay, 2022;Kruglyk, Bukreiev, Chornyi, Kupchak, & Sender, 2020). Andriansyah and Erlangga (2023) conducted the SLR focused on the factors influencing Discord as a gamer application for learning English in higher education. ...
... Andriansyah and Erlangga (2023) conducted the SLR focused on the factors influencing Discord as a gamer application for learning English in higher education. Craig and Kay (2022) also conducted the SLR focused on examining Discord in higher education, and Kruglyk et al. (2020) focused on Discord's utilization as a virtual learning environment for emergencies. Although some relevant studies are exploring the Discord application, there is limited discussion about its use in education. ...
... It also supports the integration of multimedia content, including images, videos, and GIFs, which enhances the overall user experience and makes interactions more dynamic and engaging (Andriansyah & Erlangga, 2023). Moreover, the other relevant research reported Discord's challenge, such as the internet connection, which inhibited student engagement in teaching and learning (Craig & Kay, 2022). ...
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This research intends to conduct a systematic literature review on the use of Discord application in education. The use of technology, such as learning applications in education today is increasing day by day. One such application used by educators is Discord. While some literature reviews have touched on the topic, there is still much to be explored regarding its use in education. Therefore, this study synthesized the findings on two key aspects, namely contributions and developments on Discord by searching empirical research in databases such as, Connected Papers, and Google Scholar. To deeply explore the research article, the researchers utilized the SLR procedure by Petticrew and Roberts (2006), and to guide the reviews, the researchers used PRISMA 2020 by Page et al. (2021). The research findings revealed that many studies explored students' perceptions of Discord's contributions to the class. While most reported positive perceptions, some revealed negative perceptions due to the application's poor network connection. Furthermore, most of the developments were applied in flipped-based classrooms to test out the created learning system. In conclusion, the researchers found that Discord has made numerous educational contributions and created a new virtual environment.
... Um estudo de revisão sistemática realizado por Chris e Robin [14] examinou o uso do Discord em contextos educacionais de nível superior e encontrou evidências de que a plataforma pode aumentar o envolvimento dos alunos, oferecer um espaço seguro para a comunicação e a colaboração, e melhorar a qualidade da aprendizagem. Além disso, a revisão destacou a flexibilidade do Discord, que pode ser utilizado em diversas atividades síncronas e assíncronas, promovendo a interação entre os estudantes e a troca de informações. ...
... O Discord [14]é uma plataforma de comunicação por voz, vídeo e texto, projetada para comunidades de jogos e outros grupos. Foi criado em 2015 e se tornou rapidamente uma das plataformas mais populares para comunicação entre jogadores, streamers e entre outros. ...
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Com as mudanças que podem ser observadas no mundo, sobretudo causadas pela área da Tecnologia da Informação, novas metodologias estão sendo criadas para facilitar o aprendizado dos alunos, melhorando a qualidade do ensino e aumentando a satisfação dos estudantes. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia, utilizando uma plataforma experimental de mentoria chamada Plataforma de Auxílio ao Aprendizado Colaborativo (PAAC), para incentivar a discussão e prática de atividades exploratórias com o objetivo de ajudar os alunos a aprender lógica de programação e arquitetura de computadores. Convidamos alunos ingressantes nos cursos do Ciência e Engenharia da Computação, para participarem de uma semana de Hackathon, para a realização de práticas colaborativas de lógica de programação e Arduíno. A experiência teve alguns resultados favoráveis no processo da formação do conhecimento dos alunos e da socialização dos mesmos, o que pode sugerir uma expansão e melhorias com base em feedback dos participantes, além de incentivo a projetos similares em ambientes acadêmicos e escolares.
... All of these are designed with the business world in mind, but can be used for educational purposes. It was found out that using discord in higher education (a systematic review) has the following benefits: ease of access and user-friendliness, useful communication and interaction, and increase social presence leading to engagement (Craig & Kay, 2022). Table I shows the more detailed comparison of different online platforms that educators are using during the time of pandemic. ...
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One of the effects of COVID19 pandemic is the change in modality in education. One of these modalities is the utilization of various social media platforms to aid teaching and learning process. An example of this is the utilization of Discord as a platform to facilitate student learning. This study determined the students' evaluation on Discord as an eLearning Tool in Mathematics and Natural Sciences among different programs in Marikina Polytechnic College. Source of data are the students immersed in Discord as their eLearning platform chosen using purposive sampling. A survey questionnaire was given to them after the semester to determine the functionality, accessibility, technical, mobile design, Data Privacy, Social Presence, Teaching Presence and Cognitive Presence. It was revealed that Discord can be utilized as an eLearning Tool in teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences Subjects. However, like other eLearning tools, it has its own strengths and weakness that could be aided by other platforms. It is suggested to utilize and determine the possibility of utilizing Discord on other subjects as well.
... Some of the benefits of using Discord are student perceptions of its usefulness and user-friendliness. The application is perceived as beneficial for supporting student communication with their peers and educators regarding course-related insight and social integration within a course (Craig and Kay, 2022). ...
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Digital literacy in higher education plays a crucial role in preparing students and teachers to successfully cope with contemporary requirements of the professional world and society. The ability to efficiently learn in a digital environment involves a broader range of skills and literacy beyond mere technical proficiency. This paper is aimed at directing the efforts towards giving digital literacy a more prominent place in all fields within the higher education system that would allow for our faculties, in the near future, to serve as examples of good practice. This paper focuses on key aspects of digital literacy, through which numerous segments of this pedagogical phenomenon have been gradually explored and presented. An ethical question is raised concerning the use of certain digital systems, as well as the topic of professional development of teaching staff Multifunctionality of social networks and the highest-quality digital communication channels have been showcased in the examples of good practice. The need to integrate digital literacy into the curriculum has been underlined, as well as the necessity for educational systems to address the urgent need for new educational programmes to perceive digital technologies as the foundation for the lifelong learning. This paper also delves into a possibility of building a professional digital identity through online educational platforms.
... Prednosti korišćenja Discorda su percepcija studenata o njegovoj korisnosti i jednostavnosti korišćenja. Aplikacija se doživljava kao dragocena podrška komunikaciji studenata sa njihovim vršnjacima i nastavnicima u vezi sa uvidom u kurs i društvenom integracijom u okviru kursa (Craig & Kay, 2022). ...
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Digitalna pismenost u visokom obrazovanju igra ključnu ulogu u pripremi studenata i nastavnika za uspešno suočavanje sa savremenim zahtevima u profesionalnom svetu i društvu. Sposobnost da se efikasno uči u digitalnom okruženju podrazumeva širi spektar veština i pismenosti od same tehničke osposobljenosti. Cilj rada je usmeren ka pokušajima da se digitalnoj pismenosti pruži više prostora na svim poljima u sistemu visokog obrazovanja, kako bi u skorijoj budućnosti naši fakulteti bili predstavljeni kao primeri dobre prakse. U radu smo se oslonili na ključne aspekte digitalne pismenosti, na osnovu kojih smo se postepeno upoznavali sa mnogobrojnim segmentima ovog pedagoškog fenomena. Otvorili smo etičko pitanje korišćenja određenih digitalnih sistema, kao i pitanje profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnog kadra. Na primerima dobre prakse predstavili smo multifunkcionalnost društvenih mreža i najkvalitetnijih digitalnih komunikacijskih kanala. Istakli smo potrebu za integrisanjem digitalne pismenosti u kurikulum, te suočavanje obrazovnih sistema sa hitnom potrebom da se obezbede novi programi obrazovanja za razumevanje digitalnih tehnologija kao osnove za celoživotno učenje. Osvrnuli smo se i na mogućnost građenja profesionalnog digitalnog identiteta posredstvom onlajn obrazovnih platformi.
... A Reddit a Discord és a telefonon való játék tekintetében a hallgatók szignifikánsan nagyobb arányban felhasználók (p=0,032, p=0,024, p=0,049). Az egyetemisták számára a Reddit, a Discord és a telefonon való játék jelentősebb vonzerővel bír, mivel technológiai affinitásuk, szakmai közösségek iránti érdeklődésük, hordozhatósági igényük és a szórakozás szerepe összefonódik ezen platformokon (Singer, 2015;Craig, 2023). A legnépszerűbb szociális platformok a Messenger, Teams, Discord és a Twitch voltak. ...
Az informatikai szakirányú oktatási programok a felsőoktatási intézmények döntő többségében a technikai készségeken, illetve a szaktudáson alapszik, viszont az egyre dinamikusabb munkakörnyezet megköveteli az informatikusok fejlett kommunikációs, együttműködési és szociális készségeit:közismerten a soft skilleket. A később szakemberré váló informatikus hallgatók számára elengedhetetlen, hogy ne csak technikai szempontokat sajátítsanak el, hanem a szociális készségeik, ebből fakadóan a kommunikációs készségeik terén is rendelkezzenek magas szintű kompetenciával.Kutatásunkba az informatikus hallgatók és (fiatal) informatikus munkavállalók tartoztak. A hallgatók különböző képzési szinteken tanultak, beleértve az alapképzést és a mesterképzést. A kutatás célja az volt, hogy összehasonlítjuk a szociális kompetenciáik közti különbséget, valamint a telefonos képernyőidőt, illetve e kettő közti összefüggést.
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This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using the Discord application in developing speaking skills in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. The primary goal of this research is to establish the Discord application as a learning platform in the English language department for improving speaking skills. The study explores the impact of using the Discord application on students' speaking skills compared to traditional classroom methods, as well as students' perceptions of using Discord to improve their speaking skills. Additionally, the research identifies the specific features of Discord that are most beneficial for developing English-speaking skills. The study relies on a mixed approach. The findings of this study can inform EFL educators on how to integrate Discord as a supplementary tool to enhance traditional EFL speaking instructions, providing a new way to teach and learn. The Discord application is an effective educational tool that offers multiple options for connection and communication, making it convenient for teachers and students and an alternative medium to optimize online learning activities.
Digital media which involve narrative storytelling are increasingly used in nursing and health research, including clinical applications such as cinematherapy. A pilot study was conducted on how digital media self-accessed by marginalized individuals may be beneficial toward mindfulness and healing from trauma. Qualitative interviews were conducted with individuals (n = 8) who self-reported marginalizations via: race; gender; rural geography; socioeconomic status; indigenous or colonial experience; survivor of abuse; experiences of homelessness; or disability. Results indicated that trauma-narratives often organically emerge through discussions on digital media, with notable intersections with mindfulness-based practices and interventions. First, digital media can create a mindfulness of trauma as valid to discuss and disseminate. Mindfulness of authentic resolution also emerged as critical, as trauma may be employed in media narratives for attention or sympathy with no intent to support healing. Participant responses illustrate value in being mindful of individuals with severe trauma, who may be less likely to benefit from digital media. Digital media can foster sense-of-belonging and community-building amidst isolation; additionally, parasocial relationships may help foster supportive identities and ideologies on vulnerability. Findings are outlined in a preliminary conceptual framework, toward supporting future digital media with intent to create mindfulness or heal trauma.
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Her yaştan birey diğer bireyler ile bir araya gelerek iletişim halinde olmaya, sosyalleşmeye ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Günümüz toplumlarında bireyler sosyalleşmek için arkadaş buluşmaları ya da ev toplanmalarını gibi bilinen yöntemleri kullansalar bile artık bunun yerine online bir platform üzerinden bir araya gelebilmektedir. Bu platformlardan biri olan Discord; kullanıcıları olan bireylerin, oyun oynayan topluluklar ve oyun geliştiricileri ile sesli, görüntülü ve de yazılı görüşmeler yapmalarına olanak sağlayan ücretsiz olarak kullanılabilen bir iletişim uygulamasıdır. Uygulama içerisinde bir arkadaş grubunun, bir oyun grubunun, bir okul kulübünün ya da bireysel zevklerin üzerine açılmış bir gurubun parçası olunabilmektedir. Uygulama sadece yakın çevre değil de dünyaca bilinen bir grupların, sanat etkinliklerinin bir parçası olunmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Kişiler arası çevrimiçi bağlantı kurmanın popüler yollarından biri olan Discord uygulaması hemen hemen her platform ve aygıtta (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, iPadOS, Android ve internet tarayıcıları) kullanılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Discord kullanımlar ve doyumlar kuramı bağlamında Discord sunucusu olan “Saniye” adlı topluluğun uygulamada aktif rol alan grup etkinleri ve interaktif oyun oynamasının bu sunucu üzerinden bir araştırma yapılarak kullanıcıların sosyalleşme ihtiyaçlarının gidermesi üzerine içerik analizi modeli ile Discord uygulaması ve Saniye sunucusu incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak oyunlar ile sosyalleşen insanların, gündelik hayata sosyalleşmeleri ile benzer özellikler taşıdığı gözlemlenmiştir. Katılımcıların, arkadaşlık kurma, belirli bir gruba dahil olabilmek, bazı duygu durumlarını hissedebilmeleri ve bir kültürel etkileşim içinde olmaları mümkün olmaktadır. Bireylerin discord üstünden sosyalleşme ihtiyacının belirli bir kısmının giderildiği görülmüştür.
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The mobile phone has become the preferred means of communication, especially among young people, and there are many teachers who are committed to introducing it as a resource in their classrooms. Therefore, the objective of this work was to describe the educational uses of WhatsApp. The methodology was a systematic review of published work on the subject, based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and similar phases in the process. The sample was made up of 192 papers, which shows the large amount of research that has gone into the subject. WhatsApp’s educational use comes from the creation of groups—students alone or including the teacher. It is applied in both formal and informal education in all educational stages and in numerous subjects. It is also related to improvements in active learning, decision-making, and motivation, in addition to skills related to efficiency, planning, and time organization. Although the application was not designed for the educational environment, its advantages have shown it to be an adequate educational and support resource in teaching and learning at all educational stages.
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The development of research questions and the subsequent hypotheses are prerequisites to defining the main research purpose and specific objectives of a study. Consequently, these objectives determine the study design and research outcome. The development of research questions is a process based on knowledge of current trends, cutting-edge studies, and technological advances in the research field. Excellent research questions are focused and require a comprehensive literature search and in-depth understanding of the problem being investigated. Initially, research questions may be written as descriptive questions which could be developed into inferential questions. These questions must be specific and concise to provide a clear foundation for developing hypotheses. Hypotheses are more formal predictions about the research outcomes. These specify the possible results that may or may not be expected regarding the relationship between groups. Thus, research questions and hypotheses clarify the main purpose and specific objectives of the study, which in turn dictate the design of the study, its direction, and outcome. Studies developed from good research questions and hypotheses will have trustworthy outcomes with wide-ranging social and health implications.
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The demand for rapid reviews has exploded in recent years. A rapid review is an approach to evidence synthesis that provides timely information to decision-makers (eg, health care planners, providers, policymakers, and patients) by simplifying the evidence synthesis process. A rapid review is particularly appealing for urgent decisions.JBI is a world-renowned international collaboration for evidence synthesis and implementation methodologies. The principles for JBI evidence synthesis include comprehensiveness, rigor, transparency, and a focus on applicability to clinical practice. As such, JBI has not yet endorsed a specific approach for rapid reviews.In this paper, we compare rapid reviews versus other types of evidence synthesis, provide a range of rapid evidence products, outline how to appraise the quality of rapid reviews, and present the JBI position on rapid reviews. JBI-affiliated Centers conduct rapid reviews for decision-makers in specific circumstances, such as limited time or funding constraints. A standardized approach is not used for these cases; instead, the evidence synthesis methods are tailored to the needs of the decision-maker.The urgent need to deliver timely evidence to decision-makers poses challenges to JBI's mission to produce high quality, trustworthy evidence. However, JBI recognizes the value of rapid reviews as part of the evidence synthesis ecosystem. As such, it is recommended that rapid reviews be conducted with the same methodological rigor and transparency expected of JBI reviews. Most importantly, transparency is essential, and the rapid review should clearly report where any simplification in the steps of the evidence synthesis process have been taken.
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Introduction: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and in order to overcome the lack of face-to-face contact between students and teachers, the midwifery department of Grenoble (France) decided to use the Discord tool in the training of midwifery students. In order to evaluate the relevance of using instant messaging software for the education of future midwives, the tool was evaluated by the students. Methods: We conducted, in January 2021, a user-centered online study with all midwifery students in training for the classes of 2020-2021, using the French translation of Anstey and Watson's Rubric for the Evaluation of eLearning Tools. This evaluation analyzed the different dimensions of Discord in the context of training: functionality, accessibility, technology, design, privacy and data protection, social presence, pedagogical presence, and cognitive presence. Results: Discord had a good functionality for 75% of the students surveyed. They found Discord to be suitable for maintaining social links and creating serious games. But they did not find it useful for following courses or practical work. More than 80% of the midwifery students interviewed agreed that Discord can be adapted to different learning contexts. Conclusions: The department can continue to use Discord without reservation for the creation of serious games, as well as for maintaining links between students and teaching staff in the department. Discord has the characteristics of a social network, allowing students to connect with each other.
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Since the public release of Discord in May 2015, gamers have widely used it as an additional team speak application to communicate with their teammates while playing games. However, with substantial features, this application is also used as an alternative media of communication in teaching and learning activities. Therefore, this study aims to determine students' acceptance of Discord as alternative teaching and learning media. Data were obtained using a simple questionnaire. Furthermore, their experience and acceptance towards this application are explored using the technology acceptance model (TAM) framework. The result showed that most participants confirmed that Discord is a favorable alternative media due to the attractive user interface, completeness of features, and its ease of use. Therefore, this application, which was originally intended for the gaming team-speak and team-chat experiences, can surprisingly be used as an alternative online learning media, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is well accepted by most students.
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Vocabulary knowledge is a prerequisite for mastering any foreign language. It takes a lot of time and effort to develop English as a foreign language (EFL) vocabulary skills. Efficient ways to facilitate this process should be studied and analyzed. The present study aimed to investigate the role of the Discord application in teaching and learning EFL vocabulary. Discord is a free messenger with support for IP telephony and video conferencing, as well as the possibility to create public and private chats for exchanging text and voice messages. The study relied on pre-test and post-test design to get the necessary data of one experimental and one control group, 80 university students altogether. The results of the pre-test showed no significant difference between the two groups. The experimental group was taught with the help of the Discord application, while the control group was dealing with the traditional educational process, that is, 180 min every week in a classroom with a textbook and no electronic educational resources. Results of the t-test indicated that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group on a researcher-made vocabulary post-test. A post-treatment speaking test was administered—the participants took part in speaking interviews where they were asked to give a short speech on one of the topics studied during the experimental training. The representatives of the experimental group managed to use more vocabulary items per person correctly (pronunciation, lexical combinability, etc.). The findings revealed that the suggested way of using the Discord application may positively influence the acquisition of EFL vocabulary and its further application in speaking. Hence, it is recommended that the Discord application be used as a tool in the EFL vocabulary teaching and learning process to reinforce in-class tasks and activities.
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The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, published in 2009, was designed to help systematic reviewers transparently report why the review was done, what the authors did, and what they found. Over the past decade, advances in systematic review methodology and terminology have necessitated an update to the guideline. The PRISMA 2020 statement replaces the 2009 statement and includes new reporting guidance that reflects advances in methods to identify, select, appraise, and synthesise studies. The structure and presentation of the items have been modified to facilitate implementation. In this article, we present the PRISMA 2020 27-item checklist, an expanded checklist that details reporting recommendations for each item, the PRISMA 2020 abstract checklist, and the revised flow diagrams for original and updated reviews.
Numerous review studies were conducted in the past to examine the technology acceptance model (TAM) on the one hand, and the social media adoption on the other hand. However, understanding the factors affecting the adoption of social media in higher education through the lenses of TAM is still not yet examined. Therefore, this study aims to systematically review the TAM-based social media studies for identifying the most dominant factors. This study also attempts to determine the most dominant publication venues through which the analyzed studies were published. Out of 539 articles collected, a total of 57 studies were found to meet the inclusion criteria, and hence, were included in the analysis phase. The results indicated that “perceived enjoyment”, “subjective norm”, “self-efficacy”, “perceived playfulness”, “perceived critical mass”, and “openness” were the most frequent factors affecting the adoption of social media in higher educational institutions. The identification of these factors would assist the decision-makers of these institutions in making informed decisions regarding the employment of social media platforms. Limitations and future work were also discussed.
Distance education requires an instructional design approach that can lead to educational transformation. This is characterised by advanced flexibility, learner autonomy and extensive use of digital technologies to enhance learning outcomes. The main feature of such methodology is the physical distance between teaching staff, peers and educational institutions. Various technological tools are used to bridge this distance and improve communication and interaction. This article attempts to review the literature in the field, with the aim of highlighting strategies for enhancing communication and interaction in online learning environments. After discussing the theoretical framework for online communication and interaction, the authors outline the factors involved in creating well-structured, interactive and dynamic online courses and programmes for higher education students. The article explores the multi-dimensional aspects of communication in online learning environments and the differing forms of interaction involved. Using qualitative methods, the authors’ aim is to produce a framework to help tutors and instructional designers develop more effective online courses in higher education. In addition, this article may be of value to researchers and scholar-practitioners interested in communication issues, to online learning designers, and to institutional managers recruiting teaching staff for online educational courses. Keywords : Distance Education online learning online communication online interaction collaborative learning