
How the Brain Learns

... By fostering engagement and making learning enjoyable, these methods promote better retention of health information and encourage behavior change. This aligns with the principles of early childhood education, which emphasize experiential learning and the importance of creating nurturing environments that support children's cognitive, social, and emotional development (Napier et al., 2017;Sousa, 2016;Betancourt et al., 2003). ...
... This approach aligns teaching methods with the brain's natural learning processes, making education more engaging and effective (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2011;Dubinsky et al., 2013;Leisman, 2022). Key principles of brain-based learning include creating emotionally supportive learning environments, employing multisensory experiences, and fostering active learning through hands-on activities and social interaction (Sousa, 2016). ...
... The results demonstrated substantial improvements in students' understanding of liver fluke disease transmission, symptoms, and prevention methods following the intervention. These findings align with previous research, reinforcing the effectiveness of brain-based learning approaches in enhancing knowledge acquisition and retention (Chang et al., 2021;Sousa, 2016). By incorporating multisensory experiences, storytelling, and interactive activities, the intervention successfully engaged young learners, delivering health information in an engaging and memorable way. ...
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Liver fluke disease remains a critical public health issue in Southeast Asia, driven by cultural dietary practices involving raw or undercooked freshwater fish. This study evaluates the impact of an interdisciplinary brain-based learning intervention aimed at increasing awareness and modifying dietary behaviors among early childhood students in Central Northeast Thailand. A quasi-experimental design was employed, involving 122 students from four provinces. The intervention incorporated brain-based learning activities such as storytelling, songs, and visual aids to enhance engagement. Pre- and post-tests, behavioral observations, and attitudinal surveys were conducted to assess the program’s effectiveness. Post-intervention results indicated significant improvements in knowledge about liver fluke transmission, symptoms, and prevention, alongside positive changes in behavior, such as increased avoidance of raw fish consumption and improved hygiene practices. Attitudinal surveys showed a shift in preferences toward safer eating habits. These findings suggest integrating brain-based learning with culturally relevant health education can foster sustainable behavior change in early childhood populations. Further research is recommended to explore this approach’s long-term impacts and scalability.
... Bu nedenle, beyin temelli öğrenme öğretmenlerin her bir yarımküreyi destekleyecek uygun etkinlikleri gerçekleştirmesinin önemini ifade etmektedir. Örneğin, okuma-yazma ağırlıklı etkinliklerle sol yarımküre desteklenirken; sağ yarımkürenin de desteklenmesi amacıyla çocukların kavramların görsel temsillerini oluşturmalarına fırsat verilmelidir (Sousa, 2000). ...
... Frontal lobda yer alan üçüncü alan ise broca alanıdır. Broca alanı frontal lobun en üst arka kısmında yer almaktadır ve birincil işlevi konuşma sesinin çıkarılmasıdır (Sousa, 2000). ...
... Pariyetal lobda yer alan diğer bir alan Sekonder Somatik Duyu Korteksidir. Uyaranların değerlendirilmesi ve hafızada saklanması gibi işlevlere sahiptir (Sousa, 2000). Bunlarla birlikte, pariyetal lobun arka kısmında diğer loblardan alınan bilgilerin işlendiği yorum alanları bulunmaktadır. ...
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Beynin erken çocukluk yıllarında çevreye kolaylıkla uyum sağlama becerisine nöroplastisite denilmektedir. Okul öncesi dönem ise; nöroplastisite açısından oldukça kritik bir dönem olarak görülmektedir. Okul öncesi dönemde beyin, çevredeki uyaranlara karşı oldukça duyarlıdır. Çocuğa verilen olumlu uyaranlar ile çocuğun beynindeki sinir hücreleri arasında sinaptik bağlantılar kurulmakta ve bu sayede daha kolay ve kalıcı öğrenmeler gerçekleşmektedir. Bu nedenle, okul öncesi dönemde verilen eğitim; çocuklara kazandırılmak istenen bilgi, beceri ve davranışlar açısından oldukça önem arz etmektedir. Buradan yola çıkarak, okul öncesi dönem çocuklarına yönelik hazırlanan eğitim programlarının beynin işleyiş kurallarına ve beynin çok yönlü gelişimine yönelik hazırlanması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın amacı; MEB (2013a) Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı’ndaki kazanımlara ait göstergelerin beyin temelli öğrenme yaklaşımı açısından incelenmesidir. Bu bağlamda, programda yer alan kazanımlar ve göstergelerin beynin hangi bölümlerini temel aldığı tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Durum çalışması deseninde yürütülen bu araştırmanın verileri; araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen, 7 boyut ve 19 alt boyuttan oluşan Beyin Bölümleri Kontrol Listesi aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Pearson Korelasyon ve frekans analizleri kullanılmıştır. Broca Alanı’nı (konuşma, ifade edici dil kontrolü ve motor kontrol) ve Dorsal Lateral Korteks’i (üst düzey düşünme becerileri) etkinleştiren oldukça yüksek sayıda gösterge olduğu bulunmuştur.
... The notions that all children can learn are important. In earlier stages of the development, the dendrites of children neurons are so flourish [25] and research on brain related to education come to the public in 1990 when medias publicized those research [26]. ...
... Arts help the children in learning [25]. For example, by listening to the song and trying to imitate the song, the children learned and trained to expand the range of their attention. ...
This study aimed to describe the environment created by parents for their children and its effects on academic performance and character qualities. Utilizing a survey methodology, data were collected through direct and indirect observations and analyzed qualitatively. The research subjects comprised two children from the same family. The findings revealed that the parents created an environment to engage the children in arts and physical exercise. They provided various tools such as musical instruments, laptops, smartphones, bikes, paper and coloring pencils, building blocks, toys, puzzles, and books to facilitate activities like singing, playing, reading, typing, writing, and creating. Although the language setting of these tools was in English, parents communicated with the children in Indonesian. The effects of this environment were evident in the children’s development of characteristics such as resilience, creativity, responsibility, and self-regulated learning. These traits, fostered by the environment, subsequently contributed to the children’s enjoyment and success in academic, social, language, and artistic performances. Keywords: creating environment, children learning, character qualities
... Without forgetting to pass on and share your knowledge with other members of the group. This choice is supported by D.A. Sousa, who, based on an analysis of the Besthel National Training Laboratory (1960), clearly demonstrates the level of effectiveness of a teaching method 24 hours after training [24]. ...
... Level of effectiveness of a teaching method, 24 hours after training (adapted fromSousa, 2011) ...
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In education as in business, professional and personal skills are in high demand to stimulate employability and professionalization. New Moroccan university reforms place greater emphasis on professional integration and employability. Promising careers are no longer aimed only at graduates who have mastered technical skills (hard skills), but above all at those who possess personal skills such as interpersonal and intrapersonal "Soft Skills". The field of professionalization of teaching professions, particularly in educational supervision, leads us to question the training engineering implemented, and the teaching methods and andragogical strategies proposed to acquire and develop Soft Skills required for the different functions of the profession of educational inspector? To try to answer these questions of the problem, we conducted exploratory and descriptive research with student inspectors from different cycles and sectors in initial professional training at the Training Center for Education Inspectors (CFIE) in Morocco. The survey tool used is a questionnaire (developed according to the TGN: Nominal Group Technique and validated by a group of educational experts) which we administered to a random sample of a population of student inspectors. The results of this research allowed us to highlight, within the framework of rational training engineering, the methods of teaching, acquisition and development of "Soft Skills" necessary for success in educational supervision (modalities programming, implementation methods, animation activities, learning situations), as well as the andragogical strategies used in the programming of these behavioral skills in the initial professional training of education inspectors in Morocco.
... Kemudian, pada tahap pelaksanaan, peserta didik menggelar sebuah pertunjukan seni Bantengan yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya. Hingga pada tahap evaluasi, pendidik melakukan penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan pertunjukan seni Bantengan oleh peserta didik (Tomlinson & Moon, 2013;Sousa, 2001). ...
... Ini membantu dalam identifikasi dan penyelesaian masalah secara lebih efektif (Gardner, 1999). (6) Pengembangan Keterampilan Sosial dan Emosional: Selain fokus pada kecerdasan kinestetik, penting juga untuk mengembangkan keterampilan sosial dan emosional peserta didik melalui kegiatan kolaboratif yang membangun rasa percaya diri dan kerja sama (Sousa, 2001). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan kecerdasan dengan gaya belajar kinestetik pada anak usia remaja melalui kegiatan proyek pergelaran pertunjukan yang diadakan oleh guru pengampu. Mata pelajaran Seni Budaya pada semester genap ini cukup menguras tenaga, waktu, dan finansial peserta didik kelas 7.8, selain itu adanya kegiatan ini juga dapat mengetahui dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar peserta didik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berdiferensiasi berbasis gaya belajar dapat diterapkan secara efektif di kelas 7 SMP Negeri 14 Malang pada mata pelajaran Seni Budaya. Peningkatan kecerdasan kinestetik melalui pengkaryaan gerak tari kreasi tema Kesenian Bantengan menimbulkan pengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar peserta didik, serta membentuk karakter peserta didik sesuai dengan profil pelajar Pancasila. Pada tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi ini dilaksanakan selama 1 semester dengan materi pembelajaran berkarya seni untuk perubahan dengan mengusung seni pertunjukan bantengan sebagai proyek yang akan dilaksanakan dan ditampilkan oleh peserta didik. Peserta didik dengan gaya belajar kinestetik menjadi dominan dibandingkan dengan gaya belajar yang lain seperti visual, dan auditori.
... Reading is an intricate cognitive task that involves two main processes: word decoding and comprehension of written materials (Share, 1995). However, around 10-15% of people experience reading difficulties, which are commonly known as developmental dyslexia (Sousa, 2000). Various theories have been proposed as an attempt to describe reading inaccuracies and dysfluency in dyslexics . ...
... The reading process requires coordination between the anterior and posterior brain regions (Sousa, 2000). Broca's center pronounces and converts orthographic information to phonological form, while the posterior region handles visual, auditory, and motoric processing (Salmelin et al.,1996;cited inBreznitz,2006). ...
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The following research paper provides a holistic exploration of the various pedagogical pathways to support learners with the academic disorder "Dyslexia". This study focuses on revealing the most effective evidence- based teaching modalities that may enable dyslexic learners overcome literacy associated challenges. This research is an attempt to investigate the available academic, emotional, and social support that aligns with the objectives of the Algerian curriculum along with the special accommodations that can be provided to this category of learners.
... Свързано е с връзката между мозъка и ученето. "Налице са определени моменти в човешкото развитие, по-чувствителни от други за развитието на определени научавания (Sousa, 2016). За неврообучението (в съдържателен план става дума по-скоро за невровъзпитание) са създадени шест стълба на Neurolearning™ Design 32 , които включват: ...
... In conjunction with Hebbian repetition learning, the significance of retrieval and recall in the learning process is underscored by the foundational principle that effective learning is not solely about encoding and storage but crucially hinges on the ability to retrieve information (McDermott & Roediger, 2018;Rajaram & Barber, 2008;Tulving, 1991). Recalling learned material through focused methods such as testing and free or cued recall tasks (see Rajaram & Barber, 2008), especially in situations where the learner is cognitively engaged in processing the stimulus, acts as a powerful form of repetition, strengthening neural pathways (Sousa, 2016). This targeted and intentional repetition enhances memory consolidation and promotes more robust long-term retention. ...
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Considering the need for pedagogically effective learning activities and materials to support language learning, particularly within teacher-led instruction, it is curious that at present there is no overarching, research-based framework available to educators to draw from when designing and implementing such activities and materials. To address this gap, the authors of this paper have drawn from a host of relevant research pertaining to cognitive neuroscience, educational psychology, and second language acquisition to establish a framework for designing and implementing activities and learning materials capable of facilitating enhanced language learning outcomes within an inclusive classroom. Incorporating ten key considerations – attention and focus, desirable difficulty, depth of processing, deliberate practice, novelty and surprise, wakeful rest, visible learning, meaningful feedback, affective engagement, and strategic choice and use – this versatile framework not only provides teachers with necessary knowledge for designing language learning activities and materials in an engaging and efficacious manner but may also embolden them to do so.
... Diferentes experiencias y estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje han cambiado el papel que había desempeñado un alumno de receptor de conocimiento pasivo a ser activo, el cual tiene pensamiento crítico con los conocimientos adquiridos dentro y fuera del aula (Reitmeier, 2002). En estudios realizados se ha comprobado que la retención del conocimiento adquirido después de 24 horas en un alumno es del 5% para clases magistrales, 50% para la discusión en grupo, 75% para las experiencias prácticas y un 90% por enseñar a otros (Sousa, 1995;Rodríguez-Sandoval et al., 2010). ...
En este trabajo se destacan los beneficios del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) al aplicarlo en una empresa escolar de base tecnológica en la que participan alumnos de un programa educativo de licenciatura. Los alumnos, antes de finalizar su formación profesional, desarrollan un conjunto de competencias asociadas a los roles más representativos en la Industria de software, que después desempeñarán en su ejercicio profesional. Se describe cada una de las fases del proceso de desarrollo mediante el cual se estableció una estrategia de ABP asociada al plan de estudios. Para determinar el impacto del ABP en el desarrollo de sus competencias, se aplicó un instrumento a alumnos y egresados que han participado como personal de la empresa escolar. Los resultados han sido positivos y reflejan la madurez de los alumnos cuando se ven expuestos a la participación en contextos de solución de problemas reales.Abstract: This paper highlights the benefits of Project-Based Learning (PBL) when applied in a school-based enterprise with participation of undergraduate students. By the time students finish their studies, they develop a set of competences associated to the most representative roles in the software industry, which are necessary for their professional practice. It describes each phase of the development process by which a PBL strategy was associated to the curriculum. To determine the impact of PBL in the development of their competences, an instrument was applied to current and former students who had participated as personnel of the school-based enterprise. The results have been positive and reflect the maturity of the students when exposed to a context of real-world problem solving.Keywords: Project-Based Learning (PBL), School-based enterprise.
... Realización de talleres basados en las nuevas versiones de la Taxonomía de Bloom (Sousa, 2011), en los que evalúan y proponen actividades para la utilización del conocimiento de cada unidad en la praxis de la enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en los niveles de primaria y secundaria. ...
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Traditionally, the area of Didactics has been divided into general and special didactics. In this article, one of the components of the Special Didactics for the Teaching of Spanish is described, that is, the Didactics of Reading and Writing. First, the theoretical approach of the sub-area is explained, then, the methodological foundations and the teaching strategies are described, and finally, a practical activity called Reflective Micro-teaching is reported.
... Through sensory play, these young children can explore and learn about their environment using their senses, building their neural connections, and supporting boosted brain development [34]. A typical example of sensory play with textures is playing with sand and water [35]. ...
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Early childhood (0–8 years) is a time of rapid brain development supported by spontaneous and informal learning from the surrounding environment. Meaningful contact with nature (a dynamic and varied source of informal learning) during the early years of life sets up rich scopes for such spontaneous learning—especially in the first three years, a period in life that determines all future learning, behavior, and health. Besides its learning affordances, nature-based environments provide numerous health and developmental benefits. Considering that more than 13 million children under 5 years of age in the US spend most of their waking hours in care facilities, the potential benefits of having a nature-based outdoor area in their primary care environments are immense. However, guidelines and assessment standards for designing nature-based outdoor environments for below-three children (infants and toddlers) are almost non-existent. This three-phase research holds the promise of addressing this issue. Phase 1 reviews the available limited literature on below-three children’s outdoor play and learning environments and summarizes their design implications. Phase 2 extracts effective design guidelines and identifies assessment indicators from the Phase 1 studies. In Phase 3, empirical data (environmental assessment data) are collected to compare the existing and proposed design environment conditions of below-3 outdoor play and learning environments in a selected childcare facility. This phase highlights evidence-based assumptions of new criteria, guidelines, and indicators to assess any below-3 nature-based childcare outdoor environments. This research provides new information and insights for designing nature-based outdoor play and learning environments for below-3 children to increase their meaningful connections with natural elements while attending a care facility.
... Človek je v rôznych obdobiach života schopný podržať v pracovnej pamäti iné množstvo informácií súčasne, napr. dieťa predškolského veku vie podržať dve informačné položky súčasne počas pár sekúnd, dospelý sedem až deväť (Sousa, D., 2001). E. Jensen (2008) zároveň časovo kvantifikuje, že žiaci mladšieho školského veku podržia informáciu v pracovnej pamäti približne 5 až 10 minút, adolescenti a dospelí okolo 10 až 20 minút. ...
... On one hand, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory posits that individual behavior motivation arises to fulfill specific levels of needs (Maslow, 1943). On the other hand, research related to knowledge transfer has also confirmed that when there are commonalities between initial learning and new learning, knowledge transfer is more likely to occur, thereby enhancing individual performance in new learning situations (David, 2016). In light of the results of this study, university students, driven by the need for studying abroad, are motivated to prepare for international English proficiency exams, leading to further improvement in their English proficiency. ...
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The National College English Test Band 4 (CET-4) is a key test to assess the English language ability of Chinese university students, and the success rate of the test is important to improve the quality of their English learning. Artificial intelligence technology can be used to predict and explore the factors influencing the success rate. This study employed machine learning techniques to analyse a dataset collected from undergraduate students at a full-time university in China who were not majoring in English. The aim of this study is to identify the most appropriate machine learning model for predicting CET-4 success and to understand the factors that most influence this success. These findings are expected to help educators improve their teaching strategies. The research found that LightGBM achieved the highest accuracy rate of 97.04% in predicting whether students could pass CET-4. Further interpretability analysis of LightGBM identified three primary factors that play a significant role in determining students’ success in the CET-4 exam: their interest in English learning, GPA performance, and the experience of preparing for or participating in other types of English exams. These findings are closely related to students’ learning motivations, choices, and optimization of learning strategies, as well as knowledge transfer and other psychological aspects of learning. Additionally, they are closely tied to the current educational environment in China.
... Repetition of the song plays a key role in consolidating what has been learned. Regular repetition of songs in daily activities in kindergarten, such as transitions between activities or cleaning up, helps children strengthen memory and connect music with everyday experiences (Sousa, 2006). Group singing and collaboration in learning songs further promote children's social skills, such as cooperation and respect for others (Wood, Bruner, Ross, 1976). ...
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Slovenian folk music is characterized by diversity, resulting from various historical and geographical influences, which are reflected in both vocal and instrumental music. Slovenian folk music plays a significant role in the preschool period. Educators and teachers often use folk songs and music to promote children’s development, language learning, musical listening, and social skills. The theoretical part of this study, grounded in the works of D. Kunaver and M. Terseglav, emphasizes the importance of folk music in reflecting and preserving cultural heritage. For this purpose, we wanted to introduce children to one of the Slovenian regions and teach them the most famous dance of this region. The aim of the study was to substantiate the potential of using the selected musical methods of teaching preschool children to prepare them for an independent performance in front of their parents, which includes singing and dancing. Each method was chosen based on its theoretical relevance to promoting various aspects of child development, such as language acquisition, social skills, and motor development. We also set ourselves the following goal: through all six curricular areas of pre-school education (sport, language, art, society, nature, and mathematics), children had to learn dance and develop in all areas, which are described in detail in the article. With the work, we wanted to check how quickly children learn song and dance with a selected methodical procedure, which was carried out from March to May 2024. The empirical part of the article describes and analyzes the methodological process of introducing the Slovenian folk song "Lepa Anka kolo vodi" to preschool children aged 5 years. After the entire implementation, we found that teaching with the chosen methodical process is significantly faster and more economical, and requires much more preparation from the teacher, because the work is more structured, since we emphasized the fact that the lessons were not conducted frontally, but in such a way that the children were active most of the time and not in a passive role. As a result, it was proved that through folk music, children become acquainted with the cultural heritage of their country, learn the lyrics of songs, and develop rhythmic and melodic abilities. Folk songs often include elements of national dances, allowing children to learn basic dance steps while simultaneously developing motor skills. The entire experience of preschool children with folk music can be regarded as an important part of cultural education, contributing to the formation of a child’s identity and sense of belonging to their culture. The scientific novelty of this study lies in its investigation of the integration of Slovenian folk music into early childhood education, specifically focusing on how contemporary pedagogical methods, such as the use of play, creativity, and modern technology, can enhance the learning experience for preschool children. The research provides new insights into the effectiveness of these approaches in teaching traditional folk songs and dances, demonstrating their potential to accelerate the development of rhythmic and melodic skills. Furthermore, the study highlights the role of these innovative teaching methods in preserving cultural heritage and fostering a strong cultural identity in young children, thus contributing to the broader field of cultural education and early childhood development.
... • Welcoming and Collaborative -instructor welcomes and actively includes all students, students collaborate with the instructor and other students [3][4][5][6] • Relevant and Engaging -instructor relates the relevance of the subject matter to their lives and professions, instructor engages the students in active creative learning [7][8][9] • Empowering and Supportive -instructor invites students to set and reach their learning goals and supports student success through constructive feedback, mentoring, advising, and listening [10][11] • Structured and Intentional -instructor plans course well, describes course clearly, aligns learning objectives activities and assessments, instructor clearly communicates expectations and what students need to do to meet them [12][13] Multiple measures are needed to provide a clear view of effective and inclusive teaching [14]. For example, student feedback forms may provide insights form the learner but may not provide a clear view of instructional quality. ...
... This is consistent with Vygotsky's theory, which highlights the importance of learning within the zone of proximal development (ZPD) (Vygotsky, 1978(Vygotsky, , 1986. Research on the brain indicates that the best learning happens when activities are of intermediate difficulty (Sousa, 2022). Dewey's approach proposes that the curriculum should be closely matched with the knowledge and experiences of the students (Dewey, 1929). ...
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This study aims to investigate the perspectives and implementation of differentiated learner-centered strategies by 96 English teacher trainers and trainees in Rwanda, employing surveys and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools over one year. The findings reveal positive attitudes toward differentiated instruction but underscore the need for a more nuanced understanding of its practical application. Significant challenges identified include inadequate training, limited resources, and time constraints. The study proposes actionable solutions such as comprehensive professional development programs, enhanced resource allocation, and effective time management strategies. Highlighting the necessity for improved teacher training and capacity building to align practice with the demands of the 21st-century classroom, these findings hold substantial implications for instructional practices in English language education in Rwanda. The study offers valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and researchers in the field.
... Knowledge is represented in the brain within frameworks, or schemata, consisting of nodes (concepts, objects, facts, etc.) and the pathways among them. These pathways represent relationships or associations among the discrete pieces of information housed in each schema structure, and are potentially more important than the nodes themselves, not least because they enable us to retrieve specific facts, procedures, or whatever else happens to be in a node [2]. Schema structures are built or expanded upon when we manipulate information -compare it to something else, identify its component parts, categorize it, or otherwise do something with it. ...
The importance of engagement for learning, specifically related to online coursework, is discussed in this paper. The cognitive basis for engagement and instructional strategies for integrating it into coursework are described, as well as the challenges that instructors face in creating robust learning environments. The roles of teacher and learner must also evolve to accommodate these new models, with increased student responsibility and accountability. Finally, practical examples are given to demonstrate strategies for enhanced engagement in online coursework.
... Аудиокнигите отдавна са се превърнали в обучително средство и алтернатива на остарелите и отживели методи на преподаване, отразявайки новите нагласи на младите обучаеми към използването на ангажиращи вниманието и разширявайки образователните хоризонти съвременни информационни средства. Sousa (2006) подчертава, че обучаемите от XXI в. "реагират повече от всякога на уникалното и различното" и разкриват така нареченото "поведение, търсещо новости" [2]. Поради тази причина аудиокнигите се считат за част от мобилното подпомагано (асистирано) обучение, което е подразделение на компютърното подпомагано обучение. ...
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19 между 2020 и 2022 г., което провокира изследователския интерес към този вид формат. Наред с тях също така тук се разглежда мястото на аудиокнигите като иновативен инструмент за изучаване на чужд език в мобилното подпомагано (асистирано) обучение по чужд език, което е обусловено от бързия темп на развитие на модерните технологии в наши дни, и променящите се начини, по които може да се учи чужд език в нашето съвремие за разлика от методите, които са се използвали преди няколко десетилетия, предимно свързани с изучаването на чужд език в класната стая. По този начин този доклад обръща внимание на заслуженото място на аудиокнигите като иновативен педагогически инструмент в чуждоезиковото обучение и допринася за по-голямата информираност на заинтересованите лица относно потенциала, който носят аудиокнигите в сферата на образованието и чуждоезиковото обучение. Ключови думи: аудиокниги, мобилно подпомагано (асистирано) обучение, чуждоезиково обучение Въведение Аудиокнигите като един от съвременните книжни формати се радва на широка популярност през последните няколко години както на българския, така и на световния книжен пазар, като по-осезаемо това се усеща по време на пандемията от Ковид-19 в периода 2020-2022 г. [1]. Слушането на аудиокниги се превръща в любимо занимание на хората от всички възрастови групи, но най-вече на младите слушатели в това число деца, подрастващи ученици и студенти. Тази тенденция е съвсем разбираема, тъй като аудиокнигите са едно от звучащите изразни средства на модерните информационни технологии, въпреки че стъпват на традицията на
... С нарастването на популярността на английския език като лингва франка и развитието на съвременните ИКТ се търсят все повече нови и иновативни методи и инструменти в ЧЕ обучение по английски език, които да подобрят ефикасността на процеса на преподаване и обучение. Sousa (2006) подчертава, че обучаемите от XXI век "реагират повече от всякога на уникалното и различното" и разкриват така нареченото "поведение, търсещо новости". Скучните учебници и монотонните задачи вече не могат да ангажират вниманието на днешните обучаеми, затова изборът на слушане на аудиокниги при изучаването на английски език се оказва отлична алтернатива в това отношение. ...
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Статията има за цел да разгледа аудиокнигите като иновативен педагогически инструмент за изграждането на ключови компетентности в чуждоезиковото преподаване и обучение по английски език, а именно многоезикова, цифрова, интеркултурна, личностна, социална компетентност и компетентност за придобиване на умения за учене. Наред с това е представено емпирично изследване на нагласите на учителите по английски език към използването на аудиокнигите в процеса на чуждоезиково обучение. Тръгвайки от теоретичните основи на компетентностния подход в образованието и преминавайки през компетентностния подход в чуждоезиковото обучение по английски език, авторите на доклада поставят в центъра на своето изследване аудиокнигите като ефективен и иновативен дидактически инструмент, чийто потенциал остава неизползван до този момент за изграждането на цялостната езикова компетентност на обучаемите при изучаването на английски език. Отчасти това се дължи на факта, че все още педагозите по чужд език не са запознати и не прилагат на практика аудиокнигите в своята педагогическа практика, както сочат данните от представеното проучване.
... Being inquiry-based he puts forth that it is best for learners to discover new knowledge on their own by drawing on experiences to solve problem situations. Thus, learners discover relationships and facts for themselves which they are expected to remember more than when they have only been instructed (Sousa, 2016). Research has shown that this theory encourages active engagement, promotes motivation, autonomy, responsibility and independence. ...
This study investigated the role of architectural education in Nigeria in preparing professionals for sustainable architectural practice, with a particular focus on advancing Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). It assessed the relationship between the teaching methods employed in delivery of the architecture curriculum of universities and sustainable architectural practice among professionals. Using positivism as the philosophical stance, a quantitative approach was taken. Regression analysis was employed to analyse teaching methods and its impact on architects' professional practice. Findings revealed that educators who place emphasis on meeting deadlines, employed teaching methods that are flexible enough to adapt to changing needs, and adopting the practice of professional ethics in their teaching delivery have the highest positive influence on future architectural practice of their students. On the flip side, educators who accepted submission from students that were carelessly put together, and capitalize on relationships with their students (such as favouritism) tend to negatively affect the future architectural practice of their students. This research also revealed the crucial impact of architectural education approaches on advancing sustainable architectural practices in Nigeria, aligning with the objectives of SDG 4. It underscores the importance of teaching methods and recommends constant updates of teaching methods at the faculty level so as to have products who have a highly sustainable practice. Keywords: Architectural education, Architectural practice, Sustainability, Teaching methods
... The extended rehearsal procedure is also a difficult one. In the process of elaborate rehearsal, students should mix prior knowledge with new knowledge (Sousa, 2006). ...
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The role of memory in language learning is indispensable. A child uses an extraordinary amount of memory when learning to recognise words in the language, creating rules for their use, and connecting speech to the environment and mind. Memory and learning are interdependent, as memory is the process of encoding, storing and retrieving information that is crucial to learning. The value of learning new words, along with the role of memory and mnemonic devices in the process of vocabulary acquisition, is rarely discussed. The article aims to give a comprehensive account of the word and its significance, as well as the numerous aspects that influence word learning, together with the value of learning new words and the functions of memory and mnemonic devices involved in the process of vocabulary acquisition. The various memory models, the efficient processing of information with the aid of mnemonics and how mnemonics have changed over time in studying languages and other subjects are reviewed here. The other major aspects of this study are the dual coding method and an explanation of how mnemonics operate and how mnemonics have evolved with time in studying languages and other subjects.
... С нарастването на популярността на английския език като лингва франка и развитието на съвременните ИКТ се търсят все повече нови и иновативни методи и инструменти в ЧЕ обучение по английски език, които да подобрят ефикасността на процеса на преподаване и обучение. Sousa (2006) подчертава, че обучаемите от XXI век "реагират повече от всякога на уникалното и различното" и разкриват така нареченото "поведение, търсещо новости". Скучните учебници и монотонните задачи вече не могат да ангажират вниманието на днешните обучаеми, затова изборът на слушане на аудиокниги при изучаването на английски език се оказва отлична алтернатива в това отношение. ...
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This study aims to offer a classification of shortened terms and terminological phrases in Maritime English using the lexico-semantic method. It is based on examples excerpted from learning materials designed for cadets and students of Navigation at Varna Naval Academy, all of them compiled in the Learner’s English-Bulgarian Maritime Dictionary and forming a large corpus representative of the domain they are used in. Shortening here is chosen as an umbrella term for initialisms, acronyms, clippings and blends. The topic is worth discussing because it reveals techniques of shortening in maritime English thereby raising learners’ awareness to a variety of English they are going to face in their future work in a multinational environment.
... The term ways of thinking is often associated with a systematic thought process (Sousa, 2016). Different ways of thinking facilitate different strategies and subsequent actions to innovate. ...
... One effort that can be made is to implement music into learning mathematics. This is because music can develop memory, strengthen the brain's nervous system, and make students more focused and able to communicate better [33], [34], [35], especially classical music. The type of classical music that can increase one's intelligence is Mozart's music (better known as the Mozart effect) [36]. ...
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The background of this research is that student learning outcomes in analytical geometry lecture during the transition from pandemic to Covid-19 endemic are still low, which is due to a lack of student interest in learning, and they are still accustomed to online learning, thus having an impact on their low problem-solving skills and mathematical disposition. This research aims to determine to what extent the implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect can improve students' problem-solving skills and mathematical disposition in analytical geometry lecture during the transition from pandemic to endemic COVID-19, so the research is important to do. The implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect in mathematics learning is unique because it is a combination of learning approaches that have never been used before in Indonesia and other countries. The research method used was a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design because this research was experimental and sample determination was not carried out randomly, but using purposive sampling technique on the second-semester students of the mathematics undergraduate program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran. The instruments used in this study were problem-solving skills test, mathematical disposition scale, and students’ attitude questionnaire toward learning with the implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect. The results showed that: (1) problem-solving skills of students who received learning by implementing ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect are better than students who achieved direct instruction; (2) mathematical disposition of students who received learning by implementing ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect is better than students who achieved direct instruction; and (3) students are interested and motivated to learn mathematics by implementing ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect. This research concludes that the implementation of ethnomathematics and the Mozart effect can improve students' problem-solving skills and mathematical disposition in analytical geometry lecture during the transition period from the pandemic to endemic COVID-19. It can be seen from good average post test scores achieved by students.
... He talked like a professor, and it sounded quite arrogant." (Participant B, Interview entry log number 4) Finally, learners conveyed that they enjoyed the interaction with the Chat GPT at the outset, but the interactions became tiresome due to primacy/recency effect (Sousa, 2005). ...
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This study quantitatively and qualitatively investigated the effects of ChatGPT on top-down processing in English reading comprehension among Korean English as a foreign language (EFL) learners. Participants were divided into experimental and control groups of 20 individuals each, completed pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest sessions, and received explicit main idea identification instructions for Finding the Main Idea (FMI) test items from the Korean College Scholastic Aptitude Test. However, only the experimental group had access to ChatGPT. The results showed a statistically significant improvement in top-down processing skills in the experimental group. Additionally, a qualitative analysis of interviews with learners and ChatGPT-human interaction data revealed responses to ChatGPT’s use in English reading comprehension, emphasizing its potential benefits and challenges. These findings highlight the significance of balancing technological integration with pedagogical instruction to optimize learning experiences in the Korean EFL context.
... The extended rehearsal procedure is also a difficult one. In the process of elaborate rehearsal, students should mix prior knowledge with new knowledge (Sousa, 2006). ...
The role of memory in language learning is indispensable. A child uses an extraordinary amount of memory when learning to recognise words in the language, creating rules for their use, and connecting speech to the environment and mind. Memory and learning are interdependent, as memory is the process of encoding, storing and retrieving information that is crucial to learning. The value of learning new words, along with the role of memory and mnemonic devices in the process of vocabulary acquisition, is rarely discussed. The article aims to give a comprehensive account of the word and its significance, as well as the numerous aspects that influence word learning, together with the value of learning new words and the functions of memory and mnemonic devices involved in the process of vocabulary acquisition. The various memory models, the efficient processing of information with the aid of mnemonics and how mnemonics have changed over time in studying languages and other subjects are reviewed here. The other major aspects of this study are the dual coding method and an explanation of how mnemonics operate and how mnemonics have evolved with time in studying languages and other subjects.
... Since dyslexia problems of individuals may vary, this situation may affect phonological awareness, rapid naming, print awareness, working memory, morphological awareness, reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking skills in different ways (Reid, 2009). Since dyslexia is a cluster of symptoms, although not all individuals have the same symptoms, early clues before primary school and late symptoms that can be observed during the school period can be listed as follows (De Lima, Salgado-Azoni, Dell'Agli, Baptista & Ciasca, 2020;Elliott & Grigorenko, 2014;IDA, 2002;Levinson & Harold, 2019;Rief, & Stern, 2010;Shaywitz, 2003;Sousa, 2016): Recent onset symptoms include delayed speech and speech difficulties, family history of dyslexia, delays and problems in language development, difficulties in perceiving time and space concepts, hyperactive behaviors and attention deficit problems, low self-perception and lack of self-confidence, and coordination problems. Late-onset symptoms include phonological awareness, print awareness, morphological awareness, rapid naming, working memory, reading fluency, and reading comprehension difficulties. ...
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The article explores how neurolinguistics, which is the study of how language and the brain are connected, can help improve English teaching for students who speak Arabic. Arabic-speaking students face a range of challenges when learning English, which are influenced by the structural and phonological differences between the two languages, as well as cultural and cognitive factors. Therefore, this study points out the differences in structure between Arabic and English and explains how knowing how the brain handles language can lead to better teaching techniques. By using knowledge from neurolinguistics along with language education, teachers can more effectively help Arabic learners, especially with pronunciation and practicing the language. The article provides strategies and examples based on research to help educators, and it stresses the importance of experienced teachers in overcoming challenges with pronunciation and language skills. Both descriptive and qualitative approaches are applied in this paper. There are findings listed in the conclusion section, in this study, indicate that neurolinguistics plays a significant role in enhancing English communication skills for Arabic students. Keywords: Neurolinguistics, ELT, Communication Skills, Arabic-Speaking Students, Language Acquisition
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Physics Education Technology Project (PhET) simulation gives students the opportunity to explore and experiment with scientific phenomena in a safe, virtual setting. This study investigated the effects of PhET improvement on the retention ability of grade six learners in state of matter (SOM). To achieve the aim of the study sixty-four grade six learners were considered from four randomly selected primary schools in Umkhanyakude District in KwaZulu-Natal province. The study utilized a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test approach. Data were collected using the Phase Change of Matter Test (PCMT) administered during the pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test phases. Participants in the control group were taught using the traditional teacher-centered approach, while the experimental group was exposed to the SOM PhET simulation. The reliability coefficient of 0.75 was determined using Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including mean, median, standard deviation, and range, to summarize the pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test scores for both groups. A paired samples t-test was also conducted for each group to compare the pre-test and post-test scores, as well as the post-test and delayed post-test scores, to assess whether there was a significant improvement in retention following the intervention. The findings indicated that using PhET as an intervention effectively enhanced conceptual understanding of SOM. There was a statistically significant difference in the retention ability after treatment with a PhET simulation, compared to the control group. Based on the findings, it is recommended that students actively interact with simulations rather than merely observing demonstrations. When students engage directly with these tools, they achieve a deeper understanding and improved learning outcomes.
Aspirations to achieve UNESCO’s millennium goals by 2015 increasingly seem to many people as an ever remote possibility and even an impossible or utopian dream. With reference to the particular policy commitment of ‘Education For All’, this paper will explore two related questions. Firstly, it poses the question of whether UNESCO is projection of goals such as education for all by 2015 or indeed any date is really an impossible notion? Secondly, if we accept the proposition that a dramatic change in the global human condition should be and can be possible in practice and not just as utopian projection, then what is needed to overcome negative self-fulfilling prophecies of failure to achieve the ‘right direction’ of knowledge and action? In response to these two questions, the paper pursues a thought experiment which in practice as well as in principle refuses to accept the inevitability of the present reality that there is an ever-widening knowledge as well as economic gap between modern, rich and developed countries and traditional, poor and developing societies.
This chapter investigates the role of kinesthetic activities in enhancing student well-being and engagement within university language classrooms. A questionnaire survey with 53 participants provides empirical data to assess the effects of standing during lessons, switching partners, and engaging in clay modeling on students' learning experiences. The study's methodology focuses on the alignment of teaching strategies with diverse learning styles, particularly the kinesthetic modality. Results indicate that kinesthetic activities significantly contribute to heightened student engagement, increased energy, and improved overall well-being. The incorporation of these activities into teaching practice suggests a shift toward a more interactive and multisensory educational environment, thus addressing the evolving needs of students in contemporary learning settings. The chapter concludes by underscoring the importance of including some physical movement and tactile learning in the creation of dynamic classroom experiences that extend beyond conventional pedagogical methods.
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Learning a foreign language, particularly English, poses challenges for Rwandan teenagers already introduced to other science subjects like mathematics, physics, and other different courses of action that have occupied their attention, or, on the other hand, disturbs their mind and hinders their learning spirit. This study aimed to investigate how the neurocognitive underpinnings of brain activation methods and integration multisensory work to activate those teenagers’ brain attention to English language learning and develop speaking skills and enable learners to overcome the neurocognitive challenges like lack of motivation, emotions, stress, and anxiety that hinder English language learning and speaking. This study was built around the multisensory theory and brain-based learning theory. Using a semi-longitudinal approach, data was collected from 40 senior two students to explore difficulties in learning English from one school in Nyagatare district. These were selected purposefully from the population of 340 students. A six-week classroom experiment from April 15 to May 23, 2024, gathered both quantitative and qualitative data on how brain activation methods enable English learning speaking. Single-group experiments and observations were used to collect data. In the experiment, the procedure of pretest-treatment-posttest was implemented. SPSS software was used to analyze the data, with results showing improved post-test scores after targeted interventions. In the pre-test, the mean score ranges between 1 and 2.5 with a standard deviation that swings between 0.405 and 0.802 for all questions, while the mean score in the post-test aligns between 3.5 and 5 with a standard deviation that wheels between 0.267 and 0.813, which significantly indicates high scores after the treatment. Therefore, the study highlights the significant impact of brain activation methods accompanied by multisensory integration as the neurocognitive approach to English language learning and speaking. The research suggests that education stakeholders and policymakers should consider this approach for successful English language learning to avoid overloading teenagers’ brains with heavy programs.
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Background: Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) are 21st-century thinking skills needed by students to survive the demands of the current era. However, the problem is that teachers often do not optimally include HOTS in the lesson plan and the implementation of learning. Research Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the teacher's skill in preparing HOTS lesson plans and the teacher's performance in applying them to physical education. Methods: This type of research is correlational using two research variables: the teacher's skills in preparing HOTS lesson plans and teaching performance. The participants were 28 physical education teachers (men = 21, women = 7) who participated in the Teacher Professional Education Programme at Universitas Negeri Padang in 2022. The HOTS lesson plan data and teacher teaching videos were taken from the documented performance test results (PDF files and teaching videos). Data analysis used regression with the help of SPSS version 25. Findings/Results: The results showed that α < 0.05 (0.007) with a regression value of 2.923 means that the teacher's skills in preparing HOTS lesson plans are positively determined by their performance in teaching HOTS to students. The contribution made by the teacher's ability to prepare HOTS lesson plans to teacher teaching performance is 24.70%. Conclusion: Teachers who can prepare a good HOTS lesson plan can provide a guarantee for their HOTS teaching performance. Thus, the more detailed the teacher formulates the goals, objectives, activities, media, and HOTS assessments, the more it helps them determine their teaching performance that encourages their students' HOTS.
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Background: Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) are 21st-century thinking skills needed by students to survive the demands of the current era. However, the problem is that teachers often do not optimally include HOTS in the lesson plan and the implementation of learning. Research Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the teacher's skill in preparing HOTS lesson plans and the teacher's performance in applying them to physical education. Methods: This type of research is correlational using two research variables: the teacher's skills in preparing HOTS lesson plans and teaching performance. The participants were 28 physical education teachers (men = 21, women = 7) who participated in the Teacher Professional Education Programme at Universitas Negeri Padang in 2022. The HOTS lesson plan data and teacher teaching videos were taken from the documented performance test results (PDF files and teaching videos). Data analysis used regression with the help of SPSS version 25. Findings/Results: The results showed that α < 0.05 (0.007) with a regression value of 2.923 means that the teacher's skills in preparing HOTS lesson plans are positively determined by their performance in teaching HOTS to students. The contribution made by the teacher's ability to prepare HOTS lesson plans to teacher teaching performance is 24.70%. Conclusion: Teachers who can prepare a good HOTS lesson plan can provide a guarantee for their HOTS teaching performance. Thus, the more detailed the teacher formulates the goals, objectives, activities, media, and HOTS assessments, the more it helps them determine their teaching performance that encourages their students' HOTS.
En este artículo se realiza una revisión teórica sobre la importancia de las dinámicas de grupo como un elemento más del sistema dinámico complejo que es el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. En primer lugar, se traza la trayectoria histórica teórica y se perfila también la relación de las dinámicas de grupo con otros aspectos como la motivación, la exposición al input o la mejora de aspectos afectivos. Posteriormente, se describe qué es un grupo y cómo se caracteriza para, por último, ofrecer reflexiones didácticas, constatar tendencias y proponer ejemplos de actividades de clase.
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Bu çalışmada Türkçeyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen temel düzeydeki Arapça konuşurlarının sesli okuma ve konuşma etkinlikleri sırasında yapmış oldukları sesletim hatalarını tespit etmek; bu hataları ana dili etkisi, cinsiyet ve yaş değişkenleri ekseninde incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın katılımcıları benzeşik (homojen) örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen, Azez ve Afrin Yunus Emre Türk Kültür Merkezlerindeki temel düzey kurslarında Türkçe öğrenen 91 öğreniciden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada ana dilinin yanı sıra yaş ve cinsiyet değişkenlerinin sesletim becerisindeki etkisini tespit etmek amaçlandığından araştırmaya 58 yetişkin (32 erkek-26 kadın) ve 33 çocuk (18 erkek-15 kız) katılım göstermiştir. Parçalı-parçalarüstü birimlerdeki sesletim hatalarını tespit edebilmek için okuma metinleri, ana dili konuşurları (6 yetişkin-6 çocuk) tarafından da sesletilmiştir. Yabancı dil öğrenicilerinin hedef dil konuşurlarıyla iletişime geçmesinin yolu; anlaşılır, akıcı ve doğru konuşma becerisinden geçer. Bu sebeple Diller İçin Avrupa Ortak Başvuru Metni’nde (D-AOBM), sesletim becerisinin kazandırılmasına yönelik kazanımlar konuşma dilinin nitel özellikleri ve sesbilimsel denetim ölçeği başlığı altında sunulmuştur. Buna göre öğrenici hedef dilin seslerini ancak C2 düzeyinde açıklık ve netlikle sesletebilir hâle gelmektedir. Ancak bireylerin temel düzeyden itibaren hedef dilin parçalı-parçalarüstü özelliklerini sınırlı alanda da olsa kullanabileceğine yönelik kazanımlara da yer verilmiştir. Söz konusu sesletim kazanımlarının öğrenici tarafından elde edilip edilmediğinin anlaşılmasının yolu; geçerli ve güvenilir araştırmalarla mümkündür. Bu sebeple temel düzey Türkçe öğretimi setlerinden seçilen 12 okuma metni ve 4 bağımsız konuşma sorusu öğrenicilere sunulmuş, öğrenicilerin sesli okuma ve konuşma performansları kayıt altına alınmıştır. Verilerin incelenmesinde Praat (Boersma ve Weenink, 2024) ses analizi programından yararlanılmıştır. Öğrenicilerin ve ana dili konuşurlarının ses kayıtlarından elde edilen veriler, Python programlama diliyle grafikleştirilmiş; nitel araştırma desenlerinden betimsel analiz ve içerik analiziyle incelenerek yorumlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğrenicilerin parçalı birimlerdeki sesletim hatalarının kritik dönem hipotezini destekleyecek nitelikte olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çocukların farklı nitelikteki ünlüler ve ünsüzlerle kurulan hece birliklerini sesletmekte yetişkinlerden daha başarılı olduğu ancak cinsiyet değişkeni açısından incelendiğinde yetişkinlerde erkeklerin, çocuklarda ise kızların Türkçenin sesbirimlerini üretmekte daha az güçlük yaşadığı bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Ana dili engeli açısından analiz edildiğinde ise öğrenicilerin ana dilinin fonetik envanterinde bulunmayan seslerden sırasıyla en çok /ü/, daha sonra /ö/, akabinde /ı/ ve son olarak /o/ ile kurulan hece birliklerini üretmekte sorun yaşadığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca öğreniciler, Türkçe sözcük ve cümle vurgularında da ana dilinden olumsuz aktarımlar yapmıştır. Öğrenicilerin sosyal olarak anlaşılır düzeyde aksan hedefine ulaşabilmesi ve iletişim engellerini aşabilmesi amacıyla öğreticilere, program tasarlayıcılara ve araştırmacılara öneriler sunulmuştur.
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Stress is an important factor affecting human behavior, with recent works in the literature distinguishing it as either productive or destructive. The present study investigated how the primary emotion of stress is correlated with engagement, focus, interest, excitement, and relaxation during university students’ examination processes. Given that examinations are highly stressful processes, twenty-six postgraduate students participated in a four-phase experiment (rest, written examination, oral examination, and rest) conducted at the International Hellenic University (IHU) using a modified Trier protocol. Network analysis with a focus on centralities was employed for data processing. The results highlight the important role of stress in the examination process; correlate stress with other emotions, such as interest, engagement, enthusiasm, relaxation, and concentration; and, finally, suggest ways to control and creatively utilize stress.
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Over recent decades, the science of teaching and learning has started to provide research-based guidance for educational practices as well as a growing collaboration between neuroscientists, practitioners, and psychologists to create a common language in neuro-educational theory and practice (Chang et al, 2021; Dubinsky et al, 2019; Zadina, 2015). This theoretical paper explores the developments of brain science research and its connection to teaching and learning, focusing on the fundamental and essential processes that schools should implement within the framework of the science of teaching and learning. It brings to the forefront the importance of the responsibility of practitioners on the neuroscience level, including everything from challenging the idea of fixed intelligence to content learning to thinking carefully about promoting and enhancing self-regulated learning, growth mindset, executive function skills, emotional intelligence, as well as memory training. Additionally, it highlights the pivotal role of sleep in the context of learner performance and the overall quality of the learning experience. Strategies that support well-being and their impact on the quality of learning are also addressed. This contribution serves to bridge the gap between educational theory and practice, affirming the integral role that neuroscience plays in enhancing the teaching and learning processes.
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to find out what the surveyed respondents thought of digital technology and how they used it to support their learning and to identify the strategies that they used in helping them learn at the master's level. The survey was conducted in Term 1, Academic Year 2019, with a group of 41 international students in the Master of Education Program at a Thai private university. Four open-ended questions with an IOC analysis score of 1 were used in the survey. The responses collected from 41 filled-out surveys were then categorized into themes, of which their frequencies were counted to show the preference level. It was found that students used digital technology currently available to support their learning. They enjoyed the fast speed, convenience, and real-time of the Internet through Google delivers, although caution was given that digital technology should be used for the right purposes. The most common IT gadgets students used were mobile phones and laptops, while the most often employed search engines were Google and Chinese websites and applications. YouTube came in the third. The learning strategies adopted by the participants were group discussion, reading literature (theories and books), and watching YouTube videos. Learning by memorization was found at the bottom of the list. In conclusion, the respondents were using the right learning strategies; however, they could not maximize the use of digital technology because of difficult access to the library databases. It is suggested that the students should be trained to use the resources available and that the academic resource systems should become more accessible.
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The study sought to find out the effect of CRS teachers’ knowledge of human development on their knowledge of teaching practices. The influence of their academic qualifications, professional qualifications and teaching experiences on their knowledge of human development and teaching practices were sought. Through the cross-sectional survey design, quantitative data was collected from 23 CRS teachers and 400 students through a questionnaire. Census method was used to involve all teachers whiles the proportionate random sampling was used to select the students. Results from the study showed that CRS teachers have high knowledge of human development and teaching practices. Results of the factorial ANOVA portrayed that CRS teachers’ academic qualifications, professional qualifications and teaching experiences do not simultaneously and individually significantly influence their knowledge of human development (F (16,3,) = 1.412, p = .352, partial ƞ2 = .790) and teaching practices (F (16,3,) = 3.555, p = .063, partial ƞ2 = .905). Simple linear regression results portrayed that teachers’ knowledge of human development lowly explains 6% of the variance in knowledge of teaching practices (F (1, 21) =.109, p= .744, R =.297a, R2= .055, R2 Adjusted = .042) although the effect is not significant. It was recommended that GES should assign only qualified and professional teachers to teach CRS. The assignment of unqualified and non-professional teachers to teach the subject has been a major issue. Again, GES should collaborate with the NaCCA to organise periodic workshops for CRS teachers in the country irrespective of their qualifications and teaching experiences.
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С нарастването на популярността на английския език като лингва франка и развитието на съвременните ИКТ в дигиталната ера, се търсят все повече нови и иновативни методи и инструменти в ЧЕ обучение по английски език, които да подобрят ефикасността на процеса на преподаване и обучение и да отговорят на нуждите на новите поколения обучаеми, които сърдечно приветстват използването на новите технологии в класната стая и извън нея. Слушането на аудиокниги при изучаването на английски език се оказва отлична алтернатива в това отношение. Появата на аудиокнигите преосмисля не само традиционния начин, по който всички ние четем книги в дигиталната ерата, но и начина, по който може да учим чужд език. Аудиокнигите се считат за революция във формата на книгите през информационната ера и за най-бързо развиващия се формат в дигиталната книгоиздателска индустрия.
New Media technology is changing education patterns rapidly. Online learning became an essential part of Education after COVID-19. The research explored the status of video-based online learning, the effectiveness of SVBOLT (synchronous video-based online teaching and learning) and AVBOLT (asynchronous video-based online learning and teaching), and the barriers and solutions to those encountered during online video-based learning. 80 teachers and 160 students from India's different regions, like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana, participated in this study. The study was conducted on students of the 8th class and above standard. Teachers were selected who teach the students through offline and online modes. Samples were collected randomly from the questionnaire via online and offline modes. The result states that while learning with the SVBOLT platform, students have to face various problems. During live webcasts through various apps, there is a fixed study time and place that cannot be changed, if, during this time they face internet connectivity issues, students can suffer from the problems. AVBOLT reduces the obstacles that were faced in learning through SVBOLT. AVBOLT is an effective platform compared to SVBOLT. AVBOLT enhances the teaching and learning experience. Some aspects should be prioritized for effective online learning, such as Teachers should be trained for presentation in front of the camera and should have the necessary technical knowledge related to PPT (PowerPoint Presentation). AVBOLT provides error-free, quality content to learners. The use of this blended education method (online and offline learning) is a worthy step in the direction of making studies completely online with new technologies. However, the institutes and the schools will have to ensure that their content is technically and educationally sound.
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