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Ex-ante life cycle assessment of commercial-scale cultivated meat production in 2030

Springer Nature
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

Abstract and Figures

Purpose Cultivated meat (CM) is attracting increased attention as an environmentally sustainable and animal-friendly alternative to conventional meat. As the technology matures, more data are becoming available and uncertainties decline. The goal of this ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) was to provide an outlook of the environmental performance of commercial-scale CM production in 2030 and to compare this to conventional animal production in 2030, using recent and often primary data, combined with scenario analysis. Methods This comparative attributional ex-ante LCA used the ReCiPe Midpoint impact assessment method. System boundaries were cradle-to-gate, and the functional unit was 1 kg of meat. Data were collected from over 15 companies active in CM production and its supply chain. Source data include lab-scale primary data from five CM producers, full-scale primary data from processes in comparable manufacturing fields, data from computational models, and data from published literature. Important data have been cross-checked with additional experts. Scenarios were used to represent the variation in data and to assess the influence of important choices such as energy mix. Ambitious benchmarks were made for conventional beef, pork, and chicken production systems, which include efficient intensive European animal agriculture and incorporate potential improvements for 2030. Results and discussion CM is almost three times more efficient in turning crops into meat than chicken, the most efficient animal, and therefore agricultural land use is low. Nitrogen-related and air pollution emissions of CM are also lower because of this efficiency and because CM is produced in a contained system without manure. CM production is energy-intensive, and therefore the energy mix used for production and in its supply chain is important. Using renewable energy, the carbon footprint is lower than beef and pork and comparable to the ambitious benchmark of chicken. Greenhouse gas profiles are different, being mostly CO2 for CM and more CH4 and N2O for conventional meats. Climate hotspots are energy used for maintaining temperature in reactors and for biotechnological production of culture medium ingredients. Conclusions CM has the potential to have a lower environmental impact than ambitious conventional meat benchmarks, for most environmental indicators, most clearly agricultural land use, air pollution, and nitrogen-related emissions. The carbon footprint is substantially lower than that of beef. How it compares to chicken and pork depends on energy mixes. While CM production and its upstream supply chain are energy-intensive, using renewable energy can ensure that it is a sustainable alternative to all conventional meats. Recommendations CM producers should optimize energy efficiency and source additional renewable energy, leverage supply chain collaborations to ensure sustainable feedstocks, and search for the environmental optimum of culture medium through combining low-impact ingredients and high-performance medium formulation. Governments should consider this emerging industry’s increased renewable energy demand and the sustainability potential of freed-up agricultural land. Consumers should consider CM not as an extra option on the menu, but as a substitute to higher-impact products.
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The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
Ex‑ante life cycle assessment ofcommercial‑scale cultivated meat
production in2030
PelleSinke1 · ElliotSwartz2· HermesSanctorum3· CoenvanderGiesen1· IngridOdegard1
Received: 1 July 2022 / Accepted: 14 December 2022 / Published online: 12 January 2023
© The Author(s) 2023, corrected publication 2023
Purpose Cultivated meat (CM) is attracting increased attention as an environmentally sustainable and animal-friendly alterna-
tive to conventional meat. As the technology matures, more data are becoming available and uncertainties decline. The goal
of this ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) was to provide an outlook of the environmental performance of commercial-scale
CM production in 2030 and to compare this to conventional animal production in 2030, using recent and often primary data,
combined with scenario analysis.
Methods This comparative attributional ex-ante LCA used the ReCiPe Midpoint impact assessment method. System bounda-
ries were cradle-to-gate, and the functional unit was 1kg of meat. Data were collected from over 15 companies active in
CM production and its supply chain. Source data include lab-scale primary data from five CM producers, full-scale primary
data from processes in comparable manufacturing fields, data from computational models, and data from published litera-
ture. Important data have been cross-checked with additional experts. Scenarios were used to represent the variation in data
and to assess the influence of important choices such as energy mix. Ambitious benchmarks were made for conventional
beef, pork, and chicken production systems, which include efficient intensive European animal agriculture and incorporate
potential improvements for 2030.
Results and discussion CM is almost three times more efficient in turning crops into meat than chicken, the most efficient
animal, and therefore agricultural land use is low. Nitrogen-related and air pollution emissions of CM are also lower because
of this efficiency and because CM is produced in a contained system without manure. CM production is energy-intensive,
and therefore the energy mix used for production and in its supply chain is important. Using renewable energy, the carbon
footprint is lower than beef and pork and comparable to the ambitious benchmark of chicken. Greenhouse gas profiles are
different, being mostly CO2 for CM and more CH4 and N2O for conventional meats. Climate hotspots are energy used for
maintaining temperature in reactors and for biotechnological production of culture medium ingredients.
Conclusions CM has the potential to have a lower environmental impact than ambitious conventional meat benchmarks, for
most environmental indicators, most clearly agricultural land use, air pollution, and nitrogen-related emissions. The carbon
footprint is substantially lower than that of beef. How it compares to chicken and pork depends on energy mixes. While CM
production and its upstream supply chain are energy-intensive, using renewable energy can ensure that it is a sustainable
alternative to all conventional meats.
Recommendations CM producers should optimize energy efficiency and source additional renewable energy, leverage supply
chain collaborations to ensure sustainable feedstocks, and search for the environmental optimum of culture medium through
combining low-impact ingredients and high-performance medium formulation. Governments should consider this emerg-
ing industry’s increased renewable energy demand and the sustainability potential of freed-up agricultural land. Consumers
should consider CM not as an extra option on the menu, but as a substitute to higher-impact products.
Keywords Cultivated meat· Cultured meat· Comparative LCA· Alternative proteins· Renewable energy· Culture
medium· Carbon footprint· Land use
Responsible editor: Arnaud Hélias
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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235The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
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1 Introduction
Cultivated meat (CM), also referred to as cultured or cell-
based meat, is genuine animal meat or seafood produced
by cultivating animal cells directly via modern biotech-
nological methods (Specht etal. 2018). CM is intended to
be interchangeable in diets, competing in the marketplace
on taste, nutrition, and other meat attributes. Currently,
over 100 companies across the globe have been founded
to bring CM to market; however, it has only been approved
for sale in Singapore (GFI 2022).
CM is a sub-discipline of cellular agriculture, which
broadly aims to substitute agricultural products derived
primarily from animals, including meat, seafood, milk,
materials such as leather and fur, and individual proteins
such as collagen or heme. Plant-derived products such as
cocoa, cotton, or palm oil can also be targeted through cel-
lular agriculture approaches. The potential benefits of cel-
lular agriculture lie in the removal of the animal or plant
middle-man, coincident with a reduction in any negative
externalities that contribute to climate change and envi-
ronmental degradation, risk of antibiotic resistance and
zoonotic disease, and animal welfare concerns (Stephens
etal. 2018). Furthermore, having more control over the
production process may lead to safer, more nutritious, and
tastier products than their conventionally produced coun-
terparts. Manufacturers of cellular agriculture products
assume that these features will make them attractive to
consumers and interchangeable in diets with little behav-
ioral change required.
1.1 Food system impacts, global picture
conventional animal agriculture, andfootprints
Although animal products contribute around 18% of calo-
ries and 37% of protein to the average global diet, the
impacts on the environment are disproportionately large
compared to non-animal products in diets (Poore and
Nemecek 2018). Estimates of global animal agriculture’s
contribution to environmental issues are as follows:
Climate change: 16.5–19.4% contribution to total
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, making ani-
mal production by far the highest contributor within
food system emissions, twice as large as plant-based
sources (Crippa etal. 2021; Twine 2021; Xu etal.
2021). The contribution of ruminants to total animal
agriculture emissions is significant due to their meth-
ane emissions, with enteric fermentation accounting
for 27% of global anthropogenic methane emissions
(Global Methane Initiative 2015; Grossi etal. 2019).
Without interventions food system emissions alone
could preclude Paris Agreement climate targets to limit
warming at 1.5°C by 2050 (Clark etal. 2020).
Land use and land use change: 83% of global agricultural
land use, including pastures and cropland for feed (Poore
and Nemecek 2018), which in turn is the main driver
for global land use change (Poore and Nemecek 2018;
Pendrill etal. 2019; FAO 2022).
Water use: 41% of green and blue water use combined,
although contribution to blue water use is around 6%
(Heinke etal. 2020).
Nutrients: Over a third of anthropogenic nitrogen emis-
sions (Uwizeye etal. 2020) and a dominant driver of
disruption of natural nitrogen and phosphorus cycles
(Garske and Ekardt 2021).
Biodiversity loss: All of the impacts mentioned above are
strong drivers for loss in biosphere integrity (Steffen etal.
2015). Current production of animal products has a dis-
proportionately large effect on biodiversity loss compared
to other food products (Benton etal. 2021).
Reducing the impact of meat production on the envi-
ronment can be achieved by improving animal agriculture
and reducing the amount of animal agriculture. Given that
animal meat consumption is projected to rise by more than
70% by the year 2050, compared to 2010 (FAO 2011), cel-
lular agriculture technologies that can ultimately reduce the
amount of animal agriculture are of paramount importance,
as any improvements to conventional animal agriculture may
be offset by anticipated growth.
1.2 Impacts ofCM andconventional meats
LCA studies up to date indicate that CM has the potential to
have lower carbon footprint, land use, water use, and eutroph-
ication effects than most conventional meats (Tuomisto and
Teixeira de Mattos 2011; Tuomisto etal. 2014, 2022; Mattick
etal. 2015). An overview of the main study characteristics
and results is provided in Appendix A. For land use, the dif-
ference is most striking, mirroring that CM is a more efficient
way of turning biotic resources into meat. Energy use of CM
however is higher, and therefore generally CO2-emissions are
expected to be higher. Because animal production systems
have greater emissions of strong greenhouse gasses (GHGs)
such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), and have
higher land use change (LUC)-related emissions, aggregated
climate change effects of CM are generally found to be lower
than conventional meats. The most recent results for CM
from Mattick etal. (2015) and Tuomisto etal. (2022) show
that CM has the potential to have lower carbon footprints
than global averages for all animal meats but will likely have
higher carbon footprints than efficiently produced chicken
(Poore and Nemecek 2018).
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236 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
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Because of the different GHG-emission profiles between
CM and conventional meats, Lynch and Pierrehumbert
(2019) modeled beef consumption scenarios over a time
period of 1000years, both conventional and CM beef. Their
conclusion is that while “GWP100a” carbon footprints of
CM may be lower than conventional beef, the overall long-
term effect on climate change may be higher, because CO2
from energy production in the CM system remains in the
atmosphere a long time, while CH4 from cows breaks down
into biogenic CO2. The study by Lynch and Pierrehumbert
(2019) however did not account for decarbonization of the
global energy mix. Only Tuomisto etal. (2022) accounted
for the increase in available decarbonized energy and
show that this can have significant influence on the results.
Because of the different GHG emission profiles between CM
and conventional meat, this is a crucial modeling choice and
therefore should be included in scenarios. In this study, this
was taken into account.
1.3 Ex‑ante LCA, upscaling, anduncertainty
CM is being developed with the promise of being more sus-
tainable. However, since the technology is still immature
and mostly on lab- or pilot-scale, this promise cannot yet
be tested on the (large) scale that will benefit most from
economies of scale. In contrast the conventional meat pro-
duction systems and supply chains are mature and efficiently
organized. Comparing a technology that is lab- or pilot-scale
to a mature technology that enjoys the high-efficiency ben-
efits of economies of scale yields an unrealistic picture of
how the new technology could perform. The difficulties in
comparisons notwithstanding, providing a picture of the
environmental impacts and hotspots of a future production
system can aid decision-making for increased sustainability
in the design stages of this system, when it is still relatively
inexpensive to change course of development (Villares etal.
2017; Cucurachi etal. 2019). Performing an LCA before
(ex-ante) a technology is fully developed can therefore
provide highly useful insights to deliver on the promise of
Tsoy etal. (2020) propose a framework for upscaling
of three consecutive steps. These are projected technology
scenario definition, preparation of a projected LCA flow-
chart, and projected data estimation. A few things should
be considered when developing future scenarios (Pesonen
etal. 2000). First, it is important to select a timeframe for the
scenarios. Secondly, there is the option to develop probable
or extreme scenarios. Experts can be used to determine or
describe realistic probable scenarios and future conditions
(Tsoy etal. 2020), while a bandwidth is created between
optimistic and pessimistic development trajectories for
extreme scenarios.
Heijungs and Huijbregts (2004) describe uncertainty
as “the problem of using information that is unavailable,
wrong, unreliable, or that show a certain degree of variabil-
ity.” A common challenge when conducting an ex-ante LCA
is the lack of representative data for the system assessed
which might introduce considerable uncertainty in the study
(van der Giesen etal. 2020). Voglhuber-Slavinsky etal.
(2022) proposed to explicitly acknowledge uncertainty and
use different scenario’s to address uncertainty. Where Tsoy
etal. (2019) states that the performance of ex-ante LCA
increasingly requires the involvement of stakeholders, the
necessary assumptions in defining these scenarios are based
on discussion with relevant stakeholders and “not on firm
statements that are gratuitously presented as correct” (Ott
etal. 2022). Similar to Ott etal. (2022), this study uses sce-
nario and sensitivity analysis to deal with the encountered
uncertainty. For further discussion of ex-ante LCA literature,
see Appendix H.
2 Methods
2.1 Methods andmaterials
2.1.1 General method
This study was a comparative (ex-ante) attributional LCA fol-
lowing general guidelines (ISO14044). Various types of cul-
tivated and conventionally produced meat were assessed and
compared. The impact assessment methods used are ReCiPe
2016 Midpoint v1.1 (Hierarchist perspective) (Huijbregts etal.
2017) and cumulative energy demand (CED) (Frischknecht
etal. 2007), with characterization factors adapted for lower
heating values (LHV), as is included in the used Simapro ver-
sion Six indicators are included in the main paper in
order to limit the number of figures. These are selected both
based on perceived relevance to conventional meat and CM
production systems and on robustness to minor changes in
the LCA models. All ReCiPe 2016 indicators are reported in
Appendix B, and the most important findings for these indica-
tors are discussed in the main paper. Four indicators that are
generally used in LCA of food products (Poore and Nemecek
2018) are included: carbon footprint (climate change), land
use, blue water use, and terrestrial acidification. In addition,
fine particulate matter (FPM) formation, CED, and feed con-
version ratio (FCR) are included. FPM formation is relevant
because this has significant effects on human health (Huijbregts
etal. 2017) and both animal agriculture and industrial supply
chains (such as in CM) have strong contributions to total emis-
sions (Weagle etal. 2018; Wyer etal. 2022). FCR and CED are
included because together they illustrate a fundamental differ-
ence between conventional meat and CM. CM is reportedly a
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237The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
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more efficient way to convert feed into meat, without the need
for growing the whole animal, but with added industrial energy
to fulfill certain functions of living organisms. There are differ-
ent approaches to the indicator CED, and as of yet, there is no
harmonized methodology (Frischknecht etal. 2015). Acknowl-
edging the different approaches to CED, it is useful as a screen-
ing indicator and presented alongside the carbon footprint in
this study for improved interpretation (Huijbregts etal. 2006).
The FCR shows the amount of dry matter (dm) ingredi-
ents needed for the output of 1kg of fresh meat (assumed
dm content between 20 and 30% and protein content between
18 and 25%, see Appendix E). Differentiation is made for
primary products, by-products, and biotic and mineral
resources. The inputs are counted on a crop level. For exam-
ple, to produce 1kg of glucose, more than 1kg (dm) of
sugar crop is needed, because a sugar beet consists of more
than glucose alone. The amount of ingredients needed for
producing 1kg of CM is therefore higher than the sum of
the ingredients in the medium. Whether a by-product can
be used as feed (for animals or CM) is an important sustain-
ability characteristic of a feed regime. It is important to note
here that soybean meal is also classified as a by-product in
the frame used, although this is more a coproduct (Walker
2000). For CM, it is relatively uncertain to what extent by-
products can be used as feed, and therefore only the soy
hydrolysate is assumed to be derived from soybean meal.
2.1.2 Data collection andhandling
Primary data were collected from over 15 companies and
research institutes, both active in CM production and in
the CM supply chain, supplemented by literature and theo-
retical modeling. For an overview of the organizations that
provided data, see Appendix C. Important primary data
points and ranges were checked by independent experts
and/or by mass and energy balancing. Appendix D provides
an overview of the foreground data used, the data quality
(representativeness), number of sources used. and whether
an independent cross-check has been made. Datasets from
individual organizations are confidential, but derived param-
eters and scenarios are included in the appendix. This study
uses sensitivity and scenario analyses to treat uncertainty
and variability in the dataset. For upscaling we considered
the framework presented in Tsoy etal. (2020). We defined
scenarios (with the help of questionnaires and conversations
with stakeholders), prepared an LCA flowchart of what an
average future facility might look like (Figs.1 and 2), and
created the data inventory. Data handling for upscaling is
discussed in Sect.2.3 when applicable.
Data collection took place over the period 2019–2022.
In preliminary conversations with the organizations, a prob-
able timeline for commercial-scale CM production was estab-
lished, resulting in the target year 2030 and a facility size of
10 ktonne/year. This is not to imply that CM products will be
cost-competitive with conventional meat by that time but that
some products such as minced meat could be produced and
sold at ktonne scales. Subsequently, data were requested from
the organizations for their current situation and expectations
for 2030, including technology improvements. The latter data
points were cross-checked and used as much as possible. If
only current data were available, future expectations were
either extrapolated with the help of experts or used as-is.
Clear outliers were removed from the dataset. For impor-
tant and variable data, such as culture media composition
and quantity used, and energy mixes, various scenarios were
developed, and a baseline model was created with representa-
tive values from the dataset (see Sect.2.3). These values were
determined based on data spread, for example, mean, mode,
or geometric mean. The baseline model is not representa-
tive of any single cell type or technology, and the values can
therefore not be interpreted as such.
For CM production, data has been collected and mod-
eled in as much detail as possible, but since there are still
unknowns (and unknown unknowns), data gaps cannot be
avoided. To balance this, conservative estimates were used
and extreme, worst-case scenarios were included.
Data from both land and aquatic animal cell cultures were
collected. CM production for these different species follows
similar practices. However, there are important differences
related to heating and cooling demand, where aquatic cells
in many cases require lower temperatures for growth and
are more tolerant to fluctuations in temperature (Krueger
etal. 2019). Therefore, the worst case is used (land animals,
cultivated around 37°C). These study results are not directly
representative of aquatic CM products, but they can help
shed light on general hotspots when taking these differences
into consideration during the interpretation of the results.
The differences in culture medium use efficiency between
land and aquatic species have not yet been robustly assessed.
Data handling for conventional meat production is dis-
cussed in paragraph 2.3.4.
2.1.3 Background data, software, andallocation
Background data were taken from Ecoinvent 3.7.1. (system
model: allocation, cut-off by classification) (Wernet etal.
2016) and Agri-Footprint 5.0 (system model: economic
allocation) (van Paassen etal. 2019). The software used is
Simapro Allocation was done using economic prin-
ciples, as the available data best suited this form of alloca-
tion, and it is in line with the Ecoinvent database methodol-
ogy (Wernet etal. 2016). Although it is regularly done in
LCA research, one should be aware of potential problems
when combining two datasets from different sources, such as
Agri-Footprint and Ecoinvent. Problems could be differences
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238 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
in methodologies and modeling, selection criteria for data,
and different naming of environmental interventions (emis-
sions and extractions) which can cause problems in impact
assessment. Agri-Footprint has indicated specifically to
this point that modeling of field emissions is mostly done
using similar methodologies as Ecoinvent, and the software
developer of SimaPro, PRé, has ensured that environmen-
tal interventions have been mapped to be compatible with
ReCiPe for both databases (Blonk Sustainability n.d.). Addi-
tionally, we have ensured consistency by using main inputs
from agro-food supply chains from Agri-Footprint and using
transport, energy, synthetic chemicals, and other materials
from Ecoinvent. In order to make the datasets used consist-
ent with the 2030 time horizon used in the study, we have
created foreground processes for the most important inputs
(including energy mixes for 2030, which is also used as an
input into other foreground processes). Further data handling
is described in Sect.2.3. Adapting background databases
in order to be representative of 2030 was not feasible. This
may cause a slight overestimation of environmental impacts
throughout all LCA models presented in this study (both
CM and conventional meats), assuming globally technolo-
gies only become more sustainable over time.
2.2 Goal andscope
2.2.1 Goal
The goal of this study was to compare commercial-scale
CM production in 2030 to conventional meat production to
gain insights into the comparative environmental impacts of
different meats and identify hotspots in CM production. Sce-
narios and sensitivity analyses were used to further explore
the effects of developments internal and external to the CM
product system on the comparison and hotspots.
Fig. 1 Simplified LCA flowchart of cultivated meat (CM) production
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239The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
2.2.2 Scope, system boundaries, andflowchart
System boundaries were cradle-to-gate, excluding packag-
ing (as we assume this to be identical for all products). In
the case of CM, this means after harvesting but before leav-
ing the facility. For conventional meat, this means at the
slaughterhouse gate. All upstream production processes and
transport were included in the scope. All impacts associated
with the product system up to the economy-environment
boundary were included (resource extraction, land use, or
physical emissions). Buildings were excluded for both con-
ventional meats and CM. For CM, bioreactors and culture
medium storage and mixing tanks were included, as these
are inherent to this different technology for meat produc-
tion, and actually can be considered the replacement of the
animal’s body in the CM product system.
The CM system flowchart is provided in Fig.1.
2.2.3 Functional unit
The functional unit was 1kg of land animal meat produced
in 2030. Meat types compared were CM, beef (beef herd),
beef (dairy herd), pork, and chicken. The CM cell type was
non-specific, cultivated around 37°C. CM was produced
using a 10% edible scaffold. To make a conservative com-
parison, the reference product for conventional meats was
1kg of meat, and for CM is 1.1kg product, which includes
1kg meat cells and 0.1 kg edible scaffold. The average
(macro)nutritional composition of the meats under study is
provided in Appendix E.
2.3 Product systems understudy andbaseline
scenario data
2.3.1 CM facility andproduction line design
A CM production facility producing 10 ktonne per year was
modeled. The general product system is shown in Fig.1.
Production lines in the facility operate in parallel and on
staggered schedules. One production line is shown in Fig.2.
Its design was based on Specht (2020) and was adapted in
some aspects based on input from CM companies, such as
the size of the largest proliferation vessel.
Data collection and handling are described in Sect.2.1.2.
The baseline model parameters are provided in Appendix
D. Scenarios and sensitivity analyses were performed to
account for variation and other types of uncertainty.
The baseline production process is semi-continuous
with three harvests from the largest proliferation vessel
(see Fig.2). The same cell culture medium was assumed
to be used throughout the process. Cell proliferation takes
place in a seed train until the largest stirred-tank reactor
(STR) (working volume 10,000 L) is filled to maximum
cell density. At this point, 50% of the cells are harvested,
culture medium replenished, and cells further proliferate
until maximum cell density is reached. As cell doubling
Fig. 2 Design of 1 semi-continuous production line with 3 harvests from the largest proliferation vessel
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240 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
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is exponential, most cell production takes place in this last
phase of proliferation. A targeted feeding regime allows
ingredients to be balanced, and water is expended and recy-
cled throughout the process. There are three intermediate
harvests, in total resulting in 200% of cells, relative to the
maximum number of cells in the largest proliferation reactor
(50% + 50% + 100%). Harvested cells are seeded onto edible
scaffolds for further differentiation and maturation, which
occurs in 4 perfusion reactors (PR, working volume 2000
L) operating in parallel. Conservatively, it was assumed that
no further cell growth takes place in this phase even though
some data suggest mass increase during differentiation can
be more than 100% (Tuomisto etal. 2022). Additional equip-
ment included were medium storage and mixing tanks, a cell
banking system, and centrifuges.
After each production run (12days for the 10,000 L STR
and 10days for the PR), the reactors are cleaned using a
clean-in-place and steam-in-place (CIP/SIP) system. The
total production run time from cell vial to final harvest
from the PR is 42days. For 10 kton/year production, it was
assumed that the facility needs around 130 production lines
to be operating in parallel on a staggered production sched-
ule, which includes accounting for 15–20% downtime for
cleaning and maintenance.
2.3.2 Process parameters
The main parameters regarding the cell culture process and
system design are provided in Appendix D.
2.3.3 Material andenergy inputs andtheir scenarios
For an overview of the sources, data quality, amount of data
points, and whether there has been an independent cross-
check of the data, see Appendix D. The most important data
choices and assumptions are discussed below.
Culture medium Data about culture medium use were pro-
vided by nearly all CM producers involved in this study.
Data was asked for both the current situation and 10years
from now (see Appendix D for more information about
data collection for culture medium). How lab-scale meas-
ured medium efficiency relates to upscaled performances is
uncertain. Some indicated that medium efficiency will go
down with larger scales, and some indicated that there is
no reason to think this will change much or that technology
development will counter any negative effects. The proposed
high medium scenario amply covers the maximum efficiency
decrease mentioned, compared to the baseline (mid) medium
scenario (−20%).
Data were aggregated to the ingredient group level to ensure
confidentiality. Variation in the dataset indicated different
process characteristics and expectations of developments. For
the “low-medium” scenario, data assumptions for enhanced
catabolism cell types from Humbird (2021) were used as an
additional data source for amino acid and sugar consumption.
Lower amino acid and sugar quantities were received from CM
companies but could not be verified by independent experts
and were excluded from this study. Three scenarios were devel-
oped, including two extreme scenarios reflecting the upper and
lower data boundary, in addition to a probable baseline sce-
nario. The baseline scenario values for the ingredient groups
were based on the mean of the dataset, in some cases adjusted
up- or downward if most data points were clustered around a
certain value or if conversation with experts suggested some
data points were more robust than others. The scenarios are
shown in Table1. The values correspond to the amount of
medium ingredients needed for the production of 1kg of meat.
Compared to standard DMEM/F12, the medium formulations
in this study contain relatively high amounts of amino acids.
This could be explained by the fact that when hydrolysates
are used as a (partial) source of amino acids, current evidence
shows that more of them are needed than when single amino
acids are used, because the composition is not defined and not
optimal. Despite this, CM companies are likely to make this
tradeoff due to cost (Humbird 2021) and environmental impact
(Tuomisto etal. 2022) savings that can be expected with the
use of hydrolysates.
The ingredients modeled were feed- or food-grade, with
the exception of the recombinant proteins, for which only
pharma grade data was available. The medium is sterilized
using heat and microfiltration (for heat-sensitive substances).
Pharma-grade microfiltration cartridges were modeled based
on confidential company data.
The main energy, carbon, and nitrogen sources for CM
are glucose and amino acids. Glucose is supplied as con-
ventional food-grade maize glucose. Seventy-five percent
of amino acids are supplied from soy hydrolysate, and the
remaining 25% are single product amino acids from either
microbial or chemical production. The soy used is assumed
to be deforestation-free, just as for the animal feed in this
study. Involved organizations indicated that it is plausible
that hydrolysates can be used to supply amino acids in the
culture medium, as long as the composition is well defined
to enable targeted supplements (Ho etal. 2021). Addition-
ally, soy was selected based on primary data, as it has an
essential amino acid profile that roughly matches that of the
popular basal medium formulation DMEM/F12 (Humbird
2021). L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid supple-
mented to the culture medium and is produced microbially.
L-Glutamine is not available in Agri-Footprint, and therefore
an average of three microbially produced feed-grade amino
acids (lysine, threonine, and methionine) is used as a proxy
(Marinussen and Kool 2010). If only single amino acids
were used instead of hydrolysates, it is possible that less
amino acids would be needed than when using hydrolysates.
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241The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
Recombinant proteins have important functions in the
medium, mainly as growth factors that play a broad role in
the control of various cellular pathways or as proteins that can
transport and deliver nutrients and other macromolecules. It
was assumed that these proteins are produced recombinantly
using microbial fermentation, but little environmental data
are available in the public literature. In this study, confi-
dential company data is used for albumin, transferrin, and
insulin-like growth factor (IGF). These substances are used
in different concentrations in the medium, of which albumin
has by far the highest concentration (if used) and IGF the
lowest. Regarding albumin, companies have widely differ-
ing opinions as to what concentration is needed, or whether
this will be included at all, and therefore the scenarios reflect
this, with albumin present in both the mid- and high-medium
scenarios. IGF production is currently at the smallest scale
and has the highest environmental impact and therefore was
used as a proxy for growth factors, for which production will
likely be at small scales for a long time.
The pH buffering system used is largely bicarbonate in
the low- and mid-medium scenarios. HEPES is used as an
additional buffer, as this is currently widely used. In the
low-medium scenario, HEPES is strongly reduced. HEPES
is a zwitterionic sulfonic acid (C-ring with 4C and 2N),
and therefore naphthalene sulfonic acid, also zwitterionic,
is selected as a proxy.
Edible scaffold Most companies indicated that differentiation
will take place on an edible scaffold. Some options for this are
hydrogels, electrospun collagen mesh, and textured vegetable
protein (TVP), which in that order increasingly support tex-
tured final products (Bomkamp etal. 2022; Wollschlaeger
etal. 2022; Seah etal. 2022). As the final product in this study
was a minced-meat-like product, a starch hydrogel scaffold is
modeled, based on De Marco etal. (2017).
Energy Two energy mixes were modeled for this study.
The conventional energy mix was based on a global aver-
age stated policies scenario for 2030 in the World Energy
Outlook (IEA 2019) (for composition see Appendix D), and
heat is generated using natural gas (European market mix for
industrial heat production from Ecoinvent). The sustainable
energy mix was based on on-shore wind and solar PV elec-
tricity (both 50%) and heat from geothermal sources. Three
energy scenarios were defined, using the energy mixes as an
input into different parts of the model, delineated by scope
1, 2, and 3 as defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG
Protocol 2011):
Ambitious Benchmark 2030: Renewable energy for scope
1, 2, and 3(scope 3 modelingonly for culture medium
ingredients, scaffold, filters, and water purification)
Renewable scope 1 and 2: Renewable energy for scope 1
and 2 (at the facility), average mix for scope 3 (upstream)
Global average energy: Global average energy mix for
scope 1, 2, and 3*
Energy demand for the CM facility and upstream materi-
als and ingredients production was based on primary data
(upstream materials) and computational models for similar
Table 1 Culture medium scenarios (total in g ingredients per kg of cultivated meat cells, therefore excluding any scaffolding material)
Components Low-medium
scenario (g) Baseline scenario
(g) High-medium sce-
nario (g) Main ingredients
Amino acids (total), of which: 200 283 400 L-glutamine, L-Arginine hydrochloride,
multitude of other amino acids
Amino acids from hydrolysate 150 212 300
Amino acids from conventional
production 50 71 100
Sugars (total), of which: 320 400 500 Glucose, pyruvate
Sugars: Glucose 319 398 396
Sugars: Pyruvate 1 2 4
Recombinant proteins 0.2 3 50 Albumin (dominant in the mid- and high
medium scenarios), insulin, transferrin
Salts 100 224 500 Sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate
Buffering agent 2 26 350 HEPES
Vitamins 0.2 2 20 i-Inositol, Choline chloride
Growth factors << 1 << 1 << 1
Water 20,000 44,721 100,000 Ultrapure water
Total (g) 21,142 46,342 102,620
Total (L) 21 47 103
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242 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
large-scale cell culture processes, using the assumptions and
process parameters provided in Appendix D. The energy use
was estimated for one production line as under study here
(Fig.2), and this was multiplied by the amount of production
lines present at the facility. See Appendix D for further infor-
mation about data collection, assumptions, and handling for
facility energy use. For the upstream materials production,
we asked for expected energy use at production scales that
the producers expected to attain in 2030. The energy use
differs per ingredient, as, for example, the technology and
production scales for albumin are already more advanced
than for growth factors, which will be expected to stay at
small scales for a long time due to more limited demand.
Therefore, implicitly, expected status of technology and mar-
ket size is also included for some upstream products.
Water use Water is used in the process for cell culture medium,
CIP, and washing after harvesting. For cell culture medium
water use, see Table1. For the CIP/SIP step, every cleaning
cycle consumes 25%v of the bioreactor working volumes. The
meat is washed after harvesting, for which 2 L water per kg of
meat was assumed. All water was modeled as ultrapure water,
for which production was modeled based on confidential pri-
mary data. Internal water recycling was included and assumed
to be at 75% efficiency, as is demonstrated in full-scale (algal)
cell cultures (Yang etal. 2011; Wang etal. 2012).
Cleaning (CIP/SIP) Energy and water use for equipment
cleaning and sterilization is reported above. Additionally,
an alkaline cleaning agent (NaOH) is used in the CIP step at
a concentration of 0.05% v/v.
Wastewater Waste metabolites produced were calculated,
based on mass balancing of inputs and outputs and includ-
ing the metabolism of C and N sources (see Appendix D)
(Mattick etal. 2015). Wastewater could be treated on- or
off-site, and valuable substances could be separated, reused,
or sold as feedstock to third parties, potentially resulting in
an overall reduced environmental burden. For this study,
wastewater treatment is modeled (proxy: from potato starch
production), and no recycling of medium components except
water was assumed. While companies indicated that this is
an objective, with the provided data, it was not possible to
calculate environmental tradeoffs with regard to increased
energy use and using recycling-grade (ultra)filtration filters.
Equipment Production of bioreactors and storage and mix-
ing tanks for culture medium was modeled (see Appendix
D). Assumptions for calculations for steel and glass wool
insulation were based on Tuomisto etal. (2014), with added
10% mass for piping, heat exchangers, and maintenance in
all equipment. Additional PVC tubing and electronic control
panels were included. The average lifetime of equipment was
20years, with materials recycled at end-of-life.
2.3.4 Conventional meat production anddetermination
ofambitious benchmarks
In this study, we include ambitious benchmarks for meats
from intensive, Western European animal agriculture. Ambi-
tious benchmarks were used to ensure that no unfair advan-
tage is given to CM. CM is often presented as an environ-
mental solution, but in order for that to be true on a product
level, it needs to be able to compete environmentally with
conventional meat products from efficient and sustainable
production systems. The comparison made in this study
shows minimum expected benefits from CM. Current global
average production of conventional meat has 2x – 4 × higher
footprints than the ambitious benchmarks (Poore and
Nemecek 2018).
The ambitious benchmarks for conventional meats are
based on LCA models from Agri-Footprint LCA database
(van Paassen etal. 2019), which represent intensive, efficient
production systems located in the Netherlands (chicken,
pork, dairy cattle) and Ireland (beef cattle). These models
are extended with technological and supply chain improve-
ments. History learns that adoption of sustainability inno-
vations in (animal) agriculture systems is challenging and
actual effects on sustainability are uncertain (OECD 2001).
Additionally, there seems to be an increasing demand for
products with higher animal welfare standards (Scherer etal.
2019), which make certain innovations that could decrease
product carbon footprints unlikely (e.g., slaughtering at
younger ages or keeping livestock fully indoors to capture
methane). The ambitious benchmarks focus on a selection of
improvements that are proven to be feasible and are likely to
be implemented at larger scales by 2030. This does not mean
that these are expected to disseminate widely or globally,
but there is a high likelihood that these kinds of production
systems will exist.
The improvements included for the ambitious bench-
marks are the following (see Appendix F for substantiation):
Reduced methane emissions from cattle (− 15%) through
the use of enzymes
Reduced ammonia emissions from cattle (− 5.4%)
through increased outdoor grazing
Renewable energy at farm and feed facilities
No LUC and associated GHG emissions related to soy-
bean production
Beef produced in grazing systems on marginal lands was
excluded from the comparison. It should be acknowledged
that animal production systems can be very different and are
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243The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
often interlinked. This adds complexity to an LCA, among
others with regard to allocation and land use comparisons.
For example, meat from dairy systems (cows, calves, and
bulls) provides more than half of global cattle meat (Vellinga
etal. 2010). This meat has a lower impact because most of the
emissions are allocated to the milk produced in this system.
Meat from dairy systems was also included in the comparison.
The ambitious benchmark of CM consists of the baseline
scenario with renewable energy for scope 1, 2, and partially
scope 3. All scenarios for CM also include LUC-free soy
for soy hydrolysate.
2.4 Sensitivity analyses
There are many process parameters that influence the envi-
ronmental impact and could be further optimized by CM
companies. In this study, six sensitivity analyses were per-
formed for key process parameters that were found variable
in the primary data collected or that were identified in earlier
model iterations as influential for the environmental perfor-
mance of the process (or both):
(A) Cell culture medium composition and efficiency
(B) Maximum cell density
(C) Production run time
(D) Cell volume
(E) Amount of harvests from the largest proliferation vessel
(F) Partially passive cooling
These parameters influence, among others, the number
of bioreactors and production runs, culture medium quan-
tity used, and energy and water demand. For the medium
scenarios, see Table1. For elaboration on the influence on
process dynamics and parameters used for the other sensitiv-
ity analyses, see Appendix G.
3 Results
3.1 Carbon footprints andgreenhouse gas profiles
The carbon footprint results for the baseline production sce-
nario are shown in Fig.3. The baseline scenario is described
in Sect.2.3. Results are shown for different energy mixes,
which are repeated here for clarity (for further info, see
Ambitious benchmark: Renewable energy for scope 1, 2,
and 3*
Renewable scope 1 and 2: Renewable energy for scope 1
and 2 (at the facility), average mix for scope 3 (upstream)
Global average energy: Global average energy mix for
scope 1, 2, and 3
*Scope 3 modeling: only for culture medium ingredients,
scaffold, filters, and water purification
The carbon footprint of cultivated meat is sensitive to
selection of energy mix. In the global average energy sce-
nario, the carbon footprint is over 14kg CO2-eq./kg meat,
while the ambitious benchmark has a carbon footprint of
less than 3kg CO2-eq./kg meat. In the renewable scope 1
and 2 scenario, the carbon footprint is around 4kg CO2-eq./
kg meat. The hotspot analysis shows that the carbon foot-
print is mainly driven by energy use at the facility (scope 1
and 2) and energy use in production of medium ingredients.
Depending on what electricity mix is used, and in which
scopes, either facility energy use or medium ingredient pro-
duction is the main hotspot.
Energy use at the facility is mainly driven by energy use
of the heat exchanger (cooling energy, ~ 75%), followed by
heating the culture medium (~ 10%), aeration, agitation, CIP/
SIP, and HVAC (all < 5%, see Appendix D). While differ-
ent estimates show slightly different hotspots regarding this
Fig. 3 Carbon footprint of cul-
tivated meat in 2030, baseline
scenario with different energy
Scope 1&2
Global average
kg CO
-eq./kg meat
Scaffold, equipment & othe
Energy at facility: other
Energy at facility: cultivatio
Culture medium
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244 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
energy use, it is clear that in-facility energy demand is high
and current models indicate that cooling energy is one of the
main contributors to be expected. The carbon footprint of
the culture medium is mainly driven by production of amino
acids from microbial or chemical production (29–37%,
depending on the energy mix during production), followed
by recombinant proteins (8–29%), glucose (22–29%), and
soy hydrolysate (12–16%). In the high-medium scenario,
albumin and HEPES both contribute significantly as they
are used in higher concentrations and have a high associ-
ated footprint. On a per kg ingredient basis, the recombinant
proteins have the highest carbon footprint by far, followed by
amino acids from microbial or chemical production. These
are energy-intensive biochemical processes that are currently
mostly not produced at large scales (except for some amino
acids commonly used as food and feed additives), and there-
fore do not enjoy the benefits of economies of scale. The
data for these processes is also rather uncertain, but it seems
clear that most currently used (fermentation) technologies
have high energy use for some time to come, until the indus-
try is fully mature.
The production of the scaffold has a minor contribution
but is also only used at small mass percentages (10% of the
final product) and is made from relatively low-impact mate-
rials. Other (minor) drivers for the carbon footprint are CIP/
SIP and recycling of water. Equipment has a relatively low
contribution to the carbon footprint, at the lifetimes assumed
in the baseline scenario (20years).
Compared to conventional meat, the greenhouse gas
emissions profile is different. In CM production, the main
contributor is CO2, directly or indirectly from energy con-
sumption (also production of raw materials and upstream
industrial processes). In conventional meats, this is more
CH4 and N2O (Table2).
3.2 Comparison ofambitious benchmarks
Figure4 shows the comparison of the ambitious benchmarks
of cultivated and conventional meats for 2030, for a selection
of environmental impacts. Other environmental indicators
are included in Appendix B. CM has a carbon footprint com-
parable to chicken and lower than pork and beef. Beef from
beef cattle has the highest environmental impact for most
indicators. This is largely driven by the production of the
strong greenhouse gas methane, in addition to the relatively
Table 2 Comparison of carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emission profiles of CM and conventional meats
a Scope 3 processes that use renewable energy are the (bio)chemical production of medium ingredients (not the agricultural feedstock produc-
tion), scaffolds, and microfiltration filters
b Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding
Meat System Total Contribution of GHG to
carbon footprintbSource
kg CO2-eq CO2CH4N2O dLUC Other
Cultivated meat 2030
Baseline model + energy
2030 ambitious benchmark 2.8 84% 10% 5% 0% 1% This study
Renewable scope 1 and 2 4.0 86% 9% 4% 0% 1% This study
Global average energy 14.3 91% 7% 2% 0% 0% This study
Cultivated meat 2030
Sensitivity analyses best and
worst case
Sensitivity analysis best case
2030 ambitious
benchmark + passive cooling
2.2 83% 10% 6% 0% 1% This study
Sensitivity analysis worst case
Global average energy + high
medium scenario
24.8 90% 8% 2% 0% 0% This study
Chicken 2030 ambitious benchmark 2.7 58% 9% 21% 13% 0% This study
Current ambitious benchmark 6.0 34% 4% 9% 52% 0% Agri-Footprint 5.0
2018 global average 9.0 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Poore and Nemecek (2018)
Pork 2030 ambitious benchmark 5.1 35% 31% 23% 11% 0% This study
Current ambitious benchmark 6.9 34% 23% 17% 26% 0% Agri-Footprint 5.0
2018 global average 11.4 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Poore and Nemecek (2018)
Beef (dairy cattle) 2030 ambitious benchmark 8.8 16% 54% 27% 2% 0% This study
Current ambitious benchmark 11.0 18% 49% 22% 11% 0% Agri-Footprint 5.0
2018 global average 32.4 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Poore and Nemecek (2018)
Beef (beef cattle) 2030 ambitious benchmark 34.9 16% 46% 37% 1% 0% This study
Current ambitious benchmark 39.8 17% 46% 32% 5% 0% Agri-Footprint 5.0
2018 global average 98.6 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Poore and Nemecek (2018)
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245The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
high feed conversion ratio (see Table3), due to which a lot
of land and agricultural inputs are needed.
Cumulative energy demand is higher than in most con-
ventional meat systems, and this is driven by energy use
within the facility (> 70%), followed by energy use for (bio)
CM ChickenPorkBeef
2030 ambitious benchmarks
kg CO
-eq./kg meat
Carbon footprint
CM ChickenPorkBeef
2030 ambitious benchmarks
MJ/kg meat
Cumulative energy demand
CM ChickenPorkBeef
2030 ambitious benchmarks
a crop-eq./kg meat
Land use
CM ChickenPorkBeef
2030 ambitious benchmarks
l/kg meat
Blue water use
CM ChickenPorkBeef
2030 ambitious benchmarks
kg SO
-eq./kg meat
CM ChickenPorkBeef
2030 ambitious benchmarks
kg PM
-eq./kg meat
Fine particulate matter
Fig. 4 Comparison of ambitious benchmarks of cultivated meat and conventional meats for 2030
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246 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
chemical production of medium ingredients (~ 25%). If this
energy comes from renewable sources, it can be largely
decoupled from the carbon footprint, as is seen in this com-
parison of ambitious benchmarks.
Land use for CM is lower than for all conventional meats,
which is a robust conclusion that is explained by the more
efficient conversion of crops into final product, and there-
fore lower agricultural land use. Land occupied for renew-
able energy production (solar and wind) contributes around
10–20% to total land use, highlighting a tradeoff in land use for
CM, but overall the reduced land use for crops far outweighs
the increased land use for renewable energy production.
Blue water use (surface and groundwater) in CM produc-
tion is higher for chicken, pork, and beef from dairy cattle,
and lower for beef from beef cattle. This result is sensitive
to internal water recycling at the facility (in this ambitious
benchmark, the recycling percentage is 75%).Around half of
the water use is at the facility itself (mostly for use in culture
media), and half in the supply chain, mainly for the (bio)
chemical production of medium ingredients and in the pro-
duction of the renewable energy materials and infrastructure.
Fine particulate matter and acidification results for CM are
lower than those of all conventional meats, and these results are
relatively insensitive to changes in the model. The main reason
for this is that ammonia emissions for CM are lower than in
the animal systems, because there is no manure and CM needs
less crops and therefore less fertilizer. Whereas ammonia is the
dominant driver for fine particulate matter and acidification for
the conventional meat systems, sulfur dioxide and NOx are the
main drivers in the CM system. These are linked to the indus-
trial upstream processes, mainly the production of chemicals for
medium ingredient production and the mining and processing
of materials for the renewable energy infrastructure.
Other impact categories are provided in Appendix B,
some of which are discussed here. Marine eutrophica-
tion shows similarities to acidification results, because
nitrogen-related emissions (importantly ammonia) are
dominant in both indicators. Freshwater eutrophication
results are potentially relatively high for CM (higher than
for chicken and pork) but are sensitive to the configuration
of wastewater treatment processes and upstream industrial
chemical processes and their treatment and therefore also
relatively uncertain. Real-world measurements should pro-
vide a better idea of what type of wastewater treatment is
needed. Toxicity impact categories show variation. While
for the water-related toxicity impact categories conventional
meat production has higher scores, terrestrial ecotoxicity and
human non-carcinogenic toxicity are potentially indicators
where CM performs worse than conventional meat. Similar
to freshwater eutrophication, this is due to upstream pro-
duction of raw materials for the industrialized and energy-
intensive supply chain, highlighting the need for transparent
supply chains and responsible sourcing.
The feed conversion ratio (FCR) for the ambitious bench-
marks is shown in Table3. CM feed conversion ratio is
lower than all conventional meats, which means it is a more
efficient way of turning crops into meat. This explains why
the agricultural land use of CM is low compared to conven-
tional meats. The low FCR is also linked to the relatively
high energy use in CM production, as part of the energy
needed by animals to keep their biological processes going
are now supplied via external (electrical or other) energy.
When looking at the biotic FCR, CM is almost three
times more efficient than chicken, which has the most effi-
cient feed conversion of the conventional meats. Mineral
feed use for CM is relatively high, while for conventional
animal production, this is negligible. In CM production, this
mainly concerns direct use of salts in the culture medium
and indirect use for microbial production of the amino acids
and recombinant proteins. Conventional animals have a rela-
tively large share of by-products in their feed, compared to
CM. However, as the FCR for CM is lower, primary feed use
is still lowest for CM, almost twice as low as for chicken.
3.3 Sensitivity analyses
The dataset used showed variation in some aspects, high-
lighting the different approaches to producing CM and the
uncertainties at this stage of technology development. To
account for this, sensitivity analyses were made, for which
Table 3 Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the ambitious benchmarks, dm in:fresh meat out
a Intensive, Western European production
Resource type Description Cultivated meat ChickenaPorkaBeef (dairy cattle)aBeef (beef cattle)a
Biotic Primary feed 0.8 1.5 3.1 3.7 4.6
By-product feed 0.2 1.3 1.5 2.1 1.1
Grass 7.5 31.6
Mineral Salts and other 0.2
Total biotic + mineral (incl. grass) 1.3 2.8 4.6 13.4 37.3
Total biotic + mineral (excl. grass) 1.3 2.8 4.6 5.8 5.7
Total biotic (excl. grass) 1.0 2.8 4.6 5.8 5.7
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247The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
the carbon footprint results are shown in Table4. Full ReC-
iPe indicator results and further description of the scenarios
are provided in Appendix G.
The most promising routes for lowering the carbon foot-
print of CM production are applying smart cooling (combin-
ing and optimizing passive and active cooling), increasing
the amount of harvests from the largest proliferation ves-
sel (moving towards continuous production), improving
medium efficiency (especially optimizing use of recombi-
nant proteins, amino acids, and pH buffer system), and short-
ening overall production time. These improvements lead to a
reduced energy demand, either in the upstream supply chain
or during production.
Conversely, energy demand and thereby the carbon foot-
print are increased by inefficient medium use, less harvests
(moving towards batch processes), and attaining lower maxi-
mum cell densities or working with smaller cells (at constant
cell densities).
4 Discussion
4.1 Comparison ofcultivated andconventional
CM and conventional meat are fundamentally different tech-
nologies for producing the same product: meat. Compared to
conventional meats, CM is produced in a closed environment
that enables higher degrees of control. This comes at the
expense of requiring more energy but with the advantage of
requiring different and less feed. It is therefore not surpris-
ing that the environmental profiles of CM and conventional
meats are different. This study includes the latest estimates
from industry and experts. While many uncertainties still
exist, public and private research and commercial develop-
ments are accelerating, and environmental data is coming
available at a fast pace. The use of scenarios informs the
high-level conclusions that can already be drawn at this stage
of technology development.
More efficient feed use for CM translates itself directly
into lower agricultural land use and good performance on
other environmental indicators that are strongly linked to
crop production. Indirectly, it also causes CM to have higher
energy use, because part of the energy (calories) used for
biological processes in animals (such as maintaining body
temperature) is replaced by electricity and heat. The impor-
tant distinction between those two types of energy is that
electricity and heat can be produced sustainably, while the
sustainability improvement potential for animal feed is more
limited and less scalable.
The controlled environment, direct metabolism, and
absence of manure in CM production ensure limited emis-
sions from the production process itself. Importantly, ammo-
nia and the strong greenhouse gasses methane and nitrous
oxide are avoided or can be mitigated during wastewater
treatment or spent media recycling, the latter of which was
not yet included in this study. This is in contrast to conven-
tional meat production, where these emissions are harder to
mitigate, because these are inherent to biological processes
that happen in a less controlled environment. CM therefore
performs relatively well on environmental indicators that
are strongly linked to ammonia, such as acidification, fine
particulate matter formation, and marine eutrophication.
For climate change, the sustainability potential of CM is
Table 4 Sensitivity analyses for CM production
Scenario Carbon footprint (CO2-eq./kg meat)
scope 1 and 2 Global
Baseline scenario (reference) 2.8 ref. 4.0 ref. 14.3 ref.
A1: Shorter production run time (− 25%: 32days, 3 harvests) 2.6 − 7% 3.7 − 8% 13.6 − 5%
A2: Longer production run time (+ 25%: 52days, 3 harvests) 3.0 6% 4.3 7% 15.0 4%
B1: Higher cell density (x1.4: 7.1E7 cells/ml) 2.8 − 1% 4.0 − 1% 14.0 − 2%
B2: Lower cell density (× 10: 5E6 cells/ml) 3.9 37% 5.3 30% 20.9 46%
C1: Larger cell volume (5000 µm3) 2.8 − 1% 4.0 − 1% 14.1 − 2%
C2: Smaller cell volume (500 µm3) 3.6 27% 5.0 23% 18.8 31%
D1: Low medium (more efficient medium usage, removal of albumin, largely reduced HEPES use) 2.3 − 17% 2.9 − 28% 12.9 − 10%
D2: High medium (less efficient medium usage, full use of albumin and HEPES) 5.0 78% 13.8 241% 24.8 73%
E1: More harvests from proliferation vessel (5 harvests) 2.5 − 10% 3.8 − 7% 12.2 − 15%
E2: Less harvests from proliferation vessel (1 harvest—batch process) 3.6 28% 4.8 20% 20.4 43%
E3: More harvests from proliferation vessel (10 harvest—going towards continuous process) 2.3 − 18% 3.5 − 13% 10.4 − 28%
F1: Smart cooling (active + passive, 50% electricity reduction for cooling) 2.2 − 21% 3.4 − 15% 9.6 − 33%
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248 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
high, because it is mostly CO2 driving its carbon footprint,
and this emission can be reduced by using decarbonized
technologies like renewable energy. As the global energy
system continues to decarbonize, the average footprint of
CM will continue to decline more strongly than that of con-
ventional meats. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions in
conventional meat production are more difficult to reduce
(Eckard etal. 2010; Höglund-Isaksson and Gómez-Sanabria
2020). If renewable energy is used, the carbon footprint of
CM can be low and comparable to chicken, but if this is not
the case, its carbon footprint may be higher than pork. With
high certainty, the carbon footprint of CM will be lower than
beef from beef cattle.
The bioreactor-based production of CM and the biochemi-
cal production of medium ingredients in the upstream supply
chain have a few important characteristics. Besides the afore-
mentioned high energy use, there is also relatively high blue
water use (surface- and groundwater) and mineral resource
use. Blue water use in industrial bioprocessing technologies
is high. While conventional meats are known for high water
use, the majority of this is green water (rainwater), which is
easily replenishable. Looking at blue water use alone, CM
scores higher than chicken, pork and beef from dairy cattle,
when 75% water is recycled at the facility. Further reduction
of the blue water footprint of CM is possible through further
increasing recycling at the facility (which is in theory well
possible within a controlled environment (Yang etal. 2011;
Wang etal. 2012), and efforts in the supply chain, for exam-
ple by reducing water use for production of culture medium
ingredients.Mineral resource use in CM production in feed
is mostly due to salts in the culture medium and upstream
microbial production processes of medium ingredients. These
salts have relatively low associated impacts per kg, but the
amounts add up when used in significant amounts. Recy-
cling of salts was not considered in this LCA but could be
an important avenue for improving total resource use and
associated environmental indicators. The bioreactors and
other equipment needed for CM production use substantial
amounts of steel and other materials. However, this does not
come up as a hotspot in the carbon footprint, as the opera-
tional impacts (of energy and resources) dwarf the impacts
of the bioreactors over their lifetime (assumed to be 20years
in this study).
Implicit in the comparison of CM and conventional meats
is that the products are equal, or in LCA terminology, the
function is the same. CM uses the same biological processes
to produce the same meat cells; therefore, its function is
arguably the same as conventional meats. However, there
are more ways to look at the function of foods within an
LCA framework, for example, by taking a diet- or product-
based perspective or by focusing on specific nutritional qual-
ity (McAuliffe etal. 2020). As health effects and consumer
perception and behavior cannot yet be studied in relation to
CM, these factors cannot yet be considered. Another factor
influencing the functional unit is the inclusion of the (edible)
scaffold in the final product. While potentially optional for
some CM products, scaffolding materials permit cell adher-
ence and mimic the extracellular matrix of the cells, which
can allow for greater control over the final product’s tex-
ture. Many options for scaffolding material exist (Seah etal.
2022). In this study, the scaffolding material was not con-
sidered meat, and therefore (conservatively) the reference
product of CM is actually ~ 1.1kg of final product, includ-
ing 1kg meat cells and ~ 0.1kg scaffolding material. If the
nutritional quality and consumer perception of the product
including scaffold are comparable to meat, this correction
to the functional unit arguably does not need to be made.
Some effects that are relevant when comparing two fun-
damentally different technologies were not captured in this
LCA. Examples of topics often mentioned in relation to alter-
native proteins such as CM are animal welfare, ecosystem
functions of livestock systems, biodiversity and ecosystem
impacts (especially in aquatic environments), zoonotic dis-
ease and antimicrobial resistance risk, odor and other aspects
affecting quality of living, food security and food sovereignty,
the resilience of and distribution of power in supply chains,
and consumer perception and behavior. These are not cap-
tured in an LCA but arguably part of a broader definition
of sustainability, and therefore there are attempts to include
these within the LCA framework (for animal welfare, see,
e.g., Scherer etal. 2018). Also, a greater debate about the
role of animals in the agricultural and food systems is inad-
equately captured by using a product-based comparison.
An example is the function of animals to produce food on
marginal lands or in high-quality recycling of waste streams.
There is a lot of variation in the environmental impacts or
values that meat production systems have, both for conven-
tional meats and CM. By zooming in on ambitious bench-
marks, this variation is ignored. This study therefore provides
a relevant dataset for the greater discussion on CM, specifi-
cally regarding its product environmental footprint, but many
other factors are important and should be considered.
4.2 Insights from10years ofcultivated meat LCAs
A little over 10years ago, Tuomisto and Teixeira de Mattos
(2011) published the first LCA of CM. That study was fol-
lowed by Tuomisto etal. (2014) and Mattick etal. (2015), and
the results from those early studies were incorporated in addi-
tional assessments by Smetana etal. (2015, 2018) and Lynch
and Pierrehumbert (2019). The most recent addition is an
LCA based on experimental bench-scale data from Tuomisto
etal. (2022). A comparison of these studies, including study
design and main environmental indicators, are presented
in Appendix A and compared to this study. Over the years,
insights have progressed, uncertainties have decreased, and
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249The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
environmental benefits and hotspots have become clearer. In
all studies, biotic resource use is relatively low compared to
conventional meats, but there is variation in the type of feed-
stocks used and the extent to which hydrolysates can be incor-
porated. These factors can significantly influence environmen-
tal performance. In this study, the effects of more sustainable
feedstocks were not included, but previous assessments,
such as those that modeled hydrolysates from cyanobacte-
ria (Tuomisto and Teixeira de Mattos 2011; Tuomisto etal.
2014), show that there may be opportunities here. The con-
trolled environment and efficient resource use of CM show
sustainability potential with regard to direct farm/facility-level
emissions and associated disruption of nutrient cycles, which
are serious and hard to mitigate environmental concerns in
conventional animal agriculture. Estimates of energy use have
increased over the years, highlighting the relative uncertainty
in this regard and the importance of decarbonizing the energy
sources. As energy estimates are shown to be uncertain, in
this study, a conservative approach has been taken, in which
importantly the cooling load is supplied by active cooling. It
may well be that energy use at large scales is lower than the
current estimate, as is shown by the sensitivity analysis on
smart cooling.
4.3 Environmental hotspots incultivated meat
production andtechnology development
The main environmental hotspots of CM production are the
facility energy use and culture medium ingredient produc-
tion, in which energy use also plays an important role. The
impacts of CM can therefore be greatly reduced by using
renewable energy in both the facility (scope 1 and 2) and the
supply chain, mainly for production of medium ingredients.
4.3.1 Energy
Facility energy use is directly within the influence of the CM
producers. As far as possible, energy efficiency should be
optimized. In this study, a conservative estimate of energy
use is taken, mainly regarding the need for a large active
cooling load, which accounts for ~ 75% of energy use. The
need for the cooling load as modeled here is uncertain.
In comparison, Tuomisto etal. (2022) model lower facil-
ity energy demand (according to our calculations 2.8–9.6
kWh/kg meat cells, compared to 22.3 kWh/kg meat cells
in the baseline scenario in this study). As this study and
Tuomisto etal. (2022) assess different bioreactor systems (a
combination of STRs and perfusion reactors and a hollow
fiber bioreactor, respectively), different production scales
(commercial and bench-scale, respectively) have different
process characteristics; these numbers cannot directly be
compared, and therefore these differences cannot easily be
explained. An important reason could be that the approach
used to calculate facility energy demand in this study differs
from previous studies (Mattick etal. 2015; Tuomisto etal.
2022) in the sense that data from computational models of
similar processes at large scales were used, instead of using
thermodynamic calculations for specific processes at the cell
level. This results in higher estimates for overall energy use
in this study and specifically for necessary cooling load. It
is therefore a conservative approach. It is also possible that
there are differences in heating and cooling efficiency due
to differences in bioreactor sizes, overall water volumes,
cooling jacket design, and vessel geometry. The topic of
heating and cooling balance is an area of ongoing research
and development in the field, because large-scale empirical
data for CM production does not exist yet. While small-scale
cultures generally do not produce much heat, heat dynamics
may change at larger scales, resulting in temperature hot-
spots that need to be cooled quickly (Li etal. 2020). The
demand for heating and cooling will depend on multiple
factors such as reactor design, cell densities, oxygen uptake
rates (OUR), and glucose consumption. Further modeling of
real-world pilot CM processes, and preferably experimental
data, is needed to provide more accurate estimates of heating
and cooling demand at scale.
Environmental impacts of cooling could also be mitigated
by applying partially passive cooling. Whether this is pos-
sible will depend on the environmental conditions of the
facility location and ambient temperatures. The most univer-
sally applicable cooling systems are based on active cooling,
using vapor-compression refrigeration or cooling water, both
of which ultimately reject their heat to the ambient air. The
economic optimum temperature differential in the cooling
system will be around 10°C. The production process consid-
ered in this study has to be kept around 37°C, so the cooling
fluid will have a maximum temperature of around 27°C.
Another 10°C temperature differential is required to reject
the heat to the ambient air. Roughly speaking, there are four
options for cooling, ranging from active to fully passive
cooling, that are suitable for different ambient temperatures:
Using a refrigeration cycle, for ambient temperatures up
to 27°C
Using cooling water and an evaporating cooling tower,
for ambient temperatures up to 22°C
Using cooling water and an air fin cooler with mechanical
air circulation, for ambient temperatures up to 17°C
Using cooling water and an air fin cooler without
mechanical air circulation, for ambient temperatures up
to 12°C
Depending on year-round ambient temperature condi-
tions, there will be a need for active or passive cooling, or
likely a combination of both, as many locations on Earth
have strong seasonal temperature fluctuations. In the
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250 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
baseline scenario, year-round use of the refrigeration cycle
was assumed as this is suitable for any location at any time,
but this is a conservative approach.
The cooling electricity demand can be reduced by opti-
mizing the cooling system to the geographical location. The
sensitivity analysis on smart cooling (cutting down the elec-
tricity demand by 50%) shows that this can have a significant
effect on the carbon footprint (− 33% in the global average
energy scenario and 21% in the ambitious benchmark sce-
nario). This could be extended to the biochemical production
processes in the upstream supply chain, but this was not
considered in this study. Also not considered in this study
is that the carbon footprint of electricity will on average be
lower when active cooling load is most needed, as this is
when ambient temperatures are highest and there is more
solar electricity available. This has a damping effect on the
carbon footprint of products that use a lot of cooling energy.
Cooling system design will always be strongly related to
location-specific opportunities. Cold-water sources (e.g.,
oceans or rivers) or residual heat from industry (for absorp-
tion cooling) might be viable options, but this depends on
geographical, legal, and economic context.
Whatever the exact assumptions for facility energy
demand, it is clear that energy sourcing is an important
lever for sustainability. Lower energy use results in lower
carbon footprints and the conservative energy assumptions
in this study therefore possibly result in conservative carbon
footprints estimates. CM companies should look for suitable
locations where renewable energy, especially electricity, is
abundant. There is evidence that this is already occurring in
the CM industry.
CM is a new and potentially large sector with substantial
energy demand, and thus its role in the energy transition
must be considered. On the one hand, it may increase pres-
sure on an energy transition that is already experiencing dif-
ficulty meeting global climate goals (Gielen etal. 2021). On
the other hand, it is potentially disruptive to the food system,
providing meat with a significantly smaller land footprint,
which provides opportunities to use this land for additional
carbon storage or renewable energy production while reduc-
ing deforestation pressure. Additional studies are needed to
further understand this carbon opportunity cost, and robust
policies will be needed to realize these opportunities.
4.3.2 Culture medium
Culture medium ingredient production is the second envi-
ronmental hotspot, which becomes important (even domi-
nant) when renewable energy is used for the facility. These
impacts are mostly driven by the energy-intensive produc-
tion of recombinant proteins and single amino acids pro-
duced microbially or chemically, followed by glucose, soy
hydrolysate, and HEPES (if used). When albumin is used in
the medium, this dwarfs the impact of the other ingredients,
as it is needed in up to 100,000 times higher concentra-
tions than growth factors. The estimated carbon footprint of
microbially produced amino acids is 5x – 10 × higher than
amino acids from hydrolysates. If production with hydro-
lysates is not realized, and companies continue to rely on
single amino acids, the impacts of culture medium are likely
to be higher, even though less amino acids would be needed
as the medium would be fully defined. This is illustrated in
Tuomisto etal. (2022), where the amino acids are the domi-
nant driver for the life cycle carbon footprint of CM. The
industries supplying the recombinant proteins and amino
acids necessary for CM production are not yet always at
scale, and therefore this study uses ex-ante estimates for
these products for a large part. Currently, these ingredi-
ents come from the pharma sector, where price pressure is
low, and therefore energy efficiency is not the main prior-
ity. As the CM industry matures, the recombinant protein
and amino acid industries will also mature and be incentiv-
ized towards more sustainable practices given the impor-
tance of scope 3 emissions. A dialogue between the CM
companies and their suppliers is needed to implement these
practices, guided by LCAs that model medium composi-
tion and efficiency changes. The majority of recombinant
proteins are currently supplied by microbial fermentation;
however, other methods such as expression in plants, insects,
or cell-free systems may offer advantageous sustainability
characteristics (Tripathi and Shrivastava 2019; GFI 2021).
Fermentation using filamentous fungi currently looks highly
promising from an environmental perspective (Järviö etal.
2021). Future research is needed to clarify the most suitable
production platforms that balance quality, cost, sustainabil-
ity, and other factors that may be important for regulation
and consumer acceptance.
The exact composition and efficiency of the culture
medium show variation between technologies and cell types
(O’Neill etal. 2022). In this study, the various medium sce-
narios reflect realistic future scenarios, to current knowl-
edge, but not per se the absolute upper or lower bounds of
medium efficiency. Lower numbers than those modeled in
the low-medium scenario have been reported, but could
not be generalized across products and technologies at this
point, and were therefore not included. Future research and
experimental data will have to provide additional insights
on this topic.
It is uncertain to what extent CM lends itself to convert-
ing waste- or by-products into edible meat. This could be
an avenue through which the footprint of culture medium
can be reduced. For example, it is possible that the glucose,
both for direct use in the culture medium and for indirect
use for biochemical fermentation processes in the supply
chain, can be sourced from waste- or by-products such as
lignocellulosic biomass. Conventional animal production
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251The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
lends itself well to the conversion of by-products into meat,
but the currently optimized production systems, including
the ambitious benchmarks in this study, are not representa-
tive of such a system, and there are limits to the scale of
global animal production when increasing the amount of
by-products (Mottet etal. 2017). Also, the ambiguous termi-
nology around waste-, co-, and by-products casts confusion
on the debate, most clearly seen in the discussion regarding
soybean meal. Perhaps more useful indicators focus on the
percentage that is “human-edible” in an ingredient, which in
the case of soybean meal is 80% (Wilkinson 2011), or on the
share of land that could otherwise be used for human-edible
food production (van Zanten etal. 2016).
Offsetting the environmental impact of the culture
medium could also be accomplished by harvesting co-
products from a CM process. This is not considered in this
study because of lacking data regarding separation, capture,
and recycling at scale, but Tuomisto etal. (2022) show that
this could have significant effects on overall system perfor-
mance. This is an interesting area for future research. It is
estimated that under baseline assumptions ~ 3200 tonnes of
lactate, 16 tonnes of ammonia, and 1 tonne of alanine will
be produced as waste in a year of operation in this model
facility (Appendix D). Capture and recycling of these co-
products are possible and could valorize them as inputs into
downstream applications for bioplastics, fertilizers, or other
feedstocks (Nahmias and Wissotsky 2021). The environ-
mental benefits of this could be substantial. For example,
the carbon footprint of biobased lactic acid ranges from 1.6
(Morão and de Bie 2019) to 11kg CO2-eq./kg (Parajuli etal.
2017), depending on the feedstock and production process.
Avoided production of virgin lactic acid production could
be partially counted as a reduction in the impacts of CM
production. Additional studies are needed to understand the
techno-economics of such recycling approaches as well as
potential sustainability tradeoffs if recycling systems require
high amounts of energy to operate.
4.3.3 Other technological innovations
In order to realize the production system as modeled in this
study, technological innovations are needed. Importantly,
this relates to the bioreactor platforms. Perfusion systems
modeled in this study are not yet available for meat produc-
tion. Cost-effective systems will have to be developed over
the next decade. Important characteristics relate to auto-
mated feeding (e.g., nutrients and oxygen), perfusion and
removal of unwanted substances (e.g., ammonia and lactate),
and incorporation of scaffolding. At the facility scale, these
relate to harvesting of cells and recycling of nutrients and
other medium ingredients. In this study, only water recy-
cling was included (at 75% efficiency). When recycling solid
ingredients, additional separation steps are needed, which
can be costly and will likely have a tradeoff with added
energy and material use. Future research will have to shed
light on these costs and environmental tradeoffs.
4.3.4 Product development andtargeted diet substitution
It is important to see the potential of CM in the context of
diets. From an environmental perspective, the largest gains
are by substituting the highest impact conventional meat
products by CM on the plate of the consumer, being beef
from beef cattle. Of course other factors besides those cap-
tured in an LCA play a role and regional context matters, but
the message is that CM can be seen as a tool to reduce the
downsides of current global demand for conventional animal
products. In this sense, it can be an attractive part of a mix
of sustainable protein sources in a healthy diet, which also
includes increased amounts of fully plant-based options, still
the most direct way to consume proteins while having the
lowest associated impacts (Poore and Nemecek 2018). Lastly,
hybrid products (partly plant-based, partly CM) can be made
to increase the amount of sustainable proteins in diets while
also optimizing for efficiency, sustainability, and costs.
5 Conclusions
CM has the potential to be a sustainable source of animal
protein. How it compares to conventional meats depends
on various factors, most importantly the sources of energy
used for the facility and the production of medium ingre-
dients. When fully renewable energy is used in these areas,
its carbon footprint can compete with ambitious bench-
marks of chicken and is lower than that of the other con-
ventional meats. Land use of CM is significantly lower than
all conventional meats, resulting from the more efficient
conversion of crops into meat. When CM replaces con-
ventional meats in diets, this means that land is freed up.
This land could be used to mitigate climate change, support
biodiversity, or provide other societal and environmental
benefits, but robust policies are needed to realize this.
CM companies should invest in strong supply chain col-
laborations to drive down the carbon footprint in all parts of
the supply chain. Strong climate goals can be set and real-
ized by continuously conducting LCAs to support decision-
making and guide technology development.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s11367- 022- 02128-8.
Acknowledgements GAIA and the Good Food Institute funded initial
screening economic and environmental assessments, which were pub-
lished by CE Delft. Follow-up study resulting in this publication was co-
funded by GAIA, the Good Food Institute, and CE Delft. Organizations
that contributed by providing data or performing cross-checks of data
ranges, and which agreed to be acknowledged, are listed in Appendix C.
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252 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2023) 28:234–254
1 3
Author contribution Pelle Sinke (PS), Ingrid Odegard (IO), Elliot
Swartz (ES), and Hermes Sanctorum (HS) contributed to the study
conception. PS and IO made the study design. Contacts with data part-
ners were established via the authors and the extended network of the
Good Food Institute. Material preparation was performed by PS and
IO and reviewed by ES. Data collection and analysis were performed
by PS and IO. Interpretation of modeling results was performed by PS,
IO, ES, and HS. Design of follow-up questions was performed by PS,
IO, ES, and Coen van der Giesen (CG). The first draft of the manuscript
was written by PS and reviewed by ES, HS, and CG. All authors com-
mented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Funding The study was funded by GAIA, The Good Food Institute, a
donor-backed 501(c)3 nonprofit, and CE Delft.
Data availability Most data generated or analyzed during this study
are included in this published article and its supplementary materials.
In some cases, these are aggregated data, summarized as averages or
scenarios, in order to account for variation and to ensure data confi-
dentiality. In a few cases, confidential company data that could not
be aggregated are used. In these cases, it is mentioned in-text that
confidential data are used and these are not included in the article or
supplementary materials.
Conflict of interest Elliot Swartz works at the Good Food Institute.
Hermes Sanctorum works as a private consultant for GAIA. Pelle
Sinke, Ingrid Odegard, and Coen van der Giesen work at CE Delft.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit http:// creat iveco mmons. org/ licen ses/ by/4. 0/.
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Authors and Affiliations
PelleSinke1 · ElliotSwartz2· HermesSanctorum3· CoenvanderGiesen1· IngridOdegard1
* Pelle Sinke
1 LCA Department - Food Chains Team, CE Delft, Oude Delft
180, Delft2611HH, theNetherlands
2 Science & Technology Department, The Good Food Institute
(GFI), 1380 Monroe St. NW #229, Washington, DC20010,
3 GAIA, Hopstraat 43, 1000Brussels, Belgium
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... Similarly, a recent ex ante LCA of cultured meat relied entirely on highly uncertain projections of future ACBM production in 2030, which included broad assumptions about significant technological advances in ACBM production processes as well as the upstream supply chains for amino acids, growth factors, vitamins, salts, and other components. 34 It was assumed that a soy hydrolysate would be utilized for 75% of the required amino acids, and the growth medium components would be food-or-feed grade for animal cell culture. 34 Furthermore, it was assumed that wastewater would largely be recycled (75%) and would only require a level of processing similar to wastewater treatment at a potato starch production facility. ...
... 34 It was assumed that a soy hydrolysate would be utilized for 75% of the required amino acids, and the growth medium components would be food-or-feed grade for animal cell culture. 34 Furthermore, it was assumed that wastewater would largely be recycled (75%) and would only require a level of processing similar to wastewater treatment at a potato starch production facility. 34 The authors are unaware of any studies that would validate these assumptions to generate the high levels of animal cell proliferation and density necessary for the economically viable production of cultured meat. ...
... 34 Furthermore, it was assumed that wastewater would largely be recycled (75%) and would only require a level of processing similar to wastewater treatment at a potato starch production facility. 34 The authors are unaware of any studies that would validate these assumptions to generate the high levels of animal cell proliferation and density necessary for the economically viable production of cultured meat. ...
... Cultivated meat builds upon decades of accumulated knowledge in cell culture, stem cell biology, tissue engineering, fermentation, and bioprocess engineering used by related industries to produce safe and trusted drugs and medicines used throughout the world (Specht et al., 2018). Cultivated meat production offers potential environmental advantages compared to conventional meat production such as significantly lower land use, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions-especially when sustainable energy is used (Sinke et al., 2021(Sinke et al., , 2023Tuomisto, 2019;Tuomisto et al., 2022). As reviewed by Sant'Ana et al. (2023), most cultivated meat manufacturers follow roughly the same bioprocess, which is grouped into five main stages for this review ( Figure 1). ...
... Changes in the medium composition and/or bioreactor environment trigger the transformation of these cells into mature cells such as fat and skeletal muscle (Stage 3). The mature cells are then harvested (Stage 4) and formulated, processed, and packaged (Stage 5) into final products (Sinke et al., 2023). ...
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Cultivated meat, produced using cell culture technology, is an alternative to conventional meat production that avoids the risks from enteric pathogens associated with animal slaughter and processing. Cultivated meat therefore has significant theoretical microbiological safety advantages, though limited information is available to validate this. This review discusses sources and vectors of microbial contamination throughout cultivated meat production, introduces industry survey data to evaluate current industry practices for monitoring and mitigating these hazards, and highlights future research needs. Industry survey respondents reported an average microbiological contamination batch failure rate of 11.2%. The most common vectors were related to personnel, equipment, and the production environment, while the most commonly reported type of microbiological contaminant was bacteria. These will likely remain prominent vectors and source organisms in commercial‐scale production but can be addressed by a modified combination of existing commercial food and biopharmaceutical production safety systems such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and Good Cell Culture Practice (GCCP). As the sector matures and embeds these and other safety management systems, microbiological contamination issues should be surmountable. Data are also included to investigate whether the limited microbiome of cultivated products poses a novel food safety risk. However, further studies are needed to assess the growth potential of microorganisms in different cultivated meat products, taking into account factors such as their composition, pH, water activity, and background microflora.
... Additionally, if alternative proteins are going to supplement or replace some TASF at scale, considerable capital will be required to construct manufacturing facilities. In 2021, the GFI with support from companies active in the field estimated that a commercial-scale facility to produce 10,000 Mt of ground-cultivated meat product per year would cost US $450 M to build ( 77 ). Another estimate puts this number at US $600 M ( 78 ). ...
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The high emissions intensity of terrestrial animal source food (TASF) and projected increasing demand in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) have spurred interest in the development of animal-free alternatives and manufactured food items that aim to substitute for meat, milk, and eggs with the promise of reduced environmental impact of producing food. The developing world is the source of 75% of global emissions from ruminants and will house 86% of the world’s human population by 2050. The adoption of cost-effective, genetic, feed and nutrition practices, and improving livestock health in LMIC are seen as the most promising interventions to reduce emissions resulting from projected increased TASF demand though 2050. Genetic improvement is a particularly attractive approach to productivity enhancements, as such improvements are permanent and cumulative. Alternative proteins may play a role in addressing demand for affordable sources of nutrient-dense foods, however, price will be a major factor influencing adoption given 3.1 billion people globally (42%) were currently unable to afford a healthy diet in 2021. Additionally, there is currently a mismatch between the location of alternative protein companies, and both projected increased TASF demand and emissions. To date, the vast majority (>81%) of these companies are based in high-income countries. The sustainability implications of replacing TASF with alternative proteins at scale needs to consider not only environmental metrics but also the wider economic and social sustainability impacts, given the essential role that livestock play in the livelihoods and food security of approximately 1.3 billion people.
This chapter begins by defining sustainable finance and tracing its historical development. It identifies key stakeholders in the sustainability landscape and discusses their roles and motivations. The chapter then explores how various entities such as corporations, governments, NGOs, financial institutions, and consumers contribute to and influence sustainability efforts. It also delves into the broader concept of sustainability, which encompasses economic, environmental, and social integration. The chapter highlights the essential role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria in guiding the financial sector toward a sustainable future, emphasizing both the ethical imperatives and the strategic financial benefits of ESG integration. The chapter also examines the role of digital measurement, reporting and verification (MRV), and how technological advancements are transforming the financial services landscape, offering new opportunities for sustainable growth and alignment with global carbon reduction targets. It concludes with significant developments within major Climate Tech and Ag Tech companies that are innovating green transition.
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The impact of the meat sector on the environment is critical and meat alternatives have been suggested as solutions to reduce it. This study aimed to understand the attitudes, motives, and attributes shaping consumer willingness to try (WTT), eat regularly (WTE) and pay (WTP) for cultured meat having, as a case study, a sample of 838 Greek residents. The results primarily reflected the views of younger and well-educated consumers. Although this was not the initial focus, this demographic was anticipated to be the primary market for cultured meat upon its launch. A total of 58% of the respondents expressed WTT cultured meat, with primarily Gen Z showing a higher positive attitude toward it. However, the WTT was primarily driven by curiosity and it was not reflected in WTE or in WTP. Greek consumers prioritized a set of characteristics they would expect from cultured meat, giving emphasis to factors such as taste, safety, and nutritional value. The importance of clear and non-misleading naming to preserve consumers’ right to know what they are purchasing was also emphasised. In conclusion, the potential acceptance of cultured meat in Greece is influenced by many factors, including generational shifts, product characteristics, naming, and promotion.
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The idea of architecture using bio-based materials that are produced on an industrial scale under laboratory conditions and can be customized at the molecular level still belongs to the realm of science fiction. However, with the publication of their findings on plant-based, lab-grown materials, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have recently shown that such a future is well and truly possible. Their long-term goal: customizable timber, grown in a lab. Based on current research results and discourse, this article examines the potential of lab-grown materials for tomorrow’s architecture and how they could influence the design process. It also identifies possible positive and negative environmental impacts and discusses the role that lab-grown materials could play in the context of a material transition toward bio-based, sustainable materials in the construction sector.
Before situating CM within the logic of productivist agriculture, it is important to understand the unique nature of agriculture within capitalist production. Accomplishing this requires that we delve into the many ways that living organisms involved in agriculture become gradually transformed as “living factories” (Fish, 2013) as both forms of capital and modes of production. This evolution is premised on an understanding of the role of technology, not simply as a set of biological, chemical, and mechanical tools and knowledges that transform natural processes and living beings into commodities, but, specifically, as providing the ground for the ontological alteration of nature in the image of capital (Fish, 2013, p. 13). Cellular agriculture stands as the culmination or pinnacle of industrial capitalism, epitomizing the intentional displacement and replacement of animals into post-animals. This process signifies not merely a substitution of traditional livestock but an ontological shift, where the essence of animality is redefined within the confines of technoscientific production. Even though it uses all of the techniques of genetic engineering and biotechnology, CM is a more advanced state of control over living processes, as it encompasses the processes of life creation not simply at the genetic level. Cellular agriculture aims to synthesize artificial flesh within the controlled environment of the laboratory or bioreactor, which simulates a partially realized vision of nature.
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Cellular agriculture is defined as the production of agricultural products from cell cultures rather than from whole plants or animals. With growing interest in cellular agriculture as a means to address public health, environmental, and animal welfare challenges of animal agriculture, the concept of producing seafood from fish cell- and tissue-cultures is emerging as an approach to address similar challenges with industrial aquaculture systems and marine capture. Cell-based seafood—as opposed to animal-based seafood—can combine developments in biomedical engineering with modern aquaculture techniques. Biomedical engineering developments such as closed-system bioreactor production of land animal cells create a basis for the large scale production of marine animal cells. Aquaculture techniques such as genetic modification and closed system aquaculture have achieved significant gains in production that can pave the way for innovations in cell-based seafood production. Here, we present the current state of innovation relevant to the development of cell-based seafood across multiple species, as well as specific opportunities and challenges that exist for advancing this science. The authors find that the physiological properties of fish cell- and tissue- culture may be uniquely suited to cultivation in vitro. These physiological properties, including tolerance to hypoxia, high buffering capacity, and low-temperature growth conditions, make marine cell culture an attractive opportunity for scaled production of cell-based seafood; perhaps even more so than mammalian and avian cell cultures for cell-based meats. This opportunity, coupled with the unique capabilities of crustacean tissue-friendly scaffolding such as chitosan, a common seafood waste product and mushroom derivative, presents promise for cell-based seafood production via bioreactor cultivation. To become fully realized, cell-based seafood research will require more understanding of fish muscle cell and tissue cultivation; more investigation into serum-free media formulations optimized for fish cell culture; and bioreactor designs tuned to the needs of fish cells for large scale production.
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Cell culture media design is perhaps the most significant hurdle currently facing the commercialization of cultivated meat as an alternative source of dietary protein. Since media optimization for a specific culture system requires a significant amount of effort and investment, a major question remaining is whether media formulations can be easily shared across multiple production schemes for cells of different species and lineages. Here, we perform spent medium analysis to compare the specific nutrient utilization of primary embryonic chicken muscle precursor cells and fibroblasts to the murine C2C12 myoblast cell line. We demonstrate that these related cell types have significantly different nutrient utilization patterns collectively and on a per-cell basis, and that many components of conventional media do not appear to be depleted by the cells. Namely, glucose was not consumed as rapidly nor as completely by the chicken muscle precursors compared to other cells overall, and there were significant differences in specific consumption rates for several other key nutrients over the first day of culture. Ultimately, our results indicate that no one medium is likely ideal and cost effective to culture multiple cell types and that novel methods to streamline media optimization efforts will be important for the industry to develop. npj Science of Food (2022) 6:46 ; https://doi.
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Atmospheric ammonia (NH 3) released from agriculture is contributing significantly to acidification and atmospheric NH 3 may have on human health is much less readily available. The potential direct impact of NH 3 on the health of the general public is under-represented in scientific literature, though there have been several studies which indicate that NH 3 has a direct effect on the respiratory health of those who handle livestock. These health impacts can include a reduced lung function, irritation to the throat and eyes, and increased coughing and phlegm expulsion. More recent studies have indicated that agricultural NH 3 may directly influence the early onset of asthma in young children. In addition to the potential direct impact of ammonia, it is also a substantial contributor to the fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) fraction (namely the US and Europe); where it accounts for the formation of 30% and 50% of all PM 2.5 respectively. PM 2.5 has the ability to penetrate deep into the lungs and cause long term illnesses such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and lung cancer. Hence, PM 2.5 causes economic losses which equate to billions of dollars (US) to the global economy annually. Both premature deaths associated with the health impacts from PM 2.5 and economic losses could be mitigated with a reduction in NH 3 emissions resulting from agriculture. As agriculture contributes to more than 81% of all global NH 3 emissions , it is imperative that food production does not come at a cost to the world's ability to breathe; where reductions in NH 3 emissions can be easier to achieve than other associated pollutants.
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The aim of cellular agriculture is to use cell-culturing technologies to produce alternatives to agricultural products. Cultured meat is an example of a cellular agriculture product, made by using tissue engineering methods. This study aims to improve the understanding of the potential environmental impacts of cultured meat production by comparing between different bioprocess design scenarios. This was done by carrying out a life cycle assessment (LCA) for a bioprocess system using hollow fiber bioreactors, and utilizing bench-scale experimental data for C2C12 cell proliferation, differentiation and media metabolism. Scenario and sensitivity analyses were used to test the impact of changes in the system design, data sources, and LCA methods on the results to support process design decision making. We compared alternative scenarios to a baseline of C2C12 cells cultured in hollow fiber bioreactors using media consisting of DMEM with serum, for a 16-day proliferation stage and 7-day differentiation stage. The baseline LCA used the average UK electricity mix as the energy source, and heat treatment for wastewater sterilization. The greatest reduction in environmental impacts were achieved with the scenarios using CHO cells instead of C2C12 cells (64–67 % reduction); achieving 128 % cell biomass increase during differentiation instead of no increase (42–56 % reduction); using wind electricity instead of average UK electricity (6–39 % reduction); and adjusting the amino acid use based on experimental data (16–27 % reduction). The use of chemical wastewater treatment instead of heat treatment increased all environmental impacts, except energy demand, by 1–16 %. This study provides valuable insights for the cultured meat field to understand the effects of different process design scenarios on environmental impacts, and therefore provides a framework for deciding where to focus development efforts for improving the environmental performance of the production system.
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Biomass waste and waste-derived feedstocks are important resources for the development of sustainable value-added products. However, the provision and preparation of biomass as well as all possible downstream processing steps need to be thoroughly analyzed to gain environmentally sound and economically viable products. Additionally, its impacts are substantially determined by decisions made at early development stages. Therefore, sustainability assessment methods can support to improve the production process, reduce waste, and costs and help decision-making, at the industrial as well as policy levels. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an analysis technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all product's life cycle stages. It is a well-established tool to drive development towards a sustainable direction, however, its application in the earlier research phase is surrounded by practical challenges. The overall objective of this paper is to provide an understanding of the environmental issues involved in the early stages of product and process development and the opportunities for life cycle assessment techniques to address these issues. Thus, herein two LCA case studies are presented, dealing with novel approaches for food and feed supply through implementing the valorization and upcycling of waste and side-streams, respectively. In both case studies, LCA is used as a decision support tool for R&D activities to launch environmentally sound products to market, as well as to highlight the usefulness of LCA for identifying environmental issues at an earlier stage of development, regardless of product, process, or service.
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By combining qualitative scenarios and life cycle assessment (LCA), we place the latter in a larger context. This study outlines the importance of the integration of future perspectives into LCA, and also the significance of taking changes in the environment of technology into account, rather than just technological development itself. Accordingly, we focused on adapting the background system of an attributional LCA in the agri-food sector. The proposed technology was assumed not have evolved in the considered time horizon. In this context, the objectives of this paper were twofold: (i) to methodologically prove the applicability of integrating qualitative scenarios into LCA and (ii) to focus on changes in the background system, which is sometimes overlooked in the context of future-oriented LCA. This allowed to evaluate the future potential of different technologies, assessing their environmental impact under uncertain future developments. Methodologically, the qualitative information from scenarios was transformed into quantitative data, which was successively fed into the life cycle inventory (LCI) of the LCA approach. This point of integration into the second phase of LCA translates into future changes in the entire environment in which a technology is used. This means that qualitatively described scenario narratives need to be converted into value estimates in order to be incorporated into the LCA model. A key conclusion is that changes in the background of an LCA—the changing framework expressed through the inventory database—can be very important for the environmental impact of emerging technologies. This approach was applied to a food processing technology to produce apple juice. The proposed methodology enables technology developers to make their products future-proof and robust against socioeconomic development. In addition, the market perspective, if spelled out in the scenarios, can be integrated, leading to a more holistic picture of LCA with its environmental focus, while simultaneously empowering actors to make the right strategic decisions today, especially when considering the long investment cycles in the agri-food sector.
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The world population is growing and alternative ways of satisfying the increasing demand for meat are being explored, such as using animal cells for the fabrication of cultured meat. Edible biomaterials are required as supporting structures. Hence, we chose agarose, gellan and a xanthan-locust bean gum blend (XLB) as support materials with pea and soy protein additives and analyzed them regarding material properties and biocompatibility. We successfully built stable hydrogels containing up to 1% pea or soy protein. Higher amounts of protein resulted in poor handling properties and unstable gels. The gelation temperature range for agarose and gellan blends is between 23–30 °C, but for XLB blends it is above 55 °C. A change in viscosity and a decrease in the swelling behavior was observed in the polysaccharide-protein gels compared to the pure polysaccharide gels. None of the leachates of the investigated materials had cytotoxic effects on the myoblast cell line C2C12. All polysaccharide-protein blends evaluated turned out as potential candidates for cultured meat. For cell-laden gels, the gellan blends were the most suitable in terms of processing and uniform distribution of cells, followed by agarose blends, whereas no stable cell-laden gels could be formed with XLB blends.
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Ovalbumin (OVA) produced using the fungus Trichoderma reesei (Tr-OVA) could become a sustainable replacement for chicken egg white protein powder—a widely used ingredient in the food industry. Although the approach can generate OVA at pilot scale, the environmental impacts of industrial-scale production have not been explored. Here, we conducted an anticipatory life cycle assessment using data from a pilot study to compare the impacts of Tr-OVA production with an equivalent functional unit of dried chicken egg white protein produced in Finland, Germany and Poland. Tr-OVA production reduced most agriculture-associated impacts, such as global warming and land use. Increased impacts were mostly related to industrial inputs, such as electricity production, but were also associated with glucose consumption. Switching to low-carbon energy sources could further reduce environmental impact, demonstrating the potential benefits of cellular agriculture over livestock agriculture for OVA production.
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Cultivating meat from stem cells rather than by raising animals is a promising solution to concerns about the negative externalities of meat production. For cultivated meat to fully mimic conventional meat's organoleptic and nutritional properties, innovations in scaffolding technology are required. Many scaffolding technologies are already developed for use in biomedical tissue engineering. However, cultivated meat production comes with a unique set of constraints related to the scale and cost of production as well as the necessary attributes of the final product, such as texture and food safety. This review discusses the properties of vertebrate skeletal muscle that will need to be replicated in a successful product and the current state of scaffolding innovation within the cultivated meat industry, highlighting promising scaffold materials and techniques that can be applied to cultivated meat development. Recommendations are provided for future research into scaffolds capable of supporting the growth of high‐quality meat while minimizing production costs. Although the development of appropriate scaffolds for cultivated meat is challenging, it is also tractable and provides novel opportunities to customize meat properties. Cultivating meat from cells is a promising solution to the environmental, ethical, health, and food‐security challenges associated with conventional meat production. Cultivated meat will require the development of scalable, low‐cost, and edible or biodegradable scaffolds to support cell growth. This review discusses the unique challenges of cultivated meat scaffolding and highlights promising materials and processing methods worthy of further investigation.
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Animal cells are used in the manufacturing of complex biotherapeutic products since the 1980s. From its initial uses in biological research to its current importance in the biopharmaceutical industry, many types of culture media were developed: from serum-based media to serum-free to protein-free chemically defined media. The cultivation of animal cells economically has become the ultimate goal in the field of biomanufacturing. Serum serves as a source of amino acids, lipids, proteins and most importantly growth factors and hormones, which are essential for many cell types. However, the use of serum is unfavorable due to its high price tag, increased lot-to-lot variations and potential risk of microbial contamination. Efforts are progressively being made to replace serum with recombinant proteins such as growth factors, cytokines and hormones, as well as supplementation with lipids, vitamins, trace elements and hydrolysates. While hydrolysates are more complex, they provide a diverse source of nutrients to animal cells, with potential beneficial effects beyond the nutritional value. In this review, we discuss the use of hydrolysates in animal cell culture and briefly cover the composition of hydrolysates, mode of action and potential contaminants with some perspectives on its potential role in animal cell culture media formulations in the future.