
Branded Podcasts: The Return of Aural Content With Examples From Turkey

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Branded podcasts are podcast contents created by brands to entertain, provide information, or raise awareness about specific topics and aim to create a positive attitude on target audiences towards the brand. Branded podcasts do not directly advertise the brand. Branded podcasts try to create a positive attitude towards the brand with valuable, useful, or entertaining content for the consumer. The issue that needs to be taken into consideration for brands in the branded podcast is the harmony between the content and the identity and personality of the brand. Today, it is seen that many branded podcasts attract attention and create an audience. In this context, brands' podcasts are now included in many platforms' most listened podcasts lists. It is tried to explain how brands create content with branded podcasts with successful examples from Turkey in this chapter. Six branded podcasts that are on the shortlist at the Power Podcast Awards, which is the podcast awards given for the first time in Turkey, are examined in this chapter.

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... • The study by Gülmez (2023), which analyses branded podcasts produced in Turkey, considering the brand, publication date, topic, podcast type, and number of episodes. ...
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The podcast has become an emerging audio format for advertising usage through the branded content technique, which uses content to transmit brand values without intrusive messages. The technique applied to the sound medium represents added value for brands because of the sound’s sensory power. In this unisensory context, sound immersion narratives can further enhance the listening experience by making the listener an integral part of the storytelling. Through the study of Sonidos que nos transforman (Sounds that transform us), the first and only immersive branded podcast produced in Spain to date by Endesa, we will analyse how the brand integrates into the narrative. We will also study to what extent the podcast is configured as an appropriate format to transmit the brand message through sound immersion. The methodology is completed with exploratory interviews with those responsible for the project. The results confirm that immersive sound techniques are not mere technicalsound ornaments applied without casuistry, and that they contribute to increase engagement with the brand due to the intensity with which the listener lives the experience. In addition, the podcast highlights the existence of its own narrative, which finds its methodology and production sources in the radio, the sound medium par excellence, but opening up possibilities thanks to the absence of space-time limits and to its recorded nature.
... • The study by Gülmez (2023), which analyses branded podcasts produced in Turkey, considering the brand, publication date, topic, podcast type, and number of episodes. ...
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The podcast has become an emerging audio format for advertising usage through the branded content technique, which uses content to transmit brand values without intrusive messages. The technique applied to the sound medium represents added value for brands because of the sound’s sensory power. In this unisensory context, sound immersion narratives can further enhance the listening experience by making the listener an integral part of the storytelling. Through the study of Sonidos que nos transforman (Sounds that transform us), the first and only immersive branded podcast produced in Spain to date by Endesa, we will analyse how the brand integrates into the narrative. We will also study to what extent the podcast is configured as an appropriate format to transmit the brand message through sound immersion. The methodology is completed with exploratory interviews with those responsible for the project. The results confirm that immersive sound techniques are not mere technical-sound ornaments applied without casuistry, and that they contribute to increase engagement with the brand due to the intensity with which the listener lives the experience. In addition, the podcast highlights the existence of its own narrative, which finds its methodology and production sources in the radio, the sound medium par excellence, but opening up possibilities thanks to the absence of space-time limits and to its recorded nature.
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Podcast 2000’li yılların başında ses dosyalarının dolaşımını mümkün kılan yazılımların geliştirilmesiyle, radyo programlarının internette yer alması ve daha fazla dinleyiciye ulaşması için ortaya çıkmış bir araçtır. Podcast yapım imkanlarının ucuz olması pek çok amatör yayıncıyı ve medya profesyonelini cezbetmiş ve kısa sürede içerik üretiminde yaşanmıştır. Gelişen teknoloji ve mobil iletişim araçları da podcastin yaygınlaşmasına yardım etmiştir. Ücretsiz bir yayın olarak ortaya çıkan podcast yaygınlaşıp geniş kitlelerin ilgisini toplama gücünü kazanmasıyla birlikte reklam ve sponsor desteği almaya başlamıştır. Böylelikle, 2010’lu yılların ortasından sonra ücretli içerikler podcast platformlarında sunulmaya başlanmış ve podcastler tam anlamıyla monetize olmuşlardır. Bu makalede podcast yayıncılığının ortaya çıkışı, gelişmesi ve monetize olması podcaste altyapı oluşturan internet ve bilgisayar teknolojisinin imkanları temelinde ele alınmıştır. Podcast yayıncılığında oluşan reklam piyasası verileri, podcast yapım ve yayın şirketlerinin ortaya çıkıp eriştikleri ekonomik büyüklük, sektörde yaşanan satın almalar sırasında ödenen yüksek rakamlar çalışmada veri olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada podcast ve audio yayıncılığı üzerine yapılmış çalışmalar incelenmiş, literatür taraması yapılmış ve güncel veriler bir araya getirilerek bir durum analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışmada yeni bir iletişim aracı olarak ortaya çıkan podcastlerin ortaya çıkış ve gelişme aşamaları, ekonomik değer kazanma süreçleri anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır.
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Branded content marketing serves as an ongoing conversation between brands and consumers. Creating value-rich information that breaks through the noise and that can accelerate brand building has been a standing challenge for many brands. Informed by extant literature on content marketing, this study proposed a comprehensive theoretical framework that explicates the mechanism of branded content marketing in brand loyalty across both high- and low-product involvement brands. This study applied the classification of consumption values to the context of content marketing, hypothesized, and identified consumers’ experiential evaluation as an underlying mechanism of content marketing accounting for brand loyalty. Specifically, for a high-product involvement brand (i.e., Lenovo), consumers’ perceived informative and entertainment value of branded content, as well as the perceived functional value of the brand’s YouTube channel, positively shape their experiential evaluation of the brand, which in turn, leads to greater brand loyalty. For a low-product involvement brand (i.e., Nescafé), consumers’ derived entertainment and social value of branded content, as well as the functional value of its YouTube channel, jointly affect consumers’ experiential evaluation, which subsequently contributes to elevated brand loyalty.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to advance the understanding of sound branding by developing a new conceptual framework and providing an overview of the research literature on non-musical sound. Design/methodology/approach Using four mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive types of non-musical sound, the paper assesses and synthesizes 99 significant studies across various scholarly fields. Findings The overview reveals two areas in which more research may be warranted, that is, non-musical atmospherics and non-musical sonic logos. Moreover, future sound-branding research should examine in further detail the potentials of developed versus annexed object sounds, and mediated versus unmediated brand sounds. Research limitations/implications The paper provides important insights into critical issues that suggest directions for further research on non-musical sound branding. Practical implications The paper identifies an unexploited terrain of possibilities for the use of sound in marketing and branding. Originality/value The paper identifies a subfield within sound-branding research that has received little attention despite its inevitability and potential significance.
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There is a rapid growth in the use of voice-controlled intelligent personal assistants on mobile devices, such as Microsoft's Cortana, Google Now, and Apple's Siri. They significantly change the way users interact with search systems, not only because of the voice control use and touch gestures, but also due to the dialogue-style nature of the interactions and their ability to preserve context across different queries. Predicting success and failure of such search dialogues is a new problem, and an important one for evaluating and further improving intelligent assistants. While clicks in web search have been extensively used to infer user satisfaction, their significance in search dialogues is lower due to the partial replacement of clicks with voice control, direct and voice answers, and touch gestures. In this paper, we propose an automatic method to predict user satisfaction with intelligent assistants that exploits all the interaction signals, including voice commands and physical touch gestures on the device. First, we conduct an extensive user study to measure user satisfaction with intelligent assistants, and simultaneously record all user interactions. Second, we show that the dialogue style of interaction makes it necessary to evaluate the user experience at the overall task level as opposed to the query level. Third, we train a model to predict user satisfaction, and find that interaction signals that capture the user reading patterns have a high impact: when including all available interaction signals, we are able to improve the prediction accuracy of user satisfaction from 71% to 81% over a baseline that utilizes only click and query features.
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Synopsis : Communicating through the internet has quickly evolved from email, listservs, discussion boards, instant messaging, blogging and now to podcasting. Many of these communication tools have been exploited by the educational community and the latter appears to be no exception. This paper will share background on blogs and podcasts as well as real-world samples, academic examples and a plan to use podcasts as a teaching and learning tool.
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Although advertisers believe that jingles are an effective way to communicate advertising slogans and regularly use jingles, prior research on the use of music in advertising does not always substantiate this belief. An inadequate consideration of how individuals process jingles as opposed to verbal material presented with backgrond music partially explains the discrepancy. In addition, a review of advertising and psychological research on mnemonics and verbal information presented with or without music suggests conditions when presenting advertising slogans as musical jingles enhances memory and when it does not. Two experiments are presented supporting the importance of these conditions, and their results are used to suggest situations in which musical jingles should be used and appropriate research methods to evaluate advertising that employs jingles. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Voice search is the technology underlying many spoken dialog systems (SDSs) that provide users with the information they request with a spoken query. The information normally exists in a large database, and the query has to be compared with a field in the database to obtain the relevant information. The contents of the field, such as business or product names, are often unstructured text. This article categorized spoken dialog technology into form filling, call routing, and voice search, and reviewed the voice search technology. The categorization was made from the technological perspective. It is important to note that a single SDS may apply the technology from multiple categories. Robustness is the central issue in voice search. The technology in acoustic modeling aims at improved robustness to environment noise, different channel conditions, and speaker variance; the pronunciation research addresses the problem of unseen word pronunciation and pronunciation variance; the language model research focuses on linguistic variance; the studies in search give rise to improved robustness to linguistic variance and ASR errors; the dialog management research enables graceful recovery from confusions and understanding errors; and the learning in the feedback loop speeds up system tuning for more robust performance. While tremendous achievements have been accomplished in the past decade on voice search, large challenges remain. Many voice search dialog systems have automation rates around or below 50% in field trials.
Through a large-scale national survey, this study provided the first comprehensive examination of podcast users in the United States from the perspectives of motivation and usage. It deepened our understanding of this new on-demand audio platform in the context of consumption drivers, behaviors, and competing media options. The results showed that entertainment, information, and audio platform superiority were the most important motivators for podcast consumption. In addition, motives were found to affect listening behaviors, including listening settings, width, depth, and routine of listening, and usage of competing audio media, such as regular radio, online radio, and streaming music. The findings revealed that podcasting is a distinct medium with unique characteristics rather than a mobile, on-demand extension of existing audio platforms like radio. Podcast consumption, especially on today’s complex media platforms, is multidimensional and should be measured from multiple aspects and examined in various settings.
Despite a growing focus on content marketing as a modern marketing tool, research on it is sparse. Missing completely is a comparison of content marketing with other forms of content, namely sponsored and user-generated content, although these content types are of high relevance for the marketing strategy of a company. To fill this research gap, the present study examines how different content types are perceived and how they influence brand responses through persuasion knowledge. A serial mediation model is developed, which posits that different content types lead to a varying conceptual persuasion knowledge, which then influences the activation of attitudinal persuasion knowledge and in turn results in different brand attitudes. The corresponding model is tested in an experimental study, using different content types in the context of the video game industry. The findings indicate that, through the proposed serial mediation, sponsored content leads to a more negative brand attitude than user-generated content and content marketing. These results suggest that, although coming directly from a company, content marketing seemingly is perceived in a similar way as user-generated content. The implications for marketing managers concerning content marketing strategies are discussed.
This article explores a developing sub-genre of highly popular fiction podcasts emergent from the success of WBEZ’s Serial (2014). While numerous press commentators have branded such podcasts derivative, or as “trying too hard to be like Serial” (McFarland, Fiction podcasts are trying too hard to be like Serial, 2015) this overlooks the crucial fact that Serial is not just an extension of effective radio journalism aesthetic and form, but rather offers an inherently and importantly successful, sympathetic utilisation and expression of its unique podcast media identity. Furthermore, discourses of derivation ignore the extent to which such shows expand upon Serial’s blueprint. From exploring a broad sampling of what we term post-Serial fiction, this chapter argues that audio-drama takes a new and critically important shape as the first explicitly podcast-oriented audio-fiction form.
The growing popularity of mobile search and the advancement in voice recognition technologies have opened the door for web search users to speak their queries rather than type them. While this kind of voice search is still in its infancy, it is gradually becoming more widespread. In this article, we report a comprehensive voice search query log analysis of a commercial web search engine’s mobile application. We compare voice and text search by various aspects, with special focus on the semantic and syntactic characteristics of the queries. Our analysis suggests that voice queries focus more on audio-visual content and question answering and less on social networking and adult domains. In addition, voice queries are more commonly submitted on the go. We also conduct an empirical evaluation showing that the language of voice queries is closer to natural language than the language of text queries. Our analysis points out further differences between voice and text search. We discuss the implications of these differences for the design of future voice-enabled web search tools.
Conference Paper
Voice-activated intelligent assistants, such as Siri, Google Now, and Cortana, are prevalent on mobile devices. However, it is challenging to evaluate them due to the varied and evolving number of tasks supported, e.g., voice command, web search, and chat. Since each task may have its own procedure and a unique form of correct answers, it is expensive to evaluate each task individually. This paper is the first attempt to solve this challenge. We develop consistent and automatic approaches that can evaluate different tasks in voice-activated intelligent assistants. We use implicit feedback from users to predict whether users are satisfied with the intelligent assistant as well as its components, i.e., speech recognition and intent classification. Using this approach, we can potentially evaluate and compare different tasks within and across intelligent assistants ac-cording to the predicted user satisfaction rates. Our approach is characterized by an automatic scheme of categorizing user-system interaction into task-independent dialog actions, e.g., the user is commanding, selecting, or confirming an action. We use the action sequence in a session to predict user satisfaction and the quality of speech recognition and intent classification. We also incorporate other features to further improve our approach, including features derived from previous work on web search satisfaction prediction, and those utilizing acoustic characteristics of voice requests. We evaluate our approach using data collected from a user study. Results show our approach can accurately identify satisfactory and unsatisfactory sessions.
Conference Paper
Voice search offers users with a new search experience: instead of typing, users can vocalize their search queries. However, due to voice input errors (such as speech recognition errors and improper system interruptions), users need to frequently reformulate queries to handle the incorrectly recognized queries. We conducted user experiments with native English speakers on their query reformulation behaviors in voice search and found that users often reformulate queries with both lexical and phonetic changes to previous queries. In this paper, we first characterize and analyze typical voice input errors in voice search and users' corresponding reformulation strategies. Then, we evaluate the impacts of typical voice input errors on users' search progress and the effectiveness of different reformulation strategies on handling these errors. This study provides a clearer picture on how to further improve current voice search systems.
Developing the value of a brand requires a long-term communication strategy that builds and hones a unique brand personality. Whereas visual forms of expression have captured a great deal of attention in this context, sound was neglected for a long time. Only recently have sounds, music and voice attracted greater interest. Of all our senses, hearing is the one that we are least conscious of in our daily lives, and it is for this reason that the auditory dimension of strategic brand management has previously been overlooked. There is huge difference between our conscious perception of sound and its true significance. But what special impact can sound branding have, and what benefits does the auditory realm have for brand identity?
Conference Paper
While podcastig is growing rapidly and gains huge popularity, advertising has shown up as an emerging topic throughout the podcasting world. The objective of this study is to shed light on the potentials of podcasting as a new media technology for marketing, by investigating its applicability and effectiveness for targeted advertising and its value as a new way of communicating with captive audiences. Our study also tried to propose conceptual models for taking advantage of the unique strength of podcast technology to overcome the limitations of traditional channels and to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of traditional marketing practice. For example, considered as a pull mechanism, podcast might be used to enhance marketing strategy for attracting a niche audience, particularly in the event that when traditional marketing approach becomes outdated or inconvenient for customers. A qualitative case study approach was adopted in our research to explore subject matter experts’ experiences and feelings concerning adaptability of podcast to advertising, and moreover their expectations of podcasting as an advertising medium. Our research findings may be referenced by business executives and decision makers for the purpose of making favorable marketing tactics and catching the revolutionary opportunity and benefit of podcast advertising.
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