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Response of Strawberry
(Fragaria X ananassa Duch.)
Flowering and Yield to Photoperiod
Parween Muhammad K.Rozbiany and Shler MahmudTaha
The study was carried out during the growing seasons 2016-2018, collage of
Agricultural Engineering Science—Salahaddin University—Erbil. For studying the
effect of photoperiod on flowering and yield of two cultivars of strawberry, Festival
and Albion were covered with black clothes for (0, 2 and 4 hours). The experiment
was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications for each
treatment. Ten plants per experimental unit were arranged randomly in 54 plots. The
data were analyzed using (SAS) program. As a result, when propagating the straw-
berry, the number of runners produced by the adult plants is an important consider-
ation. Parameters significantly increased at photoperiod for 4 h included: for Festival
in the first season, number of flowers, plant-1, viability pollen grain% and fruit set%
in the first and the second seasons for Festival, (fruit dry weight and dry weight%)
for Albion increased in the first season, (fruit fresh weight, fruit size and fruit length)
for Albion in second season, (number of fruits. plant-1 and fruit diameter) for
Festival in first season, marketable fruits% for Albion in second season, Yield. plant-1
(g) and yield, hectare-1 (Kg) significantly increased at photoperiod 4 h for Festival
(100.591) in second season and (96.633) in first season.
Keywords: photoperiod, Fragaria X ananassa Duch., flowering, yield, Albion, festival
. Introduction
. Effect of photoperiod on the yield of strawberry plant
Young plants grown at 10 and 12h photoperiod during 21days at day tempera-
tures between 12 and 18°C achieved complete flower emergence, while no flowers
emerged at a photoperiod of 16h. More detailed knowledge is required on the
reaction of strawberry plants to photoperiods between 12 and 16h. Greenhouse
production provides the opportunity to optimize both day and night temperatures
for flower production. Among the subset, the day and night time temperature had
the greatest effect. Fruits, resulting from the primary flowers, especially those to
the coolest day time temperature, were always the largest and required the most
days from on thesis to harvest [1]. However, an interaction of photoperiod and
temperature in the flower initiation of this plant has been demonstrated in many
Recent Studies on Strawberries
studies [2]. Different threshold photoperiods and temperatures have been reported
for different strawberry cultivars [3, 4].
Le Mière etal. [2] studied the influence of photoperiod and temperature on
inflorescence and flower initiation through the autumn in the strawberry cv. Elsanta.
The percentage of flower initiation or final flower number in the primary, secondary,
or tertiary inflorescences is not impacted by photoperiod. The final flower number
in the primary inflorescence is slightly affected by temperature. For flowering bud
initiation, the lowest number required of photoinductive cycles varied between 7 and
24 [5]. Darnell [6] reviewed and found the significant effect of interaction between
temperature and photoperiod on the production of strawberry plant. Sønsteby and
Nes [3] showed maximum flowering in “Korona” and “Elsanta” at 15°C and 24days
with 8h photoperiod. However, for successful greenhouse production, more detailed
knowledge is required about the effects of photoperiod and temperature and their
interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence [7].
In June bearing strawberry cultivars, flowering is induced by short photoperiod,
which also reduces vegetative growth. Plants were subjected to different photoperiods
(12, 13.5, or 15h) to be successful in 12 and 13.5h photoperiod and number of flowers
and yield were increased by lengthening the treatment [4]. The critical photoperiod
for flower induction in “Korona” is in the range of 12 and 15h. The confusion in the
literature about the floral groups of the grown strawberry is actually caused by the
strong interaction of the photoperiod and temperature; at one temperature checked, a
cultivar may behave day-neutral, but it works out that it requires a photoperiod at any
other temperature. The critical duration of the day depends heavily on temperature;
in all photoperiods, flowering is prevented at high temperatures above 24°C, short
days promote flowering at moderate temperatures between 14 and 20°C, while cooler
temperatures induce flowering 14°C independently of photoperiod [7].
Nishiyama and Kanahama [8] examined the photoperiod and temperature
impact on flower bud initiation (FBI) of ever-bearing and day-neutral strawberries
(Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. “Hecker” and cv. “Summer berry”). Consequently,
flower bud initiation (FBI) was totally limited by the 16th week. After that, under
24 or 8h photoperiods at 20/15°C or 30/25°C, these plants were grown. The plants
recommenced flower bud initiation (FBI) in these environments, excluding under
the 8h photoperiod at 30/25°C. The results demonstrated that the flowering response
of these cultivars is quantitative under low temperature and qualitative under high
temperature. Verheul etal. [6] investigated on strawberry cv. Korona. No flowers
emerged in plants exposed to photoperiods of 16, 20, or 24h or to an SD treatment
for 14days. An SD treatment (10 or 12h photoperiod) of 28days resulted in highest
numbers of inflorescences and flowers per plant, while an SD treatment of 21days
resulted in the highest numbers of flowers per inflorescence.
The effects of photoperiod (12, 13, 14, 15, or 16h) day (6, 9, or 12°C) and the
interactions between flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated by exposing
4-week-old runner plants of strawberry cultivars Korona and Elsanta during a period of
3weeks. A daily photoperiod of 12 or 13h resulted in the highest number of plants with
emerged flowers. A photoperiod of 14h or more strongly reduced this number, while no
flowers emergence at a photoperiod of 16h [9]. Strawberry cv. Hecker and cv. Summer
berry plants were grown at 30/25°C under an 8h photoperiod from June to September
(for 16weeks). As a result, flower bud initiation was completely inhibited by the 16th
weeks. Then, these plants were grown under 8 or 24h photoperiod at 30/25°C, the
plants resumed FBI. These results indicate that the flowering response of these cultivars
is qualitative at high temperature and quantitative at low temperature [10].
Response of Strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) Flowering and Yield to Photoperiod
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.105442
Sønsteby and Heide [11] studied the perpetual-flowering F1-hybrid “Elan” that
is propagated by seed. The results demonstrated a marked quantitative LD response
across range of temperature from 9 to 27°C. Seedlings were response to LD stimulus
at an early stage germination. The critical day length from early flowering strongly
enhanced by short-day condition in combination with high temperature. In controlled
environment, [12] investigated the environmental control of flowering in the ever-
bearing (perpetual-flowering) diploid strawberry Fragaria vesca ssp. semperflorens
cultivars “Rügen” and “Baron Solemacher.” At temperatures ranging between 9°C and
27°C, seed-propagated plants were exposed to 24h LD and 10h SD environments.
There was a quantitative LD response of flowering. The formation of runner was
occasionally monitored in short day at high temperature. The study found an evident
interaction with temperature in both cases. Rising temperature causes an increase in
the photoperiodic responses, in both cases.
Environmental control of flowering and runnering in three Constantin Fragaria
chilonesis population with geographic origins in Alaska, Oregon, and Chile have been
studied. All populations were short-day plants at intermediate temperature (15 and
21°C), while at low temperature 9°C, the Alaska and Chile populations were essen-
tially day-neutral. At a day temperature of 18°C, flowering increased with increasing
photoperiod (10, 16 or 20h) had no effect on flower development at 18°C. [13] stated
that flowering is substantially advanced and the number of leaves produced before
flowering is reduced by night interruption (3h light in the middle of a 14h daily
dark period). For SD strawberry cultivars in particular, high temperature (greater
than 26°C) would suppress the effect of short photoperiod and retard flowering or
reduce flower initiation ratio [14]. Strawberry LD plants can be further classified into
four flowering scenarios, strong-day-neutral: cultivars flower at the same rate in a
photoperiod from 12 to 24h; intermediate day-neutral: cultivars have 100% flower
under 12hday length; weak day-neutral: cultivars have significant reduction in flower
initiation when photoperiod is shorter that 12h (Hamano etal., 2015); and some of
the DN cultivars can show facultative LD response under lower temperatures (appr.
17°C) [15]. Sønsteby and Heide [16] demonstrated the capability of fractional induc-
tion. Berry yield varied in parallel with flowering in the field and was always higher
in plants raised under SD conditions. After autumn planting, all studied cultivars
flowered most abundantly in plants raised in SD and intermediate temperatures.
Flowering was earliest in “Nobel” and “Rumba.”
. Effect of photoperiod on the flowering of strawberry plant
Gast and Pollard [17] exhibited that leaf growth, mean temperature and
inflorescence, and flower number increased in SD strawberry by applying row
covers over plants from autumn to the beginning of bloom in spring. Fortuna
showed a higher sensitivity of this genotype to light and the highest values of the
TSS/TA ratio in exposed and nonexposed fruits [18]. The minimum temperature/
maximum day length for flower bud initiation likely varies among cultivars [4].
Conversely, stolon or runner emergence generally occurs under days longer than
10 hand temperatures above 20°C. The decline in temperature and photoperiod
with the decline in vegetative growth of some strawberry cultivars observed in
the field was correlated for estimating this impact biometrically. Furthermore, no
direct morphological observations can expose the effect of the growth potential
change on vegetative growth since it happens throughout the decline of vegetative
growth [18].
Recent Studies on Strawberries
Kader [19] displays that yield is increased in the autumn by renovation imme-
diately after harvest in short-day strawberry (postharvest defoliation) without a
vernlazation period. On the other hand, the yield is reduced in the following year
when the postharvest defoliation is declined in SD strawberry and discovered that
highest yield is obtained when renovation occurred 14–28days after last harvest in
short-day strawberry. The development of flower bud is optimal at higher tempera-
tures (19–27°C) [2]. The end dormancy strength differs with cultivar. Tehranifar
and Battey [20] expressed that excessive chilling prevents and/or delays flower bud
initiation. Therefore, yield is reduced and harvest is delayed in SD strawberry by
excessive chilling. Inhibitory long-day process in the leaves regulates the flower bud
initiation in short-day strawberry [21], as proven by the positive impact of posthar-
vest defoliation in short-day cultivars on flower bud initiation [22] and the manipula-
tion of phytochrome with FR and R light [23]. By the application of gibberellins,
flowering inhibition can be mimicked. Le Mière etal. [2] indicated that there was no
positive correlation between temperature and rate of progress to fruiting in “Elsanta.”
However, while the size of crown correlated positively to yield, it was not related to
fruiting time. Nonetheless, the yield is declined through a decrease in canopy size by
warmer temperatures. Mori [24] discovered that the numbers of achenes per fruit
(for all flower positions) and temperature through the ovule/pistil flowering bud
initiation period were inversely related. When temperatures were 16/11°C (day/night
during FBD), the maximum number of achenes per fruit was found.
Nishiyama and Kanahama [8, 21] explained that several cultivars in DN straw-
berry react as qualitative long-day plants at high temperatures (>27°C), quantitative
long-day plants at lower temperatures (10 to 25°C), and DN at temperatures below
10°C. However, high temperatures decrease the flowering of DN types. Mochizuki
etal. [25] investigated a forcing system for production of strawberries in winter in
Japan. The study exposed nursery plants, which are grown in pots or plug trays, to
slight nitrogen deficiency for promoting FBI. A petiole NO3-N sap test was utilized
for testing plant nitrogen status. For preconditioning nursery plants and promoting
FBI, the plants were subjected to low temperature and SD treatments. For preventing
heavy dormancy and promoting continued FBI, plants are kept at temperatures above
5°C. Strawberries are grown under long-day and mild temperatures for growth and
continued flowering and fruit production. Throughout the early part of an SD night-
chilling treatment, the application of fertilizer delayed FBI.
Sufficient plant nitrogen status is vital for increasing growth and FBI and FBD
in strawberry grown on field. Nevertheless, there was no impact of spraying urea in
short-day strawberry, in the autumn, through the FBI period, on yield the follow-
ing summer in field grown plants. Nonetheless, the efficiency of utilized fertilizer
enhanced and plant crowns production increased when granular fertilizer nitrogen
was used at renovation in perennial, SD strawberry systems [26]. Serçe and Hancock
[27] actively studied the genetic basis for remountainy. There is no basis for continu-
ing to classify these plants as “day neutral” because of the variable response of flower
bud initiation in remontane strawberry to temperature. Experiments on producing
fruit during the winter on the short-day cultivar “Korona” in Norway have been effec-
tive utilizing SD treatments for inducing FBI [28] However, productivity was highly
reliant on the quality plant; preconditioning plants to short-day escalated the forma-
tion of branch crown and subsequent yield. The temperature threshold is differed by
cultivar. In addition, several cultivars in Nordic area have no flowering bud initiation
under LD at temperatures as low as 9°C. Little flowering bud initiation happens below
Response of Strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) Flowering and Yield to Photoperiod
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.105442
10°C and above 25°C, the ideal temperature for flowering bud initiation is between 15
and 18°C under SD condition [9, 28].
Sønsteby and Heide [10] declared that these plants respond more like long-day
plants at all temperatures excluding those below 10°C. The FBI is either directly
affected by soil temperature or indirectly through its impact on vegetative growth.
In comparison to plants that were not defoliated, early renovation resulted in yield
escalation by up to 41%. Flower bud initiation is declined or postponed by the crowns
treatment of SD strawberry with red light (600–702nm). The application of fertilizer
in the spring when further FBI and FBD happen has not been successful at rising the
harvest while decent nutrition throughout the autumn period of FBI is required in SD
strawberry [29, 30]. The manipulation of the growing and fruiting season of straw-
berry has been effective by the utilization of row covers and tunnels. If the tunnel or
row cover offers an appropriate temperature and day length that is suitable for fruit-
ing and flower bud initiation, remnant strawberries can have their fruiting season
advanced or extended. For instance, once temperatures get too high under tunnels in
the United Kingdom and in the continental United States of America, flowering in
day-neutral strawberries stops [31]. Flowering was advanced by 1 week and flower
number was raised to double, once the fertilization of the plants started 7days after
the beginning of the SD period although the number of crowns was not affected by
the treatment. Even though high nitrogen status throughout the SD inductive period
surges the FBI, in 201 strawberries, FBI is inhibited when plants are at a high nitrogen
status directly prior to the SD flower inductive period [32]. The amount and period of
flowering were impacted by time of the application of nitrogen fertilizer when groups
of short-day strawberry with a low fertility system were fertilized with additional
nitrogen for a period of time relative to 28days’ SD floral induction period [13].
Antioxidant accumulation is a very important issue since these compounds have been
extensively associated to antioxidant capacity and, therefore, to the healthy properties
of strawberry fruits [33].
The effect of photoperiod (10, 12, 16, 20, or 24h), day temperature (12, 15, 18, 24,
or 39°C), the number of short days (14, 21, or 28) days plant age (4, 8, or 12 weeks)
and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated in
strawberry cv. Korona. No flower emerged in plant exposed to photoperiod of 16h,
20, or 24h or to short-day treatment for 14days. All plants exposed to short days at
daily photoperiod of 10 or 12h for 21days or longer emerged flower at treatments
between 12 and 18°C [13]. Lately, it revealed that short-day cultivar “Honeoye” was
insensitive to photoperiod at 14–20°C [34]. For stimulating long-day reactions in a
naturally SD, day extension or night interruption can be utilized. The expression of
reminting or repeat flowering is powerfully influenced by temperature and cultivar
variation in rate of FBD. The DN cultivar “Tribute” was insensitive to photoperiod at
14–23°C, but required LD at higher temperatures (Bradford etal., 2010), similar to
what has been observed by others [11].
Sønsteby and Heide [35] studied the impact of temperature and photoperiod
on flowering, growth, and fruit yield in red raspberry cultivars (Rubus idaeus L.)
“Autumn Treasure,” “Erika,” and “Polka.” The plants were grown in a controlled
environment in various day-length conditions and temperature for 42days. By raising
temperature over the 15–25°C, “Erika” and “Polka” displayed an improved flowering,
fruit maturation and yield, whereas photoperiod had no substantial impact on flower-
ing and fruit yield in “Autumn Treasure,” flowering advanced and increased fruit
yield resulted in the LD conditions 20h at all temperatures in “Erika” and “Polka.” Via
Recent Studies on Strawberries
decreasing the number of nodes created prior to flowering in “Autumn Treasure,” a
realization improved the transition to flowering with no impact fruit yield. In general,
the higher the light exposure, the higher the antioxidant content and capacity [36].
Also, it has been reported that light intensity upregulates flavonoid biosynthesis in
strawberry [32, 37] leading to the accumulation of anthocyanin, flavones, and total
phenolic [38]. To regulate flowering in strawberry, temperature and photoperiod are
the most vital environmental factors and their impacts have been comprehensively
investigated [10]. Cervantes etal. [39] declared that at temperatures higher than 27°C
with a critical photoperiod of 15hours, “Elan” is a qualitative long-day plant. It is also
suggested that all recurrent flowering (RF) cultivars are qualitative long-day plants at
high temperatures of 27°C, quantitative long-day plants at intermediate temperatures
(between 10 and 27°C), and DN at temperatures below 10°C. For affecting fruiting
season and time of flowering, several berry crops are treated by changing growth
and environment in commercial production systems. Also, [40] established that light
incidence affects strawberry fruit quality (flavor and antioxidant content) and that
strawberry fruit response to light conditions (as measured by the plasticity index)
is genotype-dependent. Any cultural methods that allow fruit to be exposed to light
may result in enhanced fruit quality in strawberry cultivars such as Fortuna [41–45].
. Result and discussion
Some blooming characteristics for Festival cv. rose dramatically at photoperiod
4h, such as blossom number. Similar to (Hidaka etal., 2014), plant-1 (32.200) in the
second season, viability pollen grain percentage (80.156%) in the first season, and
fruit set percentage (86.120%) in the second season (Figure ).
Some fruit parameters increased significantly at photoperiod 4h, such as fresh
weight of strawberry fruit (13.782g) in the second season and dry weight of straw-
berry fruit (3.467g) in the first season; dry weight percentage recorded the highest
value (29.515%) for Albion cv. in the first season, while Festival cv. recorded the
Figure 1.
Effect of photoperiod on some flowering parameters of two cultivars in two seasons 2017–2018.
Response of Strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) Flowering and Yield to Photoperiod
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.105442
lowest value (7.357%), Number of fruits. Plant-1 significantly increased (27.943)
for Festival cv. at photoperiod 4h in the first season and the lowest value recorded
(11.111) for Albion cv. at control treatment in the first season. Finally, fruit fall
percentage recorded the highest value (21.942%) for Albion cv. at control treat-
ment in the second season and the lowest value (10.108%) for Festival cv. at
photoperiod 4h in (Figure ).
Strawberry fruit diameter increased significantly to 3.984cm for Festival cv. at
photoperiod 4h in the first season of planting, while fruit length increased dramati-
cally to 4.688cm in the second season for Albion cv. at photoperiod 4h, and fruit size
recorded the highest value (4.307cm3) in the second season for Albion cv. at photope-
riod 4h and the lowest value recorded (1.321cm3) for Festival cv. at (Figure ).
weight g
Dry weight
Dry weight
No. of
fruits. plant-
Fruit fall%Fresh
weight g
Dry weight
Dry weigh
No. of fruit.
Fruit fall%
Season 2017 Season 2018
Festival controlFestival 2h Festival 4h Albion 0 Albion 2 Albion 4h
Figure 2.
Effect of photoperiod on some fruit parameters of two cultivars in two seasons 2017–2018.
control2h 4 hcontrol 2h 4 h
Festival Albion
Season 2017 Fruit. Diameter cm Season 2017 Fruit. Length cm Season 2017 Fruit. Size cm3
Season 2018 Fruit. Diameter cm Season 2018 Fruit. Length cm Season 2018 Fruit. Size cm3
Figure 3.
Effect of photoperiod on some fruit parameters of two cultivars in two seasons 2017–2018.
Recent Studies on Strawberries
Yield per plant-1 (g) and yield per hectare-1 (Kg) rose considerably at photope-
riod 4h for Festival cv. (100.591) in the second season and (96.633) in the first season,
respectively (Figure ).
Strawberry marketable fruits percentage increased significantly (89.344%) for
Albion cv. in the second season at photoperiod 4hours, while unmarketable fruits
recorded the highest value (17.932%) for Festival cv. at control treatment in the first
season and the lowest value (9.769%) for Albion cv. in the second season at photope-
riod 4hours (Figure ).
. Conclusions
The results confirm our previous finding [38] that flowering and fruiting in the
strawberry plant are promoted and advanced by SD during early stages of plant
growth and development. Photoperiod is one of the primary factors eliciting hor-
monal changes that stimulate flowering and fruit set. Covered plants for 4h in day
control2 h4 hcontrol 2
Festival Albion
Season 2017 Marketable fruits%Season 2017 Unmarketable fruits%
Season 2018 Marketable fruist% Season 2018 Unmarketable fruits%
Figure 5.
Effect of photoperiod on marketable fruits% and unmarketable fruits% of two cultivars in two seasons 2017–2018.
control2 h 4 hcontrol2 h 4 h
Festival Albion
Season 2017 Yield. plant-1 (g) Season 2017 Yield. hacter-1 (kg)
Season 2018 Yield. plant-1 (g) Season 2018 Yield. hacter-1 (kg)
Figure 4.
Effect of photoperiod on yield of two cultivars in two seasons 2017–2018.
Response of Strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch.) Flowering and Yield to Photoperiod
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.105442
Author details
Parween Muhammad K.Rozbiany* and Shler MahmudTaha
College of Agricultural Engineering Science Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq
*Address all correspondence to: parwwen.kareem@su.edu.krd
had a significant effect on most vegetative growth, flowering, and yield parameters.
Generally, photoperiod via shorting day had significant effect on the studied param-
eters of the two (Festival and Albion) cultivars of strawberry plant. Festival cultivar
responded to photoperiod more than Albion cultivar in fruit and yield parameter and
that index to tolerance and good response of Festival cultivar.
All praise and thanks are due to the Lord of universe Allah for giving me inspiration,
patience, time, strength and knowledge to complete this study. I am deeply indebted to
Prof. Dr. Shler Mahmood Taha for her excellent advice, support, motivation, encour-
agement and patience that extended to me in the success of this study. I would also like
to thank IntechOpen for their kind assistant. Extracted search from A Dissertation
“Effect of Photoperiod and Foliar of Calcium on Growth, Flowering and Yield Quality
Storage of Two Strawberry Cultivars (Fragaria X ananassa -Duch)” By Parween
Muhammad Kareem Rozbiany and Prof. Dr. Shler Mahmud Taha. Erbil-Iraq. May 2020.
© 2022 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
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