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Effect of Early Yoga Practice on Post Stroke Cognitive Impairment


Abstract and Figures

Background: Post‑stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) is a clinical entity that encompasses all types of cognitive impairment following an index stroke. Yoga has been proven to have a beneficial effect not only on cardiovascular risk factors but also on cognition. Hence, this study explored the PSCI spectrum and assessed the effect of yoga on PSCI. Methods: Forty stroke patients were enrolled in each yoga and control arm in this study. After the baseline assessment, control arm was administered standard care (including physiotherapy) while yoga arm received additional yoga intervention. Change in MoCA scores by 2 points in either direction, or FAB scale by 2 points at 6 months was taken as primary outcome, whereas improvement in MRS, CDPSS, CBS, and P300 values were considered as secondary outcomes. Results: Significant improvements were observed in MoCA, FAB, MRS, CPDSS, and CBS scores in both groups after 6 months. However, intergroup comparisons revealed better MoCA (25.5, IQR 22‑27) and FAB scores (15.5, IQR 14‑17) in yoga group compared to controls (24, IQR20‑25.75) and (14, IQR12‑15.75). Equivalent improvement was observed in MRS and CBS scores in both groups at 6 months; however, CDPSS score was better in yoga group (p = 0.0008). Both P300 amplitudes and latencies improved in all patients and median P300 amplitudes were significantly better in control group; however, no difference could be appreciated in P300 latencies improvement on intergroup comparisons at follow‑up. Conclusion: Study reveals that early yoga intervention in stroke survivors leads to better improvement in cognitive abilities which would further facilitate in early reduction of caregiver burden.
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Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology Volume 26 Issue 1 January-February 2023 Pages ***-***
Volume 26 • Issue 1 • January-Februar y 2 023
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Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology impact factor 1.714
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Effect of Early Yoga Practice on Post Stroke
Cognitive Impairment
Manshi Kashyap, Nirendra K. Rai, Ruchi Singh,
Ankur Joshi, Abhijit R. Rozatkar, Priyanka V. Kashyap,
Shweta Mishra, Sofia Mudda p-59
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Khushnuma A. Mansukhani, Satish V. Khadilkar p-85
© 2023 Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 59
Research and interventions in stroke survivors have primarily
been focused on physical disabilities, while research on
cognitive disabilities due to stroke remains limited.[1]
Post‑stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) is a clinical entity
that encompasses all types of cognitive impairment following
an index stroke. It may affect up to one‑third of stroke
Important structures of brain are connected by various
association bers. Volume of these connections involved
in infarct is an important determinant of cognitive
decline. However, brain has an enormous capacity for
new synaptogenesis, neurogenesis, neuronal circuit
rewiring as well as new circuit formation (neuroplasticity).
Neuroplasticity is maximum during the initial phase of
recovery post‑stroke, and if intervened early, better outcomes
may be obtained.
Yoga has been reported to have benecial eect on traditional
risk factors of stroke as well as cognitive functions.[3‑5] Thus,
a regular practice of yoga and meditation among the patients
with stroke may help in improving the cognitive functions.
Considering these facts, present study was done to evaluate
the spectrum of PSCI, as well as to assess the eect of yoga
on PSCI in ischemic stroke with a recent, within one month
MateRIaLs and Methods
Design and ethics statement
It was a hospital‑based open‑label, randomized, control
study conducted at a tertiary care center in central India. As
it was a pilot study, a convenient sample size of 30 patients
in each arm (yoga arm and control arm) was planned to be
included. However, considering a drop‑out rate of 25%, nally
40 patients were included in each arm. In accordance with
the Declaration of Helsinki, all participants were recruited
after obtaining approval from the Institutional Human Ethics
Background: Post‑stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) is a clinical entity that encompasses all types of cognitive impairment following
an index stroke. Yoga has been proven to have a beneficial effect not only on cardiovascular risk factors but also on cognition. Hence,
this study explored the PSCI spectrum and assessed the effect of yoga on PSCI. Methods: Forty stroke patients were enrolled in each
yoga and control arm in this study. After the baseline assessment, control arm was administered standard care (including physiotherapy)
while yoga arm received additional yoga intervention. Change in MoCA scores by 2 points in either direction, or FAB scale by 2
points at 6 months was taken as primary outcome, whereas improvement in MRS, CDPSS, CBS, and P300 values were considered
as secondary outcomes. Results: Significant improvements were observed in MoCA, FAB, MRS, CPDSS, and CBS scores in both
groups after 6 months. However, intergroup comparisons revealed better MoCA (25.5, IQR 22‑27) and FAB scores (15.5, IQR 14‑17)
in yoga group compared to controls (24, IQR20‑25.75) and (14, IQR12‑15.75). Equivalent improvement was observed in MRS and
CBS scores in both groups at 6 months; however, CDPSS score was better in yoga group (p = 0.0008). Both P300 amplitudes and
latencies improved in all patients and median P300 amplitudes were significantly better in control group; however, no difference could
be appreciated in P300 latencies improvement on intergroup comparisons at follow‑up. Conclusion: Study reveals that early yoga
intervention in stroke survivors leads to better improvement in cognitive abilities which would further facilitate in early reduction of
caregiver burden.
Keywords: Caregiver Burden Scale, Clinician‑Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity, Frontal Assessment Battery, Montreal
Cognitive Assessment, post‑stroke cognitive impairment, P300, yoga
Address for correspondence: Dr. Ruchi Singh,
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
This is an open access journal, and arcles are distributed under the terms of the Creave Commons
Aribuon‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build
upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creaons are
licensed under the idencal terms.
For reprints contact:
DOI: 10.4103/aian.aian_808_22
Effect of Early Yoga Practice on Post Stroke Cognitive
Manshi Kashyap, Nirendra K. Rai, Ruchi Singh1, Ankur Joshi2, Abhijit R. Rozatkar3, Priyanka V. Kashyap4, Shweta Mishra5, Sofia Mudda5
Departments of Neurology, 1Physiology, 2Community and Family Medicine, 3Psychiatry, 4Trauma and Emergency, 5AYUSH, AIIMS, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Original Article
Submitted: 02‑Oct‑2022 Revised: 20‑Nov‑2022 Accepted: 25‑Nov‑2022
Published: 04‑Jan‑2023
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023
Both male and female patients of ages >18 years with
ischemic stroke onset within past 1 month, having a modied
Rankin scale (MRS) ≤3, who presented either to emergency
or outpatient department of neurology were included.
Participants having pre‑existing dementia or minimal cognitive
impairment (MCI), or those already practicing yoga were
excluded from the study. Patients having severe aphasia
and/or severe dysarthria, cardiopulmonary contraindication
for physical exercise as per the American College of Sports
Medicine or suering from any chronic disease with less
than 2 years of life expectancy, contraindications to undergo
magnitude resonance imaging (MRI) or for yoga/breathing
exercise (major artery stenosis/dissection etc), residing >50 km
from the research site or, pregnant or planning for pregnancy
during the study period or denied consent for the study were
Block random allocation of patients was done (with a block
size of 4) in two groups (yoga arm, N = 40; and control arm,
N = 40) using SPSS software. All the enrolled patients were
assessed and treated as per standard of care, which included
physiotherapy consultation.
Standard tools like modied Rankin scale (MRS), Montreal
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Frontal Assessment
Battery (FAB), Clinician‑Rated Dimensions of Psychosis
Symptom Severity (CDPSS), and Caregiver Burden
Scale (CBS) were used to assess the baseline status of the
patients on dierent domains. All other investigations and
brain MRI were done as per standard of care.
Event‑related potential (P300) was measured in neurology
laboratory, as an objective neurophysiological method to
assess cognition. P300 was recorded on neuropack‑4‑evoked
potential machine (Nihon Kohden). Each participant was
seated in a silent room, and electrodes were placed according
to the standard international 10‑20 system. Participants were
made to wear headphone and listen attentively to the auditory
stimuli being presented. Auditory odd‑ball paradigm with
pure tone stimuli was administered binaurally at an intensity
of 70 dB SPL at a rate of 0.5 Hz. The target tone (20%) of
2000 Hz; 80 dB and non‑target (80%) of 1000 Hz; 60 dB, were
presented at random order of occurrence. Patients were asked
to respond only to the infrequently presented target stimuli
by pressing the switch provided to him. After smoothening,
P300 latency values were recorded at the highest peak (i.e.,
maximum wave amplitude) of response curve.
Intervention‑ Hatha yoga
In the rst week of intervention, patients were expected to
attend yoga sessions for at least 5 days, to enable them to
learn the asanas/breathing techniques. Each yoga session was
of about 60 minutes, supervised by trained yoga teacher. This
consisted of 5 minutes of breathing exercises, 10 minutes of
strengthening exercises, 30 minutes of simple yoga asanas,
10 minutes of pranayama, and 5 minutes of meditation. On
rst session, a single 10‑minute lecture on yoga concepts
and possible benefits was described to all new enrolled
patients in yoga group. Standard rehabilitation as per stroke
disability was also oered to these patients along with yoga.
Thereafter, for the next 11 weeks, the intervention was
supervised via tele‑yoga sessions with the help of recorded
video telecast on Google Meet platform for at least 1–2 days
a week. All patients were encouraged to continue practicing
their respective rehabilitation activity for next 3 months with
a frequency of at least 4–5 days/week at home [Figure 1].
Once‑weekly reminders were provided to them with the help
of text messages. Patients replied with a missed call or text
message; and failure to do either of them was considered as
Figure 1: Workflow of the study
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023 61
non‑compliance. Patients in the control arm were advised to
continue with physical activity at home as per standard stroke
rehabilitation guideline.
Follow‑up data as per outcome criteria was collected at the
end of 6 months. Standard of care was given to all enrolled
patients as per international guidelines.
Outcome Measures: Primary outcome was dened as change
in MoCA by 2 points in either direction, or FAB scale by 2
points. While secondary outcomes were MRS; CDPSS, CBS,
and P300 values.
Statistical Analysis: Data analysis was done using Statistics
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16. Microsoft
Word and Excel were used to generate tables and gures. As
per our protocol, only those patients who completed at least
4 weeks of intervention will be nally included in analysis.
Tests of normality were done using Shapiro–Wilk test. Mean
and standard deviation were used for parametric data, whereas
median (interquartile range) was used for nonparametric
data. Unpaired t‑test, Mann–Whitney U‑test (intergroup
comparisons), and Wilcoxon signed rank test (intragroup
comparisons) were used to compare the baseline and follow‑up
variables between the cases and controls. A value of P < 0.05
was considered statistically signicant for all tests.
We included 88 individuals presenting with stroke between
March 2020 and April 2021. Of these, 8 patients left the
proposed intervention within 1 week, and nally 80 patients
were included in this study. Thirty patients out of 40 in yoga
arm (cases) were compliant and completed the intervention.
Two patients withdrew consent after the rst 2 weeks of
intervention as they complained of generalized body‑ache.
Six were non‑compliant and did not do the intervention in
prescribed manner and cited low motivation as the reason for
non‑compliance, while rest two patients were lost to follow‑up.
There was no death in the yoga arm. In the control arm, seven
patients were lost to follow‑up and one patient died during the
study period due to myocardial infarction. All other patients
were compliant to the standard of care. Demographic details
were as given in Table 1A and 1B. Hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, and advanced age (≥60 years) were the most common
risk factors in both the groups. More than 65% patients in
either group presented with motor impairment, 10 (25%)
patients in yoga group and 9 (22.5%) in control group had
aphasia, followed by ataxia in 8 (20%) patients in yoga group
and 9 (22.5%) in control group. There was no signicant
association between right vs. left hemisphere strokes in the two
groups at baseline (p = 0.067). Routine investigations done at
Table 1B: Baseline comparison of radiological
characteristics of the two groups
Radiological Findings Yoga group
Control group
Infarct location
Right hemisphere
Left hemisphere
Bilateral hemispheres
13 (32.5%)
20 (50%)
2 (5%)
5 (12.5%)
22 (55%)
14 (35%)
0 (0%)
4 (10%)
Vascular territory
1 (2.5%)
2 (5%)
28 (70%)
4 (10%)
7 (17.5%)
1 (2.5%)
0 (0%)
30 (75%)
3 (7.5%)
7 (17.5%)
Watershed infarcts 1 (2.5%) 0 (0%)
Multi‑territorial infarcts 2 (5%) (both
1 (2.5%)
TOAST Classication
Large artery atherosclerosis (LAA)
Cardioembolic stroke (CES)
Small vessel disease (SVD)
Stroke of some other determined
6 (15%)
0 (0%)
24 (60%)
1 (2.5%)
3 (7.5%)
1 (2.5%)
19 (47.5%)
1 (2.5%)
Data presented as n (%); ICA‑ internal carotid artery; ACA‑ anterior
cerebral artery; MCA‑ middle cerebral artery; PCA‑ posterior cerebral
artery, VB‑ vertebrobasilar
Table 1A: Comparison of baseline characters of the two
Patient Particulars Yoga group
Control group
Mean age 52.85±13.70 55.18±13.24
Male 28 (70%) 31 (66%)
Female 12 (30%) 13 (32.5%)
Educated 30 (75%) 26 (65%)
Uneducated 10 (25%) 14 (35%)
Clinical ndings:
Motor impairment
Sensory impairment
Forced gaze deviation
Others (dysphagia/dysarthria/
31 (77.5%)
10 (25%)
2 (5%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
8 (20%)
0 (0%)
19 (47.5%)
27 (67.5%)
9 (22.5%)
6 (15%)
0 (0%)
1 (2.5%)
9 (22.5%)
1 (2.5%)
26 (65%)
Risk factors
Diabetes mellitus
Advanced age (≥60 years)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Hereditary/Acquired thrombophilia
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Family history
Past TIA/stroke
32 (80%)
15 (37.5%)
15 (37.5%)
11 (27.5%)
4 (10%)
0 (0%)
1 (2.5%)
6 (15%)
5 (12.5%)
35 (87.5%)
16 (40%)
15 (37.5%)
10 (25%)
2 (5%)
0 (0%)
2 (5%)
3 (7.5%)
7 (17.5%)
Body mass index
Underweight (BMI <18.5)
Normal BMI 18.5‑24.9)
Overweight (BMI 25‑29.9)
Obese (BMI ≥30)
1 (2.5%)
16 (40%)
22 (55%)
1 (2.5%)
0 (0%)
22 (55%)
15 (37.5%)
3 (7.5%)
Data presented as n (%) and mean±SD; P<0.05 is signicant “*”. P value
for mean age ‑0.563 (Unpaired t‑test)
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023
baseline yielded comparable results in both the groups. Small
vessel disease was the most common mechanism of stroke in
both groups [Table 1B].
Baseline median total MoCA and total FAB scores were
comparable in both groups (p = 0.075 and P = 0.066,
respectively). However, individual domain scores of naming
and visuospatial domains in MoCA, and mental exibility
and programming domain scores of FAB were signicantly
dierent at baseline [Table 1C]. Baseline CDPSS, MRS, P300
latency, and amplitude were comparable in both groups.
Patients in yoga arm showed significant improvement
in total MoCA scores, total FAB scores, MRS, CDPSS,
and CBS scores (p = 0.0001) from their baseline
scores [Figure 2] [Table 2]. Regarding individual domains
of MoCA, signicant improvements were seen in visuospatial,
attention, abstraction, recall, and orientation. While in
FAB subdomains, all, except environmental autonomy,
showed signicant improvement. Median P300 latencies
also improved at Fz, Cz, and Pz at follow‑up. However,
the changes in P300 amplitudes could not reach a level of
signicance [Table 2].
In control group, also significant improvements were
observed in all the measured scores, i.e., MoCA, FAB, MRS,
CDPSS, and CBS (p < 0.0001) [Figure 2]. Improvement
was observed in all the domains of MoCA except naming
and language. FAB scores improved in all domains. P300
latencies improved at Fz, Cz as well as Pz while amplitude
improvement was seen at Fz and Cz amplitude (p < 0.05)
[Table 3].
Comparison of cases and controls after 6 months of designated
intervention revealed better MoCA scores (25.5, IQR 22‑27)
and FAB scores (15.5, IQR 14‑17) in yoga group compared
to that of control group (24, IQR 20‑25.75) and (14, IQR
12‑15.75) [Figure 2]. The CDPSS score was better in yoga
group after intervention (p = 0.0008). However, dierence in
improvement in the MRS and CBS scores was not statistically
signicant. P300 latencies improved in both yoga and control
group; however, no dierence was seen in follow‑up P300
latencies values when compared between the two groups.
However, the dierence in the median amplitudes at Fz, Cz,
and Pz was signicantly better in control group having higher
amplitude [Table 4].
Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability, with a
sexual dimorphic presentation having male preponderance.
More than 65% of our patients were male, of middle age
with mean age of 54.01 ± 13.43 years. In present study, we
evaluated a spectrum of post‑stroke cognitive impairment
Table 1C: Baseline comparison of cognitive functions (using MoCA, FAB), CDPSS, and caregiver burden among yoga and
control group
TOOL/SCALE Yoga group (n=40) Control group (n=40) Mann‑Whitney U P
Baseline MOCA
20 (17‑22.25)
2.5 (1‑3)
2 (2‑3)
4 (2‑5)
2 (2‑3)
1 (0‑1)
3 (2‑4)
5 (4‑6)
19 (15.75‑21)
1 (1‑3)
2 (2‑2)
3.5 (2‑4)
2 (2‑2)
1 (0‑1)
3 (2.75‑4)
4.5 (4‑6)
Baseline FAB
Mental exibility
Sensitivity to interference
Inhibitory control
Environmental autonomy
12 (10‑14)
1 (1‑2)
2 (1‑2)
2 (2‑3)
2 (1‑2.25)
2 (1‑2)
3 (3‑3)
11 (8.75‑11)
1.5 (1‑2)
1 (1‑1.25)
2 (1‑2)
2 (1‑2)
2 (1‑2)
3 (3‑3)
Baseline CDPSS 1.5 (1‑2.25) 2 (1‑3) 663 0.172
Baseline CBS 14.5 (8‑22.25) 18 (12.75‑20) 674.5 0.227
MRS 2 (1‑2) 2 (1‑3) 655 0.134
P300 values Cases (n=37) Controls (n=35) Mann‑Whitney U P
Fz Latency (ms)
Cz Latency (ms)
Pz Latency (ms)
Fz Amplitude (µv)
Cz Amplitude (µv)
Pz Amplitude (µv)
414 (323.25‑504.75)
418 (342.25‑522)
429 (348‑514)
2.13 (0.71‑4.26)
2.09 (0.61‑4.19)
1.76 (0.72‑4.80)
410 (370‑481.5)
413 (368.75‑471.5)
415 (369‑476)
1.83 (0.84‑2.51)
1.98 (0.97‑3.68)
2.05 (1.19‑4.04)
Data presented as median (IQR); P<0.05 is signicant “*”. Mann‑Whitney U‑test. MoCA‑ Montreal Cognitive Assessment, FAB‑ Frontal Assessment
Battery, CDPSS‑ Clinician‑Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity, and CBS‑Caregiver Burden Scale
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023 63
decits in multiple domains, namely visuospatial, language,
naming, programming, conceptualization, mental exibility,
sensitivity to interference, and inhibitory control. Patients
of both yoga arm and the control arm showed signicant
improvements in MOCA and FAB scores after 6 months of
follow‑up [Figure 2], but these scores were better in yoga
Table 2: Intragroup comparison of cognitive functions (using MoCA, FAB), CDPSS, and caregiver burden among the yoga
Tool/Scale At baseline (n=30) At follow‑up (n=30) Wilcoxon signed rank z score P
20.5 (18‑22.25)
3 (1‑3)
2 (2‑3)
4 (2‑5)
2 (2‑3)
1 (0‑1)
3 (3‑4)
5.5 (4‑6)
25.5 (22‑27)
3 (3‑4)
3 (2‑3)
5 (3.75‑6)
2 (2‑3)
1 (1‑2)
4 (4‑5)
6 (6‑6)
Mental exibility
Inhibitory control
Environmental autonomy
12 (10.75‑14)
1 (1‑2)
2 (1‑2)
2 (2‑3)
2 (1‑2.25)
2 (1‑3)
3 (3‑3)
15.5 (14‑17)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑2)
3 (2.75‑3)
3 (2‑3)
3 (2‑3)
3 (3‑3)
CDPSS 1 (1‑2) 0 (0‑0) ‑4.66 0.0001*
CBS 14 (7.75‑21.25) 3 (1‑6) ‑4.70 0.0001*
MRS 1 (1‑2) 0 (0‑1) ‑4.86 0.0001*
P300 values At baseline (n=28) At follow‑up (n=28) Wilcoxon Signed rank z score P
Fz LATENCY 419.5 (329.5‑548.25) 314.5 (299.25‑345.5) ‑4.55 0.0001*
Cz LATENCY 416.5 (328‑554) 312 (299.5‑354.25) ‑4.361 0.0001*
Pz LATENCY 415.5 (348‑515.5) 312 (299.5‑356.75) ‑4.493 0.0001*
Fz AMPLITUDE 2.06 (0.68‑4.18) 2.30 (1.34‑4.12) ‑0.091 0.927
Cz AMPLITUDE 2.16 (0.60‑5.33) 2.53 (2.03‑3.46) ‑0.182 0.855
Pz AMPLITUDE 1.70 (0.67‑5.26) 1.76 (0.97‑4.07) ‑0.205 0.838
Data presented as median (IQR); P<0.05 is signicant “*”. Wilcoxon signed rank test. MoCA‑ Montreal Cognitive Assessment, FAB‑ Frontal Assessment
Battery, CDPSS‑ Clinician‑Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity, and CBS‑Caregiver Burden Scale
Figure 2: Rain Cloud diagram for cases and controls showing changes in MoCA and FAB scores. Individual points show individual patients, the
bifurcating line between the box plot shows median, the maximum distribution of cloud (grey) is showing the maximum clustering of patients at that level
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023
arm compared to controls (p = 0.034; P = 0.003) [Table 4].
In other words, greater number of individuals achieved
better scores for both MOCA and FAB in yoga arm, as
depicted in the rain cloud diagram [Figure 2]. Almost all
the domains of MOCA (except naming and language) and
FAB had improvement after 6 months but on intergroup
analysis; this dierence was signicant for the visuospatial,
naming, and recall domains of MOCA and for motor
programming, sensitivity to interference, and inhibitory
control domain of FAB scores (p < 0.05) with yoga arm
[Tables 2, 3, 4]. Yoga is a simple, economical, and easily
acceptable community‑based technique which has shown
promising results as a neurorehabilitation technique in several
diseases including stroke.[6] Schmid et al.[7] have shown the
benecial eects of yoga on the multiple aspects of physical
functioning. Being eective for psychological wellbeing in
addition to the known physical benets makes yoga t as an
additional neuro‑rehabilitative technique among patients of
stroke. Huber et al.[8] in their meta‑analysis tried to explore
the eects of motor‑cognitive interventions on stroke patients
and concluded that benecial eects of such interventions
on the cognitive functions in these patients remain under
explored. As post‑stroke cognitive and gait impairments have
been suggested to share structural and functional roots, stroke
has been linked to Motoric Cognitive Risk syndrome, where
cognitive and gait impairments remain intertwined.[9] Yoga
has shown to improve multiple variables in various population
of neurological disabilities including stroke. Hence, in the
present study we tried to explore benecial eects of yoga
on cognition in stroke patients, and we found improvement
in almost all domains; however, as the median scores in
visuospatial and naming of MOCA and motor programming
of FAB domain were not comparable at baseline, probably
due to dierential hemisphere (right vs. left) involvement
in the two groups, eect of yoga on these domains remains
uncertain. Also, it is noteworthy that for MOCA, we had
already added correction factor (1 point) for subjects with
total duration of formal education 12 years or less, as per the
recommendation.[10] Hence, education is not a confounding
factor in our study.
Secondary outcomes were also achieved in both groups
showing signicant improvement in caregiver’s burden score,
CDPSS score, and MRS scores The improvement in CDPSS
score was signicantly better in the yoga arm compared
to control arm (p = 0.0008). There was no dierence in
improvement in MRS score between the two groups. This is
probably because MRS score is based on functional status,
and there is plenty of existing evidence that any kind of
physical activity, be it yoga or physical therapy, reduces
post‑stroke physical disability and improves function.
Table 3: Intragroup comparison of cognitive functions (using MoCA, FAB), CDPSS, and caregiver burden among the
control group
Tool/scale At baseline (n=32) At follow‑up (n=32) Wilcoxon signed rank z score P
19 (15‑21)
1 (1‑3)
2 (2‑2)
4 (2‑4)
2 (2‑2)
1 (0‑1)
3 (2‑4)
4.5 (4‑6)
24 (20‑25.75)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑3)
5 (4‑6)
2 (2‑2)
1 (1‑2)
4 (3‑4)
6 (6‑6)
Mental exibility
Inhibitory control
Environmental autonomy
11 (8‑13)
1 (1‑2)
1 (1‑1.75)
2 (1‑2)
2 (1‑2)
2 (1‑2)
3 (3‑3)
14 (12‑15.75)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑2)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑2)
2 (2‑3)
3 (3‑3)
CDPSS 2 (1‑3) 0 (0‑1) ‑4.72 0.0001*
CBS 17 (12‑20) 6 (2‑9.75) ‑4.78 0.0001*
MRS 2 (1‑2.75) 1 (0‑1) ‑4.99 0.0001*
P300 values At baseline (n=29) At follow‑up (n=29) Wilcoxon signed rank z score P
Fz LATENCY 410 (373‑477) 334 (307‑362.5) ‑4.60 0.0001*
Cz LATENCY 414 (370‑471) 326 (310‑364) ‑4.59 0.0001*
Pz LATENCY 416 (370‑474) 326 (310‑359.5) ‑4.53 0.0001*
Fz AMPLITUDE 1.94 (0.87‑2.83) 3.15 (2.17‑4.42) ‑3.27 0.001*
Cz AMPLITUDE 1.98 (0.97‑3.80) 4.11 (2.37‑4.72) ‑2.49 0.013*
Pz AMPLITUDE 2.12 (1.19‑4.00) 3.59 (2.32‑4.16) ‑1.91 0.056
Data presented as median (IQR); P<0.05 is signicant “*”. Wilcoxon signed rank test. MoCA‑ Montreal Cognitive Assessment, FAB‑ Frontal Assessment
Battery, CDPSS‑ Clinician‑Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity, and CBS‑Caregiver Burden Scale
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023 65
Also, reduction in caregiver burden in yoga arm was not
signicantly greater than that in the control group. This could
be because the caregivers mostly focused on the burden due
to physical impairment which showed improvement with
early intervention of yoga or physical exercise in either of
the groups. Additionally, the patients enrolled in our study
only had mild‑to‑moderate disability. Hence, the burden was
probably not as signicant as it would have been with severe
physical disability.
Dejanović et al.[11] demonstrated that P300 latencies in stroke
patients were signicantly longer and the P300 amplitudes
were signicantly smaller than those of the control group.
Both these changes are indicators of cognitive slowing and
have been observed in various diseases and brain injury.[11]
In their study, the latency of P300, but not the amplitude,
showed a highly signicant average improvement 12 months
after the stroke compared to that at baseline without any
intervention. Similar improvement was also seen in our study
in the P300 latencies in both the groups after 6 months of
follow‑up; however, no dierences were observed in the P300
latencies between cases and controls neither at baseline nor at
follow‑up. Interestingly, there was signicant improvement in
the amplitude of P300 in control arm at Fz, Cz, and Pz but no
improvement in yoga arm. Although P300 is used as a correlate
in cognitive processing, there is still ambiguity regarding the
neural generators of P300. P300 amplitude increases with an
increase in mental eort, but a decline in P300 amplitude with
increasing task diculty has also been reported.[12,13] Probably,
recruitment of few compensatory additional neural networks
aects the P300 amplitudes.[14] Intracranial studies, lesion
studies, and fMRI‑EEG studies point toward multiple neural
generators of P300. Hence, P300, recorded at dierent places,
may have dierent source resulting from dierent mixture of
cognitive mixtures. In another words, the P300 measured at
Fz consists of another source mix (i.e., reecting a dierent
mixture of cognitive processes) than the P300 at Pz, and if
this source mix changes, dierences in trajectories are to be
expected.[15] Hence, it may be possible that compensatory
recruitment of neural circuits with the help of yoga diers
from those recruited after spontaneous recovery and may be
responsible for the dierence in the amplitude.
In a study of moderate stroke patients, 58 patients were
divided into yoga and conventional treatment groups.[16]
After 12 weeks of yoga training, the cerebral blood oxygen
content of stroke patients had signicantly increased, and
blood oxygen contents gradually approached that of normal
people. On weekly monitoring, it was found that signicant
increase in blood oxygen content in brain of patients started in
the third week of experiment. Furthermore, in this study, the
recovery of cognitive function was inspected by monitoring
Table 4: Comparison of cognitive functions (using MoCA, FAB), CDPSS, and caregiver burden among cases and control
at 6‑month follow‑up
Tools/Scales CASES (n=30) Median (IQR) CONTROLS (n=32) Median (IQR) Mann‑Whitney U P#
25.5 (22‑27)
3 (3‑4)
3 (2‑3)
5 (3.75‑6)
2 (2‑3)
1 (1‑2)
4 (4‑5)
6 (6‑6)
24 (20‑25.75)
3 (1.25‑3)
2 (2‑3)
5 (4‑6)
2 (2‑2)
1 (1‑2)
4 (3‑4)
6 (6‑6)
Mental exibility
Inhibitory control
Environmental autonomy
15.5 (14‑17)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑2)
3 (3‑3)
3 (2‑3)
3 (2‑3)
3 (3‑3)
14 (12‑15.75)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑2)
2 (2‑3)
2 (2‑2)
2 (2‑3)
3 (3‑3)
CDPSS 0 (0‑0) 0 (0‑1) 326.0 0.008*
CBS 3 (1‑6) 6 (2‑9.75) 405.5 0.289
MRS 0 (0‑1) 1 (0‑1) 379.0 0.120
P300 values Cases(n=28) Controls (n=29) Mann‑Whitney U P
Fz Latency 314.5 (299.25‑345.5) 334 (307‑362.5) 328.0 0.213
Cz Latency 312 (299.5‑354.25) 326 (310‑364) 308.5 0.119
Pz Latency 312 (299.5‑356.75) 326 (310‑359.5) 316.5 0.153
Fz Amplitude 2.3 (1.34‑4.12) 3.15 (2.17‑4.42) 279.5 0.043*
Cz Amplitude 2.53 (2.03‑3.46) 4.11 (2.37‑4.72) 268.0 0.028*
Pz Amplitude 1.76 (0.97‑4.07) 3.59 (2.32‑4.16) 252 0.014*
Data presented as n (%) and mean±SD; #Mann‑Whitney U‑test, “*” P value <0.05. MoCA‑ Montreal Cognitive Assessment, FAB‑ Frontal Assessment
Battery, CDPSS‑ Clinician‑Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity, and CBS‑Caregiver Burden Scale
Kashyap, et al.: Post stroke cognitive impairment and eect of yoga
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January‑February 2023
the brain wave of patients when faced with a problem.[16] The
authors reported that, with the same problem, yoga‑trained
patients showed greater brain activity compared to those who
underwent conventional rehabilitation therapy. Moreover,
the significant difference in the brain waves between
experimental and control group basically appeared in the
fourth and fth week of experiment. This study showed
that the yoga increases blood oxygen content and probably
enhances the brain activity and improves cognitive ability.[16]
In another systematic review, it has been suggested that
healthy yoga practitioners have higher GM volume in a
number of regions involved in cognitive function including
frontal lobe (i.e., bilateral orbital frontal, right middle frontal,
and left precentral gyri), limbic (i.e., left parahippocampal
gyrus, hippocampus, and insula), temporal (i.e., left superior
temporal gyrus), occipital (i.e., right lingual gyrus), and
cerebellar regions.[17] Another important aspect of cognition
specially for memory is the default mode network (DMN) of
the brain. It is usually activated during rest and deactivated
with an external task. Usually, connectivity of DMN decreases
with age and in dementia. This review also reported a better
DMN activity with yoga practice. Hence, we can hypothesize
that yoga might have changed the various connectivity and
gray matter densities in patients with PSCI, resulting better
Although studies have explored the effects of yoga on
improvement in post‑stroke motor function and balance, data
on its eects on post‑stroke cognitive impairment is scarce. Our
study is probably rst randomized controlled study which has
explored this aspect. The yoga exercises prescribed in our study
were suitable for rehabilitation of stroke patients with moderate
disability (MRS 3 or below). Our study is also unique as it
focuses on early yoga intervention. Hence, our study shows
that early yoga intervention in stroke survivors will improve
their cognitive abilities. Our study used tele‑yoga, which had
many advantages. It provided easy access to patients, especially
during the pandemic when movement was restricted across
the country. It also saved transport costs for patients and
increased compliance. In our study, the compliance was 75%.
Most common reason for non‑adherence was feeling of fatigue
and generalized weakness and low motivation. There were no
deaths in the yoga arm during the period of study, while 1 death
was reported in the control arm due to myocardial infarction.
The limitation of our study was its small sample size. This
study can serve as the stepping stone to future large‑scale,
well‑designed trials in this regard.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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... Regarding the types of exercises targeted at the intervention groups, the combined rehabilitation training programs involved: dual-task gait training [45,58,62], aerobic and cognitive training [29,40,54,59,60,66], aerobic activity and strength activity [44,46], Tai Chi [41,56], aerobic and endurance training [30,50,63,64]. The isolated aerobic training programs involved: aerobic training [31,42,48,49], high-intensity training [37,39,53,57], and yoga training [43,67]. On the other hand, the control groups participated in programs involving singletask gait training with a treadmill [45,62], performing conventional exercises [29,31,38,39,42,43,46,48,49,55,63,64,67], daily routines [30,41,61,65], which included mobilization of upper and lower limbs, stretching and muscle strengthening with elastic bands and walking [51,52]. ...
... The isolated aerobic training programs involved: aerobic training [31,42,48,49], high-intensity training [37,39,53,57], and yoga training [43,67]. On the other hand, the control groups participated in programs involving singletask gait training with a treadmill [45,62], performing conventional exercises [29,31,38,39,42,43,46,48,49,55,63,64,67], daily routines [30,41,61,65], which included mobilization of upper and lower limbs, stretching and muscle strengthening with elastic bands and walking [51,52]. An overview of the study and participant characteristics is listed in Table 1. ...
... Still, not in the control group [30,40,44,51,56,59,63,66], one reported no significant difference between the Baduanjin group and the controls for attention [61], and a single one [46] did not report improvements. The seven studies that used a stand-alone rehabilitation training program also assessed attention using neuropsychological tests [31,39,43,48,53,55,57]. Of these, four showed improvement in the intervention group but not in the control group [31,43,53,55], and three did not report any improvement [39,48,57], as shown in Table 1. ...
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Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physical activity on the cognition of patients with stroke, comparing the effectiveness of using isolated or combined rehabilitation, as well as the duration and intensity of training, to identify the characteristics of optimal training programs for post-stroke cognitive rehabilitation. Methods: For this systematic review, we followed PRISMA guidelines and searched Web of Science, Scopus, PEDRo, SPORTdiscus, PubMed, Trial Registries, and Google Scholar for studies published between 2013 and April 12, 2023. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions that measured the effect of physical activity on cognition in patients with stroke. We restricted our search to reports published in the English language. Evidence from the RCTs was synthesized. The risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Results: Of the 1,755 records identified, 34 were eligible, and data were available, with mainly low to moderate risk of general bias. The combined rehabilitation training programs proved more efficient when compared with isolated rehabilitation training programs in several cognitive domains. A moderate-intensity, 12-week intervention duration, with three weekly sessions, proved adequate. Discussion: It seems that combined rehabilitation training programs are efficient for patients with stroke as these alter neuroplastic conditions due to synergistic or additional onset of action. Future research should investigate combined rehabilitation training programs, with follow-up, to assess how long the recorded improvements last. The protocol of this study is registered in PROSPERO, number CRD42021248533.
... After duplications were removed (n = 546), title and abstract screening analysis eliminated 2586 studies due the following reasons: no yoga intervention (n = 1567), animals' study (n = 318), reviews (n = 221), wrong study design (n = 220), books (n = 82), in vitro study (n = 82), case reports (n = 41), pilot studies (n = 26), study protocols (n = 20), no sexual function outcomes (n = 4), wrong population (n = 3), dissertation (n = 1), and letter to editor (n = 1). The remaining 30 full-text articles were reviewed further, with 20 studies excluded for the following reasons: no sexual function outcome [55], nonrandomized studies [56], lack of nonintervention control group [57][58][59][60][61][62], combined interventions [63,64], wrong study design [65], no full text available [66][67][68], the same data from another previously published study [69], and did not report pre, post and/or change sexual function data [70][71][72][73][74]. Because eight [75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82] of the 10 remaining studies did not report mean changes and standard deviation for yoga and control groups, this information was requested from the corresponding authors; however, only two authors [77,78] responded (Table S2). ...
Background: Yoga practice can increase blood flow in the genital area, increase muscular strength, and improve body perception, which is related to sexual function. This study aimed to summarize the available evidence about the effects of yoga on sexual function in adults. Methods: Systematic searches of five databases were conducted from inception to April 28, with the last update on September 28, 2023. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that compared yoga with nonintervention control groups on sexual function in adults. Risk of bias and certainty of evidence were assessed by the Cochrane risk of bias tool 2, and the GRADE approach, respectively. Summary effect size measures were calculated using a random effects model estimation and are reported as standardized mean differences and 95% confidence intervals. Reporting followed the PRISMA guidelines. Results: Ten RCTs that comprised 730 adults (range mean age, 26.64-68.2 years; 680 [93.2 %] women) were included. For the primary outcome, yoga intervention was associated with a significant small improvement in sexual function (−0.31; −0.47 to −0.15, p = 0.0002), with some concerns about risk of bias in nine RCTs (90%) and low-certainty evidence. Subgroup analyses revealed that yoga interventions performed by women (−0.36; −0.52 to −0.21, p < 0.00001), healthy individuals (−0.38; −0.59 to −0.16, p = 0.0006), or middle-aged individuals (−0.44; −0.63 to −0.25, p < 00001) significantly improved sexual function compared with control groups. Conclusion: Yoga was associated with a small improvement in sexual function compared with nonintervention control groups in adults. However, high-quality, larger RCTs are required to draw more definitive conclusions.
Yoga has been shown to have an essential role in maintenance of non-communicable and communicable diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and medical institutions acknowledged Yoga as a natural immune-boosting intervention because of the preventative and therapeutic capabilities it has. To maintain the physical distance, information and services associated with Yoga were provided via various forms of telecommunication, which later got defined as tele-Yoga. This chapter is based on the importance, future, precautions, and applications of tele-Yoga in emerging digital health trends. It aims to synergize the interests of both the service provider and the service recipient, and raise awareness among the general public regarding tele-Yoga and digital health. We searched articles related to tele-Yoga by using keywords like tele-Yoga, digital health Yoga, mobile Yoga, and e-health Yoga with search output of 18, 44, 75, and 4 articles, respectively. Most of the articles were reviews and as perspective. However, various research articles including randomized trials show promise for tele-Yoga use. The chapter compiles such information and concludes that during the pandemic tele-Yoga played a spectacular role in reducing stress and providing overall wellness which continues even after the pandemic. Post-pandemic studies suggest that tele-Yoga is very helpful and feasible in structural disorders, management of metabolic disorders, neurodegeneration diseases, rehabilitation of heart attack patients, social issues like domestic violence, and post-COVID symptoms. The market of tele-Yoga in the field of digital health is expanding on a daily basis and it is reasonable to anticipate that this growth will continue into the foreseeable future.
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O Kaiut Yoga, uma metodologia de ensino de yoga clássico com enfoque terapêutico desenvolvida por Francisco Kaiut, naturopata e quiropata brasileiro, busca promover uma conexão corporal aprimorada e maior liberdade de movimento através de uma abordagem holística e científica. Diferentemente de outros estilos de yoga, como Iyengar Yoga ou Vinyasa Yoga, o Kaiut Yoga se destaca por sua ênfase na acessibilidade e personalização, adaptando suas práticas para atender às necessidades individuais do corpo. A interseção entre o Yoga e a neurociência é um campo emergente de estudo, demonstrando grande potencial na regulação do sistema nervoso, especialmente o sistema nervoso autônomo, e em promover benefícios para a saúde mental, física e cognitiva. Com a crescente demanda por terapias não invasivas para lidar com problemas de saúde como questões relacionadas ao sistema nervoso, o uso do yoga como prática terapêutica torna-se cada vez mais relevante, oferecendo oportunidades para pesquisas futuras sobre seus benefícios. O presente estudo tem como meta ampliar o entendimento sobre a conexão entre a abordagem do Kaiut Yoga e os possíveis benefícios que oferece ao sistema nervoso e para a saúde como um todo a partir de seus pilares metodológicos. Em conclusão, o estudo do Kaiut Yoga representa uma importante contribuição para o campo emergente da Neuro Yoga, fornecendo insights valiosos sobre os benefícios terapêuticos dessa prática para o sistema nervoso e para a saúde como um todo. Essas descobertas abrem caminho para futuras pesquisas clínicas controladas que possam determinar os potenciais benefícios do Kaiut Yoga e sua aplicação na promoção da saúde mental, física e cognitiva.
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Purpose This review aimed to assess the impact of different exercise dosages on cognitive function in individuals with post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI). Methods Four electronic databases—Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library—were systematically searched from inception to 01 January 2024, focusing on the impact of exercise therapy on cognitive function in individuals with PSCI. Only randomized controlled trials meeting the criteria were included. The exercise therapy dose and adherence were evaluated following the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines, categorized into a high compliance group with ACSM recommendations and a low or uncertain compliance group. A random-effects model compared the effect of ACSM compliance on cognitive function in individuals with PSCI, with the effect size represented by the standardized mean difference (SMD) and a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results In total, 18 studies meeting the criteria were included, with data from 1,742 participants. The findings suggested a beneficial effect of exercise on cognitive function in individuals with PSCI [SMD = 0.42, 95% CI (0.20, 0.65)]. Ten studies were categorized as the “high adherence group” and eight in the “low or uncertain adherence group” based on the ACSM recommendations. The subgroup analysis revealed that the SMD of the high compliance group was 0.46 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.82) (p = 0.01), while the SMD of the low or uncertain compliance group was 0.38 (95% CI: 0.07, 0.70) (p = 0.02). Conclusion Our study indicates the beneficial impact of exercise for patients with PSCI over no exercise. Furthermore, high adherence to the exercise dose recommended by ACSM guidelines demonstrated a more substantial improvement in cognitive function than low or uncertain adherence in patients with PSCI. Systematic Review Registration: https://, identifier CRD42023487915.
A BSTRACT Background The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) protects India’s strategic assets, a role burdened with stress that may affect cognitive functions in hypertensive personnel. This study investigates yoga’s potential to enhance cognitive abilities in these individuals. Methods In our study, 88 male CISF personnel at the Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore, aged 25­60 years, were divided into yoga and control groups. The yoga group underwent a 3-month regimen, daily 1-h sessions for 5 days each week. These sessions included a combination of loosening exercises, breathing practices, asanas, pranayama, and relaxation techniques. Cognitive evaluations were performed using Psychological Experimental Building Language software, encompassing the digit span, Stroop task, and Tower of London tests. Results Postintervention, the yoga group marginally improved in the digit forward task without significant difference ( p = 0.12), while in the digit backward task, they showed a slight decline compared to the control group’s pronounced decrease ( p = 0.03). In the Stroop task, across all conditions-reaction time for the congruent condition (RTC), neutral condition (RTN), and incongruent condition (RTI)-the yoga group demonstrated either stable or slightly increased reaction times. In contrast, the control group exhibited significant increases in reaction times across these conditions. Significant differences were observed across conditions (RTC: p < 0.001, r = −0.67; RTN: p < 0.001, r = −0.65; RTI: p < 0.001, r = −0.70). Post-intervention, the yoga group demonstrated improved accuracy across all conditions: congruent (96%), incongruent (80%), and neutral (92%). Post-intervention, the yoga group significantly reduced their errors compared to the control group, as indicated by a notable decrease in error rate ( p < 0.001, r = -0.68). Postintervention, the yoga group exhibited enhanced planning abilities ( p = 0.0038, r = −0.36). Conclusion Our study highlights the potential of yoga-based interventions in boosting cognitive abilities among hypertensive members of India’s CISF. However, a deeper exploration is essential to comprehensively understand yoga’s cognitive impact.
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Motor-cognitive intervention concepts are promising to counteract residual gait and cognitive impairments in chronic stroke. There is, however, considerable variation in motor-cognitive intervention types, which may lead to different effects. This systematic review strived to summarize and compare the effects of different motor-cognitive intervention concepts on gait and cognitive functions in chronic stroke. The systematic search identified twenty-nine articles, which were allocated to three types of motor-cognitive training concepts; SEQUENTIAL, SIMULTANEOUS-ADDITIONAL, and SIMULTANEOUS-INCORPORATED. Random-effects meta-analyses revealed that motor-cognitive interventions may be better than non-combined training approaches for improving gait function in chronic stroke (e.g. gait speed: g = 0.43, 95 % CI [0.22, 0.64], p < 0.0001). SIMULTANEOUS-INCORPORATED motor-cognitive training seems the most promising concept. As very few articles measured both, spatiotemporal gait parameters and cognitive outcomes, future studies are warranted to investigate the effects of motor-cognitive intervention concepts on gait control and cognitive functions in chronic stroke.
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Yoga is the most popular complementary health approach practiced by adults in the United States. It is an ancient mind and body practice with origins in Indian philosophy. Yoga combines physical postures, rhythmic breathing and meditative exercise to offer the practitioners a unique holistic mind-body experience. While the health benefits of physical exercise are well established, in recent years, the active attentional component of breathing and meditation practice has garnered interest among exercise neuroscientists. As the scientific evidence for the physical and mental health benefits of yoga continues to grow, this article aims to summarize the current knowledge of yoga practice and its documented positive effects for brain structure and function, as assessed with MRI, fMRI, and SPECT. We reviewed 11 studies examining the effects of yoga practice on the brain structures, function and cerebral blood flow. Collectively, the studies demonstrate a positive effect of yoga practice on the structure and/or function of the hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, cingulate cortex and brain networks including the default mode network (DMN). The studies offer promising early evidence that behavioral interventions like yoga may hold promise to mitigate age-related and neurodegenerative declines as many of the regions identified are known to demonstrate significant age-related atrophy.
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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To assess the effectiveness of yoga on recovery and quality of life (QoL) during stroke rehabilitation.
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The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of an ischemic stroke on the amplitude and latency of the P300 wave and evaluate their changes over a prospective 1-year follow-up period. We recorded the P300 wave using an auditory oddball paradigm in 60 consecutive brain infarct patients at baseline (i.e., within 4 weeks after the stroke), after 3 months, after 12 months and in 30 healthy control subjects. The P300 latencies in stroke patients were significantly longer and the P300 amplitudes were significantly smaller than those of the control group. The latency of P300 showed a highly significant average improvement 12 months after the stroke compared to the baseline. There was no significant change observed for the P300 amplitude during the same period. The P3 latency is initially more increased in the patients with hemispheric brain infarction but shows a better recovery compared to the patients with brainstem infarction. Also, the results of the P300 latency of patients with the left-sided lesions was significantly longer compared to the patients with right-sided lesions on the beginning of the study but not 3 and 12 months after the stroke. The results of our study show the importance of P300 event-related potentials in the detection and follow-up of cognitive changes after ischemic stroke.
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In the present study the frontal and parietal P300, elicited in an auditory oddball paradigm were investigated in a large sample of healthy participants (N = 1572), aged 6–87. According to the concepts of the compensation-related utilization of neural circuits hypothesis (CRUNCH) it was hypothesized that the developmental trajectories of the frontal P300 would reach a maximum in amplitude at an older age than the amplitude of the parietal P300 amplitude. In addition, the amplitude of the frontal P300 was expected to increase with aging in adulthood in contrast to a decline in amplitude of the parietal P300 amplitude. Using curve-fitting methods, a comparison was made between the developmental trajectories of the amplitudes of the frontal and parietal P300. It was found that the developmental trajectories of frontal and parietal P300 amplitudes differed significantly across the lifespan. During adulthood, the amplitude of the parietal P300 declines with age, whereas both the frontal P300 amplitude and behavioral performance remain unaffected. A lifespan trajectory of combined frontal and parietal P300 amplitudes was found to closely resemble the lifespan trajectory of behavioral performance. Our results can be understood within the concepts of CRUNCH. That is, to compensate for declining neural resources, older participants recruit additional neural resources of prefrontal origin and consequently preserve a stable behavioral performance. Though, a direct relation between amplitude of the frontal P300 and compensatory mechanisms cannot yet be claimed.
Exercise therapy is widely used in the rehabilitation of stroke patients. Yoga exercise therapy is the typical one, but its specific effect and mechanism of action have not yet been clearly explained. In this context, 58 cases of stroke patients were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. Then, the effect of yoga exercise on the recovery of cognitive ability and motor function of stroke patients was explored by means of clinical controlled experiments. Through the monitoring and comparison of cerebral blood oxygen content, brain feedback-related negativity (FRN) and modified Barthel index (MBI) between the two groups of patients, it was found that yoga exercise therapy actually has a significant effect on improving the cognitive ability and motor function of stroke patients. Besides, from the point of view of the specific mechanism, yoga increases the patient’s nerve excitability by increasing blood oxygen content in the brain, while the increase in nerve excitability further enhances the patient’s ability to reflect, think, and control the body, so as to ultimately improve their cognitive ability and motor function.
The motoric cognitive risk (MCR) syndrome, characterized by slow gait and cognitive complaints, is a simple and easily accessible clinical approach to identify older adults at high risk for transitioning to dementia. This study aims to define subtypes of MCR based on individual quantitative gait variables and to compare their neuropsychological profiles and risk factors as well risk for incident cognitive impairment. MCR was diagnosed in 314 community-residing, nondemented, older adults aged 65 and older (56% women) based on the presence of cognitive complaints and slow gait velocity (MCRv). Four new subtypes of MCR were defined by substituting slow gait with short stride length (MCRsl), slow swing time (MCRsw), high stride length variability (MCRslv), and high swing time variability (MCRswv). MCR subtypes were not mutually exclusive. A total of 25 participants (8%) met criteria for MCRv, 20 for MCRsl (6.4%), 15 for MCRsw (4.8%), 16 for MCRslv (5.1%), 12 for MCRswv (3.8%), and 266 participants (84.7%) did not meet criteria for any MCR subtype. At baseline, MCRv was associated with deficits in attention and language as well as in overall cognitive status. MCRswv was associated with deficits in all cognitive domains including memory. Obesity and sedentariness were risk factors of MCRv, MCRsl, and MCRsw. MCRv status predicted incident cognitive impairment in global cognition (odds ratio: 3.59, p = .016), whereas MCRswv status predicted incident cognitive impairment in memory (odds ratio: 4.24, p = .048). MCR subtypes based on individual gait parameters show commonalities and differences in cognitive profiles and risk factors. Future studies should investigate whether the MCR subtypes predict different subtypes of dementia. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Objective To assess change in physical functioning (pain, range of motion (ROM), strength, and endurance) after 8 weeks of therapeutic-yoga. Design Planned analyses of data from a randomized pilot study of yoga after stroke. Setting University-based research laboratory. Participants People with chronic stroke (N = 47) randomized to therapeutic-yoga (n = 37) or wait-list control (n = 10). Interventions 16 sessions of therapeutic yoga (twice a week/8 weeks). Yoga was delivered in a standardized and progressive format with postures, breathing, and meditation, and relaxation in sitting, standing, and supine. Main Outcome Measures Pain was assessed with the PEG, a 3-item functional measure of the interference of pain. ROM included neck and hip active and passive ROM measurements). Upper and lower extremity strength were assessed with the arm curl test and chair-to-stand test, respectively. Endurance was assessed with the 6-minute walk and modified 2-minute step test. Results After a Bonferroni Correction, pain, neck ROM, hip passive ROM, upper extremity strength, and the 6-minute walk scores all significantly improved after 8 weeks of engaging in yoga. No changes occurred in the wai-list control group. Conclusions A group therapeutic-yoga intervention may improve multiple aspects of physical functioning after stroke. Such an intervention may be complementary to traditional rehabilitation. Clinical Trial Registration Information URL:, NCT01109602
The availability of neuroimaging technology has spurred a marked increase in the human cognitive neuroscience literature, including the study of cognitive ageing. Although there is a growing consensus that the ageing brain retains considerable plasticity of function, currently measured primarily by means of functional MRI, it is less clear how age differences in brain activity relate to cognitive performance. The field is also hampered by the complexity of the ageing process itself and the large number of factors that are influenced by age. In this Review, current trends and unresolved issues in the cognitive neuroscience of ageing are discussed.
We present a comprehensive analysis of the change in event-related potential (ERP) due to task difficulty during a visual oddball task. Specifically, we investigated the inter-subject difference in difficulty-related change of ERP patterns using single-trial ERP analysis focusing on P300 and P2 components. ERPs were recorded and analyzed from 14 subjects while performing a visual oddball task with two difficulty levels. After extracting independent components (ICs) from single-trial ERPs, the averaged ERPs were used to identify which ICs originated from major ERP components. The ERP components were estimated from single-trial waveforms by back-projecting relevant ICs onto scalp electrodes after removing all other ICs; thus, the comparison of ERP components could be performed for each subject. The averaged P300 amplitude was smaller and latency was larger for the more difficult task, and this tendency was also observed for single-trial ERP analysis within each subject. P2 amplitude increased for the hard task for both group and individual analyses, suggesting that the P2 may be interpreted as a manifestation of task relevance evaluation or response generation. The P2 amplitude and latency were more notably correlated with response time for the more difficult task.