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Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of Open University



This study aims to produce a UT student service system design at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) by applying Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This research is a research and development using the method developed by Borg and Gall. In the first year, field studies, data analysis, and design development will be carried out. In the second year, application development and field trials were carried out. The results of the study found that the majority of respondents had access. Most respondents had no difficulty accessing THE services, TMK, online tutorials and web tutorials. The limitation of this research is that some of the available information does not match the respondent's needs and is difficult to reach. There is no problem with UPBJJ's internal management. The recommendations given are to adjust the organizational structure of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) and revise information about THE services, TMK, online tutorials, and web tutorials so that they are easily accessible and the contents can be used as guidelines for students in accessing Open University Services (UT). This research can be developed by focusing on public trust in distance learning.
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan
Vol.14, 4 (December, 2022), pp. 6059-6070
ISSN: 2087-9490 EISSN: 2597-940X, DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i4.2242
Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program
Unit of Open University
Agus Joko Purwanto1, Rulinawaty2, Suparti3, Kani Launggu4
1 Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia;
2 Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia;
3 Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia;
4 Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia;
Online information service;
Distance learning program;
Information and
Communication Technology.
This study aims to produce a UT student service system
design at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) by applying
Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This
research is a research and development using the method
developed by Borg and Gall. In the first year, field studies,
data analysis, and design development will be carried out. In
the second year, application development and field trials were
carried out. The results of the study found that the majority of
respondents had access. Most respondents had no difficulty
accessing THE services, TMK, online tutorials and web
tutorials. The limitation of this research is that some of the
available information does not match the respondent's needs
and is difficult to reach. There is no problem with UPBJJ's
internal management. The recommendations given are to
adjust the organizational structure of the Distance Learning
Unit (UPBJJ) and revise information about THE services,
TMK, online tutorials, and web tutorials so that they are easily
accessible and the contents can be used as guidelines for
students in accessing Open University Services (UT). This
research can be developed by focusing on public trust in
distance learning.
Article history:
Received 2022-02-03
Revised 2022-06-16
Accepted 2022-12-11
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license.
Corresponding Author:
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia;
In various literatures, distance learning and online are dynamic concepts with several
interpretations. Some literature mentions that distance learning characterizes digital learning with
unpredictable results, unplanned and implicit processes (Adedoyin & Soykan, 2020; Gonçalves et al.,
2020; Sulisworo et al., 2020) utilizing many types of technical devices such as smartphones, tablets,
computers and others. Online learning is the use of the internet and several other important
technologies to develop materials for educational purposes, instructional delivery and program
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
management (Hasibuan & Nugroho, 2017). Based on various studies realized during 2020, Zoom,
Microsoft Teams, and Google Classroom are the main platforms used for digital transformation in
teaching (Atlam et al., 2022).
Digital transformation is not new and has been with higher education institutions for several years
now (Lata & Chatterjee, 2022; Leszczyński et al., 2018). Digital transformation of Higher Education
Institutions is a topical issue that several educational stakeholders must consider, the ability to apply
ICT in every area of life is at an increasing level, thus universities must be able to carry out the task of
preparing professional potential to be able to face challenges and provide solutions (Bond et al., 2018;
Tungpantong et al., 2021) and this transformation has suggested the integration of continuous
management to be able to adapt to the modifications imposed as a result of new technologies (Abad-
Segura et al., 2020) and the recent pandemic. Digital transformation in the context of higher education
institutions can be considered the sum of all digital processes needed to realize a transformation process
that provides opportunities for universities to apply digital technology optimally (Education et al.,
2018). This process also consists of adequate strategic preparation, trust building, thought in process,
incorporation and strengthening of all parties involved, separate, collaborative and organizational
knowledge (Determinants et al., 2020). Teo et al. (2020) argues that the contemporary transformation
will be seen as a revolutionary modification in the specification of higher education as a process and as
an institution in the next 50 years because the transformation has moved face-to-face teaching programs
using objectivist teacher-centered teaching methods, to thousands of children, provincial universities
and domestic to online and hybrid programs applying digital technologies enhance constructivist,
learner-centred, cooperative pedagogy for several hundred "mega-universities" functioning
worldwide. The researchers add that online learning is a new social process that has garnered
momentum as a replacement for traditional face-to-face classes, but viewed from the perspective of a
replacement process that has been labeled a disruptive process. The Covid-19 pandemic initiated the
digital transformation of higher education, and as a result of the crisis brought on by the Covid-19
pandemic, novelties in higher education that usually take years due to different managerial regulations
are presented quickly in a limited number of days (Strielkowski, 2020) and this has also turned the
branding of online learning as a disruptive process into "messiah" status.
When assessing assumptions surrounding the digital transformation of higher education
institutions, Jones et al. (2021) provides five general assumptions that are considered more of a barrier
to the digital transformation of higher education institutions than their contribution to its realization
and these assumptions are related to 1) change, 2) speed, 3) technology, 4) competence and 5) financing.
Digitization in higher education should not be called e-learning because online learning is only one of
several features of the digital transformation of higher education institutions. Online learning is the
educational use of technological devices, tools and the internet (Beinicke & Kyndt, 2020). Chen (2020)
adding that the continuous improvement in technological innovation and internet accessibility has
increased motivation to learn online since the beginning of the millennium, however Joshi et al. (2020)
concluded that the achievement of online learning is still debated because it causes no face-to-face
relationship between students, students and instructors. distinguish adequately planned online
learning experiences from courses presented online in response to a crisis. These researchers went so
far as to refer to online education during this pandemic as “emergency remote teaching” because the
latter is the opposite of quality or effective online learning.
Effective online education consists of online teaching and learning, leveraging several research
works, principles, prototypes, theories, ethics, and assessments of benchmark concentration on quality
online course design, teaching and learning (Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020; Hodges, 2020) because it has
been confirmed that effective online learning is a by-product of careful instruction design and planning
with the application of organized models to design and develop learning (Valverde-Berrocoso et al.,
2020). Instructions in the absence of careful design and development of processes in the migration
process gave rise to a rejection of the contemporary online educational experience during this pandemic
as effective online education but not as emergency distance teaching (Bozkurt & Sharma, 2020).
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 4 (December 2022): 6059-6070 6061 of 6070
Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
Abramovsky (2013) research found that widespread adoption of Information Communication
Technology (ICT) increased organizational productivity. This shows that ICT can increase the speed of
data and information sharing, processing, and presentation of data. In research in Ethiopia, Mohanty
(2019) found that the ICT Development Index (IDI) has a positive correlation with the Human
Development Index (HDI). Mohanty's findings indicate that ICT is a medium to improve the
competence of human resources. Alejandro (2017) found that introducing new ICTs enables organizations
to process any given amount of information with a shorter delay. Gruner's findings show that the use of ICT
can cut service time. Furthermore, Gruner explained that implementing ICT applications needs to be
followed by restructuring by reducing the hierarchy.
These findings indicate that ICT in the service system will be able to increase organizational
productivity, cut service time, increase employee competence, and require organizational
restructuring. When compared with the findings in 39 Distance Learning Center Units (UPBJJ) owned
by UT throughout Indonesia and in the ASEAN region, it can be said that by referring to the findings
of other researchers, so that the process of implementing ICT for services, it is necessary to restructure
considering UT as a pioneer university. in distance learning in Indonesia. This research focuses on the
implementation of ICT in the UT service system after restructuring. Without prior restructuring,
implementation will only create a new red tape for UT which has 346,584 students spread throughout
Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate the design of the student service system at the Distance Learning
Center Unit (UPBJJ) by applying Information Communication Technology (ICT).
This research is a qualitative research with qualitative and quantitative data. This study aims to
reveal the practice of student academic administration services at the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ).
The data from the study were then analyzed and evaluated for their effectiveness. After that, data
analysis was carried out and a new organizational design was drawn up by incorporating the
Information Communication Technology (ICT) component. The new organizational design is a
transformation from the design that has been used so far into an organizational design that uses
Information Communication Technology (ICT) through a “debureaucratization” process. The research
took place in two locations of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) of the Open University, namely UPBJJ
Surabaya and Bogor.
Data were collected using interviews, questionnaires and observation. Informants in this study
were 4 officials of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) Surabaya UT and 3 officials of the Distance
Learning Unit (UPBJJ) Bogor UT. There were 6 student informants who were interviewed in depth,
consisting of 3 students from the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) Bogor and 3 students from the
Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) Surabaya.
This research aims to develop service design and application design. This research data was
collected from data obtained through questionnaires to students and interviews with officials from the
Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) of the Open University (UT) Surabaya and Bogor, namely the Head of
the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ), registration and examination coordinator, and learning assistance
coordinator. as well as observations in the two Distance Learning Units (UPBJJ) and library searches.
Questionnaires were distributed to students by sending emails to 1000 students at random.
Questionnaires that returned as many as 589 questionnaires. The majority of students are domiciled in
East Java, a few others are from Sulawesi and Sumatra. The majority of respondents are under or equal
to 25 years old. The Organizational Structure of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) consists of the Head,
Registration and Testing Coordinator (Regjian), Coordinator of Learning Assistance and Teaching
Materials (BBLBA), Head of Administration Sub-section (Ka TU), lecturers, and education staff. The
Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) partners with study groups and the Salut Open University (UT) service
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
center in student services. In accessing the services of the Open University (UT), students in addition
to dealing with UPBJJ they are also in touch with SALUT. The following is the organizational structure
Chart 1. Organizational Structure of UPBJJ
In carrying out their duties, the Head of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) also assigns tasks to
the lecturer as the person in charge of the region. As the person in charge of the region, the lecturer is
responsible for student services in certain regions (generally districts or cities) to lecturers. Some staff
are also given the responsibility as the person in charge of the area if needed. To assist students in
accessing the Open University (UT) services, the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) is also given the
authority to establish cooperation with study groups (Pokjar) and UT service centers (SALUT). The
number of Salut and Pokjar for each UPBJJ is not the same, because each UPBJJ UT has a different
number of districts and cities. Ideally, each district/city has a cooperation partner (SALUT and
POKJAR) at least two regional program managers to facilitate student recruitment and coordinate
students in remote areas that are difficult to access UPBJJ UT. The map of UT students tends to be in
remote areas in Indonesia (
3.1. Communication Network
From the results of the interviews obtained information that with the use of information
technology (IT) in the management of the Open University (UT), the service becomes faster. Within the
internal scope of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ), the use of Information Technology (IT) in the
Open University (UT) service system has reduced the hierarchy in decision making and has accelerated
the flow of information both downwards, upwards, sideways, and horizontally (https
In the external Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) service system for students, students have a channel
to connect with the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) as well as with Pokjar and Salut. Students are free
to choose the communication channel in accessing the service. Students can access services directly to
the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ) either face-to-face or using media or access services through Pokjar
or through Salut. Students can combine access to their services with all existing channels.
Ka. TU
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
Chart 2. Flow of Internal and External Information at UPBJJ
From Chart 2 above, it can be seen that information flows in all directions without any hierarchical
barriers. Information Technology (IT) has changed the organizational information flow of the Distance
Learning Unit (UPBJJ) from a formal flow of information through a hierarchy to a networked
information flow model that is not bound by hierarchy and time. This finding is different from what
was stated by Mejia (2018), modern computer-based information sistems have become central
components of many organizations’ structures. Chart 2 shows that the organizational structure of UT
is not in line with the ongoing communication flow. The findings also strengthen the opinion of Jones
(2021) which states that ICT plays a role in “delayering” (flattening) of the organizational hierarchy and
a move toward greater decentralization and horizontal information flows within organization.
In terms of access to information, students find it easy to access information from UPBJJ. One of
the factors that makes it easy to access information is the availability of information, employee
disclosure, and supporting equipment and assistance from Pokjar. Meanwhile, the obstacles in
accessing information felt by students were 1) difficulty downloading digital BA, tutorial procedures,
how to use google drive, and how to use ecampus; 2) lack of clear information about TMK for students
who do not follow tuton; 3) information about tuton/Tuweb/TMK lacks notification of next steps; 4)
LMS likes hard to see value; and 5) the number of websites or applications provided by UT makes
students confused.
From the data obtained from the questionnaire and then processed by cross-table, it appears that
462 respondents (79%) are at most 25 years old and only 9% of students aged over 31 years. This data
indicates that the age of UT students is getting younger than in previous years. In general it can be said
that the younger a person is, the faster they accept new things.
The communication tools that respondents mostly use to access information about THE, TMK,
Tuton, and Tuweb services are WA and computers, two other media are brochures and print media are
not widely accessed by respondents. The student's acknowledgment also illustrates that with WA and
computer respondents, it is easy to obtain information related to THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services
(Suryadi, 2020).
Respondent data confirmed that 60% of the 462 respondents under 25 stated that accessing THE,
TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services online was easy. Meanwhile, 13% (79 people) stated that accessing
THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services was very easy. In general, only 5% of respondents stated that
accessing THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services was difficult. Interviews obtained information that
Ka. TU
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
some students do not know they have to access. Informants stated that they did not receive information
about the need to access THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services. Researchers suspect that they have
personal problems such as lack of skills, no tools or no access to the network.
Information collected through questionnaires turned out to be WA is the most widely used tool to
receive and communicate about THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services, namely Whatapps media, then
the UT website and information from friends. Only a few respondents opened the UPBJJ website to
obtain information about THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services. The media that is traditionally used
to transmit information, namely letters, ranks the lowest among other media. However, it turns out
that email as an official medium for sending information does not get a good response. Email only
ranks fifth. Another source that is quite important in providing information about THE, TMK, Tuton,
and Tuweb services is information from friends.
The majority of respondents stated that 91% of the 725 answers stated that it was very easy to
access information. However, 17% of respondents stated that the available information did not meet
their needs. Meanwhile, 35% stated that the available information was not easy to understand. The
management of UPBJJ Bogor also experiences this. They stated that the deficiency was information
related to the student service scheme. Information about what students should do is still lacking. For
example, information about the meaning of Sipas and Nonsipas scheme services. In Sipas and Nonsipas
information, students are still having problems getting information about the amount of fees, the steps
that must be taken in accessing services, are still unclear. The information conveyed is still general, less
specific. Then information about TUWEB and OSMB is also still lacking. Information about the rights
and obligations of tutoring participants is less clear, such as information about the rights and
obligations of students as participants of tutors and tutors. Information material is not what students
need. Students need information about how to formulate calculations so that students can answer.
According to the informant, in accessing the SIA Application, students must know 1) the steps and
procedures for finding service information; 2) rights and obligations as service users, such as tuweb
and tuton services; and 3) communication channels to obtain specific information.
The available information can be stated that although the majority of respondents stated that
information can be accessed easily, there are still shortcomings, namely the quality of the information
available does not meet their needs. In addition, this survey was conducted online, so the respondents
who answered were respondents who had online access, so it is suspected that this answer did not
represent students who were in difficult areas or could not access the online network.
3.2. Decision-making
The questions in this subsection explain whether the decision-making level policy in the Distance
Learning Unit (UPBJJ) is by the needs, meaning that employees who have to make operational decisions
have the authority to make operational decisions. Officials are given the authority to make decisions
regarding their work. Their decisions are reported to the Head of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ).
The type of decision taken is a decision that is appropriate to the field of work. Meanwhile, the officials
feel the decision-making authority to be sufficient in completing the task. In relation to decision-making
regarding THE, TMK, Tuton, Tuweb activities, the decision-making authority is for THE, Registration,
and SUO activities, the decision-making authority lies with the Registration and Examination Manager.
Meanwhile, for activities related to TMK and Tutor Recruitment, the authority to make operational
decisions is given to the BBLBA Manager. Then the authority related to the fulfillment of resources is
given to the General Manager (Terbuka, 2020).
3.3. Work System and Procedure
The question is to answer whether the current performance of the information delivery system at
UPBJJ has met the needs of the students. If UPBJJ's internal work systems and procedures are effective,
it is assumed that students will also find it easier to access information. The following is the explanation
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
of UPBJJ Bogor and Surabaya officials regarding the performance of the current work system and
The organizational structure and procedures that have been built have resulted in effective
communication between officials and employees. Likewise, vertical communication between superiors
and subordinates, both in the form of upward and downward communication, takes place effectively.
Horizontal communication between employees also takes place effectively. This is indicated by the
absence of reports of conflicts between employees and officials. Likewise, there are no reports of student
complaints regarding UPBJJ services.
Internal organizational communication with systems and work procedures in information
management of THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb is currently quite clear. The employees also stated that
the information was available as needed. No employees "hide" information, resulting in poor service.
According to respondents' opinion, there are three main problems in providing information on THE,
TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb, namely 1) communication lines are too long; 308 answers (54%) out of 574
answers; 2) Communication lines are not clear; 144 answers (25%); and 3) the information I need is not
available; 122 answers (21%).
The data findings on problems related to the provision of information appear that the answers of
student respondents are in line with the answers of UPBJJ management. The obstacle in online
communication at UPBJJ is the competence of some employees, especially senior employees. Limited
IT skills for some senior groups hinder online communication, but the juniors/millennials have no
problem, they can follow along well. The obstacles in the systems and procedures of THE, TMK, Tuton,
and Tuweb information services that employees feel are that the systems and procedures still need to
be improved: 1) communication lines are too long; 2) some communication lines are not clear, namely
some communication lines are not clear, especially the procedures for accessing information services
by students; 3) the type of information available is information related to student service schemes. In
the student service scheme, information related to guidance on what students should do is still lacking.
For example, what is a saved and non-passable schema service. Students are still having problems
getting information about the amount of fees, the steps that must be taken in accessing services are still
unclear. The information conveyed is still general, less specific; 4) difficulty contacting students because
they often change numbers; 5) students very much need the SIA application because the SIA application
is the main media to access UT services and information; 6) SRS needs to be custormed because the
implementation of activities between UPBJJ is different from one another. UPBJJ needs to be given
access to inform students of their activities; 7) UPBJJ Still have to remind students the schedule of
activities because students often forget; and 8) need an information door that makes it easier for
students to access information.
3.4. Technology
From the results of the distribution of questionnaires, information was obtained that the majority
of respondents accessed THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services using mobile phones and computers.
Very few still rely on print media. Most of the respondents stated that they had easy access to
information, but in terms of information content there were still problems in the sense that the
information they needed was not fully available. There are sixteen types of services at UPBJJ. The
sixteen types of services require information to be conveyed to students. UT uploads all the information
to the UT website and the respective UPBJJ websites.
Problems in accessing information and information quality were complained by 59% of HP users
and 38% of computer users. The biggest problem is the problem of information that is difficult to access.
Technically, there is information that is of low quality or not even accessible by HP. This information
can only be accessed using a computer. It is suspected that designers do not take into account the
gadgets used by students in accessing information. As a result, the same information and the same
application are not problematic when opened on a computer but have problems when accessed via HP.
The existing data is suspected that information is difficult to access on a cellphone or computer. In
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
addition, some respondents feel that the information received is not easy to understand, both by
respondents who access information using cellphones and computers. Some stated that there was
information that was less relevant to the respondents' needs. From the results of interviews in Bogor,
there are clues as to why the information is less understandable by the respondents.
Meanwhile, in the respondents' answers, they complain about information related to registration,
web tutorials, online tutorials, and online exams. From the processed data, respondents' answers are
quite spread out. From respondents who have very easy access to information, those who have easy
access and difficult to access information, there are still those who complain that the information they
need but is not available. The information submitted in the UT information system is incomplete.
respondents still complain that there are many services, but if they are sorted according to priority the
information problem is centered on online tutorial services, tutorials via the web and online exams.
In accessing information, many students who have difficulty or are unclear about the information
then submit their complaints to UT. However, what is interesting is that only 7 answers out of 1049
answers j stated that they submitted their complaints to UT via online media, namely Halo UT, and
only 1 response submitted their complaints via email. There are 314 answers (30%) submitting
complaints to UPBJJ via email or cellphone. The majority of respondents conveyed their complaints
through study groups.
Data obtained from respondents showed that many respondents who did not submit complaints
directly to UPBJJ either came directly or by using the media. The role of study groups in bridging
student difficulties is quite large. In interviews with UPBJJ Bogor students, it was also revealed that
Pokjar and Salut were very helpful if they faced difficulties accessing information.
3.5. Recommended Information Provision Model
The various information and analyses presented above show that although the information is
readily available and easily accessible, there are still shortcomings. Respondents mostly use cellphones
and computers or a combination of both in accessing UT information. To overcome the shortcomings
in providing information, students are helped by the existence of pokjar and salute. Internally, there
are no problems with systems, procedures, and equipment in providing information about THE,
Tuweb, Tuton, and TMK. The problem faced is the lack of knowledge and skills of UPBJJ HR in
accessing and operating online services. Meanwhile, the problems faced by students are more on
application integration and less comprehensive information content. The internal communication
model of UPBJJ and UPBJJ with external parties can be described as follows.
Chart 3. UPBJJ and UPBJJ internal communication models with external parties
Ka. TU
UT Center
Added an application that
provides comprehensive
information on how to access
UT services and their
Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 14, 4 (December 2022): 6059-6070 6067 of 6070
Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
The Open University (UT) is currently an organization with modern computer based information
systems that have become the central components of many organization's structures. Implementation
of IT in the organization will change the organizational structure. Thus the organizational structure of
UPBJJ needs to be adjusted to the needs of organizations that implement IT. UPBJJ organization needs
to be structured by to combine an adhocracy with bureaucratic element based on advanced information
The use of information technology in the Open University (UT) management makes services faster.
Within the internal scope of the Distance Learning Unit (UPBJJ), the use of information technology in
the UT service system has reduced the hierarchy in decision making and has accelerated the flow of
information, both downwards, upwards, sideways, and horizontally. Employees who have to make
operational decisions have the authority to make operational decisions. The authority to make
operational decisions is given to the BBLBA Manager. Then the authority related to the fulfillment of
resources is given to the General Manager. Internal organizational communication with systems and
work procedures in information management of THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb is currently quite clear.
The employees also stated that the information was available as needed. No employees "hide"
information, resulting in poor service.
The majority of respondents access THE, TMK, Tuton, and Tuweb services using mobile phones
and computers. Very few still rely on print media. Most of the respondents stated that they had easy
access to information, but in terms of information content there were still problems in the sense that the
information they needed was not fully available. Respondents still complain that there are many
services, but if they are sorted according to priority, the information problem is centered on online
tutorial services, tutorials via the web and online exams. The Open University (UT) is currently an
organization with modern computer based information systems that have become the central
components of many organization's structures. Implementation of IT in the organization will change
the organizational structure. Thus, the organizational structure of UPBJJ needs to be adapted to the
needs of organizations that apply information technology. The UPBJJ organization needs to be
structured with "to combine an adhocracy with bureaucratic elements based on advanced information
The limitation of this research is that some of the available information does not match the
respondent's needs and is difficult to reach. There is no problem with UPBJJ's internal management.
The recommendations given are to adjust the organizational structure of the Distance Learning Unit
(UPBJJ) and revise information about THE services, TMK, online tutorials and web tutorials so that
they are easily accessible and their contents can be used as guidelines for students in accessing the Open
University Services (UT). This research can be developed by focusing on public trust in distance
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Agus Joko Purwanto, Rulinawaty, Suparti, Kani Launggu / Online Information Service Model at the Distance Learning Program Unit of
Open University
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COVID-19 was first discovered in Wuhan, China on December 2019. It is one of the worst pandemics in human history. The education sector is one of the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators and students worldwide were forced to shift to online learning. Students, in particular, have suffered from the psychological impacts and learning difficulties caused by the lockdowns imposed by governments to control the pandemic. In this study, we used statistics and machine learning approaches to study the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on educations systems especially on university students’ psychological health. For this purpose, a questionnaire was created,which consisted of two primary parts. The first part collects the participant’s demographic and educational characteristics, while the second part gathers information about five primary dimensions: the use of digital devices, sleep habits, social communication, emotional mental state, and academic performance. The questionnaire was distributed to university students in three Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. A total of 1766 responses were returned and analyzed using statistical and machine learning approaches. The results showed an evident correlation between student’s psychological health and the use of online education during the time COVID-19. The results also showed that there is a positive relationship between digital tools used for online education and the academic performance of students during the time of COVID-19. Finally, the results highlighted the harmful impacts of COVID-19 on the education systems. The study ends by presenting suggestions and recommendations needed to improve the current online education system. Moreover, it is warranted for universities to have a role in helping students respond to the pandemic in a healthier psychological performance.
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Research in digital transformation (DT) is burgeoning. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic has not only influenced both day-to-day functions of firms dramatically, but also their efforts to become more digitally mature. In this review paper, we discuss the barriers to DT before, during, and what may well continue after the COVID-19 pandemic and offer a new strategy discipline—Strategic Doing—that may be useful to manufacturing firms in achieving successful DT. We discuss the divergent definitions and drivers of DT diving deep into the barriers for manufacturing firms to mature digitally. We briefly describe digital readiness and current efforts of DT in manufacturing while describing the impact of COVID-19 on DT initiatives. We conclude by describing Strategic Doing and suggesting new paths for research in this area.
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This research study examines the attitudes of Portuguese higher education students regarding compulsory digital and distance learning university courses during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology was quantitative, being the undergraduate and postgraduate students surveyed to find their perceptions about distance and online education in Portugal. The findings of the study highlighted the relationship between distance and online learning. The key concern of the respondents is related to the formal and contextual dimensions of the online class regime. The values examined, taken as a whole, allow us to conclude that with this teaching regime, in terms of awareness, there is acceptance and benefit. The sense of ambiguity in which this transformation took place, as well as the climate surrounding this phase, are worth noting. The teaching and evaluation methodologies used have been embraced and show a very wide range of choices on the part of the teaching teams and the students' various interests, just as in the teaching regime of the classroom. The fact that students feel the need for face-to-face classes, however, is of great importance for practical and laboratory classes. This reality, which is a challenge to face in the future, is hard to overcome.
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The World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 as a pandemic that has posed a contemporary threat to humanity. This pandemic has successfully forced global shutdown of several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response migration of universities with online learning serving as the educational platform. The crisis-response migration methods of universities, faculty and students, challenges and opportunities were discussed and it is evident that online learning is different from emergency remote teaching, online learning will be more sustainable while instructional activities will become more hybrid provided the challenges experienced during this pandemic are well explored and transformed to opportunities.
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The concept of e-learning is a technology-mediated learning approach of great potential from the educational perspective and it has been one of the main research lines of Educational Technology in the last decades. The aim of the present systematic literature review (SLR) was to identify (a) the research topics; (b) the most relevant theories; (c) the most researched modalities; and (d) the research methodologies used. To this end, the PRISMA protocol was followed, and different tools were used for the bibliographic management and text-mining. The literature selection was carried out in three first-quartile journals indexed in JCR-SSCI specialized in Educational Technology. A total of 248 articles composed the final sample. The analysis of the texts identified three main nodes: (a) online students; (b) online teachers; and (c) curriculum-interactive learning environments. It was revealed that MOOC was the most researched e-learning modality. The Community of Inquiry and the Technological Acceptance Model, were the most used theories in the analyzed studies. The most frequent methodology was case study. Finally, the conclusions regarding the objectives of our SRL are presented: Main themes and research sub-themes, most researched e-learning modality, most relevant theoretical frameworks on e-learning, and typologies of research methodologies.
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This study aims to make predictions of online learning during the COVID-19 mitigation period by using Analytic Learning Techniques. Learning is done using Moodle as the learning management system. The primary statistical technique used in this study is cluster analysis, which groups students in three different characteristics based on the activity components. The results of the study indicate that the activity components that support social presence are the determining components in predicting learning success. Another consequence is that the three clusters formed can be identified as high, medium, and low groups in progress with the identifier of activity components. Chatting, Forum, Choice, and Assignment are the practical activity components in this finding. The result of this study is too early to state that the e-learning is successful during COVID-19 mitigation. More information is still needed for further analysis.
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Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic “Sometimes it takes a natural disaster to reveal a social disaster” Jim Wallis
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Di era industri 4.0 sekarang ini, perkembangan teknologi informasi dirasakan sangat cepat. Berbagai negara didunia berlomba-lomba untuk dapat bersaing dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Peran teknologi informasi khususnya sistem informasi pada saat ini sangat diperlukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sistem informasi manajemen yang baik adalah sistem informasi yang dapat mendukung terhadap jalannya organisasi. Sama halnya dengan Universitas Terbuka dukungan sistem informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Terdapat beberapa masalah yang terjadi di Universitas Terbuka salah satunya adalah saling tumpang tindih kegiatan dari berbagai unit kerja. Tumpang tindih terjadi dikarenakan setiap unit mempunyai agenda masing-masing tanpa mengetahui agenda dari unit yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu perlu dibangun sebuah sistem informasi manajemen yang dapat memberikan informasi kegiatan pada masing-masing unit kerja. Sebelum dibangun sistem informasi manajemen perlu adanya perancangan terlebih dahulu untuk memudahkan dalam proses pembuatan aplikasi sistem informasi manajemen kegiatan di Universitas Terbuka, maka tujuan penelitian ini merancang sebuah sistem informasi manajemen kegiatan di Universitas Terbuka menggunakan model terstruktur. Model terstruktur merupakan turunan dari pemrograman terstuktur yang digunakan di Universitas Terbuka sehingga model ini sangat cocok digunakan. Hasil dari model terstruktur ini berupa perancangan arsitektural, perancangan data, perancangan antar muka dan perancangan prosedural. Kata Kunci: perancangan, sistem Informasi manajemen, kegiatan sivitas akademika
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Well-planned online learning experiences are meaningfully different from courses offered online in response to a crisis or disaster. Colleges and universities working to maintain instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic should understand those differences when evaluating this emergency remote teaching.