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International Technology Standards for Students: An overview􏰄 for under-resourced communities

  • Team4Tech Foundation


The 2022 event acted as a starting point for our use of ISTE collateral to support the nonprofit organizations with whom Team4Tech works. In addition, Team4Tech worked with the ISTE Standards Team to focus the student standards as they exist into learner level statements that help focus the use of technologies on learning outcomes that can be achieved with varying levels of access to technology, internet, and relevant tools that can inspire rich, authentic learning experiences. The following provides each of the ISTE Standards for Students with a summary statement of what a student who is achieving these standards looks like in global contexts.
Menlo Park CA
An overvie for lo-resourced
International Technology Standards for Students
Jody Britten PhD
Director of Learning Technologies
ISTE Sandard for Sden: A Ne Len
The International Societ for Technolog in Education (ISTE) is a nonprot organiation
that focuses on accelerating innovation in education through the use of digital
technologies in education. ISTE as founded in 1979 b educators ho ere
interested in eploring ho technolog could empoer learners and educators.
The ISTE Standards:
The ISTE Standards are a frameork for implementing digital strategies in education to
positivel impact learning, teaching and leading. Originall developed as the National
Educational Technolog Standards in 1998 and the ere focused on different tpes of
technolog (spreadsheets, presentation softare, ork processing, etc.). These ere
revised a fe times, and toda the are knon as the learning ith technolog
standards, as technolog epands ho e can teach and learn.
The ISTE Standards for Students 2016 is the latest articulation of the international technolog
standards for students.
The ISTE Standards for Students include characteristics that are malleable at the
individual level and can be impacted through learning eperiences that embed
technolog in as here students are not just using technolog for rote
learning, but also leveraging technolog to create, produce and solve comple
problems. In 2016 the ISTE Standards for Students ere approved. Toda these
standards have been adopted in all 50 U.S. states and man countries. These
standards are aligned ith UNESCOs Sustainable Development Goals.
The ISTE Standards for Students include seven ke facets:
1. Empoered Learner
2. Knoledge Constructor
3. Digital Citien
4. Innovative Designer
5. Computational Thinker
6. Creative Communicator
7. Global Collaborator
Relevance to the Team4Tech Communit
Team4Tech currentl serves education-focused nonprot organiations leveraging
technolog to provide qualit learning opportunities through their global programs
operating in under-resourced communities. In our most recent data collection less than
2% of our online communit or practice (hich brings together stakeholders from more
than 35 countries) ere aare of the ISTE Standards.
To help develop a knoledge base around the ISTE Standards Team4Tech held an
online event here the ISTE Standards Team as able to connect directl ith
members in our online communit of practice, introduce ISTE, and introduce the
The 2022 event acted as a starting point for our use of ISTE collateral to support the
nonprot organiations ith hom Team4Tech orks. In addition, Team4Tech orked
ith the ISTE Standards Team to focus the student standards as the eist into learner
level statements that help focus the use of technologies on learning outcomes that can
be achieved ith varing levels of access to technolog, internet, and relevant tools
that can inspire rich, authentic learning eperiences.
The folloing provides each of the ISTE Standards for Students ith a summar
statement of hat a student ho is achieving these standards looks like in
under-resourced communities. The intent is to ipe aa language that ma make the
standards seem unattainable ithout high access, high tech environments readil
available to learners.
The descriptions for each standard are a combination of materials from the ISTE
Standards ebook, the ISTE Standards Team, and our technolog leadership at
While not ehaustive in outcomes, descriptions, or implementation guides at this point.
We do anticipate that additional materials ill be collaborativel developed and
deploed for the Team4Tech global netork of engaged, edtech leaders in
under-resourced communities.
Empoered Learner
This standard is core to the others on the listithout addressing this standard our
students ill have a difcult time addressing the others. The empoered learner is one
ho takes an active role in his/her learning through being able to use technolog to
create, document, connect, communicate, and seek feedback from others.
Students ho are empoered learners have enough eperience ith technolog to
make decisions about hat tools the use and hen, and have the abilit to learn ho
to use ne technologies ith some ease.
In under-resourced areas, the empoered learner is one ho can solve
problems, reach out hen he/she needs help, and has personal goals for
Knoledge Constructor
Students are knoledge constructors hen the are able to curate resources from
multiple sources and identif qualit resources that support their learning. The are
addressing real-orld issues that are locall relevant in their learning.
In under-resourced areas, the knoledge constructor has the abilit to recognie
fake nes, use strategies to validate information, and can consume information
hile building ones on knoledge, forming ones on opinions, and backing
those opinions up ith qualit data and information.
Digital Citien
Students ho are digital citiens kno ho to use digital tools in safe, ethical, and
meaningful as. The are aare of their digital footprint and kno ho to develop
their proles in as that can support their long-term success. The cite resources, give
credit here credit is due, and help others to access the resources that have informed
their on learning.
In under-resourced areas, the digital citien learns ho to keep themselves safe
and protect their privac in online spaces, learns ho to use technolog in as
that can connect one safel and purposefull ith others, has been introduced
to the ethical considerations of using technolog, and understands ho to
protect ones on ork and cite the ork of others as he/she creates and
produce digital content.
Computational Thinker
Students ho are computational thinkers have the mindset to think criticall about
data, processes, and modeling to solve problems that matter to them. The can use
different tools to anale data and visualie that data in as that tell a stor. The see
the benet in creating models and sequences to solve problems.
In under-resourced areas, the computational thinker has eperience in
problem-solving strategies that include data analsis and visualiation tools and
coding or other sequenced-based strategies.
Creative Communicator
Students ho are creative communicators can use tools effectivel to creativel tell
stories, demonstrate knoledge, and document achievement of their goals. The can
use a variet of tools and can select the best tool to help them achieve their goal. The
can graphicall communicate ideas, connections, and relationships, and kno ho to
customie their creations for different audiences and purposes. The kno ho to
remi digital content in as that support other creators, giving credit here credit is
In under-resourced areas, creative communicators understand the basics of
design, have eperience ith different design tools, and understand ho the
can use Creative Commons licensing to share and protect their ork.
Global Collaborator
Students ho are global collaborators have eperiences that enable them to ork ith
others, locall and globall. The kno ho to use collaboration and communication
tools in as that support their goals. The are focused on solving real-orld problems
and doing so through engaging ith others.
In under-resourced areas, students ho are global collaborators can see the
value in their lived eperiences and can share those eperiences in as that
support the groth and education of others. The have been able to interact
ith peers locall and globall and have a solid understanding of ho to be an
effective team member.
Innovative Designer
Students ho are innovative designers have eperience in using design-thinking skills
to consider, design, and implement solutions. The think about problems as design
challenges and can use tools to map out thinking, questions, possible ansers, and
possible solutions. The are oka ith not having all of the ansers, deconstructing
problems, and identifing novel solutions.
In under-resourced areas, students ho are innovative designers have a
foundational knoledge of design thinking, understand the concept of big
mess problems, and kno hat tolerance for ambiguit is and ho it can help
them be innovative, entrepreneurial thinkers.
The standards provide our partners orking in under-resourced areas ith a frameork
to gro the capacit of their staff and learners. These standards help to shift our
thinking from 
technolog is the anser
 into thinking
qualit learning is the anser
and it can happen even more equitabl hen technolog is used in as that engage
and empoer learners
Donload the Standards in Multiple Languages
ISTE has made the standards available in multiple languages. You can donload
thesedirectl at https://
Donload the ISTE Standards Poster in Multiple Languages
ISTE has created a poster highlighting the standards in multiple languages. You can
donload the poster online at
Articles for Further Reading
Teach Students to Communicate Effectivel in the Innovation Age
Getting at the Heart of the Empoered Learner
Four Mths and Four Truths about the Empoered Learner
Create Meaningful Learning Eperiences Using the ISTE Standards
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