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Att ta plats och göra skillnad: skolbibliotekariepraktiker i framgångsrika verksamheter



Book review of Ulrika Centerwalls (2022) Att ta plats och göra skillnad: skolbibliotekariepraktiker i framgångsrika verksamheter, Högskolan i Borås, Borås.
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Significant information work (Corbin & Strauss, 1985; 1988) is often required to grapple with increasing quantities, types, and sources of information. Much of this work is invisible both to researchers and to the people undertaking it. As there are many axes along which informational work can be made invisible, researchers require flexible and creative methods in order to bring hidden information work to light. Each drawing on our own information practices research study, we introduce and reflect on four methodological strategies that have been effective in recognizing and revealing hidden aspects of informational work: (1) consider the local and the translocal; (2) attend to the material and the textual; (3) consider visual methods; and (4) (re)consider the participant’s role and expertise. We conclude by reflecting on the benefits and pitfalls of bringing visibility to invisible information work and conclude with a call for further research focused on the invisible.
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We analyze a large-scale custom software effort, the Worm Community System (WCS), a collaborative system designed for a geographically dispersed community of geneticists. There were complex challenges in creating this infrastructural tool, ranging from simple lack of resources to complex organizational and intellectual communication failures and tradeoffs. Despite high user satisfaction with the system and interface, and extensive user needs assessment, feedback, and analysis, many users experienced difficulties in signing on and use. The study was conducted during a time of unprecedented growth in the Internet and its utilities (1991-1994), and many respondents turned to the World Wide Web for their information exchange. Using Bateson's model of levels of learning, we analyze the levels of infrastructural complexity involved in system access and designer-user communication. We analyze the connection between systems development aimed at supporting specific forms of collaborative knowledge work, local organizational transformation, and large-scale infrastructural change.
This book aims to help teachers and those who support them to re-imagine the work of teaching, learning and leading. In particular, it shows how transformations of educational practice depend on complementary transformations in classroom-school- and system-level organisational cultures, resourcing and politics. It argues that transforming education requires more than professional development to transform teachers; it also calls for fundamental changes in learning and leading practices, which in turn means reshaping organisations that support teachers and teaching – organisational cultures, the resources organisations provide and distribute, and the relationships that connect people with one another in organisations. The book is based on findings from research conducted by the authors – the research team for the (2010-2012) Australian Research Council-funded Discovery Project Leading and Learning: Developing Ecologies of Educational Practice. The book provides an introduction to new contributions to practice theory: the theory of practice architectures (what practices are composed of) and the theory of ecologies of practices (how practices relate to one another). Among other examples of practices of learning, teaching, professional learning, leading and researching, the book provides a detailed analysis of a classroom lesson to demonstrate how the theories can be used in the analysis and interpretation of empirical material: practices and the conditions that form and are formed by them.
"This is a book that any fan of Foucault, Deleuze, or Bourdieu, or for that matter Giddens, and anyone interested in the problem of the relevance of Heidegger to social theory, will find challenging--and essential. Schatzki makes an impressive case for a social ontology centered on practices, and in the course of it rethinks and convincingly critiques the thought of many of the contributors to 'practice theory' while showing its centrality to twentieth-century thought. But this book is not merely a book about books: Schatzki deals with real human material in a novel way."--Stephen Turner, University of South Florida Inspired by Heidegger's concept of the clearing of being and by Wittgenstein's ideas on human practice, Theodore Schatzki offers a novel approach to understanding the constitution and transformation of social life. Key to the account he develops here is the context in which social life unfolds--the "site of the social"--as a contingent and constantly metamorphosing mesh of practices and material orders. Schatzki's analysis reveals the advantages of this site ontology over the traditional individualist, wholistic, and structuralist accounts that have dominated social theory since the mid-nineteenth century. A special feature of the book is its development of the theoretical argument by sustained reference to two historical examples: the medicinal herb business of a Shaker village in the 1850s and contemporary day trading on the Nasdaq market. First focusing on the relative simplicity of Shaker life to illuminate basic ontological characteristics of the social site, Schatzki then uses the sharp contrast with the complex and dynamic practice of day trading to reveal what makes this approach useful as a general account of social existence. Along the way he provides new insights into many major issues in social theory, including the nature of social order, the significance of agency, the distinction between society and nature, the forms of social change, and how the social present affects its future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theodore R. Schatzki is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Kentucky. Among his previous books is Social Practices: A Wittgensteinian Approach to Human Activity and the Social (1996).
Att ta plats och göra skillnad: skolbibliotekariepraktiker i framgångsrika verksamheter
  • U Centerwall
Centerwall, U. (2022). Att ta plats och göra skillnad: skolbibliotekariepraktiker i framgångsrika verksamheter. (Doktorsavhandling, Högskolan i Borås).
Värdet av skolbiblioteket: en verksamhet för hållbar utbildning och bildning
  • P Schultz Nybacka
Schultz Nybacka, P. (2019). Värdet av skolbiblioteket: en verksamhet för hållbar utbildning och bildning. Stockholm: Kungliga biblioteket, Nationell biblioteksstrategi.