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أثر أنموذج فان هيل في تنمية بعض مهارات التفكير الاستدلالي عند طلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي في مادة الاحياء



استهدف البحث الحالي تعرف أثر أنموذج فان هيل في تنمية مهارات التفكير الاستدلالي عند طلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي في مادة الاحياء. ولتحقيق هدف البحث صيغت أربع فرضيات صفرية . تحددت عينة البحث بطلاب الصف الخامس العلمي الاحيائي في المديرية العامة لتربية صلاح الدين – قسم تربية الدور في اعدادية الدور للبنين واعدادية القسطل للبنين للموضوعات الثلاثة من الكتاب المقرر للعام الدراسي (2016-2017) , وقد اختير التصميم التجريبي للمجموعتين المتكافئتين ذواتي الاختبارين القبلي والبعدي, وشملت عينة البحث (63) طالباً تم اختيارهم قصدياً من مجتمع البحث وتم تقسيمهم الى مجموعتين الأولى) التجريبية (تضم (32) طالباً دُرس أفرادها على وفق أنموذج فان هيل, والثانية) ضابطة (تضم (31) طالباً دُرس أفرادها على وفق الطريقة الاعتيادية. كوفئت مجموعتي البحث في عدد من المتغيرات التي قد تؤثر في سلامة التصميم التجريبي للبحث؛ الذكاء والعمر الزمني ودرجات التحصيل في مادة الاحياء للسنة السابقة من العام الدراسي (2015-2016), والاختبار القبلي للتفكير الاستدلالي والمستوى التعليمي للوالدين فضلاً عن بعض الإجراءات الأخرى المتعلقة بالسلامة الداخلية للتجربة, مثل: ضبط ادوات القياس والمدة الزمنية وتوزيع الدروس وقام الباحث بتدريس مجموعتي البحث بنفسه وقد تطلب تحقيق البحث وجود أداة وهي اختبار التفكير الاستدلالي إذ أعدَّ الباحث اختباراً لقياس التفكير الاستدلالي بواقع (24) فقرة, شملت مهارات (الاستقراء والاستنباط والاستنتاج) بواقع (8) فقرات لكل مهارة. .
367 Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities (2020) 27 (2) 392-367
ISSN: 1817-6798 (Print)
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
http: online at:
Assist.Lect.Safaa Ahmed
Ministry of Education / Salahuddin
Education Directorate Department of
Education- Al-dour
Article history:
Received 12 Feb. 2020
Accepted 25 Feb 2020
Available online 22 Apr 2020
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
Identifying the Effect of the Van Hill
Model on the Development of
Reasoning Thinking Skills among
Fifth Graders in Biology.
The sample of the research was determined by the students of
the fifth grade of biological sciences in the General Directorate
of Salahuddin Education - Department of Education of Al-
Dour, in the preparatory school for boys and Al-Qastal
preparatory School for boys of the academic year 2016-2017.
The study sample was consisted of (63) students who were
selected from the research community and were divided into
two groups. The first group was consisted of (32) students
studied the subject matter of biology according to the Van Hill
model. The second group included (31) students who studied
the subject matter according to the classical method
The two research groups were rewarded with a number of
variables that may affect the integrity of experimental design
for research: intelligence, age and achievement scores in
biology for the previous academic year (2015-2016), prenatal
testing of parental reasoning and educational level as well as
some other internal safety measures The researcher himself
taught the two groups. The search required the existence of a
means which is the test of reasoning. The researcher prepared a
test to measure explanatory thinking by (24) paragraphs
(induction, synthesis & conclusion ), (8) paragraphs for each
© 2020 JTUH, College of Education for Human Sciences, Tikrit University
DOI: 
..    
             
       .
       .
             
              
  (2016-2017) ,        
 ,    (63)
  
      
 )  ( (32)
     , ) 
( (31)
    .
              
             (2015-
2016),    
  
   
    , :        
             
 
 
     (24) ,   (
 )  (8)   .
 
Koran, 1971: 23-42
Merril &Tennyson
John Dewy
Finely, 1983: p46
Arnold, 1996Structure
insightArnold, 1996: P1
Diana 
Reasoning Thinking
 Diana & Pierre  
  Diana  
The thought of the child & geometry
1955: P468
Test Retest Method
Persons Correlation
Ebel, 1972:
Split Halves method
Spearman brown Formula
Gronlund, 1965: P125
T- test
 (Wu,1994)
   
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Investigated individual differences in learning from inductive and deductive sequences of programmed instruction. 167 university students were administered aptitude tests representing induction, reasoning, verbal comprehension, and memory from the kit of reference tests for cognitive factors. 4 sequences of rule and example frames were used to compare inductive and deductive methods, each method having high- and low-alternation frequency between rules and examples. Criterion performances were speed and accuracy in learning, stating rules, and solving problems on a delayed criterion test. A 2 * 2 analysis of variance demonstrates that inductive and deductive methods were about equally effective in time required to teach the information and in promoting transfer, although inductive ss made significantly more program errors. Regression analysis of aptitude * treatment interactions show that induction, verbal comprehension, and reasoning scores interacted significantly with instructional treatments. (23 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
During the past twenty years, research, curriculum development, and instruction in science education have been influenced by Gagne's conception of science processes. This article reports an investigation of the epistomologic foundations of this conception. The results indicate that a commitment to inductive empiricism pervades the presently held view of science processes. A major tenet of this commitment is that conceptual knowledge results from the application of science processes in understanding natural phenomena and solving problems. Criticism of the commitment in light of recent developments in the philosophy of science reveals that there is limited philosophical support for this view. The implication is that if science educators continue to use the presently held view of science processes, the conception needs to be reformulated. Otherwise, there is a clear danger that students will be presented an inaccurate and inadequate view of science processes. The alternative is to view the exact nature of science processes as being dependent upon the conceptual knowledge that is used to understand a particular phenomena or problem.
altafkir wahal almushakilat" majalat alnaba
  • Sulum
  • Ebdalhkim
altafkir alnnaqid waealaqatah bimafhum aldhdhat ladaa tlbt kuliyat altarbiat - abn rushda
  • Naeman
A Theory of Mathematics education
  • Stephen Arnold
Arnold, Stephen,(1996),"A Theory of Mathematics education", Inter-net, 06-06-19-10: 48, Jordan.
idrrasatan taqwimiatan li'asyilat alaimtihanat alnihayiyat limadat altarbiat alwataniat lilsafi al'awal walththani almtwst" , (rsalat majstyr ghyr mnshur) , jamieat Baghdad baghidada, aleiraq. 10-ghanim , mahmud muhamad
  • Karim -Aleaysawiu
  • Nasir
-aleaysawiu, karim nasir, (1989), "idrrasatan taqwimiatan li'asyilat alaimtihanat alnihayiyat limadat altarbiat alwataniat lilsafi al'awal walththani almtwst", (rsalat majstyr ghyr mnshur), jamieat Baghdad baghidada, aleiraq. 10-ghanim, mahmud muhamad, (1995), "altafkir eind altifl tatawurah waturuq taelimuh", dar alfikr, eamaan. 11-fatim, latif muhamad, wa'abu aleazayim eibdalmnem aljamal, (1988), "nzuriyaat altaelim almueasirat watatbiqatiha altarbawiyata", maktabat alnahdat almsryt-alqahirat.
athur 'asalib eilajiat fi tahsil talibat alsafi alrrabie walaihtifaz biha fi madat altarykh" , (atruhat dukturah ghyr mnshur) jamieat baghdad kuliyat altarbiat /abn rushud baghdad
  • Alrbyey
altafkir eind altifl tatawurah waturuq taelimuh
  • Ghanim
asalyb tadris aleulum" , altibeat al'uwlaa , manshurat jamieat alquds almaftuhat , eamaan. 14-naeman , laylaa ebdalrzaq
  • Nashwan
  • Yaequb
-nashwan, yaequb, (1999), "asalyb tadris aleulum", altibeat al'uwlaa, manshurat jamieat alquds almaftuhat, eamaan. 14-naeman, laylaa ebdalrzaq, (1993) "altafkir alnnaqid waealaqatah bimafhum aldhdhat ladaa tlbt kuliyat altarbiat -abn rushda", markaz albihwth altarbawiat walnafsiat, jamieat baghdad, wizarat altaelim aleali walbahth aleilmii, aleiraq.