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Thermal Management System of the UNICARagil Vehicles—A Comprehensive Overview


Abstract and Figures

The collaboration project UNICARagil aiming to develop new autonomous battery electric vehicle concepts has progressed and the four vehicle prototypes have been built up. All seven universities and six industrial partners have worked towards this milestone. At the time of writing the four vehicles are operational and can be driven by a safety driver using a sidestick. The automated driving functions are being applied on the test track and first demonstrations are carried out. This paper gives an overview of the results, which have been achieved within the work package of the thermal onboard network. The thermal management system including the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and its development process is explained in detail. Furthermore, climate chamber measurements with prototype hardware of a sensor data processing computer and the integration of the air conditioning control unit into the vehicle’s automotive service-oriented architecture framework are described. A coupled simulation approach to predict occupant thermal comfort in one vehicle variant is presented. Simulation results using environmental conditions typical for a European summer show a comfortable environment for all six occupants. In addition, the simulation and development process of a thermoelectric heat pump is shown. First measurement results with the heat pump on a test bench are highlighted which show an achievable coefficient of performance greater than two.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Citation: Gehringer, D.; Kuthada, T.;
Wagner, A. Thermal Management
System of the UNICARagil
Vehicles—A Comprehensive
Overview. World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,
14, 6.
Academic Editors: Zhe Liu and
Chiranth Srinivasan
Received: 30 November 2022
Revised: 21 December 2022
Accepted: 22 December 2022
Published: 28 December 2022
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Thermal Management System of the UNICARagil Vehicles—
A Comprehensive Overview
Daniel Gehringer 1, *, Timo Kuthada 2and Andreas Wagner 1
1Institute of Automotive Engineering (IFS), University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 12,
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Powertrain Systems Stuttgart (FKFS), Pfaffenwaldring 12,
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
The collaboration project UNICARagil aiming to develop new autonomous battery electric
vehicle concepts has progressed and the four vehicle prototypes have been built up. All seven
universities and six industrial partners have worked towards this milestone. At the time of writing
the four vehicles are operational and can be driven by a safety driver using a sidestick. The automated
driving functions are being applied on the test track and first demonstrations are carried out. This
paper gives an overview of the results, which have been achieved within the work package of the
thermal onboard network. The thermal management system including the heating, ventilation and air
conditioning system and its development process is explained in detail. Furthermore, climate chamber
measurements with prototype hardware of a sensor data processing computer and the integration of
the air conditioning control unit into the vehicle’s automotive service-oriented architecture framework
are described. A coupled simulation approach to predict occupant thermal comfort in one vehicle
variant is presented. Simulation results using environmental conditions typical for a European
summer show a comfortable environment for all six occupants. In addition, the simulation and
development process of a thermoelectric heat pump is shown. First measurement results with the
heat pump on a test bench are highlighted which show an achievable coefficient of performance
greater than two.
Keywords: thermal management; HVAC; thermal comfort; thermoelectric heat pump
1. Introduction
The mobility behavior and therefore requirements for the development of on-road ve-
hicles have changed. Megatrends such as autonomous driving, electrification, urbanization,
big data and ridesharing pose new challenges for the automotive industry [
]. Many
large cities today face issues such as high local emissions caused by internal combustion en-
gines and long traffic jams during rush hours, which in turn further increase emissions [
Electrification of the drivetrain, as well as automation of traffic, are only two efforts made
to cope with these issues. To keep up with the aforementioned developments, a consortium
of seven German universities as well as six industrial partners have initiated a cooperation
project named UNICARagil. The project’s goal is to develop four fully autonomous battery
electric vehicles (BEVs), each tailored for a different use case [
]. After the initial concept
phase of the project, the driving platforms were manufactured and delivered in late 2019,
which kicked off the integration of hardware into the prototypes [
]. The modular system
architecture in all domains is a key focus of the project. This allows each vehicle function
to serve different use cases [
], which include a: privately owned vehicle, taxi, shuttle
supplementing public transportation and package delivery vehicle. The vehicles are named
autoELF, autoTAXI, autoSHUTTLE and autoCARGO. By scaling up length and height
of the private and taxi vehicle platform, the shuttle and cargo are made possible. The
project is divided into different work packages. All results described in this paper belong
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 2 of 20
to the thermal onboard network work package, which lies within the responsibility of
the Institute of Automotive Engineering (IFS) at the University of Stuttgart. The thermal
onboard network includes all cooling of E/E components, drive units as well as interior air
conditioning to ensure the thermal comfort of passengers.
In a previous paper [
], the planned thermal management system for the UNICARagil
vehicles as well as the accompanying challenges were presented. The vehicle concepts
in UNICARagil require new approaches in the field of thermal management. The use of
wheel hub drives and steering actuators on all four wheels means that an inherently more
complex cooling system is required than in conventional vehicles with just one engine. The
vehicles operate on a 48 V voltage level supplied by four main batteries integrated into
the underbody. The automated driving functions require high computing power, which
is provided by the four sensor module data processing units (DPU) and the cerebrum.
Computationally intensive algorithms are used to generate the environment models [
which run even when the vehicle is stationary where cooling airflow is sparse. High waste
heat is generated at a relatively low-temperature level. The cooling of these computing
units is critical to safety, as the automated driving function can no longer be ensured if
the components derate or fail due to overheating. For this reason, an independent cooling
circuit for the sensitive computing hardware is provided. The second cooling circuit
contains the wheel hub drives as well as their power electronics and steering actuators.
Each cooling circuit is independent and can be operated separately from the other.
The use cases envisage the deployment of vehicles in urban environments, meaning
that the expected average driving speed will be low. Thus, the cooling package has to be
equipped with powerful fans to guarantee the safe operation of the vehicle in warm climates.
The vehicles will spend a significant amount of time standing still with their large doors
opened to allow entry and egress of passengers. This puts a high load on the implemented
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system due to a high air exchange rate
when relying solely on direct air heating or cooling. In winter conditions, the range of a
conventional BEV can be reduced by as much as 45% through the auxiliary load needed to
heat the cabin [
]. This energy demand can be limited by using air recirculation, reduction
in target interior temperature, efficient use of waste heat as well as a heat pump [
These measures have been implemented in the developed vehicles and will be presented in
this article. A one-box design is used for the overall shape of the vehicle body. This leads to
a large interior volume and glass surfaces, which demand a powerful HVAC system to keep
the cabin climate in the desired range. A typical vehicle cabin has an interior volume of
around 3 m
], whereas the concept pursued in UNICARagil yields an expected volume
of approximately 6.34 m
in the small and over 10 m
for the large vehicles. This large
interior space and the low doorsills with a level floor throughout the vehicle also imply an
unconventional package. Contrary to a conventional vehicle concept, for example, there is
no transmission tunnel. A conventional driver workplace is not required; therefore, the
placement and orientation of the passengers are being reconsidered [
]. Each of the
three passenger vehicle designs will therefore have an individual interior seating concept,
which in turn affects the placement and design of air vents, for instance.
This paper will give an overview of the implemented cooling and HVAC system
integrated into the vehicle prototypes and the thermoelectric heat pump developed within
the scope of the UNICARagil project. The thermal management system is designed to
operate in ambient temperatures between 0 and 30
C, with a solar load of up to 800 W/m
and no precipitation. These boundary conditions were defined in the concept phase of the
project to allow for the safe operation of the automated vehicle prototypes.
2. Thermal Management System
After the concept phase and procurement of components for the thermal management
system, the integration into the first driving platform of the autoCARGO began in the first
quarter of 2020. In the following, the thermal management system will be divided into the
cooling system and the HVAC system. Cooling all E/E components in the vehicles is critical
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 3 of 20
to safe vehicle operation, whereas the HVAC system mainly improves occupant thermal
comfort. In conventional vehicles, the HVAC system also contributes to safety by keeping
the driver alert and preventing windows from fogging up. In an autonomous vehicle, these
functions play a subordinate role. Therefore, the first steps were the implementation of the
cooling circuit for E/E components to allow downstream work packages to integrate and
test their hardware. During the development of the cooling system, 0D/1D simulations
using GT SUITE with different possible component combinations were carried out. The final
thermal management system topology that found its way into all four vehicle prototypes is
depicted in Figure 1. It comprises two separate coolant circuits with different temperature
levels and a refrigerant circuit for cabin air conditioning. One circuit is managing the
dynamic modules (DM) and the other circuit manages the DPUs, cerebrum as well as
cabin heating. Each coolant circuit consists of a pump, cooling pack and electronic control
unit (ECU). Each cooling pack comprises a heat exchanger fitted with two fans in a pull
configuration. Two small fans were chosen due to packaging requirements and limited
space in the wheelhouse. They are necessary to maintain cooling capacity during a standstill,
which is expected to account for a non-negligible proportion of the planned use cases.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 20
2. Thermal Management System
After the concept phase and procurement of components for the thermal manage-
ment system, the integration into the first driving platform of the autoCARGO began in
the first quarter of 2020. In the following, the thermal management system will be divided
into the cooling system and the HVAC system. Cooling all E/E components in the vehicles
is critical to safe vehicle operation, whereas the HVAC system mainly improves occupant
thermal comfort. In conventional vehicles, the HVAC system also contributes to safety by
keeping the driver alert and preventing windows from fogging up. In an autonomous
vehicle, these functions play a subordinate role. Therefore, the first steps were the imple-
mentation of the cooling circuit for E/E components to allow downstream work packages
to integrate and test their hardware. During the development of the cooling system, 0D/1D
simulations using GT SUITE with different possible component combinations were car-
ried out. The final thermal management system topology that found its way into all four
vehicle prototypes is depicted in Figure 1. It comprises two separate coolant circuits with
different temperature levels and a refrigerant circuit for cabin air conditioning. One circuit
is managing the dynamic modules (DM) and the other circuit manages the DPUs, cere-
brum as well as cabin heating. Each coolant circuit consists of a pump, cooling pack and
electronic control unit (ECU). Each cooling pack comprises a heat exchanger fitted with
two fans in a pull configuration. Two small fans were chosen due to packaging require-
ments and limited space in the wheelhouse. They are necessary to maintain cooling ca-
pacity during a standstill, which is expected to account for a non-negligible proportion of
the planned use cases.
Figure 1. Implemented thermal management system topology in UNICARagil.
Preliminary testing has shown that the data processing units require a much lower
cooling inlet temperature than the dynamics modules. All data processing units are situ-
ated in the low-temperature circuit due to the potential derating at cooling inlet tempera-
tures above 53 °C. This effect will be discussed in more detail in the next section. By using
liquid-cooled components in the data processing units, their excess heat can be used to
heat the cabin. Each DPU outputs a peak power of 1.2 kW of which around 750 W are
retrieved via the coolant loop and can be potentially used for cabin heating. This approach
was chosen because the data processing units are always running during vehicle opera-
tion and the heat output is independent of the driving condition. The dynamic modules
Figure 1. Implemented thermal management system topology in UNICARagil.
Preliminary testing has shown that the data processing units require a much lower
cooling inlet temperature than the dynamics modules. All data processing units are situated
in the low-temperature circuit due to the potential derating at cooling inlet temperatures
above 53
C. This effect will be discussed in more detail in the next section. By using
liquid-cooled components in the data processing units, their excess heat can be used to
heat the cabin. Each DPU outputs a peak power of 1.2 kW of which around 750 W are
retrieved via the coolant loop and can be potentially used for cabin heating. This approach
was chosen because the data processing units are always running during vehicle operation
and the heat output is independent of the driving condition. The dynamic modules on the
other hand may supply a very low amount of heat depending on vehicle speed, gradient
or load. An additional electric heating element was integrated to further heat the cooling
liquid on cold days before entering the cabin heat exchanger. Underfloor heating will
also be integrated into the vehicles once the cabin interiors are installed in a later stage of
the project.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 4 of 20
To cool down the cabin, a refrigerant circuit with a 48 V compressor and modular
HVAC-Box with several controllable air inlets and outlets was used. This modularity allows
the system to adapt to each of the four different interior concepts. Inlets for cabin ventilation
are situated in different locations depending on the vehicle interior concept. By the use
of flexible air ducts, the HVAC system allows for a high degree of freedom in positioning
the inlets for interior designers. All thermal management components had to be fitted
into a package space in the vehicle’s front end. Figure 2shows the large vehicle variant of
the autoSHUTTLE with all cooling and HVAC components highlighted in the right part
of the picture. The vehicles use four dynamic modules in total, which each consists of a
drive unit within the wheel, an inverter as well as a steering actuator. Therefore, cooling
lines have to be routed throughout the vehicle and to every wheel. Both radiators and the
climate condenser are mounted on the cross beam in front of the platform. The air supply
is provided by the inlet opening in the lower part of the bumper.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 20
on the other hand may supply a very low amount of heat depending on vehicle speed,
gradient or load. An additional electric heating element was integrated to further heat the
cooling liquid on cold days before entering the cabin heat exchanger. Underfloor heating
will also be integrated into the vehicles once the cabin interiors are installed in a later stage
of the project.
To cool down the cabin, a refrigerant circuit with a 48 V compressor and modular
HVAC-Box with several controllable air inlets and outlets was used. This modularity al-
lows the system to adapt to each of the four different interior concepts. Inlets for cabin
ventilation are situated in different locations depending on the vehicle interior concept.
By the use of flexible air ducts, the HVAC system allows for a high degree of freedom in
positioning the inlets for interior designers. All thermal management components had to
be fitted into a package space in the vehicle’s front end. Figure 2 shows the large vehicle
variant of the autoSHUTTLE with all cooling and HVAC components highlighted in the
right part of the picture. The vehicles use four dynamic modules in total, which each con-
sists of a drive unit within the wheel, an inverter as well as a steering actuator. Therefore,
cooling lines have to be routed throughout the vehicle and to every wheel. Both radiators
and the climate condenser are mounted on the cross beam in front of the platform. The air
supply is provided by the inlet opening in the lower part of the bumper.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Isometric view of the large vehicle variant (autoSHUTTLE); (b) vehicle package with
HVAC and cooling components highlighted.
The autoSHUTTLE concept shown in Figure 2 features two air conditioning inlets on
the roof lining, two on the front dash in chest height and one facing the front window as
defrost outlet. The two recirculating air intakes are situated on the dash beside the defrost
inlet. Further details of the HVAC system are described in Section 2.2.
2.1. Thermal Testing of Sensor Module DPU
In [8], the test results of an air-cooled prototype DPU were shown. It was concluded
that air-cooling is not sufficient and liquid cooling is necessary to prevent the derating of
the processor clock. In the final DPU design, the processor as well as the two graphics
processing unit (GPU) cards in each DPU are therefore liquid cooled while two fans on
the enclosure cool all other components. Further derating tests with the final version of a
DPU were carried out. To quantify the derating of the processor the quotient of current
and nominal clock speed is calculated, called relative clock speed in the following. Derat-
ing is defined as the relative clock speed falling below a value of one. During the tests, the
DPU was put inside a climate test chamber at a constant air temperature while the cooling
Figure 2.
) Isometric view of the large vehicle variant (autoSHUTTLE); (
) vehicle package with
HVAC and cooling components highlighted.
The autoSHUTTLE concept shown in Figure 2features two air conditioning inlets on
the roof lining, two on the front dash in chest height and one facing the front window as
defrost outlet. The two recirculating air intakes are situated on the dash beside the defrost
inlet. Further details of the HVAC system are described in Section 2.2.
2.1. Thermal Testing of Sensor Module DPU
In [
], the test results of an air-cooled prototype DPU were shown. It was concluded
that air-cooling is not sufficient and liquid cooling is necessary to prevent the derating of
the processor clock. In the final DPU design, the processor as well as the two graphics
processing unit (GPU) cards in each DPU are therefore liquid cooled while two fans on
the enclosure cool all other components. Further derating tests with the final version of a
DPU were carried out. To quantify the derating of the processor the quotient of current and
nominal clock speed is calculated, called relative clock speed in the following. Derating
is defined as the relative clock speed falling below a value of one. During the tests, the
DPU was put inside a climate test chamber at a constant air temperature while the cooling
liquid inlet temperature was raised, and the hardware’s system load was increased to 100%
using synthetic benchmarks to simulate data processing during vehicle operation. The
test was carried out at 30, 40 and 50
C test chamber temperatures, with a prior thermal
soak duration of one hour. These temperatures should account for worst-case scenarios
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 5 of 20
with vehicle operation under solar load in summer months, where the compartments
containing the DPUs might heat up above ambient temperature due to limited airflow.
Results show that the ambient air temperature has a negligible influence on the processor
clock. The main influence is the cooling liquid inlet temperature and the presence of fans in
the DPU enclosure. Figure 3shows the test results at 50
C chamber temperature with and
without a fan mounted on the enclosure of the DPU. Measurements were carried out using
thermocouples type K with tolerance class one and an accuracy of
C. Above 53
cooling inlet temperature, the processor clock falls below the rated clock speed. In the test
case without cooling fans in the DPU enclosure, the processor clock derated faster and at
only 44
C cooling inlet temperature. Looking into further measurement data not shown
in the diagram, this can be attributed to the absence of forced convection on the power
delivery components of the processor on the mainboard, which is not liquid-cooled.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 20
liquid inlet temperature was raised, and the hardware’s system load was increased to
100% using synthetic benchmarks to simulate data processing during vehicle operation.
The test was carried out at 30, 40 and 50 °C test chamber temperatures, with a prior ther-
mal soak duration of one hour. These temperatures should account for worst-case scenar-
ios with vehicle operation under solar load in summer months, where the compartments
containing the DPUs might heat up above ambient temperature due to limited airflow.
Results show that the ambient air temperature has a negligible influence on the processor
clock. The main influence is the cooling liquid inlet temperature and the presence of fans
in the DPU enclosure. Figure 3 shows the test results at 50 °C chamber temperature with
and without a fan mounted on the enclosure of the DPU. Measurements were carried out
using thermocouples type K with tolerance class one and an accuracy of ± 1.5 °C. Above
53 °C cooling inlet temperature, the processor clock falls below the rated clock speed. In
the test case without cooling fans in the DPU enclosure, the processor clock derated faster
and at only 44 °C cooling inlet temperature. Looking into further measurement data not
shown in the diagram, this can be attributed to the absence of forced convection on the
power delivery components of the processor on the mainboard, which is not liquid-
(a) (b)
Figure 3. Thermal testing of the DPU at 50 °C test chamber temperature: (a) with case fans; (b) with-
out case fans.
Test results described above were used to validate the DPU cooling strategy em-
ployed and tune the target temperature of the coolant loop ECU. The ECU regulates the
pump speed between 25 and 100% depending on the cooling liquid temperature. The fans
on the cooling pack are activated at 5 K above the target temperature of 50 °C. This tem-
perature is measured at the cooling pack inlet and the return line of the DPUs, respec-
tively, which can be compared in Figure 1. In measurements conducted with the DPUs, a
temperature difference of 5 to 10 K between the coolant inlet and outlet can be observed
depending on pump speed. This means that a target temperature of 50 °C and fan activa-
tion temperature of 55 °C measured at the coolant outlet side of the DPUs ensures a cool-
ant inlet temperature of below 50 °C and therefore avoids derating the processor clock.
This was validated during vehicle operation with sensor data processing algorithms run-
2.2. HVAC System and Control Unit
Interior air conditioning and thus thermal occupant comfort was also an important
research field when developing the thermal management system. Each of the four vehicle
variants has an individual interior concept. In addition to the air conditioning approach
0 500 1000 1500 2000
elative CPU CLock Speed
Temperature in °C
Time in s
Air Inlet Temperature Coolant Inlet Temperature CPU Temperature CPU Clock Spee
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
Relative CPU Clock Speed
Temperature in °C
Time in s
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Relative CPU Clock Speed
Temperature in °C
Time in s
Figure 3.
Thermal testing of the DPU at 50
C test chamber temperature: (
) with case fans; (
) without
case fans.
Test results described above were used to validate the DPU cooling strategy employed
and tune the target temperature of the coolant loop ECU. The ECU regulates the pump
speed between 25 and 100% depending on the cooling liquid temperature. The fans on the
cooling pack are activated at 5 K above the target temperature of 50
C. This temperature
is measured at the cooling pack inlet and the return line of the DPUs, respectively, which
can be compared in Figure 1. In measurements conducted with the DPUs, a temperature
difference of 5 to 10 K between the coolant inlet and outlet can be observed depending on
pump speed. This means that a target temperature of 50
C and fan activation temperature
of 55
C measured at the coolant outlet side of the DPUs ensures a coolant inlet temperature
of below 50
C and therefore avoids derating the processor clock. This was validated
during vehicle operation with sensor data processing algorithms running.
2.2. HVAC System and Control Unit
Interior air conditioning and thus thermal occupant comfort was also an important
research field when developing the thermal management system. Each of the four vehicle
variants has an individual interior concept. In addition to the air conditioning approach
using direct air heating or cooling, surface heating is also used. The operating profile of
conventional vehicles with a driver’s workstation has a high proportion of time spent sta-
tionary and parked. If a vehicle is used for commuting, for example, it spends long periods
parked between journeys. Here, extreme temperatures are reached in the vehicle cabin,
especially in the winter and summer months. A significant portion of the air conditioning
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 6 of 20
power is used for initial heating or cooling and reaching the desired comfort temperature
in the interior. The use cases of the different vehicle configurations in UNICARagil enable
new operating strategies for thermal management. For example, over-conditioning of the
interior during charging without passengers and the use of weather data from the cloud
are feasible.
The installed HVAC box supports recirculating and fresh air modes as well as three
individually controllable zones for air outlets. Seven air outlets are used to ventilate the
cabin. Two are routed to the middle of the dashboard, two to the sides of the cabin, two to
the headliner and one to the front window as a defrost outlet. Five inlets, of which three
are used as fresh air and two as recirculation inlets, manage air supply to the HVAC box.
The fresh air inlet is recessed beneath the front window, to avoid direct forced flow and
water ingress into the inlet while driving. All nozzles for air intakes or outlets are adapted
to the respective interior of the four different vehicles. To save energy, the recirculating
mode is primarily used and the cabin air is constantly monitored using a carbon dioxide
) as well as a relative humidity sensor to efficiently control the fresh air mode. At CO
concentrations above 1300 ppm or relative humidity of over 65%, the fresh air mode will
be activated. These pose the recommended limits in a vehicle cabin according to [
A second sensor in the cabin air intake detects total volatile organic compounds (tVOC),
equivalent, relative humidity and temperature of the intake air. These sensor signals
also influence the recirculation mode state, but CO
concentration and relative humidity
of the cabin air are always the prioritized targets in the control strategy. The control unit
for managing the HVAC system has been developed; it allows the support of the ASOA
framework. By this, the AC control unit can communicate with other services in the vehicle.
The current interior and exterior temperatures measured by the AC control unit for example
are provided as a service and can be used by other control units in the vehicle. In addition,
services such as the interior human–machine interface (HMI) can influence the parameters
of interior climate control if needed. A Linux operation system allows execution of the
ASOA framework and services which are needed to communicate with other services and
ECUs in the vehicle. For further details on the concept of ASOA and its implementation in
the UNICARagil vehicles refer to [
] and [
]. The HVAC-ECU comprises a low-power
open-source single-board computer with a special-purpose expansion board and required
connector interfaces. It collects all HVAC sensor data and controls the components to
regulate the interior climate and air quality. Figure 4shows an input-output model of the
climate control unit with associated actuators and sensors. The ECU shown in the middle
is divided into four main functions: sensor data acquisition, fuzzy controller, output signal
generation and climate control ASOA service [
]. The arrows in the diagram indicate
data flow between components or functions. The first function reads and evaluates the
sensor data. It then provides the sensor data to the climate control ASOA service and fuzzy
controller. The fuzzy controller determines the appropriate actuator strategy based on
the supplied sensor data and constraints provided by the climate control ASOA service.
The last function converts the controller output data into a suitable actuator signal for the
HVAC components. The climate control ASOA service can publish the received sensor data
via Ethernet to other services in the vehicle network and can receive constraints such as
target interior temperature or control curve which it then supplies to the fuzzy controller.
The sensors and actuators can be clustered into different subgroups. Input sensor data are
shown on the left and actuated hardware is on the right side of the diagram.
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World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20
Figure 4. Input-output model of the HVAC-System ECU.
If no target interior temperature is received from other services via the ASOA frame-
work, it is calculated depending on the current ambient temperature. There are two pos-
sible calculation rules: Normal and Eco. In Normal mode, the interior temperature is cal-
culated in accordance with DIN 1946-3:2006-07 [21]. In Eco mode, the calculation is based
on the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) Eco Curve, which is used in
service buses with short travel distances and therefore short lengths of stay for passengers
[22,23]. These boundary conditions are met in the autoSHUTTLE or autoTAXI use case.
The Eco curve is also suitable for the autoCARGO, where no passengers are present in the
vehicle during autonomous delivery operation. With this Eco curve, energy can be con-
served in extreme climates while taking weather-adapted clothing of occupants as well as
the length of stay into account. A comparison between the two implemented control
curves is shown in Figure 5. The curve selection can be influenced via the climate control
service and ASOA framework, so the vehicle controller can decide if thermal comfort or
driving range is of higher importance depending on current boundary conditions such as
remaining energy or planned route.
Figure 5. Target interior temperature curves used by the controller, based on [21–23].
, RH, T
tVOC, RH, T_inlet
Recirculation, Fresh-Air
Zones: Top, Bottom, Defrost
Auxiliary Pump
Valve to Heater Core
Auxiliary Heater
Thermostat HVAC
Heat Foil
Trinary Pressure Switch
Condenser Fan
HVAC Blower
Read Sensor Data
Fuzzy Controller
Actuator Signals Out
Climate Control
ASOA Service
Refrigerant Circuit
Interior Sensors
Exterior Sensors
Refrigerant Circuit
Input/Sensors Data Processing Output/Actuators
20 10 0 10203040
Target Interior Temperature in °C
Ambient Temperature in °C
Figure 4. Input-output model of the HVAC-System ECU.
If no target interior temperature is received from other services via the ASOA frame-
work, it is calculated depending on the current ambient temperature. There are two possible
calculation rules: Normal and Eco. In Normal mode, the interior temperature is calculated
in accordance with DIN 1946-3:2006-07 [
]. In Eco mode, the calculation is based on the
Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) Eco Curve, which is used in service
buses with short travel distances and therefore short lengths of stay for passengers [
These boundary conditions are met in the autoSHUTTLE or autoTAXI use case. The Eco
curve is also suitable for the autoCARGO, where no passengers are present in the vehicle
during autonomous delivery operation. With this Eco curve, energy can be conserved in
extreme climates while taking weather-adapted clothing of occupants as well as the length
of stay into account. A comparison between the two implemented control curves is shown
in Figure 5. The curve selection can be influenced via the climate control service and ASOA
framework, so the vehicle controller can decide if thermal comfort or driving range is of
higher importance depending on current boundary conditions such as remaining energy or
planned route.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20
Figure 4. Input-output model of the HVAC-System ECU.
If no target interior temperature is received from other services via the ASOA frame-
work, it is calculated depending on the current ambient temperature. There are two pos-
sible calculation rules: Normal and Eco. In Normal mode, the interior temperature is cal-
culated in accordance with DIN 1946-3:2006-07 [21]. In Eco mode, the calculation is based
on the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) Eco Curve, which is used in
service buses with short travel distances and therefore short lengths of stay for passengers
[22,23]. These boundary conditions are met in the autoSHUTTLE or autoTAXI use case.
The Eco curve is also suitable for the autoCARGO, where no passengers are present in the
vehicle during autonomous delivery operation. With this Eco curve, energy can be con-
served in extreme climates while taking weather-adapted clothing of occupants as well as
the length of stay into account. A comparison between the two implemented control
curves is shown in Figure 5. The curve selection can be influenced via the climate control
service and ASOA framework, so the vehicle controller can decide if thermal comfort or
driving range is of higher importance depending on current boundary conditions such as
remaining energy or planned route.
Figure 5. Target interior temperature curves used by the controller, based on [21–23].
, RH, T
tVOC, RH, T_inlet
Recirculation, Fresh-Air
Zones: Top, Bottom, Defrost
Auxiliary Pump
Valve to Heater Core
Auxiliary Heater
Thermostat HVAC
Heat Foil
Trinary Pressure Switch
Condenser Fan
HVAC Blower
Read Sensor Data
Fuzzy Controller
Actuator Signals Out
Climate Control
ASOA Service
Refrigerant Circuit
Interior Sensors
Exterior Sensors
Refrigerant Circuit
Input/Sensors Data Processing Output/Actuators
20 10 0 10203040
Target Interior Temperature in °C
Ambient Temperature in °C
Figure 5. Target interior temperature curves used by the controller, based on [2123].
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 8 of 20
The HVAC control unit case comprises all input/output connectors. The extension
board comprises several motor drivers, relays and a DC/DC converter [
]. The DC/DC
converter on the board is used to supply power to the development board, all hardware on
the extension board, sensors, as well as the switching contacts of external relays used to
actuate the HVAC components. This way the 12 V level available in the vehicles can be
used to directly power the ECU and its components. Temperatures are measured using
negative temperature coefficient (NTC) sensors with an accuracy of
C. The sensors
for CO
concentration in the interior and tVOC concentration of exterior air communicate
via an inter-integrated circuit (I
C) bus. For safety reasons a trinary pressure switch
integrated into the refrigerant circuit monitors pressure and can deactivate the compressor
via a hardware override in case of abnormal pressure rise. In addition, activation of the
condenser fan is controlled using the signal of the trinary switch at a medium pressure level.
A thermostat fitted within the HVAC box is used to regulate the compressor speed based
on the temperature between the fins of the evaporator to avoid icing and in consequence
potential damage to the evaporator core. The HVAC blower is controlled using a DC
voltage output in the range of 0 to 5 V supplied to a pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal
generator. Air distribution is achieved using five servomotors on the HVAC box. Heating
components such as the auxiliary heater or heat foil are actuated using external 12 V relays.
3. Simulation of Thermal Cabin Comfort
After finishing the design phase computer-aided design (CAD) geometry of the vehi-
cle, interior and all components were available and a cabin model for the thermal cabin
comfort was set up. A coupled simulation approach using the software PowerFLOW and
PowerTHERM was chosen. This allows thermal comfort evaluation using a comfort model.
The following section will highlight the model built and some key results for a summer
simulation case. The flow field in the passenger compartment is calculated using a CFD
simulation, which passes the near-wall fluid temperatures and heat transfer coefficients
to the thermal solver. The thermal solver calculates the surface temperatures of the parts
and returns them to the CFD solver, this process is repeated until a steady state is reached.
A simulation approach is needed because the integration of the interiors is scheduled at
the project end and the vehicle prototypes are used for implementation of the automation
functions on the proving ground, so measurements in the real vehicle with the final interiors
are not possible during the project. The CAD geometry was prepared and discretized to
be used in the simulation environment. For the cabin, all relevant interior surfaces of the
model are retained and a closed volume is created. Parts that are not in direct contact
with the interior flow are removed to reduce simulation effort. The thickness and material
layers of the cabin walls are modeled in the thermal solver. The autoSHUTTLE has the
largest interior volume (10.75 m
), the largest exterior surfaces and window areas and is
designed for six occupants. This represents the most challenging case of all vehicle variants
for interior air conditioning. Figure 6shows the cabin model and the air conditioning inlets
on the headliner, front interior surface and windshield of the autoSHUTTLE. All inlets
are modeled with an upstream inlet section on the HVAC box to obtain a realistic flow
distribution and profile in the ducting.
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World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
(a) (b)
Figure 6. AutoSHUTTLE cabin simulation model: (a) isometric view of the model with six manikins
with colored segments; (b) HVAC box with inlet and ducting.
The simulation model of the autoELF is based on an analogous design and only dif-
fers in size, the interior concept as well as positioning of the air inlets. The interior volume
of this smaller vehicle is 6.34 m
. Heat exchange with the environment as well as the in-
fluence of solar radiation is modeled in the thermal solver. For this purpose, the interior
surfaces of the cabin are virtually thickened and provided with layers of different materi-
als. The vehicle hardware prototype was used as a source for material types and layer
thicknesses. Human models in the autoSHUTTLE occupy all six seats. In the autoELF,
four human models are used according to the seating configuration of the vehicle. All
human models are divided into individual segments in order to evaluate the comfort sen-
sation on different parts of the body, as shown in Figure 6. The models are built up in
several layers and have thermoregulatory mechanisms to reproduce the heat exchange
with the environment simulating blood flow, sweat, respiration and skin evaporation; the
modeling approach is based on the Berkeley comfort model [25,26].
Simulation cases include a winter case with 0 °C ambient temperature and a summer
case with 30 °C ambient temperature and 800 W/m
solar loads on the vehicle roof. These
simulations were carried out with different inlet mass flows and temperatures. Initial
boundary conditions were defined to correspond to a preconditioned cabin. All Human
models are set up with a sedentary activity type and 1.2 met activity level, which corre-
sponds to a metabolic rate of 70 W/m
[27]. The clothing of the manikins is modeled via
additional material layers above the skin and is adapted according to the simulated
boundary conditions. Simulation results of the summer case with the autoSHUTTLE ge-
ometry are illustrated in Figure 7. Results show the sensation and comfort of all six occu-
pants, which are individually colored. The Berkeley comfort model rates thermal sensa-
tion as well as comfort on a scale of 4 to 4 for individual body parts as well as the whole
body [26]. On the sensation scale, 4 means very cold, 0 neutral and 4 very hot sensations
perceived by the occupant [28]. On the comfort scale, 4 means that occupants feel very
uncomfortable and 4 means they feel very comfortable [29]. Whole body sensation and
comfort values are calculated based on [30]. The simulation results show good overall
comfort and sensation. All comfort ratings for the different seating positions are similar
and there are no outliers with larger deviations. Most body parts show a neutral sensation
and a good comfort rating. Only the arms indicate a slightly warm sensation and lower
comfort. This can be attributed to the missing air outlet at the passenger shoulder level
and the solar radiation transmitted through the side glass. Most airflow is directed to the
lower part of the cabin by the lower outlets and the upper part by the outlets on the head-
liner of the vehicle.
Figure 6.
AutoSHUTTLE cabin simulation model: (
) isometric view of the model with six manikins
with colored segments; (b) HVAC box with inlet and ducting.
The simulation model of the autoELF is based on an analogous design and only differs
in size, the interior concept as well as positioning of the air inlets. The interior volume of
this smaller vehicle is 6.34 m
. Heat exchange with the environment as well as the influence
of solar radiation is modeled in the thermal solver. For this purpose, the interior surfaces
of the cabin are virtually thickened and provided with layers of different materials. The
vehicle hardware prototype was used as a source for material types and layer thicknesses.
Human models in the autoSHUTTLE occupy all six seats. In the autoELF, four human
models are used according to the seating configuration of the vehicle. All human models
are divided into individual segments in order to evaluate the comfort sensation on different
parts of the body, as shown in Figure 6. The models are built up in several layers and
have thermoregulatory mechanisms to reproduce the heat exchange with the environment
simulating blood flow, sweat, respiration and skin evaporation; the modeling approach is
based on the Berkeley comfort model [25,26].
Simulation cases include a winter case with 0
C ambient temperature and a summer
case with 30
C ambient temperature and 800 W/m
solar loads on the vehicle roof.
These simulations were carried out with different inlet mass flows and temperatures.
Initial boundary conditions were defined to correspond to a preconditioned cabin. All
Human models are set up with a sedentary activity type and 1.2 met activity level, which
corresponds to a metabolic rate of 70 W/m
]. The clothing of the manikins is modeled
via additional material layers above the skin and is adapted according to the simulated
boundary conditions. Simulation results of the summer case with the autoSHUTTLE
geometry are illustrated in Figure 7. Results show the sensation and comfort of all six
occupants, which are individually colored. The Berkeley comfort model rates thermal
sensation as well as comfort on a scale of
4 to 4 for individual body parts as well as the
whole body [
]. On the sensation scale,
4 means very cold, 0 neutral and 4 very hot
sensations perceived by the occupant [
]. On the comfort scale,
4 means that occupants
feel very uncomfortable and 4 means they feel very comfortable [
]. Whole body sensation
and comfort values are calculated based on [
]. The simulation results show good overall
comfort and sensation. All comfort ratings for the different seating positions are similar
and there are no outliers with larger deviations. Most body parts show a neutral sensation
and a good comfort rating. Only the arms indicate a slightly warm sensation and lower
comfort. This can be attributed to the missing air outlet at the passenger shoulder level and
the solar radiation transmitted through the side glass. Most airflow is directed to the lower
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 10 of 20
part of the cabin by the lower outlets and the upper part by the outlets on the headliner of
the vehicle.
Figure 7. Simulated thermal sensation and comfort results of all occupants in the summer case.
The developed model can be used over the further course of the project for tuning
the air conditioning system of the vehicles under different boundary conditions. This
way, operating conditions and their influence on the thermal comfort of the occupants
can be estimated even without the use of a functional prototype. After integration of
the vehicle interiors, measurements with a thermal comfort manikin are planned to vali-
date the simulation approach and further asses the passenger comfort during real-world
vehicle operation.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 11 of 20
4. Thermoelectric Heat Pump
Thermoelectric modules (TEM) are used in many technical fields either as power
generators or in heat pump applications [
]. A two-stage thermoelectric heat pump was
developed as part of the project to make efficient use of the waste heat from data processing
units and drive units. The heat pump makes it possible to raise the waste heat from
the drive unit and DPU cooling circuits to a higher temperature level and thus make it
usable for heating the passenger compartment. Here, significantly higher efficiencies are
achieved than with positive temperature coefficient (PTC) auxiliary heaters commonly
used in electric vehicles [
]. By exploiting the thermoelectric effect and using doped
semiconductor elements, the heat pump requires no moving parts. Potentially harmful
refrigerants and the associated maintenance can also be eliminated. The thermoelectric
effect provides heat transport as a function of current flow and the charge carriers that
move with it. Electrons moving through an electrical conductor transport energy. Electrons
with higher energy contribute more to the current flow, thus the transported energy can
be directly influenced by the current intensity. At the transition between two materials,
the energy of the electrons changes and the difference is released or absorbed as heat at
the junction. Figure 8a shows a thermoelectric leg pair during heat pump operation. The
semiconductors are connected with metallic contact bridges. The electrons on the n-doped
side and the holes on the p-doped side move in opposite directions. Depending on the
polarity, they move towards or away from the junction. This results in the heating or cooling
of the junction and thus a heat transfer between the two sides of the element [
]. In the
example considered, the cold side is at the top and the hot side is at the bottom, the heat
flows from the cold side to the hot side. Peltier elements can thus be regarded in simplified
terms as electric heat pumps. Commercially available TEMs consist of several hundred
leg pairs, where each leg pair has a cross-section of approximately 1 mm
. Depending
on the polarity and direction of the current flow, the direction of the heat flow can be
reversed. Thus heating, as well as cooling of a component, can be realized. The temperature
differences achieved between hot and cold sides in commercially available elements are
in the range of 50–80 K. TEMs can have varying efficiency depending on the operating
point. The efficiency can be characterized by the coefficient of performance (COP), which
is defined as the quotient of transported heat flow
and electrical power P
. The COP
depends on the temperature difference prevalent between the cold and hot sides as well as
the electrical power. Figure 8b shows the coefficient of performance of a TEM versus the
operating current for various temperature differences. It can be seen that when operating
at a current close to the maximum current, the coefficient of performance and thus the
efficiency decreases. TEMs can achieve COPs of over one, this means they can transport
more heat between their hot and cold plates than they consume electrical energy. This is
because the heat flow on the hot side results from the addition of the heat flow absorbed on
the cold side and internal resistive heating effects caused by the supplied electrical power.
It is also evident that as the temperature difference increases, the coefficient of performance
decreases. Thus, the maximum power specified by the manufacturer can be achieved
only at the temperature difference of 0 K. If the maximum possible temperature difference
is reached, no more heat can be transported and a steady state condition is established.
The maximum heating or cooling power at a temperature difference of 0 K, as well as the
maximum achievable temperature difference, are used to characterize and select TEMs.
These values, as well as the power curves depending on the current and the temperature
difference, are published by the manufacturer in the data sheet of a TEM.
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(a) (b)
Figure 8. (a) Thermoelectric leg pair; (b) Coefficient of performance versus supply current in de-
pendence of temperature difference [35].
The two stages of the heat pump allow for a combination of three cooling circuits
with different temperature levels and coolants. All sensor module DPUs are combined in
the low-temperature heat exchanger at the bottom, the middle combines all dynamic mod-
ules and inverters in the medium-temperature loop and the high-temperature loop is used
to heat the cabin during winter. Splitting the temperature difference over two TEM stages
decreases the temperature difference in each individual TEM, which in turn increases the
efficiency. The amount of thermoelectric modules is adjusted based on the cooling re-
quirement. Between the low and medium-temperature heat exchangers, there are six ther-
moelectric modules. In the upper stage, ten modules are used. The two-stage design also
allows cooling of the cabin in a transitional season before or after summer if the cooling
requirement of the DPU or dynamic module circuit is low. In that case, heat can be
pumped from the interior circuit into the other circuits where it can then be dissipated via
the main coolers of the vehicle. The performance of the heat pump can be scaled and
adapted to different vehicle concepts through variations in TEM count and cooling plate
size. Thus, efficient heating of small cars up to buses or shuttles is possible.
The development of the heat pump is divided into four steps. First, a 0D/1D simula-
tion model of the heat pump was set up using GT-SUITE. The second phase consisted of
the CAD design and 3D-CFD simulation of several cooling plate designs with different
fluid channels. The CFD results were later looped back into the 0D/1D simulation model
to increase its accuracy. This was followed by the procurement and manufacturing of all
required parts. After the hardware prototype of the heat pump was built, the first meas-
urements were carried out.
4.1. Simulation Approach
A thermal 0D/1D simulation was used to assess the required number of thermoelec-
tric modules in each stage. The coolant circuits are simplified and the heat input of com-
ponents such as the drive units or DPUs are modeled using volumes with heat inputs. The
three cooling circuits are connected thermally through heat-exchanging plates and ther-
moelectric modules. The DPU cooling circuit is situated at the bottom and it is thermally
connected to the drive unit circuit using six TEMs. The modules are connected to thermal
masses representing an aluminum cooling plate, which is in turn connected to the fluid
loop via a convection link. The interior heating circuit is connected in the same way using
ten modules at the top of the drive unit circuit. The efficiency of thermoelectric modules
is mainly dependent on the load as well as the temperature difference [35,36]. Due to the
absorbed heat (cold side)
waste heat (hot side)
electron flow hole flow
contact bridge
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
ΔT = 0 K
ΔT = 10 K
ΔT = 20 K
ΔT = 30 K
ΔT = 40 K
Figure 8.
) Thermoelectric leg pair; (
) Coefficient of performance versus supply current in depen-
dence of temperature difference [35].
The two stages of the heat pump allow for a combination of three cooling circuits
with different temperature levels and coolants. All sensor module DPUs are combined
in the low-temperature heat exchanger at the bottom, the middle combines all dynamic
modules and inverters in the medium-temperature loop and the high-temperature loop
is used to heat the cabin during winter. Splitting the temperature difference over two
TEM stages decreases the temperature difference in each individual TEM, which in turn
increases the efficiency. The amount of thermoelectric modules is adjusted based on the
cooling requirement. Between the low and medium-temperature heat exchangers, there
are six thermoelectric modules. In the upper stage, ten modules are used. The two-stage
design also allows cooling of the cabin in a transitional season before or after summer if the
cooling requirement of the DPU or dynamic module circuit is low. In that case, heat can
be pumped from the interior circuit into the other circuits where it can then be dissipated
via the main coolers of the vehicle. The performance of the heat pump can be scaled and
adapted to different vehicle concepts through variations in TEM count and cooling plate
size. Thus, efficient heating of small cars up to buses or shuttles is possible.
The development of the heat pump is divided into four steps. First, a 0D/1D simu-
lation model of the heat pump was set up using GT-SUITE. The second phase consisted
of the CAD design and 3D-CFD simulation of several cooling plate designs with different
fluid channels. The CFD results were later looped back into the 0D/1D simulation model
to increase its accuracy. This was followed by the procurement and manufacturing of
all required parts. After the hardware prototype of the heat pump was built, the first
measurements were carried out.
4.1. Simulation Approach
A thermal 0D/1D simulation was used to assess the required number of thermoelectric
modules in each stage. The coolant circuits are simplified and the heat input of components
such as the drive units or DPUs are modeled using volumes with heat inputs. The three
cooling circuits are connected thermally through heat-exchanging plates and thermoelectric
modules. The DPU cooling circuit is situated at the bottom and it is thermally connected
to the drive unit circuit using six TEMs. The modules are connected to thermal masses
representing an aluminum cooling plate, which is in turn connected to the fluid loop via
a convection link. The interior heating circuit is connected in the same way using ten
modules at the top of the drive unit circuit. The efficiency of thermoelectric modules is
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 13 of 20
mainly dependent on the load as well as the temperature difference [
]. Due to the
relatively high power demand for cabin heating in the UNICARagil vehicles, modules with
the highest maximum cooling power available were chosen. The performance data of the
chosen thermoelectric modules are listed in Table 1. These parameters were input into the
simulation model.
Table 1. Performance data of the selected thermoelectric modules at 25 ±0.5 C test temperature.
Property Symbol Value
Maximal Current Imax 28 A
Maximal Voltage Umax 27.7 V
Maximal Temperature Difference Tmax 66 K
Maximal Cooling Power Qc,max 430 W
Resistance RAC 0.87
To assess different cooling plate designs, a CFD simulation approach with coupled
thermal solver was used. In total, 20 different plate designs were simulated. The cooling
channel designs were mainly influenced by the requirement to manufacture the plates on
a milling machine. This part of development overlapped with the CAD design process;
therefore, an iterative approach with manufacturability in mind was chosen. First, different
cooling channel geometries were simulated and compared to a baseline simulation with
an empty cooling channel with a rectangular flow cross-section. The best version was
then chosen for detail optimization. To quantify the quality of heat transfer the convection
heat flux in the cooling channels is used to compare different designs. The pressure drop
between the inlet and outlet of the cooling plate is also considered. The Nusselt number is
used to quantify the ratio of convective and conductive heat transfer between a fluid and a
solid at the boundary. It is defined as
Nu =αl
λ, (1)
is the heat transfer coefficient, lis the characteristic length and
is the thermal
conductivity [
]. To assess the pressure drop of different designs the dimensionless
pressure coefficient is calculated as
2·w2, (2)
using the pressure difference between undisturbed flow p
and plate flow p
, coolant
and undisturbed flow speed w
]. Figure 9shows the final detail optimization
process with four cooling plate versions. The convection flux of a section of the cooling
channels is shown in the left part of the figure. Changes include the modification of crossbar
length in order to achieve a uniform distribution of coolant after deflection as well as the
insertion of blind holes to increase turbulence and thus increase boundary layer mixing.
The diagram in the right part of the figure shows the dimensionless Nusselt number versus
the pressure coefficient of the simulated versions. Through improved coolant distribution
over the channels, the pressure loss drops when comparing cooling plate versions V1, V2
and V3. The effect of the boundary layer mixing caused by the blind holes can be seen by
comparing the Nusselt number of V3 and V4, it has a negligible effect on pressure loss. V4
is the final chosen and implemented design for the heat pump.
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World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 20
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Final optimization of cooling plate versions: (a) convection flux in excerpts of the cooling
plate channels; (b) Nusselt number over pressure coefficient. Based on [39].
4.2. Design and Manufacturing
All cooling plates of the different stages have the same channel design. Figure 10
shows an exploded view of the cabin cooling plate on the left and the complete thermoe-
lectric heat pump assembly on the right. The cabin cooling plate is rotated and situated at
the bottom in the right part of the figure. The main dimensions of the heat pump are 425
mm× 200 mm × 118 mm. The Inlet and outlet fittings of the cooling plates have a diameter
of 19 mm. The upper stage between the dynamic module and data processing unit loop
has six TEMs with a total power of 2.58 kW. The lower stage between the dynamic module
and cabin loop has ten TEMs with a total power of 4.3 kW. Refer to Table 1 for perfor-
mance data of the used TEM. In each stage, two TEMs are electrically connected in series
and these pairs are then connected in parallel. This allows for the use of 48 V onboard
voltage from the traction batteries in the vehicles.
Each plate consists of the main plate with the coolant channels and a top cover. To
prevent leakage, a gasket with a rectangular cross-section is used around the perimeter of
the plate. A second gasket on the central divider between the inlet and outlet side prevents
a cross flow and mixing of coolant before the deflection curve at the end of the plate. The
gaskets are situated in a groove on the main plate. Several screws ensure uniform pressure
on the gasket. A detailed calculation of the bolt connection, in accordance with [40] and
[41], was carried out taking into account coolant pressure, pre-deformation of the gasket,
loss of pretension force as well as plate and screw deformation. Hose fittings with a self-
sealing thread are used to connect each cooling plate to the corresponding cooling circuit.
The TEMs are mounted between the cooling plates and the electrical connection wires are
routed out via the sides of the assembly. Small rectangular recesses are milled into the
bottom of the plates and covers to ensure the correct positioning of the TEMs. The top and
bottom plates are mounted to the plate in the middle using longer screws from the top
and bottom. Thermal contact resistance between two solid bodies is influenced by the
contact pressure [42], this means the highest contact pressure possible is pursued to en-
hance heat transfer. However, the maximal contact pressure allowed is prescribed by the
strength of the TEMs. This required a second bolt calculation for the second row of screws
connecting the plates to each other and taking the maximal allowed contact pressure into
account. These screws are arranged in such a way that the connecting line between two
screws runs through the centerline of two TEMs. This ensures an even pressure distribu-
tion, which avoids damage to the elements and improves heat exchange. Eight mounting
points on the lower cooling plate allow the heat pump assembly to be fitted into the vehi-
cle or test bench.
1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
V1 V2 V3 V4
Figure 9.
Final optimization of cooling plate versions: (
) convection flux in excerpts of the cooling
plate channels; (b) Nusselt number over pressure coefficient. Based on [39].
4.2. Design and Manufacturing
All cooling plates of the different stages have the same channel design. Figure 10 shows
an exploded view of the cabin cooling plate on the left and the complete thermoelectric
heat pump assembly on the right. The cabin cooling plate is rotated and situated at
the bottom in the right part of the figure. The main dimensions of the heat pump are
425 mm×200 mm ×118 mm
. The Inlet and outlet fittings of the cooling plates have a
diameter of 19 mm. The upper stage between the dynamic module and data processing
unit loop has six TEMs with a total power of 2.58 kW. The lower stage between the dynamic
module and cabin loop has ten TEMs with a total power of 4.3 kW. Refer to Table 1for
performance data of the used TEM. In each stage, two TEMs are electrically connected in
series and these pairs are then connected in parallel. This allows for the use of 48 V onboard
voltage from the traction batteries in the vehicles.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 20
(a) (b)
Figure 10. Exploded view of the thermoelectric heat pump: (a) Cabin cooling plate with final coolant
channel design; (b) Complete assembly with all three cooling plates and TEMs.
4.3. Measurements and Results
After the manufacturing of components, a test stand for heat pump measurements
was built. The test stand includes the heat pump, a coolant pump for each circuit, expan-
sion tanks, flow measurement devices, thermocouples, power supplies, coolant condition-
ing systems and an HVAC box. Sheathed thermocouples are used to measure coolant inlet
and outlet temperatures in the hoses. The heat flux exchanged through a cooling plate can
then be calculated by
󰇛𝑇󰇜, (3)
with the coolants volumetric flow rate 𝑉
󰇗, the temperature difference between inlet and
outlet T as well as temperature-dependent density ρ(T) and specific heat capacity of the
coolant c
(T). Density and heat capacity are determined using the averaged coolant tem-
perature and literature values [37]. The electric power consumed by the TEMs is deter-
mined by measuring the supply voltage and current of the connected power supply. With
these two values, the COP of each stage can be calculated. The DPU cooling plate is sup-
plied with a coolant flow of 520 l/h and 40 °C. The connected conditioning system supplies
a constant 3.8 kW heat input to simulate the four DPUs and cerebrum in the vehicle. The
second conditioning system supplies up to 4 kW heat input with a temperature level of 60
°C to simulate the drive units and inverters, the volume flow is also 520 l/h. All measure-
ments were carried out over a time of ten minutes. The interior heating circuit is operated
at a temperature level of 80 °C. Two scenarios were investigated, one with pre-conditioned
coolant circuits to simulate the vehicle during operation and one with coolant at ambient
temperature to account for a potential heat-up phase. Measurements were taken at three
different supply current ratios of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.45 of I/I
. The HVAC blower rotational
speed was varied in three steps: lowest possible speed, medium and maximum possible
speed. Measurement results are shown in Figure 11, the diagrams show the resulting COP
Figure 10.
Exploded view of the thermoelectric heat pump: (
) Cabin cooling plate with final coolant
channel design; (b) Complete assembly with all three cooling plates and TEMs.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 15 of 20
Each plate consists of the main plate with the coolant channels and a top cover. To
prevent leakage, a gasket with a rectangular cross-section is used around the perimeter of
the plate. A second gasket on the central divider between the inlet and outlet side prevents
a cross flow and mixing of coolant before the deflection curve at the end of the plate. The
gaskets are situated in a groove on the main plate. Several screws ensure uniform pressure
on the gasket. A detailed calculation of the bolt connection, in accordance with [
] and [
was carried out taking into account coolant pressure, pre-deformation of the gasket, loss of
pretension force as well as plate and screw deformation. Hose fittings with a self-sealing
thread are used to connect each cooling plate to the corresponding cooling circuit. The
TEMs are mounted between the cooling plates and the electrical connection wires are
routed out via the sides of the assembly. Small rectangular recesses are milled into the
bottom of the plates and covers to ensure the correct positioning of the TEMs. The top and
bottom plates are mounted to the plate in the middle using longer screws from the top and
bottom. Thermal contact resistance between two solid bodies is influenced by the contact
pressure [
], this means the highest contact pressure possible is pursued to enhance heat
transfer. However, the maximal contact pressure allowed is prescribed by the strength of
the TEMs. This required a second bolt calculation for the second row of screws connecting
the plates to each other and taking the maximal allowed contact pressure into account.
These screws are arranged in such a way that the connecting line between two screws runs
through the centerline of two TEMs. This ensures an even pressure distribution, which
avoids damage to the elements and improves heat exchange. Eight mounting points on the
lower cooling plate allow the heat pump assembly to be fitted into the vehicle or test bench.
4.3. Measurements and Results
After the manufacturing of components, a test stand for heat pump measurements was
built. The test stand includes the heat pump, a coolant pump for each circuit, expansion
tanks, flow measurement devices, thermocouples, power supplies, coolant conditioning
systems and an HVAC box. Sheathed thermocouples are used to measure coolant inlet and
outlet temperatures in the hoses. The heat flux exchanged through a cooling plate can then
be calculated by .
V·ρ(T)·T·cp(T), (3)
with the coolants volumetric flow rate
, the temperature difference between inlet and
Tas well as temperature-dependent density
(T) and specific heat capacity of
the coolant c
(T). Density and heat capacity are determined using the averaged coolant
temperature and literature values [
]. The electric power consumed by the TEMs is
determined by measuring the supply voltage and current of the connected power supply.
With these two values, the COP of each stage can be calculated. The DPU cooling plate
is supplied with a coolant flow of 520 l/h and 40
C. The connected conditioning system
supplies a constant 3.8 kW heat input to simulate the four DPUs and cerebrum in the
vehicle. The second conditioning system supplies up to 4 kW heat input with a temperature
level of 60
C to simulate the drive units and inverters, the volume flow is also 520 l/h.
All measurements were carried out over a time of ten minutes. The interior heating circuit
is operated at a temperature level of 80
C. Two scenarios were investigated, one with
pre-conditioned coolant circuits to simulate the vehicle during operation and one with
coolant at ambient temperature to account for a potential heat-up phase. Measurements
were taken at three different supply current ratios of 0.15, 0.3 and 0.45 of I/I
. The HVAC
blower rotational speed was varied in three steps: lowest possible speed, medium and
maximum possible speed. Measurement results are shown in Figure 11, the diagrams show
the resulting COP over available heating power exerted via the interior heat exchanger.
The pre-heated coolant leads to a higher COP and heating power. At current levels of 0.15,
the COP is at or slightly above 2. With higher supply currents, the COP falls rapidly to a
value of below 1. The HVAC blower speed mainly affects the heat rate transferred to the
air via the interior heat exchanger in the HVAC box. COP and usable heat rate rise with
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 16 of 20
rising blower speed, although in most cases it is approximately the same at medium and
high speeds. Only at a supply current ratio of 0.45, a difference between medium and high
blower speed levels can be observed.
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 20
over available heating power exerted via the interior heat exchanger. The pre-heated cool-
ant leads to a higher COP and heating power. At current levels of 0.15, the COP is at or
slightly above 2. With higher supply currents, the COP falls rapidly to a value of below 1.
The HVAC blower speed mainly affects the heat rate transferred to the air via the interior
heat exchanger in the HVAC box. COP and usable heat rate rise with rising blower speed,
although in most cases it is approximately the same at medium and high speeds. Only at
a supply current ratio of 0.45, a difference between medium and high blower speed levels
can be observed.
(a) (b)
Figure 11. Measurement results showing coefficient of performance over-heating power: (a) with
pre-conditioned coolant loop; (b) without pre-conditioned coolant loop. Measurement results taken
from [43].
Although the COPs achieved at a current ratio of 0.15 are well above 1, the usable
heat rate in the cabin heat exchanger is rather low. The heat rates of 600 to 700 W would
be enough for maintaining interior temperatures in a pre-heated cabin during mild winter
days. Higher heat rates are possible by raising the supply current ratio but lead to a COP
below 1. Each measurement was performed with a fixed voltage and current supply. Fur-
ther efficiency increases could be possible using an advanced control strategy and dynam-
ically varying the power supply depending on the required heating output. It is possible
to increase efficiency by making use of thermal insulation around the heat pump and be-
tween the heat exchanger plates. The effect of such insulation measures could be evalu-
ated in future investigations.
5. Summary and Outlook
Within the scope of the UNICARagil project a thermal management system including
the HVAC system for the cabin has been developed. A key challenge was the cooling of
the computational hardware needed for all autonomous driving functions, which is an
integral part of a safe vehicle operation. This included intensive testing of the computer
hardware under various climatic conditions in a test chamber. Results show that active
air-cooling of computational hardware is not sufficient to avoid a reduction in the clock
rate and therefore compromises vehicle safety. Hot spots in the packing rooms of com-
puter hardware must be avoided because they can lead to derating even if most of the
heat is dissipated by a central water cooling system. The integration of all thermal man-
low low
0 500 1000 1500 2000
in W
0.15 0.30 0.45
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Pheat in W
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Pheat in W
I/Imax:HVAC blower speed
Figure 11.
Measurement results showing coefficient of performance over-heating power: (
) with
pre-conditioned coolant loop; (
) without pre-conditioned coolant loop. Measurement results taken
from [43].
Although the COPs achieved at a current ratio of 0.15 are well above 1, the usable heat
rate in the cabin heat exchanger is rather low. The heat rates of 600 to 700 W would be
enough for maintaining interior temperatures in a pre-heated cabin during mild winter
days. Higher heat rates are possible by raising the supply current ratio but lead to a
COP below 1. Each measurement was performed with a fixed voltage and current supply.
Further efficiency increases could be possible using an advanced control strategy and
dynamically varying the power supply depending on the required heating output. It is
possible to increase efficiency by making use of thermal insulation around the heat pump
and between the heat exchanger plates. The effect of such insulation measures could be
evaluated in future investigations.
5. Summary and Outlook
Within the scope of the UNICARagil project a thermal management system including
the HVAC system for the cabin has been developed. A key challenge was the cooling of the
computational hardware needed for all autonomous driving functions, which is an integral
part of a safe vehicle operation. This included intensive testing of the computer hardware
under various climatic conditions in a test chamber. Results show that active air-cooling of
computational hardware is not sufficient to avoid a reduction in the clock rate and therefore
compromises vehicle safety. Hot spots in the packing rooms of computer hardware must be
avoided because they can lead to derating even if most of the heat is dissipated by a central
water cooling system. The integration of all thermal management hardware components
has been completed, and the cooling circuits are successfully operating in all four vehicles.
The current status of the project as well as pictures and videos of the vehicles in motion are
published on the project website (accessed on 30 November 2022).
World Electr. Veh. J. 2023,14, 6 17 of 20
A control unit with ASOA support for the HVAC system using various sensors effi-
ciently controlling the interior climate was developed and implemented into the vehicles.
The sensors include CO
, humidity, and four temperature sensors in the cabin, as well as a
total volatile organic compound, humidity, and two temperature sensors on the exterior of
the vehicle. Through the use of these sensors an extended recirculation rate and therefore
decreased load on the traction battery is achieved without compromising interior air quality.
Waste heat generated as a by-product of sensor data evaluation can be used to heat the
cabin and therefore increase the efficiency of the vehicles. The cont