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Abstract and Figures

Human activities have raised the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide (CO2) content by 50% in less than 200 years and by 10% in the last 15 years. Climate change is a great threat and presents a unique opportunity to protect cardiovascular health in the next decades. CO2 equivalent emission is the most convenient unit for measuring the greenhouse gas footprint corresponding to ecological cost. Medical imaging contributes significantly to the CO2 emissions responsible for climate change, yet current medical guidelines ignore the carbon cost. Among the common cardiac imaging techniques, CO2 emissions are lowest for transthoracic echocardiography (0.5–2 kg per exam), increase 10-fold for cardiac computed tomography angiography, and 100-fold for cardiac magnetic resonance. A conservative estimate of 10 billion medical examinations per year worldwide implies that medical imaging accounts for approximately 1% of the overall carbon footprint. In 2016, CO2 emissions from magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, calculated in 120 countries, accounted for 0.77% of global emissions. A significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions is attributed to health care, which ranges from 4% in the United Kingdom to 10% in the United States. Assessment of carbon cost should be a part of the cost-benefit balance in medical imaging.
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Citation: Picano, E.; Mangia, C.;
D’Andrea, A. Climate Change,
Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and
Medical Imaging Contribution. J.
Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215. https://
Academic Editors: Sophie I.
Mavrogeni and Pierre Croisille
Received: 23 November 2022
Revised: 5 December 2022
Accepted: 23 December 2022
Published: 27 December 2022
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Journal of
Clinical Medicine
Climate Change, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, and Medical
Imaging Contribution
Eugenio Picano 1, * , Cristina Mangia 2and Antonello D’Andrea 3
1Institute of Clinical Physiology, CNR, 56124 Pisa, Italy
2ISAC—Institute of Sciences of Atmosphere and Climate, CNR, 73100 Lecce, Italy
3Cardiology Division, Nocera Inferiore Hospital, Nocera Inferiore, 84014 Salerno, Italy
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-050-3152246; Fax: +39-050-3152374
Human activities have raised the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide (CO
) content by 50% in less
than 200 years and by 10% in the last 15 years. Climate change is a great threat and presents a unique
opportunity to protect cardiovascular health in the next decades. CO
equivalent emission is the
most convenient unit for measuring the greenhouse gas footprint corresponding to ecological cost.
Medical imaging contributes significantly to the CO
emissions responsible for climate change, yet
current medical guidelines ignore the carbon cost. Among the common cardiac imaging techniques,
emissions are lowest for transthoracic echocardiography (0.5–2 kg per exam), increase 10-fold
for cardiac computed tomography angiography, and 100-fold for cardiac magnetic resonance. A
conservative estimate of 10 billion medical examinations per year worldwide implies that medical
imaging accounts for approximately 1% of the overall carbon footprint. In 2016, CO
emissions from
magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, calculated in 120 countries, accounted for
0.77% of global emissions. A significant portion of global greenhouse gas emissions is attributed to
health care, which ranges from 4% in the United Kingdom to 10% in the United States. Assessment of
carbon cost should be a part of the cost-benefit balance in medical imaging.
Keywords: environment; imaging; planet; sustainability
1. Introduction
In the present paper, we present an opinion piece on the environmental impact of
medical imaging, with a special focus on cardiac imaging, and the possible ways to reduce
it. We focus on cardiac imaging for three reasons. First, cardiac imaging examinations are
one of the most important applications of medical imaging (>50% of all nuclear medicine
and invasive fluoroscopy examinations) and are rising with the advent of coronary com-
puted tomography (CT) [
]. Second, the relevance of cardiac imaging is especially timely
since the recent European Society of Cardiology, American College of Cardiology, and
American Heart Association general cardiology guidelines established the equipoise of
five different imaging techniques for the diagnosis of chest pain but made no mention of
the environmental impact of the imaging options. This included stress with ultrasound
(US), CT, stress with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear techniques such as
stress with positron emission tomography (PET) and stress with single-photon emission
tomography (SPECT) [
]. Third, as cardiologists and imagers, we are aware that the
culture of environmental sustainability has been present in radiology culture and practice
for years [4] but ignored by mainstream cardiology culture.
2. Climate Changes and Carbon Dioxide
The global influence of the environment profoundly affects cardiovascular risk, in-
cidence, prevalence, and severity [
]. Environmental stimuli include social stress, diet,
smoking, chemical contaminants, noise, sleep disturbances, ionizing radiation, air pollution,
and climate change [6].
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215.
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215 2 of 9
Global warming is altering the earth’s global landscape and ocean temperatures. To
date, an increase of 1.09
C has been observed in recent years compared to pre-industrial
levels. Each of the last four decades has been progressively warmer than any previous
decade since 1850. Consequently, temperature variability, heat waves, forest fires, desert
storms, and extreme cold events have become more frequent in many parts of the world,
and the number of deaths increases significantly with the repetition of extreme events [
The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change reported the effects of extreme
temperatures on health and disease, including cardiovascular diseases. A 2021 global
analysis estimated that more than 5 million deaths per year are associated with non-optimal
temperatures [
]. By modifying weather patterns and the consequent emission scenarios,
global warming leads to worsening air pollution, which in turn influences climate change.
Although they are distinct phenomena occurring at different spatiotemporal scales, the
two environmental crises are considered two sides of the same coin [
]. These trends are
expected to worsen in the coming years in the absence of effective countermeasures [11].
It is widely accepted that climate change is caused by high levels of greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, such as carbon dioxide (CO
), methane, nitrous oxide, etc., due to human
activity [
]. From 2010–2019 the average annual global GHG emissions were at their
highest levels in human history. Human activities have raised the atmosphere’s CO
content by 50% in less than 200 years and by 10% in the last 15 years [
]. As strongly
recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, urgent and deep GHG
emissions reductions across all sectors are necessary in order to limit global warming to
1.5 C [13].
Climate change is a great threat and presents a unique opportunity to protect cardiovas-
cular health in the next decades [
]. In the framework of an integrative, multilevel strategy,
cardiologists are essential to better understand the mechanistic link between climate change
and cardiovascular disease, to promote multilevel (from the government to individuals)
mitigation strategy, identify vulnerable subgroups for more effective treatment of cardio-
vascular complications [15], and adopt carbon-neutral imaging prescription strategies.
is not strictly a pollutant but a prototype of GHG and an index of the impact of
human activities on climate change. CO
is different from an air pollutant since it is present
in clean air (at a low concentration of 0.04%), essential for a normal life, emitted in human
breath, and not a trigger of acute cardiovascular events. However, it is considered an air
pollutant by law for its direct effect on the climate system and indirect effects on health. The
new landmark climate law passed by the US Senate in August 2022 amends the Clean Air
Act, the country’s air-quality legislation, to define the CO
produced by burning fossil fuels
as an air pollutant”. With the new law, Congress has unequivocally told federal agencies to
tackle CO
]. The Supreme Court ruled, with a 5–4 decision, in 2007 that CO
can be
regulated as a pollutant under the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act defines “air pollutant”
as “any air pollution agent or combination of such agents, including any physical [or]
. . .
substance or matter which is emitted into or otherwise enters the ambient
air” and “may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare.” In its 2007
decision, the Supreme Court correctly recognized that carbon is a “chemical substance or
matter” that is “emitted into” the air and “endangers public health” by contributing to
rising global temperatures.
With a new conservative majority, the Supreme Court ruled 6–3 on 30 June 2022, that
the Clean Air Act does not give the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency widespread
power to regulate CO
emissions. The prevailing opinion reported by Judges of the
Supreme Court in 2022 is as follows, Now, what is a pollutant? A pollutant is a subject that
is harmful to human beings or to animals or plants. CO
is not a pollutant. CO
is not harmful
to ordinary things, human beings, or to animals, or plants. It’s actually needed for plant growth.
All of us are exhaling CO
right now. So, if it’s a pollutant, we’re all polluting [
]. These
opinions may be legally valid but are less convincing from a logical, pathophysiological,
and medical viewpoint. The CO
increase endangers humans, animals, plants, and the
planet. The Climate law passed in August 2022 determined that CO2, for all practical and
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215 3 of 9
legal purposes, must be treated as an air pollutant, and this approach is more reasonable
for physicians.
3. The Environmental Footprint of Imaging Examinations
Marwick and Buonocore evaluated the environmental impact of different cardiac
imaging techniques: stress-US, stress-MRI, and stress-SPECT [
]. The impact of MRI and
SPECT on human health followed a clear gradient. MRI was associated with the greatest
environmental damage. SPECT showed intermediate damage between 4 and 11% of the
MRI impact, and US showed the least damage by far, quantified at 0.5–2.0% of the MRI
damage. The basis of these differences is largely due to energy consumption, which leads
to an estimated CO
emission of 2 to 3 kg per stress-US (approximately 2.2 kg in Italy and
2.9 kg in the USA in 2013) and up to 200–300 kg per stress-MRI study (229 kg in Italy and
302 kg in the USA), as estimated by Braga et al. [
]. With an abdominal scan, the relative
inter-imaging differences are similar to those observed for a cardiac stress study, although
absolute values are lower. When both the production and use phases are considered,
Martin et al. estimated the carbon cost of an abdominal imaging examination at 1.15 kg
/examination with a US scan, 6.61 kg CO
/examination for a CT scan, and 19.72 kg
CO2/examination with an MRI scan [20].
Similar values were reported by Mc Allister et al., with mean CO
estimated at 0.5 kg for US, 9.2 kg for CT, and 17.5 kg/scan for MRI [
]. The carbon cost
changed with the operating mode, the technology employed, the average scan time, the
region under investigation, and several other variables, including the utilization rate [
In particular, for any given MRI machine and type of scan, the energy cost accounted
for 98% of the carbon cost, according to Marwick and Buonocore [
], and it was heavily
dependent on the utilization rate. With a modern MRI machine, the average energy cost
per exam was estimated at 22.4 kg CO
by Esmaeili et al., with a wide range of values
from as low as 48.1 kW/h per patient, with a utilization rate of 90% (262 hospital patients
per month), to an almost 10-fold higher value of 399.8 kW/h with a utilization rate of
10% (29 patients per month) [
]. Therefore, any estimate of the absolute carbon cost per
exam is subject to many assumptions and local conditions, from energy cost to utilization
rate. However, the relative carbon cost is remarkably similar, and there is converging
evidence that MRI has the greatest, CT has an intermediate, and the US has the smallest
environmental impact (Figure 1).
Healthcare CO
emissions are an important part of global emissions. The healthcare
carbon footprint contributes significantly to the total national carbon footprint [
ranging from 10% in the United States in 2016 [
] to an estimated 4% in the United
Kingdom [
]. Medical imaging contributes significantly to healthcare’s share of emis-
sions, although the exact contribution is subject to a wide range of assumptions [
Kouropoulos [
] determined that 0.77% of global emissions in 120 countries were caused
by CT and MRI imaging. The study did not include in its estimate emissions from nuclear
medicine, invasive fluoroscopy, chest x-rays, and US, which total billions of examinations
per year (Figure 2). This estimate is expected to grow by 30% from 2018 to 2030, in line
with the expected growth of the global diagnostic imaging market from 2019 to 2024, with
an annual growth rate of 5.5%.
The healthcare sector potentially has a key role in climate change mitigation efforts.
The environmental footprint is also a cost that, while not immediately taken by the payer
as a direct cost, is covered by society as a long-term, downstream, externalized cost all
citizens will pay collectively [30].
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215 4 of 9
Figure 1.
The relative carbon cost (CO
emissions/examination) for an abdominal scan with US
(absolute cost 0.5 kg), CT (absolute cost 9.2 kg), and MRI (absolute cost 17.5 kg). From the original
data of McAlister et al. [21].
Figure 2.
The contribution of healthcare and medical imaging to overall carbon emissions on a
planetary scale.
4. Opportunity to Change
The pervasive effects of air pollution and climate change on human health and car-
diovascular disease open new challenges but also unprecedented opportunities for cardio-
vascular disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Greening may affect all phases of
medical imaging, from engineering to production to medical end-users. These actions may
act efficiently to mitigate the environmental footprint of imaging, thus, targeting more than
lowering CO
emissions [
]. For instance, gadolinium-based contrast media for MRI are
dispersed in water and may lead to drinking water contamination [
]. The production of
costly and toxic radioactive waste with nuclear medicine can be effectively minimized with
the development of radiation-free diagnostic methods, as has happened in the last 30 years
with stress-US progressively replacing nuclear cardiology for cost and radiation exposure
concerns [33].
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215 5 of 9
The challenge for the imaging community is to keep high diagnostic standards while
reducing the carbon cost of our activities in a proactive role that is in concert with the
industry and patients [34].
Prescribers and practitioners must urgently consider the role of imaging in climate change
and mitigate imaging’s harmful environmental impact”, as recently stated in a 2021 call to
action from the President of the American College of Radiology [
]. When the diagnostic
information provided by different imaging techniques is similar, low-carbon testing is
preferential over high-carbon testing. Inappropriate testing represents about 50% of current
testing volumes and should be avoided [
], especially imaging techniques associated with
high carbon emissions.
There are some data on CO
emissions/examinations for US, CT, and MRI and some
relatively old data on SPECT. However, the carbon footprint information is completely
missing for stress-PET, which is widely used in cardiac stress testing with a rising utilization
rate due to lower radiation exposure than stress-SPECT. It would be important to have
more detailed and specific data according to the technology used, operating mode (rest or
stress), use of contrast (for echo or MRI), and drugs employed during the study to generate
an exhaustive catalog of carbon costs to be associated with each imaging procedure. This
information will increase the awareness of doctors and patients and make carbon-neutral
choices easier.
For instance, magnetic resonance will greatly benefit from industrial developments
shifting the focus from machines with high-intensity magnetic fields (3 Tesla or even 6 Tesla)
requiring high energy consumption to an energy-sparing strategy, leading to the diffusion
of new technologies aimed at obtaining the same image quality with lower intensity fields
and much less energy expenditure [37].
5. The Road to Environmental Sustainability in Medical Imaging
Clinicians need simple rules to address the complex issue of environmental impact. We
need more awareness, information, and data to drive a change in time-honored prescription
patterns, feeding legitimate vested interests. There is an opportunity to follow in the
footsteps of social marketing and scientific society campaigns, such as Choosing Wisely and
Image Gently, to reduce the unacceptable rate of inappropriate imaging examinations and
unjustified or unoptimized radiological examinations. These campaigns targeted patients
and doctors, reducing inappropriate testing and dramatically lowering of the radiation
dose per exam through the combined effort of industry, scientists, clinicians, and patient
organizations [
]. Any effort toward environmental sustainability will focus on three
stakeholders: doctors, industry, and patients.
A recent survey in Italy documented that 93% of doctors believe that the emissions of
per examination should become an important factor in decision-making for cardiac
imaging [
]. The industry is also important due to its efforts in creating modern and
improved medical imaging devices with less carbon cost but no loss in resolution [
The third stakeholder is the patient. A survey in the United Kingdom showed that 92%
of patients believe sustainability in healthcare operations is important [
]. Ideally, the
informed consent paperwork should include the radiologic exposure in multiples of chest
X-rays and the carbon cost in kg of CO
emissions compared to standard activities familiar
to the patient, such as driving a car for a certain number of kilometers. Using the updated
estimates from Mc Allister et al., an abdominal US scan (0.5 kg of CO
emissions) corre-
sponds to driving a modern car for 4 km, a CT (9.2 kg of CO
emissions) for 76 km, and
a resting MRI (17.5 kg of CO
emissions) for 145 km [
]. This is a way to inform and
explain to patients and doctors what they often ignore regarding the environmental impact
of medical and, specifically, imaging procedures.
Choosing Wisely could be a model to reach the ambitious goal of better environmental
sustainability of medical imaging in the next decade. In the meantime, some simple rules
driven by the available data and common sense can help in everyday practice for a green
transition without lowering the current standard of health care in cardiac imaging:
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215 6 of 9
As prescribers or practitioners, we need to know what our carbon impact is (the exact
environmental cost of each imaging examination);
There is no right or wrong absolute value of carbon cost, but certainly, the wrong
value is the one we ignore;
3. Through its effects on climate change, carbon is a cost taken up by society;
Through its effects on climate change, carbon is a health risk taken up by the entire
population, including those unexposed to testing;
5. Like radiation, carbon cost should always be justified;
6. Like radiation, carbon cost should always be optimized;
Like radiation, the responsibility for inappropriate carbon costs should be that of both
the prescriber and the practitioner;
If we include carbon cost in our imaging cost-benefit balance, the industry will start
on the road to achieving the same image quality with less carbon cost;
Carbon is important in all fields of the economy, from housing to energy and trans-
portation, and also in medicine to preserve the current standard of care and environ-
mental integrity for future generations;
Prescribing an imaging test is a medical and social act [43].
The cost-benefit assessment should include immediate cost, radiation risk, and carbon
cost (Figure 3).
Figure 3.
The cost-benefit assessment in medical imaging (first row) includes the medical benefit
(such as diagnostic accuracy) balanced with the acute risks, such as the occurrence of myocardial
infarction during stress. Over the last two decades, a more comprehensive assessment was introduced.
Integrating on the cost side is the economic cost (second row), the radiological risk linearly related to
the long-term risk of cancer (third row), and now, the environmental or carbon cost related to the
detrimental effect on the planet (last row).
It is unrealistic to achieve the goal of sustainability without, or even against, the
medical imaging community. Conversely, the cardiology and cardiac imaging community
cannot remain neutral in this debate. Environmental sustainability in cardiology and
cardiac imaging is essential in the quest for sustainability in healthcare [44].
6. Conclusions
Human health is one of the earliest biosensors of climate change, and cardiovascular
disease increases in frequency and severity with climate change. Doctors are fearful of
climate change, but also a part of the problem since healthcare contributes significantly
to the overall carbon footprint [
]. Cardiac imaging immensely improved the quality of
cardiology care, but it is also a recognized source of population damage through radiation
J. Clin. Med. 2023,12, 215 7 of 9
exposure and environmental damage through CO
emissions. The cardiology and cardiac
imaging communities can have a proactive role in the decarbonization of imaging, in
teamwork with industry and patients, and as gatekeepers to improve imaging quality and
cost-effectiveness. The Choosing Wisely campaign celebrated its 10th birthday in 2022
and has taught patients and doctors that overuse is an equity issue and that avoiding
overuse can protect patient safety [
]. The Green Heart initiative will eventually push
Choosing Wisely’s gratifying experience of promoting appropriateness in imaging further
to include the economic and radiological cost and the carbon cost of medical imaging in
decision-making. Avoiding medical imaging overuse can also protect planet safety [47].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.P., C.M. and A.D.; writing—original draft preparation,
E.P.; writing—review and editing, C.M. and A.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: The research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement:
The study was conducted according to the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the institutional ethics committees as a part of the SE
2030 study (291/294/295-Comitato Etico Lazio-1, 8 March 2021; Clinical trials. Gov Identifier NCT
Informed Consent Statement:
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement:
The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy law.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... As a result, agriculture now contributes about 30% of global GHG emissions (Fox et al., 2019;Maraseni et al., 2018), leading to a worldwide temperature increase of 1.1 • C over the past decade (Ahmad et al., 2024;Nathaniel, 2021). The rapid growth of global GDP, increasing by 8.1% annually from 1961 to 2013, has also significantly increased CO 2 emissions, with human activities responsible for 50% of this increase in recent decades (Shuai et al., 2018;Picano et al., 2022). It is crucial to address these challenges, as one of the sustainable development goals is to reduce CO 2 emissions and ensure a healthier living environment for both current and future populations by 2030 (Murshed and Alam, 2021;Rehman et al., 2019). ...
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Understanding the cycle of carbon emissions resulting from agricultural practices is critical for evaluating their effect on environmental quality. This study investigates the influence of corn production on environmental quality across six major corn producing provinces in China: Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Shandong, and Sichuan, using panel datasets spanning from 1990 to 2022. Utilizing a robust methodological framework and advanced econometric techniques such as the Panel Mean Group Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (PMG-ARDL), Panel Quantile Regressions (PQR), Panel Least Square regression (PLSR), this study offers a comprehensive analysis of both short-term and long-term impacts of several agricultural inputs, agricultural GDP, and temperature on environmental quality. The findings reveal significant long-term contributions to carbon emissions from the use of agricultural water, agricultural credit, and fertilizers use, indicating the environmental costs associated with intensive agricultural practices. The study shows carbon emissions have a long-term negative relationship with corn production. The results from the PMG-ARDL model are consistent with those obtained from the PQR, and PLSQR analyses, demonstrating strong positive correlations between agricultural loans, fertilizer use, agricultural water usage, and carbon emissions. The Dumitrescu and Hurlin results show unidirectional causation of carbon emissions from pesticide use, temperature, and agricultural GDP, and bidirectional causal relationship between carbon emissions, corn production, fertilizer use, agricultural water usage, and agricultural credit. The study underscores the critical need for policies that balance agricultural productivity with environmental quality, suggesting directions for future research to explore diverse agricultural systems and incorporate more dynamic modeling approaches to better understand and mitigate the environmental impacts of agriculture.
... It can be inferred that medical imaging is responsible for roughly 1% of the total carbon footprint due to its 10 billion medical examinations conducted annually worldwide as shown in Figure 2. In 2016, the CO2 emissions caused by magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography resulted in approximately 0.77% of the total global emissions. [3] Here are some problems associated with carbon emissions in radiology: ...
The healthcare sector plays an important role in human well-being, however, the continuous utilization of its resources has led to environmental degradation. It has become one of the reasons for climate change, primarily through significant carbon emissions and misuse of clinical equipment. With the advancement in ongoing research, efforts are being made for sustainable healthcare development. This review paper compares the existing models and approaches based on sustainable AI to reduce carbon footprints within the healthcare sector. The paper presents a detailed study of existing literature and initiatives that use AI-driven solutions to make healthcare services more eco-friendly and economically feasible. This paper presents how AI technologies, including machine learning, data analytics, Deep Learning, and optimization algorithms, are being applied in the Supply chain, clinical trials, predictive management, and various other departments of Medicine to prevent carbon emissions arising from infrastructure, data centers, transportation, and medical equipment. Keywords: Healthcare, Carbon Footprints, Sustainable AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Predictive Management
... Across 120 countries, MRI and CT scanning produces an estimated 0.77% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 85 The emissions per MRI scan depend on many factors, and the overall energy consumption varies with machine utilization, but are of the order of 17.5 kgCO 2 equivalent/scan, roughly equivalent to driving a new car 175 km 86 . Genomic data analyses, including the running of algorithms, have their own carbon footprints. ...
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Epilepsy care generates multiple sources of high‐dimensional data, including clinical, imaging, electroencephalographic, genomic, and neuropsychological information, that are collected routinely to establish the diagnosis and guide management. Thanks to high‐performance computing, sophisticated graphics processing units, and advanced analytics, we are now on the cusp of being able to use these data to significantly improve individualized care for people with epilepsy. Despite this, many clinicians, health care providers, and people with epilepsy are apprehensive about implementing Big Data and accompanying technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). Practical, ethical, privacy, and climate issues represent real and enduring concerns that have yet to be completely resolved. Similarly, Big Data and AI‐related biases have the potential to exacerbate local and global disparities. These are highly germane concerns to the field of epilepsy, given its high burden in developing nations and areas of socioeconomic deprivation. This educational paper from the International League Against Epilepsy's (ILAE) Big Data Commission aims to help clinicians caring for people with epilepsy become familiar with how Big Data is collected and processed, how they are applied to studies using AI, and outline the immense potential positive impact Big Data can have on diagnosis and management.
... 20 To stabilize the climate and keep global warming to 2 °C, global industry must completely decarbonize and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050-2070. 21 Industry types usually referred to as "heavy, " "hard -toabate, " or "hard -to -transition, " like steel, cement, and chemicals, account for 70% of worldwide CO2 emissions from combustion and process sources. Approximately onethird of these emissions come from such industries. ...
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Global energy is slowly becoming the main discussion topic among many scholars concerned with saving the world from the effects of global warming. To stabilize the climate and keep global warming to 2 °C, the global industry must completely decarbonize and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050-2070. As the world attempts to decarbonize the different industries that lead to increased carbon waste, they must consider how energy can be regulated to prevent it. This involves evaluating the current trends in energy use and the scenarios that are likely to take place in the future. This paper comprehensively looks at the different scenarios the World Energy Council presented and relates them to the demand and supply side development of decarbonization policies. It further indicates the inevitability of energy use in a world seeking development, especially in developing countries where development is spiking.
What happens to trash after disposal? The management and processing of discarded items is often opaque and taken for granted, but an understanding of hospital waste streams is important for radiology departments and hospital systems for economic, regulatory, and environmental reasons. In this paper, we discuss the numerous waste pathways including general, hazardous, pharmaceutical, radioactive, and electronic waste as well as sustainable waste streams including laundry services, composting, and recycling. Costs, regulatory issues, and environmental considerations associated with each pathway are reviewed. We also describe radiology's specific contributions to each waste stream as well as variations in department practices, tips for optimal use, and future research investigations that could impact waste volume. Healthcare garbage disposal pathways will only increase in importance as our healthcare needs and systems continue to grow, and waste optimization efforts yield benefits to operation costs, environmental ecosystems, and human health.
This review aims to provide valuable insights into how energy consumption in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scanners can be effectively monitored, managed, and reduced, thereby contributing to more sustainable medical imaging practices. Demand for advanced imaging technologies such as MRI and CT scanners continues to increase, and understanding the resultant impact on greenhouse gas emissions requires a thorough evaluation of their energy consumption. This review examines the energy monitoring and consumption characteristics of MRI and CT scanners, highlighting potential approaches for energy savings. An overview of MRI and CT principles, hardware components, and their associated energy consumption is provided. After addressing the technical aspects, the hardware and software requirements essential for accurate energy metering are detailed. Baseline measurements of energy consumption data are then provided as a foundation to understand current usage patterns and identify areas for improvement. Ongoing efforts to reduce energy consumption are categorized into 3 main strategies: operations, scanner design enhancements, and active scanning techniques, including accelerated MRI protocols. Ultimately, we emphasize that achieving sustainability in medical imaging requires collaboration across disciplines. By incorporating eco-friendly design in new imaging equipment, we can reduce the environmental impact, promote sustainability, and set a health care industry standard for a healthier planet.
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Healthcare systems are major emitters of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. The resulting climate crisis harms human and planetary health and increasingly impacts lives on Earth. Because of their status as high emitters and their social role in society, healthcare systems have a clear obligation to decarbonise. This study investigates how healthcare systems worldwide can lower their greenhouse gas emissions and thereby contribute to global climate action. We performed a systematic literature review, searching PubMed, GreenFILE, Business Source Complete and CINAHL for relevant empirical studies, non-research papers and grey literature published between 1 January 2018 and 28 March 2023. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol applied to healthcare systems guided thematic and descriptive analyses to explore interventions targeted at scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. The PRISMA guidelines were followed for reporting and synthesising the results. A total of 742 publications were initially identified, 230 of which were included in the systematic literature review, comprising 96 empirical studies, 132 non-research papers and two governmental reports. Numerous conventional and unique decarbonisation actions related to healthcare have been reported in the literature. Eight themes were identified: transportation, anaesthesia, energy, travel, supply chain, clinical practices, planetary health literacy and system changes. This study shows the abundant potential for healthcare decarbonisation while highlighting key uncertainties around decarbonisation in healthcare and providing ambitious recommendations to lower emissions globally. Decarbonisation actions are needed at the personal, organisational and system levels. The health workforce is vital in driving transformative change but needs to be adequately trained and educated about the importance of low-carbon solutions in healthcare. Countries worldwide must exchange knowledge about successful decarbonisation interventions and best practices to push global progress. Looking forward, action plans and audits at the local level combined with large-scale measures and policies are needed to influence the system as a whole.
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Cardiovascular disease continues to be a major burden facing healthcare systems worldwide. In the developed world, cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is a well-established non-invasive imaging modality in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease. However, there is significant global inequality in availability and access to CMR due to its high cost, technical demands as well as existing disparities in healthcare and technical infrastructures across high-income and low-income countries. Recent renewed interest in low-field CMR has been spurred by the clinical need to provide sustainable imaging technology capable of yielding diagnosticquality images whilst also being tailored to the local populations and healthcare ecosystems. This review aims to evaluate the technical, practical and cost considerations of low field CMR whilst also exploring the key barriers to implementing sustainable MRI in both the developing and developed world.
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Climate change is the greatest existential challenge to planetary and human health and is dictated by a shift in the Earth’s weather and air conditions owing to anthropogenic activity. Climate change has resulted not only in extreme temperatures, but also in an increase in the frequency of droughts, wildfires, dust storms, coastal flooding, storm surges and hurricanes, as well as multiple compound and cascading events. The interactions between climate change and health outcomes are diverse and complex and include several exposure pathways that might promote the development of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease. A collaborative approach is needed to solve this climate crisis, whereby medical professionals, scientific researchers, public health officials and policymakers should work together to mitigate and limit the consequences of global warming. In this Review, we aim to provide an overview of the consequences of climate change on cardiovascular health, which result from direct exposure pathways, such as shifts in ambient temperature, air pollution, forest fires, desert (dust and sand) storms and extreme weather events. We also describe the populations that are most susceptible to the health effects caused by climate change and propose potential mitigation strategies, with an emphasis on collaboration at the scientific, governmental and policy levels. The relationship between climate change and health outcomes is complex. In this Review, Rajagopalan and colleagues describe the environmental exposures associated with climate change and provide an overview of the consequences of climate change, including air pollution and extreme temperatures, on cardiovascular health and disease.
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Background Pathology testing and diagnostic imaging together contribute 9% of healthcare's carbon footprint. Whilst the carbon footprint of pathology testing has been undertaken, to date, the carbon footprint of the four most common imaging modalities is unclear. Methods We performed a prospective life cycle assessment at two Australian university-affiliated health services of five imaging modalities: chest X-ray (CXR), mobile chest X-ray (MCXR), computerised tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US). We included scanner electricity use and all consumables and associated waste, including bedding, imaging contrast, and gloves. Analysis was performed using both attributional and consequential life cycle assessment methods. The primary outcome was the greenhouse gas footprint, measured in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions. Findings Mean CO2e emissions were 17·5 kg/scan for MRI; 9·2 kg/scan for CT; 0·8 kg/scan for CXR; 0·5 kg/scan for MCXR; and 0·5 kg/scan for US. Emissions from scanners from standby energy were substantial. When expressed as emissions per additional scan (results of consequential analysis) impacts were lower: 1·1 kg/scan for MRI; 1·1 kg/scan for CT; 0·6 kg/scan for CXR; 0·1 kg/scan for MCXR; and 0·1 kg/scan for US, due to emissions from standby power being excluded. Interpretation Clinicians and administrators can reduce carbon emissions from diagnostic imaging, firstly by reducing the ordering of unnecessary imaging, or by ordering low-impact imaging (X-ray and US) in place of high-impact MRI and CT when clinically appropriate to do so. Secondly, whenever possible, scanners should be turned off to reduce emissions from standby power. Thirdly, ensuring high utilisation rates for scanners both reduces the time they spend in standby, and apportions the impacts of the reduced standby power of a greater number of scans. This therefore reduces the impact on any individual scan, maximising resource efficiency. Funding Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) Collaboratory of the Maridulu Budyari Gumal Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise MBG SPHERE. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) PhD scholarship
Current cardiology guidelines assign a class of recommendation 1 for the diagnosis of chest pain to five imaging techniques based on either anatomic (coronary computed tomography angiography) or functional approaches, such as stress single-photon emission tomography, stress positron emission tomography, stress cardiovascular magnetic resonance, and stress echocardiography. The choice is left to the prescribing physician, based on local availability and expertise. However, the five techniques differ substantially in their cost, applicability based on patient characteristics, long-term risk, and environmental impact. The average European immediate cost ranges from 50 to 1000 euros. The radiation exposure ranges from 0 to 500 chest x-rays. The environmental footprint ranges from 3 to 300 kg of carbon dioxide emissions equivalent. The ethical code of the World Medical Association 2021 recommends the responsible use of healthcare money by doctors, with the minimization of potential damage to patients and the environment. The Euratom law 2013/directive 59 reinforces the justification principle and the optimization principle for medical radiation exposures, with the legal responsibility of both the referrer and the practitioner. A small cost, a minimal long-term risk, and a modest carbon emission per examination multiplied by billions of tests per year become an unaffordable economic burden in the short-term, significant population damage to public health over the years, and impacts on climate change in decades. The cardiology community may wish to adopt a more sustainable practice with affordable, radiation-optimized, and carbon-neutral practices for the benefit of patients, physicians, payers, and the planet.
The healthcare sector generates approximately 10% of the total carbon emissions in the United States. Radiology is thought to be a top contributor to the healthcare carbon footprint due to high energy-consuming devices and waste from interventional procedures. In this article, we provide a background on Radiology's environmental impact, describe why hospitals should add sustainability as a quality measure, and give a framework for radiologists to reduce the carbon footprint through quality improvement and collaboration.
Aim This clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and diagnosis of chest pain provides recommendations and algorithms for clinicians to assess and diagnose chest pain in adult patients. Methods A comprehensive literature search was conducted from November 11, 2017, to May 1, 2020, encompassing randomized and nonrandomized trials, observational studies, registries, reviews, and other evidence conducted on human subjects that were published in English from PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Collaboration, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reports, and other relevant databases. Additional relevant studies, published through April 2021, were also considered. Structure Chest pain is a frequent cause for emergency department visits in the United States. The “2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain” provides recommendations based on contemporary evidence on the assessment and evaluation of chest pain. This guideline presents an evidence-based approach to risk stratification and the diagnostic workup for the evaluation of chest pain. Cost-value considerations in diagnostic testing have been incorporated, and shared decision-making with patients is recommended.