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Abstract and Figures

Topology optimization has the potential to be widely applied to produce innovative and efficient structures, allowing engineers to optimize their aesthetics and performance. This article adopted a 172-line Matlab code TriTOP172 to implement topology optimization in the unstructured triangular mesh using the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization method. Its most significant feature is the elimination of zig-zag boundaries essentially existing in the commonly used rectangular mesh. The code uses 40 lines for preliminary setup and optimization iterations and a 78-line function to obtain the body-fitted mesh by solving the balance of a truss network. It also has a 20-line function of nonlinear diffusion to further smooth boundaries and control structure complexity and a 34-line function of finite element analysis. Numerical examples of compliance minimization are provided to assist readers in understanding the algorithm and its implementation. This code can be employed with further extensions to solve complicated conceptual design problems efficiently in several engineering fields. The educational Matlab program is accessible on the website and displayed in the Appendix.
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Article published in
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 66 (2023) 11
A 172-line Matlab code for structural topology optimization in the body-fitted mesh
Zicheng Zhuang1, Yi Min Xie1, Qing Li2, and Shiwei Zhou1,*
1 Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials, School of Engineering, RMIT University,
Melbourne 3001, Australia
2 School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney,
Sydney 2006, Australia
* Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Topology optimization has the potential to be widely applied to produce innovative and
efficient structures, allowing engineers to optimize their aesthetics and performance. This
article adopted a 172-line Matlab code TriTOP172 to implement topology optimization in
the unstructured triangular mesh using the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization
method. Its most significant feature is the elimination of zig-zag boundaries essentially existing
in the commonly-used rectangular mesh. The code uses 40 lines for preliminary setup and
optimization iterations and a 78-line function to obtain the body-fitted mesh by solving the
balance of a truss network. It also has a 20-line function of nonlinear diffusion to further smooth
boundaries and control structure complexity and a 34-line function of finite element analysis.
Numerical examples of compliance minimization are provided to assist readers in
understanding the algorithm and its implementation. This code can be employed with further
extensions to solve complicated conceptual design problems efficiently in several engineering
fields. The educational Matlab program is accessible on the website and displayed in the
Keywords: Structural Topology Optimization, Educational Matlab Code, Bi-directional
Evolutionary Structural Optimization, Body-fitted Mesh.
1. Introduction
In recent decades, topology optimization has become an effective strategy for generating
elegant and innovative forms for additive manufacturing, architectural design, bio-chemical,
and aerospace engineering. Compared to size and shape optimization, structural topology
optimization seeks arbitrary structures with a decent mechanical performance by determining
the optimal layout in a continuum structure instead of dealing with predefined configurations.
For educational purposes, articles with Matlab codes were published to make these complicated
algorithms relatively easier to understand. The numerical implementation of the Solid Isotropic
Material with Penalization (SIMP) method was well explained using a 99-line Matlab code
(Sigmund 2001). A 199-line program capable of tracing the Pareto-optimal curve was
developed by Suresh (2010). It is a practical approach for judging whether a configuration
meets the Pareto-optimality condition. Then, an improved 88-line program was proposed by
Andreassen et al. (2011) to employ the PDE-based method and black-and-white projection
filter in the SIMP method, improving the computational speed and applicability. Afterwards,
an energy-based homogenization approach was proposed for materials with extreme properties
(Xia and Breitkopf 2015). This approach obtains the constitutive parameters regarding element
mutual energies. The SIMP method has also been used to design multiscale composites and
geometrically nonlinear structures (Chen et al. 2019; Gao et al. 2019). An additive hyper
elasticity method was developed to circumvent numerical difficulties in large-displacement
optimization. As an improved version, Ferrari and Sigmund (2020) achieved speedups from
2.55 to 5.5 times based on the previous SIMP program. They also provided an efficient and
compact Matlab code with 125 lines for the 3D compliance minimization problems.
As a discrete optimization approach, Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) method
was initially developed by Xie and Steven (1993; 1996) to generate the optimum structures.
Huang and Xie (2010) updated this method to the Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural
Optimization (BESO) method (2010) with a 101-line Matlab code. Also, a 100-line Python
script (Zuo and Xie 2015) using the soft-kill technique was developed to include efficient
materials and remove inefficient materials. Huang and Xie (2010) conducted a comprehensive
study about the techniques and applications of ESO and BESO methods to show their validity
and effectiveness. The BESO method with the multi-constraints, including the volume and first
principal stress constraint, has been studied in previous literature (Chen et al. 2021; Lin et al.
2020). Recent applications of BESO have addressed geometrically nonlinear optimization
(Han et al. 2021) and structural complexity control. Based on the topology-preserving property
of a thinning algorithm, He et al. (2022) proposed an efficient approach to changing the
geometrical feature of the BESO-optimized structures. Lately, the BESO method has been
combined with the marching geometries to attain smooth structural topologies (Li et al. 2022).
A smoothing technique is employed in the last iteration as a post-processing approach to
improving efficiency.
An alternative approach to topology optimization implicitly represents the solid-void
interfaces by a higher-dimensional embedded function used initially in image segmentation
(Osher and Sethian 1988). The traditional level set method uses the velocity normal to the
interface to solve the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (Allaire et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2003; Wang
et al. 2004). It has high flexibility in controlling topological changes and renders smooth
boundaries. In the last decade, Challis (2010) published a 129-line program for stiffness
optimization, providing insight into applying the level set method by integrating the topological
sensitivities and upwind finite difference scheme. Incorporating the reaction-diffusion equation,
Otomori et al. (2014) published an 88-line Matlab script, which differs from the conventional
level set method. They also considered the boundary condition effects once generating holes
inside solid materials. More recently, the radial basis function-based level set method is less
dependent on initial patterns due to its hole-nucleation capability inside the design domain
(Wei et al. 2018). In addition to SIMP, BESO, and level set methods, educational computer
programs for topology optimization using other approaches have been published recently
(Ansola Loyola et al. 2018; Liang and Cheng 2020; Picelli et al. 2021; Sanders et al. 2018;
Smith and Norato 2020).
Most existing codes optimize structures in a fixed structured mesh, which produces zig-zag
boundaries and affects the aesthetic and performance of the optimized configuration. The
automatic adaptive mesh generation is essential to topology optimization as the high-quality
body-fitted mesh can accurately describe and discretize the design domain geometry (Sigmund
and Maute 2013). Talischi et al. (2012) presented a Matlab program for polygonal mesh using
an implicit geometry description. This study provides linear convex polygons for the finite
element analysis and material updating scheme. After that, more works were published to
generate an adaptive mesh with a fluid relaxation analogy (Fu et al. 2019) and a feature-aware
smoothed particle hydrodynamics (Ji et al. 2021). A level-set-based mesh adaption method is
proposed and applied in topology optimization (Allaire et al. 2013; Allaire et al. 2014; Li et al.
2021). The key feature of their study is to move a level set function on an adaptive mesh and
re-mesh the interfaces according to the zero-level isosurface. Many closed-source re-meshing
tools, such as MMG, Rhino, and ZBrush, have been employed to generate the body-fitted mesh.
In our recent works for structural topology optimization in the body-fitted mesh using the
BESO method (Zhuang et al. 2022) and the reaction-diffusion level set methods (Zhuang et al.
2021), the mesh generation algorithm is based on the balance of a truss network. Numerical
examples in these two articles demonstrate that the high-quality unstructured mesh leads to the
accurate computation of the design response and aesthetic configuration.
This article presents a 172-line Matlab program TriTOP172 for the BESO method using
the body-fitted mesh and nonlinear diffusion regularization. It provides the open-source Matlab
code that integrates BESO with body-fitted mesh for the first time. This program was inspired
by published articles on topology optimization (Huang and Xie 2010; Sigmund 2001) and the
body-fitted mesh (Persson and Strang 2004). The positions of the vertices are iteratively
updated by finding a solution to force equilibrium in the bars to generate a high-quality
triangular mesh capturing the boundaries. Meanwhile, Delaunay triangulation is adopted to
connect the calculated nodes to form the body-fitted mesh. The BESO updating scheme
determines whether the solid material should be removed depending on the sensitivity number.
The traditional filter scheme is replaced by a diffusion regularization method to save memory.
Also, the elements filled with void materials are skipped in the finite element method to
decrease computation costs. In this method, the element removal ratio in each iteration for the
2D optimization problem can be defined as 5% to accelerate convergence. The provided 172-
line Matlab code includes the main BESO program (Lines 1–40), body-fitted mesh generator
(Lines 41–111), finite element analysis (Lines 112–153), together with nonlinear diffusion
derivation (Lines 154–173). This method can obtain optimized configurations with various
geometrical complexity by adjusting the element removal ratio, diffusion coefficient, or mesh
sparseness parameters. This code can educate researchers using the body-fitted mesh to
optimize physical problems sensitive to boundary smoothness, such as fluid structures, high-
speed trains, aircraft, buckling problems, and acoustic/optical metamaterials in the near future.
The remainder of this paper consists of the following sections. Section 2 introduces the
unstructured mesh generator and the BESO algorithm for the topology optimization problem.
This algorithm is further explained and implemented in the Matlab program in Section 3,
obtaining the results with improved efficiency and performance. The optimized configurations
illustrate the effectiveness and robustness of the provided program. Then, Section 4
summarizes the significance of this paper.
2. Problem Formulation
The proposed algorithm provides a simple solution to the compliance minimization problem
with the volume constraint. The unstructured triangular mesh is created iteratively as the body-
fitted mesh for finite element analysis and optimization procedure simultaneously.
2.1 Body-fitted Mesh Generator
The adaptive triangular mesh generation method originated by Persson and Strang (2004) is
employed in this paper to avoid rough boundaries. Instructively, the node sensitivity field
obtained from the bi-sectioning method is not only used to redistribute the solid and void
domain. It also determines the material boundaries according to its zero-level isosurface. A 2D
Gaussian filter is employed to further smooth the material boundaries in the design domain.
This paper generates a point set on the boundary with the Matlab function contour1,. Before
being fixed as the element vertices, the space between these nodes is adjusted. The points with
narrow spaces are merged to eliminate the singularity. On the other hand, the additional points
are included between the points with ample spaces to precisely capture the smooth interface.
After locating the points on the boundaries, Delaunay triangulation generates an initial
pattern from the uniformly distributed nodes. Then, the positions of nodes are iteratively
changed to satisfy the user-defined mesh density by solving the force-displacement function
for the edges. According to Hooke’s law, repulsive force in bars Fe can be calculated by the
current length l and the expected unextended length l0 of each bar as follows:
0 00
(, ) ( )
F ll k l l=
where k0 is the modulus of elasticity. The user-defined expected bar length l0 is used to adjust
the mesh density. The resultant force for nodes Fp is the sum of force vectors from the
connected bars. The only exception is that the force at the fixed nodes is zero to prevent
movement. With the node coordinate matrix p, the ODE system can be written as follows:
= ()
dt p
The approximate solution can be updated iteratively using the forward Euler method starting
from the regularly distributed nodes as:
nn n
= +∆
p p Fp
where Δt is the artificial time, set as 0.2 in the Matlab code. After the prescribed maximal
iterations, Fig. 1 displays the elegant triangular mesh with the expected density generated by
the unstructured mesh generator. The red curve denotes the smooth interface between the solid
(yellow) and void (gray) domains. Note that a triangular element is either fully solid or void to
avoid intermediate density in the design domain.
1 1Names in type-writer font refer to Matlab variables, commands, and functions.
Fig. 1. The adaptive triangular elements produced by the unstructured mesh generator.
2.2 Topology Optimization
The rectangular design domain DR2 is composed of the body-fitted triangular elements
produced in Section 2.1. Fig. 2 illustrates a compliance minimization optimization problem
with the volume constraint for the solid materials Ω, providing the external load F and fixed
boundaries. The design variable is the element density ρ. The proposed method adds a diffusion
regularization term φ(ρ) to the objective functional, eliminating the numerical instability and
checkerboard problem. As a regularization term, we chose the Lorentzian function for the
nonlinear diffusion in this code. As such, Eq. (4) gives the objective functional J for the
optimization problem.
min : ( ( ) : ( ) ( )) ( ( ))
subject to ( ) 0
J u u dx dx F u dx
G dV
σ ε τϕ ρ τϕ ρ
ρ ρΩ
= +∇ = +∇
= −≤
where Vmax, u, and τ denote the displacement field, volume threshold value, and diffusion
coefficient, respectively.
Fig. 2. The load and boundary conditions for the cantilever beam optimization problem.
Suppose the vectors F and U record the force and displacement on each node in the finite
element framework. In that case, the objective functional J for the body-fitted mesh (N) can be
written as follows:
[ ]
min : ( )
subject to :
ee ee e
τ ρ τϕ ρ
= = +∇
U KU + E u K u
where E denotes the diffusion term for regularization. The detailed derivation of the
triangular/tetrahedral mesh stiffness matrix K is provided in our previous paper. The scalars ρe
and Ve represent the density and volume of the eth element.
2.3 BESO Updating Scheme
The design pattern is iteratively updated by redistributing solid materials depending on the
relative ranking of the sensitivity number (Huang and Xie 2010). As the Lagrange multiplier λ
is introduced to meet the constraint, the sensitivity number for the eth body-fitted element is:
div( ( ) )
e ee e e
ρ τ ρρλ
= + ∇∇−
The Lorentzian diffusion function g(│ρ│2) can be expressed in Eq. (7).
( )
1/ 1 2) /(g
ρ σρ
The scale parameter σ1 is a positive coefficient to control the nonlinear diffusivity function.
Large values of this scale parameter will dilate the diffusivity function, impairing the boundary
smoothness. On the other hand, the checkerboard pattern cannot be entirely avoided if the scale
parameter value is too small. After trying various values, we selected 0.8 as the σ1 value in the
proposed program. Then, the diffusion term in the triangular mesh was derived thoroughly
using the matrix calculation. The result is displayed as follows:
22 2
() ()
div(())= (()) ( ())
e ei ei i Ae sume e
i Ae i Ae
gg g
ρ ρ ρ ωρ ρ ω ρ
where A(e) denotes all the neighboring points of the node e. Ve denotes the vertex area of this
point. It is defined that ωei and ωsume can be calculated as:
sume ei
i Ae
where αi and βi are opposite side angles of the edge ei in two triangles.
Now we obtain the sensitivity number of all body-fitted elements. Then, the bi-section
Lagrangian method is utilized to update the density distribution and restructure the solid-void
interfaces. The maximal/minimal values of the Lagrange multiplier are initially defined as λ1/λ2
at the beginning of each iteration. Next, the proper value of the Lagrange multiplier λmid is
calculated with the bi-section method by multiply solving the following equations:
1 12
2 12
, 0.5( ) if
, 0.5( ) if
mid mid i i max
mid mid i i max
λ λ λ λλ ρ
λ λ λ λλ ρ
The BESO updating scheme removes the solid materials iteratively according to the element
removal ratio, strictly controlling the volume fraction of the solid materials. Also, the previous
works usually consider all elements during finite element analysis. Since the elastic property
(Young’s modulus) of the void element is considerably smaller than the solid element, only the
degrees of freedom for the nodes of the solid elements are calculated in this work. This method
significantly saves the computational cost of finite element analysis, particularly under the
small volume constraint.
3. Matlab Implementation
This section mainly introduces how to implement the algorithm introduced in the last section
into the Matlab program. The provided Matlab code TriTOP172 is written as a standard
BESO program for the compliance minimization problem with the body-fitted triangular mesh.
The Matlab program is called by the command:
where nx and ny define the physical dimensions of the design domain in x and y-axis
directions, respectively. ER is the element removal ratio employed to control the rate of volume
fraction reduction. The number of iterations to convergence can be controlled by adjusting the
ER value. tau is the diffusion coefficient affecting the geometric complexity of the optimized
configuration. Next, Vmax represents the desired maximum volume fraction. maxedge and
minedge limit the edge length range of the triangular elements to control mesh sparseness
across the design domain. E and nu represent Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the
linearly elastic material.
This program generates a figure to illustrate the design variable distribution in each iteration.
This section uses yellow and gray to represent solid and void material. The black and white
lines are defined as the edges of the solid and void elements. Fig. 3 presents the resulting
optimized configuration of a 2D cantilever beam using our Matlab code called with the input
line of:
The optimized structure is achieved after 21 iterations with an objective function value of 1.802.
The volume fraction ratio is 50.01%, very close to the prescribed value (50%). Intel i5-
1145G7@2.60-GHz CPUs are used to run this program in Matlab R2019b for the numerical
examples. The 172-line code comprises four parts: main program, body-fitted mesh generator,
finite element method, and diffusion regularization. These parts are explained individually in
Sections 3.1–3.4. Then, more numerical examples in Section 3.5 demonstrate the efficiency
and robustness of the proposed program.
Fig. 3. The optimized design of the cantilever beam generated by the proposed program.
3.1 Main Program (Lines 140)
The proposed method assumes that the rectangular domain is discretized with the body-fitted
triangular elements. After parameter check in Lines 23, an initial pattern of the structure is
obtained in Lines 4–7 by distributing the solid material. BDY in the code represents the exterior
boundaries of the design domain. The proposed algorithm can start from either a perforated or
hole-free pattern, where the input parameters must be adjusted depending on the specific
situation of the initial pattern. The appropriate selection of the parameters can guarantee the
efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm.
The main loop starts with the body-fitted mesh generator (Lines 811), producing the node
positions p containing the node coordinates in the structure. Triangle indices t, t1, and t2
store the connectivity of all elements, void elements, and solid elements, respectively. The
mesh generator also provides the volume of the body-fitted elements in matrix Ve. Next, the
finite element subroutine in Line 14 calculates the displacement, the objective function value,
and the volume fraction of the solid material. The derivative of the nonlinear diffusion term
derived from the regularization subroutine in Line 12 is added to the interpolated node
sensitivity (Line 16). The stability of the structural optimization also depends on the tau value
because the unsuitable value will break the structures during the optimization process. The
resulting node sensitivity is averaged with the values in the last iteration to obtain a stable
convergence (Lines 1719). Then, we employed the BESO method to update the optimized
pattern across the design domain in Lines 27–38. The bi-sectioning algorithm is utilized to
calculate the Lagrange multiplier value, which gives this code the potential to achieve
converged results within fewer iterations. Besides, the 2D Gaussian filtering function in Line
31 further eliminates the zig-zag shapes around the structure boundaries. The call for the mesh
generator in Line 33 strictly controls the volume fraction to meet the constraint.
Meanwhile, the node moving process in the mesh generator is accelerated by setting the
maxiter input as one, improving the efficiency. The redistributed solid and void elements
are plotted using different colors by Lines 20–22. Line 23 prints the objective function and
volume fraction values. The convergence check is achieved by Lines 24–26. The optimization
repeats until the objective function differences between current and previous iterations are less
than 0.5 percent, respectively.
3.2 Body-fitted Mesh Generator (Lines 41118)
Before using the mesh generator, three subroutines in the Matlab code need to be introduced.
The subroutine Uniquenode (Lines 86–95) aims to remove the repeated and unused nodes
in the body-fitted mesh. The generated node coordinate matrix p and the connectivity matrix
t are used as the input of this subroutine. First, the volume of the triangular element is
calculated according to the vertices coordinates in Lines 8890. Then, the command in Lines
91–92 removes the repeated nodes and the nodes not included in the connectivity matrices t.
Since the node are renumbered after the Matlab operator unique, we employed a loop over
triangular elements to match the updated node number in the connectivity matrix t (Lines 93–
95). The updated node coordinate matrix P and the connectivity matrix T are used as the result
of the body-fitted mesh generator.
Another subroutine Redispoints (Lines 96–111) is introduced in the code to
redistribute the points on the material boundaries. As mentioned, the points found on contour
C must be redistributed before the Delaunay triangulation. In practice, too-narrow point
distribution may lead to singularity. Thus, the space between the points should be controlled in
a user-defined range d1d2 to generate a high-quality mesh. The distances between
neighboring points in C are calculated in Line 99 as the matrix CL. Lines 100–103 remove one
of the neighboring points whose distance is less than d1. Then, the space between updated
points CL2 is used to put additional points if the space is too large (Lines 105–111). Now, the
obtained points set C1 can be used for triangulation in the main program.
The subroutine E2N (Lines 112–118) calculates the node sensitivity number or density
value. In a loop over all nodes in the framework, the find operator is employed to sort out all
the triangular elements that include a specific node. Then, the weighted mean of element
sensitivity according to the volume/area of these elements is calculated as the sensitivity
number of this node in Line 117.
Lines 41–85 represent the Matlab implementation of a body-fitted mesh generator. Inspired
by the previous educational paper, this code moves the vertex nodes by solving the force-
displacement function. Firstly, the command in Line 43 creates an initial pattern pi with the
uniform distribution of nodes in the design domain. The zero-level contour of the smoothed
sensitivity field dN is found using the Matlab operator contour in Line 44. As mentioned,
these points are redistributed on the solid-void interface using the subroutine Redispoints
(Lines 45–49) to avoid singularity problems and obtain a higher mesh quality. Then, the
distance d between vertex nodes and their nearest points on the solid-void interface is
calculated. Line 56 rejects points with a probability proportional to 1/d2. The points on the
material boundaries are fixed in the node positions p.
Afterward, this code employs a loop to iteratively improve the mesh quality by moving the
vertex nodes and triangulation. The input maxiter is used to define the loop number to
control algorithm efficiency and preciseness. If the vertex node positions vary greatly
compared with the last iteration, a Delaunay triangulation is used to update the node
connectivity (Lines 59–63). After finding all edges of the triangles (Line 61), the midpoints
(Line 64) and actual length (Line 69) of the edges are calculated. The distance between the
midpoints of the edges (bars) and the nearest points on the solid-void interface is used to obtain
the desired edge length. Using the difference between actual bar (edge) length L and desired
bar length L0, we can easily achieve the repulsive bar force Fe in the edges. The resultant
force for nodes Fp is the sum of force vectors from the connected bars. Note that the force is
defined as zero for the fixed points to prevent movement. Once the force resultant is obtained,
the node position can be updated in Line 75 by multiplying the force with a parameter (0.2 in
this work). Before entering the next iteration, Lines 76–77 ensure that the points are drawn
back to the design domain. After the prescribed maximum iteration, the repeated and excluded
nodes are removed in Line 79 using the subroutine Uniquenode. Then, the density field dN
is interpolated into the element centroids using the Matlab operator interp2. The void
element t1 and solid element t2 are separated according to the interpolated value dE. Lastly,
the volume/area of each body-fitted mesh is calculated in Lines 83–85.
3.3 Finite Element Analysis (Lines 119152)
Based on the body-fitted triangular mesh, the stiffness matrix is derived in Lines 147–152.
Unlike the structured rectangular mesh in the conventional methods, the element stiffness
matrix for solid material in the unstructured mesh varies according to the vertex coordinates.
The Jacobian J is calculated using the coordinates of the triangle vertices (Line 150), provided
by the body-fitted mesh generator. Next, the strain matrix Be is assembled in Line 151 using
the Jacobian. After getting elasticity matrix D using the defined E and nu, the stiffness matrix
of the three-nodal element Ke is calculated in Line 152. Then, the finite element subroutine is
provided in Lines 119–146, which returns the objective function value and element sensitivity.
The element stiffness matrices are derived using the mentioned subroutine GetmatrixKe in
Lines 121–125. The node coordinate matrix p and the element connectivity matrix t are used
as the input for solid elements. The global stiffness matrix NK is assembled using the sparse
function in Lines 129–133. Since the void elements only have negligible influence on the result,
we considered only solid elements to improve efficiency. All nodes and elements are numbered
by the sequence in the mesh generator. As each node has degrees of freedom on the x and y-
axis, the degree of freedom included in the solid domain SolidDof is found in Line 137.
Thus, the loads and supports can be applied to the structure by finding the load and support
points/areas in Lines 134–135. The degrees of freedom for the supporting areas are eliminated
as the Dirichlet boundary condition. Then, the Matlab operator setdiff is employed to find
the unconstrained degrees of freedom. The command in Line 140 defines the magnitude and
the direction of the load, which defines the non-homogenous Neumann boundary. Then, the
displacement vector U is provided in Line 141 using the force vector F and the global stiffness
matrix NK. At last, a loop over all solid mesh determines the objective function, volume fraction,
and element sensitivities in Lines 142–146.
3.4 Nonlinear Diffusion Term (Lines 153172)
This work employs a nonlinear diffusion term instead of a conventional filter to regularize the
optimization problem and avoid the checkerboard pattern. The derivative of the Lorentzian
diffusion is derived and added to the interpolated node sensitivity in the main program. The
command in Line 155 calls the subroutine E2N to calculate the density value at each node
across the design domain. Next, a loop over all nodes calculates the diffusion term in the body-
fitted mesh. For a specific node (A0), its neighboring points can be found in Lines 157–158.
For each neighboring point (A1), we need to find all triangles that include points A0 and A1.
The third point of the triangle is defined as point A2. The command in Line 164 calculates the
interior angles of the triangles at various points A2. Since the Lorentzian function generates
better results than the other functions (Zhuang et al. 2022), the Lorentzian diffusion function g
is obtained in Line 166. The product of the density difference value, infamous cotangent
weights, and diffusion function is calculated in Lines 167–169. According to Eq. (8), the
discrete formulation of the Laplace operator on the density field is calculated using the sum of
the Lf values between point A0 and its neighboring points. Thus, the per-vertex expression of
the diffusion term derivative can be expressed as nonlidiff(A0) in Line 171. The diffusion
term derivative values are then added to the node sensitivity for the BESO updating scheme.
Matrix calculation can also be employed in this subroutine to assemble the diffusion term,
reducing the length of the Matlab code.
Fig. 4. The optimization results of the cantilever beam obtained by various inputs.
3.5 Extensions
The Matlab script in the Appendix solves the cantilever beam optimization problem. This code
provides multiple parameters that can be manually defined to improve robustness and obtain
various solutions. First and foremost, the nine input variables of the code can be adjusted
according to the requirement. It should be noted that the change of the physical dimensions
should be accompanied by the edge length range change maxedge and minedge. The
element removal ratio ER should not be larger than 0.1 to improve stability. The value of the
diffusion coefficient tau should depend on Young’s modulus value E. For example, Fig. 4(a)
presents the resulting configuration with a 0.3 volume constraint using the Matlab code called
with the command of:
Fig. 4(b) presents the configuration with a different design domain size called with the input
line of:
Fig. 4(c) presents the configuration with the same-size mesh called with the input line of:
Fig. 4(d) presents the resulting optimized configuration called with the input line of:
Except for the input parameters, other commands can also affect the optimization results in
the code, improving flexibility. The initial pattern can be defined manually in Line 7. Besides,
we can define the distance range between the neighboring points on the contour in Lines 47
and 49. In addition, the parameters in Lines 6, 11, 29, 56, 75, and 166 can also potentially
improve the quality of the optimized configuration if it is not satisfactory enough.
On the other hand, the load and boundary conditions can be edited manually by modifying
Lines 134–140 under different situations. Here, an MBB beam optimization problem is
considered using the symmetrical right-half structure. The downward external load F is applied
on the lower left corner, and the lower right corner is fixed in the vertical direction. The
optimized configuration of the half MBB beam is presented in Fig. 5 using the following
commands to replace commands in Lines 134–140:
fixedNodes1 = find(p(:,1)==BDY(1,1));
fixedDof1 = 2*fixedNodes1-1;
fixedNodes2 = find(p(:,1)==BDY(2,1) & p(:,2)==BDY(1,2));
fixedDof2 = 2*fixedNodes2;
fixedDof = [fixedDof1;fixedDof2];
forceNodes = find(p(:,1)==BDY(1,1) & p(:,2)==BDY(1,2));
SolidDof = [2*unique(sort(t2(:)))-1; 2*unique(sort(t2(:)))];
freeDofs = setdiff(SolidDof,fixedDof);
U = zeros(2*length(p),1);
F = sparse(2*forceNodes,1,-50,2*length(p),1);
The initial pattern is changed in Line 7 to accelerate the convergence as follows:
dN = sin(xn/BDY(2,1)*6*pi).*cos(yn/BDY(2,1)*6*pi)+0.5; dN (1:5,:)= 1;
As a result, Fig. 5 presents the resulting optimized configuration called with the input line of:
Fig. 5. The optimized design of the MBB beam generated by the proposed program.
The MBB beam example shows that the algorithm converges within 19 iterations with an
objective function value of 2.263 and a volume fraction ratio (50.00%) identical to the
prescribed value. Note that the boundary smoothness of the optimized structure is improved
significantly, generating efficient and elegant patterns.
Fig. 6. The optimized design of the L-bracket example generated by the proposed program.
Some regions are prescribed void or solid in certain optimization problems, resulting in
passive solid/void elements. Like TOP99, TriTOP172 can easily handle this issue by a few
Lines in the mesh generation part. For instance, the following commands are added after Line
43 to make the upper right part of the design domain passive void for the L-bracket optimization
px = 0.2 * BDY(1,1); py = 0.2 * BDY(1,2);
[xp,yp] = meshgrid(px,py:0.01:BDY(2,2));
[xp2,yp2] = meshgrid(px:0.01:BDY(2,1),py);
Forcepts = [BDY(2,1) py; BDY(2,1)-0.01 py ;BDY(2,1)-0.02 py ;BDY(2,1)-0.03
py ;BDY(2,1)-0.04 py; BDY(2,1)-0.05 py];
P = [xp(:),yp(:); xp2(:),yp2(:)];
The command in Line 55 should be replaced by:
pfix=[C'; P; Forcepts; BDY(2,1) BDY(1,2); BDY(1,1) BDY(2,2); BDY(1,1)
BDY(1,2); BDY(2,1) BDY(2,2)];
A bar length control command should be included for the non-design domain after Line 69 as:
L = min(max(0.001,L),0.15);
Then, Line 82 is replaced to separate non-design passive elements tp, other void elements tv
and solid elements t2 as:
tnp = t(~(pmid(:,1)>px & pmid(:,2)>py),:);
tp = t((pmid(:,1)>px & pmid(:,2)>py),:);
dEnp = dE(~(pmid(:,1)>px & pmid(:,2)>py),:);
tv = tnp(dEnp<0,:);
t1 = [tp; tnp(dEnp<0,:)];
t2 = tnp(dEnp>0,:);
t = [t1;t2];
Thus, the passive elements have been defined in the mesh generator. Lines 123–124 should be
replaced by:
for i = 1:NT
if i<=length(t1) x=1e-5; else x=1; end
KK(:,6*i-5:6*i) = x*GetKe(p(t(i,:),1),p(t(i,:),2),E,nu);
After changing the load and boundary condition, the BESO scheme updates the material
distribution across the design and non-design domains. Lines 134–140 can be replaced by:
fixedDof = [2*fixedNodes-1; 2*fixedNodes];
SolidDof = 1:2*length(p);
forceNodes = find(p(:,1)<=BDY(2,1) & p(:,1)>=BDY(2,1)-0.05 &
freeDofs = setdiff(SolidDof,fixedDof);
U = zeros(2*length(p),1);
F = sparse(2*forceNodes,1,-0.1,2*length(p),1);
The initial pattern is changed in Line 7 to accelerate the convergence as:
dN = sin(xn/BDY(2,1)*4*pi).*cos(yn/BDY(2,1)*4*pi)+0.5;
Then, the L-bracket can be optimized with the command below:
Table 1. Optimization result comparison between TriTOP172 and TOP99, SBESO, and
LEVELSET88 codes.
Numerical Examples
MBB Beam
Iterations 21 19 20
1.802 2.263 11.804
Iterations 79 71 41
Compliance 1.864 2.373 11.905
Ratio 3.33% 4.64% 0.85%
Iterations 71 50 41
Compliance 1.917 2.517 12.223
Ratio 6.00% 10.09% 3.43%
Iterations 104 108 108
Compliance 1.896 2.372 11.867
Ratio 4.96% 4.60% 0.53%
After fixing the left part of the top edge and imposing downward loads (blue arrows) on the
part, as shown in Fig. 6, the code can yield an optimized structure in 20 iterations with mean
compliance of 11.804 and a volume fraction of 40.00%.
Table 1 shows the performance comparison of the proposed method TriTOP172 with
TOP99 using the SIMP method (Sigmund 2001), SBESO with soft-kill BESO method
(Huang and Xie 2010), and LEVELSET88 of the reaction diffusion-based level set (RDLS)
method (Otomori et al. 2014). With the same design domain, loads, and boundary conditions,
TriTOP172 produces structures with satisfactory objective function values and improves
efficiency while ensuring boundary smoothness. The mean compliance values of the designs
generated by the previous codes are larger than the proposed code TriTOP172 by 0.53%–
10.09%, which is represented by the improvement ratios in Table 1. Additionally, it can be
found that the presented code significantly decreases the iterations to convergence, improving
the optimization efficiency.
4. Conclusions
Usually, mesh generators are complex codes that are used as black boxes. The previous related
works (Desai et al. 2021; Li et al. 2021) integrated the meshing software with topology
optimization on the body-fitted mesh. This paper aims to provide a concise and straightforward
Matlab code for students and newcomers to learn and directly extend topology optimization. A
body-fitted mesh generator compacted in 45-line Matlab code is displayed in the Appendix to
produce fine body-fitted mesh to discretize the design domain. The optimized designs with
lower mean compliance and higher efficiency can be obtained using the SIMP, BESO, and
level set methods. The Matlab code can be downloaded in the supplementary material and is
proposed for educational purposes. With the body-fitted tetrahedral mesh, this code can be
easily extended to 3D conditions to produce aesthetic designs with high performance. The
body-fitted mesh has advantages in optimizing physical problems sensitive to boundary
smoothness, such as fluid structures, high-speed trains, aircraft, buckling problems, and
acoustic/optical metamaterials.
Conflict of Interest Statement
On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.
This project was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP200102190, FL190100014).
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Appendix – Matlab Code
1 function TriTOP172(nx,ny,ER,tau,Vmax,maxedge,minedge,E,nu)
3 if (tau/E>1e-12) || (ER>0.1) error('Improper input'); end
5 BDY = [-.5*(nx) -.5*(ny); .5*(nx), .5*(ny)]/100;
6 [xn,yn] = meshgrid(BDY(1,1):(BDY(2,1)-BDY(1,1))/(nx):BDY(2,1),
7 dN = sin(xn/BDY(2,1)*6*pi).*cos(yn/BDY(2,1)*6*pi)+0.5;
9 for iterNum = 1:200
11 [p,t,t1,t2,Ve] = GenerateMesh(xn,yn,dN,maxedge,minedge,BDY,80);
12 [nonlidiff] = NonlinearDiffsion(p,t,t1,Ve);
14 [Ce,J,vol] = FEA(t,t1,t2,p,Ve,BDY,E,nu);
15 V = max(Vmax,vol-ER);
16 Cn = E2N(t,p,Ce,Ve)+tau*nonlidiff';
17 if iterNum > 1 Cnlast =
griddata(pold(:,1),pold(:,2),Cnold,p(:,1),p(:,2),'cubic'); end
18 Cnold = Cn; pold = p;
19 if iterNum >1 Cn = 0.5*(Cn+Cnlast); end
21 clf; patch('Faces',t1,'Vertices',p,'EdgeColor',[250 250
250]/255,'FaceColor',[192 192 192]/255); hold on;
22 patch('Faces',t2,'Vertices',p,'EdgeColor','k','FaceColor',[255 255/2
0]/255); axis off equal; pause(1e-3);
23 disp(['It.: ' num2str(iterNum) ' Obj.: ' sprintf('%6.4f',J) ' Vol.: '
sprintf('%6.4f' ,vol) ]);
25 if iterNum>10 && abs(vol-Vmax)<0.005 && all(abs(Obj(end)-Obj(end-5:end-
1)) <0.005*abs(Obj(end)))
26 return; end
28 l1 = 0; l2 = 1e-3;
29 while ((l2-l1)/l2 > 1e-3)
30 CnNew = Cn-(l1+l2)/2;
31 dN = imgaussfilt(griddata(p(:,1),p(:,2),CnNew,xn,yn,'cubic'),0.8);
32 if isempty(contour(xn,yn,dN,[0 0]))==0
33 [~,~,t1,~,Ve] = GenerateMesh(xn,yn,dN,maxedge,minedge,BDY,1);
34 Vtemp = 1-sum(Ve(1:length(t1)))/sum(Ve);
35 else Vtemp = dot(max(0,sign(mean(CnNew(t),2))),Ve)/sum(Ve);
36 end
37 if Vtemp > V l1 = (l1+l2)/2; else l2 = (l1+l2)/2; end
38 end
39 Obj(iterNum) = J;
40 end
42 function [p,t,t1,t2,Ve] = GenerateMesh(xn,yn,dN,maxedge,minedge,
43 x = xn; x(2:2:end,:) = x(2:2:end,:)+0.005; pi = [x(:),yn(:)];
44 C = contour(xn,yn,dN,[0 0]); C1 = [];
45 dump = find((C(1,:)==0) & (C(2,:)>=2));
46 for i = 1:length(dump)-1
47 C1 = [C1 (RedisPoints (C(:,dump(i)+1:dump(i+1)-1),0.004,0.01))'];
48 end
49 C = [C1 (RedisPoints (C(:,dump(end)+1:end),0.004,0.01))'];
50 d = zeros(size(pi,1),1);
51 for i = 1:size(pi,1)
52 d(i) = sqrt(min((pi(i,1)-C(1,:)).^2+(pi(i,2)-C(2,:)).^2));
53 end
54 r0 = 1./min(max(minedge,d),maxedge).^2;
55 pfix=[C'; BDY(2,1) BDY(1,2); BDY(1,1) BDY(2,2); BDY(1,1) BDY(1,2);
BDY(2,1) BDY(2,2); BDY(2,1),0];
56 p = [pfix; pi(r0./max(r0)>0.5,:)];
57 p1 = 0; warning off;
58 for i = 1:maxiter
59 if max(sum((p-p1).^2,2))>1e-6
60 t = delaunayn(p);
61 edges = unique(sort([t(:,[1,2]);t(:,[1,3]); t(:,[2,3])],2),'rows');
62 p1 = p;
63 end
64 midpoint = (p(edges(:,1),:)+p(edges(:,2),:))/2;
65 d = zeros(size(midpoint,1),1);
66 for j = 1:size(midpoint,1)
67 d(j) = sqrt(min((midpoint(j,1)-C(1,:)).^2+(midpoint(j,2)-
68 end
69 L = sqrt(sum((p(edges(:,1),:)-p(edges(:,2),:)).^2,2));
70 L1 = min(max(minedge,d),maxedge);
71 L0 = 1.2*L1*sqrt(sum(L.^2)/sum(L1.^2));
72 Fe = max(L0-L,0)./L *[1,1].*(p(edges(:,1),:)-p(edges(:,2),:));
73 Fp = full(sparse(edges(:,[1,1,2,2]),ones(size(d)) *[1,2,1,2],[Fe,-
74 Fp(1:size(pfix,1),:) = 0;
75 p = p+0.2*Fp;
76 p(:,1) = min(BDY(2,1),max(BDY(1,1),p(:,1)));
77 p(:,2) = min(BDY(2,2),max(BDY(1,2),p(:,2)));
78 end
79 [p, t] = UniqueNode(p,t);
80 pmid = (p(t(:,1),:)+p(t(:,2),:)+p(t(:,3),:))/3;
81 dE = interp2(xn,yn,dN,pmid(:,1),pmid(:,2),'cubic');
82 t1 = t(dE<0,:); t2 = t(dE>=0,:); t = [t1;t2];
83 for kk = 1:length(t)
84 Ve(kk) = 0.5.*det([ones(3,1) p(t(kk,:),:)]);
85 end
87 function [P,T] = UniqueNode(p,t)
88 for kk = 1:length(t)
89 Ve(kk) = 0.5.*det([ones(3,1) p(t(kk,:),:)]);
90 end
91 t((Ve==0),:) = [];
92 P=unique(p(unique(sort(t(:))),:),'rows');
93 for i = 1:length(t)
94 for j = 1:3 T(i,j) = find(P(:,1)==p(t(i,j),1)&P(:,2)==p(t(i,j),2));
95 end
97 function [C1] = RedisPoints(C,d1,d2)
98 C = C'; C1 = C;
99 CL = sqrt(sum(diff(C1,1,1).^2,2));
100 for i = 1:(size(C,1)-1)
101 if CL(i) < d1 C1(i,:) = [0;0]; C1((i+1),:) =
0.5*(C(i,:)+C((i+1),:)); end
102 end
103 C1(all(C1==0,2),:) = [];
104 CL2 = sqrt(sum(diff(C1,1,1).^2,2));
105 Cmid = [];
106 for i = 1:(size(C1,1)-1)
107 if CL2(i) > d2 Cmid = [Cmid; 0.5*(C1(i,:)+C1((i+1),:))]; end
108 end
109 if isempty(Cmid)==0
110 C1 = union(C1,Cmid,'rows');
111 end
113 function [dN] = E2N(t,p,x,Ve)
114 dN = zeros(length(p),1);
115 for i = 1:length(p)
116 [row,~] = find(t==i);
117 dN(i) = dot(Ve(row),x(row))/sum(Ve(row));
118 end
120 function [Ce,J1,vol] = FEA(t,t1,t2,p,Ve,BDY,E,nu)
121 NT = length(t);
122 KK = zeros(6,6*NT);
123 for i = length(t1)+1:NT
124 KK(:,6*i-5:6*i) = GetKe(p(t(i,:),1),p(t(i,:),2),E,nu);
125 end
126 elemDof = zeros(NT,6);
127 elemDof(:,[1 3 5]) = 2*t-1;
128 elemDof(:,[2 4 6]) = 2*t;
129 iK = reshape(kron(elemDof,ones(6,1))',36*NT,1);
130 jK = reshape(kron(elemDof,ones(1,6))',36*NT,1);
131 sK = reshape(KK,36*NT,1);
132 NK = sparse(iK,jK,sK,2*length(p),2*length(p));
133 NK = (NK+NK')/2;
134 fixedNodes = find(p(:,1)==BDY(1,1));
135 forceNodes = find(p(:,1)==BDY(2,1) & p(:,2)==0);
136 fixedDof = [2*fixedNodes-1; 2*fixedNodes];
137 SolidDof = [2*unique(sort(t2(:)))-1; 2*unique(sort(t2(:)))];
138 freeDofs = setdiff(SolidDof,fixedDof);
139 U = zeros(2*length(p),1);
140 F = sparse(2*forceNodes,1,-100,2*length(p),1);
141 U(freeDofs,:) = NK(freeDofs,freeDofs) \ F(freeDofs,1);
142 for i = length(t1)+1:NT
143 Ce(i) = 0.5 .* sum((U(elemDof(i,:))'*KK(:,6*i-
144 end
145 J1 = sum(Ce);
146 vol = 1-sum(Ve(1:length(t1)))/sum(Ve);
148 function [Ke] = GetKe(X,Y,E0,nu)
149 D = E0/(1-nu^2)*[1 nu 0; nu 1 0; 0 0 (1-nu)/2];
150 J = [X(1)-X(3) Y(1)-Y(3);X(2)-X(3) Y(2)-Y(3)];
151 Be = 1/det(J)*[J(2,2) 0 -J(1,2) 0 -J(2,2)+J(1,2) 0; 0 -J(2,1) 0 J(1,1)
0 J(2,1)-J(1,1); -J(2,1) J(2,2) J(1,1) -J(1,2) J(2,1)-J(1,1) -
152 Ke = 1/2*det(J)*Be'*D*Be;
154 function [nonlidiff] = NonlinearDiffsion(p,t,t1,Ve)
155 f = E2N(t,p,sparse(length(t1)+1:length(t),1,1,length(t),1),Ve);
156 for A0 = 1:length(p)
157 Lf = []; [row , ~] = find(t==A0); ts = t(row,:);
158 PT = setdiff(ts,A0);
159 for i = 1:length(PT)
160 angl = [];
161 [secp , ~] = find(ts==PT(i));
162 for k = 1:length(secp)
163 A1 = PT(i); A2 = setdiff(ts(secp(k),:),[A0 A1]);
164 angl(k) = atan2(2*Ve(secp(k)),dot(p(A0,:)-p(A2,:),p(A1,:)-
165 end
166 sigma = .8; g = 1/(1+((f(A1)-f(A0))^2/sigma^2));
167 if length(angl)==2
168 Lf(i) = (cot(angl(1))+cot(angl(2)))*(f(A1)-f(A0))*g;
169 else Lf(i) = (2*cot(angl(1)))*(f(A1)-f(A0))*g; end
170 end
171 nonlidiff(A0) = 1/(2*sum(Ve(row)))*sum(Lf);
172 end
% This Matlab code was written by ZC. Zhuang, YM. Xie, Q. Li and SW. Zhou %
% Centre for Innovative Structures and Materials, RMIT University %
% Please send your comments to: %
% %
% The program is proposed for educational purposes and is introduced in %
% the paper - A 172-line Matlab code for structural topology %
% optimization in the body-fitted mesh, SMO, 2022 %
% %
% Disclaimer: %
% The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is %
% free from errors. Furthermore, we shall not be liable in any event. %
% TriTOP172(80,50,0.05,2e-8,0.5,0.2,0.025,1e5,0.3)
% TriTOP172(120,40,0.05,2e-8,0.5,0.2,0.025,1e5,0.3)
% dN = sin(xn/BDY(2,1)*6*pi).*cos(yn/BDY(2,1)*6*pi)+0.5; dN (1:5,:)= 1;
% fixedNodes1 = find(p(:,1)==BDY(1,1));
% fixedDof1 = 2*fixedNodes1-1;
% fixedNodes2 = find(p(:,1)==BDY(2,1) & p(:,2)==BDY(1,2));
% fixedDof2 = 2*fixedNodes2;
% fixedDof = [fixedDof1;fixedDof2];
% forceNodes = find(p(:,1)==BDY(1,1) & p(:,2)==BDY(1,2));
% SolidDof = [2*unique(sort(t2(:)))-1; 2*unique(sort(t2(:)))];
% freeDofs = setdiff(SolidDof,fixedDof);
% U = zeros(2*length(p),1);
% F = sparse(2*forceNodes,1,-50,2*length(p),1);
% TriTOP172(100,100,0.05,2e-13,0.4,0.2,0.025,2,0.3)
% dN = sin(xn/BDY(2,1)*4*pi).*cos(yn/BDY(2,1)*4*pi)+0.5;
% px = 0.2 * BDY(1,1); py = 0.2 * BDY(1,2);
% [xp,yp] = meshgrid(px,py:0.01:BDY(2,2));
% [xp2,yp2] = meshgrid(px:0.01:BDY(2,1),py);
% Forcepts = [BDY(2,1) py; BDY(2,1)-0.01 py ;BDY(2,1)-0.02 py ;BDY(2,1)-
0.03 py ;BDY(2,1)-0.04 py; BDY(2,1)-0.05 py];
% P = [xp(:),yp(:); xp2(:),yp2(:)];
% pfix=[C'; P; Forcepts; BDY(2,1) BDY(1,2); BDY(1,1) BDY(2,2); BDY(1,1)
BDY(1,2); BDY(2,1) BDY(2,2)];
% L = min(max(0.001,L),0.15);
% tnp = t(~(pmid(:,1)>px & pmid(:,2)>py),:);
% tp = t((pmid(:,1)>px & pmid(:,2)>py),:);
% dEnp = dE(~(pmid(:,1)>px & pmid(:,2)>py),:);
% tv = tnp(dEnp<0,:);
% t1 = [tp; tnp(dEnp<0,:)];
% t2 = tnp(dEnp>0,:);
% t = [t1;t2];
% for i = 1:NT
% if i<=length(t1) x=1e-5; else x=1; end
% KK(:,6*i-5:6*i) = x*GetKe(p(t(i,:),1),p(t(i,:),2),E,nu);
% fixedNodes=find(p(:,2)==BDY(2,1));
% fixedDof = [2*fixedNodes-1; 2*fixedNodes];
% SolidDof = 1:2*length(p);
% forceNodes = find(p(:,1)<=BDY(2,1) & p(:,1)>=BDY(2,1)-0.05 &
% freeDofs = setdiff(SolidDof,fixedDof);
% U = zeros(2*length(p),1);
% F = sparse(2*forceNodes,1,-0.1,2*length(p),1);
... The utilization of programming tools has become instrumental in advancing topology optimization. Procedure-Oriented Programming (POP) is a programming paradigm that focuses on functions or procedures for computation, which is widely utilized in MATLAB to implement various topology optimization approaches [9,20,22,63,64]. This coding manner breaks down a MATLAB program into functions that handle specific tasks related to the optimization, such as finite element analysis, filter assembly, and design updating scheme. ...
... The L-bracket optimization problem displayed in Fig. 1 can be solved using the CBFO method by defining a non-design domain (60 mm×60 mm×1 mm) in the design domain (100 mm×100 mm×1 mm) with 30% volume constraint and 10 GPa Young's modulus. The details of partitioning the passive domain are shown in the early study [64]. In this setup, six downward forces F=10 N are assumed to load on the bottom right corner of the passive domain, while the top boundaries are fixed on the wall. ...
... Subsequent binary remeshing yields the final optimized results shown in Fig. 10(b), featuring a smooth and distinct material boundary without greyscale issues. Table 2 compares the optimized results obtained by the CBFO method with previous optimization approaches, including TriTOP172 using the Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) method [64] and the node moving-based topology optimization (NMTO) method [67] with the body-fitted meshes. Computational efficiency is standardized on the cantilever beam example in this work. ...
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This study introduces a novel topology optimization approach by employing power law-based material interpolation and adaptive filtering in the framework of the unstructured grids. As an extension of the established Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method that utilizes the fixed structured mesh, the proposed Colored Body-Fitted Optimization (CBFO) method adopts the body-fitted grids to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability for diverse engineering applications. Notably, incorporating body-fitted meshes with intermediate density profiles enables improved flexibility in the numerical simulations and eliminates the need for re-meshing in each iteration. The dual re-meshing strategy drastically reduces computational costs, with only two re-meshing procedures required throughout the optimization process. This approach facilitates the generation of dense mesh regions around critical boundaries to augment solution accuracy while enabling sparse mesh configurations in the low-sensitivity regions, thereby boosting computational efficiency without compromising performance. The effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency of the CBFO method are validated through testing on multiple standard minimum compliance and compliant mechanism problems. The proposed optimization method can converge in dozens of iterations, obtain better objective function values, and save computational costs by up to 69% compared to the previous method using the body-fitted mesh. Additionally, a concise MATLAB script implementing the proposed method using an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm is provided in the appendix and the supplementary material, complete with annotations.
... He et al. [16] employed the BESO method to create periodic structures with various unit cells and irregular meshes. Several practice studies on topology optimization utilizing unstructured polygonal finite element meshes are available in [17][18][19]. Another reason for adopting unstructured meshes is to take advantage of nodal-based topology optimization. ...
... where the Ne × Nn matrix T en is created using element connectivity data to meet Eq. (19). It should be pointed out that due to the use of linear tetrahedral elements in the FEA stage of the nodal-based topology optimization approach, it should not be used for nearly incompressible problems [44,45]. ...
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Stress-minimization topology optimization with multi-phase materials is still an academic challenge, especially for three-dimensional (3D) problems. This paper proposes a novel stress-based multi-material topology optimization method to achieve a 3D stress-minimization design involving unstructured meshes. A comprehensive stair form interpolation model is introduced to address both stiff penalization and stress relaxation issues. In this model, only one type of nodal design variable is introduced to represent the multi-material density field, which is projected to the physical parameter field using smooth Heaviside functions with varied threshold settings. To minimize the global measure of stress, the P-norm stress aggregation function is established and a multi-material topology optimization problem with an arbitrary number of volume constraints is formulated. Additionally, the adjoint sensitivity analysis is performed and the provided interpolation model adaptively updates the interpolation parameters. Finally, the presented methodology is validated by several three-dimensional design examples, including a supported beam, bridge, and airplane bearing bracket.
... The volume fraction target is set at 8%, the filter radius at 0.9 m, and the evolutionary ratio at 2%. The original design from the traditional BESO method is smoothed using the smoothing technique [50,51] and shown in Fig. 9b. As illustrated, the BESO Table 2 The geometry deviations ( deviation ) of the designs in Figs. ...
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Utilising topology optimisation to generate diverse and competitive structures enables designers to create elegant and efficient designs according to their aesthetic intuition and functional needs. This study proposes load and support perturbation approaches based on the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimisation (BESO) method to achieve diverse designs. During the optimisation process, noise is introduced to the sensitivity calculations by randomly perturbing the load angles or material properties near the supports, leading to a variety of local optima. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed approaches are capable of creating designs with similar stiffness but distinct geometries. In addition, the diversity of the obtained solutions can be controlled by utilising different perturbation functions. This work is of significant practical importance in both architecture and engineering, where multiple design options of high structural performance are in demand.
... With the progressive development of computer technology and computational mechanics over the last decades, the structural topology optimization tools have gradually experienced improvements that allow the solution of medium and large-scale problems. In addition, topology optimization has become an effective strategy for generating innovative forms for additive manufacturing, architectural design, and engineering (Zhuang et al., 2023). In general, compliance evaluation has played an important role in topology optimization algorithms. ...
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The finite-volume theory has shown to be numerically efficient and stable for topology optimization of continuum elastic structures. The significant features of this numerical technique are the local satisfaction of equilibrium equations and the employment of compatibility conditions along edges in a surface-averaged sense. These are essential properties to adequately mitigate some numerical instabilities in the gradient version of topology optimization algorithms, such as checkerboard, mesh dependence, and local minima issues. Several computational tools have been proposed for topology optimization employing analysis domains discretized with essential features for finite-element approaches. However, this is the first contribution to offer a platform to generate optimized topologies by employing a Matlab code based on the finite-volume theory for compliance minimization problems. The Top2DFVT provides a platform to perform 2D topology optimization of structures in Matlab, from domain initialization for structured meshes to data post-processing. This contribution represents a significant advancement over earlier publications on topology optimization based on the finite-volume theory, which needed more efficient computational tools. Moreover, the Top2DFVT algorithm incorporates SIMP and RAMP material interpolation schemes alongside sensitivity and density filtering techniques, culminating in a notably enhanced optimization tool. The application of this algorithm to various illustrative cases confirms its efficacy and underscores its potential for advancing the field of structural optimization.
... With the progressive development of computer technology and computational mechanics over the last decades, the structural topology optimization tools have gradually experienced improvements that allow the solution of medium and large-scale problems. In addition, topology optimization has become an effective strategy for generating innovative forms for additive manufacturing, architectural design, and engineering (Zhuang et al., 2023). In general, compliance evaluation has played an important role in topology optimization algorithms. ...
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The finite-volume theory has shown to be numerically efficient and stable for topology optimization of continuum elastic structures. The significant features of this numerical technique are the local satisfaction of equilibrium equations and the employment of compatibility conditions along edges in a surface-averaged sense. These are essential properties to adequately mitigate some numerical instabilities in the gradient version of topology optimization algorithms, such as checkerboard, mesh dependence, and local minima issues. Several computational tools have been proposed for topology optimization employing analysis domains discretized with essential features for finite-element approaches. However, this is the first contribution to offer a platform to generate optimized topologies by employing a Matlab code based on the finite-volume theory for compliance minimization problems. The Top2DFVT provides a platform to perform 2D topology optimization of structures in Matlab, from domain initialization for structured meshes to data post-processing. This contribution represents a significant advancement over earlier publications on topology optimization based on the finite-volume theory, which needed more efficient computational tools. Moreover, the Top2DFVT algorithm incorporates SIMP and RAMP material interpolation schemes alongside sensitivity and density filtering techniques, culminating in a notably enhanced optimization tool. The application of this algorithm to various illustrative cases confirms its efficacy and underscores its potential for advancing the field of structural optimization.
The finite-volume theory has shown to be numerically efficient and stable for topology optimization of continuum elastic structures. The significant features of this numerical technique are the local satisfaction of equilibrium equations and the employment of compatibility conditions along edges in a surface-averaged sense. These are essential properties to adequately mitigate some numerical instabilities in the gradient version of topology optimization algorithms, such as checkerboard, mesh dependence, and local minima issues. Several computational tools have been proposed for topology optimization employing analysis domains discretized with essential features for finite-element approaches. However, this is the first contribution to offer a platform to generate optimized topologies by employing a Matlab code based on the finite-volume theory for compliance minimization problems. The Top2DFVT provides a platform to perform 2D topology optimization of structures in Matlab, from domain initialization for structured meshes to data post-processing. This contribution represents a significant advancement over earlier publications on topology optimization based on the finite-volume theory, which needed more efficient computational tools. Moreover, the Top2DFVT algorithm incorporates SIMP and RAMP material interpolation schemes alongside sensitivity and density filtering techniques, culminating in a notably enhanced optimization tool. The application of this algorithm to various illustrative cases confirms its efficacy and underscores its potential for advancing the field of structural optimization.
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Topology optimization is an influential technique engineers and designers employ to achieve desirable material distribution within a designated domain. This educational article introduces a concise and efficient Matlab code, comprising only 262 lines, developed explicitly for the Level Set topology optimization based on the estimated Gradient Field (GFLS) in the body-fitted mesh. Unlike conventional level set methods that rely on the upwind scheme employed in the structured meshes, the proposed algorithm adopts the per-cell linear estimation of the discrete gradient vectors in the body-fitted mesh framework to obtain the velocity field and update the level set function. The Matlab code, named GFLS262, consists of a 62-line main program, 41-line finite element analysis function, and 48-line sub-functions, enabling the implementation of the GFLS method in 2D scenarios. Additionally, a 111-line function describes an improved mesh generator incorporated in the code to facilitate the generation of body-fitted meshes. The superiority of this innovative approach over the previous optimization methods with invariant meshes is demonstrated through various benchmark examples. For ease of access and further learning, the educational Matlab code is available on the website and can also be found in the Appendix section of this article.
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The construction sector has experienced remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by the demand for sustainable and efficient building practices. Among these advancements, 3D concrete printing has emerged as a highly promising technology that holds the potential to revolutionize the construction industry. This review paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the latest developments in three vital areas related to 3D concrete printing: sustainable materials, structural optimization, and toolpath design. A systematic literature review approach is employed based on established practices in additive manufacturing for construction to explore the intersections between these areas. The review reveals that material recycling plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable construction practices. Extensive research has been conducted on structural optimization methodologies to enhance the performance and efficiency of 3D printed concrete structures. In the printing process, toolpath design plays a significant role in ensuring the precise and efficient deposition of concrete. This paper discusses various toolpath generation strategies that take factors such as geometric complexity, printing constraints, and material flow control into account. In summary, the insights presented in this paper may serve as guidelines for researchers, engineers, and industry professionals towards sustainable and efficient construction practices using 3D concrete printing technology.
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MMC is one of the topology optimization methods that provides explicit boundary description of the optimized topology. However, due to the inherent nature of MMC, the obtained geometry could exhibit distinct local singularities. To cope with this issue, a non-parametric geometry patching technique for MMC is developed. A moving node patching technique for both 2D and 3D cases is developed in conjunction with MMC to obtain structures with smooth boundaries. Numerical examples in 2D and 3D are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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Topology optimization techniques are typically performed on a design domain discretized with finite element meshes to generate efficient and innovative structural designs. The optimized structural topologies usually exhibit zig-zag boundaries formed from straight element edges. Existing techniques to obtain smooth structural topologies are limited. Most methods are computationally expensive, as they are performed iteratively with topology optimization. Other methods, such as post-processing methods, are applied after topology optimization, but they cannot guarantee to obtain equivalent structural designs, as the volume and geometric features may be changed. This study presents a new method that uses pre-built lookup tables to transform the shape of boundary elements obtained from topology optimization to create smoothed structural topologies. The new method is developed based on the combination of the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) technique and marching geometries to determine structural topologies and lookup tables, respectively. An additional step is used to ensure that the generated result meets a target volume. A variety of 2D and 3D examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new method. This research shows that the new method is highly efficient, as it can be directly added to the last step of topology optimization with a low computational cost, and the volume and geometric features can be preserved in smoothed topologies. Finite element models are also created for original and smoothed structural topologies to show that the structural stiffness can be significantly enhanced after smoothing.
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The bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method effectively uses basic strategies of removing and adding material based on element sensitivity. However, challenges remain in generating smooth boundaries to improve the finite element analysis accuracy and achieve structural aesthetics. This work develops a body-fitted triangular/tetrahedral mesh generation algorithm to yield smooth boundaries in the BESO method. The optimization problem is regularized by adding a diffusion term in the objective function. We found that the first has the best regularization effect of Lorentzian, Tikhonov, Perona–Malik, Huber, and Tukey functions. The void elements are excluded from spatial optimization to save computation costs and computer memory. Numerical examples show that the proposed method converges quickly, only taking dozens of iterations to converge. Also, the smooth boundaries of the optimized structures in 2D/3D scenarios are naturally obtained from the proposed method, not from smoothing post-processing. Compared with the optimization toolbox in Abaqus, the example of the automotive control arm demonstrates smoother boundaries and lower average mean compliance.
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Shape and topology optimization techniques aim to maximize structural performance through material redistribution. Effectively controlling structural complexity during the form-finding process remains a challenging issue. Structural complexity is usually characterized by the number of connected components (e.g., beams and bars), tunnels, and cavities in the structure. Existing structural complexity control approaches often prescribe the number of existing cavities. However, for three-dimensional problems, it is highly desirable to control the number of tunnels during the optimization process. Inspired by the topology-preserving feature of a thinning algorithm, this paper presents a direct approach to controlling the topology of continuum structures under the framework of the bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method. The new approach can explicitly control the number of tunnels and cavities for both two- and three-dimensional problems. In addition to the structural topology, the minimum length scale of structural components can be easily controlled. Numerical results demonstrate that, for a given set of loading and boundary conditions, the proposed methodology may produce multiple high-performance designs with distinct topologies. The techniques developed from this study will be useful for practical applications in architecture and engineering, where the structural complexity usually needs to be controlled to balance the aesthetic, functional, economical, and other considerations.
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We study topology optimization in quasi-static plasticity with linear kinematic and linear isotropic hardening using a level-set method. We consider the primal variational formulation for the plasticity problem. This formulation is subjected to penalization and regularization, resulting in an approximate problem that is shape-differentiable. The shape derivative for the approximate problem is computed using the adjoint method. Thanks to the proposed penalization and regularization, the time discretization of the adjoint problem is proved to be well-posed. For comparison purposes, the shape derivative for the original problem is computed in a formal manner. Finally, shape and topology optimization is performed numerically using the level-set method, and 2D and 3D case studies are presented. Shapes are captured exactly using a body-fitted mesh at every iteration of the optimization algorithm.
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The level set method can express smooth boundaries in structural topology optimization with the level set function's zero-level contour. However, most applications still use rectangular/hexahedral mesh in finite element analysis, which results in zigzag interfaces between the void and solid phases. We propose a reaction diffusion-based level set method using the adaptive triangular/tetrahedral mesh for structural topology optimization in this work. Besides genuinely expressing smooth boundaries, such a body-fitted mesh can increase finite element analysis accuracy. Unlike the traditional upwind algorithm, the proposed method breaks through the constraint of Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy stability condition with an updating scheme based on finite element analysis. Numerical examples for minimum mean compliance and maximum output displacement at specified positions, in both 2D and 3D, converge within dozens of iterations and present elegant structures.
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In this paper, we present a feature-aware SPH method for the concurrent and automated isotropic unstructured mesh generation. Two additional objectives are achieved with the proposed method compared to the original SPH-based mesh generator (Fu et al., 2019). First, a feature boundary correction term is introduced to address the issue of incomplete kernel support at the boundary vicinity. The mesh generation of feature curves, feature surfaces and volumes can be handled concurrently without explicitly following a dimensional sequence. Second, a two-phase model is proposed to characterize the mesh-generation procedure by a feature-size-adaptation phase and a mesh-quality-optimization phase. By proposing a new error measurement criterion and an adaptive control system with two sets of simulation parameters , the objectives of faster feature-size adaptation and local mesh-quality improvement are merged into a consistent framework. The proposed method is validated with a set of 2D and 3D numerical tests with different complexities and scales. The results demonstrate that high-quality meshes are generated with a significant speedup of convergence.
We propose a parallel distributed and open-source framework for full-scale 3D structural topology optimization (TO). This can be achieved by properly combining parallel computing and mesh adaption techniques by adopting a reaction–diffusion equation (RDE) based level-set method. Mesh adaptivity which discretizes and optimizes an implicitly defined surface (level-set interface) can allow us to reach an optimal solution with high-resolution and clear boundaries. Our framework can be easily extended to design real world engineering products which have complex geometries, and optimized structures represented by body-fitted tetrahedral meshes can be efficiently post-processed. Furthermore, the proposed optimization algorithm can mitigate dependency to initial guess and mesh resolution to some extent. Our numerical implementation uses FreeFEM for finite element analysis (FEA), PETSc for distributed linear algebra, and Mmg for mesh adaption. Several numerical examples and 3D printed prototypes support these remarkable features.
Topology optimization, as a powerful conceptual design method, has been widely adopted in both academic research and industrial applications. To further promote the development of topology optimization, many computer programs have been published for educational purposes over the past decades. However, most of the computer programs are constructed based on a linear assumption. On the basis of bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method, the paper presents a MATLAB implementation of the geometrically nonlinear topology optimization code for compliance minimization of statically loaded structures. Excluding 19 lines which are used for explanation, only 118 lines are needed for the initialization of the design parameters, nonlinear finite element analysis, sensitivity calculation, sensitivity filtration, and topological design variables update. Different design problems can be solved by modifying several lines in the proposed program. The complete 137-line code is included as an Appendix and is intended for educational purposes only.
This paper presents a MATLAB code with the implementation of the Topology Optimization of Binary Structures (TOBS) method first published by Sivapuram and Picelli (Finite Elem Anal Des 139: pp. 49–61, 2018). The TOBS is a gradient-based topology optimization method that employs binary design variables and formal mathematical programming. Besides its educational purposes, the 101-line code is provided to show that topology optimization with integer linear programming can be efficiently carried out, contrary to the previous reports in the literature. Compliance minimization subject to a volume constraint is first solved to highlight the main features of the TOBS method. The optimization parameters are discussed. Then, volume minimization subject to a compliance constraint is solved to illustrate that the method can efficiently deal with different types of constraints. Finally, simultaneous volume and displacement constraints are investigated in order to expose the capabilities of the optimizer and to serve as a tutorial of multiple constraints. The 101-line MATLAB code and some simple enhancements are elucidated, keeping only the integer programming solver unmodified so that it can be tested and extended to other numerical examples of interest.
Compact and efficient Matlab implementations of compliance topology optimization (TO) for 2D and 3D continua are given, consisting of 99 and 125 lines respectively. On discretizations ranging from 3 ⋅ 104 to 4.8 ⋅ 105 elements, the 2D version, named top99neo, shows speedups from 2.55 to 5.5 times compared to the well-known top88 code of Andreassen et al. (Struct Multidiscip Optim 43(1):1–16, 2011). The 3D version, named top3D125, is the most compact and efficient Matlab implementation for 3D TO to date, showing a speedup of 1.9 times compared to the code of Amir et al. (Struct Multidiscip Optim 49(5):815–829, 2014), on a discretization with 2.2 ⋅ 105 elements. For both codes, improvements are due to much more efficient procedures for the assembly and implementation of filters and shortcuts in the design update step. The use of an acceleration strategy, yielding major cuts in the overall computational time, is also discussed, stressing its easy integration within the basic codes.