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Assessing Low Value Crustacean Bycatch Species Using Length Based Bayesian Biomass (LBB) Method, a Tool for Data Poor Fish Stock Assessment

  • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Veraval, Gujarat
  • ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute


The majority of tropical fish stocks lack sufficient data for conventional fish stock assessment, making them data-poor fisheries. The status of stock assessment is even more dismal for the low value fishes or crustaceans landed by the trawlers in a significant quantity. Crustaceans like non-edible small crabs (Charybdis spp) and stomatopods form a significant component of the low-value bycatch landed along the northwest coast. Despite the high ecological importance of these groups and the recent declining trend in catches (2007-19), no attempts so far have been made to evaluate the stock status of these groups from the study region. As reliable time series catch and effort data for the individual species are not available, a recently developed length-based approach, LBB (Length Based Bayesian Biomass) estimation method is adopted for the present study. Two of the evaluated stocks, Charybdis hoplites and Miyakella nepa were found abundant (B/BMSY>1.1), whereas Oratosquillina interrupta (B/BMSY=0.94) was found slightly overfished. The sufficient number of larger individuals were found lacking in all three species (L95th/L∞<<1.0). A higher incidence of juveniles in catches was estimated for C. hoplites and O. interrupta (Lmean/Lopt<<1.0).
Turk. J. Fish.& Aquat. Sci. 23(SI), TRJFAS22189
Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE) Trabzon, Türkiye
Assessing Low Value Crustacean Bycatch Species Using Length
Based Bayesian Biomass (LBB) Method, a Tool for Data Poor
Fish Stock Assessment
Rajan Kumar1,*, Dineshbabu A.P.1, Shikha Rahangdale1, Vinay Kumar Vase1,
Jayshree Gohel1, Vipul Solanki1
1Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi-682018, India
Article History
Received 05 July 2022
Accepted 29 November 2022
First Online 23 December 2022
Corresponding Author
Tel.: +918976694333
Arabian Sea
Trawl fishery
The majority of tropical fish stocks lack sufficient data for conventional fish stock
assessment, making them data-poor fisheries. The status of stock assessment is even
more dismal for the low value fishes or crustaceans landed by the trawlers in a
significant quantity. Crustaceans like non-edible small crabs (Charybdis spp) and
stomatopods form a significant component of the low-value bycatch landed along the
northwest coast. Despite the high ecological importance of these groups and the
recent declining trend in catches (2007-19), no attempts so far have been made to
evaluate the stock status of these groups from the study region. As reliable time series
catch and effort data for the individual species are not available, a recently developed
length-based approach, LBB (Length Based Bayesian Biomass) estimation method is
adopted for the present study. Two of the evaluated stocks, Charybdis hoplites and
Miyakella nepa were found abundant (B/BMSY>1.1), whereas Oratosquillina interrupta
(B/BMSY=0.94) was found slightly overfished. The sufficient number of larger individuals
were found lacking in all three species (L95th/L<<1.0). A higher incidence of juveniles
in catches was estimated for C. hoplites and O. interrupta (Lmean/Lopt<<1.0).
assessed, which also includes non-commercial but
ecologically important resources having significant
bearing the overall sustainability of marine fisheries
(Baran, 2002; Link, 2007). Several methods have been
developed to address the issue of the assessment of
data-limited fishery. A comprehensive review of data-
limited methods along with proposal of new approaches
has been presented by Carruthers et al. (2014). A more
recent review (ICES, 2014; Rosenberg et al., 2014) has
found the approach proposed by Martell and Froese
(2013) promising to overcome the bottlenecks in the
assessment of data-poor fisheries, especially in tropical
waters. Further, Froese et al. (2017) improved upon the
method proposed by Martell and Froese (2013)
How to cite
Kumar, R., Dineshbabu A.P., Rahanglade, R., Vase, V.K., Gohel, J., Solanki, V. (2023). Assessing Low Value Crustacean Bycatch Species Using Length
Based Bayesian Biomass (LBB) Method, a Tool for Data Poor Fish Stock Assessment. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23(SI),
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
Crustaceans, especially the non-edible crabs
(Charybdis spp) and stomatopods, are key ecological
species landed in significant quantity along the Indian
coast by the trawlers as a low-value bycatch (LVB) or
trash (Sukumaran, 1988; Dineshbabu et al., 2012; Pillai
et al., 2014; Dineshbabu et al., 2018, Kumar et al., 2019).
Smaller demersal crabs are known to be the major diet
component of several demersal fishery resources
(Philip, 1998; Xue et al., 2005; Abdurahiman et al.,
2010). The most important demersal crab in terms of its
ubiquitous distribution along the eastern Arabian Sea is
Charybis hoplites (Wood-Mason, 1877) (Dineshbabu et
al., 2018). Further, it is also the major crab species
featuring in the bycatch landings of the trawlers along
the Indian coast (Dineshbabu et al., 2012; Pillai et al.,
2014). Despite its high ecological importance and
significant fishing mortality (bycatch and discards), no
attempt to date has been made to assess its stock status.
Stomatopods are specialized marine crustaceans
broadly categorized in to two groups, smashers and
spearers (Ahyong, 2001). The latter, owing to their less
aggressive nature, are known to form large aggregation
(Caldwell and Dingle, 1975) and are among the most
abundant crustaceans in the tropical continental
ecosystem, regularly featuring the landings of bottom
trawlers (Antony et al., 2010). The trawlers operating
along the Indian coast are known to land large quantities
of stomatopods and a significant quantity also goes as
discards, especially the ones caught by multi-day
trawlers (Menon, 1996; Dineshbabu et al., 2012).
Several studies on the diversity and distribution of
stomatopods have been carried out (e.g., Manning,
1995; Ahyong, 2001, 2002, 2004; Ahyong and Kumar,
2018), but the studies on population dynamics (e.g.
Abello and Martin, 1993; James and Thirumilu 1993;
Kaiser et al., 2021) are limited and on stock status are
almost absent.
The north-west (NW) coast of India, along the
northeastern Arabian Sea, is known for the rich fishing
ground for predatory demersal resources. The sustained
productivity of the northern Arabian Sea throughout the
year has ensured the availability of demersal resources
in the region for commercial harvest (Parulekar et al.,
1982). The geo-morphology-induced high productivity in
the region coupled with easy access to rich fishing
grounds owing to wide continental shelves (shallow
depth over an extensive area) has permitted the rapid
development of trawl fisheries in the region since its
introduction in the 1960s. The development at a rapid
pace raised fears about the sustainability of the trawl
fisheries of the state and the region is currently having
the issue of overcapacity (Pravin et al., 1999).
Sathianandan et al. (2021) found that the North West
Coast (NW) of India is the most exploited coastal zone
along the Indian coast, with 54.2% of assessed stocks
falling into the 'overexploited' category. This can be
attributed to the largest trawl fleet (43%) along the
entire Indian coastline (CMFRI, FSI and DoF, 2020),
which also means higher landings of the bycatch
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
the present assessment. The carapace width (CW) was
recorded for the crab (C. hoplites) and total length (TL)
for stomatopods (M. nepa and O. interrupta). All the
primary data were collected in a participatory mode
with fishers and lengths were recorded before the
sorting of the data to ensure that the LF reflects the
original population structure of the stocks.
Data Analysis Framework
Two of the recently developed and widely adopted
approaches for the assessment of data-limited fishers
are CMSY (Froese et al., 2017) and Length based
Bayesian biomass estimation (LBB) approach (Froese et
al., 2018). The former method requires time series catch
and reliance as input to arrive at stock status. However,
in tropical continental fishers as in the present case, the
catch data segregated up to individual species over a
longer temporal scale are rarely available. The presence
of similar-looking congeners in multi-species fisheries
makes the species-specific catch enumeration by field
surveyors a challenging task. Hence, the CMSY approach
probably could be applied in several fisheries of the
region, owing to lack of suitable data. LBB provides an
alternate analytical framework to access data-limited
(or data-poor) fisheries using length-frequency data
(either single year or time series) as input. It applies a
Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) routine to
estimate indicators of stock status (Froese et al., 2018).
The method requires a set of priors for asymptotic
length (L), length at first capture (LC), and relative
natural mortality (M/K). The method gives users the
option to opt for the default prior or to provide a robust
Figure 1. The study area comprising of the coastal waters of Gujarat and Maharashtra, the two maritime state (~ provinces) of
India along NE Arabian Sea.
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
F/M are available (Froese et al., 2018). The CPUE is
known to be proportional to the biomass of the
exploited portion of the population.
The relative biomass in the exploited phase of the
population, baring the fishing activities (F=0) can be
calculated as:
Where B’0>Lc represents the exploitable fraction
(>Lc) of unfished biomass (B0). The index for the relative
biomass depletion for the exploited portion of the
population (B/B0) can be estimated as per Beverton and
Holt (1966) using the function:
A proxy for relative biomass at maximum
sustainable yield (BMSY/B0) can be obtained by fixing
parameters F/M=1 and Lc=Lc_opt and recalculating
expression for Y’/R, CPUE/R’, B’0>Lc /R, and B/B0
(equation 5 to 7). Subsequently, the current relative
stock size (B/BMSY) can also be estimated as a ratio of
B/B0 and BMSY/B0, which indicates the stock status
(Healthy- B/BMSY>1.1; slightly overfished/ fully
exploited- 0.8<B/BMSY>1.1; overfished- 0.5<B/BMSY>0.8;
grossly overfished-0.2<B/BMSY>0.5; collapsed-
B/BMSY<0.2) according to Palomares et al. (2018) and
Amorim et al. (2019). The analysis presented here was
done using R code (LBB_33a. R), available at
Table 1. Details of primary data and priors used for LBB estimation of the low-value crustacean landed by trawlers operated along
NE Arabian Sea.
C. hoplites
M. nepa
O. interrupta
Length range (mm)
13-66 (DW)
41-122 (TL)
42-173 (TL)
Length class interval (mm)
L (mm)
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
(Table 1). Further, a sufficient number of larger
individuals in the population is also lacking, as indicated
by L95th/L (=0.89) of less than unity.
Miyakella nepa
M. nepa has been recorded in the size range of 41-
122 mm TL (Table 1) and has an estimated asymptotic
length of 14.2 cm TL (Table 2 and Figure 2B). The
currently estimated biomass was 52% of the virgin
biomass (B/B0=0.52). The stock was found abundant o as
B/BMSY (1.50) was higher than 1.10. Also, the relative
fishing mortality (F/M=0.53) was much lower than the
unity, further emphasizing the healthy status of the
stock. The Lmean/Lopt (0.98) and LC/Lopt (1.10) values were
very close to the unity. However, L95th/L (0.85) was
Figure 2. Graphical output LBB analysis of the three species: 2A - Charybdis hoplites; 2B Miyakella nepa; 2C Oratosquillina
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
biomass in the tropical continental shelf ecosystem
plays a vital role in prey-predator interaction. Several
studies along the eastern Arabian Sea have highlighted
the importance of crustaceans in the diet of the
commercial fishery resources and hence link the
sustainability of the commercial fish stocks to the
healthy biomass of crustaceans’ prey, which includes
low-value crustaceans like small non-edible crabs and
stomatopods (Suseelan and Nair, 1969; Thangavelu et
al., 2012, Mohamed, 2004; Mohamed and Zacharia,
2009; Vase et al., 2021). Abdurahiman et al. (2010) in
thier feeding ecology study along the Arabian Sea, found
crabs and stomatopods as a key diet component of
demersal predator fish species.
The crab landings of Gujarat over the period of
2007-19 showed a gradual decline with the highest
recorded during 2008 (26283 t) and lowest during 2019
(7501 t) (Figure 3). The Catch composition of crab
landings of Gujarat during 2019 showed that Charybdis
spp (multi-species low-value bycatch component) forms
the major component, which includes non-edible crabs
or juveniles of commercially important crabs. Charybdis
hoplites were found to be the most dominant
component of the multi-species Charybdis spp complex
(Figure 4). The other species include C. callianasa, C.
omanensis, C. smithii, C. lucifera, C. helleri, etc. The
multi-day trawlers accounted for over 75% of the total
crab landings of Gujarat. Dineshbabu et al. (2018) also
found C. hoplites to be the most dominant component
Figure 3. Time series catch data of crabs landed along Gujarat coast during 2007-19 [Source: NMFDC of ICAR-CMFRI].
Table 2. Stock status of three major bycatch crustacean species landed along NE Arabian Sea based on LBB estimation approach.
C. hoplites
M. nepa
O. interrupta
Fully exploited/ slightly overfished
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
overfished) status indicated by a drastic drop in
landings. The two possible reasons which can be
attributed to the decline in landings of crabs over the
years, despite the healthy stock abundance, are the
increasing duration of fishing voyages and the diversion
of trawl effort towards pelagic trawling. The studies
conducted by Dineshbabu et al. (2012) found Charybdis
spp (non-edible) to have high discard rates in multi-day
trawlers operated along the eastern Arabian Sea.
Continuous Increase in duration of fishing by multi-day
trawlers over the last decade has led to more quantum
of discards than landings of these low-valued bycatch
components as retaining these low-value components
(non-edible crabs) over a longer period on-board is not
perceived economical by the fishers. Another major shift
observed in the trawl fishery of the study region is the
Figure 4. Catch composition of crab landings of Gujarat in 2019 [Source: NMFDC of ICAR-CMFRI].
Figure 5. Time series catch data of stomatopods landed along Gujarat coast during 2007-19 [Source: NMFDC of ICAR-CMFRI].
Table 3. Top five fishery resources landed by single day trawlers (MTN) operated along NW coast of India in terms of catch rates in
2019 [Source: NMFDC of ICAR-CMFRI]
Catch rates (kgs/hrs)
Non-penaeid prawns
Penaeid prawns
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
Stomatopods are another group of crustaceans
which are ubiquitously distributed in the tropical marine
ecosystem, have high ecological importance and forms
significant component of bottom trawl harvest (Caldwell
et al., 1989, Mohamed, 2004; Antony et al., 2010).
Several species of stomatopods in different parts of the
world forms seafood of high commercial importance
(Abello and Martin, 1993; Arshad et al., 2015; Kaiser et
al., 2021). However, along the Indian coast, they
historically form one of the major components of single-
day bottom trawl landings and discard from multi-day
trawlers (Kurup et al., 1987; Sukumaran, 1988; James
and Thirumilu, 1993, Menon et al., 1996; Dineshbabu et
al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2019). The stomatopods landings
of Gujarat have a declining trend during 2008-13.
However, a gradual increase in landings since 2013 is
evident in the catch trend (Figure 5). The gear
contributing to the stomatopod fishery of Gujarat are
multi-day trawlers (MDTN, 45.70%), mechanized
dolnetters (MDOL, 38.86%) and single day trawlers
(MTN, 15.44%). It is worth mentioning here that the
effort spent by MTN in hours is only 1.2% of MDTN and
5.4% of trawlers. Despite the low share in total effort
Figure 6. Gearwise landings of stomatopods along Gujarat coast during 2007-19 (MDOL- mechanized dolnets; MDTN multi-day
trawlers; MTN single day trawlers) [Source: NMFDC of ICAR-CMFRI].
Figure 7. Time series (2007-19) catch per unit effort realized for stomatopods in mechanized dolnets of Gujarat [Source: NMFDC
Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
the trawls, which could potentially be the reason for the
stock to survive the wrath of the largest trawl fleet of
India (Gujarat alone accounts for 1/3rd of total trawl
operated along Indian coast) (CMFRI, FSI and DoF, 2020).
The presence of a sufficient number of larger
individuals in the population provides resilience to the
stocks against higher fishing pressure and bestows a
buffer against environmental fluctuations (Xu et al.,
2013; Le Bris et al., 2015). For all the three evaluated
stocks, there seems a lack of a sufficient number of
larger individuals (L95th/L<<1.0), which do not present a
healthy sign for long-term sustainability when climate
change in the Arabian Sea is real and a force to reckon
with (Piontkovski and Al-Oufi, 2015). Link (2007) opined
that several non-commercial species can be “Keystone
species” in an ecosystem and declining stock status of
these groups can lead to irreversible damage to the
entire ecosystem. Heavy exploitation of these groups
undermining their scientific management may have a
detrimental impact on the productivity of an otherwise
rich continental shelf ecosystem (Baran, 2002). Hence,
periodic monitoring and assessment of these
ecologically important organisms landed in significant
quantity are recommended to ensure the long-term
sustainability of the marine fishiness of the NE Arabian
The present study is the first attempt in the Indian
context and among a few global attempts to evaluate
the stock status of non-edible portunid crab and
stomatopods. The tropical multi-gear and multi-species
fisheries are often considered data-poor. The data
became even scarcer when we think of low-value
bycatch (LVB) components. The catch data for the LVB
component are seldom segregated up to species level,
making species-specific assessment using conventional
methods almost impossible. The present study applied
an LBB approach which uses only LF data as input, which
can be collected with a fair degree of accuracy. The
present estimate found C. hoplites and M. nepa in a
state of abundance, whereas O. interrupta was found
fully exploited. Although M. nepa stock is abundant,
escalating the fishing pressure towards this resource is
not-recommended as similar species (O. interrupta)
having common fishing ground and mostly similar
catchability falls under the category of fully exploited.
Any increase in an effort towards the harvest of M. nepa
could potentially endanger the sustainability O.
interrupta and hence a “status quo” is recommended as
far as stomatopod fishery is concerned. Allowing a
sufficient number of larger specimens in the population
is also recommended, which can be achieved by
returning larger specimens (terminal length groups)
back to the sea. This measure would not be an economic
compromise as there does not exist any price
preference for a larger specimen. A better utilization
scheme must be formulated for these species, especially
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... To some extent, these methods have alleviated the pressure on fishery resource assessment due to the lack of data to some extent (Goodwin et al., 2006;Cope and Punt, 2009;Punt et al., 2011;Phillips et al., 2015;Armelloni et al., 2021). Among these, the electronic length-frequency analysis (ELEFAN) and length-based Bayesian biomass estimation method (LBB) are the simplest in terms of data requirements, requiring only representative length-frequency data (LFD) to estimate biological parameters and population resource status (Froese et al., 2018;Barman et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2021a;Al-Mamun et al., 2022;Kumar et al., 2022). These methods offer a rational basis for the sustainable development of commercial fisheries and effective fishery management (Cui et al., 2020;Ju et al., 2020). ...
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Introduction The implementation of the 10-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River has provided a crucial opportunity for the recovery of rare and endangered diadromous species, such as Coilia nasus. Methods In this study, we utilized electronic length–frequency analysis (ELEFAN) and length-based Bayesian biomass estimation (LBB) method to fit the body length data of C. nasus from the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent sea areas before and after the fishing ban (2019-2023), and the resource changes of C. nasus population were evaluated. Additionally, combined the catch production monitoring data from 2020 to 2022, we comprehensively analyzed the impact of the Yangtze River fishing ban on the recovery of C. nasus resources. Results The results showed that: (1) The proportion of quantity, weight and occurrence frequency of C. nasus in catches showed a significant increasing trend year by year. (2) 4,994 C. nasus were caught from 2021–2023, with body lengths ranging from 13–410 mm. In 2023, the average body length and weight of C. nasus had increased by 39.93% and 133.89%, respectively, from those in 2021. (3) ELEFAN estimated that the growth parameters after fishing ban, including asymptotic length, growth coefficient, and the theoretical age at length zero, were determined to be 42.92 cm, 0.43 year⁻¹, and -0.31 year, respectively. The total mortality rate, fishing mortality rate, and exploitation rate were determined to be 1.47 year⁻¹, 0.79 year⁻¹, and 0.54, respectively. (4) LBB estimated that the relative fishing mortality of C. nasus before the fishing ban increased from 1.22 in 2019 to 2.65 in 2020, while the relative biomass decreased from 0.34 to 0.22. After the fishing ban, the relative fishing mortality decreased from 0.85 in 2021 to 0.06 in 2023, and the relative biomass increased from 0.26 in 2021 to 0.90 in 2023, with a significant increase in 2022, indicating a clear recovery trend in C. nasus resources. Discussion By quantifying the resource characteristics of C. nasus before and after the 10-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River, this research revealed the impact of the ban and provided a reference for future systematic evaluations of the C. nasus population.
... However, traditional age-based stock assessment methods, ideal for temperate species, are unsuitable for tropical regions because of the challenges posed by species with indeterminate fecundity and complex spawning behaviors, which are common in the tropics (Lachica, 2017). Limited data availability and a lack of detailed fishery-independent information hinder the application of advanced stock assessment methods in tropical regions (Kumar et al., 2022). Also, reliance on age-structured catch data and the assumption of in variant annual number of batches across age groups can lead to over estimation of biological reference points used for setting harvest rates, especially in species where spawning frequency and duration increase with age or size (Lancker et al., 2023). ...
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Artisanal fisheries in reservoirs sustain livelihoods and employment in developing countries like Nigeria, where fish is a primary source of animal protein. Using length composition data, a study on aspects of the stock status of the commercially important Oreochromis niloticus in Asejire Reservoir, Southwestern Nigeria, was conducted to promote the sustainability of both the species' benefits and the reservoir's ecosystem functions. A random sample of O. niloticus was collected each month from January to December 2023. The Total Length (TL) of each fish was measured in centimeters. Monthly length-frequency data were then analyzed using the TropFishR package within the RStudio environment. Oreochromis niloticus (n = 465) ranged from 6.0 to 26.5 cm TL, (16.38 ± 3.8 cm), and exhibited a length-frequency distribution with three modes at 10.2 cm, 14.4 cm, and 19.3 cm, corresponding to age groups 0 + , 1 + , and 2 + years, respectively. The species exhibited a moderate growth rate (K = 0.75) influenced by seasonal variations (seasonal coefficient C > 0.5), reaching an asymptotic total length (L∞) of 32.18 cm and a lifespan of 3 years. Estimated lower natural mortality rate (1.06 year−1) than fishing mortality (2.56 year−1) coupled with an exploitation rate that surpassed the optimum level of 0.5 confirming overexploitation of the species in the reservoir. An exploitation status exceeding the optimum threshold and fishing mortality surpassing natural mortality indicate that the Oreochromis niloticus stock is susceptible to overfishing, emphasizing the necessity for targeted conservation and management efforts for the species in the reservoir.
... Gujarat, the northernmost state (=province) of India along the northeastern Arabian Sea (Fig. 1) forms one of the major fishing grounds for the penaeid shrimp resources. The state has a long coastline of 1600 km, having diverse ecosystem like gulfs, coral patches, mangroves, a wide and gently sloping continental shelves, and sustained productivity, ideal for supporting rich diversity and abundant biomass of benthic fishery resource like penaeid shrimps (Parulekar et al., 1982;Kumar et al., 2022). However, the state also has one of the largest mechanized fleet along the entire Indian coast with dominance of trawlers (CMFRI-FSI--DoF, 2020). ...
Length-based integrated mixed effect (LIME) approach was applied for the assessment of Parapenaeopsis stylifera stock, the most prominent penaeid resource along Gujarat coast. Month was selected as a temporal step size to improve estimate precision and capture intra-annual variation in population dynamics. Catch was provided as an additional input to create a moderate data scenario and reduce bias in estimates of reference indices. The values of key life history priors L inf , K, M, t 0 , Lm50, Lm95 were 160.59 mm total length (TL), 1.68 yr − 1 , 2.406 yr − 1 , − 0.01 yr, 89.1 mm TL, 95.06 mm TL, respectively. The LWR was established as W = 0.0117*TL 2.652. The estimated SPR ranged between 0.33 and 0.70. The monthly fishing mortality was estimated between 0.06 and 0.31. In 37.5% of the observed month, the fishing mortality was above optimum, which by and large coincides with the peak fishing months. The recruitment is continuous, with a coefficient of variation of only 18.5%. Based on these indices, the stock can be considered as healthy or sustainable. A continuous monitoring and collection of abundance data through experimental surveys are recommended as a future course of action.
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India accounts for nearly 60% of the croakers caught in the Indian Ocean. The north-west (NW) coast of India is the most productive fishing ground for croakers and contributes almost half of the nation’s croaker catch. Lesser sciaenids (small- and medium-sized croakers) are the multi-species complex landed by commercial trawlers along the NW coast of India. Despite several notable changes in the fishing pattern in the region, such as the emergence of multi-day fishing and increasing dominance of pelagic trawling, there is no recent assessment of this major demersal fishery group. The present study evaluates the stock status of 10 species of lesser sciaenids forming the commercial fishery in the region using length frequency data collected during 2020–2021. The assessment was made using the length-based Bayesian biomass (LBB) estimation method. The indicators of relative biomass (B/B0 and B/BMSY) showed that most of the species (seven) are fully exploited, whereas two and one species were found under- and over-exploited, respectively. Excessive juveniles (Lmean/Lopt and Lc/Lc_opt< 0.90) in catches were observed in the case of Paranibea semiluctuosa. A sufficient number of larger individuals (L95th/Linf< 0.90) in the population were lacking in the case of Johnius belangerii and Otoithes ruber. However, the study indicated a gradual improvement in stock status for most of the species over previous estimates, which can be attributed to the diversion of trawl fishing efforts towards the pelagic realm.
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The marine fisheries resources of Pakistan have been drastically affected in the past few decades. Considering the limitations of previous studies and the data poor condition of the marine fisheries of Pakistan, this study employed the length-based Bayesian biomass (LBB) estimation method for analyzing the fisheries’ representative length-frequency data of five exploited marine fish stocks (Nemipterus japonicus, Nemipterus randalli, Parascolopsis aspinosa, Saurida tumbil, and Lepturacanthus savala). The estimates of relative fishing mortality (F/M) are higher than unity in four stocks except for S. tumbil, indicating overfishing. However, the current values relative to unexploited biomass (B/B0) are below 0.4, which indicates that the stock biomass is deficient in delivering maximum sustainable yield. Overfishing and the mass exclusion of small and older fish from stocks threaten to deplete the biomass of all species. Therefore, this study recommended that increasing the mesh size in commercial fisheries would increase both the catch and biomass of these species. The existing number of boats should be reduced to reduce fishing mortality and bring it back to the ratio of relative fishing mortality (F/M) equal or less than unity, for a sustainable level.
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This research evaluated fisheries reference points and stock status to assess the sustainability of the croaker fishery (Sciaenidae) from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Bangladesh. Sixteen years (2001–2016) of catch-effort data were analyzed using two surplus production models (Schaefer and Fox), the Monte Carlo method (CMSY) and the Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model (BSM) method. This research applies a Stock–Production Model Incorporating Covariates (ASPIC) software package to run the Schaefer and Fox model. The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) produced by all models ranged from 33,900 to 35,900 metric tons (mt), which is very close to last year’s catch (33,768 mt in 2016). The estimated B > BMSY and F < FMSY indicated the safe biomass and fishing status. The calculated F/FMSY was 0.89, 0.87, and 0.81, and B/BMSY was 1.05, 1.07, and 1.14 for Fox, Schaefer, and BSM, respectively, indicating the fully exploited status of croaker stock in the BoB, Bangladesh. The representation of the Kobe phase plot suggested that the exploitation of croaker stock started from the yellow (unsustainable) quadrant in 2001 and gradually moved to the green (sustainable) quadrant in 2016 because of the reduction in fishing efforts and safe fishing pressure after 2012. Thus, this research suggests that the current fishing pressure needs to be maintained so that the yearly catch does not exceed the MSY limit of the croaker. Additionally, specific management measures should implement to guarantee croaker and other fisheries from the BoB.
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The status of data-limited tuna fishery stocks in India has been tested using the latest and most advanced computerized methods, CMSY and BSM. Five tuna fish stocks from both the Eastern and Western Indian Ocean were assessed using both catch and catch per unit effort (CPUE) details available from 1990 to 2015. Both methods help to calculate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and exploitation of MSY relative to biomass (B/BMSY). The results of maximum intrinsic rate (r) and carrying capacity are also estimated. The results revealed that all tuna stocks in both the regions were overfished, with one, the longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) in the Western Indian Ocean strongly overfished (B/BMSY = 0.44). Such observations, although still preliminary since the techniques used to produce them are relatively new, often associated with the situation and exploitation of all the stock in question, making the CMSY and BSM methods promising for stock assessment in data-deficit situations. The study concludes that in order to restore the status of these five tuna stocks in both regions, it would be necessary to reduce the fishing pressure.
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Miyakea nepa is a mantis shrimp commonly found in the coastal waters of Bone Bay, Indonesia. This study aimed to determine mantis shrimp population dynamics including age groups, growth, mortality, exploitation rate, and relative yield per recruit. The study was conducted in the waters around Siwa in Bone Bay, South Sulawesi from June to July 2019. The age groups, natural mortality, total mortality, fishing mortality, exploitation level, and yield per recruit were calculated and analyzed using equations and methods contained in the FAO-ICLARM Fish stock Assessment Tools II (Fisat II) program. The results imply rapid growth in the mantis shrimp Miyakea nepa (Latreille,1828) and indicate that the population studied has been over-exploited.
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The mid-water multiday trawl fishery along the northwest coast of India generally targets adult largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus. Bycatch landed by the commercial mid-water multiday trawlers operated from Veraval harbor during August 2017-December 2019 was investigated by analyzing catch composition with respect to its spatial and temporal patterns. A total of 834 bycatch sample observations from mid-water trawl fishery were examined. Bycatch comprises of 123 species and account for 53.36% of the total catch. Highest composition in bycatch comprises of teleosts (62.09%), cephalopods (35.88%), crustaceans (1.47%) and elasmobranchs (0.56%) respectively. Uroteuthis duvaucelii, Sepia elliptica, Nemipterus japonicus, Otolithes cuvieri, S. pharaonis, Priacanthus hamrur, Sepiella inermis and Saurida tumbil were the dominant species with high annual average catches; and together contributed 50.30% of total bycatch. Discards formed 6.32% of total catch and consisted of 62 species belonging to 29 families. The most common discards were juveniles of S. tumbil, N. japonicus, Platycephalus indicus, O. cuvieri, Johnius glaucus and T. lepturus. CPUE of bycatch differed significantly between the seasons with the lowest being in summer and highest in post-monsoon period. Minimum bycatch rates were observed in the offshore waters than inshore waters. Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ETP) species listed in CITES as well as IUCN were also observed. The present study revealed that quantities of bycatch landed off northwest coast of India in the Arabian Sea were relatively higher than that landed by mid-water trawlers operating in other parts of the world. Hence the mid-water trawl fishery operating in northwest coast of India and targeting largehead hairtail needs to be closely monitored to mitigate and reduce the quantity of bycatch landed by them.
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Assessment of fish stock status is generally required for fisheries management, which is difficult when the data are limited. The length-based Bayesian Biomass (LBB) approach is a powerful and new method, where only the length-frequency data are used for estimating the status of fisheries resources. Here, we applied the LBB method to assess the status of seven commercially valuable marine fishes from the northern tip of the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Bangladesh. These species were Lepturacanthus savala, Pampus argenteus, Nemipterus japonicas, Nemipterus randalli, Ilisha filigera, Saurida tumbil, and Upeneus sulphurous. The current relative biomass (B/B0) ratios were smaller than the BMSY/B0 in five stocks, except for N. japonicas and N. randalli, and this indicates that, of the seven populations assessed, two are grossly overfished, three are overfished, and two are healthy stocks. Moreover, the length at first capture (Lc) was lower than the optimal length at first capture (Lc_opt) in all seven populations, which indicates growth overfishing, suggesting that increasing the mesh sizes would be beneficial. The present findings confirm that Bangladesh’s coastal water fishery resources are declining. More specific targeted management measures should be taken to recover the country’s marine fishery resources.
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Diet composition of nine commercially exploited fishery resources which contributes 55–60% of the total fish landings in the northwest coast of India were analyzed in this study. Gut content analysis of the selected fish groups has shown significant variations in the prey composition and predator preference on a prey item. The diet matrix revealed Acetes sp. (32.74%) as a key and common shared prey item, followed by mesopelagic fishes (30.51%), other shrimps (11.00%), digested material (7.42%), crabs (4.03%) and cephalopods (2.77%), etc. In this study, Acetes sp was considered as a proxy for the non-penaeid prawns due to its significant contribution (92%) to the total non-penaeid landings. Targeted exploitation of Acetes sp. has intensified recently (from 0.44 lakh t in 2004 to 1.40 lakh t in 2018) with an average annual growth rate of 11.2% due to the demand from fish meal plants. By considering its ecological and fishery importance, Acetes sp. should be considered as keystone species in the ecosystem. The Schaefer surplus production model was used to calculate the Biological Reference Points (BRPs) and model parameters MSY, FMSY, r, EMSY, and K. The model fit was fair (R2 = 0.630) and significantly positive correlation was observed between CPUEobserved and CPUEmodel. The estimated optimum exploitation limits (p < 0.05) for the fishery were Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) as 1.20 lakh t and fishing effort required to harvest MSY (EMSY) as 51.30 lakh fishing hours. However, the recent exploitation yield and fishing effort are beyond the optimum exploitation limits. Further increase in exploitation of the resources may hamper the sustainability of the stocks and may lead to detrimental impact on the trophic interactions of the fishery resources. Technical interventions are needed in the field of post-harvest and value addition for attaining fair economic returns from the harvest which at present forms a low-value high-volume fishery. Sustainable exploitation and management measures need to be introduced and implemented for the Acetes sp. in order to sustain the stocks and to maintain the integrity of the fishery ecosystem.
Fishes of family Sciaenidae, popularly known as croakers, form a major fishery along the north-west coast of India. In general, sciaenids can be divided in to two major groups based on size viz. larger sciaenids and lesser sciaenids. The lesser sciaenids belong to genus Pennahia, Otolithes, Nibea and Johnius and are mostly harvested by trawlers, multiday dolnetters and outboard OBGN. These gears together accounted for over 90% of the total catch of small- and medium-sized croakers (lesser sciaenids) over a period of 2007−2018. The study was conducted to estimate the gear wise maximum sustainable yield for the lesser sciaenids. The conventional fox model and derived fox model with non-linear effect of environmental parameters were attempted with two environmental variables: annual chlorophyll-a and SST. Incorporating chlorophyll-a in the model improves the model fit by nearly 10% in case of multiday dolnetters, whereas the SST improves the model output of outboard OBGN by nearly 11%. No major improvements in model fit were observed in case of trawlers. The cumulative maximum sustainable yield estimated by opting best fitted models for each gear was almost 49000 t, which was marginally higher than the estimates by conventional Fox model.
A biomass dynamics modelling study to derive biological reference points and management requirements of 223 commercially important fish stocks in different maritime states of India was conducted. Two decades (1997–2016) of fishery-related data on the harvest of resources by different types of fishing fleets formed the input. The multigear nature of the fishery situation was solved by introducing a gear standardization parameter into the biomass dynamics model. The relative positions of the fish stocks were depicted through Kobe plots generated for the ten maritime states/union territory, and the fish stocks were categorized, based on the status, into sustainable, overfished, recovering, and overfishing. The results indicate that 34.1% of the assessed fish stocks in the country are sustainable, 36.3% are overfished, 26.5% are recovering, and 3.1% are in the overfishing status. Regionally, the percentage of sustainable fish stocks were high along the southwest coast (51.6%), overfished stocks were high along the northwest coast (54.2%), and recovering fish stocks were high along the northeast coast (47.8%). The national mean B/BMSY was estimated as 0.86, which is a strong reason for strengthening fisheries management. Fishing fleets harvesting overfished stocks were examined for each maritime state, and recommendations regarding reduction in annual fishing hours are made.