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Journal of Coaching and Sports Science
Volume 1, Issue 1, 6 -12.
e_ISSN: 2963-1483
The Relationship between Agility; Eye-Foot Coordination;
Leg Muscles Strength and Soccer Dribbling Skills of Football School (SSB)
Muhammad Imam Alfaroby*
Galuh Yuliar Denata
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Thailand National Sports University Yala Campus
Article Info
Article history:
Received: June 12, 2022
Revised: July 14, 2022
Accepted: July 18, 2022
Lack of good dribbling skills will affect soccer match victory. The researchers
aimed to determine the relationship between eye-foot coordination, leg muscle
strength, agility, and the dribbling skills of 20 Football School (SSB) players.
Research data were collected using the eye-foot coordination test, leg muscle
strength test, mobility test, and dribbling skill test. The data was analyzed using
the product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. The
results showed a significant relationship between the eye-foot coordination and
dribbling skills of SSB players. Also, there was a substantial relationship
between leg muscle strength and dribbling skills of SSB players. Furthermore,
there was a significant relationship between agility and dribbling skills of SSB
players. Lastly, SSB players had a significant relationship between eye-foot
coordination, leg muscle strength, agility, and dribbling skills. This study
concludes that good dribbling skills become the basic requirement for soccer
Eye-foot Coordination;
Leg muscle strength;
To cite this article: Alfaroby et al. (2022). The relationship between agility; eye-foot coordination; leg muscles
strength and soccer dribbling skills of Football School (SSB) players. Journal of Coaching and Sports Science, 1(1), 6-12
Not every soccer player has a good physical condition. Some do not have a good physical
condition. Uneven physical conditions will make the team weak because soccer is a team sport that
relies on teamwork (Arridho et al., 2021; Cariolo et al., 2019; Giménez et al., 2020; Misbahuddin &
Winarno, 2022). Almost all players rely on foot skills, except for the goalkeeper, who can play a free
ball using all his limbs in the penalty area. Therefore, physical condition is also very important for
soccer players (Firmansyah et al., 2021; Ridwan, 2020; Roberts et al., 2020). Foot skills need to be
honed so that every player has a good ball feeling since ball feeling invites football players to use
sense in controlling the ball (Atiq et al., 2021; Sibarani & Manurung, 2021). Therefore, a great
soccer player requires good dribble control, timing, and speed (Clemente et al., 2020; Darendeli et
al., 2021; Los Arcos et al., 2019). For this reason, every player needs to practice to become a reliable
player with good dribbling techniques.
There are many elements to improve the physical condition to improve performance. It is
intended that the athlete's physical ability increases towards peak conditions and is useful for
carrying out sports activities in achieving maximum performance. A supporting factor that is very
important for mastering football skills is the physical elements or physical abilities, consisting of
speed, coordination, strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance (Millis et al., 2014; Reiman, 2001;
Ruivo et al., 2016). This research examined the elements of agility, eye-foot coordination, and leg
muscle power. These three elements are the combined essential elements that a soccer player must
have to become a professional. Agility is a very complex quality that contains the interaction of
other physical attributes (reaction speed, speed, strength, flexibility, motor skills, and so on)
(Bullock et al., 2012; Köklü et al., 2015) while coordinating the ability to perform movements with
various levels of difficulty quickly, efficiently, and with full accuracy (Febi & Afriandi, 2020). Power
is the ability to perform explosive movements. It is a combination of speed and strength. These
three things need to be a concern for coaches in developing young soccer players to achieve optimal
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Figure 1. Research Design
Limb Muscle
Several studies related to ball dribbling agility have been carried out by many researchers
(Andriansyah, Faris & Winarno, Eko, 2020; Fatahillah, 2018; Gunawan et al., 2016; Hartati et al.,
2020; Marta & Oktarifaldi, 2020; Shabih et al. al., 2021; Suganda, 2021; Wali & Rusli, 2022). The
studies explain that the ball dribbling agility in soccer greatly influences a soccer team's attacking
speed. Several researchers have also carried out other studies related to eye-foot coordination in
dribbling (Fajrin et al., 2021; Hasbillah & Herman, 2021; Rahmatullah, 2021; Syarif & Suardi, 2019).
Some of these studies conclude that eye-foot coordination when dribbling effectively contributes to
a player managing the ball. Besides several researchers also carried out other studies related to the
contribution of leg muscle power during soccer dribbling (Patraserasah, 2017; Sudirman, 2018;
Zamrodah, 2016). These studies state that the better the leg muscle strength of soccer players, the
better the dribbling skill. However, studies linking agility, eye-foot coordination, leg muscle power,
and dribbling skill have not been carried out by other researchers. Therefore, this research looked
for the relationship between agility, eye-foot coordination, leg muscle power, and the dribbling
skills of soccer players. Dribbling in soccer is essential because it is the initial capital and basic
technique for players to bring the ball towards the opponent's goal. Each player must also master
this ball possession technique well to make it easier to pass the opponent.
The research method used was a descriptive method with a correlational study to determine
the relationship and level of relationship between two or more variables without any attempt to
influence these variables. Therefore, there is no variable manipulation (Ismail, 2018; Roflin &
Zulvia, 2021; Susanti et al. ., 2019). The sample consisted of 20 soccer players from SSB Sadiwa FA
Bumiayu within one month of the research duration. The researchers used a standing jumping
board to measure leg muscle strength. The test used to measure agility was the dogging running
test. Furthermore, the Mitchel Soccer Test was used to measure eye-foot coordination. Lastly, the
dribbling test was used to measure dribbling skills using. The researchers employed prerequisite
tests which consisted of the normality and linearity tests. The research hypothesis testing consisted
of (1) simple correlation using SPSS Software and (2) the Multiple Regression Analysis. The
researchers used the following criteria to determine whether or not there is a significant
relationship: if the significance value (p) is lower than 0.05, then there is a significant relationship
between the two variables; if the significance value (P) is p higher than 0, 05, then there is no
significant relationship between the two variables (Jonathan Sarwono, 2010). The research design
is presented in Figure 1:
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Prerequisite Test
Normality test
Table 1. Normality Test Results
Tested Data
Agility (X1)
Leg muscle strength (X2)
Eye-foot coordination (X3)
Dribbling skill (Y)
The results of the analysis above show that all variables are normally distributed because
the significance value is higher than 0.05.
Linearity Test
Table 2. Linearity Test Results
Functional Relationship
Agility (X1) and Dribbling Skills (Y)
Leg Muscle Strength (X2) and Dribbling
Skills (Y)
Eye-foot Coordination (X3) and Dribbling
Skills (Y)
The results of the analysis above show that all variables are declared linear because the
significance value is higher than 0.05.
Hypothesis testing, The relationship between agility and the dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA
Bumiayu players can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. The Correlation between Agility and Dribbling Skill
Based on the product-moment correlation analysis results, the coefficient rX1-Y is 0.599,
where the p-value is 0.005 (lower than 0.05). Thus, the first hypothesis, "There is a relationship
between agility and dribbling skills of SSB players Sadiwa Bumiayu" is accepted. The relationship
between leg muscle strength and the dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players can be seen
in Table 4.
Table 4. The Correlation between Limb Muscle Strength and Dribbling Skill
Based on the product-moment correlation analysis results, the coefficient rX2Y is 0.792,
where the p-value is 0.000 (lower than 0.05). Thus, the second hypothesis, "There is a significant
relationship between leg muscle strength and dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa Bumiayu players," is
accepted. The relationship between eye-foot coordination and dribbling skills of SSB Sadiwa FA
Bumiayu players can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5. The Correlation between Eye-Foot Coordination and Dribbling Skill
Based on the product-moment correlation analysis results, rX1Y is -0.715, where the p-
value is 0.000 (lower than 0.05). Thus, the hypothesis, "There is a relationship between eye-foot
coordination and dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa Bumiayu players," is accepted. The relationship
between agility, leg muscle strength, eye-foot coordination, and dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA
Bumiayu players can be seen in Table 6.
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Table 6. The Correlation between Agility, Limb Muscle Strength, Eye-Foot Coordination, and
Dribbling Skill
X1, X2,X3-Y
Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, the multiple correlation coefficient (R)
is 0.814 and R² is 0.316, where the p-value is 0.000 (lower than 0.05). Since the p-value is lower
than 0.05, the double correlation coefficient was significant. It means there is a significant
relationship between eye-foot coordination, leg muscle strength, agility, and the dribbling skill of
SSB Sadiwa Bumiayu players.
The analysis reveals that the hypothesis, "There is a relationship between eye-foot
coordination, leg muscle strength, agility and dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players," is
The joint influence's determinant coefficient (R²) is 0.639 or 63.9%. These results indicate that eye-
foot coordination, leg muscle strength, and agility contribute effectively to the dribbling skills of the
soccer players of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu by 63.9%. In comparison, the rest (36.1%) is determined
by variables that are not investigated in this research.
There is a relationship between agility and the dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu
players. Data analysis and third hypothesis testing prove a significant relationship between the
agility and dribbling skills of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players. This significant relationship means
that the better the agility, the better the dribbling skill. Conversely, the lower the agility, the worst
the dribbling skill. The results are relevant to previous research conducted by Irawan et al. (Irawan
& Hariadi, 2019), which found a significant relationship between speed and dribbling skills and a
significant relationship between agility and dribbling skill. Agility is the ability to change the
direction and position of the body quickly and precisely when moving without losing balance and
awareness of body position (Sapulete, 2012). Lubis (Lubis, 2013) states that agility is a complex set
of skills performed by a person to respond to external stimuli with deceleration, change of
direction, and reacceleration. One of the basic aspects of soccer is agility. It is necessary and must
be mastered by players to beat opponents.
There is a relationship between leg muscle strength and the dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA
Bumiayu players. The results of data analysis and testing of the second hypothesis show a
significant relationship between leg muscle strength and dribbling skills of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu
players. This significant relationship means that the better the leg muscle strength, the better the
dribbling skill. The finding is relevant to previous research (Ramadhan et al., 2020). They found
that leg muscle explosive power correlates significantly with dribbling skills. Leg muscle strength is
the ability of a group of muscles to carry out explosive power to move. The soccer game is
dominated by running, dribbling, and kicking. The role of the legs in running, dribbling, and kicking
the ball is significant. Therefore, the leg muscle group is the main supporting factor for good
dribbling success. According to Ismaryati, power concerns the strength and speed of dynamic and
explosive muscle contractions. It involves the expenditure of maximum muscle strength in the
fastest time (Sudirman, 2018). In the elements of physical condition in soccer games, muscle power
is a very important supporting factor for mastering soccer skills.
There is a relationship between eye-foot coordination and the dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa
FA Bumiayu players. The data analysis and hypothesis testing results show a significant
relationship between eye-foot coordination and dribbling skills of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players.
This significant relationship means that the better eye-foot coordination, the better the dribbling
skills. Conversely, the lower the eye-foot coordination, the lower the dribbling skills. This finding is
relevant to previous research (Jusrianto & Wulandari, 2020). They found a significant correlation
between body balance and eye-foot coordination in dribbling skills. One aspect of physical fitness
that supports the game of soccer is coordination. Coordination can be defined as the ability to
combine two or more movement patterns to achieve a complex movement skill goal. Coordination
has an important role in the dribbling skill. According to (Nurhidayat et al., 2019), coordination is
the alignment of work in muscle groups smoothly and precisely in carrying out activities that are
shown with a high level of skill. With good eye-foot coordination, soccer players can strike goals.
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There is a relationship between agility, leg muscle power, eye-foot coordination, and the
dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players. The results of testing the fourth hypothesis prove
a significant relationship exists between eye-foot coordination, leg muscle strength, agility, and the
dribbling skill of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players. The determinant coefficient (R²) of eye-foot
coordination, leg muscle strength, and agility is 0.639 or 63.9%. It means that eye-foot
coordination, leg muscle strength, and agility contribute (effective contribution) to the dribbling
skills of SSB Sadiwa FA Bumiayu players. These three components are the main factors for
improving dribbling skills.
The relationship between agility, eye-foot coordination, leg muscle strength, and the
dribbling skill of soccer players is interrelated. When soccer players dribble using agility, eye-foot
coordination, and leg strength, they will produce an attack speed towards the opponent. This skill
needs to be trained optimally so that the dribbling of every player in a club will make the club
productive in scoring goals and have good ball control coordination.
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