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Vol. 7, No. 4, 2022
For citation: Shamray, M., Didur, O. (2022). Bioecological assessment of the state of the adventitious fraction
of the dendroflora of recreational and park landscapes (Dnipro). Journal Environmental Problems, 7(4), 224–232. DOI:
Marina Shamray , Oleh Didur
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
72, Gagarin Av., Dnipro, 49010, Ukraine
Received: 27.10.2022
© Shamray M., Didur O., 2022
Abstract. The state of seed self-regeneration of woody plants
of Kyrylivka Park (Dnipro, Ukraine) in areas with a strong,
moderate and non-existent level of recreational load was
studied. Floristic methods (estimates of species richness,
determination of floristic community and homogeneity),
methods of ecological analysis of vegetation, physico-chemical
methods of soil analysis, statistical methods are applied. It was
established for the first time that in Kyrylivka Park, artificial
stands are capable of forming a sufficient amount of viable
undergrowth of autochthonous (53.5 %) and introduced
(46.5 %) species. The amount of tree growth of adventitious
plants in the areas according to the level of recreational load is
distributed as follows: with no load – 32.2 % of the number
of self-regenerating trees, with moderate – 41.3 %, with strong
– 89.7 %. The indices of species richness of Margalef and
Menkhinik of self-regenerating tree species for the site with a
strong recreational load turned out to be the largest (at the
expense of adventitious species) compared to the sites with a
moderate recreational load and without it. The calculated Koch
index of biotic dispersion (40.0 %) indicates a certain process
of floristic homogenization of the tree stand in the investigated
territory of the park. The correlation coefficients between the
number of self-restored allochthonous and autochthonous tree
species for the studied areas with strong, moderate and absent
recreational loads are significant (0.90, 0.92 and 0.88 respectively).
The need to analyze and forecast the possible remote consequences
of the introduction of alien species in the composition of the
dendroflora is emphasized.
Keywords: autochthonous and alien species of plants, green
zone of the city, tree plantations, seed self-regeneration.
1. Introduction
The assessment of the quality of the human
living environment remains one of the urgent issues of
ecology (Ivanchenko, 2015). Preservation of green
spaces in cities, in particular parks, is an important
condition for creating a favourable urban human
habitat in connection with significant anthropogenic
pressure. Therefore, the role of parks in large cities,
where the conditions of anthropogenic impact on the
environment every year endanger the ecosystems of
the city, is invaluable. The most urgent problem is the
preservation of flora, the components of which are the
best medicine for human health and the main treasure
of life (Shamray et al., 2021).
Green plantations improve the human environment
and create comfortable living conditions. They regulate the
thermal regime, purify and moisten the air, reduce the
force of the wind, and improve the sanitary and
hygienic situation of the city (Denisyuk et al., 2020;
Du et al., 2022; Teixeira et al., 2022), and therefore
affect the microclimatic conditions of the city
(Melnychuk et al., 2019; Zhang, Gou, 2021). In
addition, they are a place for the population to relax
(Didur et al., 2019). A wide variety of forms, colors
and textures of plants affects the psycho-emotional
state of a person (Voiko et al., 2019). The decorative
properties of plants contribute to the aesthetic
Bioecological assessment of the state of the adventitious fraction … 225
satisfaction of people (Karagöz et al., 2017), and
improve their emotional and psychological health (He
et al., 2020). Therefore, the preservation of green areas
in cities, in particular parks, is an important condition
for improving the quality of the urban environment,
people's health, and their quality of life in general (Liu,
Xiao, 2020).
During the arrangement of parks, it is impossible
to avoid species that are exotic for a certain area
(introduced species). The issue of acclimatization and
introduction of plants has always interested scientists
(Trimanto, 2014; van Kleunen et al., 2018; Potgieter et
al., 2019). Ukraine has made significant progress in the
introduction and acclimatization of woody plants, and
the number of species of trees and shrubs introduced to
the country is several times greater than the number of
native species that make up the natural dendroflora
(Kohno, 1999, 2007; Vitenko et al., 2020). Thanks to
the introduction, species of natural ecosystems in other
regions of the world are preserved, biodiversity increases,
and the living environment improves (Alvey, 2006).
But invasive (allochthonous) species can spread
spontaneously and pose a significant threat to local
(autochthonous) species, displacing them from the
local flora and occupying their ecological niches,
which impoverishes the natural flora and can lead to
biotic homogenization – increasing the similarity
between the biota of different territories (Lososová et
al., 2012; Shamray et al., 2021, 2022).
Among the various functions of green spaces in
urban areas, recreation is of great importance. However,
during the operation of recreational facilities, in the
absence of constant care, there is a gradual decrease in
the viability of plantations (Skrobala, Diniljuk, 1996).
In this connection, the spread of invasive species to
new territories is the greatest threat to global biodiversity,
and we are already talking about biological invasions
here (Macagnan et al., 2011), which can become a
problem for the conservation of aboriginal species
(Dongli et al., 2022; de Barros Ruas et al., 2022). The
aim of the work is the bioecological analysis of the
adventitious fraction of dendroflora and its diversity
within recreational and park landscapes using the
example of Kyrylivka Park (Dnipro, Ukraine).
2. Materials and Methods
The research was conducted on the territory of
Kyrylivka Park (Dnipro). The park was founded in
1925 and is located on the left bank of the Dnipro (N
48°30ꞌ07ꞌꞌ, E 35°03ꞌ16ꞌꞌ) (Fig. 1). In physical and
geographical terms, the territory of the park
corresponds to the subzone of various grass-sedge
steppes (Belgard, 1950). It has had its modern name
(Park of Cossack Glory “Kyrilovka”) since 2016. Its
length is about 660 m, and its width is 207 m. It is
located in a slight lowering of the relief, where
groundwater locally reaches the surface of the day and
forms aquatic ecosystems.
Fig. 1. Placement of trial sites within Kyrylivka Park on the territory of the metropolis (Dnipro)
The research was carried out during 2018–2022.
Three stationary sites (Fig. 1) measuring 10 m × 10 m
were selected for observations. During the selection of
experimental sites, the main emphasis was placed on
the sites where humans did not interfere in
development processes for a long time, and plant
communities were formed naturally. Each of the
selected sites is characterized by a set of conditions
226 Marina Shamray, Oleh Didur
that affect the development of vital indicators of tree
species and their self-regeneration. The sites are
located at almost the same altitude above sea level and
are characterized by different levels of recreational
load (Fig. 2): in site 1 – moderate, in site 2 – strong, in
site 3 – absent.
Fig. 2. Location of experimental sites in Kyrylivka Park (Dnipro) by altitude and level of recreational load:
1 – site with moderate recreational load, 2 – site with strong recreational load, 3 – site with no recreational load
The climate of the study region is moderately
continental, characterized by warm summers
andmoderately mild winters. However, there is also its
specificity, associated with excessive drought at the
end of the summer period and significant temperature
fluctuations in the autumn-winter and winter-spring
periods of the year (Lykholat et al., 2018, 2022).
In the course of the study, floristic methods
were applied (inventory of taxonomic composition,
comparative analysis of the species composition of
native and introduced dendroflora plants, determination of
floristic community and floristic homogeneity),
methods of ecological analysis (by biomorphs and
ecomorphs), physical, physicochemical, and chemical
methods of soil analysis, statistical methods of data
The species composition was determined
according to Dobrochayeva et al. (1987), and plant
nomenclature is given according to the Angiosperm
Phylogeny Group classification (APG III, 2009). The
coefficient of the floristic community of species
between experimental sites (Jaccard index) was
calculated according to (Kunz et al., 2009; Borges et
al., 2011) and expressed as a percentage. To find out
the level of floristic homogeneity, the Koch index of
biotic dispersion (IBD) was used (Stikhareva et al.,
2021). Ecological certification of plant species was
carried out according to ecomorphs (Belgard, 1950).
The clarification of ecomorphs was carried out
according to the “Analysis of the flora of the Orilskyi
National Nature Park” (Baranovski et al., 2017). The
analysis of the biomorphological structure is based on
the system of life forms of V. M. Golubev (Tarasov,
2012). The species richness of the flora of the
experimental sites was evaluated according to the
Margalef and Menkhinik indices (Battaglia, 2022;
Divakara et al., 2022)
To determine the chemical and physical
parameters of the soil, test samples were taken from
the upper part of the root-saturated horizon (0–25 cm).
Physico-chemical properties of the soil (pH Н2О and
pH KCl ) were estimated by the potentiometric method
(Tan, 1998). The content of organic carbon (humus)
was determined titrimetrically (according to Tyurin)
(Shamrikova et al., 2022), dry residue – by weight
method. The granulometric composition of the soil
was determined according to N. A. Kaczynskii. All
determinations were performed in triplicate.
The results of the chemical analysis were
processed by the methods of descriptive statistics (x ± SD).
The relationship between the number of introduced
and self-regenerating autochthonous species was
evaluated using the correlation coefficient and the
level of significance. Calculations from and existed in
the Statistica 6.0 application program package.
3. Results and Discussion
According to the results of the agrochemical
studies, the soils in the studied areas are represented by
urbo-meadow-swamp medium and slightly saline salt
marshes on modern alluvium, belong to the medium
level of fertility and are favorable for landscaping with
zonal tree and shrub plantings. Chemical and physical
parameters of soils of the Kyrylivka park (sampling
depth 0–25 cm) with different levels of recreational
Bioecological assessment of the state of the adventitious fraction … 227
load (the first indicators correspond to the condition of
the soil of the site with a strong recreational load):
content humus, from 3.30 % to 5.21 %; dry residue,
from 0.059 % to 0.262 %; pH Н2О – from 7.86 to 7.39;
pH of KCl – from 6.47 to 6.22; granulometric
composition – heavy loam, with the number of
particles of physical clay 48.7 % and silt, with the
number of particles of physical clay 12.0 %.
Species such as Acer negundo L., Fraxinus
excelsior L., Quercus robur L., Morus alba L. The
height of the upper tier of the crowns of woody plant
species in the forest stand of this area reaches 12–14 m.
These are artificially planted Acer negundo, Morus
alba, which make up 1,6% of the total number of woody
plants of the research area and are 15 to 20 years old.
Crown closure in this plantation is 68.2 ± 10.0 %,
relative illuminance is 7.06 ± 0.30 %, the light
structure is semi-shaded. The type of soil moisture is
fresh. The grass cover of the site is mixed, from a
sinuous structure to interspersed with individual
species such as Geum urbanum L., Lactuca serriola L.,
Solidago canadensis L., Chelidonium majus L., Erigeron
annuus L., Galium aparine L., Carex sylvatica Huds.,
Arctium lappa L., Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC.
However, in this area there is a significant
number of young plants (98.4 %), mainly self-sowing,
young plants under 6 years old, in particular Acer
negundo (41.3 %), Fraxinus excelsior (57.9 %), Quercus
robur (0.8 %), which grew by natural regeneration.
Among these plants, adventitious is Acer negundo
(41.3 % of the total number of self-regenerating woody
plants). The correlation coefficient between the number
of introduced and self-regenerating autochthonous tree
species is 0.92 (Р = 0.03).
In the tree stand and in the shrub layer of site 2,
with a strong recreational load, the following species
occur: Acer negundo, Ulmus pumila L., Quercus
robur, Juglans regia L., Fraxinus excelsior, Salix
babylonica L., Celtis occidentalis L., Morus alba,
Populus nigra L. The height of the upper tier of the
crowns of woody plant species in the stand is 10–15 m.
These are artificially planted plants: Acer negundo,
Ulmus pumila, Salix babylonica, which make up 3.8 %
of the total number of tree species in the entire sample
area with an age of about 20–30 years. The canopy
density in this plantation is from 67.4 ± 3.0 %, the
relative illumination is from 2.86 ± 0.82 %, the light
structure is semi-shade, and the type of soil moisture is
fresh. The grass cover of the site is formed by such
species as Lactuca serriola L., Chelidonium majus L.,
Parthenocissus quinquefolia L. (Planch.), Geum
urbanum L., Solidago canadensis L., Calamagrostis
epigejos L., Erigeron annuus L., Gallium aparine L.,
Chenopodium album L., Campanula bononiensis L.
In this area, under the main canopy, there is a
significant number of young woody plants (96.2 %),
mainly self-sowing, undergrowth under 10 years old,
in particular Acer negundo (74.6 %), Ulmus pumila
(7.9 %), Quercus robur (5.6 %), Juglans regia (4.8 %),
Fraxinus excelsior (4.0 %), Celtis occidentalis (1.6 %),
Populus nigra (0.8 %), Morus alba (0.8 %). Among
the specified plants, the following species are
adventitious: Acer negundo, Ulmus pumila, Juglans
regia, Celtis occidentalis, Morus alba, which make up
89.7 % of the total number of self-regenerating woody
plants. The correlation coefficient between the number
of introduced and self-regenerating autochthonous tree
species is 0.90 (Р = 0.04).
In the tree stand and in the shrub layer of site 3
with no recreational load, the following species occur:
Acer negundo, Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior,
Salix babylonica, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh.
The height of the tree stand in the plantation is
10–15 m. Its upper tier includes Salix babylonica,
Fraxinus excelsior, which make up 2.7 % of the total
number of woody plants. These are artificially planted
plants with an age of 20–30 years. The canopy density
in the plantation is 75.6 ± 7.0 %, the relative
illumination is from 8.90 ± 0.48 %, the light structure
is semi-shade, the type of soil moisture is fresh. The
grass cover of the site is formed by the following
species: Parthenocissus quinquefolia L. (Planch.),
Chelidonium majus L., Geum urbanum L., Lactuca
serriola L., Agrimonia eupatoria L., Solidago
canadensis L., Erigeron annuus L., Torilis japonica,
Galium aparine L.
However, in this area, there is a significant
number of young plants (97.3 %), mostly self-sowing,
young plants under nine years old, in particular Acer
negundo (30.4 %), Quercus robur (0.3 %), Fraxinus
excelsior (67.5 %), and Fraxinus pennsylvanica (1.7 %),
which grew by natural regeneration. Among these
young plants, Acer negundo, and Fraxinus pennsylvanica
are introduced, which make up 32.1 % of the total
number of self- regenerating woody plants. The
correlation coefficient between the number of
introduced and self-regeneratingautochthonous tree
species is 0.88 (Р = 0.05). The plant community of the
studied area is represented by ten tree species (Table 1).
Thus, in site 1, where the recreational load is moderate,
there are three self-regenerating tree species, one of
which is adventitious, and two are native species.
Fraxinus excelsior dominates in number (57.9 %) and
228 Marina Shamray, Oleh Didur
Acer negundo (41.3 %) of the total number of self-
sowing tree species.
In site 2, with a strong recreation load, there are
eight self-regenerating tree species, five of which are
adventive, and three are native species. Acer negundo
dominates in number (74.6 %) of the total number of
self- sowing tree species.
In site 3 with no recreational load, four self-
regenerating tree species occur, two of which are
adventive species, and two are native species. Fraxinus
excelsior dominates in number (67.5 %) and Acer
negundo (30.4 %) of the total number of self-sowing
tree species.
The Margalef index of species richness for the
site with a strong recreational load turned out to be the
highest (1.64, due to adventive species), compared to
the sites with a moderate level of recreation or its
absence (0.54 and 0.70), respectively (Table 2). The
same trend can be noted for Menkhinik's index of
species diversity.
Evaluation of the qualitative commonality of
the species composition of the experimental sites with
self-regenerating tree species showed that there is a
trend towards a decrease in the diversity of the flora of
the sites due to an increase in the number of common
species (Table 3).
Table 1
Taxonomic composition of plant groups and bioecological characteristics
of plant species of Kyrylivka Park
Family of plants
Species of plants
Biomorphological and ecological
characteristics of species
of individuals,
Celtis occidentalis L.
Arb, Ph, SilCu, OgMs–Mg Tr, MsKs, ScHe,
Anph, Adv
Quercus robur L.
Arb, tap root, vegetatively immobile, Ph, Sil,
OgMs–AlkMgTr, MsKs–MsHg, ScHe, Ent,
Juglans regia L.
Arb, vegetatively immobile, Ph, SilCu,
MsMgTr, Ms, He, Anрh(Ent), Synz, Adv
Morus alba L.
Arb, tap root, vegetatively immobile, Ph,
SilCuRu, MsTr, KsMs, ScHe, Anph, Endz,
Fraxinus excelsior L.
Arb, tap root, vegetatively immobile, Ph, Sil,
MsMgTr, KsMs–MsHg, ScHe, Ent, Anch
Arb, tap root, vegetatively immobile, Ph, Sil,
MsTr, KsMs, ScHe, Ent, Anch, Adv
Salix babylonica
Arb, Ph, Sil, MsTr, Ms, He,
Ent, Anch, Adv
Populus nigra L.
Arb, Ph, Sil, MsT, Ms, ScHe, Anph, Anch
Acer negundo L.
Arb, Ph, SilCuRu, Og–MgTr, MsKs–HgMs,
He, Ent, Anch, Adv
Ulmus pumila L.
Arb, tap root, root sprout, vegetatively mobile,
Ph, Sil CuRu, OgMsTr, MsKs, ScHe, Anph,
Anch, Adv
Notes. Life forms: Arb (arbor) – tree, Fr (frutex, fruticetum) – bush (brush); Ph – phanerophytes, nPh – low trees, tall
bushes; Ecomorphs: OgTr – oligotrophs, MsTr – mesotrophs, MgTr – megatrophs, АlkTr – alkotrophs; Ks – xerophytes,
Ms – mesophytes, Hg – hygrophytes; Не – heliophytes, Sc – sciophytes; Ru – ruderants, Sil – sylvants, Сu – culturants;
Diasporochores (ecobiochores): Еndz – endozoochores, Anch – anemochores, Ваl – ballistas, Bar – barochors, Synz –
synzoochores. Pollenochores: Anph – anemophilia, Ent – entomophilia. Adv – adventitious species.
Bioecological assessment of the state of the adventitious fraction … 229
Table 2
Indices of species richness of the studied areas of Kyrylivka Park in the territory
of megacities depending on the level of recreational load
Recreational load
moderate (site 1)
strong (site 2)
absent (site 3)
Margalef index
Menkhinik index
Table 3
Qualitative community of experimental sites with self-regenerating tree species,
under conditions of different levels of recreational load of Kyrylivka Park
Recreational load
Moderate (site 1)
Strong (site 2)
Absent (site 3)
Moderate (site 1)
Strong (site 2)
44.4 %
Absent (site 3)
50.0 %
40.0 %
Note. The number of species in parentheses, the number of common species in bold.
To establish the floristic homogeneity of the
experimental sites, the Koch index of biotic dispersion
was calculated, the value of which is 40.0 %. This
indicates a relatively high level of floristic
homogenization in the territory of the park.
Degradation and destruction of natural
ecosystems (Adla et al., 2022) are considered as the
main cause of terrestrial biodiversity loss worldwide
(Fernández-Palacios et al., 2021; von Staden et al.,
2022). In these studies, the authors discuss the
theoretical and practical aspects of each of the indirect
drivers, as well as the direct human impact on
biodiversity. These studies include monitoring human
impact on land cover, the impact of land use on species
diversity. As shown by Rosenthal et al. (2022),
recreational activities are one of the most common
threats to species at risk. In the studies of da Rocha et
al. (2020) showed that landscape position (relief) is not
a specific factor that controls soil quality and
determines the ability of these areas to provide
ecological services, but observed variations in soil
quality are a consequence of differences in land use
practices. This conclusion also confirms our
methodological approach regarding the division of the
studied territory of Kyrylivka Park in the conditions of
a metropolis into areas with different levels of
recreational load (strong, moderate and absent).
Lakicevic et al. (2022) studied the dendrofloristic
diversity of five city parks located in Novi Sad
(Serbia). These scientists emphasized that biodiversity
indices provide key information for monitoring species
diversity. They found that parks play an important role
in maintaining biodiversity in cities, as they provide
habitat for native vegetation and support natural
processes in ecosystems. According to their research,
the Jaccard index between the parks varied from
41.4 % to 72.4 %, which indicated trends of probable
homogenization and was explained by the influence of
climatic conditions and management methods. In our
study the Jaccard index between all sites is almost
close in magnitude and ranges from 40.0 % to 50.0 %
(Table 3). This proves that there is a certain similarity
of the dendroflora of the areas and there is a tendency
towards their homogenization, which is confirmed by
the value Koch's index of biotic dispersion, which is
equal to 40.0 %.
Lakicevic et al. (2022) analyzed invasive tree
species in parks in Serbia, noting that such species may
contribute to biodiversity loss in the long term.
According to their data, the share of non-native species
ranged from 40 % to 57 %. Species Acer negundo,
Ailanthus altissima and Ulmus pumila, due to their
high spread potential, turned out to be the most
aggressive invasive species. These authors note that
these species are frequent invasive species throughout
Serbia. In our study, adventitious species consist of
32.2 % to 89.7 %, which correlates with the different
recreational load of the studied areas.
A wide range of scientists emphasizes the need
to carefully monitor the emergence of invasive species,
as they can potentially affect the loss of biodiversity in
the long term (Guo et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2022) and
practical application of appropriate measures, mainly
including mechanical removal of the most aggressive
230 Marina Shamray, Oleh Didur
invasive species to control their further spread
(Lakicevic et al., 2022). According to our research,
positive invasiveness of Acer negundo was noted
among adventive species, also happens invasive
species Ulmus pumila.
Zarghi, Hosseini (2014) investigated the impact
of ecotourism on plant biodiversity in the Chelmir
Tandoore zone (Khorasan-Razavi Province, Iran). To
characterize the species richness of the national park,
these scientists used both the Margalef and Menkhinik
indexes and showed that the Margalef index varied
from 1.4 to 0.6, and the Menkhinik index from 0.8 to
0.5, respectively, from the low recreational load to
high. The obtained values of the indicators are
associated with the influence of ecotourism, which can
be considered as one of the forms of recreational load.
In our study, these indicators vary from 1.64 to 0.54
(Margalef index) and from 0.79 to 0.25 (Menkhinik
index), respectively, from high to low recreational
load. This pattern, in our opinion, can be explained by
the greater number of adventive species in the area
with a strong recreational load of Kyrylivka Park.
4. Conclusions
It was established that 10 tree species that are
capable of seed self-regeneration and which belong to
9 genera and 8 families occur in experimental areas
with different degrees of recreational load of Kyrylivka
Park in the conditions of the city (Dnipro, Ukraine). Of
these, 7 adventive species were registered, taxonomically
represented by 7 genera and 7 families with the leading
family Sapindaceae (in quantitative terms). Among the
adventitious tree species, for which invasiveness is
known within the study region, maple Acer negundo
(family Sapindaceae) shows the highest activity in the
experimental areas. Its total number in all areas is a
record (292 specimens), while in the area with a strong
recreational load, the share of this species is 74.6 % of
the total number of undergrowth of seed origin, which
is explained by a combination of environmental and
anthropogenic factors. The indexes of species richness
of Margalef and Menkhinik of self-regenerating tree
species for the site with a strong recreational load
turned out to be the largest (due to adventitious
species) compared to the sites with no or moderate
recreational load. Koch's index of biotic dispersion
(40.0 %) indicates a certain process of floristic
homogenization in the studied territory of the park.
Therefore, the ecological analysis of the biodiversity
of the self-regenerating dendroflora and its adventitious
fraction for the conditions of Kyrylivka Park allowed
to reveal, in addition to the positive invasion of Acer
negundo, the occurrence of such neophyte species as
Celtis occidentalis and Ulmus pumila, which indicates
the constant invasion of alien species into the local
flora and potential threat to natural floral diversity. In
the future, it is necessary to predict the possible
consequences of the introduction of alien species in the
composition of the dendroflora of Kyrylivka Park in
the conditions of a city.
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