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Atopic dermatitis successfully treatment by constitutional homoeopathic medicine graphites: A case report

  • Metropolitan Homoeopathic medical College and Hospital
  • Bengal Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital

Abstract and Figures

Abstract :- Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a commonly recurring inflammatory eczematous condition of the skin which affects up to 2.4% of the global population and among them, 15-20% of children and 1-3% of adults are affected globally. A 48 years old female patient diagnosed with AD, suffering from complaints of pruritic eczematous lesions with sticky pus collection on both arm and abdominal region for the last 36months. The patient was treated with modern medicine for a long time but there was no permanent relief. Therefore, the patient sought out homoeopathic treatment for a long-lasting cure. A constitutional medicine Graphites 0/1 was prescribed based on the totality of symptoms. All problems showed better, but after a while, they all came to a standstill. As per homoeopathic principles, this lento an increasing the potency of Graphites 0/2. Following four months of treatment, there was a considerable improvement in the eczematous lesions and all accompanying complaints, as well as a noticeable improvement in the SCORAD Index. This case shows that AD is cured by constitutional homoeopathic treatment.
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences 2022; 6(4): 503-509
E-ISSN: 2616-4493
P-ISSN: 2616-4485
IJHS 2022; 6(4): 503-509
Received: 25-07-2022
Accepted: 28-09-2022
Dr. Tanmay Sarkar
Lecturer, Department of
Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
Metropolitan Homoeopathic
Medical College and Hospital,
Ramchandrapur, Sodepur,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Dr. Abhinandan Das
Lecturer, Department of
Physiology and Biochemistry,
Bengal Homoeopathic Medical
College and Hospital,
MXC8+7G2, Ismile, Shatabdi
Nagar, Asansol, West Bengal,
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Tanmay Sarkar
Lecturer, Department of
Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
Metropolitan Homoeopathic
Medical College and Hospital,
Ramchandrapur, Sodepur,
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Atopic dermatitis successfully treatment by
constitutional homoeopathic medicine graphites: A
case report
Dr. Tanmay Sarkar and Dr. Abhinandan Das
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a commonly recurring inflammatory eczematous condition of the skin which
affects up to 2.4% of the global population and among them, 15-20% of children and 1-3% of adults
are affected globally. A 48 years old female patient diagnosed with AD, suffering from complaints of
pruritic eczematous lesions with sticky pus collection on both arm and abdominal region for the last 36
months. The patient was treated with modern medicine for a long time but there was no permanent
relief. Therefore, the patient sought out homoeopathic treatment for a long-lasting cure. A
constitutional medicine Graphites 0/1 was prescribed based on the totality of symptoms. All problems
showed better, but after a while, they all came to a standstill. As per homoeopathic principles, this led
to an increasing the potency of Graphites 0/2. Following four months of treatment, there was a
considerable improvement in the eczematous lesions and all accompanying complaints, as well as a
noticeable improvement in the SCORAD Index. This case shows that AD is cured by constitutional
homoeopathic treatment.
Keywords: Atopic dermatitis, homoeopathy, Graphites, constitutional treatment, SCORAD index
Atopic dermatitis is a prevalent, chronic, recurrent, inflammatory skin condition. "derma"
and "itis" is Greek term it translates to "skin" and "inflammation," respectively [1, 2]. AD is
more frequent in developed countries than in agriculture-based countries [2]. The term
"atopy" refers to the genetic propensity to create immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in
reaction to very small amounts of common environmental proteins such as pollen, house dust
mites, livestock, and food allergies [3]. Atopic eczema is a major public health problem
worldwide, affecting around 5% to 20% of children ages 6 to 7 and 13 to 14 years [4].
International asthma and allergies in childhood (ISSAC) say that the manifestation of AD is
10% to 20% in children and 1% to 3% in adults globally [5]. On the cheeks, flexor surfaces of
the arms, chest, and forehead, in particular, the condition is characterised by the development
of dry, scaly patches of skin. Patients who frequently exhibit severe pruritis, xerosis,
erosions, excoriations, and ill-defined areas of erythema throughout acute flares might be
diagnosed with AD [5, 6]. The distribution of these symptoms varies with age [6]. In some
cases, the pathogenesis of AD begins with a genetically predetermined skin barrier defect
that manifests as dry skin. This innate skin barrier deficit results in the overexpression of
pro-inflammatory cytokines released, which leads to the activation of innate lymphocyte
subsets and antigen-presenting cells. Sometimes few cytokines are involved in the itch
sensation [7, 8]. Not only patients are affected by the social shame of an obvious skin
condition, but the characteristic of extreme itching of the disease usually results in skin
injury and significant rest disturbances [9]. AD disturbed the health-related quality of life
(HRQoL) of children and their families. Sleeplessness is caused by itching and pain in more
than 60% of people. Lose of Sleep leads to weariness, mood swings, and impaired
psychosocial functioning of school-going children and family members [10, 11, 12]. Overall
physical, psychological, and psycho-social life was hampered by AD [11]. Homoeopathy is
based on ‘like cures like. Clinical research and meta-analysis proved that homoeopathy has
its own actions [13]. Homoeopathy is a unique and classical therapeutics of science [14].
Positive effects of Homoeopathy suffering from AD and asthma in children and adult age [15].
International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
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Case report
A 48 year’s old Hindu female patient visited the OPD of Dr.
Tanmay Sarkar on 06/06/2022 and presented with
complaints of eczematous skin diseases in various parts of
the body but especially in the arm along with severe itching,
after scratching thick sticky discharge collection, mild
lichenification, dryness, cracked of skin from last 3 years
(Figure1). Itching aggravated in the evening & at night and
amelioration from wrapping up. Tenderness with pain in
both knee joints legs especially in open air & change
weather, Sensitive to cold. The patient was anxious,
melancholic, and depressed, forget her words when she
speaks or interact with others and forgetful & confused. She
has a weeping disposition and wants to be crying alone.
Before coming to my O.P.D she was treated with modern
medicine (antifungal and steroidal ointment) for 3 years
by a dermatologist for Atopic Eczema (Dermatitis), at that
time she complained was little ameliorated for 1 month and
after that, eczema became more violent than earlier. She
changed dermatologists every time when her complaints
aggravated but each time complaint not cure. Under these
circumstances, she was going to decide to take
homoeopathic treatment.
There was a past history of skin irruption, and dust allergy
treated with modern medication, Chickenpox was affected
in childhood. She had no addiction and was not on any
ongoing allopathic medicine. In the family history, father
and paternal grandfather had hypertension and skin disease.
Mother had osteoarthritis with uric acid.
The patient had short stature, dark complexion, and rough
skin. Her facial expression was always anxious & a panic
mood for her suffering complaint.
On examination of the skin, there were reddish-brown
patches with crusty scab formation after thick exudation,
dry, cracked, itching and mild lichenification over both
arms. Other systemic examinations like respiratory, CVA,
and Abdomen were normal but extremities gaits &
movement were changed.
Homoeopathic Generalities
Mental Generals: - Patient complains were Indiscretion++,
forgetfulness++, irritability++, anxiety++ and tensive++,
confusion of mind+++, depression+++ (sad, melancholic),
weeping disposition <alone+++, desire to company++,
Hesitating++, Restlessness in working++.
Physical Generals: - The physical generalities were
appetite good, bitter taste, hot things disagree, Stomach
heavy & ameliorated by lying+, Stool difficult to pass (hard,
stringy, tough), thermal reaction chilly++, desire salty things
+ and curd+, aversion in sweets+++, milk+++, aversion to
bathing & open air+, especially in winter+++, Great thirst in
the morning & after meal +++, Urine-Involuntary emission
of urine +++, perspirationhead but offensive++,
sleepdisturbed/ un-refreshing+++, Dreams- death & fire
+++. Her menstrual cycle was stopped at 43 years of age &
she has 2 children.
Analysis of the case and repertorization: - A detailed
analysis and evaluation of the characteristics and symptoms
were converted to totality & further converted to the rubrics.
Totality of Symptoms & Rubrics
confusion of mind+++
depression+++ (sad, melancholic)
weeping disposition <alone+++
desire to company++
Restlessness in working++
Thermal reaction chilly++,
Desire salty things + and curd++
Aversion in sweets+++
sleepdisturbed/ un-refreshing+++
Dreams- death & fire +++
Involuntary emission of urine +++
Stomach heavy & ameliorated by lying+
Stool difficult to pass (hard, stringy, tough)
Eruption: Discharging, scratching after
Eruption: Discharging: Moist
Eruption: Discharging glutinous+++
Skin: Cracks painful
Excoriated: denuded, raw
Skin: dry/ dryness
Itching aggravated in the evening & at night and
amelioration from wrapping up
Clinical diagnosis: Atopic Dermatitis (Hanifin and Rajka-
developed criteria for diagnosis in 1980)
Fig 1: Before Homoeopathic Treatment
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Fig 2: SCORAD Index before Homoeopathic Treatment
Table 1: Repertorial analysis of the characteristic Symptoms
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Bases of Selection Individualized Homoeopathic
Medicine (IHM): - Graphites is chosen based on the
Totality of Symptoms. Repertorial analysis done by J.T.
Kent & Symptoms Cross cheeked by Clark materia medica
[16, 17, 18, 19]. We selected Graphites as a constitutional
Table 2: Patient Follow-up
Baseline presentation [Figure 1] severe itching (Pruritus), serous exudates like thick
honey fluid, lichenification, dryness, and cracked skin. Itching aggravated in the
evening & at night, complaints amelioration from wrapping up.
Graphites 0/1
OD˟ 16 doses
Eczema discharges less, itching persists & Involuntary emission of urine
complaints ameliorated
Graphites 0/2
OD˟ 16 doses
No new symptoms arise, Skin and mental symptoms were ameliorated.
Graphites 0/3 OD˟ 16 doses
No itching, no discharges.
Graphites 0/4 OD˟ 16 doses
No itching, no discharges.
Placebo-30 4 globs˟ TDS˟ 15 days
No itching, no discharges.
Placebo-30 4 globs˟ TDS˟ 15 days
Table 3: Assessment by Modified Naranjo Criteria Score [20, 21, 22, 23]
Not sure
or N/A
Was there an improvement in the main symptom or condition for which the homoeopathic medicine was prescribed?
Did the clinical improvement occur within a plausible time frame relative to the drug intake?
Was there an initial aggravation of the symptom? (need to define in a glossary)
Did the effect encompass more than the main symptom or condition, i.e., were other symptoms ultimately improved or
Did overall well-being improve? (suggest using a validated scale)
The direction of cure: did some symptoms improve in the opposite order of the development of symptoms of the
The direction of cure: did at least two of the following aspects apply to the order of improvement of symptoms -from
organs of more importance to those of less importance - from deeper to more superficial aspects of the individual -
from the top downwards.
Did old symptoms” (defined as non-seasonal and non-cyclical that were previously thought to have resolved) reappear
temporarily during the course of improvement?
Are there alternate causes (other than the medicine) that-with a high probability- could have caused the improvement?
(consider the known course of the disease, other forms of treatment and other clinically relevant intervention
Was the health improvement confirmed by any objective evidence? (e.g. lab test, clinical observation, etc.)
Did repeat dosing, if conducted, create similar clinical improvement?
Total score =Maximum score=13
Minimum score=02
The interpretation of the total Naranjo Score predicting drug
action is as follows: Total scores range from -4 to +13; the
reaction is considered definite if the score is 9 or higher,
probable if 5 to 8, and possible if 1 to 4, and doubtful if 0 or
less [20, 21, 22, 23].
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Fig 3: After Homoeopathic Treatment
Fig 4: SCORAD Index after Homoeopathic Treatment
Homoeopathy is the world’s 2nd largest system of treatment
& it treats the patient not the disease [24, 25, 26]. If we selected
a proper individualised Homoeopathic Medicine (IHM) for
the treatment then it works not only symptomatically but
also works holistically. In this case report, there was also a
selected IHM that was Graphitis 0/1 & it’s also followed
constitutionally. After the prescription, no new symptoms
came & patient had 50% relief on the 3rd follow-up. In the
5th & 6th, follow-ups mentioned the complaints were gone.
The Case report Figures 01 & 03 was a clear picture that
Graphites work beautifully & SCORAD index was before
62.75 & after treatment 4.5. Assessment by Modified
Naranjo Criteria Score (Table 3) 09 out of 13, which means
IHM works tremendously well [22, 26].
Homoeopathy is a remarkable alternative system of
medicine in the modern era (13, 26) . Homoeopathic medicines
are effective in the treatment of AD, which has been proven
once again under this case report. If we selected remedies on
the bases of the totality of characteristic symptoms and
through individualization which covers the patient’s
miasmatic background. These types of remedy selection
procedures can cure the patient at a deeper level & patient
relief permanent. If we choose symptomatic treatment, a
mixture of various medicines or use any suppressive
external application, which affects badly to the patient.
Individualized Homoeopathic Medicine (IHM) is also
capable to cure the mental symptoms of the comorbidity AD
patient. Graphites proved that it can cure the characteristic
symptoms of AD, along with mental symptoms. Meanwhile
good homoeopathic case-taking & prescription is important
for every acute & chronic case. Further research study
needed on this topic for the betterment of Homoeopathy.
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Acknowledgement: The author wishes special thanks to Dr.
Joydev Sarkar and Dr. Prof. Asok Kumar Das.
Conflict of Interest: None
Source of Funding: None
Author’s Contribution: Not available
Declaration of patient consent
The authors attest to having obtained the required patient
consent form. The patient has granted her permission in the
form for her photos and other clinical data to be published in
the publication. The patient is aware that her name and
initials won't be published, and that appropriate measures
will be taken to keep her identity a secret.
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How to Cite This Article
S Tanmay, D Abhinandan. Atopic dermatitis successfully treatment
by constitutional homoeopathic medicine Graphites: A case report.
International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences. 2022;6(4):503-509.
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... We chose Lycopodium Clavetum as a constitutional remedy. [5,14,15,16,17] ...
... The direction of cure: did at least two of the following aspects apply to the order of improvement of symptoms -from organs of more importance to those of less importance -from deeper to more superficial aspects of the individual -from the top downwards. The interpretation of the total Naranjo score predicting drug action is as follows: Total scores range from -4 to +15; the reaction is considered definite if the score is 11 or higher, probable if 5 to 8, and possible if 1 to 4, and doubtful if 0 or less [5,14,15,16,17] . The second-largest medical system in the world, homoeopathy focuses more on treating persons rather than diseases. ...
An autoimmune multi-systemic condition called psoriasis has an effect on psychological and emotional health, including low self-esteem, stigma, and anxious mental states. The estimated global frequency is about 2%; however, it varies from nation to nation. A 32 years old female patient was diagnosed with psoriasis and she has suffering from voluptuous itching with a burning sensation mainly at night, brownish-red discoloration of skin and also scaly formation. After scratching sometimes oozing blood from the scalp, waist region and legs for the last 7 years. The patient was treated with different kind methods of treatment yet there was no agreeable outcome emerged. Therefore, the patient pursued homoeopathic treatment for a permanent recovery. A constitutional homoeopathic medicine Lycopodium clavatum 200CH was prescribed truly based on symptoms totality. The symptoms improved after the second prescription. According to homoeopathic principles, this led to an increasing the potency of Lycopodium clavatum 1M. After a few months of treatment, a noticeable outcome as well as a perceptible improvement in the PASI Index appeared. This instance demonstrates the beneficial benefits of homoeopathic constitutional treatment of psoriasis.
... It's a good think that all case was measure by visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain. Secondary outcome measures included the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), an evaluation of each patient's range of motion (ROM) of the lumbar spine but the limitation is homoeopathic combination mode of treatments [32,33] . We don't know there was some adverse effect present or not and the study conducted by a single physiotherapist and the sample size was very small. ...
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Introduction:Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory heterogeneous group of degenerative joint disease. Homoeopathic remedy has encountered rheumatological problems very well. The main aim of this systemic review was to evaluate, specify and pinpoint the findings of all relevant individualised studies, thereby making the available evidence more accessible to decision-makers. Materials & Methods:An intensive search of RCT clinical research manuscripts published between 2000 and 2022 was done under various databases and it ensured that all papers belong to peer-reviewed journals. The data items were extracted by following points like publication years, population, interventions and comparator (Verum vs control), outcomes, methods, overall result and manufacturer of Verum. The five-point Jaded scoring system was used to assess the methodological quality of the selected trials with increasing scores indicating a higher quality. Whereas the null hypothesis in this systematic review was that individualized homoeopathic medicine had no impact. Results: A total of 56 experimental and controlled clinical trials were identified to be screened. After complete screening, the proper number of eligible papers was 12 and finally selected 08 RCT with a double-blind peer-review published paper. The studies maintain total number of patients of 1,891 and after dropping out 1,628 patients eagerly continued. The 08 studies focused on knee joints and lower back pain. Conclusion:In this study, we clearly understood that homoeopathic combination formulas work well on OA. Individualized Homoeopathic remedy was not effective due to insufficient trial reports. It’s also noticeable that homoeopathic combinations may have some adverse drug reactions. So, we need proper evidence for individualized homoeopathic medicine to say it works properly. It’s our duty to uptake trial testing continuously for the betterment of homoeopathy. However, more research is needed to completely evaluate and validate the efficacy or inadequacy of therapy with OA.
... The results of clinical studies and meta-analyses demonstrated that homoeopathy has unique effects [29,30] . Homoeopathy is a distinctive and ancient method of treatment [31] . Positive effects of Psoriasis shown by Homoeopathic treatment in adult age [2,32] . ...
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Psoriasis is an inflammatory immune-mediated disease with an unknown in its aetiology. It is a debilitating, disfiguring, and painful condition with significant detrimental effects on patients' quality of life. Around 2% is thought to be the global prevalence; however, this varies from one country to another. Patient presentation: A 55-year-old male patient diagnosed with Plaque Psoriasis, suffering from severe itching with a burning sensation, brownish discolouration of the skin with much scally formation and sometimes blood oozes after scratching on forearms, scalp and both knee regions from the last 9 years. Conclusion: The patient was treated with various kind modes of treatment but there was no satisfactory result came out. Therefore, the patient pursued homoeopathic treatment for a long-term cure. A Homoeopathic constitutional medicine Lycopodium clavatum 30 was prescribed based on the totality of symptoms. The symptoms improved, but after some time, they all came to a halt. According to homoeopathic principles, this led to an increasing the potency of Lycopodium clavatum 200. After a few months of treatment, there was an appreciable result came out and as well as a perceivable improvement in the PASI Index. This case shows a favourable effect of a constitutional homoeopathic medicine on plaque psoriasis.
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Background: Skin diseases being one of the most prevalent human ailments continue to increase the disease burden worldwide. The prevalent modern treatments of skin diseases are palliative and very difficult to cure. This case report is an attempt to explore the effectiveness of individualized homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of skin diseases. Methods: A female patient of 42 years presented with the symptoms of ulceration with itching and sticky discharges coming out from the left palm and webs of fingers. This case of diagnosed infectious eczematous dermatitis was taken at the outpatient department of the National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata and got treated with individualized homoeopathic medicines. Results: The patient was prescribed initially Graphites in LM potency showing much improvement and lastly followed with Causticum as the case demanded. Conclusion: Individualized homoeopathic treatment may be an effective option for the treatment of infectious eczematous dermatitis.
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The Continuum theory and the Levels of Health theory propound the idea that return of efficient acute inflammation (high fever) heralds true improvement in chronic inflammatory states. We present 6 cases of atopic dermatitis (AD), which had stability in their improvement for 1 year or more, under classical homeopathy. The cases were retrospectively assessed with selected based on the Hanifin Rajka atopic dermatitis diagnostic criteria and the follow ups evaluated according to changes on SCORing Atopic Dermatitis scale (SCORAD) scale. The pictures are presented as evidence. Modified Naranjo Criteria for assessing causal attribution of clinical outcome to homeopathic intervention was used to assess the effect of homeopathy in these cases. All the cases improved and stabilised with complete skin clearance (those that relapsed within 1 year were not included). These patients had not suffered high fevers/acute inflammatory diseases since onset/aggravation of AD. Five of the 6 cases developed acute inflammatory diseases as the chronic condition improved. The last case showed return of an old, lesser pathology. The control cases – which were selected for non-improvement under classical homeopathy also showed remarkable skin clearance when there was appearance of acute inflammatory states. In this study, there is a mutually exclusive relationship between efficient acute inflammation and chronic inflammation, which is in accordance with the 2 theories considered here. Further scientific studies are necessary to establish the phenomenon at tissue level.
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Recently nosocomial infections by Staphylococcus epidermidis have gained much attention. S. epidermidis was invariably present on the skin and generally known as an opportunistic pathogen. It also causes endocarditis, cystitis, any defective valvular heart diseases and hospital born sepsis. Most commonly occurs on intravenous catheterisation and on medical prosthesis. This study was aimed to screen the ability of different potencies of Homoeopathic Medicine Sulphanilamide to inhibit S. epidermidis. Different potencies of Sulphanilamide 6C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M were screened for antimicrobial potential by Agar well diffusion method against S. epidermidis. Where12C potency showed 0.7cm and in 30C potency showed 0.8cm inhibition zone. Whereas Sulphanilamide 30C is found to be the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, bactericidal activity showed higher amount of dead cells present in the death phase.
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Background Atopic eczema is an inflammatory skin condition, with a similar impact on health‐related quality‐of‐life as other chronic diseases. Increasing pressures on resources within the NHS increase the importance of having good economic evidence to inform their allocation. This paper aims to educate dermatologists about economic methods with illustration to currently available economic evidence on eczema. Methods/design The type and role of different types of economic evidence is illustrated by evidence found in a systematic literature search conducted across 12 online databases published until 22nd May 2017. Primary empirical studies either reporting the results of a cost of illness study or evaluating the cost, utility or full economic evaluation of interventions for preventing or treating eczema were included. Two reviewers independently assessed studies for eligibility and performed data abstraction, with disagreements resolved by a third reviewer. Evidence tables of results were produced for narrative discussion. The reporting quality of economic evaluations was assessed. Results 78 studies (described in 80 papers) were deemed eligible. 33 (42%) were judged to be economic evaluations, 12 (15%) cost analyses, 6 (8%) utility analyses, 26 (34%) cost‐of‐illness studies and 1 feasibility study (1%). The calcineurin inhibitors: tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, as well as barrier creams had most economic evidence available. Partially hydrolysed infant formula was the most commonly evaluated prevention. Conclusions The current level of economic evidence for interventions aimed at preventing and treating eczema is limited compared to that available for clinical outcomes suggesting that greater collaboration between clinicians and economists might be beneficial. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Introduction: Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, usually mild skin condition affecting both sexes. Infants as well as adults may be afflicted. It may cause discomfort when not properly treated. Seborrheic dermatitis is in the spectrum of diseases found frequently in HIV infected patients and in people with AIDS. Various treatment modalities exist, all aimed at control and not cure of the disease. Homeopathy is a system of treatment that is cheap, apparently free of side-effects, does not interact with regular medications and is widely applicable in many fields of medicine, including dermatology. Any new, but efficacious, treatment modality is always welcome in dermatology. Materials and methods: Two patients with seborrheic dermatitis of varying severity and duration were treated with homeopathy and the results documented. Results: The patients recovered fully and are still in remission years later. Conclusions: Homeopathy may be of use in the treatment of acute and chronic seborrheic dermatitis. Since it is cheap, free of sideeffects and does not interfere with regular medication, it may become an attractive option in the treatment of this disorder, especially in patients with multiple pathologies.
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One in five children visiting a homeopathic physician suffers from atopic eczema. We aimed to examine the long-term effectiveness, safety and costs of homoeopathic vs. conventional treatment in usual medical care of children with atopic eczema. In this prospective multi-centre comparative observational non-randomized rater-blinded study, 135 children (48 homoeopathy, 87 conventional) with mild to moderate atopic eczema were included by their respective physicians. Depending on the specialisation of the physician, the primary treatment was either standard conventional treatment or individualized homeopathy as delivered in routine medical care. The main outcome was the SCORAD (SCORing Atopic Dermatitis) at 36 months by a blinded rater. Further outcomes included quality of life, conventional medicine consumption, safety and disease related costs at six, 12 and 36 months after baseline. A multilevel ANCOVA was used, with physician as random effect and the following fixed effects: age, gender, baseline value, severity score, social class and parents' expectation. The adjusted mean SCORAD showed no significant differences between the groups at 36 months (13.7 95% CI [7.9-19.5] vs. 14.9 [10.4-19.4], p = 0.741). The SCORAD response rates at 36 months were similar in both groups (33% response: homoeopathic 63.9% vs. conventional 64.5%, p = 0.94; 50% response: 52.0% vs. 52.3%, p = 0.974). Total costs were higher in the homoeopathic versus the conventional group (months 31-36 200.54 Euro [132.33-268.76] vs. 68.86 Euro [9.13-128.58], p = 0.005). Taking patient preferences into account, while being unable to rule out residual confounding, in this long-term observational study, the effects of homoeopathic treatment were not superior to conventional treatment for children with mild to moderate atopic eczema, but involved higher costs.
To study the socio-demographic features, the prescribed remedies and the outcome of atopic diseases in children treated with homeopathy at the Homeopathic Clinic of Lucca (Italy), and the long-term outcome of children suffering from atopic dermatitis (AD) after an approximate 8-year period (range 5-10 years). Our data derive from an observational longitudinal study carried out on 213 children (38.6%) with atopic diseases out of 551 children consecutively examined from September 1998 to December 2008. We used the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital Outcome Score to evaluate the results that were classified on the basis of a Likert scale. Eighty-three (39%) children were affected by asthma, 51 (24%) by allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, 76 (36%) by AD and 3 (1%) by food intolerance. Follow-up patients were 104 (48.8%), and 65 (62.5%) of them reported a major improvement or resolution. The parents of paediatric patients suffering from AD, who had started homeopathic treatment at <4.9 years of age were invited to follow-up assessment 8 years later and 40 children (mean age 12.9) were examined; 28/40 (70%) had a complete disappearance of AD, 12/40 children (30.0%) were still affected by AD; 8/40 (20%) had asthma and 8/40 patients had, or developed, allergic rhinitis. These preliminary results seem to confirm a positive therapeutic effect of homeopathy in atopic children. Furthermore, according to the data from the literature paediatric patients treated with homeopathy seem to show a reduced tendency to maintain AD and develop asthma (and allergic rhinitis) in adult age.
Homeopathy is based on the idea of 'let like be cured by like'. It was founded by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, although similar concepts existed earlier. Homeopathy became popular in the 19th century in part because of its success in epidemics but declined during most of the 20th century. Its popularity increased in the late 20th and early 21st centuries in many parts of the world. Homeopathy is controversial because of its use of highly dilute medicines. There is a significant body of clinical research including randomised clinical trials and meta-analyses of such trials which suggest that homeopathy has actions which are not placebo effects. Cohort, observational and economic studies have yielded favourable results. There are several schools of homeopathy. Systems which use homeopathic medicines based on symbolism and metaphor are not homeopathy. Despite the long history of scientific controversy, homeopathy has proved resilient and is now geographically widespread. There is a significant body of scientific evidence with positive results. Homeopathy is an anomaly around which deserves further investigation.