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Business Intelligence for the Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce Websites- A Case Study


Abstract and Figures

Background/Purpose: Advancement of technology has been proven in every field. To establish a good business or any organization is very crucial nowadays. Businesses are moving tremendously and competitors also high in number. It is very important to take a good decision based on reviews and feedback of customer, etc. By combining the strength of technology and business knowledge, Business Intelligence allows you to make good decisions that are fully informed and stay one step ahead of the competition. With the help of business intelligence tools businesses can use their data in a better way. Business intelligence incorporates Data mining, Data Analytic, Data Visualization and Machine learning to help organization for the analysis of data. This article provides the analysis of Business intelligence and machine learning techniques used in e-commerce website and ABCD framework to inspect the key factors. Objective: Analyses the business intelligence technology and sentiment analysis on E-commerce website. Design/Methodology/Approach: The information and details for this case study is obtained from different scholarly articles published in various journals and company websites. Findings/Result: The study of this paper delivers the importance of customer behavior and how it helps in growth of the industry using machine learning and business intelligence. Originality/Value/Novelty: The result of this paper gives an explanation of business intelligence and machine learning approach for customer feedback in e-commerce companies and advantages of e-commerce websites. Paper Type: Case study paper to study the advantages of business intelligence and machine learning for customer satisfaction.
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 660
Business Intelligence for the Evaluation of
Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce
Websites- A Case Study
Priyadarshini P. 1 & K. T. Veeramanju 2
1 Research Scholar, Institute of Computer Science and Information Science, Srinivas
University, Mangalore 575001, Karnataka India,
ORCIDID: 0000-0003-4658-3742; Email:
2 Research Professor, Institute of Computer Science and Information Science, Srinivas
University, Mangalore 575001, Karnataka India,
ORCIDID: 0000-0002-7869-3914; Email:
Area/Section: Computer Science.
Type of the Paper: Research Analysis.
Type of Review: Peer Reviewed as per |C|O|P|E| guidance.
Indexed in: OpenAIRE.
Google Scholar Citation: IJMTS
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS)
A Refereed International Journal of Srinivas University, India.
CrossRef DOI:
Received on: 21/11/2022
Published on: 19/12/2022
© With Authors.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0
International License subject to proper citation to the publication source of the work.
Disclaimer: The scholarly papers as reviewed and published by the Srinivas Publications
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How to Cite this Paper:
Priyadarshini, P., & Veeramanju, K. T., (2022). Business Intelligence for the Evaluation of
Customer Satisfaction in E-Commerce Websites- A Case Study. International Journal of
Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 7(2), 660-668. DOI:
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 661
Business Intelligence for the Evaluation of Customer
Satisfaction in E-Commerce Websites- A Case Study
Priyadarshini P. 1 & K. T. Veeramanju 2
1 Research Scholar, Institute of Computer Science and Information Science, Srinivas
University, Mangalore 575001, Karnataka India,
ORCIDID: 0000-0003-4658-3742; Email:
2 Research Professor, Institute of Computer Science and Information Science, Srinivas
University, Mangalore 575001, Karnataka India,
ORCIDID: 0000-0002-7869-3914; Email:
Background/Purpose: Advancement of technology has been proven in every field. To establish
a good business or any organization is very crucial nowadays. Businesses are moving
tremendously and competitors also high in number. It is very important to take a good decision
based on reviews and feedback of customer, etc. By combining the strength of technology and
business knowledge, Business Intelligence allows you to make good decisions that are fully
informed and stay one step ahead of the competition. With the help of business intelligence
tools businesses can use their data in a better way. Business intelligence incorporates Data
mining, Data Analytic, Data Visualization and Machine learning to help organization for the
analysis of data. This article provides the analysis of Business intelligence and machine
learning techniques used in e-commerce website and ABCD framework to inspect the key
Objective: Analyses the business intelligence technology and sentiment analysis on E-
commerce website.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The information and details for this case study is obtained
from different scholarly articles published in various journals and company websites.
Findings/Result: The study of this paper delivers the importance of customer behavior and
how it helps in growth of the industry using machine learning and business intelligence.
Originality/Value/Novelty: The result of this paper gives an explanation of business
intelligence and machine learning approach for customer feedback in e-commerce companies
and advantages of e-commerce websites.
Paper Type: Case study paper to study the advantages of business intelligence and machine
learning for customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Business intelligence, Sentiment Analysis, ABCD framework, Customer, Machine
The term "Business Intelligence" (BI) was first used by Richard Millar Devens in the year 1865.
Business intelligence is a technology that is used to gather data and analyzing it and finally transform
it into useful information. After 1988 Business intelligence technology developed by introducing
simplified BI tools. BI tools were easier and efficient [1]. Business Intelligence technically referred to
as the process of extracting transforming and analyzing the data for decision making [2].
Earlier, businesses and government agencies could learn from the structured data that was collected
through their internal business systems or organization’s data. But in this generation the concept big
data, to capture new economic opportunities brought about by advanced big data known as business
intelligence and analytics (BI&A). The advantages of data analytics enable businesses to make precise
and fast decisions by improving their understanding of their customers, market’s trend, and various
products [3]. Companies or organization can achieve their profit by integrating two areas business
intelligence and customer demands. ‘Customer’ is the main centric for designing marketing strategies
for a company. In this digital era deeper understanding of customer interest, new trends and behavior is
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 662
very essential. And also how effectively a product can be delivered to a customer in a very short period
are also matters. Analyze how real-time high performance analytics, in particular, are enabling new
marketing opportunities and improving marketing return on investment to determine why so many
businesses are unable to reap the anticipated rewards from interactive marketing [4]. Digital marketing
is more flexible and affordable compared to traditional marketing strategies. More important than what
you sell is how you sell it. There are countless digital marketing companies or E Commerce companies,
but the marketing strategies define how to improve the business.
Table 1: Literature review on Business Intelligence listed on the below table
S. No
Field of Research
Intelligence for
online marketing
Focus on a solution
for BI in commercial
Azvine B.
et al.
Concept of Business
Focused on the
function and
necessity of real-time
BI for companies
Ranjan T.
Issues of current
business intelligence
Technology that will
help real-time
business intelligence
become a reality,
Chen H. et
al. (2012)
E commerce with
New research
direction and propose
for an architecture to
combine e commerce
and BI
Ferreira T.
et al.
Intelligence and
How to solve data
related problems in
S. et al.
Intelligence and
digital marketing
importance and value
to digital marketing.
Bhosale S.
et al.
Current state of
Industry 4.0
business intelligence
(BI) technology's
current state
Romeo et
al. (2021)
Data Visualization
Focused on IoT based
Data Visualization to
analyze various data
sources for BI in
Business enterprises.
Shao C. et
al. (2022)
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 663
(1) An overview on top e-commerce industries.
(2) To study and analyze Business Intelligence and Customer behavior.
(3) To study the different sentiment analysis approach for customer feedback and review.
(4) To study the impact of business intelligence on ecommerce websites using ABCD framework.
The study is based on information collected from various recourses like scholarly articles, conference
papers, websites and articles.
Amazon: Amazon began as an online bookseller. Amazon is the undisputed e-commerce leader and
keeps expanding and getting creative, with around $470 billion in global sales. A client-centered
strategy is necessary for long-term progress. Amazon is achieving through reviews and feedbacks.
Product recommendation based on the search makes the customer more attractive to the website.
Decision making is completely based on what customer might want. Amazon offers user reviews and
question and answer section. Because customer take decision based on positive comments and ratings
Flipkart: Flipkart was established in 2007 as an online bookstore. Later, Flipkart had 261 million unit
sales, 100,000+ merchants, and 54 million active users. The company introduced Cash on Delivery, it
is an option where the customer could make the payment while receiving the product [14]
Snapdeal: Snapdeal is an Indian company, established in the year 2010. Snapdeal is one such platform
that makes online shopping a boom with its exclusive deals, coupons and discounts for consumers.
Around 15 million products are available for delivery. Timely notification is available on Snapdeal so
that customers will not miss out on any offers.
Myntra: It is a website for fashion and lifestyle needs. It has the broadest selection of brands and goods
on its site. The company was established in the year 2007, worth around 7.1 million. By permitting the
autonomous design of its fashion products, Myntra seems to have gone one step further. They
introduced T-shirts with entirely artificially created patterns. Two Myntra brands that produce clothing
designs using artificial intelligence are Moda Rappido and Here and Now [15].
Business intelligence is adopted by most of the business organization to improve their growth. Internet
is becoming more widely available. As a result, there is a huge hike in the e-commerce business in all
the fields like banking, health, textile industry, food and grocery, etc. The majority of the world
population prefers online shopping and other e-commerce applications for their daily chores. A huge
amount of data is accumulated due to various activities on internet. In the case of any business
organization, either online or traditional, analyzing existing data or utilizing it for future prediction is
possible. Since the amount of data generated is greater, it is not possible to analyze manually. Here it
shows the importance of business intelligence and other technologies. Predicting the customer behavior
and understanding them to improve business is the advantage of business intelligence. By integrating
artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, BI tools make explicit past customer purchases.
AI uses this data, together with other supplemental information, to predict client demands. With the aid
of business information, developers can research their competitors before making a choice. BI
encourages decisions to be fully connected with the preferences of the entire firm rather than limiting
the marketer to only considering the product at hand [10]. Business intelligence can assist a company
in better understanding its consumers so that it can better serve them. For example, it can help the
company increase sales to exist customers and reduce the number of customers that leave the company,
which would increase sales and revenue [16]. Business Intelligence is effective because of the following
(1) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Companies regularly assemble information to carry out
various analyses. To get a precise and trustworthy comprehension of the many parts of the data,
they have a pressing need to gather all the data in one location. They can quickly obtain the findings
of multi-dimensional analysis with the aid of OLAP.
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 664
(2) Real Time Business Intelligence: When business data and operations need to be sorted and
analyzed at the point of collection, real-time business intelligence (RTBI) is used.
(3) Data Warehouse: Data warehouses are the main data storage system used in business intelligence.
In order to inform everything from routine choices to organizational-wide switches in focus,
business intelligence relies on complicated searches and comparing multiple sets of data [17]. The
following figure shows the concept of Business Intelligence.
Fig. 1: Understanding the concept of BI [6].
Business intelligence's (BI) primary tenet is to recognize customer behavior and forecast their
purchasing patterns in order to enhance both the business and the environment [18]. All businesses
throughout history have been significantly impacted by changes in customer behavior. It is been
important for any organization to concentrate more on customer behavior and adapting to new business
strategies. Customers will always purchase products that are convenient and appealing to them.
Companies always show interest in their customers' needs and keep a record of all customers.
The integration of business intelligence, data analytics, and machine learning is used to boost sales by
tracking the search history of customers. E-commerce companies are using advanced machine learning
to suggest products and online ads to their customers. Intelligence technologies are used to promote
new products and offers to the relevant customers.
Amazon and Flipkart are the leading e-commerce companies, which use the best technologies to predict
their customers' buying patterns. Both Amazon and Flipkart collect customer feedback on a regular
basis and analyze it to find the best marketing strategies to boost their business. Users can review the
products on the major e-commerce sites like Flipkart, Amazon, and many others. Consumers will
research products before making purchases in order to gain a better grasp of how they operate. The
interpretation will consist of a very straightforward product that has been polarized into positive,
neutral, and negative Product checks. We might do this experiment using machine learning techniques.
Consumers who are aware of a product reaction participate in research known as sentiment analysis.
One can learn about a person's sentiments or opinions about a thing or a product using the computational
technique known as sentiment analysis. By examining and evaluating customer reviews in online
commerce, sentiment analysis or opinion mining can be valuable for determining customer behavior
[19] Sentiment analysis can be used to classify the text as negative, positive and neutral. The sentiment
analysis framework consists of the following stages:
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 665
Fig 2: Stages of sentiment Analysis [20]
Amazon and Flipkart are the most popular e-commerce websites where people buy different categories
of products like electronics, clothes, home décor, etc. And they give feedbacks and reviews. A user
must read product reviews in order to choose a helpful product, comprehend the product, and make a
purchasing decision. When purchasing online, one of the first things a consumer does is read customer
reviews of the item. A user places more trust in the opinions and experiences of other individuals. A
consumer typically bases their decision to purchase or return a goods only on evaluations. Thus, it is
evident to demonstrate the significance of reviews [20]. The dataset contains reviews and product
information from Amazon and Flipkart. Which includes reviews like ratings, text, and votes. And product
data like details, category, price, brand, and image. Important information are extracted from the dataset.
The procedure of cleaning and preparing the text for classification is known as pre-processing the data.
Online writings typically have a lot of background noise and useless information such as HTML tags,
scripts, and commercials. Noise will be removed with the help of preprocessing, so that classification
procedure will be easier. Preprocessing includes online text cleaning, white space removal, extending
abbreviations, stemming, stop word removal and feature selection [21].
Feature extraction is the process of extracting information from unstructured data and eliminating all
irrelevant aspects [19]. Customers that shop online look for products based on specific attributes. For e-
tailers and marketplaces, the ability to quickly and easily identify the ideal product can be a key
difference in the market that influences sales and conversions. Various methods are used in feature
extraction. Feature pattern mining with association rule, finding similar patterns allows us to group items
with a high degree of correlation and quickly spot shared traits and correlations. Term Document Matrix,
in Term Document Matrix text data will be converted into mathematical matrices. In which the rows
represents the sentences and columns represents the word. From the matrix it is easy to get the occurrence
of each word. The importance of word can be selected with the help of TF-IDF. The TF-IDF assists in
counting the word's occurrences and concentrates on the term's relevance. Researchers can exclude terms
with low scores by isolating the most frequent words.
LOGISTIC REGRESSION: Logistic regression is a machine learning algorithm, and it is under the
category of supervised learning techniques. An approach for predictive analysis used for categorization
issues is logistic regression. The idea of probability serves as its foundation. It can be used to classify
positive and negative comments from the feedback. From the input of term frequency integer vectors,
the function logistic regression () can be used to forecast the precision of sentiment categorization [22].
NAIVE BAYERS: It operates according to the Bayes theorem's definition of conditional probability.
Basically, the Bayes theorem determines the conditional probability of an event occurring based on
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social
Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 666
knowledge of possible conditions that may be connected to the event. Customer buying patterns can be
predicted with the help of Naïve bayes in e-commerce websites.
RANDOM FOREST: A popular ensemble of decision trees used in classification is called Random
Forest. Random Forest frequently displayed a strong performance that surpasses that of many other
classification methods. RF must build numerous separate decision trees to function as a decision tree
ensemble. Each tree is constructed with a bootstrap sample set of the initial training data in mind to
achieve that. This entails building a new set sampling from the previous set's replacement instances until
the size of the original training data is obtained. A random tree is created using one of the training data's
bootstrap sample sets [23].
E-commerce has made doing business more affordable. The benefit of an e-commerce website is that it
can reach more customers, regardless of time or distance constraints. Better decision-making is the goal
of business intelligence. Business intelligence makes it possible for web designers and users to
understand the insights of e-commerce online apps. Any business model's ability to be successful
depends on how a company determines its place in the value chain and how it generates profits. As a
result, enterprises are currently challenged with finding viable business models that will increase
customer value and create money. Advantages, Benefits, Constraints, and Disadvantages are
abbreviated as ABCD [24]. The most effective way to learn new lessons needed to recognise,
comprehend, and resolve issues that arise during the process of managing and leading firms is said to
be through company analysis. ABCD analysis can be used as a research methodology in company
analysis [25]. ABCD frameworks can be used efficiently in various fields of research [26-29].
ADVANTAGES: There has been a surge in electronic commerce, sometimes known as e-commerce,
as a result of increased Internet usage. The challenge of such e-commerce companies is to find relevant
information from a huge amount of data. Leading e-commerce websites like Amazon and Flipkart are
accumulating large amounts of customer data like feedback, reviews, product descriptions, etc. Finding
a positive response is very essential to taking any decision. The combination of business intelligence
and machine learning techniques makes it easier. The combination of e-commerce and business
intelligence are a very potent combination that aids website owners in a variety of tasks, including
defining consumer-targeted marketing campaigns, identifying market trends, locating buying habits,
and predicting customer behavior [8].
BENEFITS: Financial stability of the industry can be improved by applying Business Intelligence
techniques. It is possible by tracking customers and their interest. Suggesting products based on
customer interest can be attained with the help of business intelligence. It is possible to find out which
product and service combinations clients are most likely to buy, and when. Additionally, it can enhance
customer satisfaction by enabling prompt and appropriate responses to client concerns and priorities
CONSTRAINTS: For many firms, the expense of setting up a sizable data warehouse to support a BI
system is still prohibitive [30]. Data utilization and capacity to store more data can be achieved by
integrating BI with the cloud storage concept.
DISADVANTAGES: Filtering data from a large dataset is difficult. Gathering data with respect to
time and resources is tedious. It is possible to manipulate data in a way that distorts the truth. The daily
operations of the modern organization involve the extraction of enormous amounts of data from a wide
range of databases and business applications, both on-premise and in the cloud. This makes data
integration extremely challenging for users.
There are many e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc. As the number of users
increased due to the wide availability of the internet, the companies started attracting their customers in
various ways. Business intelligence and machine learning make it easier. Almost all businesses use
business intelligence because of its decision-making capabilities. Growth of the industry is completely
based on what customers might want and their buying patterns.
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Sciences (IJMTS), ISSN: 2581-6012, Vol. 7, No. 2, December 2022
Priyadarshini P., et al. (2022);
PAGE 667
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... And here, first of all, we should mention fintech products and digital business development tools to ensure financial sustainability (Nguyen, 2022;Vučinić, 2020). Financial technology, or fintech, is a field of innovation aimed at improving and optimising financial services, processes, and operations using modern technology (Kim et al., 2024;Priyadarshini & Veeramanju, 2022). Fintech companies aim to change the traditional methods of delivering financial services by making them more convenient, accessible, efficient and innovative. ...
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The development of the modern sphere of technologies ensures active implementation of various types of innovations in the activities of modern companies. If innovations are rationally planned, they can have a positive impact on the financial stability of business and the economy as a whole. At the same time, Ukrainian innovation activity has a huge unrealised potential, which can be realised under more favourable external conditions and high-quality planning of the specifics of innovation implementation. The purpose of the study is to summarise approaches to determining the relationship between innovation and financial stability of modern business. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of urgent tasks, in particular: to determine the scale of innovation activity of modern business in the world and in Ukraine; to outline the key tasks that can be solved by innovative tools if they are implemented in business activities; to specify the directions of ensuring financial stability through the introduction of innovations. The research was based on an in-depth review of more than 50 scientific sources, including articles indexed in leading scientometric databases. The study found that the global innovation market is at the stage of active development, while Ukrainian enterprises are not currently realising their full innovation potential due to unfavourable environmental conditions. The study also identifies the tasks that can be solved by innovative tools, provided they are implemented in business activities. It is determined that the application of digital marketing tools and the use of social networks to promote products allow expanding the audience, which can have a positive impact on the development of the financial stability system. Working with data, planning, and processing data using the latest technologies can also have a positive impact on financial stability. A separate link is the optimisation of business processes (financial, production, procurement, etc.) using the latest information management tools (artificial intelligence, big data, cloud technologies), which can improve the information component of financial stability.
... The synergy between customer orientation and BI tools would play a great role in the optimization of the digital marketing strategy. The BI tools will support the production of consumeroriented advertisements, the identification of the market trend, and forecasting customer behavior (Priyadarshini and Veeramanju, 2022). This rationalizes the proactive business way of predetermining customer behavior on online platforms by analyzing sentiments towards the betterment of the local tourism business sectors (Pillarisetty and Mishra, 2022;Yu et al., 2021;Kurdi et al., 2022). ...
This research examines the interplay between Business Intelligence tools and digital marketing strategy optimization, with a focus on the moderating role of customer orientation. Utilizing a quantitative research design, the study explores how BI tools enhance digital marketing strategies and how customer orientation amplifies this effect among 207 respondents from the Jordanian telecommunications sector, reflecting a diverse range of experiences and perceptions within the industry. Through Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS), based on a stratified sample of these employees, the results confirmed that BI tools positively influence digital marketing strategy optimization. Additionally, customer orientation was found to significantly moderate this relationship, highlighting the importance of aligning technological capabilities with a customer-centric approach. The findings contribute valuable insights to marketing and business intelligence fields, suggesting strategies for organizations to enhance their market competitiveness and customer satisfaction, underpinned by a substantial engagement rate from the targeted demographic.
... To review the trends of Business Intelligence (BI) tools in the finance sector in the USA and Africa, it is essential to consider the various applications and impacts of BI tools in these regions. Business Intelligence tools have been widely used in different domains, including hospitality, tourism, social media marketing, and e-commerce, as evidenced by (Mariani et al., 2018), (Bisheh et al., 2021), and (Priyadarshini & Veeramanju, 2022). These studies highlight the significance of BI tools in analyzing market trends, customer satisfaction, and future predictions, which are crucial aspects in the finance sector. ...
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This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current trends in Business Intelligence (BI) tools within the finance sector, with a specific focus on the divergent landscapes of the USA and Africa. As the financial industry evolves, the integration of advanced BI tools has become imperative for informed decision-making and sustainable growth. This review examines key developments, challenges, and opportunities shaping the implementation of BI tools in both regions. In the USA, financial institutions are witnessing a surge in BI tool adoption, driven by the increasing need for real-time data analytics, regulatory compliance, and risk management. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in BI tools is enabling predictive analytics, empowering financial professionals to make strategic decisions in a rapidly changing market environment. Additionally, the emergence of cloud-based BI solutions is enhancing scalability and accessibility, facilitating seamless collaboration and data-driven insights. Contrastingly, the African financial landscape is experiencing a gradual but promising shift towards BI tool utilization. The continent, characterized by diverse economies and regulatory frameworks, faces unique challenges such as infrastructure limitations and varying levels of technological readiness. However, the potential for BI tools to revolutionize financial operations, improve transparency, and facilitate financial inclusion is evident. Governments and financial institutions are investing in technology infrastructure and skill development to harness the transformative power of BI tools. This review underscores the importance of understanding regional nuances in the adoption of BI tools, recognizing that effective implementation requires tailored strategies. As both the USA and Africa navigate the evolving financial landscape, the convergence of technological advancements and strategic planning will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of BI tools in the finance sector
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun (TÜİK) 2023 yılında gerçekleştirdiği Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanımı Araştırması (HBTKA) verileri kullanılarak, e-ticaret kullanım durumunun makine öğrenmesi yöntemleri ile sınıflandırılma işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim durumu gibi demografik faktörler ile teknoloji kullanım durumu ve sosyal medya kullanımı gibi faktörlerin e-ticaret kullanımı ile ilişkileri analiz edilmiştir. Bu veri seti üzerinde, veri madenciliği sınıflandırma tekniklerinden karar ağaçları kullanılarak analiz yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, sınıflandırma işlemi için Rastgele Orman, En Yakın Komşular, Destek Vektör Makinesi, Lojistik Regresyon, Naive Bayes ve Gradient Boosting gibi çeşitli makine öğrenmesi modelleri kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, özellikle Gradient Boosting modelinin yüksek doğruluk oranıyla dikkat çekerek, e-ticaret kullanımının sınıflandırılmasında güçlü bir araç olduğunu göstermiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca, e-ticaret kullanımının iyileştirilmesine yönelik stratejiler önerilmektedir.
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There are many definitions for the research process in both natural sciences and philosophical sciences. Out of them, the most popular two definitions are (1) Creating new knowledge, and (2) Interpretation of existing knowledge in a new way through the suitable method of analysis. There are many analysis frameworks used to interpret concepts, ideas, technologies, models, systems, solutions to any problems, strategies, products or services of an organization, resources, etc. Out of them, recently developed analysis framework called ABCD analysis framework is flexible to use in both qualitative and quantitative manner. ABCD analysis method allows the researcher to interpret the given concepts, ideas, technologies, models, systems, solutions of any problems, strategies, products or services of an organization, resources including material, machine, men, money, and information, systematically by considering various determinant issues related to the problem under analysis. The various determinant issues like organizational issue, business issues, customer issues, technological issues, government issue, environmental issues, and societal issues are identified and the affecting factors under the constructs Advantages, Benefits, Constraints, and Disadvantages are determined for identified key attributes. The critical constitutional elements of the nanotechnology as green technology are also identified for the same four constructs. The scores are given to each critical element under all four constructs and based on calculating overall scores the importance of nanotechnology as green technology in solving both basic and advanced problems in the society are determined and rated.
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Company analysis is a type of Case Study method among many types of Case study based Research Methods. While developing a Company Case study based on various issues in Management, the researcher can choose any company of any industry to study an issue or to solve a problem. Usually, a case analysis ends up with the observation of new performance pattern, interpretation of issues in the form of new information, or development of new suggestions to improve the system or to solve the problems optimally. Company analysis is considered to be a most powerful method to study new lessons required to identify, understand, and solve the problems in the process of managing and leading the organizations. Analysing business issues related to a company provides an opportunity to researchers to identify the kinds of situations, decisions, and dilemmas managers facing every day. Company analysis is a powerful tool in developing both research case study and teaching case study in business management subject. In this paper, we have discussed how ABCD Analysis as Research Methodology in company case analysis procedures in order to help the budding researchers while developing and analysing Company analysis as a Case study. In this paper, we have checked whether ABCD (Advantages, Benefits, Constraints, and Disadvantages) analysis framework can be used while analysing a company, how to consider various determinant issues of a company, selecting various affecting factors under these issues and identifying constituent critical elements for each construct using its elemental analysis technique, and the reasons to recommend the ABCD analysis framework in any kind of company analysis.
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Flipkart was launched in 2007 as an online platform for selling books by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. Ten years later, the e-commerce company had 54 million active users and 100,000 plus sellers and had sold 261 million units. The founders had taken several steps to garner this growth, by making investments in technology, undertaking high-decibel advertising campaigns and promoting attractive offers on products sold on the platform. Despite the growth, the company was not making profits, and investors like Tiger Global were unhappy. Tiger Global Management brought in Kalyan Krishnamurthy to Flipkart in 2016, and a year later, Kalyan became the chief executive officer (CEO), replacing co-founder Binny who got promoted as group CEO. In May 2018, American retailer Walmart paid USD 16 billion to buy out Flipkart and in the same month, Sachin exited the venture by selling his shares for USD 1 billion. Seven months later, Binny was forced to resign on charges of personal misconduct. As these events unfolded, Flipkart was no longer the company founded by the Bansals. The case highlights critical issues in the Flipkart growth story and helps readers understand the nuances in managing stakeholders, including customers and investors.
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This document replicates upon Digital marketing, the requirement for using Business Intelligence in Digital Marketing, the framework for Business Intelligence performs and Business Intelligence from Web Analytics. It talks about the principle of Digital marketing and the various roles of a Digital marketing executive. It then reasons about incorporating Business Intelligence tools and practises in regular digital marketing performs which is important to improve productivity and maximise gains for any marketing campaign. It then proposes a framework to model Business Intelligence from the point of Data gathering and provides a brief understanding of the decision-taking procedure. Finally, web analytics and its appropriate usage in investigative data sets is also spoken about in this article. The main emphasis of this research is to highlight how valuable and essential Business Intelligence is to Digital marketing.
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There are many definitions for the research process in both natural sciences and philosophical sciences. Out of them, the most popular two definitions are (1) Creating new knowledge, and (2) Interpretation of existing knowledge in a new way through the suitable method of analysis. There are many analysis frameworks used to interpret concepts, ideas, technologies, models, systems, solutions to any problems, strategies, products or services of an organization, resources, etc. Out of them, recently developed analysis framework called ABCD analysis framework is flexible to use in both qualitative and quantitative manner. ABCD analysis method allows the researcher to interpret the given concepts, ideas, technologies, models, systems, solutions of any problems, strategies, products or services of an organization, resources including material, machine, men, money, and information, systematically by considering various determinant issues related to the problem under analysis. The various determinant issues like organizational issue, business issues, customer issues, technological issues, government issue, environmental issues, and societal issues are identified and the affecting factors under the constructs Advantages, Benefits, Constraints, and Disadvantages are determined for identified key attributes. The critical constitutional elements of the nanotechnology as green technology are also identified for the same four constructs. The scores are given to each critical element under all four constructs and based on calculating overall scores the importance of nanotechnology as green technology in solving both basic and advanced problems in the society are determined and rated.
Business intelligence (BI) incorporates business research, data mining, data visualization, data tools,infrastructure, and best practices to help businesses make more data-driven choices.Business intelligence's challenging characteristics include data breaches, difficulty in analyzing different data sources, and poor data quality is consideredessential factors. In this paper, IoT-based Efficient Data Visualization Framework (IoT- EDVF) has been proposed to strengthen leaks' risk, analyze multiple data sources, and data quality management for business intelligence in corporate finance.Corporate analytics management is introduced to enhance the data analysis system's risk, and the complexity of different sources can allow accessing Business Intelligence. Financial risk analysis is implemented to improve data quality management initiative helps use main metrics of success, which are essential to the individual needs and objectives. The statistical outcomes of the simulation analysis show the increasedperformance with a lower delay response of 5ms and improved revenue analysis with the improvement of 29.42% over existing models proving the proposed framework's reliability.
In this paper, we suggest a real-time online shopper behavior prediction system which predicts the visitor’s shopping intent as soon as the website is visited. To do that, we rely on session and visitor information and we investigate naïve Bayes classifier, C4.5 decision tree and random forest. Furthermore, we use oversampling to improve the performance and the scalability of each classifier. The results show that random forest produces significantly higher accuracy and F1 Score than the compared techniques.