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VirtualClassroom: A Lecturer-Centered
Consumer-Grade Immersive Teaching System
in Cyber–Physical–Social Space
Tianyu Shen , Shi-Sheng Huang, Deqi Li, Zhiyuan Lu, Fei-Yue Wang , Fellow, IEEE,
and Hua Huang ,Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Lecturers, as the guidance of the classroom, play a
significant role in the teaching process. However, the lecturers’
sense of space immersion has been ignored in current virtual
teaching systems. In this article, we explore the cyber–physical–
social intelligence for Edu-Metaverse in cyber–physical–social
space and specially design a lecturer-centered immersive teaching
system, taking the social and lecturers’ factors into consideration.
We call this system VirtualClassroom (V-Classroom). Specifically,
we first introduce the cyber–physical–social system (CPSS)
paradigm of V-Classroom so that the workflow is standardized
and significantly simplified, and the systems can be constructed
with off-the-shelf hardware. The key component of V-Classroom
is a cyber-world representation of a physical-world classroom
instrumented with sparse consumer-grade RGBD cameras for
capturing the 3-D geometry and texture of the classrooms. We
provide each V-Classroom lecturer with a physical device for
sending 6DoF view-change messages and showing view-dependent
content of the remote classroom. Following the above paradigm,
we develop the V-Classroom algorithms, including V-Classroom
depth algorithm (V-DA) and V-Classroom view algorithm (V-VA),
to achieve the real-time rendering of remote classrooms. V-DA is
dedicated to recovering accurate depth information of the class-
rooms while V-VA is devoted to real-time novel view synthesis.
Finally, we illustrate our implemented CPSS-driven V-Classroom
prototype, based on real-world classroom scenarios we collected,
and discuss the main challenges and future direction.
Index Terms—6DoF video, cyber–physical–social systems
(CPSSs), educational metaverse, immersive teaching.
THE PROBLEM of time–space separation between lec-
turers and learners in remote teaching has been widely
concerned by researchers [1], [2], [3]. Although recent online
synchronous teaching technologies have effectively made up
Manuscript received 15 November 2022; accepted 29 November 2022. This
work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant 61533019. This article was recommended by Associate
Editor Y. Tang. (Corresponding author: Hua Huang.)
Tianyu Shen, Shi-Sheng Huang, Deqi Li, Zhiyuan Lu, and Hua Huang are
with the School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing Normal University, Beijing
100875, China (e-mail: tianyu.shen@bnu.edu.cn; huangss@bnu.edu.cn; dqli@
mail.bnu.edu.cn; zylu@mail.bnu.edu.cn; huahuang@bnu.edu.cn).
Fei-Yue Wang is with the State Key Laboratory for Management and
Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100190, China (e-mail: feiyue.wang@ia.ac.cn).
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2022.3228270
for the time separation problem by means of live video, the
space separation still remains a challenge.
The Metaverse [4], [5], an emerging conception based on
5G network, virtual reality (VR) and other information tech-
nologies [6], [7], [8], [9], describes physical worlds and virtual
worlds. The virtual worlds not only reflect exactly the physical
worlds but also able to expand infinitely to form a superlarge
space where the physical worlds and virtual worlds interact
with each other [10]. From an engineering perspective, the
Metaverse can be regarded as a specific realization of CPSS,
which specially refers to three spaces (physical, cyber, and
social spaces) and two worlds (physical and virtual worlds).
The educational Metaverse (Edu-Metaverse) has the ability to
provide an immersive teaching field and transcend the barriers
of space separation [11], [12]. The visual immersion of lec-
turers and learners is regarded as the core consideration for
the exploration of Edu-Metaverse. Nowadays, only a few VR-
based immersive teaching systems have emerged, but they only
take the immersion of learners into consideration and are char-
acterized by specialized device customization, complex scene
construction, and limited service life.
To meet the above challenges, this article explores
the cyber–physical–social intelligence for Edu-Metaverse in
cyber–physical–social spaces. A layered architecture of CPSS
for Edu-Metaverse is illustrated in Fig. 1. Based on this
architecture, a lecturer-centered consumer-grade immersive
teaching system named VirtualClassroom (V-Classroom) is
designed in a CPSS paradigm, taking the lecturers’ fac-
tors (belonging sense to the classroom, teaching motivation,
enthusiasm, etc.) and social factors (affordability, reproducibil-
ity, flexibility, etc., for education equity) into consideration.
Meanwhile, V-Classroom also serves as a supporting part,
which focuses on immersion, for Edu-Metaverse. In contrast
to existing immersive teaching systems, the special advantages
of V-Classroom mainly lie in two aspects.
1) V-Classroom is designed to be lecturer-centered, as a
real-time 6DoF video communication system specially
for the lecturers in remote teaching. Actually, the lec-
turers are the guidance of the classroom and key to
the teaching quality [13]. Improving lecturers’ sense
of space immersion will help stimulate their teaching
initiative and enthusiasm.
2) V-Classroom workflow is standardized and signifi-
cantly simplified by means of a cyber–physical–social
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 1. Layered architecture of CPSS for Edu-Metaverse in cyber–physical–
social space.
system (CPSS) paradigm. Through massive computa-
tional experiments in the cyber world, the interactions
between the cyber world and physical world, and the
consideration of social factors in the mental world,
CPSS can achieve intelligent management and con-
trol of V-Classrooms, thus, reducing costs, improving
reproducibility, and achieving off-the-shelf and flexible
system construction.
To be specific, the key ingredient of V-Classroom is an
abstract representation in the cyberspace of a classroom in
physical space and it is used as the basic component of
V-Classroom system. Sparse consumer-grade RGBD cameras
are configured in the physical-world classroom for capturing
the 3-D geometry and texture of the classroom scene and
learner characters. And we provide each V-Classroom lecturer
with a physical device for sending 6DoF view-change mes-
sages and showing view-dependent scene-characters content in
real time. To achieve the real-time rendering of remote class-
rooms with learners, we further develop the V-Classroom algo-
rithms including V-Classroom depth algorithm (V-DA) and
V-Classroom view algorithm (V-VA). The V-DA is dedicated
to recovering accurate depth information of the classrooms
while V-VA is devoted to real-time novel view synthesis. Also,
we provide a preliminary implementation of V-Classroom
based on the real-world classroom scenarios we collected.
In summary, this article has made three contributions as
1) We propose the V-Classroom, a real-time 6DoF video
communication system for the lecturers in remote teach-
ing, following the CPSS paradigm. The V-Classroom
is designed to be lecturer-centered and consumer-grade
with a standardized workflow defined in the CPS space.
2) We develop the V-Classroom algorithms for achieving
real-time rendering of remote classrooms with learner
characters. The V-Classroom algorithms consist of a
V-DA for acquiring accurate scene depth and a V-VA
for synthesizing novel view frame.
3) Furthermore, we collect two certain real-world class-
room scenarios and provide a preliminary V-Classroom
implementation. The V-Classroom correctly preserves
the scene changes of the classroom along with remote
learners, allowing lecturers to perceive the learners’
states and enhancing lecturers’ sense of belonging to
the teaching process.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
In Section II, we summarize the related work of this
study. In Section III, we introduce a CPSS architecture
for Edu-Metaverse and provide a systematic description of
V-Classroom in a CPSS paradigm. In Section IV, several
challenges of V-Classroom are analyzed and our proposed
V-Classroom algorithms are explained. In Section V,wepro-
vide the experiments and results of a preliminary V-Classroom
implementation. Finally, Section VI concludes this article.
In this section, we first introduce the related concepts and
applications of CPSS. Then, we overview the related work on
Edu-Metaverse and immersive teaching as well as illustrate the
novelty of V-Classroom. Additionally, we survey the related
research on indoor depth estimation and novel view syntheis
according to the fields involved in V-Classroom algorithms.
A. Cyber–Physical–Social Systems
CPSS proposed by Wang [14] is defined as an extension
of cyber–physical system (CPS) [15] with an incorpora-
tion of social factors such as human performance. The CPS
describes a computation–communication–control integrated
system that tightly conjoins and coordinates cyber and phys-
ical attributes [16], [17]. The design paradigms of CPS refer
to a broad range of network-connected and physically aware
systems embedding intelligent technologies in the cyber world
into the physical world with computational nodes [18], [19].
In contrast to CPS, CPSS takes social factors, such as human
performance [20], [21], into consideration and integrates cyber
space, physical space, as well as social space. Actually, various
terminologies and conceptualizations have emerged to repre-
sent the incorporation of social and human factors into CPS,
such as cyber–physical–human systems (CPHSs) [22], [23],
cyber–physical–social–thinking (CPST) hyperspace [24], [25],
social–cyber–physical systems (SCPSs) [26], [27], [28], and
so on. Nevertheless, the term CPSS has been conceived and
adopted in most researches on the integration of CPS and
social aspects. However, the ways of definition are not consis-
tent because the usage of CPSS is dependent on the application
CPSS results in a paradigm shift of intelligent complex
systems and human societies by integrating the cyber space,
physical space, and social space seamlessly. For guiding
the corresponding physical systems and integrating multi-
faceted resources [29], CPSS has been effectively applied in
many fields, including intelligent manufacturing [30], [31],
energy [32] and power grid [33], [34], [35], intelligent trans-
portation [36], smart vehicles [37], [38], enterprise manage-
ment [14], [39], military operation [40], smart cities [41], [42],
[43], et al.
In this article, we explore the cyber–physical–social intel-
ligence for Edu-Metaverse in cyber–physical–social spaces
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
and specially design a lecturer-centered immersive teaching
system in a CPSS paradigm, taking the lecturers’ and social
factors into consideration. The details on CPSS paradigm of
V-Classroom are described in Section III.
B. Edu-Metaverse and Immersive Teaching
The Edu-Metaverse should be deployed to meet at
least three characteristics which are high immersion, social
interaction, and diversity.
1) Immersion: The Edu-Metaverse conceives a virtual
world similar to the physical world by simulating the
physical laws. The highly authentic virtual education
world will enhance users’ sense of belonging to the
education process and enable immersive teaching [44].
2) Interactivity: Lecturers, learners, teaching resources, and
learning environments are the basic elements of an edu-
cational scenario [45]. The interactivity among them is
important for expanding the learning space, creating an
almost realistic social space, and forming a sense of
3) Diversity: The rules in Edu-Metaverse should be free,
open and flexible, unlike commercial games [46].
Lecturers and learners are allowed to create and commu-
nicate freely so as to form an infinite and diverse range
of educational activities.
Recently, some Edu-Metaverse platforms have emerged.
Immersive Journalism [47] provides the sensation of being
present in the place by representing events on a spherical
stage generated from real images that the user can control,
so as to develop some collaboration activities for nurturing
speaking skills. VoRtex [48] is primarily designed to sup-
port collaborative learning activities with the virtual environ-
ments and to support educational standards. VR-making and
metaverse-linking for instructional content [49] are designed
for preservice English teachers in instructional VR content
design of K–12 and represent an open-source accessible
solution developed using modern technology stack and meta-
verse concepts. Virtual worlds types for creating gameful
experiences [50] are introduced to access the Metaverse for
equal interact and educational opportunities. AViLab gamified
system [51] is developed as an educational tool dedicated to
experimentation and demonstration regarding an agent’s fea-
tures and basic principles. However, the current technologies
are not mature enough to create an ideal Edu-Metaverse that
completely meets all the required characteristics.
As for remote teaching, the space separation between lec-
turers and learners has been one of the most concerned and
challenging problems [1], [2], [3]. And the Edu-Metaverse
has shaped a visually immersive space field for remote
courses [11], [12], [52]. Nowadays, few VR-based immersive
teaching systems have emerged, but they only take learners’
immersion into consideration and are characterized by special-
ized device customization, complex scene construction, and
high costs. For example, Saïd Business School has constructed
the first virtual meeting space of U.K., named the Oxford
Hub for International Virtual Education (HIVE). This immer-
sive classroom, centered around a high-definition video wall,
blends the virtual reach with real engagement and employs
cutting-edge technologies [53]. However, the lecturers’ immer-
sion is not enough, and such classrooms relying on exquisite
equipment are costly to reproduce.
In this article, we propose a V-Classroom fully differ-
ent from the existing immersive teaching systems. On the
one hand, V-Classroom is designed to be a real-time 6DoF
video communication system specially for the lecturers to
improve lecturers’ sense of space immersion in remote teach-
ing. On the other hand, V-Classroom workflow is standardized
and significantly simplified in the form of CPSS paradigm,
which enables reducing costs, improving reproducibility, and
achieving off-the-shelf and flexible system construction.
C. Novel View Synthesis
In recent years, novel view synthesis has always been an
important concern in the field of both computer graphics (CG)
and computer vision (CV). The related technologies mainly
consist of model-based rendering (MBR) and image-based
rendering (IBR).
The early MBR methods concentrate on applying the CG
technologies to realize geometric modeling and graphic ren-
dering [54], [55]. Such methods are only applicable to simple
scenes due to the high complexity and high requirements for
hardware devices. Recent MBR methods are committed to
achieve novel view synthesis by exploiting CV approaches
to build explicit 3-D geometric representations, such as voxel
mesh [56], octree [57], point cloud [58], triangle mesh [59],
and so on, from single or multiple images. However, they
are still computationally intensive due to the explicit geomet-
ric inference and are prone to the loss of partial information
during geometric estimation. Moreover, most of the learning-
based MBR methods additionally require the 3-D geometry
ground truth to train deep networks and cannot be generalized
to unseen scenes [60], [61].
IBR methods [62] explicitly or implicitly encode the scenes
based on the single or multiview images, and then render
novel-view images from the explicit or implicit 3-D repre-
sentations. Such methods are more suitable for real-time view
synthesis of dynamic scenes because their computational com-
plexity is not affected by the scenes and the authenticity is
stronger. IBR methods can be divided into two categories
according to whether they depend on geometric priors or not.
The IBR methods that do not rely on geometric priors mainly
refer to light field rendering [63], [64], [65]. However, the light
field methods require a collection of extremely dense reference
views, which usually relies on professional light field cam-
eras or camera arrays. The IBR methods relying on geometric
prior concentrate on achieving novel view synthesis based on
the explicit or implicit geometric representation. The IBR with
explicit geometric representation are similar to the CV-based
MBR methods. The implicit geometric representation mainly
refers to the depth information of the scenes. The depth-based
IBR (DIBR) methods are able to synthesize high-quality novel
views with the requirement of only a few reference views
with depth maps. DIBR methods achieve a tradeoff between
computational complexity and synthesis quality, resulting in a
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 2. Data and workflow of the V-Classroom system deployed in a CPSS paradigm, which encompasses a classroom side in the physical world, a lecturer
side in the social world, and a cloud side in the cyber world.
wider range of applications. Recently, deep learning has been
introduced to replace the manually designed phases of DIBR
pipelines [66]. However, the view synthesis quality of DIBR is
still extremely sensitive to the accuracy of depth information.
In this article, we incorporate the DIBR methods for view
synthesis in V-Classroom. However, it is challenging to obtain
high-quality depth maps for real-world classroom scenes with
frequent textureless and texture-repeated areas. Thus, we
explore the MBR methods for a prior geometric modeling
of classroom scenes as well as indoor depth estimation and
completion approaches, so as to realize more reliable depth
guidance for view synthesis.
D. Indoor Depth Estimation
The challenges of indoor depth estimation are from the fre-
quent textureless surfaces, such as large-area walls and floors,
and various objects that are arbitrarily arranged in the near
field. Also, the indoor depth tends to distribute unevenly in
either near or far ranges (e.g., the zoomed-in views of desks or
ceilings) while the depth distribution of outdoor scenes tends
to be more uniform across near to far ranges on roads. To
meet above challenges, the mainstream approaches for indoor
depth estimation can be classified into active light sensing
technologies and passive depth estimation methods.
Active light sensing technologies are dedicated to acquiring
depth, relying on the auxiliary optical signal actively projected
by the sensors [67]. The most common sensors include time
of flight (ToF) sensors [68], [69] and structured light sen-
sors [70], [71]. The light source used in active light vision has
a fixed structure and optical properties, and it does not depend
on the feature matching between color images. These lead to
a good perception ability for textureless surfaces and a high
acquisition efficiency. Active light sensing technologies greatly
improve the accuracy of depth estimation for indoor scenes
with massive textureless surfaces. However, the depth percep-
tion performance of active light sensors is easily affected by
illumination, black surface, transparent materials, and other
challenging factors.
Passive depth estimation methods are generally divided into
MVS-based depth estimation and image-based depth regres-
sion. On the one hand, MVS-based depth estimation methods
are realized by a series of stages, including feature extraction,
feature matching, matching cost calculation, cost aggregation,
depth estimation, and depth refinement, from input multi-
view or frame sequential images. Global stereo matching
methods utilize graph cut algorithms [72] and dynamic pro-
gramming [73] and so on to solve the feature mismatching
problem of textureless regions, while local stereo matching
methods solve the problem by means of feature operator
optimization [74], segmentation-based region matching [75],
phase matching [76], and so on. But most of these methods
are inefficient, cumbersome, and unable to obtain dense depth
maps. On the other hand, image-based depth regression meth-
ods make a breakthrough in depth estimation performance by
virtue of CNN-based abstract feature extraction. No longer do
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
such methods use feature matching between images, so as to
overcome the mismatching effect of textureless and texture-
repeated areas [77], [78], [79]. However, such methods tend
to learn prior knowledge of depth estimation from training data
and produce error depth prediction for the real-world scenarios
that are obviously different from training scenarios.
In this article, we comprehensively apply active light sens-
ing technologies and passive depth estimation methods in
V-Classroom. Sparse consumer-grade RGBD cameras are con-
figured in the physical-world classroom for capturing the prior
depth information. Then, the image-based depth completion
is employed to refine the depth maps collected by the sen-
sors, to overcome the false and empty depth values affected
by illumination, black objects, transparent materials, and so on.
The CPSS has been explored in many researches and
defined in different perspectives, dependent on the application
fields. In our work, we summarize a generic notion and adopt
a perspective on CPSS represented by the following definition.
Definition 1: ASocial System is a system that involves
interacting human objects with individual cognition, prefer-
ences, motivation, and behaviors.
Definition 2: CPS is an intelligent system that encompasses
all systems and subsystems of cyber and physical systems,
the components of and the interactions between them, and the
integration of computations and physical processes.
Definition 3: In a general sense, CPSS is a system that com-
prises of a CPS defined in Definition 2and a social system
defined in Definition 1.
Based on the definition of CPSS and the characteristics
of Edu-Metaverse, a four-layered architecture of CPSS for
Edu-Metaverse is illustrated in Fig. 1. The layered CPSS
architecture actually can be realized based on the existing
protocols of CPSS and Internet of Things (IoT). The cyber
layer in the cyber space supports the intelligent data processing
and CPSS controlling for smart decision making. Above this
layer, there exists a social layer in the social space represent-
ing the education-related human society, and below this layer,
there exists a physical layer in the physical space containing
physical-world educational scenes, activities with various com-
ponents. The physical layer and the cyber layer are connected
by the sensor and other actuator networks, and the humans in
social layer participate in the CPSS system operation through
VR agents or certain multimedia devices connected to the
network. Additionally, the virtual layer denotes the software-
defined virtual world developed by executing a virtualization
process of both physical world and human society.
To concretize the layered CPSS architecture, we con-
centrate on the remote teaching activities and accordingly
design the V-Classroom, a lecturer-centered consumer-grade
immersive teaching system. The overall framework and work-
flow of V-Classroom deployed as a substructure of CPSS-
for-Edu-Metaverse architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2.The
V-Classroom system, defined in a CPSS paradigm, encom-
passes a classroom side in the physical world, a lecturer side
in the social world, and a cloud side in the cyber world.
Fig. 3. (a) Implementation example of the camera setup in the physical-world
classroom with the V-Classroom’s local coordinate system. (b) Color images
of the physical-world classroom with learners captured by the three cam-
eras, and coordinate transformations in the V-Classroom system for camera
calibration and novel view synthesis.
Such system, which focuses on the characteristic of immer-
sion, can be regarded as a supporting part for Edu-Metaverse.
Particularly, we take the lecturers’ factors, such as belonging
sense to the classroom, teaching motivation and enthusiasm,
and social factors, such as affordability, reproducibility, flexi-
bility for education equity, into consideration, which results in
the two special advantages of V-Classroom. First, V-Classroom
is a real-time 6DoF video communication system specially
for the lecturers, so that the lecturers’ space immersion and
the mental experience can be improved. Second, V-Classroom
workflow is standardized by means of a CPSS paradigm,
which enables reducing costs, improving reproducibility, and
achieving off-the-shelf and flexible system construction. It
is conducive to the generalization of such system in differ-
ent regions, thus, promoting the education equity. The CPSS
deployment and overall framework of V-Classroom consisting
of three parts is described as follows.
Physical World: In the physical world, we start by defining
the V-Classroom’s local coordinate system and calibrating the
intrinsic/extrinsic parameters of all the RGBD cameras [80].
An implementation example of the camera setup in the
physical-world classroom with the V-Classroom’s local coor-
dinate system is shown in Fig. 3(a). The center camera is
regarded as the reference camera along with the optical center
defined as the origin of the local coordinate system. Then, we
define Xdirection as the horizontal direction of the front black-
board in the physical-world classroom and Ydirection as the
upward direction that is perpendicular to the floor plane. The Z
direction is determined by X×Yaccordingly. The XZ plane is
the floor plane, and the scale of this local coordinate system is
set to be the same as the scale of the physical world. Based on
this setup, the coordinate transformations in the V-Classroom
system for camera calibration and novel view synthesis can
be clear, as shown in Fig. 3(b). Based on the collected RGBD
data of static classroom and the camera intrinsics/extrinsics, a
prior geometric model can be obtained through MBR-related
technologies, such as point cloud registration and fusion.
Cyber World: In the cyber world of V-Classroom, the col-
lected RGB and processed depth frames are encoded and
transmitted to the cloud side by means of standard video com-
pression technologies and communication protocols. The data
flow of multiple V-Classroom systems are distributed and man-
aged intelligently in the cloud. Then, the data are decoded and
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
transmitted to local server deployed with an SDK including
our developed V-Classroom algorithms for the intelligent data
processing and view synthesis. Our current system focuses on
realistic classroom video rendering to establish visual immer-
sion for remote lecturers. For audio transmission, conventional
equipment and communication software can be used. In prac-
tice, we observe that the video delay is almost the same as the
audio transmission delay so no special processing is applied.
Social World: In the social world, our current system
focuses on lecturers’ mental experience of visual immer-
sion. To achieve an immersive user experience, real-time
3-D displaying technologies, such as wearable VR or aug-
mented reality (AR) devices, are considered as the main
interaction interface. Therefore, we provide each V-Classroom
lecturer with a physical VR device for sending 6DoF view-
change messages and showing view-dependent content of the
remote classroom along with learner characters. When the
V-Classroom lecturer wears a given VR device, the lecturer’s
position will be initialized as the origin of the local coordinate
system of V-Classroom and the frame at corresponding view
will be displayed. Of course, the V-Classroom lecturers can set
their preferred initial positions freely. Our system will perform
proper coordinate transformations instantaneously. Once the
initial position of the lecturer is determined in the local coor-
dinate system of V-Classroom, the lecturer’s position change
will be sent through the VR device in the form of a 6DoF
parameter and the V-VA will be triggered. The frame at the
corresponding viewpoint will be synthesized and sent back to
the lecturer side to display in a precollected screen.
The core objective of V-Classroom is to achieve real-time
rendering of remote classroom scenarios with consumer-grade
hardware setup in the physical world. When designing a
rendering algorithm for V-Classroom we face three challenges.
1) We have to deal with wide baselines in rendering. Due
to the large classroom sizes and the sparse cameras,
the view difference between adjacent cameras are large
and the rendering must cover a wide range of virtual
2) The V-Classroom is required to display high-definition
videos for lecturers wearing a VR device, where ren-
dering flaws can be easily noticed by users. Thus,
the synthesized virtual view images should be visually
3) The view synthesis algorithm must run at real-time to
ensure the whole V-Classroom system functions well.
However, we are not aware of any novel view synthe-
sis method that can perform high-quality rendering in case
of wide baselines. Most existing methods cannot achieve
online capturing and high-quality rendering in real time, while
other real-time solutions suffer from severe artifacts, producing
incomplete regions or only synthesizing low-resolution results.
To address the issues, we develop the V-Classroom algo-
rithms, including a V-DA and a V-VA, based on a few
key insights. First, we leverage RGBD cameras and acquire
prior depth maps for static classrooms to ease the burden of
geometry estimation. The acquired depth maps, although quite
noisy and cannot be directly used, can provide reasonable
depth priors for V-DA and V-VA process. And we execute
a depth optimization and completion technology, considering
the characteristics of classroom scenes, in V-DA to obtain
high-quality and dense depth maps, which leads to improved
rendering quality especially for our wide-baseline scenarios.
Second, we incorporate the state-of-the-art long-time video
object segmentation technologies in V-VA for preliminary pro-
cessing the learner characters rendering, so as to improve the
visual quality and robustness of novel view synthesis of the
whole dynamic classroom. Finally, we have applied parallel
computing and GPU acceleration as much as possible in the
implementation process to ensure the whole system run in real
time. The details are described as follows.
A. V-Classroom Depth Algorithm
V-DA is implemented for static classroom scenarios and
includes three stages: 1) prior depth acquisition; 2) image-
guided depth completion; and 3) planar-constrained depth
optimization. The workflow and intermediate results are shown
in Fig. 4(b).
Prior Depth Acquisition: Inevitably, there exist false and
empty depth values in the initial depth maps collected by
RGBD sensors, due to the illumination, black surface, glass
materials, and other challenging factors in the physical-world
classroom. Thus, we concentrate on the optimization and
completion of depth maps. First, we apply a point cloud regis-
tration and fusion toolkit to generate a prior geometric model
in the form of 3-D point cloud from the camera-collected
images through preliminary camera calibration and projection
transformation. Then, the prior depth map DCiof the refer-
ence view Cican be obtained by projecting the prior geometric
model to a given position using the camera calibration results.
Actually, this step plays a role as initial depth refinement aided
by multiview depth information. Such prior depth maps are fed
into the subsequent depth completion and optimization stages
for improving the quality and robustness of V-DA.
Image-Guided Depth Completion: There still exist many
empty depth values in the prior depth maps DCi.Wefur-
ther explore an image-guided depth completion for obtaining
dense and intact depth maps D
Ci. Given a reference-view
image ICi∈RW×Hwith corresponding prior depth map
DCi∈RW×H, we need to find ˆ
fthat approximates a true func-
tion f:RW×H×RW×H→RW×Hwhere f(ICi,DCi)=D
The problem can be formulated as
In this stage, we realize ˆ
fvia a series of image processing
operations [81], which can be achieved by the following steps
in turn: depth inversion with Dinverted =10-D for setting a
buffer (2m) between effective depth and null value, dilation
with custom diamond kernel, small hole closure and fill, large
hole fill, Median and Gaussian blur for smoothing local planes
and edges, and depth inversion for restoring invert depth.
Additionally, we incorporate the image colorization techniques
based on clustering and distance transformation for null value
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 4. V-DA workflow and visual comparison results. (a) Color images and corresponding depth maps collected by three RGBD cameras. (b) Depth map
results of each stage of our V-DA workflow, including the prior depth map DCiacquired from the prior geometric model, the image guided depth completion
results D
Ci, and the planar constrained depth optimization results D
Ci. (c) Depth maps resulted from other representative depth completion methods. (d) Depth
maps resulted from other representative passive depth estimation methods.
completion. That is, if two adjacent pixels rand shave similar
intensities, they should have similar colors and similar depth
values. Thus, we minimize the distance between the color
ICi(r)at rand the weighted average of the colors at neigh-
boring pixels, which ensures minimizing the distance between
the depths of neighboring pixels
Planar-Constrained Depth Optimization: Particularly, there
are a lot of structural features (line segments, planes, etc.)
and geometric constraints (planarity, orthogonality, etc.) in the
classroom scenes. Therefore, we explore a planar constrained
depth optimization method to improve the depth accuracy
and integrity of the coplanar regions. In the local coordinate
system of V-Classroom, a plane equation can be expressed
as aX +bY +cZ +d=0. Mark the existing 3-D points
q=[u,v,Z] of certain plane in D
Ci, where (u,v)denotes
the pixel coordinate of q, and Zdenotes the depth value of q
querying from D
Ci. The pixel coordinates can be transformed
into the local coordinate of V-Classroom through calibrated
camera intrinsics, that is, q=[X,Y,Z], where
u0and v0denotes the origin of pixel coordinate system and
fxand fydenotes the focal length of camera. By means of all
the marked q, the parameters of corresponding plane equation
can be solved using the least square method. Obviously, the
planarity of objects remains in multiview images, so does in
depth maps. Thus, we exploit this property to optimize the D
Taking the center camera as reference to mark the reference
plane equation a0X+b0Y+c0Z+d0=0inD
C0and denoting
the calibrated extrinsics of other cameras as PCi =[RCi|TCi],
the transformed plane equation in other-view depth map D
is calculated by aiX+biY+ciZ+di=0, [ai,bi,ci]T=
[a0,b0,c0]T×RCiand di=d0+[a0,b0,c0]T×TCi. Finally, the
optimized depth map D
Cican be obtained with the optimized
depth value Z
Cimeeting the following equation:
B. V-Classroom View Algorithm
In the SDK of our system, the input video frames with
the resulted depth maps from V-DA are fed into the V-VA,
which is implemented for the dynamic classroom scenarios
with learners. V-VA is designed to be composed of learner
characters segmentation and virtual view synthesis.
Learner Characters Segmentation: In order to avoid the
failed warping and distorted rendering of learner character
caused by the depth error and flexible human body, we apply
the video object segmentation technologies as a preliminary
stage for processing the learner characters rendering, so as to
improve the visual quality and robustness of novel virtual view
synthesis. Considering the time requirements of the teaching
process, we explore a state-of-the-art long-time video object
segmentation architecture named XMem [82] that incorporates
multiple independent yet deeply connected feature memory
stores, including a rapidly updated sensory memory, a high-
resolution working memory, and a compact, thus, sustained
long-term memory. The first frame is used to initialize different
characteristic memory pools, and the XMem tracks multiple
character targets and generates corresponding mask maps for
each subsequent frame. Then, we update each characteristic
storage pool with different frequencies. The sensory memory
is updated every frame, and the working memory is updated
once per interval rframe. Also, the working memory is con-
solidated into the long-term memory in a compact form when
it is full, and the long-term memory will forget obsolete fea-
tures over time. The mask of learner characters is computed
via the XMem decoder, where the input is the short-term sen-
sory memory ht−1∈RCh×H×Wand the feature F∈RCv×H×W
representing information stored in both long-term and work-
ing memory. Following [82], we perform the model training
on public video object segmentation datasets of YouTubeVOS
and DAVIS. Then, the trained model is directly applied in the
V-Classroom for the learner characters segmentation, without
finetune in our classroom scenes.
Virtual View Synthesis: In this stage, we process the view
synthesis of static classroom scenes and the learners char-
acters rendering separately. Then they are blended into the
final synthesized results at a given virtual viewpoint Vi. First,
the virtual-view depth map DViof static classroom scenes
is obtained through 3-D projection transformation based on
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 5. Qualitative comparison in the form of 3-D point cloud between our V-DA and other representative depth completion/estimation methods.
the collected frames ICiand resulted depth maps D
V-DA. Second, for the novel view synthesis of static classroom
scenes, we warp the ICito the virtual view as
The warping function is computed based on the 6DoF view-
change parameters sent from the VR device of the lecturer and
the calibrated camera intrinsics and extrinsics. And a mul-
tiview texture fusion is obtained by weighted averaging the
warped frames as
where MVidenotes the visibility mask of Is
Ci→Viaccording to
the depth comparison and the calculation is done pixelwise.
Third, the learner characters are warped to the virtual view
based on the segmentation mask and initial depth maps, simi-
lar as the warping process of static classroom scenes. Finally,
the Is
Viand the learner characters rendering result are fused
to produce the final novel-view result IVi. Note that in this
process, occlusions in the classroom scene should be deter-
mined through a depth-based Z-buffer algorithm, so as to
perform correct fusion. Additionally, a filtering-based hole fill-
ing technology is adopted for optimizing final view synthesis
A. Data Acquisition and Implementation Details
Data Acquisition: We implement two V-Classroom
instances to evaluate our system in different classroom sce-
narios, including a multimedia classroom and a seminar class-
room in the Artificial Intelligence College of Beijing Normal
University. The two classrooms are located in one building and
connected in a LAN network with 1Gb/s bandwidth. We set
up three consumer-grade RGBD sensors, Kinect Azure, in the
physical-world classroom scenes. The multimedia classroom
has a size of 6 m ×5m×2.4 m with four rows of desks and
the three sensors are placed horizontally with a 80 cm-baseline
between adjacent cameras The seminar classroom has a size
of 4.5m×5m×2.8 m with two rows of desks and the three
sensors are placed horizontally with a 40 cm-baseline between
adjacent cameras.
Implementation Details: In the physical world of
V-Classroom, based on the collected RGBD data of
static classroom and the camera intrinsics KCiprovided
by AzureKinect SDK, we register and fuse projected 3-D
point clouds using the Meshlab software, where the camera
extrinsics PCiin the local coordinate system of V-Classroom
can be obtained. In the cyber world of V-Classroom, the
RGB and depth frames are encoded into JPEG images
separately and transmited via the TCP/IP protocol to the
cloud side. Then, the data are decoded and transmitted to
local server, where the SDK is deployed on a consumer-grade
PC with Intel Core i7-10700 CPU, 16GB memory, and one
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Super GPU. The V-Classroom
lecturer can choose to wear a NOLO X1 4K VR device
or use a mouse-interacted interface. Based on the 6DoF
view-change messages sent by the lecturer side, the frame at
the corresponding viewpoint, with the resolution of 960×540,
is synthesized by triggering the V-VA and sent back to the
lecturer side to display in a precollected screen. Our current
system can achieve 15 frames/s on one NVIDIA GeForce
RTX 2060 Super GPU and the network delay is admissible
for the teaching scenario without noticeable discomfort.
B. V-Classroom Depth Evaluation
To evaluate the V-DA performance of our method, we
conduct qualitative evaluations on our collected classroom
scenarios, as shown in Figs. 4and 5.
Fig. 4demonstrates the depth map results of each stage
of V-DA workflow as well as some visual comparisons with
other representative depth completion methods and depth
estimation methods. Fig. 4(a) shows the color images and
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 6. Some visual results of virtual view synthesis of V-Classroom with a mouse-interacted interface.
corresponding depth maps collected by three RGBD cam-
eras. And the processed depth maps with intermediate results
of our V-DA are shown in Fig. 4(b), including the prior
depth map DCiacquired from the prior geometric model,
the image-guided depth completion results D
Ci, and the final
depth optimization results D
Cithrough planar constraint. In
Fig. 4(c), we provide the resulted depth maps from some rep-
resentative depth completion methods [81], [83], where the
inputs are the collected depth maps. And in Fig. 4(d), we pro-
vide the resulted depth maps from some representative passive
depth estimation methods [84], [85], where the inputs are the
collected images. It can be observed that our V-DA achieves
more complete depth maps along with more reasonable
Although there are no ground-truth depth maps for a quan-
titative evaluation of depth accuracy, we perform a qualitative
comparison to evaluate the accuracy and rationality of the
depth maps resulted from our V-DA intuitively. That is, we
generate a 3-D point cloud for each depth map result along
with the collected image through 3-D projection, as shown in
Fig. 5. It can be observed that our V-DA achieves more accu-
rate depth results with few noise points and reasonable plane
C. V-Classroom View Evaluation
To evaluate the V-VA performance of our method, we
conduct qualitative evaluations on our collected classroom
scenarios, as shown in Figs. 6–8.
As shown in Fig. 6, we additionally design a mouse-
interacted interface to demonstrate the virtual view synthesis
results of V-Classroom. We first define the initial position of a
V-Classroom lecturer as the origin of local coordinate system
of V-Classroom (i.e., Cam 0). We denote this initial position
as 6DoF parameters [50,50,50,50,50,50] and the initial time
as t0. Then, the synthesized frame at a given virtual view
(denoted as 6DoF parameters above the frame) and arbitrary
time t. If a V-Classroom lecturer is not used for wearing any
VR devices, such mouse-interacted interface will be a good
Fig. 7. Learner characters segmentation results of classroom scenarios con-
taining single learner (first row), two learners (second row), and three learners
(third row).
Fig. 7demonstrates the learner characters segmentation
results of classroom scenarios containing single learner, two
learners, and three learners. It can be observed that our method
can achieve visually reasonable and comfortable segmentation
results, even for the learners whose clothing color is very close
to the background or whose scale is small.
Additionally, we present some visual comparison between
our method and other depth-based view synthesis methods,
asshowninFig.8.BothFigs.6and 8demonstrate the
effectiveness of V-VA. Our V-Classroom algorithms can pro-
duce visually reasonable and comfortable virtual-view results
and achieve significantly higher visual quality compared with
DIBR-related methods.
D. Ablation Studies
We conduct the ablation studies of different architecture
designing choices of V-Classroom algorithms. Though there
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 8. Visual comparison between our method and other depth-based view
synthesis methods.
are no ground-truth virtual-view results for a quantitative eval-
uation of V-Classroom, we specially consider a quantitative
evaluation method that exploits our data of 300 frames of
the multimedia classroom and 300 frames of the seminar
classroom, collected with three cameras. We adopt different
methods to synthesize the virtual-view frame at Cam 0 uti-
lizing the frames collected by the remaining two cameras as
reference views. Then, we calculate the peak signal to noise
ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM) between
the synthesized frame and collected frame at Cam 0, at the
same point in time. The results of two different classroom
scenarios, including the multimedia classroom and the semi-
nar classroom, are shown in Tables Iand II. We can observe
that the V-DA and V-VA consistently increase the accuracy of
our architecture.
In this article, we explore the application of cyber–physical–
social intelligence in Edu-Metaverse and construct a layered
CPSS architecture for Edu-Metaverse, taking the social and
lecturers’ factors into consideration. Based on it, we focus
on the lecturers’ mental experience in remote teaching activ-
ity and specially design a lecturer-centered consumer-grade
immersive teaching system, named V-Classroom. A CPSS
paradigm of V-Classroom is first introduced to standardize
and simplify the workflow. Furthermore, to achieve real-time
rendering of classroom scenarios with consumer-grade hard-
ware setup, we propose the V-Classroom algorithms including
V-DA and V-VA. And the experiments on two different class-
room scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed
method. We believe there is much more to be discovered along
this direction and V-Classroom will inspire more intelligent
teaching technologies on top of our work.
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Tianyu Shen received the Bachelor of Engineering
degree in electronic science and technology and the
Bachelor of Management degree in accounting from
Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2016,
and the Ph.D. degree in social computing from
the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2021.
She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow
with the School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing
Normal University, Beijing. Her current research
interests include computer vision and pattern
Shi-Sheng Huang received the Ph.D. degree in
computer science and technology from Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, in 2015.
He is currently a Lecturer with the School of
Artificial Intelligence, Beijing Normal University,
Beijing. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher with
Tsinghua University. His primary research interests
include fields of computer graphics, computer
vision, and visual SLAM.
Deqi Li received the Bachelor of Engineering degree
in electronic information engineering and the mas-
ter’s degree in mathematics from China University
of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China, in 2019
and 2021, respectively. He is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree in computer application technology
with the School of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing
Normal University, Beijing.
His current research interests include computer
vision and pattern recognition.
Zhiyuan Lu received the Bachelor of Science
degree in mathematics and applied mathematics
from Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, in
2022, where he is currently pursuing the master’s
degree in computer application technology with the
School of Artificial Intelligence.
His current research interest is computer vision.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fei-Yue Wang (Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D.
degree in computer and systems engineering from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, in
He joined The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ,
USA, in 1990, where he became a Professor and the
Director of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory
and the Program in Advanced Research for Complex
Systems. In 1999, he founded the Intelligent Control
and Systems Engineering Center with the Institute of
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),
Beijing, China, under the support of the Outstanding Chinese Talents Program
from the State Planning Council, and in 2002, he was appointed as the Director
of the Key Laboratory of Complex Systems and Intelligence Science, CAS,
and the Vice President of the Institute of Automation, CAS, in 2006. In 2011,
he became the State Specially Appointed Expert and the Founding Director of
the State Key Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems.
He has been the Chief Judge of Intelligent Vehicles Future Challenge since
2009 and the Director of China Intelligent Vehicles Proving Center, Changshu,
China, since 2015. He is currently the Director of Intel’s International
Collaborative Research Institute on Parallel Driving with CAS and Tsinghua
University, Beijing. His current research focuses on methods and applications
for parallel intelligence, social computing, and knowledge automation.
Dr. Wang received the IEEE ITS Outstanding Application and Research
Awards in 2009, 2011, and 2015, respectively, the IEEE SMC Norbert Wiener
Award in 2014, and became the IFAC Pavel J. Nowacki Distinguished Lecturer
in 2021. In 2007, he received the National Prize in Natural Sciences of China,
numerous best papers awards from IEEE TRANSACTIONS, and became an
Outstanding Scientist of ACM for his work in intelligent control and social
computing. Since 1997, he has been serving as the General or Program
Chair of over 30 IEEE, INFORMS, IFAC, ACM, and ASME conferences.
He was the President of the IEEE ITS Society from 2005 to 2007, the IEEE
Council of RFID from 2019 to 2021, the Chinese Association for Science and
Technology, USA, in 2005, the American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation
from 2007 to 2008, the Vice President of the ACM China Council from 2010
to 2011, and the Vice President and the Secretary General of the Chinese
Association of Automation from 2008 to 2018. He was the Founding Editor-
in-Chief (EiC) of the International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems
from 1995 to 2000, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine from
to 2017, Journal of Command and Control (China) from 2015 to 2021, and
Journal of Intelligent Science and Technology (China) from 2019 to 2021. He
was the EiC of the IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS from 2009 to 2012, IEEE
from 2017 to 2020. He is currently the President of CAA’s Supervision
Council, the Vice President of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society,
is a Fellow of INCOSE, IFAC, ASME, and AAAS.
Hua Huang (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
B.S. degree in radio technology and the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in information and communication
engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an,
China, in 1996, 2001, and 2006, respectively.
He is currently a Professor with the School of
Artificial Intelligence, Beijing Normal University,
Beijing, China. His current research interests include
image and video processing, computer graphics, and
pattern recognition.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.