
MooAFEM: An object oriented Matlab code for higher-order adaptive FEM for (nonlinear) elliptic PDEs

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We present an easily accessible, object oriented code (written exclusively in Matlab) for adaptive finite element simulations in 2D. It features various refinement routines for triangular meshes as well as fully vectorized FEM ansatz spaces of arbitrary polynomial order and allows for problems with very general coefficients. In particular, our code can handle problems typically arising from iterative linearization methods used to solve nonlinear PDEs. Due to the object oriented programming paradigm, the code can be used easily and is readily extensible. We explain the basic principles of our code and give numerical experiments that underline its flexibility as well as its efficiency.

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... Rearranging this estimate, we conclude the proof of (38). It remains to verify ( ) < ∞ for some > 0. Note that (37) guarantees that 0 ≤ ≤ 2 −1 ≤ 2 0 for all ∈ ℕ. ...
... The following numerical experiments employ the Matlab software package MooAFEM from [38]. 1 The first numerical example illustrates the performance of Algorithm B for a symmetric linear elliptic PDE with a strong jump in the diffusion coefficient and compares Algorithm B to the Algorithm A with exact solution. The second numerical example demonstrates the efficiency of Algorithm C for a nonsymmetric general second-order linear elliptic PDE with a moderate convection. ...
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The ultimate goal of any numerical scheme for partial differential equations (PDEs) is to compute an approximation of user-prescribed accuracy at quasi-minimal computation time. To this end, algorithmically, the standard adaptive finite element method (AFEM) integrates an inexact solver and nested iterations with discerning stopping criteria balancing the different error components. The analysis ensuring optimal convergence order of AFEM with respect to the overall computational cost critically hinges on the concept of R-linear convergence of a suitable quasi-error quantity. This work tackles several shortcomings of previous approaches by introducing a new proof strategy. Previously, the analysis of the algorithm required several parameters to be fine-tuned. This work leaves the classical reasoning and introduces a summability criterion for R-linear convergence to remove restrictions on those parameters. Second, the usual assumption of a (quasi-)Pythagorean identity is replaced by the generalized notion of quasi-orthogonality from Feischl (2022) [22]. Importantly, this paves the way towards extending the analysis of AFEM with inexact solver to general inf-sup stable problems beyond the energy minimization setting. Numerical experiments investigate the choice of the adaptivity parameters.
... Using the open-source object-oriented 2D Matlab code MooAFEM [22], we present a detailed numerical study of both the algebraic solver and the adaptive algorithm, including higher-order experiments and jumping coefficients. ...
... This section investigates the numerical performance of the proposed multigrid solver of Algorithm 2.1 and the adaptive Algorithm 3.1. The Matlab implementation of the multigrid solver is embedded into the MooAFEM 1 framework from [22]. Throughout, we choose the marking parameter = 0.5 in the adaptive Algorithm 3.1 and = (0, 0) ⊤ . ...
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In this work, we formulate and analyze a geometric multigrid method for the iterative solution of the discrete systems arising from the finite element discretization of symmetric second-order linear elliptic diffusion problems. We show that the iterative solver contracts the algebraic error robustly with respect to the polynomial degree p1p \ge 1 and the (local) mesh size h. We further prove that the built-in algebraic error estimator which comes with the solver is hp-robustly equivalent to the algebraic error. The application of the solver within the framework of adaptive finite element methods with quasi-optimal computational cost is outlined. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical findings.
... Furthermore, we present a detailed numerical study of both the algebraic solver and the full adaptive algorithm, including higher-order experiments and jumping coefficients. The experiments are implemented in the open-source object oriented 2D Matlab code MooAFEM [IP22]. ...
... This section investigates the numerical performance of the proposed multigrid solver of Algorithm B and the adaptive Algorithm A. The Matlab implementation of the multigrid solver is embedded into the MooAFEM 1 framework from [IP22]. Throughout, we choose the marking parameter θ = 0.5 in the adaptive Algorithm A. We introduce the following test case: ...
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In this work, a fully adaptive finite element algorithm for symmetric second-order elliptic diffusion problems with inexact solver is developed. The discrete systems are treated by a local higher-order geometric multigrid method extending the approach of [Mira\c{c}i, Pape\v{z}, Vohral\'{i}k, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (2021)]. We show that the iterative solver contracts the algebraic error robustly with respect to the polynomial degree p1p \ge 1 and the (local) mesh size h. We further prove that the built-in algebraic error estimator is h- and p-robustly equivalent to the algebraic error. The proofs rely on suitably chosen robust stable decompositions and a strengthened Cauchy-Schwarz inequality on bisection-generated meshes. Together, this yields that the proposed adaptive algorithm has optimal computational cost. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical findings.
... In this section, we present numerical experiments using the open source software package MooAFEM [51]. 1 In the following, Steps (I) and (II) of Algorithm 1 employ the optimal hp-robust local multigrid method from [32] as an algebraic solver. If not explicitly stated otherwise, we choose the parameters = 0.5, = 0.5, sym = alg = 0.7 ...
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We analyze a goal-oriented adaptive algorithm that aims to efficiently compute the quantity of interest G(u^\star) with a linear goal functional G and the solution u^\star to a general second-order nonsymmetric linear elliptic partial differential equation. The current state of the analysis of iterative algebraic solvers for non-symmetric systems lacks the contraction property in the norms that are prescribed by the functional analytic setting. This seemingly prevents their application in the optimality analysis of goal-oriented adaptivity. As a remedy, this paper proposes a goal-oriented adaptive iteratively symmetrized finite element method (GOAIS-FEM). It employs a nested loop with a contractive symmetrization procedure, e.g., the Zarantonello iteration, and a contractive algebraic solver, e.g., an optimal multigrid solver. The various iterative procedures require well-designed stopping criteria such that the adaptive algorithm can effectively steer the local mesh refinement and the computation of the inexact discrete approximations. The main results consist of full linear convergence of the proposed adaptive algorithm and the proof of optimal convergence rates with respect to both degrees of freedom and total computational cost (i.e., optimal complexity). Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results and investigate the selection of the parameters.
... There are various theories to determine the behaviour of plates at different boundary conditions. Classical plate theory (CPT) [22], first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) [23,24], higher-order deformation theory (HSDT) [25], third-order shear deformation theory (TSDT) [26], sinusoidal shear deformation theory (SSDT) [27] and tangential shear deformation theory (TSDT) [28], finite element method [29,30] can be given as examples of these theories. Different theories have been developed to determine the complex deformation behaviour more accurately by considering additional terms in the displacement field. ...
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Purpose In this study, the effect of foam structure on the thermomechanical behaviour of high void ratio porous FGM piezoelectric smart nanoplates is investigated. Method The material of the smart nanoplate consists of PZT-4 on the bottom surface and BaTiO 3 on the top surface and is formed by functional grading of these two materials along the thickness of the plate. Four different foam distribution models are modelled to examine the foam structure of the highly porous smart nanoplate, which has become widespread in biosensor applications. For this reason, uniform, symmetrical, top symmetrical and bottom symmetrical foam distribution models are created up to 75% void ratio. To determine the nano size, equations of motion are obtained by using nonlocal strain gradient elasticity and sinusoidal shear deformation theories together, and these equations are solved by the Navier method according to general boundary conditions. Result and Conclusions As a result of the analysis, it is observed that the applied external electric potential creates a softening effect on the plates with the piezoelectric elasticity effect and therefore reduces the thermal buckling temperatures. It is observed that the presence of the foam structure significantly improves the thermal resistance of the material and increases the buckling temperatures. It is also observed that the foam distribution model has significant effects on the thermomechanical behaviour.
... For higher order PDEs, a finite element method (FEM) may be conveniently used for PDE solving and can give an accurate solution using extensive computational resources (Innerberger and Praetorius 2023). Also, the multi-iteration solution limits practicality. ...
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Mathematics lies at the heart of engineering science and is very important for capturing and modeling of diverse processes. These processes may be naturally-occurring or man-made. One important engineering problem in this regard is the modeling of advanced mathematical problems and their analysis. Partial differential equations (PDEs) are important and useful tools to this end. However, solving complex PDEs for advanced problems requires extensive computational resources and complex techniques. Neural networks provide a way to solve complex PDEs reliably. In this regard, large-data models are new generation of techniques, which have large dependency capturing capabilities. Hence, they can richly model and accurately solve such complex PDEs. Some common large-data models include Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their derivatives, transformers, etc. In this literature survey, the mathematical background is introduced. A gentle introduction to the area of solving PDEs using large-data models is given. Various state-of-the-art large-data models for solving PDEs are discussed. Also, the major issues and future scope of the area are identified. Through this literature survey, it is hoped that readers will gain an insight into the area of solving PDEs using large-data models and pursue future research in this interesting area.
... It provides increased flexibility and convergence properties compared to the "conventional" FEM. There are recent MATLAB implementations including triangular elements [12] and rectangular elements [7]. ...
... The experiments are performed with the open-source software package MooAFEM [IP23]. In the following, Algorithm A employs the optimal local hp-robust multigrid method [IMPS23] as algebraic solver. ...
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We consider scalar semilinear elliptic PDEs, where the nonlinearity is strongly monotone, but only locally Lipschitz continuous. To linearize the arising discrete nonlinear problem, we employ a damped Zarantonello iteration, which leads to a linear Poisson-type equation that is symmetric and positive definite. The resulting system is solved by a contractive algebraic solver such as a multigrid method with local smoothing. We formulate a fully adaptive algorithm that equibalances the various error components coming from mesh refinement, iterative linearization, and algebraic solver. We prove that the proposed adaptive iteratively linearized finite element method (AIL-FEM) guarantees convergence with optimal complexity, where the rates are understood with respect to the overall computational cost (i.e., the computational time). Numerical experiments investigate the involved adaptivity parameters.
... In this section, we present numerical experiments using the open source software package MooAFEM [IP23] 1 . In the following, Step (I) and (II) of Algorithm A employ the optimal hp-robust local multigrid method from [IMPS22] as an algebraic solver. ...
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We analyze a goal-oriented adaptive algorithm that aims to efficiently compute the quantity of interest G(u)G(u^\star) with a linear goal functional G and the solution uu^\star to a general second-order nonsymmetric linear elliptic partial differential equation. The current state of the analysis of iterative algebraic solvers for nonsymmetric systems lacks the contraction property in the norms that are prescribed by the functional analytic setting. This seemingly prevents their application in the optimality analysis of goal-oriented adaptivity. As a remedy, this paper proposes a goal-oriented adaptive iteratively symmetrized finite element method (GOAISFEM). It employs a nested loop with a contractive symmetrization procedure, e.g., the Zarantonello iteration, and a contrac-tive algebraic solver, e.g., an optimal multigrid solver. The various iterative procedures require well-designed stopping criteria such that the adaptive algorithm can effectively steer the local mesh refinement and the computation of the inexact discrete approximations. The main results consist of full linear convergence of the proposed adaptive algorithm and the proof of optimal convergence rates with respect to both degrees of freedom and total computational cost (i.e., optimal complexity). Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results and investigate the selection of the parameters.
... The following numerical experiments employ the Matlab software package MooAFEM from [IP23]. 1 The first numerical example illustrates the performance of Algorithm B for a symmetric linear elliptic PDE with a strong jump in the diffusion coefficient and compares Algorithm B to the Algorithm A with exact solution. The second numerical example demonstrates the efficiency of Algorithm C for a nonsymmetric general second-order linear elliptic PDE with a moderate convection. ...
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The ultimate goal of any numerical scheme for partial differential equations (PDEs) is to compute an approximation of user-prescribed accuracy at quasi-minimal computational time. To this end, algorithmically, the standard adaptive finite element method (AFEM) integrates an inexact solver and nested iterations with discerning stopping criteria balancing the different error components. The analysis ensuring optimal convergence order of AFEM with respect to the overall computational cost critically hinges on the concept of R-linear convergence of a suitable quasi-error quantity. This work tackles several shortcomings of previous approaches by introducing a new proof strategy. First, the algorithm requires several fine-tuned parameters in order to make the underlying analysis work. A redesign of the standard line of reasoning and the introduction of a summability criterion for R-linear convergence allows us to remove restrictions on those parameters. Second, the usual assumption of a (quasi-)Pythagorean identity is replaced by the generalized notion of quasi-orthogonality from [Feischl, Math. Comp., 91 (2022)]. Importantly, this paves the way towards extending the analysis to general inf-sup stable problems beyond the energy minimization setting. Numerical experiments investigate the choice of the adaptivity parameters.
... We consider the model problem ( Innerberger & Praetorius (2023). In the following, Algorithm A employs the optimal local hp-robust multigrid method from Innerberger et al. (2022) as algebraic solver and the standard residual error estimator η . ...
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We consider a general nonsymmetric second-order linear elliptic partial differential equation in the framework of the Lax–Milgram lemma. We formulate and analyze an adaptive finite element algorithm with arbitrary polynomial degree that steers the adaptive meshrefinement and the inexact iterative solution of the arising linear systems. More precisely, the iterative solver employs, as an outer loop, the so-called Zarantonello iteration to symmetrize the system and, as an inner loop, a uniformly contractive algebraic solver, for example, an optimally preconditioned conjugate gradient method or an optimal geometric multigrid algorithm. We prove that the proposed inexact adaptive iteratively symmetrized finite element method leads to full linear convergence and, for sufficiently small adaptivity parameters, to optimal convergence rates with respect to the overall computational cost, i.e., the total computational time. Numerical experiments underline the theory.
... In this section, we test and illustrate Algorithm B with numerical experiments. All experiments were implemented using the Matlab code MooAFEM [32]. Throughout, Ω ⊂ R 2 and we use = ( 1 , 2 ) ∈ Ω to denote the Cartesian coordinates. ...
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We consider scalar semilinear elliptic PDEs where the nonlinearity is strongly monotone, but only locally Lipschitz continuous. We formulate an adaptive iterative linearized finite element method (AILFEM) which steers the local mesh refinement as well as the iterative linearization of the arising nonlinear discrete equations. To this end, we employ a damped Zarantonello iteration so that, in each step of the algorithm, only a linear Poisson-type equation has to be solved. We prove that the proposed AILFEM strategy guarantees convergence with optimal rates, where rates are understood with respect to the overall computational complexity (i.e., the computational time). Moreover, we formulate and test an adaptive algorithm where also the damping parameter of the Zarantonello iteration is adaptively adjusted. Numerical experiments underline the theoretical findings.
... special data structures are needed [5,10]. A recent MATLAB contribution [8] provides an object-oriented approach to implement hp-FEM on triangles with adaptive h-refinement. ...
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A MATLAB implementation of hierarchical shape functions on 2D rectangles is explained and available for download. Global shape functions are ordered for a given polynomial degree according to the indices of the nodes, edges, or elements to which they belong. For a uniform p-refinement, the hierarchical structure enables an effective assembly of mass and stiffness matrices. A solution to a boundary value problem is approximated for various levels of uniform h and p refinements.KeywordsMATLAB vectorizationfinite elementsmass and stiffness matricesuniform hp-refinementboundary value problem
... The number of samples is adjusted to balance statistical error and discretization bias on each level. The experiment has been implemented in MATLAB using the MooAFEM library [11] for the FE discretization. All arising linear systems are solved directly by the \-operator in MATLAB. ...
We propose a novel a-posteriori error estimation technique where the target quantities of interest are ratios of high-dimensional integrals, as occur e.g. in PDE constrained Bayesian inversion and PDE constrained optimal control subject to an entropic risk measure. We consider in particular parametric, elliptic PDEs with affine-parametric diffusion coefficient, on high-dimensional parameter spaces. We combine our recent a-posteriori Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) error analysis, with Finite Element a-posteriori error estimation. The proposed approach yields a computable a-posteriori estimator which is reliable, up to higher order terms. The estimator's reliability is uniform with respect to the PDE discretization, and robust with respect to the parametric dimension of the uncertain PDE input.
... The Matlab implementation of the following experiments is embedded into the open source software package MooAFEM from [IP22]. In the following, Algorithm A employs the optimal local hp-robust multigrid method from [IMPS22] as algebraic solver. ...
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We consider a general nonsymmetric second-order linear elliptic PDE in the framework of the Lax-Milgram lemma. We formulate and analyze an adaptive finite element algorithm with arbitrary polynomial degree that steers the adaptive mesh-refinement and the inexact iterative solution of the arising linear systems. More precisely, the iterative solver employs, as an outer loop, the so-called Zarantonello iteration to symmetrize the system and, as an inner loop, a uniformly contractive algebraic solver, e.g., an optimally preconditioned conjugate gradient method or an optimal geometric multigrid algorithm. We prove that the proposed inexact adaptive iteratively symmetrized finite element method (AISFEM) leads to full linear convergence and, for sufficiently small adaptivity parameters, to optimal convergence rates with respect to the overall computational cost, i.e., the total computational time. Numerical experiments underline the theory.
... In this section, we test and illustrate Algorithm B with numerical experiments. All experiments were implemented using the Matlab code MooAFEM [IP23]. Throughout, Ω ⊂ R 2 and we use x = (x 1 , x 2 ) ∈ Ω to denote the Cartesian coordinates. ...
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We consider scalar semilinear elliptic PDEs where the nonlinearity is strongly monotone, but only locally Lipschitz continuous. We formulate an adaptive iterative linearized finite element method (AILFEM) which steers the local mesh refinement as well as the iterative linearization of the arising nonlinear discrete equations. To this end, we employ a damped Zarantonello iteration so that, in each step of the algorithm, only a linear Poisson-type equation has to be solved. We prove that the proposed AILFEM strategy guarantees convergence with optimal rates, where rates are understood with respect to the overall computational complexity (i.e., the computational time). Moreover, we formulate and test an adaptive algorithm where also the damping parameter of the Zarantonello iteration is adaptively adjusted. Numerical experiments underline the theoretical findings.
... Throughout, we use newest vertex bisection (NVB) for mesh-refinement; see, e.g., [BDD04;Ste08]. All numerical examples are implemented using the Matlab AFEM package MooAFEM [IP22]. ...
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We discuss goal-oriented adaptivity in the frame of conforming finite element methods and plain convergence of the related a posteriori error estimator for different general marking strategies. We present an abstract analysis for two different settings. First, we consider problems where a local discrete efficiency estimate holds. Second, we show plain convergence in a setting that relies only on structural properties of the error estimators, namely stability on non-refined elements as well as reduction on refined elements. In particular, the second setting does not require reliability and efficiency estimates. Numerical experiments underline our theoretical findings.
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MATLAB is known for offering an intriguing computation environment for a large spectrum of applications and various levels of the users programming. In this work we have represented a technical analysis concerning the improvement of the forecasting capacities for water inflows in HPP structures and for the rivers that feed their dams in Albania. This work involves mathematical approaches and data-oriented analysis for a real system, where natural processes and anthropogenic activities are interlinked in a complex structure. In this regard, the codes written in MATLAB/Octave environment have been considered as technical tools for calculation without commenting comparison with other programming languages, but the deepness and usefulness of the results obtained straightforwardly throughout the work justify selecting it for facilizing a complex analysis. For this reason, we have highlighted and commented on the findings from the engineering aspect, revealing also the effectiveness of using very simple and practical codes that can be easily implemented and used by beginners.
Prior to discretizing the Poisson problem, we need to introduce fundamental concepts of the finite element method, with one of the simplest finite elements: the first-order (piecewise linear) Lagrange finite element on a simplex.
We review different techniques to enforce essential boundary conditions, such as the (nonhomogeneous) Dirichlet boundary condition, within a discrete variational framework, and especially techniques that allow to account for them in a weak sense. Those are of special interest for discretizations such as geometrically unfitted finite elements or high order methods, for instance. Some of them remain primal, and add extra terms in the discrete weak form without adding a new unknown: this is the case of the boundary penalty and Nitsche techniques. Others are mixed, and involve a Lagrange multiplier with or without stabilization terms. For a simple setting, we detail the different associated formulations, and recall what is known about them, with emphasis on their stability and convergence properties.
As developers of libraries implementing interval arithmetic, we faced the same difficulties when it came to testing our libraries. What must be tested? How can we devise relevant test cases for unit testing? How can we ensure a high (and possibly 100%) test coverage? In this paper we list the different aspects that, in our opinion, must be tested, giving indications on the choice of test cases. Then we examine how several interval arithmetic libraries actually perform tests. Next, we present two existing frameworks developed specifically to gather test cases and to incorporate easily new libraries in order to test them, namely JInterval and ITF1788. Not every important aspects of our libraries fit in these frameworks and we list extra tests that we deem important, but not easy, to perform.KeywordsUnit tests for interval arithmetic librariesTest cases for interval arithmeticTesting IEEE 1788–2015 compliance
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We formulate and analyze a goal-oriented adaptive finite element method for a semilinear elliptic PDE and a linear goal functional. The discretization is based on finite elements of arbitrary (but fixed) polynomial degree and involves a linearized dual problem. The linearization is part of the proposed algorithm, which employs a marking strategy different to that of standard adaptive finite element methods. Moreover, unlike the well-known dual-weighted residual strategy, the analyzed error estimators are completely computable. We prove linear convergence and, for the first time in the context of goal-oriented adaptivity for nonlinear PDEs, optimal algebraic convergence rates. In particular, the analysis does not require a sufficiently fine initial mesh.
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Nonlinear energy functionals appearing in the calculus of variations can be discretized by the finite element (FE) method and formulated as a sum of energy contributions from local elements. A fast evaluation of energy functionals containing the first order gradient terms is a central part of this contribution. We describe a vectorized implementation using the simplest linear nodal (P1) elements in which all energy contributions are evaluated all at once without the loop over triangular or tetrahedral elements. Furthermore, in connection to the first-order optimization methods, the discrete gradient of energy functional is assembled in a way that the gradient components are evaluated over all degrees of freedom all at once. The key ingredient is the vectorization of exact or approximate energy gradients over nodal patches. It leads to a time-efficient implementation at higher memory-cost. Provided codes in MATLAB related to 2D/3D hyperelasticity and 2D p-Laplacian problem are available for download and structured in a way it can be easily extended to other types of vector or scalar forms of energies.
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This paper presents the basic concepts and the module structure of the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment and reflects on recent developments and general changes that happened since the release of the first Dune version in 2007 and the main papers describing that state Bastian etal. (2008a, 2008b). This discussion is accompanied with a description of various advanced features, such as coupling of domains and cut cells, grid modifications such as adaptation and moving domains, high order discretizations and node level performance, non-smooth multigrid methods, and multiscale methods. A brief discussion on current and future development directions of the framework concludes the paper.
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deal.II is a state-of-the-art finite element library focused on generality, dimension-independent programming, parallelism, and extensibility. Herein, we outline its primary design considerations and its sophisticated features such as distributed meshes, hp-adaptivity, support for complex geometries, and matrix-free algorithms. But deal.II is more than just a software library: It is also a diverse and worldwide community of developers and users, as well as an educational platform. We therefore also discuss some of the technical and social challenges and lessons learned in running a large community software project over the course of two decades.
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p>The FEniCS Project is a collaborative project for the development of innovative concepts and tools for automated scientific computing, with a particular focus on the solution of differential equations by finite element methods. The FEniCS Projects software consists of a collection of interoperable software components, including DOLFIN, FFC, FIAT, Instant, UFC, UFL, and mshr. This note describes the new features and changes introduced in the release of FEniCS version 1.5.</p
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We consider the solution of a second order elliptic PDE with inhomogeneous Dirichlet data by means of adaptive lowest-order FEM. As is usually done in practice, the given Dirichlet data are discretized by nodal interpolation. As model example serves the Poisson equation with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. For error estimation, we use an edge-based residual error estimator which replaces the volume residual contributions by edge oscillations. For 2D, we prove convergence of the adaptive algorithm even with optimal convergence rate. For 2D and 3D, we show convergence if the nodal interpolation operator is replaced by the [Formula: see text]-projection or the Scott-Zhang quasi-interpolation operator. As a byproduct of the proof, we show that the Scott-Zhang operator converges pointwise to a limiting operator as the mesh is locally refined. This property might be of independent interest besides the current application. Finally, numerical experiments conclude the work.
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This paper aims first at a simultaneous axiomatic presentation of the proof of optimal convergence rates for adaptive finite element methods and second at some refinements of particular questions like the avoidance of (discrete) lower bounds, inexact solvers, inhomogeneous boundary data, or the use of equivalent error estimators. Solely four axioms guarantee the optimality in terms of the error estimators. Compared to the state of the art in the temporary literature, the improvements of this article can be summarized as follows: First, a general framework is presented which covers the existing literature on optimality of adaptive schemes. The abstract analysis covers linear as well as nonlinear problems and is independent of the underlying finite element or boundary element method. Second, efficiency of the error estimator is neither needed to prove convergence nor quasi-optimal convergence behavior of the error estimator. In this paper, efficiency exclusively characterizes the approximation classes involved in terms of the best-approximation error and data resolution and so the upper bound on the optimal marking parameters does not depend on the efficiency constant. Third, some general quasi-Galerkin orthogonality is not only sufficient, but also necessary for the R-linear convergence of the error estimator, which is a fundamental ingredient in the current quasi-optimality analysis due to Stevenson 2007. Finally, the general analysis allows for equivalent error estimators and inexact solvers as well as different non-homogeneous and mixed boundary conditions.
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We construct a converging adaptive algorithm for linear elements applied to Poisson's equation in two space dimensions. Starting from a macro triangulation, we describe how to construct an initial triangulation from a priori information. Then we use a posteriori error estimators to get a sequence of refined triangulations and approximate solutions. It is proved that the error, measured in the energy norm, decreases at a constant rate in each step until a prescribed error bound is reached. Extensions to higher-order elements in two space dimensions and numerical results are included.
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In this paper, we prove that the standard adaptive finite element method with a (modified) `maximum marking strategy' is `instance optimal' for the `total error', being the sum of the energy error and the oscillation. This result will be derived in the model setting of Poisson's equation on a polygon, linear finite elements, and conforming triangulations created by newest vertex bisection.
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Newest vertex bisection (NVB) is a popular local mesh-refinement strategy for regular triangulations that consist of simplices. For the 2D case, we prove that the mesh-closure step of NVB, which preserves regularity of the triangulation, is quasi-optimal and that the corresponding L 2-projection onto lowest-order Courant finite elements (P1-FEM) is always H 1-stable. Throughout, no additional assumptions on the initial triangulation are imposed. Our analysis thus improves results of Binev et al. (Numer. Math. 97(2):219–268, 2004), Carstensen (Constr. Approx. 20(4):549–564, 2004), and Stevenson (Math. Comput. 77(261):227–241, 2008) in the sense that all assumptions of their theorems are removed. Consequently, our results relax the requirements under which adaptive finite element schemes can be mathematically guaranteed to convergence with quasi-optimal rates.
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We provide a MATLAB package p1afem for an adaptive P1-finite element method (AFEM). This includes functions for the assembly of the data, different error estimators, and an indicator-based adaptive meshrefining algorithm. Throughout, the focus is on an efficient realization by use of MATLAB built-in functions and vectorization. Numerical experiments underline the efficiency of the code which is observed to be of almost linear complexity with respect to the runtime. Although the scope of this paper is on AFEM, the general ideas can be understood as a guideline for writing efficient MATLAB code.
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We present a program for computing symmetric quadrature rules on triangles and tetrahedra. A set of rules are obtained by using this program. Quadrature rules up to order 21 on triangles and up to order 14 on tetrahedra have been obtained which are useful for use in finite element computations. All rules presented here have positive weights with points lying within the integration domain. Mathematics subject classification: 65D32, 65D30, 65M60.
We revisit a unified methodology for the iterative solution of nonlinear equations in Hilbert spaces. Our key observation is that the general approach from [P. Heid and T. P. Wihler, Adaptive iterative linearization Galerkin methods for nonlinear problems, Math. Comp. 89 2020, 326, 2707–2734; P. Heid and T. P. Wihler, On the convergence of adaptive iterative linearized Galerkin methods, Calcolo 57 2020, Paper No. 24] satisfies an energy contraction property in the context of (abstract) strongly monotone problems. This property, in turn, is the crucial ingredient in the recent convergence analysis in [G. Gantner, A. Haberl, D. Praetorius and S. Schimanko, Rate optimality of adaptive finite element methods with respect to the overall computational costs, preprint 2020]. In particular, we deduce that adaptive iterative linearized finite element methods (AILFEMs) lead to full linear convergence with optimal algebraic rates with respect to the degrees of freedom as well as the total computational time.
We consider an adaptive finite element method with arbitrary but fixed polynomial degree {p\geq 1} , where adaptivity is driven by an edge-based residual error estimator. Based on the modified maximum criterion from [L. Diening, C. Kreuzer and R. Stevenson, Instance optimality of the adaptive maximum strategy, Found. Comput. Math. 16 2016, 1, 33–68], we propose a goal-oriented adaptive algorithm and prove that it is instance optimal. More precisely, the goal error is bounded by the product of the total errors (being the sum of energy error plus data oscillations) of the primal and the dual problem, and the proposed algorithm is instance optimal with respect to this upper bound. Numerical experiments underline our theoretical findings.
We introduce oFEM, an efficient and flexible finite element environment for Matlab. The proposed code is fast due to vectorization and scalable in terms of computation time. It further offers interfaces to pre and post processing tools, to import meshes and export computed data. A strict object oriented approach makes it flexible, easily extensible and applicable to a broad range of applications.
We provide an abstract framework for optimal goal-oriented adaptivity for finite element methods and boundary element methods in the spirit of [C. Carstensen et al., Comput. Math. Appl., 67 (2014), pp. 1195-1253]. We prove that this framework covers standard discretizations of general second-order linear elliptic PDEs and hence generalizes available results [R. Becker, E. Estecahandy, and D. Trujillo, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 49 (2011), pp. 2451-2469, M. S. Mommer and R. Stevenson, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 47 (2009), pp. 861-886] beyond the Poisson equation.
we construct a converging adaptive algorithm for linear elements applied to Poisson's equation in two space dimensions. Starting from a macro triangulation, we describe how to construct an initial triangulation from a priori information. Then we use a posteriori error estimators to get a sequence of refined triangulations and approximate solutions. It is proved that the error, measured in the energy norm, decreases at a constant rate in each step until a prescribed error bound is reached. Extensions to higher-order elements in two space dimensions and numerical results are included.
Self-adaptive discretization methods nowadays are an indispensable tool for the numerical solution of partial differential equations that arise from physical and technical applications. The aim is to obtain a numerical solution within a prescribed tolerance using a minimal amount of work. The main tools in achieving this goal are a posteriori error estimates which give global and local information on the error of the numerical solution and which can easily be computed from the given numerical solution and the data of the differential equation. In this monograph we review the most frequently used a posteriori error estimation techniques and apply them to a broad class of linear and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations. Although there are various approaches to adaptivity and a posteriori error estimation, they are all based on a few common principles. Our main goal is to elaborate these basic principles and to give guidelines for developing adaptive schemes for new problems. Chapters 1 and 2 are quite elementary and present various error indicators and their use for mesh adaptation in the framework of a simple model problem. The intention here is to present the basic principles using a minimal amount of notation and techniques. Chapters 4–6, on the other hand, are more advanced and present a posteriori error estimates within a general framework using the technical tools collected in Chapter 3. Most sections close with a bibliographical remark which indicates the historical development and hints at further results.
I Theoretical Foundations.- 1 Finite Element Interpolation.- 2 Approximation in Banach Spaces by Galerkin Methods.- II Approximation of PDEs.- 3 Coercive Problems.- 4 Mixed Problems.- 5 First-Order PDEs.- 6 Time-Dependent Problems.- III Implementation.- 7 Data Structuring and Mesh Generation.- 8 Quadratures, Assembling, and Storage.- 9 Linear Algebra.- 10 A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Meshes.- IV Appendices.- A Banach and Hilbert Spaces.- A.1 Basic Definitions and Results.- A.2 Bijective Banach Operators.- B Functional Analysis.- B.1 Lebesgue and Lipschitz Spaces.- B.2 Distributions.- B.3 Sobolev Spaces.- Nomenclature.- References.- Author Index.
An application of the penalty method to the finite element method is analyzed. For a model Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, a variational principle with penalty is discussed. This principle leads to the solution of the Poisson equation by using functions that do not satisfy the boundary condition. The rate of convergence is discussed.
In this paper an adaptive finite element method is constructed for solving elliptic equations that has optimal computational complexity. Whenever, for some s > 0, the solution can be approximated within a tolerance ε > 0 in energy norm by a continuous piecewise linear function on some partition with O(ε-1/s) triangles, and one knows how to approximate the right-hand side in the dual norm with the same rate with piecewise constants, then the adaptive method produces approximations that converge with this rate, taking a number of operations that is of the order of the number of triangles in the output partition. The method is similar in spirit to that from [SINUM, 38 (2000), pp. 466-488] by Morin, Nochetto, and Siebert, and so in particular it does not rely on a recurrent coarsening of the partitions. Although the Poisson equation in two dimensions with piecewise linear approximation is considered, the results generalize in several respects.
The numerical solution of elliptic boundary value problems with finite element methods requires the approximation of given Dirichlet data uD by functions uD,h in the trace space of a finite element space on D. In this paper, quantitative a priori and a posteriori estimates are presented for two choices of uD,h, namely the nodal interpolation and the orthogonal projection in L2(D) onto the trace space. Two corresponding extension operators allow for an estimate of the boundary data approximation in global H1 and L2 a priori and a posteriori error estimates. The results imply that the orthogonal projection leads to better estimates in the sense that the influence of the approximation error on the estimates is of higher order than for the nodal interpolation.
Algorithms are presented that enable the element matrices for the standard finite element space, consisting of continuous piecewise polynomials of degree n on simplicial elements in Rd, to be computed in optimal complexity Ω(n 2d). The algorithms (i) take into account numerical quadrature; (ii) are applicable to nonlinear problems; and (iii) do not rely on precomputed arrays containing values of one-dimensional basis functions at quadrature points (although these can be used if desired). The elements are based on Bernstein polynomials and are the first to achieve optimal complexity for the standard finite element spaces on simplicial elements.
An adaptive finite element method is analyzed for approximating functionals of the solution of symmetric elliptic second order boundary value problems. We show that the method converges and derive a favorable upper bound for its convergence rate and computational complexity. We illustrate our theoretical findings with numerical results.
Design patterns are a form of documentation that proposes solutions to recurring object-oriented software design problems. Design patterns became popular in software engineering thanks to the book published in 1995 by the Gang of Four (GoF): Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Since the publication of the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, design patterns have been used to design programs and ease their maintenance, to teach object-oriented concepts and related “good” practices in classrooms, and to assess quality and help program comprehension in research. However, design patterns may also lead to overengineered programs and may negatively impact quality. We recall the history of design patterns and present some recent development characterizing the advantages and disadvantages of design patterns. Design patterns are a form of documentation that proposes solutions to recurring object-oriented software design problems. Design patterns became popular in software engineering thanks to the book published in 1995 by the Gang of Four (GoF): Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Since the publication of the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, design patterns have been used to design programs and ease their maintenance, to teach object-oriented concepts and related “good” practices in classrooms, and to assess quality and help program comprehension in research. However, design patterns may also lead to overengineered programs and may negatively impact quality. We recall the history of design patterns and present some recent development characterizing the advantages and disadvantages of design patterns.
Recently, in (Ste05), we proved that an adaptive nite element method based on newest vertex bisection in two space dimensions for solving elliptic equations, which is essentially the method from (SINUM, 38 (2000), 466{488) by Morin, Nochetto, and Siebert, converges with the optimal rate. The number of triangles N in the output partition of such a method is generally larger than the number M of triangles that in all intermediate partitions have been marked for bisection, because additional bisections are needed to retain conforming meshes. A key ingredient to our proof was a result from (Numer. Math., 97(2004), 219{268) by Binev, Dahmen and DeVore saying that N N0 CM for some absolute constant C, where N0 is the number of triangles from the initial partition that have never been bisected. In this paper, we extend this result to bisection algorithms of n-simplices, with that generalizing the result concerning optimality of the adaptive nite element method to general space dimensions.
varfem: variational formulation based programming for finite element methods in matlab
  • Y Yu
Y. Yu, varfem: variational formulation based programming for finite element methods in matlab (2022). 2206.06918
iFEM: an integrated finite element methods package in MATLAB
  • L Chen
L. Chen, iFEM: an integrated finite element methods package in MATLAB, Technical Report, 2009.
The fenics project version 1.5
  • Alns
Efficient and flexible MATLAB implementation of 2d and 3d elastoplastic problems
  • M Ermák
  • S Sysala
  • J Valdman
M. Č ermák, S. Sysala, J. Valdman, Efficient and flexible MATLAB implementation of 2d and 3d elastoplastic problems, Appl. Math. Comput. 355 (2019) 595-614, doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2019.02.054.
The dune framework: Basic concepts and recent developments
  • P Bastian
  • M Blatt
  • A Dedner
  • N.-A Dreier
  • C Engwer
  • R Fritze
  • C Grser
  • C Grninger
  • D Kempf
  • R Klfkorn
  • M Ohlberger
  • O Sander
P. Bastian, M. Blatt, A. Dedner, N.-A. Dreier, C. Engwer, R. Fritze, C. Grser, C. Grninger, D. Kempf, R. Klfkorn, M. Ohlberger, O. Sander, The dune framework: Basic concepts and recent developments, Comput. Math. Appl. 81 (2021) 75-112, doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.06.007.