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A Study the Professional Ethics of Teachers of Secondary Schools

  • Centre for Rural Development Ecology and Environment Protection (CRDEEP)

Abstract and Figures

ARTICLE INFORMATION ABSTRACT Introduction The teaching profession is one of the ideal professions that expect high standards of ethical behaviors from teachers. The society we are living in values the responsibilities of teachers in the education and development of students. "Teacher" is called "Guru" which is most knowable person in his area of education than others and he is a role model in the society. In our literature the place of Guru higher than God: गु रू गोविन्द दोऊ खड़े , काक़े लागू ूं पाूं य। बवलहारी गु रू अपऩे गोविन्द ददयो बताय।। In most countries, "teacher" means a professional person who practices the profession under a teaching certificate or other equivalent certificate, issued by the education authority. We, as teachers, recognize the fact that teaching profession requires the high degree of professionalism. Therefore, with the public trust and professional responsibilities, teachers honor and follow the professional and ethical standards so that they are accountable to students and their parents, colleagues, employers and the community. Each profession has its own culture derived from the role of its practitioners and the expectations that the society has with respect to the professional service. The term "profession" is derived from the Latin word "profiteor" which means to process. The Oxford English Dictionary defines profession as "a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification". The nature of profession consists of the following components: Payment, knowledge and skill, responsibility, recognition and professional ideal of service. When payment is considered the professional including teachers are paid but deal with this service. Professional teacher is not simply one who teaches but also one who has duty to teach the knowledge and skill required efficient practice of a profession. Knowledge and skill required for a profession include theoretical and practical knowledge it can be acquired only through training over the years. Responsibility towards own duty is must in any profession. A teacher is accountable for his work. The members of the profession not only see themselves as member of a profession but are also seen as a profession by the rest of the community. The community recognize the value of teaching service recognition therefore carries with its social
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B. S Gupta /IJSSAH/ 9(4) 2022; 104-107
International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities 104
Full Length Research Paper
A Study the Professional Ethics of Teachers of Secondary Schools
Dr. B. S. Gupta
Department of Education, BBAU, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
The teaching profession is one of the ideal professions that expect high standards of ethical behaviors from teachers. The
society we are living in values the responsibilities of teachers in the education and development of students. Teacher” is
called „Guru‟ which is most knowable person in his area of education than others and he is a role model in the society. In our
literature the place of Guru higher than God: 󰰉 󰬁  ,   
 󰰉  󰬁 󰲑 
In most countries, “teacher” means a professional person who practices the profession under a teaching certificate or other
equivalent certificate, issued by the education authority. We, as teachers, recognize the fact that teaching profession requires
the high degree of professionalism. Therefore, with the public trust and professional responsibilities, teachers honor and
follow the professional and ethical standards so that they are accountable to students and their parents, colleagues, employers
and the community.
Each profession has its own culture derived from the role of its practitioners and the expectations that the society has with
respect to the professional service. The term „profession‟ is derived from the Latin word „profiteor‟ which means to process.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines profession as „a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and
a formal qualification‟. The nature of profession consists of the following components: Payment, knowledge and skill,
responsibility, recognition and professional ideal of service.
When payment is considered the professional including teachers are paid but deal with this service. Professional teacher is
not simply one who teaches but also one who has duty to teach the knowledge and skill required efficient practice of a
profession. Knowledge and skill required for a profession include theoretical and practical knowledge it can be acquired only
through training over the years. Responsibility towards own duty is must in any profession. A teacher is accountable for his
work. The members of the profession not only see themselves as member of a profession but are also seen as a profession by
the rest of the community. The community recognize the value of teaching service recognition therefore carries with its social
Vol. 9. No. 4. 2022
©Copyright by CRDEEP Journals. All Rights Reserved.
Contents available at:
International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities (ISSN: 2321-4147)(CIF: 3.625)
A Quarterly Peer Reviewed Journal
Corresponding Author:
Dr B.S Gupta
Article history:
Received: 05-12-022
Revised: 08-12-2022
Accepted: 16-12-2022
Published: 19-12-2022
Key words:
Professional Ethics,
Teacher Trainees
Professional ethics is a person's value which is important for success in teaching profession.
When teacher feel confident and secure they're more likely to succeed in school and achieve
personal goals because they follow professional ethics. The objective of the study was to
measure the professional ethics of male and female secondary teachers as well as secondary
teacher of government and private secondary school. The researcher has selected the sample
through random sampling 70 teachers were selected from secondary schools from Prayagraj
and Lucknow City. To collect the data Professional Ethics Inventory has used prepared by
researcher. The salient finding of the study was the female teachers of secondary schools have
comparatively high professional ethics than professional ethics of male teachers of secondary
schools and teachers of government secondary schools have comparatively high professional
ethics than professional ethics of teachers of private secondary schools.
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International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities 105
status in being recognition as both a skilled and responsible member of a community the professionals will get increased
social prestige better pay and independence.
Buber (1970) suggests that teacher-student relationships ought to be characterized by a principle of reciprocity. Reciprocal
relationship is built up by I-You rather than I-It. Code of ethics has started to play a significant role in teacher preparation
programs. Ontario College of Teacher‟s ethical standards (2006) for the teaching profession aim to inspire members to reflect
and maintain the honor and dignity of the teaching profession, identify the ethical responsibilities and commitments in the
teaching profession, guide ethical decisions and actions in the teaching profession, and promote public trust and confidence
in the teaching profession.
National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) now requires professional ethical dispositions of teachers to be addressed in
accreditation process. Professional ethics determines their responsibilities towards the students.
Being with the students
Safety for all students
Commitment towards the profession
Cooperating with colleagues
Interaction with parents and community
Putting Students First
Showing Commitment on the Job
Promote and Uphold Healthy Relationships
Never Stop Learning
Teachers can be regarded as a guiding light as they play an important role in shaping the life of the students. They are strong
role models and need to have a rational behavior towards the students. Following above ethics will help them in being
impartial in their field and do the job honestly with professionalism.
Objectives of the study
1. To study the professional ethics of male and female teachers of secondary schools.
2. To study the professional ethics of teachers of government and private secondary schools.
Research Hypothesis
1. There is significant difference in professional ethics between male and female teachers of secondary schools.
2. There is significant difference in professional ethics between the teachers of government and private secondary
Null Hypothesis
1. There is no significant difference in professional ethics between male and female teachers of secondary schools.
2. There is no significant difference in professional ethics between the teachers of government and private
secondary schools.
Research Method
In this study survey method under the descriptive research has used.
Population and Sample- All the teacher of secondary schools of Prayagraj and lucknow city considered as the population and
70 teacher of secondary schools has randomly selected for this study.
Tools Used- Professional Ethics Inventory prepared by the researcher has used.
Analysis and Interpretation
Objective 1. To study the professional ethics of male and female teachers of secondary schools.
Table 1.Mean, SD and t-ratio of professional ethics of male and female teachers of secondary schools
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
*Significant at 0.05 level of significance
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From the table 01 it is clear that the calculated value of t-ratio 2.248 is more than the table value of t-ratio at 0.05 level of
significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance that There is no significant difference in
professional ethics between male and female teachers of secondary schools and the research hypothesis is accepted that
There is significant difference in professional ethics between male and female teachers of secondary schools. Hence, it is
stated that there is significant difference in professional ethics between male and female teachers of secondary schools.
Fig. 1. Mean of professional ethics of male and female teachers of secondary schools
It is observed from table no. 01 that the mean of professional ethics of male teachers of secondary schools is 107.08 and the
mean of professional ethics of female teachers of secondary schools is 112.15. It indicates that there exists significant
difference in professional ethics between male and female teachers of secondary schools. So, it is stated that female teachers
of secondary schools having high professional ethics than male teachers of secondary schools.
Objective 2. To study the professional ethics of teachers of government and private secondary schools.
Table 2. Mean, SD and T-ratio of professional ethics of teachers of government and private secondary schools
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
*Significant at 0.05 level of significance
From the table 02 it is clear that the calculated value of t-ratio 2.677 is more than the table value of t-ratio at 0.05 level of
significance. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected at 0.05 level of significance that There is no significant difference in
professional ethics between teachers of government and private secondary schools and the research hypothesis is accepted
that There is significant difference in professional ethics between teachers of government and private secondary schools.
Hence, it is stated that there is significant difference in professional ethics between teachers of government and private
secondary schools.
Fig 2. Mean of professional ethics of teachers of government and private secondary schools
It is observed from table no. 02 that the mean of professional ethics of teachers of government secondary schools is 113.35
and the mean of professional ethics of teachers of private secondary schools is 107.81. It indicates that there exists significant
difference in professional ethics between teachers of government and private secondary schools. So, it is stated that teachers
of government secondary schools having high professional ethics than teachers of private secondary schools.
The previous researches indicated that professional ethics is most relevant in teaching. Teachers who are high in professional
ethics teach students with multiple way and methods but teachers who are low in professional ethics tend to avoid problems
solving and teach to students non-seriously. It was found that low professional ethics and low general self-efficacy led to low
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International Journal of Social Sciences Arts & Humanities 107
performance in the class. On the contrary, high teachers‟ professional ethics was a reflection of high self-esteem. Professional
ethics influenced not only in decision making, perceived education, ability to get cooperation from community, and in the
development of positive school environment of teachers‟ efficacy but also influenced all the components of teaching leaning
environment. The supportive efforts to promote and facilitate for professional ethics in teacher education related by training
classes, providing financial support for teaching activities, encouraging a culture of teaching values. Teacher educators
should give not only constructive criticism to teacher trainees but also set realistic expectations in classroom and anywhere.
Teacher educators who don't have a lot of professional ethics due to self-confidence tend to focus on only the negative
aspects of what they are doing. Make it a point to praise and recognize teacher trainees when they do something correctly,
both in personally and in front of their peers.
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National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (2002). Professional standards for the accreditation of schools,
colleges and departments of education. Retrieved October 2, 2003 from http://www.ncate.org/standard/programstds.htm.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Modern Measurement and Evaluation
  • S P Gupta
Gupta, S. P. (2016). Modern Measurement and Evaluation. Allahabad: Sharda Pustak Bhawan.
Professional standards for the accreditation of schools, colleges and departments of education
  • L Koul
Koul, L. (2001). Methodology of Educational Research (3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (2002). Professional standards for the accreditation of schools, colleges and departments of education. Retrieved October 2, 2003 from http://www.ncate.org/standard/programstds.htm. Ontario College of Teachers (2006). The Ethical standards for the teaching profession. Retrieved April 1, 2009 from http://www.oct.ca/standards