
Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon storage in Southern California drylands

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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is enriching soils with N across biomes. Soil N enrichment can increase plant productivity and affect microbial activity, thereby increasing soil organic carbon (SOC), but such responses vary across biomes. Drylands cover ~45% of Earth's land area and store ~33% of global SOC contained in the top 1m of soil. Nitrogen fertilization could, therefore, disproportionately impact carbon (C) cycling, yet whether dryland SOC storage increases with N remains unclear. To understand how N enrichment may change SOC storage, we separated SOC into plant‐derived, particulate organic C (POC), and largely microbially‐derived, mineral‐associated organic C (MAOC) at four N deposition experimental sites in Southern California. Theory suggests that N enrichment increases the efficiency by which microbes build MAOC (C stabilization efficiency) if soil pH stays constant. But if soils acidify, a common response to N enrichment, then microbial biomass and enzymatic organic matter decay may decrease, increasing POC but not MAOC. We found that N enrichment had no effect on C fractions except for a decrease in MAOC at one site. Specifically, despite reported increases in plant biomass in three sites and decreases in microbial biomass and extracellular enzyme activities in two sites that acidified, POC did not increase. Furthermore, microbial C use and stabilization efficiency increased in a non‐acidified site, but without increasing MAOC. Instead, MAOC decreased by 16% at one of the sites that acidified, likely because it lost 47% of the exchangeable calcium (Ca) relative to controls. Indeed, MAOC was strongly and positively affected by Ca, which directly and, through its positive effect on microbial biomass, explained 58% of variation in MAOC. Long‐term effects of N fertilization on dryland SOC storage appear abiotic in nature, such that drylands where Ca‐stabilization of SOC is prevalent and soils acidify, are most at risk for significant C loss.

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... When organic materials are incorporated into soils, they can be processed by microbial decomposers, adhere to soil minerals, or be occluded within aggregates before the formation of SOC (Lehmann and Kleber, 2015). Recent studies on SOC cycling often separated bulk SOC into particulate (POC) and mineral-associated (MAOC) organic C fractions (Chen et al., 2020a;Cotrufo et al., 2022;Puspok et al., 2023). POC consists of partially decomposed plant materials and byproducts of decomposition, whereas microbial-derived compounds are considered as an important precursor of MAOC through strong chemical adsorption to soil minerals (Ridgeway et al., 2022;Rui et al., 2022). ...
... The size of the MAOC poolcan be regulated by both, the efficiency of the microbial conversion of C to generate microbial products and the capacity of the soil matrix to stabilise the microbial-derived C (Liang et al., 2017;Chen et al., 2020a;Klink et al., 2022;Ridgeway et al., 2022). Current researches have acknowledged the depletion of soil metals and active oxides caused by acidification as a possible mechanism by which the MAOC pool is reduced with N enrichment (Puspok et al., 2023;Tang et al., 2023). In our study, the fact that soil pH remained constant in rice straw and green manure amended soils could mean that the chemical processes that control soil organic-metal complex formation (i.e., polyvalent cation bond bridges, ligand exchange, and co-precipitation) were likely not modified in these two treatments. ...
... (%) is the percentages increases in the mean squared error Enzyme activities are biomass-specific enzyme activities; BG:(LAG + NAG) is the ratio of BG activity to LAP + NAG activity; BG:AP is the ratio of BG activity to AP activity; Bacteria PC1 represents the first axis of the principal component analysis of bacterial community composition as indicated by 16S rRNA genes; Fungi PC1 represents the first axis of the principal component analysis of fungal community as indicated by ITS genes; Bacteria 1 is the ratio of oligotrophic to copiotrophic taxa of the bacterial community as indicated by 16S rRNA genes (bacterial oligotrophs:copiotrophs); Fungi 2 is the ratio of oligotrophic to copiotrophic taxa of the fungal community as indicated by ITS genes (fungal oligotrophs:copiotrophs); AG_2, AG_1-2, AG_025-1, AG_025 are the proportions of aggregates > 2 mm, 1-2 mm, 025-1 mm and < 025 mm, respectively Significance codes: *** P < 0001, ** P < 001, * P < 005. Therefore, it is reasonable to suspect that the efficient build-up of MAOC, to a large extent, is the result of an acceleration of the microbial C pump (Puspok et al., 2023). ...
... Soil nitrogen content is positively related to organic carbon (Puspok et al., 2023;Xu et al., 2022). As nitrogen content increases, nitrate can cause the leaching of metal cations, reducing resistance to acidification (Tian & Niu, 2015). ...
... Aridity still negatively affected soil organic carbon and significantly reduced vegetation cover, leading to a reduction in the input sources of soil organic carbon. Additionally, aridity lowers soil nitrogen content, which reduces organic carbon by decreasing productivity and microbial biomass (Puspok et al., 2023). The lower effect of aridity on organic carbon in more arid regions is consistent with previous studies (Berdugo et al., 2020;Hu et al., 2021). ...
Drylands are important carbon pools and are highly vulnerable to climate change, particularly in the context of increasing aridity. However, there has been limited research on the effects of aridification on soil total carbon including soil organic carbon and soil inorganic carbon, which hinders comprehensive understanding and projection of soil carbon dynamics in drylands. To determine the response of soil total carbon to aridification, and to understand how aridification drives soil total carbon variation along the aridity gradient through different ecosystem attributes, we measured soil organic carbon, inorganic carbon and total carbon across a ~4000 km aridity gradient in the drylands of northern China. Distribution patterns of organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and total carbon at different sites along the aridity gradient were analyzed. Results showed that soil organic carbon and inorganic carbon had a complementary relationship, that is, an increase in soil inorganic carbon positively compensated for the decrease in organic carbon in semiarid to hyperarid regions. Soil total carbon exhibited a nonlinear change with increasing aridity, and the effect of aridity on total carbon shifted from negative to positive at an aridity level of 0.71. In less arid regions, aridification leads to a decrease in total carbon, mainly through a decrease in organic carbon, whereas in more arid regions, aridification promotes an increase in inorganic carbon and thus an increase in total carbon. Our study highlights the importance of soil inorganic carbon to total carbon and the different effects of aridity on soil carbon pools in drylands. Soil total carbon needs to be considered when developing measures to conserve the terrestrial carbon sink.
... Recently, a study reported that the relative abundance of Phycicoccus increased with N addition [50]. Atmospheric N deposition leads to N enrichment in soil, inducing changes in plant growth and soil biological activity, thereby affecting global C and N cycling [51]. In this study, the abundance of Nitrospira and Phycicoccus, and the content of TN and OM increased in IPr, suggesting that intercropping may promote nitrification, ammonification and carbon dioxide assimilation pathway, which may further enhance the carbon-nitrogen cycling in pepper rhizosphere. ...
... This slow accumulation process makes it difficult to detect significant shifts in MAOC content in short-term studies. Therefore, more time is needed to detect any changes in this fraction resulting from stabilizing the supplemented organic matter (Sokol et al., 2019), or the transformation of POC to MAOC with time (Püspök et al., 2023). ...
Soil salinity is a major challenge in many developing countries, affecting soil fertility and crop productivity. Salinity directly affects the soil microbiome through osmotic pressure and ion toxicity, resulting in diminished microbial biomass and activity. Additionally, indirect repercussions involve reduced organic carbon inputs and aggregate stability, reducing microbial diversity and functions. Salinity induces a microbial community shift toward the abundance of halotolerant and halophile microorganisms. The use of organic amendments is a promising approach. Indeed, the application of vermicompost, with its rich nutrient and organic matter content, proves effective in counteracting the impact of salinity on the soil microbiome by providing available nutrients, decreasing the plasmolysis of cells by reducing the Na+/K+and Na+/Ca2+ratios, improving the soil texture, increasing the microbial diversity, and shifting the soil microbiome toward the abundance of beneficial soil microbiota. Despite these positive effects, carefully considering the initial EC of both soil and vermicompost and the applied quantity is crucial to ensuring maximum benefits. Overall, vermicompost holds considerable potential as a sustainable management strategy to mitigate the impact of salinity on soil microbiome, promoting overall soil health and enhancing crop production.
... In these ecosystems with low organic content in soils, soil microbes are often limited by C rather than N (Garcia et al., 1994) and N immobilization is hindered by the lack of available C to build biomass. Other nutrients which are also low in these soils with little organic matter, such as phosphorus, potassium, or even micronutrients, may also hinders the biota's capacity to take advantage of additional N (Ramirez et al., 2010;Fay et al., 2015;Radujković et al., 2021;Choi et al., 2022). We did not measure microbial efforts to acquire C, N, or P via extracellular enzymes and can only speculate on the potential limitation of soil microbes by other nutrients. ...
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Although the negative consequences of increased nitrogen (N) supply for plant communities and soil chemistry are well known, most studies have focused on mesic grasslands, and the fate of added N in arid and semi-arid ecosystems remains unclear. To study the impacts of long-term increased N deposition on ecosystem N pools, we sampled a 26-year-long fertilization (10 g N m-2 yr-1) experiment in the northern Chihuahuan Desert at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR) in New Mexico. To determine the fate of the added N, we measured multiple soil, microbial, and plant N pools in shallow soils at three time points across the 2020 growing season. We found small but significant increases with fertilization in soil-available NO3--N and NH4+-N, yet the soil microbial and plant communities do not appear to be taking advantage of the increased N availability, with no changes in biomass or N content in either community. However, there were increases in total soil N with fertilization, suggesting increases in microbial or plant N earlier in the experiment. Ultimately, the majority of the N added in this multi-decadal experiment was not found in the shallow soil or the microbial or plant community and is likely to have been lost from the ecosystem entirely.
... Over the last few decades, increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, primarily due to fossil fuel combustion and agricultural fertilization (Galloway et al. 2008;Liu and Greaver 2010), has been an important aspect of anthropogenic global change (Schlesinger 2008). N deposition is widely believed to be a vital regulator of MR by concurrently changing ecosystem productivity (Liu and Greaver 2010;Qu et al. 2022), plant diversity (Ke et al. 2023;Wang et al. 2023a), soil properties (Puspok et al. 2023;Yuan et al. 2023), and microbial community structure (Janssens et al. 2010;Wang et al. 2023a). ...
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Background and aims Over the past few decades, terrestrial ecosystems have experienced rising atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, which further impacts the global carbon (C) budget through soil microbial respiration (MR). However, the effects of N deposition on MR are rarely characterized in deep soil (depth > 10 cm) rather than in surface soil (0–10 cm). This study attempted to elucidate how N deposition regulates MR along the soil profile and its underlying mechanism. Methods We collected soil samples and determined MR across three soil layers (shallow, medium, and deep) from a decade-long and five-level N addition experiment in a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia. We further used structural equation modeling to explore how long-term N addition regulates MR through various biotic (plant attributes and microbial community structure) and abiotic (soil properties) factors across the three soil layers. Results The overall response of MR to N addition varied with soil depth, shifting from stimulation in the shallow soil layer (standardized total effect of 0.36) to inhibition in the medium and deep soil layers (-0.34 and − 0.31). The identified direct and indirect pathways by which N addition regulates MR significantly differed across soil layers. Conclusion Our results found that the N addition effect on soil C decomposition varied across different soil layers and involved distinct mechanisms in the temperate grassland. As soil depth increases, the suppressive effect of N deposition on MR provides evidence that increasing N deposition may contribute to C accrual in deep soil in grassland ecosystems.
... However, it should be noted that excessive N deposition or addition may also cause soil acidification (Chen et al., 2023;Ye et al., 2018) and increase the availability of toxic metals (e.g. aluminium ion; Bowman et al., 2008), which may be harmful to microbial activity and growth (Püspök et al., 2023;Zhang et al., 2015). ...
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Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE), a key parameter to characterize microbial carbon conversion efficiency, is assumed to be similar in soil models for different soil functional pools with varied organic matter composition and nutrient availability, that is, particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral‐associated organic matter (MAOM). However, empirical studies comparing microbial CUE in POM versus MAOM are largely lacking. It is not known whether microbial CUE variance may underpin the variant behaviour (i.e. turnover and composition) of different soil functional pools. Here we collected surface soils from 25 natural forests and grasslands with divergent edaphic properties, and compared microbial CUE in their POM versus MAOM using soil fractionation in combination with incubation using ¹⁸O‐labelled water. We also quantified edaphic properties, organic matter composition, microbial community structures and the stoichiometric imbalance of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) relative to carbon based on the dissolved pool relative to microbial biomass (ImN and ImP) to investigate variables regulating microbial CUE and its variation in POM relative to MAOM (CUEPOM/CUEMAOM). In contrast to our expectation, microbial CUE did not consistently differ between POM and MAOM across sites, albeit with large inter‐sample variations in CUEPOM/CUEMAOM (from 0.3 to 4.4). Although MAOM had higher substrate quality, indicated by lower ratios of soil organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/NOM) and higher N‐compounds/aromatic ratios, and higher proportions of r‐strategists and fast‐growing bacteria in the microbial community than POM, POM and MAOM had similar degrees of N limitation (i.e. ImN), which was the best predictor of microbial CUE across all samples. Therefore, although MAOM harboured more N‐containing compounds than POM, N limitation was not necessarily lower, leading to an overall similar microbial CUE in POM and MAOM. Nevertheless, CUEPOM/CUEMAOM decreased with increasing P limitation in POM relative to MAOM. Overall, our paper presents a comprehensive, empirical study comparing microbial CUE in POM and MAOM of diverse soils, and our results support the use of similar microbial CUE for POM and MAOM in soil models, but also highlight potential contrasts in microbial CUE between soil pools under strong P limitation. Such inferences deserve attention under potentially increasing P limitation induced by N deposition. This study advances our mechanistic understanding of ecological patterns and processes from the organismic to the ecosystem scale based on soil microbial physiology and different soil functional pools. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... This slow accumulation process makes it difficult to detect significant shifts in MAOC content in short-term studies. Therefore, more time is needed to detect any changes in this fraction resulting from stabilizing the supplemented organic matter (Sokol et al., 2019), or the transformation of POC to MAOC with time (Püspök et al., 2023). ...
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Vermifiltration is a promising technique that can help recover nutrients from wastewater for further use in agriculture. We conducted a field experiment to assess the effectiveness of vermicompost produced from the vermifiltration of liquid waste (manure and food production waste) and how it can affect the soil health and yield of a squash crop. We tested the effect of three rates of vermicompost (low, medium, and high) applied over two consecutive years and measured physical, chemical, and biological soil health indicators, squash yield, and nutritional status. The results showed that the use of vermicompost, especially at a high rate, increased total soil carbon, total nitrogen, potentially mineralizable nitrogen, and particulate organic matter, as well as the activity of C-N-P cycling enzymes, as compared to a control with only inorganic fertilization. The yield of the squash crop remained stable, while the crop nutritional value improved as the levels of boron and copper in the treated squash increased. These findings indicate an improvement in soil health after the use of vermicompost. Overall, results strongly support using this type of vermicompost as a sustainable management approach to recycle nutrients and enhance soil health.
... Another study showed that N deposition significantly reduced the abundance of the functional genes nifH, a moA, and nirK, leading to suppression of N fixation, nitrification, and denitrification (Zhang et al., 2023a). Atmospheric N deposition leads to N enrichment in soil, inducing changes in plant growth and soil biological activity, thereby affecting global carbon (C) and N cycling (Püspök et al., 2023). Nitrogen deposition affects soil C cycle functional genes more than N cycle functional genes (Li et al., 2022b;Hagh-Doust et al., 2023). ...
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Introduction Nitrogen (N) deposition seriously affects the function of carbon (C) and N cycling in terrestrial ecosystems by altering soil microbial communities, especially in desert steppe ecosystems. However, there is a need for a comprehensive understanding of how microorganisms involved in each C and N cycle process respond to N deposition. Methods In this study, shotgun metagenome sequencing was used to investigate variations in soil C and N cycling-related genes in the desert steppe in northern China after 6 years of the following N deposition: N0 (control); N30 (N addition 30 kg ha⁻¹ year⁻¹): N50 (N addition 50 kg ha⁻¹ year⁻¹). Results N deposition significantly increased the relative abundance of Actinobacteria (P < 0.05) while significantly decreased the relative abundances of Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria (P < 0.05). This significantly impacted the microbial community composition in desert steppe soils. The annual addition or deposition of 50 kg ha⁻¹ year⁻¹ for up to 6 years did not affect the C cycle gene abundance but changed the C cycle-related microorganism community structure. The process of the N cycle in the desert steppe was affected by N deposition (50 kg ha⁻¹ year⁻¹), which increased the abundance of the pmoA-amoA gene related to nitrification and the nirB gene associated with assimilation nitrite reductase. There may be a niche overlap between microorganisms involved in the same C and N cycling processes. Discussion This study provides new insights into the effects of N deposition on soil microbial communities and functions in desert steppe and a better understanding of the ecological consequences of anthropogenic N addition.
... Secondly, soil pH plays an important role in membrane bound proton pumps and protein stability (Booth 1985), which may have a direct biochemical effect on EEAs (Sinsabaugh et al. 2008). Püspök et al. (2023) pointed out in a recent study that the dynamics of soil pH may be a key indicator for regulating microbial biomass and enzyme catalysis under the background of N deposition, and ultimately affect the efficiency of soil C stability (the efficiency of microbial production of MAOC). However, despite relevant reports, the understanding of microbial mediated SOC pool dynamics in the context of N deposition in temperate forests in northeast China is still unclear (Jian et al. 2016). ...
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Soil extracellular enzymes can regulate the decomposition processes of soil organic carbon (SOC). Thus, understanding how extracellular enzyme activity (EEA) and ecoenzymatic stoichiometry respond to altered nitrogen (N) deposition and precipitation patterns may establish a link between changes in soil organic matter and microbial responses in the context of climate change. The long-term field simulation experiments including the control, N deposition (N50, 50 kg·ha−1·yr−1), throughfall reduction (TR, − 30%), and their interactions (TR + N50) were built in a temperate forest in 2009. N50 significantly increased all EEAs except leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and acid phosphatase (ACP). In addition, TR significantly reduced other EEAs except for ACP and polyphenol oxidase (PPO). N50 mainly promotes EEAs by influenced pH, increased SOC, and microbial biomass carbon (MBC). TR inhibited EEAs mainly by reducing soil moisture content (SMC), SOC, and MBC. Furthermore, the positive effects of N50 on EEAs were offset by the negative effects of TR under the interactive of N deposition and penetration reduction. In the control, C acquisition enzyme (C-acq):N acquisition enzyme (N-acq):P acquisition enzyme (P-acq) ≈ 1:1:1, N50, and TR resulted in alterations in the ecoenzymatic stoichiometric equilibrium. Wherein, N50 reduced BG: NAG + LAP but increased BG:ACP and NAG + LAP:ACP. The effect of TR on the ecoenzymatic stoichiometric ratio showed completely opposite to N50. TR + N50 reduced all ecoenzymatic stoichiometric ratios. Our study suggests that pH, SMC, substrate quality, and microbial biomass may be the main drivers for changes in EEAs. Our results elucidate the response mechanism of extracellular enzyme activity to N deposition and precipitation reduction, providing insights into the dynamics of SOC pools in the context of global change. In addition, this study proves that N limitation rather than phosphorus limitation exists in northeast temperate forests, providing a theoretical basis for future forest management.
... As a result of altered abiotic and biotic surroundings, nutrient content in the soil aggregates reached its maximum after 26 years of grazing exclusion, indicating that grazing exclusion for a mediumterm duration can significantly improve the soil environment. We further confirmed that soil pH directly contributed to the potential nutrient accumulation in soil aggregates (Figure 4) (Chen et al., 2018;Kemmitt et al., 2006;Manning et al., 2015;Püspök et al., 2023). ...
Grazing exclusion alters grassland soil aggregation, microbiome composition, and biogeochemical processes. However, the long-term effects of grazing exclusion on the microbial communities and nutrient dynamics within soil aggregates remain unclear. We conducted a 36-year exclusion experiment to investigate how grazing exclusion affects the soil microbial community and the associated soil functions within soil aggregates in a semiarid grassland. Long-term (36 years) grazing exclusion induced a shift in microbial communities, especially in the <2 mm aggregates, from high to low diversity compared to the grazing control. The reduced microbial diversity was accompanied by instability of fungal communities, extended distribution of fungal pathogens to >2 mm aggregates, and reduced carbon (C) sequestration potential thus revealing a negative impact of long-term GE. In contrast, 11–26 years of grazing exclusion greatly increased C sequestration and promoted nutrient cycling in soil aggregates and associated microbial functional genes. Moreover, the environmental characteristics of microhabitats (e.g., soil pH) altered the soil microbiome and strongly contributed to C sequestration. Our findings reveal new evidence from soil microbiology for optimizing grazing exclusion duration to maintain multiple belowground ecosystem functions, providing promising suggestions for climate-smart and resource-efficient grasslands.
... It is estimated that anthropogenic nitrogen input now exceeds the amount of reactive nitrogen produced via biological nitrogen fixation by about 210 Tg.a −1 [1]. Continuous local N deposition eventually leads to excess nitrogen in the soil, which ultimately changes soil ecosystems and their structure and function [2,3], including soil microbial composition and diversity [4,5]. ...
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N deposition is a key factor affecting the composition and function of soil microbial communities in wetland ecosystems. Previous studies mainly focused on the effects of N deposition in the soil during the growing season (summer and autumn). Here, we focused on the response of the soil microbial community structure and function in winter. Soil from the Sanjiang Plain wetland, China, that had been treated for the past 11 years by using artificial N deposition at three levels (no intervention in N0, N deposition with 4 g N m−2 yr−1 in N1, and with 8 g N m−2 yr−1 in N2). Soil characteristics were determined and the bacterial composition and function was characterized using high-throughput sequence technology. The N deposition significantly reduced the soil bacterial diversity detected in winter compared with the control N0, and it significantly changed the composition of the bacterial community. At the phylum level, the high N deposition (N2) increased the relative abundance of Acidobacteria and decreased that of Myxococcota and Gemmatimonadota compared with N0. In soil from N2, the relative abundance of the general Candidatus_Solibacter and Bryobacter was significantly increased compared with N0. Soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), and total nitrogen (TN) were the key factors affecting the soil bacterial diversity and composition in winter. Soil pH was correlated with soil carbon cycling, probably due to its significant correlation with aerobic_chemoheterotrophy. The results show that a long-term N deposition reduces soil nutrients in winter wetlands and decreases soil bacterial diversity, resulting in a negative impact on the Sanjiang plain wetland. This study contributes to a better understanding of the winter responses of soil microbial community composition and function to the N deposition in temperate wetland ecosystems.
... Most previous studies mainly concentrated on the soil microbial biomass, community and activity under N addition/ deposition Chen et al., 2020b;Chen et al., 2021b;Feng et al., 2022). They highlighted that increase in microbial biomass and activity could favor the breakdown of POC to MAOC (Püspök et al., 2023), contributing to the buildup of MAOC. As such, studying the response of C degradation genes (i.e., genes encoding oxidative and hydrolytic C − degrading enzymes) to N addition might further shed light on microbial− mediated transformation of organic carbon fractions (Chen et al., 2020c). ...
Nitrogen (N) addition can have substantial impacts on both aboveground and belowground processes such as plant productivity, microbial activity, and soil properties, which in turn alters the fate of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, how N addition affects various SOC fractions such as particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC), particularly in agroecosystem, and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, plant biomass (grain yield, straw biomass, and root biomass), soil chemical properties (pH, N availability, exchangeable cations and amorphous Al/Fe - (hydr) oxides) and microbial characteristics (biomass and functional genes) in response to a N addition experiment (0, 150, 225, 300, and 375 kg ha-1) in paddy soil were investigated to explore the predominant controls of POC and MAOC. Our results showed that POC significantly increased, while MAOC decreased under N addition (p < 0.05). Correlation analysis and PLSPM results suggested that increased C input, as indicated by root biomass, predominated the increase in POC. The declined MAOC was not mainly dominated by microbial control, but was strongly associated with the attenuated mineral protection (especially Ca2+) induced by soil acidification under N addition. Collectively, our results emphasized the importance of combining C input and soil chemistry in predicting soil C dynamics and thereby determining soil organic C storage in response to N addition in rice agroecosystem.
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Intensification of agriculture and industry over the past two centuries has increased the amount of biologically limiting nutrients entering ecosystems. In areas such as grasslands, where growth is primarily constrained by one or more nutrients, increasing anthropogenic nutrient input has the potential to restructure plant communities and alter ecosystem carbon pools and cycling. Using a 13-year nutrient-manipulation experiment, we show that plant biomass increased with addition of nitrogen alone but even more strongly when nitrogen was combined with phosphorus or potassium and micronutrients, providing evidence for serial co-limitation of biomass. In contrast, plant functional group composition responded only when all nutrients were added together. The effects of nutrients on soil organic matter were mediated through changes in soil pH and base cation concentrations, and there was no direct effect of nitrogen alone, or in combination with other nutrients, on carbon fluxes or soil organic matter. Our work demonstrates how co-limitation may shift through time and may depend the effect of fertilization on soil pH and base cation concentration. Our experiment reveals that nitrogen added alone for more than 13 years does not affect plant community composition at our study site, overturning a long-standing interpretation of past work.
Elevated ozone (eO3) and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition are important climate change components that can affect plant growth and plant-soil-microbe interactions. However, the understanding of how eO3 and its interaction with N deposition affect soil microbially mediated carbon (C) cycling and the fate of soil C stocks is limited. This study aimed to test how eO3 and N deposition affected soil microbial metrics (i.e., respiration, enzyme activities, biomass, necromass, and community composition) and resulting soil organic C (SOC) fractions in the rhizosphere of poplar plantations with different sensitivity to O3. Exposure to O3 and/or N deposition for four years was conducted within a free-air O3 concentration-enrichment facility. Elevated O3 reduced soil microbial respiration and biomass C but enhanced the enzymatic acquisition of C (i.e., potential soil hydrolase and oxidase activity) and shifted to a fungi-dominated community composition. These responses suggest that microbial C availability decreased and microbes allocated more energy to obtain C and nutrients from biochemically resistant substrates under eO3. Elevated O3 decreased bacterial necromass C and total necromass C, which could explain the observed decreases in mineral-associated organic C and SOC. The effects of eO3 on soil microbial C availability and community composition were strengthened by N addition, whereas there were no differences in the below-ground effects of eO3 between the two poplar clones. Taken together, the increased soil extracellular enzyme activities and slightly increased particulate organic C content suggest that the microbial C pump pathway via microbial ex vivo modification was strengthened by eO3, whereas the pathway via microbial in vivo turnover was weakened, as suggested by the decreases in soil microbial respiration, biomass, necromass, and mineral-associated organic C. Our study provides evidence that aboveground eO3 effects on trees may affect belowground microbial processing of organic matter and ultimately the persistence of SOC.
Although the effects of human-enhanced atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition are well documented, the response of dryland soils to N deposition remains unclear owing to the divergence in hydrological outputs and soil heterogeneity. We selected a typical desert steppe in western China to simulate the effects of long-term N deposition by applying 0 (CK), 3.5, 7, and 14 g N m−2 yr−1 for 12 consecutive years. We found that, compared with the CK plots, the total N content of the upper (0–10 cm) and lower (10–20 cm) soil layers in fertilized plots increased by 8.3–14.6 % and 2.4–8.2 %, respectively. Correspondingly, the available, –, and –N contents in the upper soil significantly increased by 25.5–68.3 %. However, in the lower soil, available and –N contents were significantly lower than those in the CK plots, and their variation trend was opposite to that of –N, implying N turnover and leaching. As a result, the upper and lower soil pH in fertilized plots significantly decreased by 0.36–0.53 and 0.31–0.37 units; however, their CaCO3 content significantly increased by 9.8–22.8 % and 7.2–30.3 %, respectively. The total phosphorus (P) content in the upper and lower soil layers in fertilized plots significantly increased and decreased by 3.6–51.3 % and 16.7–62.5 %, respectively, however, both significantly decreased along the N fertilization gradient. Furthermore, the upper and lower soil organic carbon (SOC) content in the fertilized plots significantly increased by 57.7–78.1 % and 19.2–27.4 %, respectively. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed that available soil P was significantly negatively correlated with plant shoot Mn content (a proxy for rhizosphere carboxylates), whereas dissolved OC, SOC, and CaCO3 were significantly positively correlated, suggesting that Ca cycling is involved in P cycling and SOC sequestration. Our study suggests that long-term N input exacerbates P limitation in desert steppes, however, enhances SOC sequestration.
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Background and aims Over the past few decades, terrestrial ecosystems have experienced rising atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, which further impacts the global carbon (C) budget through soil microbial respiration (MR). However, the effects of N deposition on MR are rarely characterized in subsoil (depth > 10 cm) rather than in topsoil (0–10 cm). This study attempted to elucidate how N deposition regulates MR along the soil profile and its underlying mechanism. Methods We collected soil samples and determined MR across three soil layers (shallow, medium, and deep) from a decade-long and five-level N addition experiment in a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia. We further used structural equation modeling to explore how long-term N addition regulates MR through various biotic (plant attributes and microbial community structure) and abiotic (soil properties) factors across the three soil layers. Results The overall response of MR to N addition varied with soil depth, shifting from stimulation in the shallow soil layer (standardized total effect of 0.36) to inhibition in the medium and deep soil layers (-0.34 and − 0.31). The identified direct and indirect pathways by which N addition regulates MR significantly differed across soil layers. Conclusion As soil depth increases, the suppressive effect of N deposition on MR provides evidence that increasing N deposition may contribute to C accrual in the subsoil in grassland ecosystems.
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Introduction Inputs of additional organic matter to the soil will accelerate or inhibit the decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC), resulting in a priming effect (PE), which is a key mechanism affecting soil carbon (C) cycling. The impact mechanism of changes in soil properties on the PE is still unclear after vegetation restoration; in particular, the contribution of C pools with different turnover rates to the PE has not been distinguished and quantified. Methods In this study, the secondary shrub (SB) ( Vitex negundo var. heterophylla ) formed by the enclosure of barren grassland was selected as the research object, and the barren grassland (GL) was taken as the control. Equal amounts of ¹³ C-labeled glucose were added to the topsoil for a 45-day incubation experiment to measure the PE. Moreover, soil samples were destructively sampled to explore the fate of new C and changes in POC and MAOC fractions during incubation. Results After 45 days of incubation, most of the new C formed by glucose flowed to MAOC, with 95.45% in SB soil and 92.29% in GL soil. In the experiment, all soils showed a positive PE. The PE, POC mineralization and MAOC accumulation were higher in SB soil than in GL soil. During incubation, the mineralization of POC was positively correlated with the PE and made a major contribution to the PE. Partial correlation analysis showed that after vegetation restoration, SB further promoted the mineralization of POC by increasing the soil moisture, fungal diversity and necromass C of bacteria, which led to an increase in PE. Conclusion The SB mainly enhanced PE by increasing soil fungal diversity and mineralization of POC. And increasing PE due to the SB may lead to an increase in soil C emissions. Therefore, we need to adopt forest management and other measures to address the potential risks of increased soil C emissions in the vegetation restoration process.
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Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a central role in the global carbon balance and in mitigating climate change. It will therefore be important to understand mechanisms of SOM decomposition and stabilisation. SOM stabilisation is controlled by biotic factors, such as the efficiency by which microbes use and produce organic compounds varying in chemistry, but also by abiotic factors, such as adsorption of plant- and microbially-derived organic matter onto soil minerals. Indeed, the physicochemical adsorption of organic matter onto soil minerals, forming mineral associated organic matter (MAOM), is one of the significant processes for SOM stabilisation. We integrate existing frameworks of SOM stabilisation and illustrate how microbial control over SOM stabilisation interacts with soil minerals. In our new integrated framework, we emphasise the interplay between substrate characteristics and the abundance of active clay surfaces on microbial processes such as carbon use efficiency and recycling. We postulate that microbial use and recycling of plant- and microbially-derived substrates decline with increased abundance of active clay surfaces, and that the shape of these relationships depend on the affinity of each substrate to adsorb, thereby affecting the efficiency by which organic matter remains in the soil and is stabilised into MAOM. Our framework provides avenues for novel research and ideas to incorporate interactions between clay surfaces and microbes on SOM stabilisation in biogeochemical models. Graphical abstract
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Drylands, which cover > 40% of Earth's terrestrial surface, are dominant drivers of global biogeochemical cycling and home to more than one third of the global human population. Climate projections predict warming, drought frequency and severity, and evaporative demand will increase in drylands at faster rates than global means. As a consequence of extreme temperatures and high biological dependency on limited water availability, drylands are predicted to be exceptionally sensitive to climate change and, indeed, significant climate impacts are already being observed. However, our understanding and ability to forecast climate change effects on dryland biogeochemistry and ecosystem functions lag behind many mesic systems. To improve our capacity to forecast ecosystem change, we propose focusing on the controls and consequences of two key characteristics affecting dryland biogeochemistry: (1) high spatial and temporal heterogeneity in environmental conditions and (2) generalized resource scarcity. In addition to climate change, drylands are experiencing accelerating land‐use change. Building our understanding of dryland biogeochemistry in both intact and disturbed systems will better equip us to address the interacting effects of climate change and landscape degradation. Responding to these challenges will require a diverse, globally distributed and interdisciplinary community of dryland experts united towards better understanding these vast and important ecosystems.
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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition represents an important input of N into natural ecosystems such as semiarid shrublands of Southern California, which can receive up to 45 kg N ha⁻¹ y⁻¹. These N inputs will presumably alter soil microbial abundance and composition and impact ecosystem N and carbon (C) cycles. We used a 16S rRNA sequencing-based approach to characterize shifts in soil bacterial communities in chaparral and coastal sage scrub (CSS) shrublands that received annual inputs of 50 kg N ha⁻¹ over a period of 14 years. Experimental N addition caused shifts in bacterial taxonomic composition in these shrublands. CSS exposed to N had an increase in Proteobacteria and Bacteriodetes, while N inputs to chaparral caused an increase in Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes and a decrease in Acidobacteria. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that extractable NH4 and/or NO3 concentrations were a strong predictor of Proteobacteria and Firmicutes (positive) and Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia (negative) abundance. Increases in soil pH were coincident with declines in Proteobacteria but increases in Acidobacteria, while increases in total C were positively correlated with Acidobacteria abundance. These results support the hypothesis that long-term N inputs in semi-arid shrublands promote the growth of copiotrophic taxa, such as Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes, and inhibit the growth of oligotrophic taxa like Acidobacteria. Nitrogen addition failed to affect α-diversity at the phylum level but significantly increased α-diversity of bacterial genera, and indicator species analyses revealed more genera associated with N treatment plots (125) than control plots (91). These results imply that future increases in N deposition will alter soil microbial abundance and community composition, and in turn, affect ecosystem C and nutrient cycling in these semi-arid shrublands.
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Enhancing soil carbon (C) storage has the potential to offset human‐caused increases in atmospheric CO2. Rising CO2 has occurred concurrently with increasing supply rates of biologically limiting nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). However, it is unclear how increased supplies of N and P will alter soil C sequestration, particularly in grasslands, which make up nearly a third of non‐agricultural land world‐wide. Here, we leverage a globally distributed nutrient addition experiment (the Nutrient Network) to examine how a decade of N and P fertilization (alone and in combination) influenced soil C and N stocks at nine grassland sites spanning the continental United States. We measured changes in bulk soil C and N stocks and in three soil C fractions (light and heavy particulate organic matter, and mineral‐associated organic matter fractions). Nutrient amendment had variable effects on soil C and N pools that ranged from strongly positive to strongly negative, while soil C and N pool sizes varied by more than an order of magnitude across sites. Piecewise SEM clarified that small increases in plant C inputs with fertilization did not translate to greater soil C storage. Nevertheless, peak season aboveground plant biomass (but not root biomass or production) was strongly positively related to soil C storage at seven of the nine sites, and across all nine sites, soil C covaried with moisture index and soil mineralogy, regardless of fertilization. Overall, we show that site factors such as moisture index, plant productivity, soil texture, and mineralogy were key predictors of cross‐site soil C, while nutrient amendment had weaker and site‐specific effects on C sequestration. This suggests that prioritizing the protection of highly productive temperate grasslands is critical for reducing future greenhouse gas losses arising from land use change.
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While considerable attention has been devoted to how precipitation modulates net primary productivity in arid and semi‐arid ecosystems, the emergence of multi‐faceted controls on carbon (C) turnover suggests that there is much to be understood with respect to the mechanistic controls on plant litter decomposition. In the Patagonian steppe, we conducted a long‐term factorial experiment, evaluating the importance of position, litter quality, tissue origin and soil resources on rates of C turnover under natural field conditions. Leaf and root litter of dominant grass species were placed in litterbags in different positions, on the soil surface and buried at 5‐cm depth, with soil treatments of labile C, nitrogen (N) and their combination (C + N) over a 3‐year period. As predicted, leaf litter decomposed significantly (nearly sixfold) faster above‐ground than did root litter below‐ground (p < 0.001). Surprisingly, root litter decomposed significantly faster than leaf litter above‐ground (p < 0.001), and above‐ground decomposition was not strongly affected by soil resource additions. Below‐ground decomposition was largely determined by the interaction of litter quality and soil resource availability. Determining a C balance by integrating biomass allocation and primary productivity from this field site, combined with the data from this study, suggests large differences between the contribution of the above‐ and below‐ground biomass to soil organic matter (SOM) pools and a long residence time of undecomposed root litter. Synthesis. Litter position clearly emerged as the predominant variable determining C turnover in this semi‐arid steppe ecosystem, with litter quality and soil resources having significant, but more modest, effects. The near complete independence of above‐ground litter decomposition from soil resources and rapid decomposition of surface litter, coupled with the counterintuitive relationships with litter quality, suggests that, in the long term, C loss from photodegradation may result in a minimal contribution of above‐ground litter to SOM formation. These results have mechanistic implications for the distinct functionality of litter decomposition above‐ and below‐ground in semi‐arid ecosystems, and how these differential controls may alter the C balance due to future changes in climate and land use.
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Alteration in the availability of soil base cations and micronutrients is critical to maintain stable ecosystem functioning under the predicted global change scenarios. However, changes in these soil cations and their relationships with soil physiochemical properties along soil profile remain unclear under the combined increasing N deposition and precipitation changes. In this study, the concentrations of soil exchangeable base cations (Ca, Mg, K and Na) and available micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) were determined along an 80-cm soil profile after 13-year continuous N and water manipulation in a semi-arid grassland. Our results showed that N addition significantly decreased exchangeable Ca (− 25.4%, averaging across the three N addition rates) and Mg (− 7.8%) at the depth of 10 cm while increased available Fe (+ 70.5%), Mn (+ 64.7%), and Cu (+ 26.0%). Besides, the magnitude of the increase or decrease escalated with the rates of additional N. Such pattern was also true for the concentrations of available Fe, Mn and Cu in the 10–20 cm soil layer, but the magnitude of changes was much smaller than in the top 10-cm soil layer. Nevertheless, N addition increased the concentrations of the three available micronutrients across the entire profile, indicating that Fe, Mn and Cu were more sensitive to N addition in subsoils than surface soils. Nitrogen addition significantly reduced soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the top 10-cm and soil base saturation (BS) ratio in the top 20-cm soil, while water addition significantly increased soil CEC and BS ratio in the top 20-cm soil. Water addition significantly increased Na (+ 75.1%) in the entire soil profile and increased Ca (+ 14.8%), Mg (+ 12.7%) at the 0–10, 10–20 and 40–60 cm soil layers. Soil pH positively correlated with soil exchangeable Ca, Mg and Na, but negatively with available Fe, Mn and Cu in the upper 20 cm. Soil base cations and CEC positively correlated with clay and silt contents, but negatively with sand content along the profile. These results can extend our understandings on soil cation dynamics to deep soil profile under long-term N and water addition and suggest that precipitation effects should be considered when assessing N deposition effects on these soil cations.
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystems and plays a critical role in mitigating climate change. Increasing reactive nitrogen (N) in ecosystems caused by anthropogenic N input substantially affects SOC dynamics. However, uncertainties remain concerning the effects of N addition on SOC in both organic and mineral soil layers over time at the global scale. Here, we analyzed a large empirical data set spanning 60 years across 369 sites worldwide to explore the temporal dynamics of SOC to N addition. We found that N addition significantly increased SOC across the globe by 4.2% (2.7–5.8%). SOC increases were amplified from short‐ to long‐term N addition durations in both organic and mineral soil layers. The positive effects of N addition on SOC were independent of ecosystem types, mean annual temperature and precipitation. Our findings suggest that SOC increases largely resulted from the enhanced plant C input to soils coupled with reduced C loss from decomposition and amplification was associated with reduced microbial biomass and respiration under long‐term N addition. Our study suggests that N addition will enhance SOC sequestration over time and contribute to future climate change mitigation.
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A longstanding assumption of glucose tracing experiments is that all glucose is microbially utilized during short incubations of ≤2 days to become microbial biomass or carbon dioxide. Carbon use efficiency (CUE) estimates have consequently ignored the formation of residues (non-living microbial products) although such materials could represent an important sink of glucose that is prone to stabilization as soil organic matter. We examined the dynamics of microbial residue formation from a short tracer experiment with frequent samplings over 72 h, and conducted a meta-analysis of previously published glucose tracing studies to assess the generality of these experimental results. Both our experiment and meta-analysis indicated 30–34% of amended glucose-C (¹³C or ¹⁴C) was in the form of residues within the first 6 h of substrate addition. We expand the conventional efficiency calculation to include residues in both the numerator and denominator of efficiency, thereby deriving a novel metric of the potential persistence of glucose-C in soil as living microbial biomass plus residues (‘carbon stabilization efficiency’). This new metric indicates nearly 40% of amended glucose-C persists in soil 180 days after amendment, the majority as non-biomass residues. Starting microbial biomass and clay content emerge as critical factors that positively promote such long term stabilization of labile C. Rapid residue production supports the conclusion that non-growth maintenance activity can illicit high demands for C in soil, perhaps equaling that directed towards growth, and that residues may have an underestimated role in the cycling and sequestration potential of C in soil.
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Drylands contain a third of the organic carbon stored in global soils; however, the long-term dynamics of soil organic carbon in drylands remain poorly understood relative to dynamics of the vegetation carbon pool. We examined long-term patterns in soil organic matter (SOM) against both climate and prescribed fire in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland in central New Mexico, USA. SOM concentration was estimated by loss-on-ignition from soils at 0–20 cm depth each spring and fall for 25 years (1989–2014) in unburned desert grassland and from 2003 to 2014 following a prescribed fire. SOM concentration did not have a long-term trend but fluctuated seasonally at both burned and unburned sites, ranging from a minimum of 0.9% to a maximum of 3.3%. SOM concentration declined nonlinearly in wet seasons and peaked in dry seasons. These long-term results contrast not only with the positive relationships between aboveground net primary production and precipitation for this region, but also with previous reports that wetter sites have more SOM across drylands globally, suggesting that space is not a good substitute for time in predicting dryland SOM dynamics. We suggest that declines in SOM in wet periods are caused by increased soil respiration, runoff, leaching, and/or soil erosion. In addition to tracking natural variability in climate, SOM concentration also decreased 14% following prescribed fire, a response that magnified over time and has persisted for nearly a decade due to the slow recovery of primary production. Our results document the surprisingly dynamic nature of soil organic matter and its high sensitivity to climate and fire in a dry grassland ecosystem characteristic of the southwestern USA.
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Semi-arid shrublands in southern California are exposed to high levels of atmospheric dry nitrogen (N) deposition, which can alter soil microbial activity, and thus, ecosystem carbon (C) and N cycling and storage. We used archived soil samples to assess the relative effects of experimental N enrichment on the potential activity of key C, N, and phosphorus (P) cycling enzymes in chaparral and coastal sage scrub (CSS) shrublands over a 14 year period. Chaparral plots exposed to N exhibited a significant decline in β-glucosidase and phosphatase activity and an increase in peroxidase activity over time, while N exposure had no consistent effect on N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAGase) activity. In contrast, N exposure did not significantly affect the activity of any of the measured enzymes in CSS. However, ANCOVA results revealed that the potential response of some enzymes to cumulative N input was affected by annual rainfall, because significantly more N accumulated in the soil during times of low rainfall. These results indicate that chronic dry season N inputs to semi-arid shrublands can fundamentally alter potential enzyme activity, but the impact depends on climate and vegetation type.
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Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has affected the primary production of terrestrial ecosystems worldwide; however, ecosystem responses often vary over time because of transient responses, interactions between N, precipitation, and/or other nutrients, and changes in plant species composition. Here we report N-induced changes in above- and below-ground standing crop and production over an 11-year period for two semi-arid shrublands, chaparral and coastal sage scrub (CSS), of Southern California. Shrubs were exposed to 50 kgN ha⁻¹ in the fall of each year to simulate the accumulation of dry N deposition, and shoot and root biomass and leaf area index (LAI) were measured every 3 months to assess how biomass production responded to chronic, dry N inputs. N inputs significantly altered above- and below-ground standing crop, production, and LAI; however, N impacts varied over time. For chaparral, N inputs initially increased root production but suppressed shoot production; however, over time biomass partitioning reversed and plants exposed to N had significantly more shoot biomass. In CSS, N inputs caused aboveground production to increase only during wet years, and this interaction between added N and precipitation was due in part to a highly flexible growth response of CSS shrubs to increases in N and water availability and to a shift from slower-growing native shrubs to fast-growing introduced annuals. Together, these results indicate that long-term N inputs will lead to complex, spatially and temporally variable growth responses for these, and similar, Mediterranean-type shrublands.
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Aims Mineral-associated organic matter, mainly derived from microbial by-products, persists longer in soil compared to particulate organic matter (POM). POM is highly recalcitrant and originates largely from decomposing root and shoot litter. Theory suggests that root traits and growth dynamics should affect carbon (C) accumulation into these different pools, but the specific traits driving this accumulation are not clearly identified. Methods Twelve herbaceous species were grown for 37 weeks in monocultures. Root elongation rate (RER) was measured throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment, we determined morphological and chemical root traits, as well as substrate induced respiration (SIR) as a proxy for microbial activity. Carbon was measured in four different soil fractions, following particle-size and density fractionation. Results Root biomass, RER, root diameter, hemicellulose content and SIR (characteristic of N2-fixing Fabaceae species), were all positively correlated with increased C in the coarse silt fraction. Root diameter and hemicellulose content were negatively correlated with C in the POM fraction, that was greater under non N2-fixing Poaceae species, characterized by lignin-rich roots with a high carbon:nitrogen ratio that grew slowly. The accumulation of C in different soil pools was mediated by microbial activity. Conclusions Our results show that root traits determine C input into different soil pools, mediated primarily by microbial activity, thus determining the fate of soil organic C. We also highlight that C in different soil pools, and not only total soil organic C, should be reported in future studies to better understand its origin, fate and dynamics.
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Soil microbes respond to environmental change by altering how they allocate carbon to growth versus respiration—or carbon use efficiency (CUE). Ecosystem and Earth System models, used to project how global soil C stocks will continue to respond to the climate crisis, often assume that microbes respond homogeneously to changes in the environment. In this study, we quantified how CUE varies with changes in temperature and substrate quality in soil bacteria and evaluated why CUE characteristics may differ between bacterial isolates and in response to altered growth conditions. We found that bacterial taxa capable of rapid growth were more efficient than those limited to slow growth and that taxa with high CUE were more likely to become less efficient at higher temperatures than those that were less efficient to begin with. Together, our results support the idea that the CUE temperature response is constrained by both growth rate and CUE and that this partly explains how bacteria acclimate to a warming world.
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Drylands (arid and semiarid ecosystems) cover nearly half of Earth's terrestrial surface, but biogeochemical pools and processes in these systems remain poorly understood. Litter can account for a substantial portion of carbon and nutrient pools in these systems, with litter decomposition exerting important controls over biogeochemical cycling. Dryland decomposition is typically treated as a spatially static process in which litter is retained and decomposed where it is initially deposited. Although this assumption is reasonable for mesic systems with continuous plant canopy cover and a stable subcanopy litter layer, dryland pools generally reflect discontinuous inputs from heterogeneous canopy cover followed by substantial litter transport. In the present article, we review horizontal and vertical transport processes that move litter from the initial deposition point and retention elements that influence litter accumulation patterns. Appreciation of the spatially dynamic litter cycle, including quantitative assessment of transport patterns, will improve estimates of the fate and distribution of organic matter in current and future drylands.
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Effective land-based solutions to climate change mitigation require actions that maximize soil carbon storage without generating surplus nitrogen. Land management for carbon sequestration is most often informed by bulk soil carbon inventories, without considering the form in which carbon is stored, its capacity, persistency and nitrogen demand. Here, we present coupling of European-wide databases with soil organic matter physical fractionation to determine continental-scale forest and grassland topsoil carbon and nitrogen stocks and their distribution between mineral-associated and particulate organic matter pools. Grasslands and arbuscular mycorrhizal forests store more soil carbon in mineral-associated organic carbon, which is more persistent but has a higher nitrogen demand and saturates. Ectomycorrhizal forests store more carbon in particulate organic matter, which is more vulnerable to disturbance but has a lower nitrogen demand and can potentially accumulate indefinitely. The share of carbon between mineral-associated and particulate organic matter and the ratio between carbon and nitrogen affect soil carbon stocks and mediate the effects of other variables on soil carbon stocks. Understanding the physical distribution of organic matter in pools of mineral-associated versus particulate organic matter can inform land management for nitrogen-efficient carbon sequestration, which should be driven by the inherent soil carbon capacity and nitrogen availability in ecosystems.
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Managing soil organic matter (SOM) stocks to address global change challenges requires well‐substantiated knowledge of SOM behavior that can be clearly communicated between scientists, management practitioners, and policy makers. However, SOM is incredibly complex and requires separation into multiple components with contrasting behavior in order to study and predict its dynamics. Numerous diverse SOM separation schemes are currently used, making cross‐study comparisons difficult and hindering broad‐scale generalizations. Here we recommend separating SOM into particulate (POM) and mineral‐associated (MAOM) forms, two SOM components that are fundamentally different in terms of their formation, persistence, and functioning. We provide evidence of their highly contrasting physical and chemical properties, mean residence times in soil, and responses to land use change, plant litter inputs, warming, CO2 enrichment, and N fertilization. Conceptualizing SOM into POM versus MAOM is a feasible, well‐supported, and useful framework that will allow scientists to move beyond studies of bulk SOM, but also use a consistent separation scheme across studies. Ultimately, we propose the POM versus MAOM framework as the best way forward to understand and predict broad‐scale SOM dynamics in the context of global change challenges and provide necessary recommendations to managers and policy makers.
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The microbial partitioning of organic carbon (C) into either anabolic (i.e. growth) or catabolic (i.e. respiration) metabolic pathways represents a key process regulating the amount of added C that is retained in soil. The factors regulating C use efficiency (CUE) in agricultural soils, however, remain poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate substrate CUE from a wide range of soils (n = 970) and geographical area (200,000 km²) to determine which soil properties most influenced C retention within the microbial community. Using a ¹⁴C-labeling approach, we showed that the average CUE across all soils was 0.65 ± 0.003, but that the variation in CUE was relatively high within the sample population (CV 14.9%). Of the major properties measured in our soils, we found that pH and exchangeable aluminum (Al) were highly correlated with CUE. We identified a critical pH transition point at which CUE declined (pH 5.5). This coincided exactly with the point at which Al³⁺ started to become soluble. In contrast, other soil factors [e.g. total C and nitrogen (N), dissolved organic C (DOC), clay content, available calcium, phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S), total base cations] showed little or no relationship with CUE. We also found no evidence to suggest that nutrient stoichiometry (C:N, C:P and C:S ratios) influenced CUE in these soils. Based on current evidence, we postulate that the decline in microbial CUE at low pH and high Al reflects a greater channeling of C into energy intensive metabolic pathways involved in overcoming H⁺/Al³⁺ stress (e.g. cell repair and detoxification). The response may also be associated with shifts in microbial community structure, which are known to be tightly associated with soil pH. We conclude that maintaining agricultural soils above pH 5.5 maximizes microbial energy efficiency.
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Precipitation alteration and nitrogen (N) deposition caused by anthropogenic activities could profoundly affect the structure and functioning of plant communities in arid ecosystems. However, the plant community impacts conferred by large temporal changes in precipitation, especially with a concurrent increase in N deposition, remain unclear. To address this uncertainty, from 2016 to 2017, an in situ field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of five precipitation levels, two N levels and their interaction on the plant community function and composition in a desert steppe in northern China. Above‐ground net primary production (ANPP) and plant community‐weighted mean (CWM) height significantly increased with increasing precipitation, and both were well fitted with a positive linear model, but with a higher slope under N addition. The ANPP increase was primarily driven by the increase in Artemisia capillaris, a companion forb sensitive to precipitation variation. The plant community composition shifted with precipitation enhancement—from a community dominated by Stipa tianschanica, a perennial grass, to a community dominated by Artemisia capillaris. Synthesis. The findings imply that the ecosystem sensitivity to future changes in precipitation variability will be mediated by two potential mechanisms: concurrent N deposition and plant community‐level change. It is suggested that we should consider the vegetation compositional shift and multiple resource colimitation in assessing the sensitivity of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change.
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Terrestrial ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere are a globally important sink for anthropogenic CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere, slowing its accumulation as well as the pace of climate warming. With the use of a long‐term field experiment (ca. 20 yr), we show that the expression of fungal class II peroxidase genes, which encode enzymes mediating the rate‐limiting step of organic matter decay, are significantly downregulated (−60 to −80%) because of increases in anthropogenic N deposition; this response was consistent with a decline in extracellular peroxidase enzyme activity in soil, the slowing of organic‐matter decay, and greater soil C storage. The reduction in peroxidase expression we document here occurred in the absence of a compositional shift in metabolically active fungi, indicating that an overall reduction in peroxidase expression underlies the slowing of decay and increases in soil C storage. This molecular mechanism has global implications for soil C storage and should be represented in coupled climate–biogeochemical models simulating the influence of enhanced terrestrial C storage on atmospheric CO2 and the future climate of an N‐enriched Earth.
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Most empirical and modeling research on soil carbon (C) dynamics has focused on those processes that control and promote C stabilization. However, we lack a strong, generalizable understanding of the mechanisms through which soil organic carbon (SOC) is destabilized in soils. Yet a clear understanding of C destabilization processes in soil is needed to quantify the feedbacks of the soil C cycle to the Earth system. Destabilization includes processes that occur along a spectrum through which SOC shifts from a ‘protected’ state to an ‘available’ state to microbial cells where it can be mineralized to gaseous forms or to soluble forms that are then lost from the soil system. These processes fall into three general categories: (1) release from physical occlusion through processes such as tillage, bioturbation, or freeze-thaw and wetting-drying cycles; (2) C desorption from soil solids and colloids; and (3) increased C metabolism. Many processes that stabilize soil C can also destabilize C, and C gain or loss depends on the balance between competing reactions. For example, earthworms may both destabilize C through aggregate destruction, but may also create new aggregates and redistribute C into mineral horizon. Similarly, mycorrhizae and roots form new soil C but may also destabilize old soil C through priming and promoting microbial mining; labile C inputs cause C stabilization through increased carbon use efficiency or may fuel priming. Changes to the soil environment that affect the solubility of minerals or change the relative surfaces charges of minerals can destabilize SOC, including increased pH or in the reductive dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals. By considering these different physical, chemical, and biological controls as processes that contribute to soil C destabilization, we can develop thoughtful new hypotheses about the persistence and vulnerability of C in soils and make more accurate and robust predictions of soil C cycling in a changing environment.
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Globally, the allocation of root-shoot biomass is a key plant-adaptive strategy for terrestrial ecosystems to enhance carbon-sequestration capacity. However, the deep mechanisms of above-/below-ground biomass distribution remain unclear, partly due to the multiple influencing factors. We thus aim to clarify the role of various factors in biomass allocation across diverse terrestrial biomes in the paper. A key indicator named root/shoot ratio (RSR) was established, and 7763 observational data-sets were collected from literature, including root biomass, shoot biomass, plant height, climate information and the geographical coordinates. Results highlighted the differences in RSR across terrestrial plants in biomes with a mean value of approximately 0.90. Grasses and boreal forest captured the highest and lowest mean RSR, respectively, while tree had a lower mean RSR than shrub and grass. Angiosperms and deciduous plants, on the other hand, have a higher mean RSR than gymnosperms and evergreen plants, respectively. Moreover, RSR is negatively correlated with mean annual temperature, precipitation, plant height and shoot biomass, but positively correlated with elevation and latitude. Redundancy analysis reflected that biotic and abiotic factors explained RSR variability similarly with a residual of 0.883. These findings support the optimal partitioning hypothesis that plants adjust their growth strategy according to different environments, and in particular, tend to partition more biomass to root systems under more stressful, low-nutrient and poor climatic conditions. Keywords: Biomass allocation, Root, Shoot ratio, Biomes, Environmental adaptation, Plant strategy
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The terrestrial carbon sink has increased since the turn of this century at a time of increased fossil fuel burning, yet the mechanisms enhancing this sink are not fully understood. Here we assess the hypothesis that regional increases in nitrogen deposition since the early 2000s has alleviated nitrogen limitation and worked in tandem with enhanced CO2 fertilization to increase ecosystem productivity and carbon sequestration, providing a causal link between the parallel increases in emissions and the global land carbon sink. We use the Community Land Model (CLM4.5‐BGC) to estimate the influence of changes in atmospheric CO2, nitrogen deposition, climate, and their interactions to changes in net primary production and net biome production. We focus on two periods, 1901–2016 and 1990–2016, to estimate changes in land carbon fluxes relative to historical and contemporary baselines, respectively. We find that over the historical period, nitrogen deposition (14%) and carbon‐nitrogen synergy (14%) were significant contributors to the current terrestrial carbon sink, suggesting that long‐term increases in nitrogen deposition led to a substantial increase in CO2 fertilization. However, relative to the contemporary baseline, changes in nitrogen deposition and carbon‐nitrogen synergy had no substantial contribution to the 21st century increase in global carbon uptake. Nonetheless, we find that increased nitrogen deposition in East Asia since the early 1990s contributed 50% to the overall increase in net biome production over this region, highlighting the importance of carbon‐nitrogen interactions. Therefore, potential large‐scale changes in nitrogen deposition could have a significant impact on terrestrial carbon cycling and future climate.
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The relative contributions of aboveground versus belowground plant carbon inputs to the stable soil organic carbon pool are the subject of much debate—with direct implications for how the carbon cycle is modelled and managed. The belowground rhizosphere pathway (that is, carbon exiting the living root) is theorized to form stable soil carbon more efficiently than the aboveground pathway. However, while several mechanisms have been invoked to explain this efficiency, few have been empirically tested or quantified. Here, we use soil microcosms with standardized carbon inputs to investigate three posited mechanisms that differentiate aboveground from belowground input pathways of dissolved organic carbon—through the microbial biomass—to the mineral-stabilized soil organic carbon pool: (1) the physical distance travelled, (2) the microbial abundance in the region in which a carbon compound enters (that is, rhizosphere versus bulk soil) and (3) the frequency and volume of carbon delivery (that is, infrequent ‘pulse’ versus frequent ‘drip’). We demonstrate that through the microbial formation pathway, belowground inputs form mineral-stabilized soil carbon more efficiently than aboveground inputs, partly due to the greater efficiency of formation by the rhizosphere microbial community relative to the bulk soil community. However, we show that because the bulk soil has greater capacity to form mineral-stabilized soil carbon due to its greater overall volume, the relative contributions of aboveground versus belowground carbon inputs depend strongly on the ratio of rhizosphere to bulk soil. © 2018, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.
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Drylands (hyperarid, arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid ecosystems) cover almost half of Earth’s land surface and are highly vulnerable to environmental pressures. Here we provide an inventory of soil properties including carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) stocks within the current boundaries of drylands, aimed at serving as a benchmark in the face of future challenges including increased population, food security, desertification, and climate change. Aridity limits plant production and results in poorly developed soils, with coarse texture, low C:N and C:P, scarce organic matter, and high vulnerability to erosion. Dryland soils store 646 Pg of organic C to 2 m, the equivalent of 32% of the global soil organic C pool. The magnitude of the historic loss of C from dryland soils due to human land use and cover change and their typically low C:N and C:P suggest high potential to build up soil organic matter, but coarse soil textures may limit protection and stabilization processes. Restoring, preserving, and increasing soil organic matter in drylands may help slow down rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide by sequestering C, and is strongly needed to enhance food security and reduce the risk of land degradation and desertification.
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Elevated nutrient deposition often increases primary productivity in terrestrial ecosystems and thus has the potential to increase the flux of carbon (C) into soils. An important step toward greater understanding of nutrient effects on C storage involves assessing effects on different fractions of the soil C pool across a range of soil types. We quantified the combined effects of 8 years of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and micronutrient fertilization on the C storage in bulk soil and in density fractions at four grassland sites in California. When averaged across sites, fertilization increased soil light fraction C by 64% relative to the control in the 0–10 cm depth. The increase in light fraction C likely resulted from the fertilization-induced increase in plant C input to soil, as aboveground net primary productivity also consistently increased with fertilization across sites. Effects of fertilization on heavy fraction C were highly site specific, having positive, negative, or no effect at individual sites. The response of heavy fraction C to fertilization appeared to be related to mean annual precipitation and soil bulk density. Overall, bulk soil C concentration showed a marginally significant increase of 6% with fertilization when averaged across sites (P = 0.07). Our results indicate that biomass production and soil light fraction are generally sensitive to fertilization across grasslands in California, likely contributing to increases in soil C storage. Responses of heavy fraction C, on the other hand, vary greatly among sites and may depend on climate and soil characteristics.
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Impacts of reactive nitrogen (N) inputs on ecosystem carbon (C) dynamics are highly variable, and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we proposed a new conceptual framework that integrates plant, microbial and geochemical mechanisms to reconcile diverse and contrasting impacts of N on soil C. This framework was tested using long‐term N enrichment and acid addition experiments in a Mongolian steppe grassland. Distinct mechanisms could explain effects of N on particulate and mineral‐associated soil C pools, potentially explaining discrepancies among previous N addition studies. While plant production predominated particulate C changes, N‐induced soil acidification strongly affected mineral‐associated C through decreased microbial growth and pH‐sensitive associations between iron and aluminium minerals and C. Our findings suggest that effects of N‐induced acidification on microbial respiration and geochemical properties should be included in Earth system models that predict ecosystem C budgets under future N deposition/input scenarios.
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Improved quantification of the factors controlling soil organic matter (SOM) stabilization at continental to global scales is needed to inform projections of the largest actively cycling terrestrial carbon pool on Earth, and its response to environmental change. Biogeochemical models rely almost exclusively on clay content to modify rates of SOM turnover and fluxes of climate-active CO2 to the atmosphere. Emerging conceptual understanding, however, suggests other soil physicochemical properties may predict SOM stabilization better than clay content. We addressed this discrepancy by synthesizing data from over 5,500 soil profiles spanning continental scale environmental gradients. Here, we demonstrate that other physicochemical parameters are much stronger predictors of SOM content, with clay content having relatively little explanatory power. We show that exchangeable calcium strongly predicted SOM content in water-limited, alkaline soils, whereas with increasing moisture availability and acidity, iron- and aluminum-oxyhydroxides emerged as better predictors, demonstrating that the relative importance of SOM stabilization mechanisms scales with climate and acidity. These results highlight the urgent need to modify biogeochemical models to better reflect the role of soil physicochemical properties in SOM cycling.
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Soils play an essential role in the global cycling of carbon and understanding the stabilisation mechanisms behind the preservation of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools is of globally recognised significance. Until recently, research into SOC stabilisation has predominantly focused on acidic soil environments and the interactions between SOC and aluminium (Al) or iron (Fe). The interactions between SOC and calcium (Ca) have typically received less attention, with fewer studies conducted in alkaline soils. Although it has widely been established that exchangeable Ca (CaExch) positively correlates with SOC concentration and its resistance to oxidation, the exact mechanisms behind this relationship remain largely unidentified. This synthesis paper critically assesses available evidence on the potential role of Ca in the stabilisation of SOC and identifies research topics that warrant further investigation. Contrary to the common view of the chemistry of base cations in soils, chemical modelling indicates that Ca²⁺ can readily exchange its hydration shell and create inner sphere complexes with organic functional groups. This review therefore argues that both inner- and outer-sphere bridging by Ca²⁺ can play an active role in the stabilisation of SOC. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) can influence occluded SOC stability through its role in the stabilisation of aggregates; however, it could also play an unaccounted role in the direct sorption and inclusion of SOC. Finally, this review highlights the importance of pH as a potential predictor of SOC stabilisation mechanisms mediated by Al- or Fe- to Ca, and their respective effects on SOC dynamics.
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Hotter, longer, and more frequent global change-type drought events may profoundly impact terrestrial ecosystems by triggering widespread vegetation mortality. However, severe drought is only one component of global change, and ecological effects of drought may be compounded by other drivers, such as anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition and nonnative plant invasion. Elevated N deposition, for example, may reduce drought tolerance through increased plant productivity, thereby contributing to drought-induced mortality. High N availability also often favors invasive, nonnative plant species, and the loss of woody vegetation due to drought may create a window of opportunity for these invaders. We investigated the effects of multiple levels of simulated N deposition on a Mediterranean-type shrubland plant community in southern California from 2011 to 2016, a period coinciding with an extreme, multi-year drought in the region. We hypothesized that N addition would increase native shrub productivity, but that this would increase susceptibility to drought and result in increased shrub loss over time. We also predicted that N addition would favor nonnatives, especially annual grasses, leading to higher biomass and cover of these species. Consistent with these hypotheses, we found that high N availability increased native shrub canopy loss and mortality, likely due to the higher productivity and leaf area and reduced water-use efficiency we observed in shrubs subject to N addition. As native shrub cover declined, we also observed a concomitant increase in cover and biomass of nonnative annuals, particularly under high levels of experimental N deposition. Together, these results suggest that the impacts of extended drought on shrubland ecosystems may be more severe under elevated N deposition, potentially contributing to the widespread loss of native woody species and vegetation type-conversion. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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We present multi-model global datasets of nitrogen and sulfate deposition covering time periods from 1850 to 2100, calculated within the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP). The computed deposition fluxes are compared to surface wet deposition and ice core measurements. We use a new dataset of wet deposition for 2000–2002 based on critical assessment of the quality of existing regional network data. We show that for present day (year 2000 ACCMIP time slice), the ACCMIP results perform similarly to previously published multi-model assessments. For this time slice, we find a multi-model mean deposition of approximately 50 Tg(N) yr−1 from nitrogen oxide emissions, 60 Tg(N) yr−1 from ammonia emissions, and 83 Tg(S) yr−1 from sulfur emissions. The analysis of changes between 1980 and 2000 indicates significant differences between model and measurements over the United States but less so over Europe. This difference points towards a potential misrepresentation of 1980 NH3 emissions over North America. Based on ice core records, the 1850 deposition fluxes agree well with Greenland ice cores, but the change between 1850 and 2000 seems to be overestimated in the Northern Hemisphere for both nitrogen and sulfur species. Using the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) to define the projected climate and atmospheric chemistry related emissions and concentrations, we find large regional nitrogen deposition increases in 2100 in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia under some of the scenarios considered. Increases in South Asia are especially large, and are seen in all scenarios, with 2100 values more than double their 2000 counterpart in some scenarios and reaching > 1300 mg(N) m−2 yr−1 averaged over regional to continental-scale regions in RCP 2.6 and 8.5, ~ 30–50% larger than the values in any region currently (circa 2000). However, sulfur deposition rates in 2100 are in all regions lower than in 2000 in all the RCPs. The new ACCMIP multi-model deposition dataset provides state-of-the-science, consistent and evaluated time slice (spanning 1850–2100) global gridded deposition fields for use in a wide range of climate and ecological studies.
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Understanding how drylands respond to ongoing environmental change is extremely important for global sustainability. In this review, we discuss how biotic attributes, climate, grazing pressure, land cover change, and nitrogen deposition affect the functioning of drylands at multiple spatial scales. Our synthesis highlights the importance of biotic attributes (e.g., species richness) in maintaining fundamental ecosystem processes such as primary productivity, illustrates how nitrogen deposition and grazing pressure are impacting ecosystem functioning in drylands worldwide, and highlights the importance of the traits of woody species as drivers of their expansion in former grasslands. We also emphasize the role of attributes such as species richness and abundance in controlling the responses of ecosystem functioning to climate change. This knowledge is essential to guide conservation and restoration efforts in drylands, as biotic attributes can be actively managed at the local scale to increase ecosystem resilience to global change. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics Volume 47 is November 01, 2016. Please see for revised estimates.
Predicting and mitigating changes in soil carbon (C) stocks under global change requires a coherent understanding of the factors regulating soil organic matter (SOM) formation and persistence, including knowledge of the direct sources of SOM (plants vs. microbes). In recent years, conceptual models of SOM formation have emphasized the primacy of microbial‐derived organic matter inputs, proposing that microbial physiological traits (e.g., growth efficiency) are dominant controls on SOM quantity. However, recent quantitative studies have challenged this view, suggesting that plants make larger direct contributions to SOM than is currently recognized by this paradigm. In this review, we attempt to reconcile these perspectives by highlighting that variation across estimates of plant‐ versus microbial‐derived SOM may arise in part from methodological limitations. We show that all major methods used to estimate plant versus microbial contributions to SOM have substantial shortcomings, highlighting the uncertainty in our current quantitative estimates. We demonstrate that there is significant overlap in the chemical signatures of compounds produced by microbes, plant roots, and through the extracellular decomposition of plant litter, which introduces uncertainty into the use of common biomarkers for parsing plant‐ and microbial‐derived SOM, especially in the mineral‐associated organic matter (MAOM) fraction. While the studies that we review have contributed to a deeper understanding of microbial contributions to SOM, limitations with current methods constrain quantitative estimates. In light of recent advances, we suggest that now is a critical time to re‐evaluate long‐standing methods, clearly define their limitations, and develop a strategic plan for improving quantification of plant‐ and microbial‐derived SOM. From our synthesis, we outline key questions and challenges for future research on the mechanisms of SOM formation and stabilization from plant and microbial pathways.
Bacterial communities in the organic leaf litter layer and bulk (mineral and organic) soil are sensitive to environmental change. However, despite close interactions between these communities, the leaf litter layer has historically been studied in isolation from the bulk soil. Whether bacterial response to environmental change is uniform throughout the surface soil remains unclear. Here, we simultaneously characterized how bacterial community composition in three surface soil layers (the leaf litter layer, 0–2 cm of bulk soil, and 0–10 cm of bulk soil) responded to a wildfire burning through a 13-year drought simulation in two adjacent ecosystems, a grassland and coastal sage scrubland. We found that bacterial communities in all three surface soil layers were distinct in composition and varied with drought, ecosystem type, and temporal variation. Moreover, the impact of these environmental changes on bacterial community composition decreased with depth in the surface soil. Bacterial response to drought was three-fold higher in the leaf litter layer than in the top 10 cm of bulk soil, with the drought treatment explaining 4.8% and 1.6% of the compositional variation, respectively. Wildfire altered bacterial composition in the leaf litter layer but not within the top 10 cm of bulk soil. Further, previous exposure of the bacterial communities in the leaf litter layer to drought did not influence its response to the wildfire. Thus, considering soil depth when assessing the impact of environmental conditions on the surface soil microbiome may improve predictions about the degree to which microbial communities, and therefore soil carbon, will respond to future environmental change.
Heterotrophic soil microbes are increasingly recognized as a key mediator transforming labile organic carbon (OC) into relatively stable soil carbon (C) in the form of microbial necromass (dead cells) and extracellular compounds associated with minerals. However, the accumulation of microbial necromass relative to labile OC consumption and its regulating factors remain poorly understood, although it has vital implications for soil C sequestration and modeling. Here by mimicking microbial C accumulation in constructed model soils using fructose as the sole OC substrate, we present a benchmark comparison of microbial C accrual versus OC mineralization under declining substrate availability and mineralogy. By quantifying various microbial components including biomass (living cells; indicated by phospholipid fatty acids), necromass (indicated by amino sugars) and total microbial C (including biomass, necromass and extracellular compounds; estimated as the difference between added and residual substrate C minus respiration) in a simple soil system, we compare microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2; i.e., microbial respiration rate per unit of biomass), amino sugar accumulation efficiency (AAE; i.e., ratio of amino sugars to respiration) and microbial C accumulation efficiency (mCAE; i.e., ratio of total microbial C to total microbial C and respiration), and assess their regulating factors. We find that while clay (bentonite) promotes microbial respiration, it enhances the rate as well as efficiency of amino sugar accumulation without affecting qCO2 or mCAE. On the contrary, ferrihydrite increases qCO2 and decreases AAE but promotes labile OC preservation via inhibiting microbial growth in the alkaline model soil. Hence, amino sugar accrual is more efficient in clay-rich model soils while labile OC is less consumed in model soils containing iron (hydr)oxide. Furthermore, while mCAE was correlated with qCO2 in all but the model soil with 6% clay, AAE was correlated with qCO2 only in model soils with 12% clay when the mineral treatments were considered separately. Collectively, our findings suggest that mCAE and AAE heavily depend on mechanisms preserving microbial C components but not solely on the metabolic efficiency and is mediated by soil mineral content as well as composition. Parameters considering microbial C preservation such as mCAE or AAE warrant further study for modelling and managing the formation of microbial derived stable soil OC.
Microbial elements use efficiencies are the important parameters in regulating soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) mineralization processes. Microbial C use efficiency (CUE) describes the proportion of C used for growth relative to the total organic C uptake. As such, high CUE values mean relatively less CO2 emission and more C retention in microbial biomass. Similarly, a higher microbial N use efficiency (NUE) indicates efficient biomass N sequestration and less N mineralization. However, very little is known how the microbial CUE and NUE are affected by N enrichment in forest soils. Here, we studied soil microbial CUE and NUE simultaneously using ¹⁸O-water tracer approach in a long-term N addition experiment comprising control (atmospheric N deposition, 2.7 g N m² yr⁻¹), low N addition (atmospheric N deposition + 2.5 g N m² yr⁻¹) and high N addition (atmospheric N deposition + 7.5 g N m² yr⁻¹) in a temperate forest. We found microbial CUE responses to N addition were dependent on N addition rates and soil horizons. Specifically, low N addition significantly increased the microbial CUE by 45.12% while high N addition significantly reduced it by 27.84% in organic soil. Further, mineral soil microbial CUE did not change under low N addition but significantly increased by 133.18% under high N addition. We also found microbial NUE decreased with increasing N addition rate in organic soil but showed an opposite pattern in mineral soil. The stoichiometric imbalances associated with phosphorus between microbial biomass and resources and the microbial community changes under N addition were correlated with microbial CUE and NUE. Further, N addition decreased microbial biomass turnover in organic soil but accelerated it in mineral soil. Altogether, our results indicated that N addition could control soil C and N cycling processes by affecting microbial elements use efficiencies (i.e. CUE and NUE), which may consequently impact C and N sequestration in this temperate forest soil.
Although the contribution of calcium ion (Ca 2+) to stabilizing organic carbon (OC) in soils has been known for years, we still have a limited understanding of the quantity and molecular composition of Ca 2+ bound SOC (Ca-OC) evolution in response to long-term fertilization. Here we report the role of Ca 2+ in the accumulation of OC in the topsoil (0-20 cm) from two long-term (25-37 years) fertilization experiment sites. Approximately 4.54-19.27% and 9.00-25.15% of SOC was bound with Ca 2+ in the Ferric Acrisol and Fluvic Cambisol, respectively. The application of NPK mineral fertilizers (NPK) decreased (p < 0.05) the Ca-OC stocks from 3.40 t ha-1 to 0.96 t ha-1 and from 2.03 t ha-1 to 1.17 t ha-1 in the Ferric Acrisol and Fluvic Cambisol, respectively. Swine manure (M) addition did not change (p > 0.05) the Ca-OC stock in Ferric Acrisol, but enhanced (p < 0.05) that from 2.03 t ha-1 to 9.75 t ha-1 in Fluvic Cambisol. Fourier transform infrared and carbon (1s)-near X-ray absorption spectroscopies showed that Ca 2+ was mainly bound with aromatic carbon and carboxylic carbon. Long-term M fertilization facilitated the binding of Ca 2+ with O-alkyl C, suggesting an increment of Ca-linked polysaccharide. Calcium ion was preferentially associated with 13 C enriched organic matter (OM). Mineral fertilization promoted the 13 C-enriched organic compounds in the Ca-OC, while organic fertilization facilitated the binding of 13 C-depleted organic C with Ca 2+. This study suggests that Ca-OC may be a potentially vital and stable OC pool in arable soils, and provides direct evidence for the preferential association of OC with Ca 2+ in edaphic environments.
Microbial carbon-use efficiency (CUE) is defined as the portion of carbon (C) incorporated into biomass relative to the total carbon consumed and plays a pivotal role in regulating microbially-mediated C and nutrient transformations in soil. However, little is understood about how CUE is impacted by edaphic properties, like soil moisture. Soil moisture physically regulates microbial activity through its effects on both water potential and water content. Low water potential can result in high, compensatory intracellular solute concentrations that may inhibit biochemical functions through cytoplasmic desiccation, whereas low soil water content results in thin water films that can limit substrate diffusion, reducing microbial access to dissolved substrates. Because these two aspects of soil moisture may affect microbial respiration differently than C assimilation, they may have different effects on CUE. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the relative importance of water potential and water content in regulating CUE of soil microbial communities. Moist soil incubations of a sandy loam soil were used to determine the impact of both aspects of soil moisture on CUE, and soil slurries were used to determine the impact of water potential alone. Both ¹³C-acetate and ¹⁵N-ammonium were added to moist soils and slurries to quantify gross rates of C and N transformations. In moist soils, acetate assimilation and respiration rates and gross N mineralization and immobilization rates increased exponentially with increasing soil moisture (−3.0 to −0.03 MPa). In contrast, acetate assimilation and respiration and gross N transformation rates remained constant in soil slurries across a similar water potential gradient, created by modifying solute concentrations. Similarly, values of CUE in moist soils increased exponentially with increasing soil moisture, whereas slurry values of CUE remained constant across the soil water potential gradient. Because no changes in rates and CUE were observed in slurries, changes observed in moist soils were attributed to limited substrate diffusion associated with low water contents rather than to adverse physiological effects associated with low water potentials. Results of this study demonstrate that limited substrate diffusion is the primary physical mechanism through which soil moisture regulates microbially-mediated C and N transformation rates and CUE in this sandy loam soil.
The effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on soil organic carbon (C) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in terrestrial ecosystems are the main drivers affecting GHG budgets under global climate change. Although many studies have been conducted on this topic, we still have little understanding of how N deposition affects soil C pools and GHG budgets at the global scale. We synthesized a comprehensive dataset of 275 sites from multiple terrestrial ecosystems around the world and quantified the responses of the global soil C pool and GHG fluxes induced by N enrichment. The results showed that the soil organic C concentration and the soil CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions increased by an average of 3.7%, 0.3%, 24.3% and 91.3% under N enrichment, respectively, and that the soil CH4 uptake decreased by 6.0%. Furthermore, the percentage increase in N2O emissions (91.3%) was two times lower than that (215%) reported by Liu & Greaver (2009). There was also greater stimulation of soil C pools (15.70 kg C ha‐1 yr‐1 per kg N/ha yr‐1) than previously reported under N deposition globally. The global N deposition results showed that croplands were the largest GHG sources (calculated as CO2 equivalents), followed by wetlands. However, forests and grasslands were two important GHG sinks. Globally, N deposition increased the terrestrial soil C sink by 6.34 Pg CO2 per year. It also increased net soil GHG emissions by 10.20 Pg CO2‐Geq (CO2 equivalents) per year. Therefore, N deposition not only increased the size of the soil C pool but also increased global greenhouse gas emissions, as calculated by the global warming potential approach.
Ecosystem responses to nitrogen (N) additions are manifold and complex, and also affect the carbon (C) cycle. It has been suggested that increased microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE), i.e. growth per C uptake, due to higher N availability potentially increases the stabilization rates of organic inputs to the soil. However, evidence for a direct link between altered microbial anabolism and soil organic C (SOC) stocks is lacking. In this study, unfertilized (control) and NPK-fertilized (NPK) treatments of seven temperate grassland experiments were used to test the hypothesis that fertilizer-induced differences in SOC stocks (ΔSOC) cannot be explained by differences in C input alone, but that microbial anabolism plays an important role in C sequestration. At two experimental sites, microbial CUE and related metabolic parameters was determined using an ¹⁸O labeling approach at two different incubation temperatures (10 °C and 20 °C). Fertilization effects on the abundance of Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi were also determined using quantitative PCR targeting the respective rRNA genes. Due to the availability of yield and belowground biomass data, the introductory carbon balance model (ICBM) could be used for all seven sites to estimate the contribution of C input to ΔSOC. A significantly higher microbial growth (+102 ± 6%), lower specific respiration (−16 ± 7%) and thus significantly higher CUE (+53 ± 21%) was found for the NPK treatments, which was consistent across experiments and incubation temperatures and correlated with measured root C:N ratios. Growth (+49 ± 5%) and respiration (+70 ± 9%) were increased by a higher incubation temperature, but this was not the case for CUE. The fungi to bacteria ratio changed significantly from 0.18 ± 0.02 (control) to 0.09 ± 0.02 (NPK). On average, only 77% (51% when excluding one extreme site) of observed ΔSOC was explained by C inputs. The optimized humification coefficient h of the model used to fit the observed ΔSOC was strongly correlated to differences in the root C:N ratio between the control and NPK treatments (R² = 0.71), thus confirming a link between microbial anabolism and substrate C:N ratio. Furthermore, varying h directly by observed differences in CUE improved the model fit at the two sites investigated. This study provides direct evidence that CUE of soil microbial communities is relevant for SOC sequestration, and its dependency on soil N availability or substrate C:N ratio might allow for its inclusion in models without explicit microbial C pools.
Climate and regional air quality models predict that Southern California will experience longer and more severe droughts, and possibly wetter, more intense storms and changing nitrogen (N) deposition. We investigated how the three major soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes respond to 4–6 years of exposure to a full-factorial experiment of reduced and augmented precipitation crossed with increased N in a semi-arid grassland in Irvine, CA, USA. The mean emission fluxes across all treatments were 249.8 mg CO2 m⁻² h⁻¹, -16.41 μg CH4 m⁻² h⁻¹, and 2.24 μg N2O m⁻² h⁻¹. Added N plots released 3.5 times more N2O than ambient N plots, and N treatment and soil moisture interacted, such that volumetric soil moisture in added N plots correlated positively with N2O release. Soil moisture, which was higher in the added water plots, correlated positively with respiration. CH4 consumption increased with soil moisture in the drought treatment, an opposite trend to that observed in most other studies. Our data suggest that CH4 consumption, N2O production, and soil respiration will decline if Southern California grasslands experience more frequent and extreme droughts. However, when drought is followed by high rainfall, the additional moisture will likely increase CH4 consumption and N2O release in periodic pulses. Overall, climatic shifts in this ecosystem may lead to a decrease in overall soil GHG emissions to the atmosphere. However, increased N deposition to Southern California will likely lead to increased N2O release and a shift in the dominant N loss pathway toward gaseous release of N. If N deposition continues to increase along with severity and duration of drought, our data predict a decrease in global warming potential (GWP) of 17.2% from this ecosystem.
To predict the behavior of the terrestrial carbon cycle, it is critical to understand the source, formation pathway, and chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM). There is emerging consensus that slow‐cycling SOM generally consists of relatively low molecular weight organic carbon substrates that enter the mineral soil as dissolved organic matter and associate with mineral surfaces (referred to as ‘mineral‐associated OM’, or MAOM). However, much debate and contradictory evidence persists around: (1) whether the organic C substrates within the MAOM pool primarily originate from aboveground versus belowground plant sources, and (2) if C substrates directly sorb to mineral surfaces or undergo microbial transformation prior to their incorporation into MAOM. Here, we attempt to reconcile disparate views on the formation of MAOM by proposing a spatially‐explicit set of processes that link plant C source with MAOM formation pathway. Specifically, because belowground versus aboveground sources of plant C enter spatially distinct regions of the mineral soil, we propose that fine‐scale differences in microbial abundance should determine the probability of substrate‐microbe versus substrate‐mineral interaction. Thus, formation of MAOM in areas of high microbial density (e.g. the rhizosphere and other microbial hotspots) should primarily occur through an in vivo microbial turnover pathway, and favor C substrates that are first biosynthesized with high microbial carbon‐use efficiency prior to incorporation in the MAOM pool. In contrast, in areas of low microbial density (e.g. certain regions of the bulk soil), MAOM formation should primarily occur through the direct sorption of intact or partially oxidized plant compounds to un‐colonized mineral surfaces, minimizing the importance of carbon use efficiency, and favoring C substrates with strong ‘sorptive affinity’. Through this framework, we thus describe how the primacy of biotic versus abiotic controls on MAOM dynamics are not mutually exclusive, but rather spatially dictated. Such an understanding may be integral to more accurately modeling soil organic matter dynamics across different spatial scales. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Through Earth’s history, drought has been a common crisis in terrestrial ecosystems; in human societies, it has caused famines and become one of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. As the global hydrological cycle intensifies with global warming, deeper droughts and rewetting will alter, and possibly transform, ecosystems. Soil communities, however, seem more tolerant than plants or animals are to water stress—the main effects, in fact, on soil processes appear to be limited diffusion and the limited supply of resources to soil organisms. Thus, the rains that end a drought not only release soil microbes from stress but also create a resource pulse that fuels soil microbial activity. It remains unclear whether the effects of drought on soil processes result from drying or rewetting. It is also unclear whether the flush of activity on rewetting is driven by microbial growth or by the physical/ chemical processes that mobilize organic matter. In this review, I discuss how soil water, and the lack of it, regulates microbial life and biogeochemical processes. I first focus on organismal-level responses and then consider how these influence whole-soil organic matter dynamics. A final focus is on how to incorporate these effects into Earth System models that can effectively capture dry–wet cycling. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics Volume 49 is November 2, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.
Soil moisture controls microbial activity and soil carbon cycling. Because microbial activity decreases as soils dry, decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is thought to decrease with increasing drought length. Yet, microbial biomass and a pool of water‐extractable organic carbon (WEOC) can increase as soils dry, perhaps implying microbes may continue to break down SOM even if drought stressed. Here, we test the hypothesis that WEOC increases as soils dry because exoenzymes continue to break down litter, while their products accumulate because they cannot diffuse to microbes. To test this hypothesis we manipulated field plots by cutting‐off litter inputs and by irrigating and excluding precipitation inputs to extend or shorten the length of the dry season. We expected that the longer the soils would remain dry, the more WEOC would accumulate in the presence of litter, whereas shortening the length of the dry season, or cutting off litter inputs, would reduce WEOC accumulation. Lastly, we incubated grass roots in the laboratory and measured the concentration of reducing sugars and potential hydrolytic enzyme activities, strictly to understand the mechanisms whereby exoenzymes break down litter over the dry season. As expected, extending dry season length increased WEOC concentrations by 30% above the 108 μg C g−1 measured in untreated plots, whereas keeping soils moist prevented WEOC from accumulating. Contrary to our hypothesis, excluding plant litter inputs actually increased WEOC concentrations by 40% above the 105 μg C g−1 measured in plots with plants. Reducing sugars did not accumulate in dry senesced roots in our laboratory incubation. Potential rates of reducing sugar production by hydrolytic enzymes ranged from 0.7 to 10 μmol g−1 hr−1 and far exceeded the rates of reducing sugar accumulation (~0.001 μmol g−1 hr−1). Our observations do not support the hypothesis that exoenzymes continue to break down litter to produce WEOC in dry soils. Instead, we develop the argument that physical processes are more likely to govern short‐term WEOC dynamics via slaking of microaggregates that stabilize SOM and through WEOC redistribution when soils wet up, as well as through less understood effects of drought on the soil mineral matrix. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Drylands are regions with low rainfall, high temperatures and very high evapotranspiration, as well as limited plant biomass production. Covering more than 45% of the Earth’s land surface and being inhabited by more than 35% of the world population, drylands are of paramount importance for global sustainability. Among the many factors that influence the ability of drylands to provide essential ecosystem services, soil organic matter deserves special attention. This chapter provides an overview of the quantity of soil organic matter in dryland ecosystems, the main factors regulating its formation and conservation, its vulnerability to ongoing global changes, and existing options to preserve or even enhance this essential natural resource.
The availability of nitrogen (N) is a critical control on the cycling and storage of soil carbon (C). Yet there are conflicting conceptual models to explain how N availability influences decomposition of organic matter by soil microbial communities. Several lines of evidence suggest that N availability limits decomposition: the earliest stages of leaf litter decay are associated with a net import of N from the soil environment, and both observations and models show that high-N organic matter decomposes more rapidly. In direct contrast to these findings, experimental additions of inorganic N to soils broadly show a suppression of microbial activity, which is inconsistent with N limitation of decomposition. Resolving this apparent contradiction is critical to representing nutrient dynamics in predictive ecosystem models under a multitude of global change factors that alter soil N availability.
Neonatal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure-induced brain inflammation resulted in motor dysfunction and brain dopaminergic neuronal injury, and increased the risks of neurodegenerative disorders in adult rats. Our previous studies showed that intranasal administration of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) protects against LPS-induced white matter injury in the developing rat brain. To further examine whether IGF-1 protects against LPS-induced brain neuronal injury and neurobehavioral dysfunction, recombinant human IGF-1 (rhIGF-1) at a dose of 50 µg/pup was administered intranasally 1 h following intracerebral injection of LPS (1 mg/kg) in postnatal day 5 (P5) Sprague-Dawley rat pups. Neurobehavioral tests were carried out from P7 to P21, and brain neuronal injury was examined at P21. Our results showed that LPS exposure resulted in disturbances of motor behaviors in juvenile rats. Moreover, LPS exposure caused injury to central catecholaminergic neurons, as indicated by a reduction of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity in the substantia nigra (SN), ventral tegmental area (VTA) and olfactory bulb (OB), and brain noradrenergic neurons, as indicated by a reduction of TH immunoreactivity in the locus coeruleus (LC) of the P21 rat brain. The LPS-induced reduction of TH+ cells was observed at a greater degree in the SN and LC of the P21 rat brain. Intranasal rhIGF-1 treatment attenuated LPS-induced central catecholaminergic neuronal injury and motor behavioral disturbances, including locomotion, beam walking test and gait analysis. Intranasal rhIGF-1 administration also attenuated LPS-induced elevation of IL-1β levels and numbers of activated microglia, and cyclooxygenase-2+ cells, which were double labeled with TH+ cells in the SN, VTA, OB and LC of the P21 rat brain. These results suggest that IGF-1 may provide protection against neonatal LPS exposure-induced central catecholaminergic neuronal injury and motor behavioral disturbances, and that the protective effects are associated with the inhibition of microglia activation and the reduction of neuronal oxidative stress by the suppression of the neuronal cyclooxygenase-2 expression.
Studies of the decomposition, transformation and stabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) have dramatically increased in recent years owing to growing interest in studying the global carbon (C) cycle as it pertains to climate change. While it is readily accepted that the magnitude of the organic C reservoir in soils depends upon microbial involvement, as soil C dynamics are ultimately the consequence of microbial growth and activity, it remains largely unknown how these microorganism-mediated processes lead to soil C stabilization. Here, we define two pathways—ex vivo modification and in vivo turnover—which jointly explain soil C dynamics driven by microbial catabolism and/or anabolism. Accordingly, we use the conceptual framework of the soil ‘microbial carbon pump’ (MCP) to demonstrate how microorganisms are an active player in soil C storage. The MCP couples microbial production of a set of organic compounds to their further stabilization, which we define as the entombing effect. This integration captures the cumulative long-term legacy of microbial assimilation on SOM formation, with mechanisms (whether via physical protection or a lack of activation energy due to chemical composition) that ultimately enable the entombment of microbial-derived C in soils. We propose a need for increased efforts and seek to inspire new studies that utilize the soil MCP as a conceptual guideline for improving mechanistic understandings of the contributions of soil C dynamics to the responses of the terrestrial C cycle under global change.
Soil pH regulates the capacity of soils to store and supply nutrients, and thus contributes substantially to controlling productivity in terrestrial ecosystems. However, soil pH is not an independent regulator of soil fertility-rather, it is ultimately controlled by environmental forcing. In particular, small changes in water balance cause a steep transition from alkaline to acid soils across natural climate gradients. Although the processes governing this threshold in soil pH are well understood, the threshold has not been quantified at the global scale, where the influence of climate may be confounded by the effects of topography and mineralogy. Here we evaluate the global relationship between water balance and soil pH by extracting a spatially random sample (n = 20,000) from an extensive compilation of 60,291 soil pH measurements. We show that there is an abrupt transition from alkaline to acid soil pH that occurs at the point where mean annual precipitation begins to exceed mean annual potential evapotranspiration. We evaluate deviations from this global pattern, showing that they may result from seasonality, climate history, erosion and mineralogy. These results demonstrate that climate creates a nonlinear pattern in soil solution chemistry at the global scale; they also reveal conditions under which soils maintain pH out of equilibrium with modern climate.
Increasing organic matter (OM) in soil promotes the delivery of vital ecosystem services, such as improving water retention, decreasing erosion, increasing plant productivity, and mitigating climate change through terrestrial carbon (C) sequestration. The formation of organo-mineral associations through microbial turnover of labile (i.e. easily decomposed) C is a potential pathway of soil C stabili- zation. However, association of added C with mineral surfaces may be impacted by soil clay content and/ or by nutrient availability (due to higher microbial C use efficiency). We added 14C labeled glucose as a model labile substrate together with either ion exchange resin beads (to induce nutrient limitation), water (no additional nutrients), or four increasing concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur in constant stoichiometric ratios to nine agricultural soils under the same climate and management but along a texture gradient from 3 to 40% clay. The soils with 14C-glucose and a nutrient treatment were incubated for 4 weeks during which the 14C was traced into CO2, microbial biomass, dissolved organic C (DOC), and soil organic C (SOC). Induced nutrient limitation (available C:N ratio around 300:1) reduced mineralization of glucose-derived C, particularly in soils with <15% clay. However, in soils with !15% clay, higher microbial biomass allowed for glucose-derived C mineralization despite nutrient limitation. Alleviating the nutrient limitation (available C:N < 50:1) allowed for greater transformation of added C into microbial biomass-C and SOC, particularly in soils with !21% clay, although further additions (down to C:N of 11:1) did not result in greater SOC or microbial biomass formation. Except under conditions of nutrient limitation (where C:N > 50:1), soil texture and starting microbial biomass size, not nutrient availability, were the drivers of SOC and microbial biomass formation during the incubation.