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A Systematic Review of Ground-Based Infrastructure for the Innovative Urban Air Mobility



The increasing level of urbanisation and traffic congestion promotes the concept of urban air mobility (UAM), which has become a thriving topic in engineering and neighbouring disciplines. The development of a suitable ground-based infrastructure is necessary to supply these innovative vehicles, which mainly includes networks of takeoff and landing sites, facilities for maintenance, energy supply, and navigation and communication capabilities. Further requirements comprise robust business and operating models for emerging service providers and regulatory frameworks, particularly regarding safety, liability and noise emissions. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current results and developments in the field of UAM ground-based infrastructure by conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) and to identify the most relevant research gaps in the field. For the systematic literature analysis, our search string contains vertiports and the equivalents, UAM and equivalents, and search phrases for the individual domains. In the final analysis 64 articles were included, finding a strong focus on simulations and vertiport networks, while specific case studies and related aspects like automated MRO and urban planning appear less frequently. Therefore, this article provides insights for a more holistic perspective on challenges and necessities of future UAM.
Gazmend Mavraj1,* , Jil Eltgen2 , Tim Fraske3 , Majed Swaid4 , Jan Berling5 , Ole Röntgen6,
Yuzhuo Fu1 , Detlef Schulz1
1Electrical Power Systems, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany
2Institute for Aircraft Production Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
3Digital City Science, HafenCity University (HCU), Hamburg, Germany
4German Aerospace Center (DLR), Air Transportation Systems, Hamburg, Germany
5Institute of Air Transportation Systems, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
6Institute for Transport Planning and Logistics, Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany
The increasing level of urbanisation and traffic congestion promotes the concept of urban air mobility
(UAM), which has become a thriving topic in engineering and neighbouring disciplines. The development
of a suitable ground-based infrastructure is necessary to supply these innovative vehicles, which mainly
includes networks of take-off and landing sites, facilities for maintenance, energy supply, and navigation
and communication capabilities. Further requirements comprise robust business and operating models
for emerging service providers and regulatory frameworks, particularly regarding safety, liability and noise
emissions. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current results and developments in
the field of UAM ground-based infrastructure by conducting a systematic literature review (SLR) and to
identify the most relevant research gaps in the field. For the systematic literature analysis, our search string
contains vertiports and the equivalents, UAM and equivalents, and search phrases for the individual
domains. In the final analysis 64 articles were included, finding a strong focus on simulations and vertiport
networks, while specific case studies and related aspects like automated MRO and urban planning appear
less frequently. Therefore, this article provides insights for a more holistic perspective on challenges and
necessities of future UAM.
Keywords: air mobility, ground-based infrastructure, systematic literature review, vertiport, air taxi
Type of the work: review article
New vehicle types for airborne metropolitan passenger traffic create prospects for people and cities.
In addition to traffic management, ground-based infrastructure requirements for urban air mobility
(UAM) are considered the key success factors for socio-technical integration [1], which include take-off
and landing pads, communication, navigation and surveillance infrastructure [2]. The ground-based
infrastructure thus impacts different technological and societal dimensions and enforces a paradigm shift
within urban planning to enable links with existing mobility networks [3]. Moreover, digitised and
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* Corresponding Author:
ARTICLE HISTORY Received 20220213 Revised 20220318 Accepted 20221010
Transactions on Aerospace ResearcheISSN 2545-2835, VOL. 269, NO. 4/2022, 1-17
DOI: 10.2478/tar-2022-0019
automated traffic and control systems have to be integrated, as well as sufficient energy management
systems. The question of an ideal embedding of ground-based infrastructures moves at the interface of
various other issues, such as noise restrictions, the legal framework of air traffic or public acceptance.
In addition to pure planning aspects, socio-economic factors such as spatial inequalities or real estates also
play a crucial role in defining the space for UAM [2]. Therefore, a comprehensive perspective of critical
factors must be developed while maintaining the attention to the specifics of individual elements within
the system. This is the purpose of the Innovative Airborne Urban Mobility (i-LUM) research project,
which focusses on the integration of UAM in the Hamburg metropolitan region.
The objective of the i-LUM project is fundamental research on the development of holistic mobility
concepts in the emerging field of UAM and the application in a toolchain that integrates modules
representing the individual research areas. The project includes a multitude of scientific disciplines, which
is reflected in the work package structure in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Five work packages of the i-LUM project and the four subworking packages of package three
(ground-based infrastructure). i-LUM, Innovative Airborne Urban Mobility; MRO, maintenance, repair
and overhaul; WP, working package.
The first of five main work packages focusses on societal interactions, for instance, the identification
of conditional terms for a broad acceptance of UAM among the public, as well as the prerequisites to
maintain a sense of safety and security in the community. Furthermore, the analyses highlight the emerging
challenges resulting from the evolving regulatory framework and involve examinations from a legal
The second main work package provides a detailed demand analysis with a particular emphasis on
the passengers and their requirements towards a UAM system, developing use cases and concepts of
operation (ConOPS) that allow for a derivation of detailed demand scenarios. A multimodal traffic
simulation subsequently processes these scenarios to provide assessment capabilities of UAM regarding
individual benefit.
The third main work package investigates the air space from several perspectives, comprising an
interface to legal aspects and regulation, the development of designs that allow for a planning of efficient
trajectories with a minimum of delay and energy consumption while maximising the dispatching capacity,
as well as the design of new potential strategies for identification and resolution of spatial conflicts between
flights to maintain safe operations. Furthermore, research contents throughout this main work package
contain sensor and communication technology to ensure a high degree of automatisation in the transport
system to design and investigate the resulting noise emissions of the anticipated electrically driven vehicles
along flight trajectories.
The fourth main work package examines the design and evaluation of UAM transport systems and
combines all investigated subcategories in a holistic system simulation according to the approach presented
in Niklaß et al. [4]. The numerical simulation then yields results from multiple aspects, such as vertiport
density or vertiport size, and combines the results in comprehensive system metrics that balance partially
diverging interests against each other. This methodology will provide a foundation for a target-oriented
decision-making when designing UAM systems.
Finally, the last main work package represents a crucial aspect of the overall UAM system design,
the ground infrastructure, which is the central subject of investigation throughout this study.
A subwork package devoted to maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) systems focusses on
the development of concepts for automated, ground-based MRO systems and the identification of required
key technologies. Taking existing concepts into consideration, the objective is to develop solutions for
highly automated ground-handling processes at vertiports. The conceptual development of energy
management systems is another subwork package that aims at efficient integration of new energy carriers
the subsystem vertiports and provides optimised strategies for energy supply of the vehicles. A separate
subworking package considers the relevant factors for a seamless site integration from a city planner
perspective. A further emphasis lies in the development of a methodology to integrate the findings of other
subworking packages to design efficient vertiport networks. Beginning with the derivation of models for
computing local ground-handling capacities, in a next step, the dependency of transport efficiency
regarding time and consumed energy of several network topologies is the subject of investigation,
specifically taking the requirements due to the demand scenarios into consideration.
Based on these work packages, our focal point in this review is to highlight current research strands
and approaches regarding technologies, concepts, simulations and living lab scenarios for the UAM
ground-based infrastructure. Our study follows the primary research question:
“What are the key components for the development of ground-based infrastructure for UAM?”
Based on our content analysis, we identify research gaps concerning each given topic. To provide
a comprehensive overview of the descriptive statistical insights and analytical contributions regarding
our research areas, we conducted a systematic literature review (SLR).
SLR represents a systematic way to identify relevant studies, to summarise the results, to critically
analyse the methods of the studies and, finally, to comment and recommend improvements for future
research. For the systematic literature analysis, our search string contains vertiports and equivalents, UAM
and equivalents, and further search phrases for the individual domains of the ground-based infrastructure.
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the methodology of the SLR, presenting the
boundary conditions of the SLR. In section 3, we discuss the results of the literature analysis. Finally,
section 4 provides conclusions and an outlook.
This systematic review has been performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines1. After the question formulation for our thematic focus,
we developed a research string that covers all relevant keywords and possible equivalents to broaden our
perspective. We retrieved relevant research articles from the SCOPUS database, which has the largest
and most comprehensive collection of academic publications. Screening provided a first overview of
potential articles. Based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, we eliminated articles that did not match
our focal point during our study selection process. Ultimately, we reviewed the literature to evaluate and
synthesise the existing results and formulate a conclusion to identify research gaps. The review places an
emphasis on qualitative insights about the topic but also reflects descriptive data on the identified
publications for a general classification. The prism chart (Fig. 2) presents the study selection procedure.
1For more information on this methodological approach, see: Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J., Altman, D.G., and Prisma
Group. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 No. 7
(2009): p. e1000097.
Figure 2. Prism chart of the literature review.
2.1. Methodological approach
We performed a systematic search to identify relevant articles published in the SCOPUS database
from 1 January 2010 to 15 July 2021. The search phrase in SCOPUS is as follows:
ALL((vertiport OR vertistop OR vertihub OR vertidrome OR skyport OR droneport OR heliport
OR helipad) AND (uam OR (urban AND air AND mobility) OR aam OR (advanced AND air
AND mobility) OR uav OR eVTOL OR airtaxi OR drone OR taxi-drone OR pav OR (personal
AND air AND vehicle)) AND (location OR station OR infrastructure OR energy OR grid OR
supply OR (fuel AND cell) OR network OR system OR (hub AND location AND problem) OR
route OR technology OR (condition AND monitoring) OR mro OR maintenance OR repair OR
energy OR soc OR (state AND of AND charge) OR battery OR charging OR power OR (fuel AND
cell) OR hydrogen))
The search phrase includes thematic aspects of vertiports, UAM and equivalent expressions to provide
a broad and comprehensive screening of the topic. Based on the search phrase, 183 articles were found
in the first query. After removing duplicates, we screened the articles regarding their thematic focus, title,
keywords and abstract. Applying the exclusion criteria (Table 1), we identified all articles that do not
have a clear analytical link to the ground-based infrastructure for UAM.
Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
MRO, maintenance, repair and overhaul; UAM, urban air mobility.
In addition to the focus on our four project-related categories, articles were also included if they had
a broader reference to the ground-based infrastructure, for example, drone deployment. After eliminating
the articles without a relevant thematic focus, the full-text analysis included 76 articles.
Ultimately, we excluded all articles where the full-text was not accessible or did not provide any
analytical insights regarding our research focus. After the final exclusion, 64 articles were included in
the final analysis.
2.2. Statistics, frequency analysis and visualisation of results in general
UAM is a new complex of research subjects. The temporal distribution shown in Fig. 3 represents this
fact. In the last 4 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of publications on this research
topic. The number for 2021 only covers the articles published before 15 July. The tendency is an
increasing quantity of publications in terms of UAM and the related ground-based infrastructure.
Figure 3. Temporal distribution of the classified publications.
I/E Criteria Criteria explanation
Exclusion Language No English abstract available for this publication
Full-text We are unable to access the text, or the abstract does not provide any
analytical insights
Article type A paper is not an academic paper or conference paper, e.g. forewords or
editorial material only
Non-related A paper does not refer to UAM Loosely related A paper refers to UAM
but without mentioning the ground-based infrastructure The ground-
based infrastructure is only mentioned as an example, keyword or future
research direction without any analytical contribution
Inclusion Closely related A paper is directly connected to our defined research areas of the ground-
based infrastructure for UAM: vertiport networks, automated MRO,
energy management, siting and integration
A paper discusses or mentions an important related or additional aspect
of the ground-based infrastructure for UAM
We found 1,468 different keywords with our SCOPUS search string, which are listed in Table 2.
The keywords mostly reflect topics regarding vertical take-off and landings (VTOLs) and their landing
and flight control systems.
Table 2. Keywords with the highest frequency and their repetition.
VTOLs, vertical take-off and landings; STOL, short take-off and landing.
We classified the results of our research into four research areas and by type of the literature. Therefore,
we used the titles and abstracts for the categorisation. Table 3 represents the 76 articles that were part of
the abstract screening and their thematic and methodological classification. We conducted a full-text
analysis after the first classification. A clear overlapping between the section network modelling of
vertiports and spatial integration of vertiports can be found as the literature discusses urban planning
aspects often as a side aspect of the vertiport modelling.
Table 3. Results of the systematic literature review (based on abstract analysis).
MRO, maintenance, repair and overhaul; UAM, urban air mobility.
Keyword Frequency
Air mobility 40
Unmanned aerial vehicles 37
VTOLs 32
Urban transportation 27
Antennas 22
Landing 22
Air transportation 22
Aircraft landing 21
Taxicabs 16
Flight control systems 16
Heliports 14
# Category Concept/
physical model
Simulation Living lab/
1 Network design
of UAM ground
[1,3,5-14] [6,8,9,15-27] [5,8,11,15-36] [37] [37-39]
2 Automated
ground-based MRO
[2,15,42,43] [15,28,29,42-44] [37] [37]
3 Energy-
[55,58] [38]
4 Spatial integration
of vertipoints
[37,71] [37,38,67]
The automated ground-based MRO section delimits strongly from the other sections. Regarding
the methodological approach of the studies, most articles used simulations that often closely match to
the mathematical and physical models. Living lab approaches and survey occur far less frequently,
which indicate that the practical embedding and testing of UAM is still in an early stage. This reveals
another research gap, which needs to be filled with new information.
Table 4 lists the most cited publications of the 76 thematically classifiable articles. The categories
represent our four thematic focal points, as mentioned in the previous sections. The percentage shows
the part of the citations over all citations. Here, it is shown that the categories network modelling of
vertiports and spatial integration of vertiports appear more often in the most cited publications than
the categories automated ground-based MRO and energy management system.
Table 4. Ten most cited publications.
RF, radio frequency; AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
The most cited article [52] deals with energy management for drones in commercial package delivery,
followed by an article on the geolocation of RF signals [68]. Both articles address associated topics of
UAM for passenger transport. Closely related articles deal with the scheduling for on-demand UAM [26]
and operational constraints [37].
In the following section, we present a structured content analysis based on the four thematic
categories. We highlight the primary research streams and apparent research gaps.
# Most cited
Category Citations Percentage
1[52] 3 106 26.90 Nature Communications
2[68] 4 30 7.61 Geolocation of RF Signals: Principles and
3[26] 1, 3 22 5.58 AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems
4[37] 1, 2, 4 22 5.58 17th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration,
and Operations Conference, 2017
5[13] 1, 3 21 5.33 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and
Operations Conference
6[14] 1, 2, 4 20 5.08 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and
Operations Conference
7[24] 1, 4 17 4.31 AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum
8[67] 4 17 4.31 17th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration,
and Operations Conference, 2017
9[53] 3 15 3.81 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018
10 [27] 1, 4 9 2.28 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and
Operations Conference
3.1. Network design of UAM ground-based infrastructure
The design of a UAM-based transportation system that can handle the demanded traffic volume and
provide a significant reduction regarding door-to-door travel time requires a flexible and efficient route
network. Therefore, we need to allocate vertiport positions with sufficient throughput capacity and
vehicle parking positions to a set of identified demand hot spots. The vertiport positioning problem, as
it is also called, is a crucial step in the UAM network design and has been coped with in various degrees
of complexity.
A design approach mentioned in Maget et al. [18] considers demographic characteristics and applies
a gravity distribution model to identify demand-driven vertiport networks, referred to as vertihubs in
this article. The scenario is based on regional inter-urban traffic in Bavaria, Germany. The approach first
solves a maximal covering location problem, deriving vertiport positions based on locations of existing
central stations, airports and medium-sized towns. Following this procedure, the existing traffic network
and the designed UAM system are closely linked to each other. Subsequently, the number of vertiports
and the acceptable travel time for passengers to reach these vertiport locations are varied to quantify
the population coverage with an adequate access to the network in terms of reachability, depending on
the network density. It is shown that the reachability metric is particularly sensitive to the threshold value
of the passenger’s acceptable travelling time to the vertiport.
Another example of a UAM network vertiport placement problem [16] focusses on the interaction
between vertiport locations and potential UAM travel demand and applying an integer programming
algorithm. Therefore, several analyses of hub-and-spoke networks are conducted, for instance, regarding
the sensitivity of time savings regarding various influence factors.
A formalised optimisation procedure to determine the siting of vertiports using methods from mixed-
integer programming is developed in Venkatesh et al. [32]. The investigation analyses a commuter-based
regional use case located in South Florida Metro Area, comprising residence and working blocks that are
connected by a network of vertiports. Based on assumptions regarding the flight profile and ground-
based vehicle travel times, the vertiport placement problem is solved for both cases, with and without
specific consideration of local capacities. If defined, the local capacity is set to a homogeneous value
throughout the network. As a result, demand satisfaction is determined for the uncapacitated problem,
while for networks with pre-defined capacities, the achievable time savings are quantified for optimisation.
However, these studies do not present trajectory-based approaches including fleet planning algorithms,
thus neglecting important aspects such as the test for availability of suitable VTOLs to conduct field
missions, detailed quantification of passenger’s waiting times due ground-handling procedures and, in
some cases, the ground-handling capacity.
A further study [15] presents a demand estimation methodology. The investigation examines travel
behaviour data and sets up an exemplary regional vertiport network in the Southern California counties.
The analysed data comprise results from a passenger survey, provided by Los Angeles World Airports, that
distinguish between residential and non-residential passengers as well as between business- and non-
business trips. Taking parameters such as cost and time into account and considering multiple
transportation modes for demand estimation, the area of investigation is discretised into subspaces,
referred to as blockgroups, with specific demand values to solve a vertiport placement problem.
The centroid of each subspace represents a possible vertiport location. The subspaces are then arranged
into a pre-defined number of clusters to define networks with varying numbers of nodes, set between
50 and 100. Depending on the cost per mile and the number of network nodes, the study aims to quantify
the regional UAM market share.
In addition to the publications on methodologies of network design, there are detailed analyses of
UAM or on-demand air mobility (ODAM), as, for instance, provided by Sun et al. [7], which classifies
relevant research categories into methodologies for demand estimation, design and location problems of
the ground-based infrastructure, operational planning, competitiveness with other transportation modes
and operational constraints. In addition to a detailed analysis of published research on these categories,
the results provide a list of possible future ODAM research topics. Relevant suggestions to design highly
efficient vertiport networks comprise the application of more elaborate cost functions regarding
the vertiport placement problem rather than transportation time or cost, but to apply multi-criteria
optimisations instead, including environmental and societal costs. Furthermore, it is suggested to conduct
deeper research into models with actual trips assigned to specific vehicles and to choose an appropriate
vehicle from the fleet to carry out the demanded mission, or to reject it if necessary.
Another analysis [14] presents three major scaling constraints that represent significant factors of
limitation in a UAM system. These factors comprise the scalability of air traffic control systems for urban
air spaces on low flight levels, the availability of the ground infrastructure in areas of high UAM passenger
demand, and the public acceptance of UAM operations. That analysis presents a quantification of
the severity of each factor for the UAM system. In the field of the ground infrastructure, the geographic
proximity to demand and the throughput capacity of take-off and landing areas are determined to be
major influences for the scalability of a UAM system.
The presented approaches and analyses show that most of the current research on UAM network
design concentrates on metrics such as time savings, monetary costs and reachability of vertiports, but
relevant factors as, for instance, the distribution of ground-handling capacities throughout a vertiport
network or the need for further functional elements, such as parking positions for vehicles, maintenance
facilities and the distribution of battery-charging infrastructure in the network, have not been investigated
in a combined analysis.
Furthermore, there are various studies investigating subcategories that are relevant for the task of
the vertiport network design. The studies [17,24,28–30,33,37], for instance, conduct analyses on
the capacity of vertiports, depending on parameters such as the number of landing pads, vehicle charging
rates, service times, parking positions, taxiways, the number of gates and ground operations. Further
relevant aspects for the capacity of singular vertiports are represented by scheduling and sequencing of
vehicle arrivals and departures, which have been examined in Refs. [23,25,26,34,35]. Since the allocation
of passengers to vehicles and to vertiports might also have a significant impact on network design, on
fleet mix and on fleet size, first results are available in Rajendran and Pagel [10] and Wu and Zhang [16].
In the context of the i-LUM project, we are planning to develop a trajectory-based network design
approach that solves the demand-based vertiport positioning problem under consideration of these
aforementioned aspects.
3.2. Automated ground-based MRO
To ensure safe and efficient aviation, it is essential to establish an MRO system that is automated as
much as possible. In this systematic literature analysis, one articles is found, which summarises aspects
of the fleet maintenance of VTOLs [41]. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) suggests
recurring maintenance depending on the system under inspection and the load cycles of the system and
proposes predictive maintenance at an interval of 100 h. However, it is a complex task to estimate
adequate time periods such as the serviceability and thus to ensure safety of a flight system while
the maintenance intervals do not compromise economic profitability. Moreover, the changing designs of
the VTOLs make it challenging to develop a uniform MRO system.
In the remaining literature, there is sparse information on MRO systems. While some approaches exist
for maintenance operations, there are no concepts for the repair sections. In addition to guidelines for
helicopters, ideas for the design of VTOLs and vertiports can be found, from which possible MRO tasks
could be derived.
In addition to the FAA regulations mentioned before [41], there are a few examinations of
legal requirements for the ground-based infrastructure at airfields [40]. As yet, no legal basis exists.
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) of the United Nations (UN) ranges with its
annexes, documents and circulations internationally. The ICAO promotes, with its guidelines,
the sustainable growth of the global civil aviation system. Therefore, requirements for the MRO of UAM
vehicles derive from an international basis. For the European area, the European Union, with its
regulations and implementing regulations, and the EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency),
with its certification specifications, special conditions and opinions, are reliable and provide more detailed
information than the ICAO on an international basis. In Germany, which is the investigated location due
to the i-LUM project, the competent authorities are the Federal State with its laws and the Federal
Ministry of Transport with its regulations. These institutions could provide helpful requirements beyond
the international and European basis for the development of the ground-based infrastructure of vertiports,
including the MRO. In the interim, we can derive meaningful requirements from data for helicopters and
heliports [37].
The ground-based infrastructure depends on the urban area surrounding it. In one article, the authors
conduct a case study for the Los Angeles International Airport [15]. They highlight the necessity that no
unauthorised people or systems stay in the safety zone. Furthermore, they perform a demand estimation
of UAM for Los Angeles in which 10 areas with the highest ground access are identified. This information
can help localise reasonable places for the MRO [15].
It is essential to know the possible throughput, which is dependent on the ground-based infrastructure
[14] of a vertiport, to estimate time slots where the predictive maintenance can be executed without
obstructing the flow too much. Vertiports should have a high departure performance, and the space
requirement in the urban area should be as low as possible [29]. For the San Francisco case, the authors
schedule service times of under 10 min [28]. It becomes clear that a centralised MRO in the near urban
area station is a reliable option.
In addition to the location, the specific characteristics of the technologies are crucial for integrating
an efficient MRO system [2,42,43,44]. Out of this, life cycles and mechanical loads of the tiltrotor
systems can be derived.
As shown, the maintenance part of the MRO will be designed as a predictive maintenance based on
the loads of the vehicles and the resulting life cycles, as well as a redundancy part for the safety aspects.
In-flight safety has been a very sensitive subject since the occurrences on 11 September 2001. Therefore,
there is a need for (fleet) monitoring, which can also help detect possible damage during a flight, especially
autonomous flights. The result of this monitoring can be an even safer flight and reduced maintenance
time needs because a part of the damage detection takes place in the air during the flight and does not
need to be performed at the ground-based station.
For the repair and overhaul or operations parts of the MRO system, we need more future research for
a better holistic understanding. Foremost, the maintenance needs a certificate and a legal framework.
A documentation of the necessary MRO processes will allow us to retrace every step in the event of
a questionable incident. Most articles intend a short time frame for the service between every landing and
departure, which leads to multi-part maintenance considerations. The minimum MRO is necessary before
every departure, while a full maintenance becomes mandatory after a certain number of flight hours.
Furthermore, we need to consider the location of maintenance. Possible solutions are a decentralised MRO
system at every vertiport that exists, a centralised MRO vertiport at a spot that is further away or hybrid
forms of these ideas. The MRO for vehicles in the UAM directly relates to vertiport networks and spatial
integration since it may require additional locations and must be considered in the location determination
process. To decide and develop concepts for these MRO vertiports, it is important to determine the MRO
3.3. Energy management system
In order to increase the lifespan and achieve good performance, VTOLs generally use a hybrid power
system architecture. A hybrid energy architecture can combine multiple energy sources, such as fuel cells,
batteries and solar cells. An optimal energy management system is therefore crucial to enabling
the efficient operation of advanced VTOLs. In the context of battery-powered UAM platforms, this
section suggests a critical review of the state of the art in energy management systems to identify research
gaps and recommendations for future research.
Battery-based drones enable continuous operations, applying technologies like swapping, laser beam
inflight recharging and tethering. Swapping offers the possibility to recharge depleted batteries during
the mission using docking stations. Light energy can transfer to drones in-flight using a laser beam.
Batteries can then charge after converting light power to electricity. To cope with the high planning
complexity, the authors [9] develop a model to determine an optimal system design considering key
parameters like battery capacity, charging infrastructure, time restrictions and additional technical
specifications such as payload and range capacities of vehicles.
Some authors [13] consider UAM system implications of different energy storage systems on UAM
vehicles. They compare fully battery electric vehicles to vehicles with multiple hybrid electric powertrains,
which consist of different energy conversion systems and fuels.
An energy-efficient trajectory optimisation of VTOLs for a given required time of arrival as the arrival
phase is the most safety-critical flight phase with much higher air traffic density and limited battery
energy is presented in Kleinbekman et al. [26].
Another publication [36] proposes a joint scheduling methodology to handle the optimal routing
and charging tasks for the autonomous electric aerial vehicle system. The problem is formulated by
integrating charging features into the classic vehicle routing problem with time windows.
In the article [45], the authors describe vision-based navigation systems for charging pad detection
and wireless power charging. By using ANSYS Electronics software, they analyse parameters like mutual
inductance, coupling coefficient and the distance between the coils for effective power transmission.
To meet the assigned required time of arrival and achieve an energy-efficient arrival trajectory for
a given concept of operation, which is a critical enabler for the safe and efficient future aircraft operations
for passenger transportation and cargo delivery, the article [51] proposes a multiphase optimal control
problem formulation, and the numerical solution enables a VTOL aircraft.
An economical comparison between battery refilling and recharging platforms has been proposed in
Nemoto et al. [58]. It was shown that refilling stations are a good choice when the coverage is low;
otherwise, it is preferable to use exchange stations.
The future research field for the energy management system is summarised into three points as follows:
How to estimate the energy consumption of a fleet of UAMs on the basis of a certain demand and
calculate the charging profiles to support the design of the charging infrastructure? How to realise
the optimal charging control strategy for VTOLs through combining routing and charging scheduling
to reduce the operating costs? How to use artificial intelligence technology to analyse data during flight
to accurately predict the power demand and achieve real-time charging control?
3.4. Spatial integration of vertiports
The question regarding urban integration of the ground-based infrastructure is closely linked to one
of the primary success factors for UAM, namely, the public acceptance of the innovative vehicle type.
An urban planning and development perspective, therefore, bridges the technological and societal aspects
of UAM. As vertiports are cost-intensive and highly complex structures, it can take years to build or
relocate them [74]. Thus, understanding the territory and societal context of an urban environment is
crucial for tackling these long-term risks, as regulations and expectations can also differ spatially [67].
Most articles review the urban or regional context as a side aspect of vertiport capacity and networks
but rarely reflect the actual impact on urban planning. The research focusses on simulations that base on
transport data like time savings, generalised costs, demand estimation or routes [19,69]. Other articles
focus on more specific regional demands like tourism [60] or flood risk management [21]. However,
these simulations hardly consider actual stakeholder knowledge about the specific spatial context. Other
authors [61] use a multi-indicator perspective on their application modelling for the greater Munich
area, drawing from expert workshops, environmental and socio-economic factors. Moreover, practically
all simulations and case studies focus on large metropolitan areas, primarily in the United States as well
as in Asia or Europe. This raises the question of the applicability and scalability of the research results [7]
as little attention is paid to smaller towns or countries that are no forerunners in technological
development. Rural areas can potentially benefit from UAM integration as well; however, these welfare
aspects are rarely discussed [61].
Furthermore, the research often remains at a regional level, placing a vertiport on the macro-scale but
does not define the integration process into a specific urban district or microenvironment. Some authors
[73] emphasise the need for a more localised analysis that enriches the simulations with socio-spatial
indicators. Some articles focus on the existing aviation ground infrastructure as practical vertiport
locations [3,59], while others place vertiports in the central business district of a city [60]. However,
these approaches have the risk of overlooking suburban regions and satellite cities of a metropolitan area
as they do not have these infrastructures yet, and often aggregate existing helipads within the central
business districts [37]. These ideas also focus heavily on structural features of North American cities but
do not provide a holistic global framework. Therefore, the authors [37] highlight the importance of more
creative ways to integrate vertiports within existing urban infrastructures, like on floating barges, vertiports
co-located with stores or gas stations, or near highway cloverleaves.
Due to the early development of UAM transport systems, there is a lack of empirical research and
practical implications for the embedding of the ground-based infrastructure within a specific urban
context. Socio-technical and urban research is poorly represented so far. Some authors underline that
transportation time or costs should not be the sole indicators for vertiport integration, but there need to
be an emphasis on accessibility, environmental and societal costs as well [7,73].
We summarise these open-ended research questions in two major topics: first, critical acceptance
indicators within a specific urban context; this also raises questions regarding sustainability and urban
inequality. How do urban planning and development practices have to adapt for integrating UAM? How
can we integrate UAM without additional land sealing? Second, the actual topography and physical
geography of a city or region. How can lagging regions like rural areas potentially benefit from UAM?
How do physical elements like valleys or waterfronts impact the demand and integration of UAM?
The main objective of this SLR is to provide insights into the current state of research of the different
elements of ground-based literature for UAM. Our goal was to identify key components of the main
topics and discuss the current literature to gain insights into this young research field. Therefore, we
defined a search string to deliver a broad overview of the topic.
We applied appropriate inclusion and exclusion criteria to identify articles that match the purpose of
our research question. The review with the academic and interdisciplinary database SCOPUS identified
64 articles that we included in the final analysis. In the content analysis, we focussed on four categories
of the ground-based infrastructure for UAM: the network design of the UAM ground infrastructure,
automated MRO, energy management systems and spatial integration.
Based on the preceding analysis, research on UAM is so far discussed primarily on a conceptual level
or with simulations. The topic of vertiport networks appeared to be one of the wider discussions.
The articles primarily deal with demand-based siting of vertiports and resulting time-saving potentials.
Further subjects of investigation relevant for a vertiport network design, such as modelling of ground-
based operations, routing and vehicle allocation and the design of network topologies, are mostly not
examined in a network-based context.
Regarding the necessary MRO processes, we highlight that a more detailed investigation and
conceptualisations in future studies are useful to better understand the connections between several MRO
steps. In addition to the legal framework for the operation, the management of the multi-part
maintenance as well as the (de-)centralised locations are key aspects for successful integration.
An optimal energy management system is crucial to enable the efficient operation of (hybrid) electric
drive concepts, energy supply networks, hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for drones. While many
articles address the topic of spatial integration, few articles considered the actual impact of UAM on
urban planning and the urban environment. This involves physical geographic as well as societal aspects
of the specific city or region.
We have shown that research on the different dimensions of the ground-based infrastructure for UAM
became a thriving topic in the last few years. However, there is a lack of living labs and case study
approaches as well as a sufficient connection between the different research strands so far. Future studies
need to put a stronger emphasis on a holistic perspective regarding siting, operation and management of
vertiports, as well as the technological and societal dimensions involved in this debate.
Acknowledgments: The i-LUM project is funded by the Hamburg State Research Fund as part of the HamburgX
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... Mavraj et al. [195] conducted another systematic review of urban air mobility, but dealing particularly with ground-based infrastructure. This UAM infrastructure includes networks of take-off and landing locations, maintenance facilities, electricity supply stations, and navigation services. ...
We collected data about 13 urban air mobility (UAM) electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft from 12 UAM companies in the world. While none of these models has yet reached a large-scale commercial operation (particularly as air taxis), some of them progressed well in the certification process and may have their UAM models widely operated within a few years. This article focuses on the variability in the configurations of these UAM eVTOL aircraft for aerial e-mobility; such as single-fixed-wing, tandem-tilt-wing, canard wing, fixed-rotor fixed-wing, full tilt-rotor, partial tilt-rotor, V-shaped tail, tailless, twin tail, conventional tail assembly, distributed propulsion, multicopter, rear forward thrust propeller, ducted fans, and a hybrid airplane-helicopter design. The 13 UAM eVTOL aircraft covered here are: (1) EH216-S (by EHang), (2) VoloCity (by Volocopter), (3) Lilium Jet (by Lilium), (4) VoloRegion (by Volocopter), (5) CityAirbus NextGen (by Airbus), (6) Passenger Air Vehicle - PAV (by Boeing), (7) S-A2 (by Hyundai), (8) Joby (by Joby Aviation), (9) VX4 (by Vertical Aerospace Group), (10) Midnight (by Archer Aviation), (11) Eve (by Eve Air Mobility), (12) Jaunt (by Jaunt Air Mobility), and (13) Generation 6 (by Wisk Aero). Out of these 13 UAM eVTOL aircraft models for aerial e-mobility and/or air taxis, we found that 11 models utilize a wing configuration, while only two use a wingless multirotor concept (as in hobbyist drones). A fixed-wing design is associated with a faster travel speed, at the expense of added restrictions on maneuvering and low-speed travel (or hovering). Six models are intended to have an onboard human pilot, while the remaining seven models are designed to be pilotless. One model demonstrated the ability to use hydrogen as a clean source of energy through a fuel cell system.
... In this context, it is essential to examine how the identified vertiport sites align with and contribute to the overall urban landscape. Mavraj et al. [38] noted that most of the AAM/UAM literature has predominantly centered on conceptual discussions or simulation-based approaches, with the exploration of vertiport networks emerging as a focal point. A critical aspect is ensuring accessibility and connectivity, by evaluating how well the vertiports integrate with existing road networks, public transit systems, and pedestrian pathways. ...
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Urban air mobility (UAM) has recently emerged as a promising new transportation mode, with various potential use cases. Facility location problems are well studied and of significant importance for various transportation modes. This work introduces a vertiport location identification framework, focusing on demand coverage and infrastructure accessibility. An Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) model was utilized for the identification of candidate vertiport locations, along with a k-means algorithm, for comparison and validation purposes, based on an estimated UAM demand pattern. A genetic algorithm (GA) was then formulated, for the solution of the proposed Uncapacitated and Capacitated Vertiport Location Problems (UVLP and CVLP, respectively), variations of the Uncapacitated and Capacitated Facility Location Problems. To evaluate and compare the introduced methodology, different existing facility location problems (FLPs) were considered and solved exactly using integer and linear programming. These are the Location Set Covering Problem (LSCP), the Maximal Coverage Location Problem (MCLP), and the p-median problem. The p-center problem was also considered and solved via a heuristic approach. The proposed framework is illustrated through applications in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, with the demand estimated on the basis of existing taxi and Transportation Network Company (TNC) data.
... Los operadores de flotas serán responsables de administrar los vehículos aéreos VTOL que volarán por las ciudades. También interactuarán con operadores de vertipuertos y plataformas de reserva que reciben solicitudes de viajes de pasajeros o movimientos de carga(mavraj, 2022;Di vitO, 2023; straUbiNger & rOthFeLD, 2018). ...
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La movilidad aérea urbana es un concepto novedoso de transporte urbano e interurbano. Esta alternativa emergente de transporte se debe en gran medida al desarrollo de vehículos eléctricos de despegue y aterrizaje vertical, que utilizarán una infraestructura terrestre de soporte muy reducida. La rica literatura que la academia viene generando en los últimos años cubre varias dimensiones de esta temática, salvo la de la (futura) integración de este nuevo sistema de transporte con el sistema de movilidad urbano existente. Por ello, la presente investigación identifica, y propone, algunos criterios de integración, en varias dimensiones o ámbitos (las que se consideran, en principio, las más relevantes), que podrían ser de utilidad para los planificadores urbanos, para que los mismos preparen los escenarios de integración de este nuevo modo de transporte urbano con las redes de transporte y otras infraestructuras de movilidad de la ciudad.
... To reduce uncertainties and to improve infrastructure developments in the section of AAM, it is necessary to use methods [1], [7], [8]. These will lead to a transparent design of requirements, conditions and targets functions in the future AAM [6], [9], [10], [11]. ...
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Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) addresses future transportation challenges by extending networks into the air, helping cities like Hamburg overcome infrastructural limitations. Ground-based infrastructures (GBIs) are crucial for integrating AAM, connecting air and ground transport through subsystems like landing areas, gates, and terminals, tailored to local demands. Our previous work identified necessary GBI subsystems and modeling methods, using scenario techniques to understand influences and constraints in mission planning, topology, maintenance, repair, and energy management. This paper details a simulation-based analysis of GBIs, emphasizing topologies, maintenance, and energy management interactions. AAM is modeled as a complex optimization problem within a simulation environment, using scenario analysis to set parameters and objectives. Network optimization aims to strategically plan local capacities for parking, charging infrastructure, and traffic flows, improving fleet operations. Infrastructure design integrates air and ground systems for VTOL vehicles, with key performance indicators and the Vertiport Design Problem optimizing topology. Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Ports are designed to be demand-responsive, integrating ground-based infrastructure and mission management systems. Energy management systems consider energy requirements, charging power, range, state of charge, and electrical grid use. MATLAB Simulink models estimate drone energy demand across various scenarios. Subsystem interactions are defined in a workflow for overall system simulation, divided into sub-workflows, exploring synergy effects between parameters.
... To develop AAM infrastructure, NASA researchers are currently focusing on the network infrastructure for enabling digital communication among AAM aircraft, along with the vertiports required for AAM aircraft takeoff and landing [12]. Additional research has focused on ground-based infrastructure, including vertiports, energy supply, and aircraft maintenance facilities [13]. The need for adequate energy supply from the electric grid to recharge AAM aircraft is an infrastructure need for AAM. ...
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To operationalize advanced air mobility (AAM) and realize its potential market value, AAM infrastructure development is needed. However, the investment required for this often exceeds the individual capacity of state governments. The challenge for state governments lies in deciding whether they can independently invest in the entire infrastructure or whether they should form public–private partnerships (PPP) with private entities. To aid state governments and policymakers in making informed decisions on AAM infrastructure investment, we have devised two models: one without PPP, identifying the optimal timing for the state governments to independently invest in AAM infrastructure in specific cities over a given analysis horizon, and the other with PPP, focusing on resolving a PPP game for AAM infrastructure investment involving state governments and private investors. The PPP model addresses uncertainties and risks in AAM operations and allows renegotiation between investors in case of unexpected situations. The equilibrium solutions generated from the PPP model reveal optimal strategies for state governments and private investors. Results highlight the required investment amounts, the optimal investment times, and the investment returns for both players. Additionally, parametric analysis is conducted by varying critical parameters to observe how these variations affect outcomes for both investors.
... To develop AAM infrastructure, NASA researchers are currently focusing on the network infrastructure for enabling digital communication among AAM aircraft, along with the vertiports required for AAM aircraft takeoff and landing [10]. Additionally, research has focused on ground-based infrastructure, including vertiports, energy supply, and aircraft maintenance facilities [11]. The need for adequate energy supply from the electric grid to recharge AAM aircraft is a significant infrastructure need for AAM. ...
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To operationalize Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and realize its benefits, urgent AAM infrastructure development is needed. However, the substantial investment required for this often exceeds the individual capacity of state governments. The challenge for state governments lies in deciding whether they can independently invest in the entire infrastructure or whether they should form public private partnerships (PPP) with private entities. To aid state governments and policymakers in making informed decisions on AAM infrastructure investment, we have devised two models: one without PPP, identifying the optimal timing for the state governments to independently invest in AAM infrastructure in specific cities over a given analysis horizon, and the other with PPP, focusing on resolving a PPP game for AAM infrastructure investment involving the state government and private sector. The PPP model addresses uncertainties and risks in AAM operations using scenario-based probabilistic and utility-theoretic approaches. The Nash equilibrium generated from the PPP model reveals the optimal strategies for the state government and private investors. Results highlight the required investment amounts, the optimal investment times, and the investment returns for both players. Additionally, parametric analysis varying the critical parameters is conducted to observe how these variations affect the expected utilities of both players.
... Ground-based infrastructure, including networks of vertiports, maintenance facilities, energy supply, and navigation and communication capabilities, forms the backbone of AAM [22]. Additional considerations include fleet procurement, maintenance, pilot training, and dynamic route planning [23]. ...
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This study presents a comprehensive exploration of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft within advanced air mobility (AAM), examining the crucial challenges of integrating these innovative technologies into transportation systems. AAM promises transformational social change by enhancing transportation energy efficiency, safety, and operational effectiveness. This research utilizes a methodical approach that juxtaposes a systematic review of patents with an extensive analysis of the academic literature to map the innovation landscape of VTOL technology. This dual analysis reveals a dynamic progression in VTOL advancements, highlighting significant strides in aerodynamic optimization, propulsion technology, and control systems. The novelty of this study lies in its dual-method approach, combining patent analysis with the academic literature to provide a holistic view of VTOL technological evolution. The patent analysis reveals that companies have been most productive on innovations relating to VTOL aircraft transition efficiency, control enhancement, and energy management. The literature review identifies key trends such as the rise in electric propulsion technologies and the integration of AI-driven control mechanisms. These results provide new engineering knowledge that can guide future VTOL development and policy formulation. The original contributions include a detailed mapping of VTOL innovation trends, identification of key technological advancements, and a predictive lens into future directions. These findings offer a valuable resource for aerospace engineers, policymakers, and urban planners. This study contributes a detailed assessment of both theoretical foundations and practical applications, fostering a holistic view of the challenges and innovations shaping the future of AAM. By connecting research and practical development, this study serves as a critical tool for strategic decision making and policy formulation towards advancing the integration of VTOL aircraft into sustainable urban transportation networks.
... To develop AAM infrastructure, NASA researchers are currently focusing on the network infrastructure for enabling digital communication among AAM aircraft, along with the vertiports required for AAM aircraft takeoff and landing [10]. Additionally, research has focused on ground-based infrastructure, including vertiports, energy supply, and aircraft maintenance facilities [11]. The need for adequate energy supply from the electric grid to recharge AAM aircraft is a significant infrastructure need for AAM. ...
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To operationalize Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and realize its benefits, urgent AAM infrastructure development is needed. However, the substantial investment required for this often exceeds the individual capacity of state governments. The challenge for state governments lies in deciding whether they can independently invest in the entire infrastructure or whether they should form public private partnerships (PPP) with private entities. To aid state governments and policymakers in making informed decisions on AAM infrastructure investment, we have devised two models, one without PPP and the other with PPP. The non-PPP model identifies the optimal timing for the state governments to independently invest in AAM infrastructure in specific cities over a given analysis horizon, where the objective is to maximize net present value of the infrastructure project. The PPP model focuses on resolving a PPP game for AAM infrastructure investment involving the state government and private sector. The model addresses uncertainties in AAM demand and operations and the risk attitudes of the state government and private investors using a scenario-based probabilistic approach and utility-theoretic approach, respectively. As a case study, we consider the State of Ohio as the state government investor, as they are currently taking steps towards investing in AAM surveillance infrastructure in Ohio. The Nash equilibrium generated from the PPP model reveals the optimal strategies for the state government and private investors. Results highlight the required investment amounts, the optimal investment times, and the investment returns for both players. Additionally, parametric analysis varying the critical parameters is conducted to observe how these variations affect the expected utilities of both players.
... UAM will not decrease congestion on the roads Positive estimates assume UAM prices to equal taxi prices, hence it is unlikely that UAM will take up a large modal share. Consequently, UAM will only have a small impact on congestion, which is corroborated by several studies (Straubinger et al., 2021, Fu et al., 2022. Even if a sufficiently large share of demand is taken up by UAM, congestion benefits are likely to be used up by induced demand, similar to effects seen in road expansion. ...
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Der Abstractband beinhaltet Abstracts zu den Vorträgen, die am 27. April 2023 im Rahmen der Tagung "Nachhaltigkeit Urbaner Luftmobilität" an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg gehalten wurden. Die Tagung wurde im Rahmen des Projektes "i-LUM" ("innovative luftgestützte urbane Mobilität", gefördert durch die Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke (BWFGB) der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg), durchgeführt.
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Urban air mobility (UAM) is a revolutionary approach to transportation in densely populated cities. UAM involves using small, highly automated aircraft to transport passengers and goods at lower altitudes within urban and suburban areas, aiming to transform how people and parcels move within these environments. On average, UAM can reduce travel times by 30% to 40% for point-to-point journeys, with even greater reductions of 40% to 50% in major cities in the United States and China, compared to land transport. UAM includes advanced airborne transportation options like electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones). These technologies offer the potential to ease traffic congestion, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and substantially cut travel times in urban areas. Studying the applications of eVTOLs and UAVs in parcel delivery and passenger transportation poses intricate challenges when examined through the lens of operations research (OR). By OR approaches, we mean mathematical programming, models, and solution methods addressing eVTOL-and UAV-aided parcel/people transportation problems. Despite the academic and practical importance, there is no review paper on eVTOL-and UAV-based optimization problems in the UAM sector. The present paper, applying a systematic literature review, develops a classification scheme for these problems, dividing them into routing and scheduling of eVTOLs and UAVs, infrastructure planning, safety and security, and the trade-off between efficiency and sustainability. The OR methodologies and the characteristics of the solution methods proposed for each problem are discussed. Finally, the study gaps and future research directions are presented alongside the concluding remarks.
Conference Paper
Currently the VTOL world sees a high number of players investing in electrification, especially coming from the lower end of the market: like commercial drones and startups. Electric engines allow for new architectures and configurations, and partially simplify the design. Simplifying design, lowering cost of development and maintenance, has led to imagine the use of the eVTOL in the passengers' air transportation market, currently reserved to VIP and high net worth individuals. The shift is potentially so radical that a new name has been coined: Urban Air Mobility. This new market is widely imagined as a radical change compared to the current situation: with more traffic, simplified procedures for boarding and in some cases the use of unmanned or remotely piloted vehicles. This leads to the conclusion that the whole transportation system architecture will have to be upgraded or modified to allow for this to happen. Many projects are already running in this direction regarding specific topics, like SESAR JU [1] for Air Traffic Management. This paper treats the Ground Infrastructure, what is commonly referred as Heliport. In the paper a novel architecture envisioned for Urban Air Mobility is proposed and analyzed.
Conference Paper
While helicopter-based Aerial Taxi Services (ATS) are nothing new, Urban Air Mobility gains traction with the vast amount of new eVTOL concepts announced in the recent past. Dubai has the strategy to make the ATS an integral part of a multimodal mobility with the aspiration to not limit the service to the financially affluent. By conducting an integral approach to define the entire ecosystem and requirements to setup the Aerial Taxi Service, the authors found out that an implementation of a financially viable eVTOL based ATS needs more than just the exchange of legacy helicopters. From the use-case definition across requirements for a dedicated eVTOL infrastructure (vertistructure) and the aircraft’s integration into the airspace, the aircraft is situated within a series of interacting trade-offs. Only by identifying and solving bottlenecks in the overall operation a promising ATS concept can be defined.
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The Urban/Advanced Air Mobility (UAM/AAM) transportation concept has been studied and shown to offer advantages in travel time-savings to individuals over the automobile, mass transit, and in many cases, commercial air transport alternatives. This paper presents a study of this new market using a parametric approach that accounts for the performance of Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, takeoff and landing infrastructure (vertiports), and the demand for ridership given a ticket price and time saved. One of the key mode choice drivers in switching from existing transportation options to an AAM service is the value gained in saving time, which is also tightly correlated with people's income level. The analysis framework can facilitate market feasibility analysis by considering various scenarios and constraints. The results suggest that near-term profitability is possible even though vertiport throughput capacities are limited by existing footprint and operational constraints. Vertiport expansion can increase throughput and demand up to a point of maximum aircraft utilization. This new limit is due in part to ground turnaround time and battery charging requirements. Improvement in battery charging rates or implementing battery swap strategies could dramatically improve profitability while maximizing vehicle utilization. As operations increase to hundreds of flights at certain vertiports, local airspace congestion and aircraft vertiport mobility become the next bottleneck.
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The objective of this work is to fundamentally reexamine the design space of tiltrotor aircraft beyond the very successful conventional vehicle configuration with tractor-type twin proprotors that are nacellemounted at the wing tips. This work seeks to define a broad aircraft design space for alternate tiltrotor configurations. It is hoped that this work will not only provide design inspiration for future aircraft developers, but also help realize in the future new applications and missions for both passenger-carrying vehicles and vertical lift UAVs.
Conference Paper
Urban aerial mobility vehicles and networks have recently gained considerable interest in the aviation community. These small, short-range vehicles with all-electric or hybrid-electric propulsion systems, tailored to metropolitan aerial transportation needs, promise to radically change passenger mobility and cargo distribution in cities. Accessibility issues have not been a major consideration in UAM vehicle and network discussions to date. This paper seeks to help change that.
Expected to begin its operations in the coming years, air taxi aims to provide everyday transportation services to customers in metropolitan cities. These vehicles offer urban air mobility (UAM) services using the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) technology. This research is the first to present a hybrid simulation goal programming (HSGP) approach to dispatch vehicles in a centralized air taxi network. After each customer drop-off, the model makes real-time decisions on (i) whether the air taxi must become idle or pick up customers, and (ii) the station to which the air taxi should be dispatched (if the air taxi is operational). The feasibility of the HSGP approach is tested using potential air taxi demands in New York City (NYC) provided by a prior study. The results of the experimentation suggest that the minimum number of air taxis required for efficient operation in NYC is 84, functioning with an average utilization rate of 66%. In addition, the impacts of commuter’s “willingness to fly” rate, percentage of demand fulfillment, on-road travel limit, maximum customer wait time, and arrival distribution on the optimal number of air taxis, utilization rate, number of customers served, and cost incurred per customer are examined. Analyses show that the “willingness to fly” rate appears to have a linear influence on the number of air taxis and the efficiency, while on-road travel distance has an exponential impact on the performance measures. The HSGP algorithm developed in this paper can be used by any company that is interested in venturing into the air taxi market.
For more efficient aerial surveillance, charging pads are set up at corresponding distances so that an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can sustain its operations without landing. Usually manual intervention is required to land a UAV for charging and so extend its mission. To enable a UAV to operate autonomously, wireless power charging using inductive coupling is proposed. Using this method, the UAV's battery is charged until it reaches the next charging station. This paper focuses on two significant aspects of the process: vision-based navigation for charging pad detection, and wireless power charging. The coils were designed, and other parameters like mutual inductance, coupling coefficient and the distance between the coils for effective power transmission were analysed, using Ansys and Maxwell software. A quadcopter was built, with battery and Lidar sensor connected to the Arduino controller for low battery voltage detection and height measurement, respectively. Whenever the battery voltage is low, the UAV is steered towards the nearest charging pad using the global position navigation system. To test the process, the quadcopter was flown over the charging pad using a vision-based algorithm pre-defined in the image processor (Raspberry Pi B+).
Urban air mobility (UAM) is an emerging concept proposed in recent years that uses electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (eVTOLs). UAM is expected to offer an alternative way of transporting passengers and goods in urban areas with significantly improved mobility by making use of low-altitude airspace. In addition to other essential elements, ground infrastructure of vertiports is needed to transition UAM from concept to operation. This study examines the network design of UAM on-demand service, with a particular focus on the use of integer programming and a solution algorithm to determine the optimal locations of vertiports, user allocation to vertiports, and vertiport access- and egress-mode choices while considering the interactions between vertiport locations and potential UAM travel demand. A case study based on simulated disaggregate travel demand data of the Tampa Bay area in Florida, USA was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Candidate vertiport locations were obtained by analyzing a 3D geographic information system (GIS) map developed from lidar data of Florida and physical and regulation constraints of eVTOL operations at vertiports. Optimal locations of vertiports were determined to achieve the minimal total generalized cost; however, the modeling structure allows each user to select a better mode between ground transportation and UAM in terms of generalized cost. The outcomes of the case study reveal that although the percentage of trips that switched from ground mode to multimodal UAM was small, users choosing the UAM service benefited from significant time saving. In addition, the impact of different parameter settings on the demand for UAM service was explored from the supply side, and different pricing strategies were tested that might influence potential demand and revenue generation for UAM operators. The combined effects of the number of vertiports and pricing strategies were also analyzed. The findings from this study offer in-depth planning and managerial insights for municipal decision-makers and UAM operators. The conclusion of this paper discusses caveats to the study, ongoing efforts by the authors, and future directions in UAM research.