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Identifying and prioritizing factors affecting the location of discount chain stores in Iran (Persian Language)



The lack of clear codified framework and the lack of coherent planning in the location of retail stores has caused most of the stores not to be located based on known standards and this is mostly experimental. On the other hand, usually the methods used in the location of stores are done with traditional methods and do not follow scientific logic. In this research, a library method has been used to collect information to review the research literature and also prepare a questionnaire, so that the factors affecting the location of discount stores have been extracted and prioritized. The results show that access to public services of the city is the most important and the price of the land is the least important among the important factors in evaluating the appropriate location for discount stores according to the respondents.
 .ac.irgrnasiri@alzahra
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3.48 3.32 3.28 3.24 3.08 2.96 2.68
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