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Level of Implementation of The Lifelong Learning (PSH) Program in The Community Around Masjid Tanah

  • Universiti Teknologi MARA (Melaka)
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Level of Implementation of The Lifelong Learning (PSH)
Program in The Community Around Masjid Tanah
Siti Nurhazirah Lidon, Nor Shifa Ibrahim, Ahmad Rosli Mohd Nor
To Link this Article: DOI:10.6007/IJARBSS/v12-i12/15190
Received: 06 October 2022, Revised: 09 November 2022, Accepted: 25 November 2022
Published Online: 10 December 2022
In-Text Citation: (Lidon et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Lidon, S. N., Ibrahim, N. S., & Nor, A. R. M. (2022). Level of Implementation of The Lifelong
Learning (PSH) Program in The Community Around Masjid Tanah. International Journal of Academic
Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 866 877.
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Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, Pg. 866 877
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
Level of Implementation of The Lifelong Learning
(PSH) Program in The Community Around Masjid
Siti Nurhazirah Lidon1, Nor Shifa Ibrahim2, Ahmad Rosli Mohd
1Kolej Komuniti Masjid Tanah, Melaka, 2Kolej Komuniti Masjid Tanah, Melaka 3 Universiti
Teknologi Mara Melaka
Corresponding Author’s Email:
The government has released a large allocation to make the PSH program a success, especially
for the TVET skills field. Certainly, the government expects a positive impact of investment in
this continuous training to ensure the sustainability of the PSH program in the future.
Feedback from the main customer, which is the local community, is a critical factor in the
sustainability of PSH in Malaysian community colleges. Therefore, this study was carried out
to find out and get feedback about the Masjid Tanah Community College (KKMT) PSH program
in the catering and serving cluster for improving skills and generating income for the
community around Masjid Tanah. The instrument used is an adaptation of the Community
College Impact on Local Communities questionnaire that has been developed by the JPKK
Research and Innovation Center (PPI). Descriptive and inferential analysis (t-test and one-way
Anova) was carried out with the help of the statistical package for social science software
(SPSS) version 21. The results of the study show that the level of implementation of the PSH
program of the catering and serving cluster in improving skills is at a high level (μ =4.57) and
from the aspect of income generation is also at a high level (μ=4.56). The findings of the study
also show that there is no significant difference in the level of income generation of program
participants based on gender (p=.218) and the level of income generation of program
participants based on education (p=.128). This shows the importance of the PSH program in
advancing the local community in terms of job skills and income generation for all levels of
society regardless of gender and education level. The government needs to continue and
strengthen PSH for the progress of all levels of society in facing this global economic challenge.
Keywords: Skill Improvement, Income Generation, Education Level, Gender, Lifelong Learning
The Malaysian Education Development Plan 2015-2025 (Higher Education) emphasizes 10
major leaps where the third leap is "Enjoying Lifelong Learning" which is a leap that directly
involves the role of community colleges (MOHE, 2015). Lifelong learning (PSH) is a process of
democratization of education that includes the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and
competencies either formally or informally based on experience and training in the
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
workplace. Global competitiveness and diversity of needs have forced individuals to
constantly renew their knowledge and skills. This is also demanded by employers and
industries to increase productivity. At the same time, in line with the socio-economic
development of the country, individuals increasingly realize and appreciate the need for
knowledge and skill enrichment for the sake of progress and self-satisfaction. For that, PSH
through distance education, e-learning, on-the-job and part-time learning has become part
of the culture and way of life towards supporting the development of human capital in line
with the needs of the knowledge-based economy and innovation. This is proven by Ting et al
(2015) which stated that 47% of the participants who participated in the PSH program
successfully opened a company and got a job as a result of the knowledge and skills obtained
from the PSH program.
The objective of PSH is to provide training to improve skills and retrain for local workforce
needs. Various course clusters are offered, including the catering and serving cluster.
According to Muhammad (2017), continuous training can improve knowledge, and skills,
improve the quality of service, and further boost performance and productivity. The provision
of training and skills in this cluster aims to improve the skills, and needs of the food industry
and the confidence to venture into the field of catering and serving in order to generate
income and produce more entrepreneurs who are successful in this field. This is in line with
RMK 12 (2021-2025), Malaysia is prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable under policy catalyst
1 developing future talent. In the Food Security Policy Action Plan 2021-2025 the 3rd objective
has been developed to take into account issues and challenges along the food supply chain
starting from agricultural inputs to food waste and to ensure the availability of safe food at
reasonable prices and a healthy eating style. The merger of the hospitality, tourism, and
culinary industries, has successfully attracted the attention of the Malaysian government to
stimulate the country's economic growth considering that food and beverages are a core
component of this sector (Nornazira, 2016). This is because the PSH catering and food cluster
program not only provides skills in food preparation but participants are also exposed to
entrepreneurial knowledge to improve the participants' economy.
Besides that, the PSH program is also able to improve social skills, become an active citizen,
and develop personal skills. PSH is also the development of additional knowledge after
receiving formal education. This continuous development of knowledge and skills is sought,
acquired, and applied throughout the life of the individual (Encarta, 2008). Along with the
vision of 'Becoming a Leader in Technical and Vocational Education and Training and a Lifelong
Learning Hub', Community College is now the choice of post-secondary students to continue
their studies in technical and vocational fields as an alternative to formal education.
Therefore, this study was carried out to find out the level of implementation of the PSH
program that has been carried out in the community around Masjid Tanah focusing on the
catering and serving cluster.
Statement of the Problem
Various courses in the catering and serving cluster have been conducted at KKMT and other
community colleges since the beginning of its establishment. Graduates from this PSH
program have reached tens of thousands have been produced since 2001. The government
has spent a lot of money to cover the expenses of short courses in terms of teaching staff
training, provision of facilities, raw materials, and so on. Budget 2021 saw the government
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
allocate RM29 million to empower the Lifelong Learning program for TVET to produce skilled
and competitive human capital (Ministry of Higher Education [MOHE], 2020). After almost
two decades of PSH implementation, complete feedback in the form of a formal study about
the program implementation scenario is very necessary for the process of increasing the
professionalism of this PSH (Ahmad et al., 2017). This is because the field of study in Higher
Education Institutions should be responsive and proactive to the latest needs of education in
the IR4.0 era and be ready to face the current challenges whether expected or unexpected
such as the COVID 19 pandemic (Haziyah et al., 2021). This practice will make the community
college always ready for any challenge in the implementation of PSH in the post-Covid 19 eras.
PSH is a continuous, voluntary, and self-motivated process in improving knowledge either for
personal advantage or to be applied in the professional field. Therefore, increasing the skills
and ability to generate income among PSH participants is very important for the community
college to prove its relevance as a PSH hub in this era (Hazwani & Aishah, 2018). Findings like
this should be very necessary for the PSH program in the post-Covid 19 eras to prove the
return on investment or Return of Investment (ROI) that the government has issued
commensurate with what was spent. The current data on the website of the Department of
Polytechnic and Community College Education (JPKK) and the Ministry of Higher Education
only show the scenario of the number of graduates from the PSH program only. There is no
complete data on the increase in income and skills shown to show the ability of the
community college to fulfill its role as a PSH hub in this country.
Therefore, studies on the level of implementation of PSH in the community is something that
is very necessary to guarantee the sustainability of community colleges in cultivating Lifelong
Learning. Studies like this can also help the community college management to improve the
quality of service in the implementation of short courses for the local community (Syahrir et
al., 2011). Accordingly, it is necessary for KKMT to get feedback from participants for the
improvement process in order to improve the quality of the course that will be implemented
in the future. The positive impact will help KKMT empower the implementation of Lifelong
Learning while the negative impact needs to be improved to ensure the sustainability of the
community college as a Lifelong Learning hub.
Objectives of the Study
This study was conducted to obtain feedback from the participants of the PSH catering and
serving cluster program to fulfill the following study objectives:
I. Identify the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster)
in terms of local community income generation.
II. Identify the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster)
in terms of improving local community skills.
III. Identify the difference in the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering
and serving cluster) in terms of local community income generation based on gender.
IV. Identifying the difference in the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering
and serving cluster) in terms of local community income generation based on the level
of education.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
Literature Review
Lifelong Learning (LSL) is now seen as one of the necessary practices in an individual as
emphasized by Knasel et al (2000), there are 3 factors that make Lifelong Learning important,
namely the economy to continue to compete, the power of education to unearth the
potential and also the pleasure to find satisfaction in everything done. This is supported by
the study of Ahmad et al (2017), who found that there is a positive impact of the PSH program
on the marketability of Electrical Technology Certificate graduates at community colleges. In
relation to that, these PSH programs need to be increased to give opportunities to the local
community to develop their talents and help reduce unemployment, especially for the B40
community. The PSH program can also be added value to full-time community college
students to further increase their competitiveness in the job market. This is very important
because the high competition between TVET graduates in Malaysia and the very dynamic job
market makes TVET skills need added value to continue to remain competitive.
Investment in human capital (in the form of education, training, and health) will have a
positive effect on individual/household income returns (Mohd, 2010). This supports the
opinion of Rahmah (2001), human capital is often hypothesized to have a positive relationship
with labor income because, with high human capital possession, individuals become more
productive. This gives the impression that with a better education then a person will be able
to earn a better income. This finding gives an impression of the existence of a relationship
between people and the level of education in generating income for their survival.
One of the industries that are able to provide a good return and is able to improve the
standard of living of the community, especially the Bumiputera group, is the food-based
industry. It is very important to ensure the continued survival of food sources and guarantee
the quality of life of the Malaysian community (Nurliyana et al., 2018). The wisdom of utilizing
all resources allows this industry to grow rapidly in our country. In connection with that, in
order to support the development of this industry, the community college also offers a PSH
program in the Catering and Serving cluster that provides various cooking modules for the
local community to learn. This cluster is one of the clusters that are very popular with the
community. This coincides with the community scenario in Malaysia which consists of diverse
demographic backgrounds, knowledge levels, and education. Through studies conducted by
Toh and Birchenough (2000) and also by Pang and Toh (2008), differences in the level of
knowledge and food safety management practices in Malaysia were found to be different
between races and based on education levels. This is supported by the study of Nurliyana et
al (2018) which proves that there is a difference in perception towards the culinary cluster
PSH program based on the difference in education level. From the aspect of gender,
Norfadzilah et al (2017) in the Lifelong Learning Course Participant Satisfaction Study (PSH)
towards the Food Processing Short Course at Masjid Tanah Community College (KKMT)
Melaka showed that there was no significant difference between the level of satisfaction of
course participants based on gender. Likewise, Ahmad (2016) stated that courses that are said
to be feminine such as sewing, cooking, and so on are already widely studied by men to
compete in the job market. In fact, Suganti's study of Risda smallholders found that there was
a significant difference between the knowledge level and skill level of short course
participants before and after participating in the Lifelong Learning (LPH) program at the
Community College. The results of the study show that the respondents recorded an increase
in knowledge and skills in the course field after attending the course. The percentage increase
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
in the mean score was 65% of the mean score (2.14) before taking the short course, especially
for the business development aspect among Risda smallholders.
Obviously, the mastery of knowledge, whether formally or informally, can provide a
difference in maturity in terms of the way of thinking and perception of something. From the
findings of these studies, we can conclude that the level of knowledge and skills is an
important element in the implementation of the Lifelong Education (LPH) program because
both are closely related to producing students who are skilled and needed by the industry.
Both are important elements in the implementation of the Lifelong Learning (LPH) program
because they are closely related to producing skilled individuals and the workforce needed by
the industry.
Study Method
This study is a quantitative study that uses a questionnaire that has been adapted from the
Community College Impact questionnaire on the local community that has been developed
by the JPKK Research and Innovation Center (PPI) with an Alpha value of 0.82. This
questionnaire contains three parts namely:
a. Part A: Demographics of Respondents
b. Part B1: Self-Skill Assessment
c. Part B2: Skill Improvement
Population and Sampling
The study population that participated in this study consisted of participants in the PSH
catering and serving cluster program organized by the Malacca Land Mosque Community
College. A total of 66 respondents participated in this study. This number of samples is in line
with the minimum sample recommended by the G-Power application for t-test analysis (46
people) and one-way Anova (66 people).
Analysis of the Study
Data analysis was carried out using SPSS version 21 software to measure the mean score level
(for objective 1), t-test (objective 2), and one-way ANOVA (objectives 3 and 4).
Findings Analysis and Discussion Findings
I. Identify the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster) in
terms of local community income generation.
In order to obtain findings for objective 1, the researcher has used the mean score
interpretation that has been developed by Nunnally & Bernstein (1994) to interpret the data
that has been obtained. The interpretation table used is as in Table 1 below:
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
Table 1
Interpretation of mean scores
Mean Score
1.00 2.00
2.01 3.00
3.01 4.00
4.01 5.00
Medium Low
Medium High
The findings of the study for objective 1 are as in Table 2 below:
Table 2
Mean score for the implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster) in terms
of local community income generation.
Std. Deviation
Valid N (listwise)
Findings show that the mean score reading is 4.56 which is a high level based on the mean
score interpretation table of (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). This shows that the
implementation of the catering and serving cluster PSH program has had a huge impact on
program participants in terms of income generation. This is in line with the study of Ahmad
et al (2017) who found that there is a positive impact of the PSH program on the marketability
of Community College Electrical Technology Certificate graduates. This is also supported by
the study of Knasel et al (2000) which asserts that there are 3 factors that make lifelong
learning important, namely the economy to continue to compete, the power of education to
unearth potential, and also the pleasure to find satisfaction in everything done. PSH is the
vehicle that connects the community college with the local community and makes the
community college so significant to continue to exist in this new millennium. The existence of
community colleges should be taken by the community as a catalyst for their economic
development and help them face the endemic era they are going through now.
II. Identify the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster)
in terms of improving local community skills.
The findings of the study for objective 2 to identify the level of the PSH program (catering and
serving cluster) in terms of improving community skills are as in Table 3 below:
Table 3
The implementation level of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster) in terms of
improving local community skills.
Std. Deviation
Valid N (listwise)
Findings show that the mean score reading is 4.57 which is a high level. This shows that the
implementation of the catering and serving cluster PSH program has had a huge impact on
the program participants in terms of improving their skills.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
III. Identify the difference in the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and
serving cluster) in terms of local community income generation based on gender.
Based on demographic data, there are 2 groups of respondents involved in terms of gender,
namely men (35 people) and women (25 people).
Table 4
terms of local Level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster) in
community income generation based on gender.
Sig. (2-
Std. Error
The results of the analysis (Table 4) show that there is no difference in the level of
implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster) in terms of income
generation in terms of gender. This is in line with the findings of the Norfadzilah et al (2017)
study, which is that there is no significant difference in food processing courses between men
and women. It signals that any PSH courses organized need not differentiate between boys
and girls. Courses that used to be monopolized by men such as automotive, electricity, and
so on have started to gain a place among female students. The same goes for courses that are
said to be feminine, such as sewing, cooking, etc., which have been widely studied by men
(Ahmad, 2016). In fact, famous chefs are from the male race such as Chef Wan, Gordon
Ramsey, and so on. Therefore, KK does not need to make gender segregation in providing
courses related to PSH. This is a paradigm shift in the new millennium that sees equal
opportunities between the sexes in the job market.
IV. Identifying the difference in the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and
serving cluster) in terms of local community income generation based on the level of
This study also obtained information on the education level of the respondents. The
education level category has been classified into 3 categories namely SPM, Certificate, and
Others (Diploma and above). Table 4 shows the results of the analysis to find out the objective
of study 3 in finding out if there is a difference in the level of implementation of the PSH
program (catering and serving cluster) in terms of local community income generation based
on the level of education.
Table 5
Analysis of the difference in the level of implementation of the PSH program (catering and
serving cluster) in terms of local community income generation based on education level.
Sum of
Mean Square
Between Groups
Within Groups
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
Based on Table 5, the score reading shows that there is no difference in the level of
implementation of the PSH program (catering and serving cluster) in terms of local community
income generation based on education level. This contradicts the results of Nurliyana et al.'s
study (2018) where there is a difference in perception towards the culinary cluster PSH
program based on the difference in education level. The post-hoc test as in Table 6 shows
that this difference in income generation does not exist for each level of Education.
Table 6
Post-hoc analysis of Turkey's education level of PSH participants
95% Confidence
Diploma n
Diploma n
Diploma n
Clearly here, the data shows that the community college does not need to create a separate
TVET skills class based on the education level of the course participants. This is in line with the
current practice in any community college that never differentiates the level of education in
obtaining knowledge from the community college PSH program (Norfadzilah et al., 2017).
Summary and Recommendations
Overall, this study has successfully achieved its objective to examine the level of
implementation of the Lifelong Learning (LPH) program in the community around Masjid
Tanah. The catering and serving cluster PSH program which is the most popular PSH course
at KKMT has proven to have greatly benefited the participants. The data shows that the
majority of participants agree or strongly agree that participating in this PSH program can
improve skills in the field studied, meet the needs of the food industry, teach staff who are
skilled in teaching and they are confident to venture into the field of catering and serving. In
addition, participants who come to participate in the PSH program are also able to improve
their family's economic status. It is the contribution of KKMT citizens in creating a happy
family ecosystem. This is because Mohd (2005) explained that a good family economy can
make a more harmonious family. Besides that, the level of the catering and serving cluster
PSH program for gender is equivalent. This is because they feel the skills and knowledge
gained from this program are very useful for them to apply in their daily lives. The program
conducted is not just theoretical but also involves practical experience in preparing food. This
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Vol. 12, No. 12, 2022, E-ISSN: 2222-6990 © 2022 HRMARS
coincides with the concept of constructivism learning theory where knowledge is obtained
through learning experiences (Fatin, 2021).
This contributes to the enjoyment of the participants to participate in the PSH program as
well as provides effective benefits to them. According to Meed & Rossetti (2000), satisfaction
in learning something is very important in giving satisfaction in appreciating the skills learned.
Roth & Scott (2000) stated that an effective and competent instructor or teacher is able to
teach effectively and achieve the set standards. According to Cheng et al. (2016), the teacher
factor is a very important factor in improving student achievement. The results of the study
also show that the PSH program provides the same benefit to increasing income regardless
of the level of education whether they have an SPM, certificate, or degree. In fact, studied by
Ahmad (2016) also found that community college alumni suggested community college
students continue their studies to be more open-minded. This shows that participants from
various levels of education still want to increase their knowledge and skills for the benefit of
themselves, their families, and the economy. This study has successfully achieved all four of
its objectives in obtaining responses from PSH program participants in the catering and
catering cluster, while also showing that the level of course implementation is good. However,
there are several aspects that need to be studied in more depth in order to obtain clearer
findings regarding the level of implementation of the catering and serving cluster PSH
program. Among the aspects that can be expanded in the study are the skills of PSH program
instructors. This is recommended by Mohd (2014) who states that capable instructors can
attract the community to follow the short course program. Perhaps some aspects in terms of
teaching staff need to be streamlined by the community college in order to ensure its
relevance as a PSH provider and hub in Malaysia.
Overall, this study has prove that lifelong learning is crucial to community in order to succed
in their live. However, though ‘lifelong learning’ has a traditional ‘cradle to grave’
connotation, it tends to highlight post-school and alternative forms of learning and thus has
influenced thinking, policy, and practice in post-compulsory education (Aspin and Chapman,
2007). This paper provides a commencement point to initiate further discussion, debate, and
ideas to advance our research and understanding of lifelong learning and the role it can play
in improving knowledge and income for our society.
We would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik dan
Kolej Komuniti (JPPKK), which also helped me in doing a lot of Research, funded a research
and we came to know about so many new things.
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Krisis Pandemik COVID-19 menyebabkan perubahan mendadak dan menjadi cabaran baharu terhadap amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) di institusi pendidikan tinggi, termasuklah bidang Pengajian Islam. PdP dalam Pengajian Islam lebih sinonim dengan amalan PdP secara bersemuka meskipun Pendidikan 4.0 menekankan kaedah penyampaian yang transformatif dan pengaplikasian pentaksiran alternatif. Keupayaan bidang Pengajian Islam mengadaptasi ciri-ciri ini khususnya pentaksiran alternatif dianggap terhad dan kurang diyakini kerana umumnya masih ramai pensyarah yang selesa melaksanakan penilaian sumatif atau peperiksaan akhir. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis amalan pentaksiran alternatif dalam kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan oleh semua program prasiswazah Pengajian Islam di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia serta menganalisis bentuk-bentuk penilaian yang digunakan dalam PdP. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan reka bentuk analisis kandungan. Data dikumpulkan daripada analisis dokumen ke atas proforma kursus berdasarkan penawaran kursus pada sesi akademik 2018-2019 dan 2019-2020, kemudiannya dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan pentaksiran alternatif dalam pengajian Islam telah bermula pada sesi 2012-2013 namun jumlah kursusnya sangat sedikit dan tidak konsisten. Namun, dengan adanya pelbagai inisiatif di bawah Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (Pendidikan Tinggi) 2015-2025 dan Kerangka Pendidikan 4.0 UKM yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017 telah mendorong peningkatan bilangan kursus yang menggunakan penilaian berterusan pada sesi 2018-2019 dan 2019-2020. Kajian mendapati pelbagai kaedah penilaian yang memenuhi elemen Pendidikan 4.0 telah digunakan merangkumi pembelajaran berasaskan aktiviti, kerja lapangan, penulisan esei dan pembentangan, penganjuran seminar serta penggunaan teknologi digital. Hal ini menjelaskan bahawa amalan PdP Pendidikan 4.0 dalam bidang Pengajian Islam mampu dilaksanakan dan berpeluang dijalankan secara maksima khususnya dalam mengimplementasi kaedah pentaksiran alternatif yang sahih dan autentik. Ia juga memberi impak positif ke atas kemahiran insaniah pelajar dan pengalaman pembelajaran, selain mengurangkan kebergantungan pensyarah kepada peperiksaan akhir untuk mengukur hasil pembelajaran kursus.
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Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh modal sosial terhadap agihan pendapatan isi rumah antara wilayah di Malaysia. Modal yang bersifat subjektif dan “intangible” ini dirujuk sebagai “relational embeddedness” yang akan memudahkan kerjasama dilakukan di antara individu atau kumpulan untuk mencapai matlamat tertentu. Pencapaian matlamat ini akan berlaku melalui kombinasi ciri modal sosial, iaitu kepercayaan, jaringan/hubungan dan norma hidup individu atau kumpulan. Analisis dalam makalah ini adalah berdasarkan kepada 4003 isi rumah yang telah ditemu bual pada 2007/2008 di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. Melalui pembentukan model dengan menggunakan peratus pendapatan setiap isi rumah sebagai pengukur agihan pendapatan, pengaruh modal social terhadap agihan pendapatan isi rumah akan dianalisis menggunakan indeks modal sosial yang telah dibangunkan. Pemboleh ubah modal manusia seperti tahap pendidikan, latihan, pengalaman kerja dan kesihatan serta demografi dan wilayah juga diambil kira dalam penganggaran model ini. Kajian ini mendapati modal sosial memberi impak yang positif terhadap agihan pendapatan walaupun pengaruhnya lebih kecil berbanding pengaruh modal manusia.
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English is becoming more important in this globalized world. In Malaysia, calls have been made from rulers and commoners alike to use English as the primary medium of instruction in primary schools. Although Malaysia has centralized education system for every state, rural schools might be in danger of losing out to their counterparts in the urban areas. Numerous programmes have been done to bring the standard of English in the school up to par with their counterparts from urban schools and yet English remains a tricky subject to master. In a rural school in the district of Song, Sarawak, English has always been the lowest performing subjects in UPSR year after year. Parallel to UPSR, the pupils for English intervention programme (LINUS BI) has the most compared to Bahasa Malaysia (BM) and Mathematics. This paper will attempt to research and understand the primary issues contributing to low performance of English in the school. At the same time, this paper will attempt to compare the background of pupils with high performance of English and pupils with low and mediocre performance in English and the causes leading to what they are today.
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This paper provides a wider lens through which one might view the significant teacher-shortage dilemmas that affect schools and communities in the Pacific. The paper is divided into three sections. Part I provides a perspective of the challenges facing teacher education, recruitment, and quality in the United States. Part II focuses on issues of certification and licensure, with a specific look at the alternative and emergency certification issues across the nation. Part III provides discussion based on our findings, with recommendations and considerations with respect to the conditions and critical teacher-quality issues of the Pacific Island entities.
Pengaruh PSH Dalam Kebolehpasaran Lulusan Sijil Pemasangan Elektrik Kolej Komuniti
  • R M N Ahmad
  • M Mohd
  • F J Muhammad
Ahmad, R. M. N., Mohd, M., & Muhammad, F. J. (2017). Pengaruh PSH Dalam Kebolehpasaran Lulusan Sijil Pemasangan Elektrik Kolej Komuniti. Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Life Long Learning, 1 (1): 31-41
Profil, indikator, faktor kritikal dan model perkembangan kerjaya berasaskan komuniti berpendapatan tinggi dalam kalangan lulusan kolej komuniti
  • R M N Ahmad
Ahmad, R. M. N. (2016). Profil, indikator, faktor kritikal dan model perkembangan kerjaya berasaskan komuniti berpendapatan tinggi dalam kalangan lulusan kolej komuniti. PhD Thesis. Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi.
Keberkesanan Kursus Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat Dengan Pekebun Kecil Risda
  • S Ealangov
  • A Hanafiah
  • S Abdullah
Ealangov, S., Hanafiah, A., & Abdullah, S. (2018). Keberkesanan Kursus Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat Dengan Pekebun Kecil Risda. Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal Of Life Long Learning, 2(1), 121-130. Retrieved from /PKKJLLL/article/view/4709.
Program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat perlu pendekatan holistik
  • A H Harits
  • H Asyraf
Harits, A. H., & Asyraf, H. (2021). Program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat perlu pendekatan holistik. Astro Awani.