
The 3D digital facial approximation of Saint Anthony of Padua

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Anthony of Padua is one of the most popular saints of the Catholic Church, with great veneration in Italy, Portugal and Brazil. The present work sought to approach a little of the history of this religious figure in order to contextualize the recognitions of the body, among which the exhumation of 1981 that allowed the technical analysis and the cranial replica, digitized and used in the project presented here for the approximation of its face, as well as the survey of the endocranial volume, with the use of new technologies and statistical data collected from computed tomography.
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... However, over the course of history, numerous artworks have been lost or destroyed, while many ancient human remains have been unearthed. Therefore, it has long fascinated archeologists and anthropologists to attempt to reconstruct the face of an individual from skeletal remains (Benazzi et al. 2010;Hayes 2016;Moraes et al. 2023). Facial approximation is to produce a reasonable likeness of the deceased based on the craniofacial relationship between skull morphology and facial soft tissues. ...
... Second, 3D facial appearance was produced by attaching the appropriate muscular models and facial features to the mummified skull in the computer. Additionally, manual or virtual sculpture techniques have been applied to recreate the faces of mummies found in other countries, e.g., Saint-Nicolosa Bursa's mummified head (Marić et al. 2020), Saint Anthony of Padua (Moraes et al. 2023), and Gyeongsun Choi (Lee and Shin 2020; Lee et al. 2014). ...
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The attempts to recreate the facial appearances of mummies fascinate forensic anthropologists, archeologists, and the general public. Traditional manual facial approximation is commonly used in forensic anthropology and archeology. However, due to the lack of confident anatomical knowledge, practitioners’ subjective interpretation and imagination may potentially compromise the accuracy of approximation results. The aim of this study was to develop a computerized method to generate a probable face of a mummified skull (98QZIM139K) excavated from the Zaghunluq cemetery in Xinjiang, China. A multi-slice computed tomography scanner was used to obtain digital models of the skull and mummified facial soft tissues. Due to the insufficient evidence of actual soft tissues, the average facial soft tissue thickness depths (FSTDs) of modern humans were assigned to the exterior surface of the mummified skull to generate the facial profile. A facial statistical shape model was then used to improve the approximation by filling in missing regions and adding facial features. Additionally, two different probable faces of the same mummified skull were recreated by utilizing various FSTDs representing thin and obese status. The results show that the approximated face exhibits prominent supraorbital ridges, a high nose, and a prominent anterior edge of the mandible. This is the first case study of generating the facial appearance of a mummified skull in the Zaghunluq cemetery, which aids anthropologists and archeologists in examining the morphological differences between the mummy and modern human faces and quantifying the extent of soft tissue mummification.
... For the projection of the nose, the authors used an approach mixing statistical data with proportional projection, based on the measurements taken from the CT scans of live people [24]. An online video tutorial of this technique is available on https:// www. ...
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The use of digital technologies in archaeological research has become considerably more widespread in recent years. While the earliest records of the use of electronic data in archaeology date from the 1950 and 1960s, the field has kept growing with the increasing interest in digital tools such as digital photography, three-dimensional imaging , GIS, virtual and artificial reality applications, CAD and facial reconstruction. Such digitization practices are used frequently for documenting, record keeping, and preserving and representing the data recovered from archaeological contexts, and are linked to other fields, such as cultural heritage studies and museology. Facial reconstruction is used to recreate the faces of individual from the past using their skeletal remains. It has been practiced for different reasons in the fields of forensics, anthropology, and archaeology. This study focuses on the facial reconstruction of a skull unearthed from Juliopolis. The reason for choosing this skull in this study is that it is the first and only known deformed skull dated to the Roman period in Anatolia. For the facial reconstruction application, authors created a 3D modelling of the skull by photogrammetry. Then, the missing parts of the skull are completed using the virtual donor library. The results are presented in different forms, as grayscale, in colour with eyes closed or open. Also, the type of deformation is demonstrated in the skull. This study adopts a digital process and is more strongly linked to data interpolation related to the external surface of the face. The prominent advantage of the methodology is being strongly supported by information obtained from computed tomography (CT) scans of living individuals, leaving a little room for the artistic issue in relation to the basic aspect resulting from the interpolation of data. The benefit of facial reconstruction is especially important since it is a way of preserving and presenting archaeological and anthropological data.
... O presente trabalho foi executado com o add-on Fo-rensicOnBlender (OrtogOnBlender)[E16] [E17], utilizando majoritariamente os passos abordados em [E13], [E14] eMoraes et al. (2023) [E15].Inicialmente, foi feita a complementação das regiões faltantes do crânio, seguindo com a projeção do perfil e estruturas da face a partir de dados estatísticos, gerando o volume do rosto com o auxílio da técnica de deformação/adaptação anatômica e o acabamento com o detalhamento da face, configuração dos cabelos e geração das imagens finais.Figura5.2: Etapas da reconstrução da mandíbula e da face por deformação/adaptação anatômica. ...
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English Google Machine Translation:
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The use of digital technologies in archaeological research has become considerably more widespread in recent years. While the earliest records of the use of electronic data in archaeology date from the 1950s and 1960s, the field has kept growing with the increasing interest in digital tools such as digital photography, three-dimensional imaging, GIS, virtual and artificial reality applications, CAD and facial reconstruction. Such digitization practices are used frequently for documenting, record keeping, and preserving and representing the data recovered from archaeological contexts, and are linked to other fields, such as cultural heritage studies and museology. Facial reconstruction is used to recreate the faces of individual from the past using their skeletal remains. It has been practiced for different reasons in the fields of forensics, anthropology, and archaeology. This study focuses on the facial reconstruction of a skull unearthed from Juliopolis. The reason for choosing this skull in this study is that it is the first and only known deformed skull dated to the Roman period in Anatolia. For the facial reconstruction application, authors created a 3D modelling of the skull by photogrammetry. Then, the missing parts of the skull are completed using the virtual donor library. The results are presented in different forms, as grayscale, in colour with eyes closed or open. Also, the type of deformation is demonstrated in the skull. The benefit of facial reconstruction is especially important since it is a way of preserving and presenting archaeological and anthropological data.
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Die Umbettung der Königsmumien des Neuen Reiches Die Mumien der Könige des Neuen Reiches wurden mehrheitlich nicht in ihren Gräbern, sondern in zwei großen Mumienverstecken (DB 320 und KV 35) gefunden. Die Priester des Amuns hatten sie dort am Ende der 21.Dynastie dort versteckt. Zuvor sind die Mumien zum Teil mehrfach umgebettet worden und ihrer ganzen Schätze beraubt. Diese wurden zum Teil für die Bestattung der Könige der dritten Zwischenzeit wiederverwendet. Aktualisierte Neuauflage.
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O ano de 1987 marcou a descoberta de uma ossada arqueológica, acompanhada de uma taça de cerâmica, em Achavanich, Escócia. Vinte e sete anos depois, uma série de pesquisadores iniciaram um projeto que abrangeria os anos de 2014 a 2017, com o intuito de revelar mais acerca da história daqueles restos mortais. Inicialmente o projeto foi nomeado de Achavanich Beaker Burial Project ou Ava (de Ach ava nich), posteriormente tal nome passou a indicar os restos mortais e, logo, a face resultante. Os pesquisadores reconstruíram a disposição dos ossos no momento da descoberta, posto que não havia tal documentação disponível, apenas fotografias que serviram como base para que a organização fosse efetuada. Tam-bém procederam com a análise antropológica, afe-rindo que o esqueleto se tratava de um indivíduo do sexo feminino, com a altura estipulada em~1.71 m, e 21...
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Mais uma vez a técnica de deformação anatômica se mostrou útil na aproximação facial de hominídeos extintos, uma vez que supre a ausência de marcadores de espessura de tecido mole, indisponíveis para o gênero/espécie Homo floresiensis. A composição de um modelo resultante da interpolação de dois análogos modernos oferece ao público geral uma versão da face mais coerente com a mistura de elementos de espécies diferentes, evidenciados no crânio LB1.
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O presente artigo ilustra a aproximação da face do crânio de Jericó (BM 127414), descoberto pela arqueó-loga Kathleen M. Kenyon em 1953 e atualmente sob os cuidados do Museu Britânico. Um amplo trabalho de digitalização externa e interna do modelo foi efetuado a partir de 2016 e os resultados, disponibilizados com acesso online e interativo, permitiram a análise e re-construção 3D dos modelos, de modo a permitir não apenas aproximar sua aparência, mas também ana-lisar detalhes anatômicos e antropométricos como o volume do endocrânio, propondo novas abordagens e enriquecendo o debate científico envolvendo a peça anatômica e a rica história atrelada a ela, sem deixar de lado o devido respeito à dignidade da vida humana. 5.2 Abstract This article illustrates the facial approximation of the Jericho skull (BM 127414), discovered by archaeologist Kathleen M. Kenyon in 1953 and currently in the care of the British Museum. An extensive work of external and internal digitalization of the model was carried out from 2016 and the results, available with on-line and interactive access, allowed the 3D analysis and reconstruction of the models, in order to allow not only to approximate their appearance, but also to analyze details anatomical and anthropometric data such as the volume of the endocranium, proposing new approaches and enriching the scientific debate involving the anatomical piece and the rich history linked to it, without neglecting due respect for the dignity of human life. A full translated online version of this article can be accessed at this link:
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Forensic facial approximation was applied to a 5000-year-old female skull from a shell midden in Guar Kepah, Malaysia. The skull was scanned using a computed tomography (CT) scanner in the Radiology Department of the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia using a Light Speed Plus scanner with a 1 mm section thickness in spiral mode and a 512 × 512 matrix. The resulting images were stored in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format. A three-dimensional (3D) model of the skull was obtained from the CT scan data using Blender's 3D modelling and animation software. After the skull was reconstructed, it was placed on the Frankfurt plane, and soft tissue thickness markers were placed based on 34 Malay CT scan data of the nose and lips. The technique based on facial approximation by data extracted from facial measurements of living individuals showed greater anatomical coherence when combined with anatomical deformation. The facial approximation in this study will pave the way towards understanding face prediction based on skull structures, soft tissue prediction rules, and soft tissue thickness descriptors.
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O presente capítulo tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados de um estudo efetuado com 33 exames de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) anônimas. O estudo procurou investigar estruturas cranianas, em projeção média ortogonal (2D) a fim de que funcionassem como preditores para a dimensão de importantes regiões frontais da face como a posição das pupilas, linha central dos lábios (ch-ch), asas nasais e outros, a partir de modelos tridimensionais do crânio.
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O presente capítulo tem por objetivo explorar a precisão e limites de duas técnicas clássicas de projeção nasal em reconstruções/aproximações faciais e pro-por ajustes complementares baseados em dados es-tatísticos de indivíduos vivos, de modo a aumentar a compatibilidade da estrutura em relação à face real.
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Over the centuries, iconographic representations of St Anthony of Padua, one of the most revered saints in the Catholic world, have been inspired by literary sources, which described the Saint as either naturally corpulent or with a swollen abdomen due to dropsy (i.e. fluid accumulation in the body cavities). Even recent attempts to reconstruct the face of the Saint have yielded discordant results regarding his outward appearance. To address questions about the real appearance of St Anthony, we applied body mass estimation equations to the osteometric measurements taken in 1981, during the public recognition of the Saint’s skeletal remains. Both the biomechanical and the morphometric approach were employed to solve some intrinsic limitations in the equations for body mass estimation from skeletal remains. The estimated body mass was used to assess the physique of the Saint with the body mass index. The outcomes of this investigation reveal interesting information about the body type of the Saint throughout his lifetime.
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O presente capítulo tem por objetivo abordar o contexto de um crânio indígena arqueológico (MUSARQ-A:023) pertencente ao acervo do Museu de Arqueologia da Universidade Católica de Pernambuco e descrever o processo de reconstrução facial forense do mesmo.
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O OrtogOnBlender é um add-on para o ensino do planejamento de cirurgia ortognática digital criado por Cicero Moraes, Dr. Everton da Rosa e Dr. Rodrigo Dornelles. Como o próprio nome lembra, o mesmo funciona sob Blender e é escrito na linguagem de programação Python. Ele roda no Windows, no Linux e no Mac OS X e é fácil de instalar. O add-on trata-se um conjunto de comandos sequenciais que foram organizados e programados de modo a facilitar o planejamento de cirurgia ortognática, fornecendo ao especialista não apenas as soluções encontradas nativamente no Blender, mas se comunicando com programas externos que ampliam as potencialidades do mesmo. É desenvolvido com software e licença livres, mas pode trabalhar em conjunto com ferramentas fechadas e proprietárias, como software de fotogrametria e scanners intraorais.
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Modern humans have large and globular brains that distinguish them from their extinct Homo relatives. The characteristic globularity develops during a prenatal and early postnatal period of rapid brain growth critical for neural wiring and cognitive development. However, it remains unknown when and how brain globularity evolved and how it relates to evolutionary brain size increase. On the basis of computed tomographic scans and geometric morphometric analyses, we analyzed endocranial casts of Homo sapiens fossils (N = 20) from different time periods. Our data show that, 300,000 years ago, brain size in early H. sapiens already fell within the range of present-day humans. Brain shape, however, evolved gradually within the H. sapiens lineage, reaching present-day human variation between about 100,000 and 35,000 years ago. This process started only after other key features of craniofacial morphology appeared modern and paralleled the emergence of behavioral modernity as seen from the archeological record. Our findings are consistent with important genetic changes affecting early brain development within the H. sapiens lineage since the origin of the species and before the transition to the Later Stone Age and the Upper Paleolithic that mark full behavioral modernity.
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A Reconstrução Facial Forense (RFF) é uma técnica que auxilia a identificação humana por aproximação da aparência facial de um crânio desconhecido. Neste aspecto, a confecção de réplicas de crânio é necessária para a aplicação da técnica em sua forma tridimensional (3D) manual ou computadorizada. Para réplicas 3D em casos de falta de acesso a dispositivos complexos de imaginologia, como scanners de superfície, tomógrafos ou aparelhos de ressonância magnética, a técnica de fotogrametria é aplicável ao material em análise.
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This short article is a preview of the FFR (Forensic Facial Reconstruction) of St. Anthony, performed by Arc-Team for the open source exhibition "Facce. I molti volti della storia umana", held in Padua between February and December 2015. The paper gives an overview about the project, the techniques and the software used during the work.
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Forensic facial reconstruction(FFR) is an auxiliary technique that approximates a face in order to generate identifications. Technological development allows access to open software that can be applied to FFR. The demonstrated protocol has features from creating 3D replicas of the skull to finishing and displaying the reconstruction.PPT GUI is used for 3D scanning, and the resulting point cloud is con verted into a 3D mesh in MeshLab.The sculpture is made in Blender, according to the user’s preferred technique.The adaptation of the skin layer and finishing of the reconstruction is optimized with the use of templates.In this phase,details can also be hand-carved.Allied to basic training in the software featured in this protocol, the open access to these tools and its independence of imaging hardware other than digital cameras is an advantage to its application in forensic and research contexts.
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A large-scale study of facial soft tissue depths of Caucasian adults was conducted. Over a 2-years period, 967 Caucasian subjects of both sexes, varying age and varying body mass index (BMI) were studied. A user-friendly and mobile ultrasound-based system was used to measure, in about 20min per subject, the soft tissue thickness at 52 facial landmarks including most of the landmarks used in previous studies. This system was previously validated on repeatability and accuracy [S. De Greef, P. Claes, W. Mollemans, M. Loubele, D. Vandermeulen, P. Suetens, G. Willems, Semi-automated ultrasound facial soft tissue depth registration: method and validation. J. Forensic Sci. 50 (2005)]. The data of 510 women and 457 men were analyzed in order to update facial soft tissue depth charts of the contemporary Caucasian adult. Tables with the average thickness values for each landmark as well as the standard deviation and range, tabulated according to gender, age and BMI are reported. In addition, for each landmark and for both sexes separately, a multiple linear regression of thickness versus age and BMI is calculated. The lateral asymmetry of the face was analysed on an initial subset of 588 subjects showing negligible differences and thus warranting the unilateral measurements of the remaining subjects. The new dataset was statistically compared to three datasets for the Caucasian adults: the traditional datasets of Rhine and Moore [J.S. Rhine, C.E. Moore, Tables of facial tissue thickness of American Caucasoids in forensic anthropology. Maxwell Museum Technical series 1 (1984)] and Helmer [R. Helmer, Schädelidentifizierung durch elektronische bildmischung, Kriminalistik Verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, 1984] together with the most recent in vivo study by Manhein et al. [M.H. Manhein, G.A. Listi, R.E. Barsley, R. Musselman, N.E. Barrow, D.H. Ubelbaker, In vivo facial tissue depth measurements for children and adults. J. Forensic Sci. 45 (2000) 48-60]. The large-scale database presented in this paper offers a denser sampling of the facial soft tissue depths of a more representative subset of the actual Caucasian population over the different age and body posture subcategories. This database can be used as an updated chart for manual and computer-based craniofacial approximation and allows more refined analyses of the possible factors affecting facial soft tissue depth.
Originating in the late nineteenth century, three‐dimensional (3D) facial reconstruction is a human identification auxiliary technique that uses the skull and other information to produce an approximate image of the appearance of an individual while still alive. Three major schools of 3D facial reconstruction serve as a reference for modern applications of the technique: the Russian, the American, and the British methods, developed, respectively in the 1920s, 1960s, and 1970s. 3D techniques started with manually modeling clay, but increasingly apply computational solutions via manual, semi‐, or fully automated methods. There are different contexts for the application of the technique which vary from forensic human identification to shedding light on the appearance of historical figures and evolutionary ancestors. Recently, genetic analysis is being used as reference data to produce fully automated facial reconstructions.
Facial approximation was first proposed as a synonym for facial reconstruction in 1987 due to dissatisfaction with the connotations the latter label held. Since its debut, facial approximation's identity has morphed as anomalies in face prediction have accumulated. Now underpinned by differences in what problems are thought to count as legitimate, facial approximation can no longer be considered a synonym for, or subclass of, facial reconstruction. Instead, two competing paradigms of face prediction have emerged, namely: facial approximation and facial reconstruction. This paper shines a Kuhnian lens across the discipline of face prediction to comprehensively review these developments and outlines the distinguishing features between the two paradigms. © 2015 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
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