
Metabolomics (1) --- The Systematic Chemistry Fingerprints Between Genotype and Phenotype and its Application on the Conservation Genetics

  • 江西省诚筑环保工程有限公司
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Article 3: Metabolomics (1) --- The Systematic Chemistry Fingerprints Between Genotype and Phenotype and its Application on the Conservation Genetics/新陈代谢组学---连接基因型和表现型的一项系统化学指纹识别技术与在保护遗传学中的应用 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland

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This article has comprehensively summarized the photosynthesis system in plant, illustrated by representative case studies. The improvement in both study theory and research method of physiological responses to various environmental stress have been substantially discussed in each part.
This article attempted to review the relevant theories on biodiversity conservation at three layers: ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, illustrated by substantial case studies which were updated in recent years and published in China. Then the new theories and its corresponding improvement in conservation methods were discussed in this article.
Article 6-3. The Identification of Pathogen Phenotype for Biophysical Simulation /生物物理模拟试验中病原体表现型的确定方法 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Article 10: The specificity of host-pathogen interactions with emphasis on the specific inhibitor enzyme synthesized in the invasion-defense process. Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Article 6-1: Metebolomics and Immunology Cultivation /新陈代谢组学与免疫力培养 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Article 6-6. The Parameterization of Time-varying Electromagnetic Field for Biophysics Simulation/生物物理模拟实验中时变电磁场参数的确定方法 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Article 6-2. The Experiment Procedure for Blood Cell Cultivation in Biophysical Simulation/生物物理实验中血细胞培养方法 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Article 4. Metabolomics and Application on The Specificity of Host-Invasion Interaction/新陈代谢组学在宿主细胞与生物入侵关系的专一性机制中的应用研究 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland
Article 1-2. Classification of Bacteria by DNA Genetic Marker and Its Theory/DNA遗传标记与细菌分类以及相关理论 Author: Liu Huan(1983 - ), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Article 8. The formation mechanism and forecasting of earthquakes Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
Epidemiology------Comparison between indoor and outdoor air quality at three representative sites in Auckland Center Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland. Advisor: Jennifer Salmond, School of Environment, Faculty of Science, The University of Auckland.
Article 4. Metabolomics and Application on The Specificity of Host-Invasion Interaction/新陈代谢组学在宿主细胞与生物入侵关系的专一性机制中的应用研究 Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland
Article 7: Biodiversity Conservation & Management Studies in New Zealand Author: Liu Huan(1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours), The University of Auckland.
The effectiveness of yield components, harvest index and morphological characteristics as selection criteria among four field pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes was examined. Genotypes were grown at a wide range of plant populations (9 to 400 plants m-2) to maximise environmental diversity. Both biological and seed yields approximately doubled from 9 to 100 plants m-2. This response flattened from 100 to 400 plants m-2. Differences among the genotypes were found only at 225 and 400 plants m-2. Analysis of the yield components highlighted the plasticity and large genotype by environment interactions of field peas. The numbers of pods per plant and peas per pod were maximised when each genotype was grown as spaced plants, but the low plant numbers meant seed yields per unit area were at their lowest. Genotypic differences for plant harvest index (PHI) were also only found at 225 and 400 plants m-2. Broad sense heritability estimates indicated that direct selection for PHI was not feasible. The inference from the yield component and PHI results was that alternative selection criteria such as physiological or morphological characteristics may be necessary for improved yield potential. Classification of each genotype indicated that low seedling vigour may be a positive attribute for crop plants of semi-leafless and conventionally leafed field peas. Selection based on any single plant attribute is unlikely to lead to dramatic improvements in the yield potential of field peas. Selection should be based on plant characteristics rather than on differences in yield components.
This work investigated the relationship between agronomic treatment of the mother plant and the quality of seed produced as measured by both laboratory seed vigour tests and field emergence and yield in field peas (Pisum sativum L.). Although there are now recognised ISTA tests of seed vigour in garden peas, no such standard tests currently exist for field peas. In the first experiment, determinate (Beacon) and indeterminate (Whero) pea cultivars were grown under full sunlight or under 40 % shade from flowering on. In Experiment 2 they were grown from small or large seed and sown in September and November and grown with or without irrigation (Experiment 2, 1997/98). Finally the two cultivars were grown and desiccated with reglone at 70, 62, 53 and 33 % seed moisture content (SMC) and the seeds were harvested at 16 % SMC or were harvested from non-desiccated plant at 16 % SMC (Experiment 3, 1996/97). The field performance of seed collected from the above experiments was evaluated. In Experiment 1 the seed yield of Beacon was 23 % higher than that of Whero (277g/m2) mainly due to more seeds/pod. Both cultivars, grown under full sunlight produced 27 % more seed yield than plants grown under 40 % shade (272 g/m²). This was mainly associated with more pods/plant and a higher thousand seed weight. Seed germination (≥89 %) was little affected by cultivar .and light level. However, seed vigour was markedly affected by the both factors. Whero had higher vigour seeds than Beacon, especially as determined by seedling dry weight (11 - 28 mg vs 6 - 20 mg). Seeds from unshaded plants had greater vigour than those from shaded plants. This was shown by 1.4 - 7.1 mg higher mean seedling weight at germination before and after accelerated ageing (AA), a 4 - 17 % greater germination after AA and a 5 - 23 µS/cm/g lower electro conductivity in seed from unshaded plants. Smaller seed size and lower seed vigour of shaded peas were particularly evident in seeds from top pods of the plant. In Experiment 2, seed size of mother plants had no effect on crop establishment, seed yield and quality of the progeny. September sown peas produced greater seed yield than November sown peas, especially for Beacon (643 vs 314 g/m²). An increase in TDM in both cultivars and in seeds/pod in Beacon was associated with the seed yield increase. Irrigation increased the seed yield of September sown peas by 33 %. Irrigation also increased the seed yield of Beacon by 25 %, but had no effect on the seed yield of peas sown in November or of Whero. The increased seed yield was mainly associated with an increase in total dry matter. In both cultivars seed germination was high (99 - 100 %). At final harvest (18 % SMC) Beacon seeds from the November sowing, with irrigation, had the lowest vigour (EC of 12.8 µS/cm/g). There was no difference in seed vigour among the rest of the seed lots of both cultivars (EC of 5.3 - 7.8 µS/cm/g). Seed vigour differences as measured by AA test and seedling dry weight varied according to times of harvest. In Experiment 3, seed yield did not differ between cultivars but did differ among desiccation times. Desiccation at 33 or 40 % SMC did not reduce seed yield, thousand seed weight, germination or vigour in either cultivar. Desiccation at 53 % SMC did not reduce germination of either cultivar but it did reduce seed yield and vigour. Desiccation at 62 and 71 % SMC reduced both seed yield and quality. In all experiments high vigour seed lots emerged well while low vigour seed lots emerged poorly. Seed lots with a low field emergence also emerged more slowly, had a lower plant establishment, a lower leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD). The number of plants/m², at final harvest, from low vigour seed lots was reduced by 33-50 % down to 10 - 12 plants/m². This resulted in a lower TDM (362 - 408 g/m² vs 793 - 1087g/m²) and a reduction in seed yield (169 - 176 g/m² vs 407 - 534 g/m²). Sowing date affected emergence rate but had no effect on either TDM or on seed yield. The electro conductivity test had the highest potential as a laboratory based test to predict the field emergence of field pea seed. Further, the accelerated ageing test also has the potential to predict field emergence of field pea seed.
Variability among individual plants causes low seed yields in field pea ( Pisum sativum L.) crops. To quantify this variability, an empirical principal axis model (PAM) was developed which has two components: ( a ) a principal axis, representing the relationship between the seed weight (SWT) produced and plant weight (PWT) of individual plants; and ( b ) an ellipse, which characterizes the scatter of individual values around the axis. To develop the model, plant-to-plant variability was simulated by systematically changing the mean and standard deviation (s.d.) of frequency distributions for SWT and PWT. Changes in the intercept and slope of the principal axis and the location and shape of the associated ellipse were used to describe the plant-to-plant variability. Differences in the mean SWT or PWT altered the location of the ellipse. When changes in the s.d. values were equal for SWT and PWT, the dimensions of the ellipse changed, but the axes ratio was constant. Non-proportionate changes in the s.d. values caused rotation of the principal axis and altered the shape of the ellipse. The effect of differences in the PAM on plant harvest index (PHI) was also examined. When the intercept of the principal axis passed through the origin, PHI was independent of PWT, and equal to the gradient of the axis. However, when the SWT-axis intercept was negative, indicating that a minimum plant weight was required for seed production, the relationship between PHI and PWT was asymptotic. This relationship is of major importance for interpreting differences in PHI distributions, and thus crop harvest index and seed yield among crops.
In 1998/99 and 1999/2000, field trials were conducted to try to explain why grain legume yields and harvest index are more variable than many other crops. Treatments involved varying plant populations and sowing depths and were selected to maximize plant variability. Both yields and harvest index were variable. Total dry matter (TDM) production generally increased as plant population increased up to twice the optimum population. Increases ranged from 80 to 130% with lupins producing the highest yields of 878 and 972 g/m² of TDM in 1998/99 and 1999/2000 respectively. While plants sown at 10 cm depth produced more TDM than did plants sown at 2 cm, the difference was only 3%. Seed yields followed similar trends to TDM, with maximum yields (mean of 403 g seed/m²) produced at twice the optimum population. Crop harvest index (CHI) was quite variable and ranged from 0·31 to 0·66. Crop HI was lowest (0·43) at the lowest population and increased to 0·55 at twice the optimum plant population. In both seasons, lentil had the highest CHI and lupin the lowest. While CHI was variable there were very close relationships between seed yield and TDM which suggested that maximum seed yield depends on maximizing TDM production. The results also suggest that growers should increase population by a factor of two to obtain maximum seed yields.
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