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Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A
Prospect for Entrepreneurial Avenue for Library and
Information Science Professionals
Badan Barman
How to Cite this Article
APA Citation Style, 7
Barman, B. (2022). Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect
for Entrepreneurial Avenue for Library and Information Science Professionals.
Kelpro Bulletin, 26(2), 1-9.
Chicago, 16
Barman, Badan, “Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect
for Entrepreneurial Avenue for Library and Information Science Professionals.”
Kelpro Bulletin, 26, No. 2 (December 2022): 1-9.
MLA Citation, 8th Edition
Barman, Badan. “Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect
for Entrepreneurial Avenue for Library and Information Science Professionals.”
Kelpro Bulletin, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2022, pp. 1-9.
The purpose of the paper is to make Library and Information Science professionals
aw a re of th e opportu n ity cre a t e d by the In tern e t and to mo t ivate them to th ink of
becomin g an entrep rene ur, at least by those who are unable to secure any job in the
subjec t. It ai m s to bring to the surface the hidden earning data and in fo rmation
fr om web s ites which are oth e rwi s e har d for th e gene ral pu b lic to find and ex plore .
To do all this, a conte nt- rich website is created us ing Goo gle Classic Sites and the n
3 displa y and 1 link ad uni ts of adver tise ment are inserted in be twe e n the content
of ea c h pa g e of the webs i t e thro u g h Go ogle AdSens e . Th e trackin g co d e of Go o gle
An a l ytic s is also ins e r ted int o ea ch and ev e r y page to kn o w its le v e l of use. La t er
on , afte r ele ven yea r s of la u nch i ng the site, caref ul and syste m ati c impl e ment a tion
of Google AdS ense , the dat a from Go ogl e AdSe nse and Goo g le Anal yti c s is colle cte d
and ana l y z e d to dr a w co n c l u s i o ns. The re sult shows that a website wi t h mo n t hly
pa g e vie ws of 34 4331 ca n gen erat e around $3 07 by us ing Go ogle Ad Sens e on their
webs ite. From this data, it can be evide nt that Goo gle AdSense can be a good sou rce
of revenue to earn a live lihoo d at the pace of one’s choice of pla ce of work and time.
Th e ea rning s wi ll agai n in creas e pr o vided the r e is an incr e a se in the us e rs of the
we bsit e. Lib rary and In form ati o n Sci ence grad u ates and pos t -gr a duat es can explo re
th i s op p o rtunit y pro v ided by the Int e rnet to ear n th e ir livel i h o o d on their own by
lau nc h i n g a website or ap p of the i r choice and ca n th i n k bey o nd work in g in the
tra di ti o n a l li b ra r y set- u p , a n d ch o o se to b e an entrep ren e u r. Ex c l u ding Goo g l e
AdS e n s e, the r e are o t h e r alt e r n a tive s o l u tio n s t h rou g h w h ic h pe o p l e c a n e ar n
re ve nu e by di s p l a y i n g different ki n d s of ad v e r t i s e m e nt s on th e i r we bs it e s , all of
wh i c h are not ex p l o red.
K e y w o r d s: Entrep ren e u r s hip , Rev e n u e Ge ne ra ti on, Lib r a r y Web s i t e Re v e n ue,
Incom e Gene ra ti o n fro m We b s i t e, G o o g l e Ad S e n s e , Go o g l e A n a l yt ic s ,
Librarian and Internet.
1. Introduction
It is common knowledge that in most cases
people hesitate to disclose their income and
earnings and when it is related to online earnings
it becomes harder to get the proper figure. There
are many factors that contribute to it, but not
limited to the hesitation of people in disclosing their
earnings, the relation of tax with income, fear of
disclosure of their own tactics for achieving the
same, legal implications including taxation,
Assistant Professor
Department of Library and Information Science
Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam, India
competition with peers in the niche of their website
and such others. Even Section 11 of Google AdSense
Online Terms of Service clearly mentioned that
the advertisers cannot disclose their click-through
rates, though they can disclose the amount of
Google’s gross payments. Therefore, though there
is tremendous growth in the online income-
generating avenues and crores of people earning
a decent amount, one will be confined to very
limited data, information and published papers
in this area.
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
Dr. Badan Barman
Techno-savvy Library and Information
Science (LIS) professionals are aware of these
new opportunities for libraries and librarians
opened by the Internet. As evident from the
widespread use of Google AdSense by the LIS
professionals, they also know that they can
earn a ver y good amount by just uploading a
video over YouTube or writing a blog post that
becomes viral or has a huge reader base.
However, data that can estimate the income
based on the number of hits or users of web
content is hard to find and still remains in
the dark for the people who are not exposed to
it on their own.
Google AdSense is an advertisement
program through which website owners can
display text ads, display ads, in-feed ads, in-
article ads, matched content ads, link unit ads
and such other ads on the website they own
or manage and earn revenue from it. “In 2003,
Google launched its AdSense contextual ad
program and then greatly expanded AdSense,
meaning ad serving application. AdSense
placements are almost certainly the reason
why Google has seen network-derived ad
revenue rise so sharply” (Runge, 2014, p. 781).
Google’s explosive growth and profits are
largely based on Google AdSense shares with
the content providers who agree to display
their ads. In the online environment for people
at large, Google AdSense is synonymous with
online income.
Google Analytics is a web analytics service
which tracks and reports website traffic that
includes things such as session duration,
pages per session, bounce rate, source of
traffic, etc.
2. Review of Literature
Though the Internet is flooded with blog
posts on revenue generation using Google
AdSense, there are a very small number of
research articles in this area. This is because
people who are outside this domain cannot
have access to this kind of data, and for those
people who are associated with all these, for
them, publishing this kind of information is a
very delicate and sometimes risky issue. It can
lead to their Google AdSense ac c ount
suspension, which will bring an end to their
livelihood for the rest of their lives and can
bring more competition in the niche in which
they are working by revealing their own areas.
Chen and Chen (2010) in their “EC 2.0:
Can you get profit by writing a blog? An
empirical study in Google AdSense” found that
E-Commerce sites can generate revenue
through Google AdSense. Adler and Dewi
(2019) in their article on web-based business
opportunities opined that in the new Internet
environment, users can generate revenue by
becoming a YouTuber in the form of Google
AdSense payments, brand ambassadors,
sponsorsh i p and by getting corp o r at e
collaboration. Aimiuwu et al. (2012) in their
study on “How web search and social media
affect Google AdSense performance”, found
that social capital through social media can
increase online r evenue through Google
AdSense for conventional websites. Fox et al.
(2009), in the ir stu d y on optimiz i n g
presentation of AdSense ads within blogs,
found that AdSense offered financial rewards
to bloggers with relatively little effort. Higher
contrast coloured ads are likely to increase
click and thereby more revenue generation to
the blogger. So, there is no doubt that Google
AdSense can be used to earn money online.
Soegoto and Semesta (2018) in their
article on “Use of Google AdSense for income
generatin g activit y ” found that th eir
implementation of Google AdSense on YouTube
Channel earned more than US $ 1000 in a
single month, i.e. April 1-31, 2017.
In the case of India, LIS Links (http://www., LIS Quiz (https://www.lisquiz.
com), LIS Portal (, LIS
Cafe (, LIS News
(, YouthGrowth (https:
//, etc., are some of the website
launched by Librar y and Information Science
professionals. As evident from the ads that
Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect for Entrepreneurial
Avenue for Librar y and Information Science Professionals
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
appear on the website, all these websites use
Google AdSense to monetize their content.
However, it is not evident how much amount
they are earning through Google AdSense as
there is not any literature on this area, neither
does the owner of these websites reveal
anything regarding their earnings.
The amount which is reflected in the
article by Soegoto and Semesta seems to be
lucrative enough to motivate the unemployed,
under-employed and even employed Library
and Information Science professionals to take
up the option opened by the Internet. However,
all these papers are unable to present the data
regarding what amount of page views or traffic
or users are needed to earn what amount, so
that even before going for it, people can have
an estimate of earning that they can think of.
3. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are to
a) Make pe ople aw a r e by way of
describing the terminologies used in
the context of Google AdSense;
b) Launch a website so tha t Google
AdSense Ads and Google Analytics
can be set up on it to have the required
c) Analyze the Google AdSense earning
data to find the relation between the
number of hits or users of a website
and the earnings from it.
d) Dra w conclus i o ns regar d i ng
entrepreneurship opportunities for LIS
professionals in this field.
4. Me th ods
A website regarding the University Grants
Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test
(NET) e x amination was de s igned a nd
developed using free Google’s Classic Sites and
it was mapped with a custom domain purchase
from Google Domains. The UGC is a statutory
organization established by the union
government of India. UGC-NET is a test
conducted twice in a year to determine the
eligibility for teaching positions at the entry
level in colleges and universities in India and
also f o r awa r d i ng a Ju n i o r Res e a rc h
Fellowship (JRF) among the appearing or
master degree awarded students. The website
basically provides the UGC NET syllabus, old
examination question papers and answer keys
to the user that can be accessed openly i.e.
without any restriction of user id and password
or payment wall. By going through the Settings
tab, the Google Analytics code was inserted
and was later on placed by the system on each
and every page of the website. The website as
a whole has almost 1000 pages of content. To
avoid lifetime account suspension from Google
AdSense and to avoid keyword competition
from other website owners of the same niche
and bringing new competition from the
upcoming readers of this article, the website
address cannot be disclosed.
Google Sites, presently known as Google
Classic Sites, is a wiki-based platform that can
be used to design and develop a free hosted
website; however, users need to purchase a
domain if they want to map their Google sites
address with a custom domain. The Google site
was initially launched on February 28, 2008.
In June 2016, Google introduced a new version
of the Google Sites and named it as New Google
Sites and thus the older version automatically
became the Google Classic Sites.
4.1. Description of the
Termi nologi es Asso ciated
with Google AdSense
There are lots of terminologies which are
ne w to a la rge numb er of Librar y a n d
Information Science (LIS) professionals.
However, are widely used in the context of
Google AdSense. A description of such a few
terminologies is given below.
i) Ad Unit: An ad unit is one or more
advertisements displayed as a result of
a single piece of the ad code.
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
Dr. Badan Barman
ii) Display A d s: Dis p l ay ads are
graphical ads that can contain any
piece of information related to the
advertisement. In the case of display
ads, it competes with the text ads to
appear in the same ad space and in
the race the highest bidder wins. So,
choosing display ads instead of text
ads can have an added advantage in
earning more.
iii) In-feed Ads: In-feeds do not mean a
RSS feed. However, it means a list that
appears in a similar looking block. An
ad unit inside a list of such similar
looking blocks of content is called in-
feed ads.
iv) In-article Ads: In-article ads are
displayed inside the content-rich
article and are responsive in nature.
v) Matched Content: Matched content
presents a pers o n a l i ze d
recommendation to the readers for
fur th e r re ad i ng ba s e d on to p i c
similarity and among them a few
relevant ads are shown.
vi) Link U n i t : A link unit is an
advertisement slot where it displays
a list of topics relevant to the content
of the site. In the event of clicking on
one of these topics, the users are
brought to a Google page th a t
displays ads related to that topic. The
user again needs to click on the
advertisement to generate revenue for
the website developer or owner. The
owner won’t receive earnings for
clicks on the topics but they will be
paid in the event of user clicks on any
of the ads displayed on the Google-
hosted page.
vii) Fixed-sized Ads: Fixed-sized ad units
have a fi x e d height and wi dth
irrespective of whether it is viewed on
a desktop computer or a mobile
viii) Responsive Ads: Responsive ads are
those ads that automatically adapt
the size of the ads to fit the space
available or page layout or change
the scr een orient ation, i.e. from
portrait to landscape on a phone or
tablet. It al l o ws th e webs i t e
administrator to support a wide range
of devices, i.e., computers, tablets,
phones, etc.
ix) Text Ads: Text ads consisting of only
text that include a title, one or two
lines of description and a website
address of the advertiser.
x) Rich Media Ads: Rich media ads are
interactive ads that include animated
ads, Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), Flash and video ads.
xi) Page Views: A page view means a
webpage viewe d by th e u se r
displayin g on e o r more Go o g l e
AdSense Ads.
xii) Impressions: An impression is the
number of ad units loaded on the
user’s device.
xiii) Clicks: It means the number of times
a user clicked on Google AdSense
xiv) Estimated Earnings: The approximate
earnings by the owner of the website
that is likely to change after proper
verification like invalid clicks or
xv) CPC: CPC stands for Cost-per-Click
and that is the amount of money the
advertisers need to pay each time a
user clicks on their advertisement.
xvi) Page CTR: CTR stands for Click-
through Rate (CTR). The page CTR is
the number of clicks on ads divided
by the number of page views and then
multiplied by 100.
Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect for Entrepreneurial
Avenue for Librar y and Information Science Professionals
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
xvii) Page RPM: RPM is an abbreviated
form of Revenue per Mille. Mille in
Latin means thousand. So, Page RPM
means the average earnings of a
website per thousand page views. It
is calculated by dividing the total
earnings by the number of page views
received, then multiplying by 1000.
xviii) Impression RPM: The impression
Revenue per Mille (RPM) or revenue
per thousand impressions means the
average ear nings of a website per
thousand im p r essions. It is
calculated by dividing the estimated
ear n i n g s by impressi o n s , t he n
multiplying by 1000.
4.2 . G oogle AdS e n se Set-up on the
Webs it e
The basic set-up of the Google AdSense
ads that were followed on the website is as
i) Number of Ad Units: A total of three
display ads and one link unit ads,
making the total ad unit to four ads,
were inserted on each page of the
ii) Display Ads: On each page of the
website, three display ad units of size
728x90 px were inserted.
Fig . 1. Scre e n shot of Au d i ence Over vi e w of UG C NET Guid e Web s ite fro m Google Ana l y tics
iii) Link Unit Ads: On each page of the
website one link unit ad of 728x15 px
was inserted.
iv) Location of the Ad Units: One display
ad unit just below the title of an
article, two display ad units in the
middle of the content and one link
unit ad at the last portion of the
article where the content ends was
v) Ad Balance: The ad balance is set at
68% of potential ads.
vi) Blocking Co n t r ol : No ad s were
5. Major Findings
The findings can be grouped into the
following two sections.
5.1. Website Usage Data
As per Alexa, as of the date of writing of
this article, the website was placed within 2
lakhs Global Alexa rank and within India, the
rank was below 50 thousand. The Google
Analytics code was inserted into the website
only in 2017. So, the following data is collected
by going through the route of Google Analytics
Dashboard -> Audience -> Overview from 2017
to 2021. In the generation of reports, the
calendar year is selected i.e. 1st Januar y of
each year to 31st December of that particular
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
Dr. Badan Barman
Table 1
Audience Over view of UGC NET Guide Website
Number of Pages / Avg.
Period Users Sessions Pageviews Sessions per Session Session
Use r Duration
January 1, 2017-
December 31, 2017 177,686 345,878 741,851 1.95 2.14 00:03:52
January 1, 2018-
December 31, 2018 659,090 1,306,864 2,782,475 1.98 2.13 00:03:31
January 1, 2019-
December 31, 2019 1,041,377 2,071,999 4,735,205 1.99 2.29 00:03:30
January 1, 2020-
December 31, 2020 1,267,257 2,504,388 5,253,528 1.98 2.10 00:03:25
January 1, 2021-
December 31, 2021 1,238,630 2,253,501 4,574,795 1.82 2.03 00:03:15
Average 87,68,08 16,96,526 36,17,571 1.93 2.13 00:03:30
The data clearly indicate that there is steady
growth in terms of the number of users of the site
over the years, sessions and page views. It signifies
that the website has been able to build a reputation
over the years. However, average session duration
i.e., time spent on the site consistently decreases
and it signifies the decreasing attention span of
the users over the years. A detailed investigation
is needed to find out the reason for the same and
it needs to correlate with the behavioural changes
happening to people in general.
The data also indicate that on average, a
user has 1.93 sessions and in each session
they have 2.13 page views. So, a user simply
visits 4.11 page views (Average Session x
Average Page Views) of the website.
5.2. We b site Ea r nin g Data
Google AdSense a d s use contex tual
advertising besides others. In contextual
advertising, Google tries to identify the central
theme of a website, topic or sections, keywords,
language and the geographic location of the
primar y user of the website and then the
attempt is made to match these with the
probable ads for automatic placement on the
website. Some t i m e s, the user’s rec e n t
browsing history and such other factors are
also accounte d for to display an
The site’s page views, impressions, clicks,
estimated earnings were collected by following the
route of Google AdSense Dashboard -> Reports ->
Overview. In the generation of reports, the
calendar year is selected i.e. 1st January of each
year to 31st December of that particular year. The
website’s earning data is present in the USA $ as
it is the currency in which the amount is
calculated. To make the study more related to the
Indian scenario, the user can convert US $ to
Indian Rs. In conversion, kindly remember that
the currency used to fluctuate every day, not to
speak of every month and year.
Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect for Entrepreneurial
Avenue for Librar y and Information Science Professionals
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
Fig. 2. Screenshot of Dif ferent Dimensions of Earning from
UGC NET Guide Website from Google AdSense
Table 2
Different Dimensions of Earning from UGC NET Guide Website
Page Page Impr e ssion C T R Es t i m at e d
Period Views Imp ress i o ns C l icks R PM RPM (In $) Earnin gs
(In $) (In $)
January 1, 2011-
December 31, 2011 1040655 1716215 3632 0.33 0.20 0.35 343.58
January 1, 2012-
December 31, 2012 6135590 17309218 86513 0.92 0.33 1.41 5642.05
January 1, 2013-
December 31, 2013 6637397 19454038 118424 1.25 0.43 1.78 8270.73
January 1, 2014-
December 31, 2014 5415059 16007757 107102 1.61 0.54 1.98 8705.48
January 1, 2015-
December 31, 2015 3529099 12099828 79526 1.57 0.46 2.25 5528.41
January 1, 2016-
December 31, 2016 1296691 6464362 22205 0.95 0.19 1.71 1235.42
January 1, 2017-
December 31, 2017 2077441 10182959 39836 0.83 0.17 1.92 1715.97
January 1, 2018-
December 31, 2018 3538164 9212726 44562 0.57 0.22 1.26 2006.44
January 1, 2019-
December 31, 2019 5491669 10450623 64987 0.58 0.30 1.18 3162.16
January 1, 2020-
December 31, 2020 5657622 11796516 46282 0.39 0.19 0.82 2225.00
January 1, 2021-
December 31, 2021 4632405 10624954 26926 0.37 0.16 0.58 1733.07
To t a l 45 451 792 639995 40 568.3 1
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
Dr. Badan Barman
From 2014-2015, with Google AdSense, the
Page RPM has been decreasing over the years.
This may be partly due to the increasing number
of websites available for the advertisers to display
their ads. The same can be said for Impression
RPM and Estimated Earnings.
From the data, we can say that on an average,
a website can receive $0.06 for each click on their
advertisement (Total Estimated Earnings / Total
Clicks) and a website with 1000 Page Views can
receive $0.89 [(Total Estimated Earnings / Total
Page Views)*1000] and to receive $0.89 a website
needs 243 individual users (1000 Page Views /
Number of Page Views per User from the analysis
of data from Table-1). So, by implementing Google
AdSense, a website, on average, with 243
individual users, can receive $0.89. This can be a
day’s earnings or a month’s earnings or in a year.
Earnings are based on whether the website receives
these 243 individual users in a day or in a month
or in a year. On average, the owner of the UGC
NET Guide website receives $307 each month for
the last eleven years and it can be considered as a
good income by considering the less effort and time
given to the website.
Though the revenue can fluctuate on a day-
to-day basis, people who are working in the online
environment and have a good number of regular
viewers or users are generally able to earn a decent
amount throughout the year and are in line with
the recommendations provided by Barman &
Baishya in t he i r article on “ w o r king
independently: entrepreneurial approach in
library and information science profession”.
Fig. 3. Screenshot of Google Payment Receipt
(Note: Identifying elements are deleted)
Nowadays, Google stops the provision of
insertion of new Google AdSense ads code or edited
or modified the existing in Google Classic Sites
from August 30, 2013 onwards and thereafter one
only can delete if he/she wishes so. However, as
the Google sites selected for the study started
displaying Google AdSense ads from the year 2011,
it was uninfluenced by the later decision of Google
in scrapping the Google AdSense ads from Google
Sites and continuously displaying them till now.
However, people are free to use Google AdSense on
any other website of their choice provided that
website adheres to the AdSense Terms of Service.
Earning Revenue through Google AdSense on Websites: A Prospect for Entrepreneurial
Avenue for Librar y and Information Science Professionals
Kelpro Bul le tin, 26 (2) December 2022
6. Conclusion
This paper highlights how much a Library
and Information Science (LIS) professional can
benefit by writing text of importance to a specific
group of users in an online mode in the form of a
Blog or Website and harvesting the benefit of
Google Adsense in earning their livelihood in the
ever emerging opportunity provided by the
Internet. The writing skill, if put online, can
generate income in the form of Google AdSense
payment, sponsorship, or by becoming the brand
ambassador of a farm or company and, in many
cases, the amount generated can be used to meet
the livelihood needs of a person and his/her family
an d thus h e/she c an think of working
independently. If a library website, digital library
or institutional repository and such other online
platforms have a huge user base or receive a good
number of visits each day, then they can generate
their own fund and become self-sustainable by
displaying ads through Google AdSense.
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