Conference PaperPDF Available

Seismic Assessment of Acceleration-Sensitive Nonstructural Elements: Reliability of Existing Shake Table Protocols and Novel Perspectives


Abstract and Figures

Nonstructural elements (NEs) are typically associated with major seismic risk, as several postevent surveys and literature studies highlighted in the last few decades. NE seismic risk is often expressed in terms of critical functioning disruption, economic losses, and casualties, and this might be significant even in the case of low seismicity sites. In particular, seismic risk can be more critical for NEs than for structural parts, especially frequent seismic events. Shake table testing represents the most reliable method for seismic assessment and qualification of NEs that are sensitive to accelerations (i.e., acceleration-sensitive NEs). However, several protocols and testing inputs were defined in literature and codes but none of them has been assessed in terms of seismic scenario representativity and reliability. The present study reports the preliminary results of an extensive investigation into the seismic assessment and qualification of NEs through experimental methods and shake table testing. Two reference shake table protocols defined by regulations/codes (AC156 and FEMA 461) are assessed in terms of seismic damage potential/severity considering inelastic single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems and assuming the reliability index as an evaluation parameters. Novel perspectives for developing more reliable shake table protocols and seismic inputs are traced in the light of the preliminary results.
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Fifth International
Workshop on the Seismic
Performance of Non-
Structural Elements
Seismic Assessment of Acceleration-Sensitive
Nonstructural Elements: Reliability of Existing
Shake Table Protocols and Novel Perspectives
1, Martino Zito1, Chiara Di Salvatore1, Giuseppe Toscano1, and Gennaro
1Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, University of Naples Federico II
Via Claudio, 21, I-80125 Naples, Italy
{danilo.dangela,martino.zito,gmagliul} & &
2Construction Technologies Institute, National Research Council (ITC-CNR)
Via Claudio, 21, I-80125 Naples, Italy
Abstract. Nonstructural elements (NEs) are typically associated with major seismic risk, as several post-
event surveys and literature studies highlighted in the last few decades. NE seismic risk is often expressed
in terms of critical functioning disruption, economic losses, and casualties, and this might be significant
even in the case of low seismicity sites. In particular, seismic risk can be more critical for NEs than for
structural parts, especially frequent seismic events. Shake table testing represents the most reliable method
for seismic assessment and qualification of NEs that are sensitive to accelerations (i.e., acceleration-sensitive
NEs). However, several protocols and testing inputs were defined in literature and codes but none of them
has been assessed in terms of seismic scenario representativity and reliability.
The present study reports the preliminary results of an extensive investigation into the seismic assessment
and qualification of NEs through experimental methods and shake table testing. Two reference shake table
protocols defined by regulations/codes (AC156 and FEMA 461) are assessed in terms of seismic damage
potential/severity considering inelastic single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems and assuming the
reliability index as an evaluation parameters. Novel perspectives for developing more reliable shake table
protocols and seismic inputs are traced in the light of the preliminary results.
Keywords: Nonstructural elements, acceleration-sensitive, seismic assessment, shake table, seismic input
2: Technical
Nonstructural elements (NEs) are generally particularly sensitive to seismic actions and may exhibit a critical
behavior also under relatively low intensity earthquakes [Achour et al., 2011; De Angelis and Pecce, 2015;
Perrone et al., 2019], especially if they were not designed at all or with regard to seismic actions. NE seismic
behavior typically affects facility functioning and can be associated with significant economic losses;
moreover, damage of NEs might even cause human losses. Therefore, the seismic assessment of NEs is an
issue of paramount importance, especially regarding NEs that are housed within critical facilities [Achour et
al., 2011; Cosenza et al., 2015].
The seismic capacity and performance of NEs can be generally assessed by means of analytical, numerical,
experimental, observational, and mixed methods. NEs that are critical in terms of their functioning and
stability with regard to seismic actions such as fire sprinkler systems [Soroushian et al., 2014] or medical
equipment [Di Sarno et al., 2019] should be preferably assessed via experimental methods (e.g., [American
Society of Civil Engineers, 2017]), and quasi-static and shake table testing are generally considered to be
optimal for assessing displacement-sensitive and acceleration-sensitive NEs (e.g., [Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), 2007)]. Generally, NEs are typically sensitive to both displacements and
accelerations, and shake table testing can be reasonably considered to be the best option if the testing setup
reproduce realistic NE surroundings/arrangements.
In order to supply robust and representative results, shake table tests are often performed considering
seismic inputs compliant with reference testing protocols, and this strictly required when seismic
qualification or certification are carried out. As a matter of fact, the seismic response of NEs is strongly
conditioned by the record characteristics, and shake table protocol are supposed to provide seismic inputs
associated with relatively severe and representative responses. AC156 [International Code Council
Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), 2012] and FEMA 461 [Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),
2007] protocols represent the state of the art for seismic assessment and qualification/certification of
acceleration-sensitive elements. Other protocols exist but are meant to be used to assess/qualify specific
components and equipment, e.g., power substation equipment [Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, 2006] or telecommunication equipment [Telcordia Ericsson, 2017]. However, the level of
reliability of existing protocols is not reported by the protocols, as well as this issue was not systematically
addressed in the literature, except for a very few studies, that focused on peculiar applications (e.g.,
[Burningham et al et al., 2021a]).
The present study reports the preliminary results of an extensive research project aiming at evaluating the
current approaches and methods for seismic assessment and qualification of NEs. In this study, the
reliability of AC156 and FEMA 461 protocol is assessed with regard to the seismic severity in terms of
damage potential to NEs. In particular, rather than the protocols themselves, the associated seismic inputs
are investigated by scaling them according to an incremental procedure and considering peak floor
acceleration (PFA) as an intensity measure (IM). Elements that can be modeled by single degree of freedom
(SDOF) systems have been considered as a case study; these elements correspond to most studied and
common acceleration-sensitive elements (e.g., [Akkar and Bommer, 2007; Merino et al., 2020]). Incremental
dynamic analyses are performed to assess the seismic response and damage to three case study models. The
reliability index associated with the investigated protocols is estimated considering real floor motions as a
reference, according to a recently developed methodology [ et al., 2021a]. Novel perspectives for
more reliable seismic assessment of acceleration-sensitive are traced, according to the reliability assessment
2: Technical
The methodology is defined by following steps: (Section 2.2) identification of the shake table protocols to
be investigated and development of compliant seismic records, (Section 2.3) definition/selection of
reference floor motions to be considered as representative seismic scenarios, (Section 2.4) damage severity
analysis of shake table protocols and comparison with reference floor motions (i.e., estimation of reliability
index). The methodological approach was derived in [ et al., 2021a, 2021b] and was enhanced and
extended in this study. The readers are referred to the literature studies referred to within the following
subsections for further details regarding methods, formulations, and technical/operative aspects.
The paper focuses on two international protocols: AC156 [International Code Council Evaluation Service
(ICC-ES), 2012] and FEMA 461 [Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2007]. AC156 is the
international reference for seismic assessment and the qualification of acceleration-sensitive elements and
referred to ASCE/SEI 7-16 [American Society of Civil Engineers, 2017] also for seismic certification
procedures through experimental methods. FEMA 461 is among the most severe protocols for seismic
assessment of structural and nonstructural elements by means of shake table testing and also reports the
procedure for seismic fragility analysis. AC156 protocol is intended to be a pass or fail test signal, whereas
tests according to FEMA 461 protocol are meant to be carried out according to an incremental procedure.
Shake table signals for carrying out seismic performance evaluation tests can be generated according to the
procedure defined by AC156 protocol even though few features can be defined by the analyst, such as the
specific baseline or the octave resolution width. The required response spectra (RRS) related to AC156 are
based on the seismic demand formulation provided by ASCE/SEI 7-16. Seismic performance evaluation
signals compliant with AC156 were developed in several literature studies [Di Sarno et al., 2019; Magliulo et
al., 2012], and further details are omitted for the sake of brevity. FEMA 461 provides a procedure to generate
seismic signals, which was developed by Wilcoski et al. [1997]. Differently from AC156, FEMA 461 does
not provide RRS and implicitly recommends the use of the signals reported in the document. Further details
regarding FEMA 461 signals can be found in [ et al., 2021a]. Figure 1a shows RRS associated with
horizontal direction defined by AC156 considering design earthquake spectral response acceleration
parameter at short periods (SDS) equal to 0.40 g, where z/h is assumed equal to one (z/h is the ratio between
the height location of NE and the building height). SDS equal to 0.40 g represents a relatively severe seismic
intensity levels considering European and Italian territory. Figure 1b depicts the spectral responses of two
reference seismic signals (latitudinal and longitudinal) defined in FEMA 461.
Figure 1. (a) RRS associated with horizontal direction defined by AC156 (International Code Council Evaluation
Service (ICC-ES), 2012) considering design earthquake spectral response acceleration parameter at short periods (SDS)
equal to 0.40 g and z/h equal to one and (b) spectral responses of two reference seismic signals (latitudinal and
longitudinal signals corresponding to thin black and thick gray graphs, respectively) defined in FEMA 461 [Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2007].
2: Technical
Real floor motions (FMs) are considered as a reference for the evaluation of the reliability of shake table
protocols. As a matter of fact, capacity estimations based on shake table protocols can be considered as
nominal capacities, whereas the capacities can be derived considering
representative seismic and structural scenarios related to earthquake evens and actual buildings, i.e., real
floor motions in this context. FMs were recorded in instrumented reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in the
US and were provided by CESMD [2017] database. In particular, FMs correspond to real ground motions with
PGA not smaller than 0.05 g, - and far-
field records were equally considered, as well as low-, medium-, and high-rise buildings were equally accounted for; the
buildings were designed in 1923 1975. The selection of the records was derived from literature studies
[et al., 2022, 2021b]; in particular, FMs are associated with (a) PGA not smaller than 0.05 g, (b)
RC buildings designed/constructed from 1923 to 1975 in the US, (c) building floors corresponding to
maximum acceleration amplification over the building, provided by CESMD [2017] database. Both near
and far field records were considered, as well as low-, medium-, and high-rise buildings were equally included
within the building scenarios. Full details regarding the records can be found in [ et al., 2022,
2021b]. It should be specified that 18 FMs were considered in this study, obtained by removing six records
from the record set defined in [ et al., 2022, 2021b], i.e., records #4, #8, #11, #16, #20, and #24
were removed since they were considered to be excessively mild with regard to the case study models.
2.4.1 Outline
The damage severity evaluation of the shake table protocols is based on the estimation of the reliability
index, where shake table protocol-based estimations are meant as nominal capacities and real floor motion-
based estimations are considered to be compatible with realistic and representative seismic and building
scenarios. The case study models and numerical analyses are defined in Subsection 2.4.2 and the damage
assessment methodology is defined in Subsection 2.5.3, whereas the computation of the reliability index is
illustrated in Subsection 2.5.4.
2.4.2 Numerical modeling and analysis
Case study nonstructural elements consist in elements that are sensitive to accelerations and that are fixed
to the structure in a single area/point, which is relatively reduced considering their spatial extension, e.g.,
cabinets fixed at their bases, antennas, ceiling elements, museum/art objects. The case study elements were
modeled considering single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems [Akkar and Bommer, 2007; Merino et al.,
2020] provided with nonlinear degrading dynamic behavior. The numerical models were implemented in
OpenSees [McKenna et al., 2000] according to lumped plasticity approach. In particular, Ibarra-Medina-
Krawinkler model [Ibarra et al., 2005; Ibarra and Krawinkler, 2005] was considered according to
consolidated applications within the literature. In particular, the models were assumed to be cantilever
elements fixed at their bases, having steel S275 material square hollow sections. The modeling backbone
and degrading parameters were derived by [Lignos and Krawinkler, 2010], who developed and calibrated
the modeling parameters of steel square hollow sections considering a large and representative set of
experimental data. Mass and stiffness-proportional Rayleigh damping was assigned; P- effects were
implemented. The formulation is omitted for the sake of brevity, and the readers are referred to the
abovementioned study.
Three models were considered in the study, i.e., models, M1, M2, and M3, corresponding to elastic
frequencies equal to about 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0 Hz; the geometrical parameters are reported in Table 1, where
fel, b, t, H, and m correspond to elastic frequency, cross-section dimension, cross-section thickness,
elevation height, and lumped mass. Figure 2a shows the backbone responses (force-displacement) associated
with M1, M2, and M3, without P- effects. Figure 2b depicts the definition of DSs for a representative
2: Technical
model (M1), where DSs are associated with response considering P- effects; in particular, DS1 to DS3
displacements including P- effects are equal to theoretical (no P- ) ones, DS4Th is related to residual
strength achievement over the theoretical response (no P- ), and DS4 is defined by reaching a force
equal to 20% of the yielding force over the softening branch including P- effects.
shear force and displacement at the mass, respectively. It should be specified that the investigated models
are relatively highly flexible, they are representative of relatively low frequency elements and do not account
for characteristics uncertainties. Therefore, the results cannot be considered to be exhaustive and cannot be
generalized or extended to different case studies.
Table 1. Geometrical parameters of the investigated models
Model fel
M1 1.02 70 3.0 4.50 0.10
M2 1.52 60 3.0 2.50 0.16
M3 3.04 60 3.0 2.50 0.04
(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Backbone shear-displacement responses of the investigated models (M1, M2, and M3) and (b) definition
of DSs (DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4Th, and DS4) for M1 model.
2.4.3 Damage Assessment
Four damage states (DSs) were defined with regard to the dynamic force-displacement response of the
models, considering the mass displacement of the SDOF as a reference. In particular, the displacement
capacity thresholds related to DSs were defined considering the degraded static response (including second
order geometric nonlinearities): DS1 was associated with halved yielding displacement, DS2 was related to
yielding displacement, DS3 corresponded to capping displacement, and DS4 coincides with onset of
perfectly-plastic response corresponding to the residual strength condition. Figure 2b schematically depicts
the defined DSs, with regard to M1. The top displacement of the mass () was considered as an engineering
demand parameter, whereas PFA was used as an IM.
2.4.4 Reliability index
The relia -order reliability method (FORM) (Schultz et al., 2010).
In this context, reliability index defines in a quantitative manner the statistical discrepancy between the
capacity estimation associated with the shake table assessment (according to the investigated protocols) and
the capacities related to consistently realistic responses (corresponding to a set of representative real floor
motions). In particular, protocol-based capacity estimates provided demand measures (S) and FM-based
defines the failure probability pf, i.e., the probability that the protocol supplies capacities that are larger than
the ones associat
2: Technical
normal distribution). The formulations are omitted and can be found in [ et al., 2021a; Schultz et
al., 2010].
Figure 3 shows the correlation between pf. Generally, a lower (upper) bound target/requirement in
to 0 (50%) since mean/median values are typically
considered when relatively accurate analyses are performed. Overall, it can be assumed that a negative value
n unreliable response, whereas a positive values to a reliable; a desirable/optimum
f) might be corresponding to 0 to 1 (~16% to 50%), even though this issue
should be defined by codes and regulations (decision-maker issue) and is also conditioned by the use of
safety coefficients/factors [ et al., 2021a].
as a function of failure probability pf.
The preliminary results of the reliability assessment are reported in this study. Figure 4 shows the reliability
associated with DS1, DS2, DS3 and DS4, considering both AC156 and FEMA 461 protocol,
assuming various reference FM sets: near field FMs (NF), far field FMs (FF), strong ground motion FMs
(SM), all FMs (ALL).
Figure 4 assuming
near field FMs, far field FMs, strong ground motion FSs, and all FMs as a reference.
2: Technical
both DS and model.
severity increases, and a significant reliability drop can be observed passing from
DS3 to DS4, whereas the response associated with DS1 and DS2 is more comparable. This can be
qualitatively explained by recalling that DS1 and DS2 are associated with elastic response, DS3 with strength
capping (displacement) condition, and DS4 with residual strength (displacement) condition; DS1 and DS2
are associated with comparable values of threshold displacements, DS3 displacements are typically slightly
larger than DS2 ones, and DS4 ones are significantly larger than DS3 (Figure 2a). Accordingly, the protocols
seem to be less reliable as the inelastic response becomes more relevant over the seismic performance; in
other words, is it can be expected, the protocols address the elastic or low plastic response better than the
inelastic and degrading one, in terms of their reliability.
The set of floor motions also conditions the reliability even though the influence is not regular, e.g.,
considering M1 and M2 (especially M2), AC156 FF case is associated with a lower reliability than other sets,
considering M3, AC156 SM (FF) case results in a lower reliability than other sets for DS1 to DS3 (DS4).
While AC156 is unreliable in several cases, FEMA 461 is always reliable. In particular, the critical cases
associated with AC156 correspond to (a) all cases for model M3, (b) FF case for model M2, and (c) all DS4
cases but M3 and NF case. H
reliability associated with FEMA is often optimal and, in some cases too high; for example, for M3 & NF
even larger than 2, reasonably resulting in an
excessively conservative capacity estimation. It is worth stressing the that the number of investigated models
is relatively reduced and does not represent a wide range of NE scenarios; therefore, the results depicted in
Figure 4, as well as the abovementioned comments, cannot be generalized and extended to other cases.
According to the preliminary results reported in Figure 4, AC156 protocol might be relatively unreliable,
whereas FEMA 461 protocol might overall be reliable or excessively conservative in some cases. It should
be noted that the analyses did not account for reduction capacities by means of safety factors/coefficients;
therefore, after the reduction of the nominal capacities derived according to the protocols, the reliability of
FEMA 461 estimations might significantly increase, potentially resulting in relatively antieconomic capacities
(relatively too reduced). Therefore, seismic assessment and qualification by means of the AC156 protocol
might be associated with overestimated capacities, which might be highly unsafe, especially given that
AC156 is the generally most authoritative reference for seismic qualification and certification of NEs.
Conversely, capacities estimations obtained according to FEMA 461 might be excessively antieconomic. It
is worth stressing that the reported evidence is related to preliminary findings and further studies should be
carried out to generalize and extend the specific findings reported in this paper. In particular, further NE
case studies should be considered, as well as alternative shake table protocols should also be investigated.
The preliminary evidence points out the necessity of developing a novel protocol, aimed at generic
acceleration-sensitive NEs. In particular, a novel protocol could be defined in order to supply more
consistent capacities, associated with an optimum reliability. In particular, the protocol could be defined by
implementing a procedure that enforces the spectrum-compatibility with a more efficient RRS formulation,
also providing optimum reliability indexes and robust safety factors/coefficients. A possible option for a
relatively efficient RRS might consist in the simplified formulation provided by Italian building code
[Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, 2019, 2018]. This formulation was developed in [Petrone et
al., 2015] with regard to RC frame buildings and was recently found to be relatively reliable and consistent
with potential seismic demand scenarios on (RC) frame buildings [Chichino et al., 2021; Di Domenico et al.,
2021]. Further studies should account for issues and aspects not addressed in the paper, e.g., explicit
The authors are currently working towards the definition of
a novel protocol according to the abovementioned perspective, also providing for quantitative validation
procedures based on both signal-based analysis and damage potential evaluation
2: Technical
The study was funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) in the framework of PRIN
20 ENRICH project: ENhancing the Resilience of Italian healthCare and Hospital
facilities and by the Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC) in the frame of the national project DPC
ReLUIS 2022-2024 . Travel expenses for
presenting the present paper were partially covered by the Travel Award sponsored by the open access
journal Buildings published by MDPI.
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Seismic risk reduction of a building system, meant as primary building structure and nonstructural elements (NSEs) as a whole, must rely upon an adequate design of each of these two items. As far as NSEs are concerned, adequate seismic design means understanding of some basic principles and concepts that involve different actors, such as designers, manufacturers, installers, and directors of works. The current Italian Building Code, referred to as NTC18 hereinafter, defines each set of tasks and responsibilities in a sufficiently detailed manner, rendering now evident that achieving the desired performance level stems from a jointed contribution of all actors involved. Bearing in mind that seismic design is nothing else than proportioning properly seismic demand, in terms of acceleration and/or displacement, and the corresponding capacity, this paper gives a synthetic and informative overview on how to evaluate these two parameters. To shed some light on this, the concept of acceleration floor response spectrum (AFRS) is firstly brought in, along with basics of building structure-NSEs interaction, and is then deepened by means of calculation methods. Both the most rigorous method based on nonlinear dynamic simulations and the simplified analytical formulations provided by the NTC18 are briefly discussed and reviewed, trying to make them clearer even to readers with no structural/earthquake engineering background because, as a matter of fact, NSEs are often selected by architects and/or mechanical or electrical engineers. Lastly, a simple case study, representative of a European code-compliant five-storey masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frame building, is presented to examine differences between numerical and analytical AFRS and to quantify accuracy of different NTC18 procedures.
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In this study, nonlinear time-history analyses are performed to assess the floor response spectra of bare and infilled reinforced concrete framed buildings with different number of stories and designed according to Eurocode provisions for different intensity levels of the seismic action. Infill walls are modeled by neglecting and by accounting for the effects of their out-of-plane response and of the in-plane/out-of-plane interaction. To this aim, a recent out-of-plane response model is updated and improved. The results of the numerical analyses are compared in order to assess, first, the different floor spectra obtained for bare and infilled buildings and, second, the effect of the in-plane/out-of-plane interaction on the results obtained for infilled buildings. The main parameters influencing the shape and the amplitude of floor response spectra are investigated, namely higher vibration modes, structural nonlinearity, and damping of the secondary element. This is also performed with the support of the discussion and application of current code and literature formulations. Based on the results of the numerical analyses, a simplified code-oriented formulation for the assessment of floor response spectra in bare and infilled reinforced concrete framed structures is proposed. The proposed formulation may be a useful tool for the seismic assessment and safety check of acceleration-sensitive nonstructural components.
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Non-structural elements represent most of the total construction cost of typical buildings. A significant portion of the total losses in recent earthquakes worldwide, has been attributed to damage to non-structural elements. Damage to non-structural elements occurs at low levels of ground shaking, and can significantly affect the post-earthquake functionality of buildings. However, in Europe, limited prescriptions are provided in the codes for seismic design of non-structural elements and this may partially explain why it is so common for these elements to perform poorly during earthquakes. This paper describes the observed damage to non-structural elements following the 2016 Central Italy earthquake. The most commonly damaged elements were partition walls, ceiling systems, non-structural vaults, chimneys, and storage racks. As a result, it was highlighted the need to introduce seismic regulations devoted to improving the seismic performance of non-structural elements and to reduce the associated economic losses, loss of functionality, and potential threats to life safety.
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This paper addresses the large-scale classification of the seismic vulnerability of nonstructural components in school buildings. A rapid visual screening methodology is proposed that highlights the factors that likely have a major effect on the seismic behavior of nonstructural building components. This methodology is based primarily on questionnaire forms that are used to construct a nonstructural index and priority ranking that identifies the most vulnerable category of nonstructural components. Because numerical answers in the questionnaires can produce unreliable results, a calibration of the categories by weight is proposed via fragility functions to obtain a vulnerability index. Finally, the developed methodology is applied to a case study of school buildings in Italy.
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The Sichuan (China) and L’Aquila (Italy) earthquakes have again highlighted the question of our preparedness for natural hazards. Within a few seconds, an earthquake can demolish many buildings, destroy infrastructure, and kill and injure thousands of people. In order to reduce the impact of earthquakes on human life and to prepare hospitals to cope with future disasters, this paper discusses earthquake-related damage to healthcare facilities. It investigates the damage to 34 healthcare facilities in seven countries caused by nine earthquakes between 1994 and 2004, in order to determine common and specific issues. The investigation shows that structural and architectural damage tended to be different and specific to the situation, while utility supplies and equipment damage were similar in most cases and some common trends emerged. Article available for free from:
The achievement of adequate performance objectives for buildings under increasing seismic intensities is not only related to the performance of structural members but also to the behavior of nonstructural elements. The need to properly design nonstructural elements for earthquakes has been largely demonstrated in the last few years and has become an important objective within the earthquake engineering community. A crucial aspect in the proper design of nonstructural elements is the definition of the seismic demand in terms of both absolute acceleration and relative displacement floor response spectra. In the first part of this study, relative displacement and absolute acceleration floor response spectra were computed for four reinforced concrete moment‐resisting archetype frames via dynamic time‐history analyses and were compared with floor response spectra predicted by means of two recent simplified methodologies available in the literature. It was observed that one of the existing methodologies is generally unable to predict consistent absolute acceleration and relative displacement floor response spectra. An improved procedure is developed for estimating consistent floor response spectra for building structures subjected to low and medium‐high seismic intensities. This new procedure improves the predictions of a relative displacement floor response spectrum by constraining its ordinates at long nonstructural periods to the expected peak absolute displacement of the floor. The resulting acceleration and relative displacement response spectra are then consistently related by the well‐known pseudo‐spectral relationship over the entire nonstructural period range. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology was appraised against floor response spectra computed from nonlinear time‐history analyses.
In this paper, a parametric study is conducted in order to evaluate the seismic demand on light acceleration‐sensitive nonstructural components caused by frequent earthquakes. The study is motivated by the inconsistent approach of current building codes to the design of nonstructural components; the extensive nonstructural damage recorded after recent low‐intensity earthquakes also encouraged such a study. A set of reinforced concrete frame structures with different number of stories, that is, 1 to 10 stories, are selected and designed according to Eurocode 8. The structures are subjected to a set of frequent earthquakes, that is, 63% probability of exceedance in 50 years. Dynamic nonlinear analyses are performed on the reference structures in order to assess the accuracy of the equations to predict seismic forces acting on nonstructural components and systems in Eurocode. It is concluded that the Eurocode equations underestimate the acceleration demand on nonstructural components for a wide range of periods, especially in the vicinity of the higher mode periods of vibration of the reference structures; for periods sufficiently larger than the fundamental period of the structure, instead, the Eurocode formulation gives a good approximation of the floor spectra. Finally, a novel formulation is proposed for an easy implementation in future building codes based on the actual Eurocode provisions. The proposed formulation gives a good estimation of the floor spectral accelerations and is able to envelope the floor spectral peaks owing to the higher modes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Health care facilities may undergo severe and widespread damage that impairs the functionality of the system when it is stricken by an earthquake. Such detrimental response is emphasized either for the hospital buildings designed primarily for gravity loads or without employing base isolation/supplemental damping systems. Moreover, these buildings need to warrant operability especially in the aftermath of moderate‐to‐severe earthquake ground motions. The provisions implemented in the new seismic codes allow obtaining adequate seismic performance for the hospital structural components; nevertheless, they do not provide definite yet reliable rules to design and protect the building contents. To date, very few experimental tests have been carried out on hospital buildings equipped with nonstructural components as well as building contents. The present paper is aimed at establishing the limit states for a typical health care room and deriving empirical fragility curves by considering a systemic approach. Toward this aim, a full scale three‐dimensional model of an examination (out patients consultation) room is constructed and tested dynamically by using the shaking table facility of the University of Naples, Italy. The sample room contains a number of typical medical components, which are either directly connected to the panel boards of the perimeter walls or behave as simple freestanding elements. The outcomes of the comprehensive shaking table tests carried out on the examination room have been utilized to derive fragility curves based on a systemic approach. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Conference Paper
Collapse assessment of structural systems under earthquake excitations requires analytical models that are capable to simulate deterioration of structural components. Reliability of analytical predictions to collapse depends on available experimental data that serve for validation and improvement of component deterioration models. This paper summarizes the development of a database that includes more than 120 tubular hollow square steel columns subjected to combined axial load and cyclic moments. The database serves for deterioration modeling of tubular steel columns. Based on extensive calibration of the simulated hysteretic response using a deterioration model with available digitized moment rotation data, relationships are proposed that associate analytical model parameters with criteria that control deterioration of tubular hollow square steel columns. The relationships are developed based on multivariate regression analysis. It is shown that the pre and post capping rotation and cyclic deterioration of tubular hollow square steel columns strongly depend on the axial load and the depth to thickness ratio of the column section.