
Concentration close to the cone for linear waves

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We are concerned with solutions to the linear wave equation. Our main result concerns the computation of the asymptotic exterior energy outside of the cone |x| \ge |t|+R for R>0 and odd dimension. This proves, in the general case, the results of Kenig–Lawrie–Liu–Schlag (2015) (which were restricted to radial data). Also, along the proof, we derive further expressions of the exterior energy (outside a shifted light cone), valid in all dimension and for non-radial data. In particular, we generalize the formulas of Côte–Kenig–Schlag (2014) obtained in the radial setting.

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... We show that the set of non radiative solutions which are small in the energy space is a manifold whose tangent space at 0 is given by non radiative solutions to the linear equation (described in [2]). We also construct nonlinear solutions with an arbitrary prescribed radiation field. ...
... We now define the linear and nonlinear flows: if (u 0 , u 1 ) ∈ H, then u L (t) = S L (t)(u 0 , u 1 ) is the solution of the linear wave equation (2) u L = 0, u L (0) = (u 0 , u 1 ). ...
... We described in [2], for odd dimensions, the linear space P (R) of initial datum (v 0 , v 1 ) ∈ H that give rise to a solution v = S L (v 0 , v 1 ) to the linear wave equation such that E ext,R ( v) = 0, in terms of the the Radon transform of the initial data (v 0 , v 1 ) and according to its decomposition in spherical harmonics: for the convenience of the reader, we give further details in the Appendix A, see in particular (20). This was first done for radial data in odd dimension by [9], and in even dimension in [11] (see also [1]), and it was extended to non radial data for odd dimensions in [2] and later in even dimension in [10]. ...
Non radiative solutions of the energy critical non linear wave equation are global solutions u that furthermore have vanishing asymptotic energy outside the lightcone at both t±t \to \pm \infty: limt±t,xu(t)L2(xt+R)=0, \lim_{t \to \pm \infty} \| \nabla_{t,x} u(t) \|_{L^2(|x| \ge |t|+R)} = 0, for some R>0R \gt 0. They were shown to play an important role in the analysis of long time dynamics of solutions, in particular regarding the soliton resolution: we refer to the seminal works of Duyckaerts, Kenig and Merle, see \cite{DKM:23} and the references therein. We show that the set of non radiative solutions which are small in the energy space is a manifold whose tangent space at 0 is given by non radiative solutions to the linear equation (described in \cite{CL24}). We also construct nonlinear solutions with an arbitrary prescribed radiation field.
... If there exists a radius r α > max{R α , c 1 |α| 2 } for each α = 0, so that the non-radiative solution u α satisfies u α Ḣ1 ({x:|x|>rα}) = A, then any radial solution to (CP1) with a maximal lifespan (−T − , T + ) and lim sup t→T+ (u(·, t), u t (·, t)) Ḣ1 ×L 2 (R 3 ) < A, must satisfy T + = +∞ and scatter in the whole space in the positive time direction. 1 In the case (a), we understand 0 > Rα = 0 − . Remark 1.6. ...
... The formula between G ± is relatively simpler in odd dimensions than even dimensions. In this work we only need to use the 3-dimensional case (please see [1,13] for all dimensions, for example) ...
... We first fix a positive constant η = η(γ) ≪ 1 so that C 1 γη 4 < 1/256. Here C 1 ≥ 1 is the constant in the Strichartz estimate (1). We then split the region Ω R,2 N into N 1 = N 1 (γ, c 1 , M ) pieces Φ k accordingly, with ...
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In this work we consider a wide range of energy critical wave equation in 3-dimensional space with radial data. We are interested in exterior scattering phenomenon, in which the asymptotic behaviour of a solutions u to the non-linear wave equation is similar to that of a linear free wave vLv_L in an exterior region {x:x>R+t}\{x: |x|>R+|t|\}, i.e. limt±x>R+t((uvL)2+uttvL2)dx=0. \lim_{t\rightarrow \pm \infty} \int_{|x|>R+|t|} (|\nabla(u-v_L)|^2 + |u_t-\partial_t v_L|^2) dx = 0. We classify all such solutions for a given linear free wave vLv_L in this work. We also give some applications of our theory on the global behaviours of radial solutions to this kind of equations. In particular we show the scattering of all finite-energy radial solutions to the defocusing energy critical wave equations.
... We call G ± the radiation profile of u, or equivalently, its initial data (u 0 , u 1 ). In the 5-dimensional case, the radiation profiles G ± satisfies G + (s, θ) = G − (−s, −θ), as shown in Côte-Laurent [2] and Li-Shen-Wei [16]. Therefore a linear free wave is R-weakly non-radiative if and only if its radiation profiles are compactly supported in the region [−R, R] × S 4 . ...
... An explicit formula in term of Fourier transforms can also be found in a recent work Côte-Laurent [2]. In this work, if we mention the radiation profile of a free wave, or equivalently its initial data, then we mean the radiation profile in the negative time direction unless specified otherwise. ...
... In addition, the integrals • The characteristic numbers α, β can be uniquely determined by the asymptotic behaviour of initial data. In fact, the pair (α, β) satisfying (2) and (3) is unique since we have ...
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In this work we classify all radial non-radiative solutions to the 5D nonlinear wave equations with a wide range of energy critical nonlinearity. We show that such a solution always comes with two characteristic numbers. These characteristic numbers can be determined by either the radiation profile of the initial data or the asymptotic behaviour of the solution. In addition, two radial weakly non-radiative solutions with the same characteristic numbers must coincide with each other in the overlap part of their exterior regions. Finally we give a few applications of our theory on the global behaviours of solutions to the nonlinear wave equations.
... Extensions to domains of the form {|x| > R + |t|} for R > 0, obtained in [KLLS15,DKMM22,LSW21], will be used in the present paper. Other recent results on the asymptotic behaviour of linear waves can be found in [Del21,CL21,LSWW22]. For the linearised wave equation (1.1), two natural counter examples to estimates like (1.5) and (1.6) are ΛW and tΛW (for N ≥ 5), as they are non-radiative i.e. ...
Channels of energy estimates control the energy of an initial data from that which it radiates outside a light cone. For the linearised energy critical wave equation they have been obtained in the radial case in odd dimensions, first in 3 dimensions by Duyckaerts, Kenig and Merle (Camb. J. Math., 2013), then for general odd dimensions by the same authors (Comm. Math. Phys., 2020). We consider even dimensions, for which such estimates are known to fail (C\^ote, Kenig and Schlag, Math. Ann., 2014). We propose a weaker version of these estimates, around a single ground state as well as around a multisoliton. This allows us to prove the soliton resolution conjecture in six dimensions (Collot, Duyckaerts, Kenig and Merle, arXiv preprint 2201.01848, 2022 versions 1 and 2).
... • After completion of this work, formula (1. 1.10) has been also obtained by Côte and Laurent in [5]. ...
... The radiation fields G ± = T ± (u 0 , u 1 ) can be given in term of the initial data (see Cöte-Laurent [2], please note that our notations are slightly different from their original work) ...
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Radiation field and channel of energy method have become important tools in the study of nonlinear wave equations in recent years. In this work we give basic theory of radiation fields of free waves in the energy sub-critical case. We also show that the asymptotic behaviours of non-radiative solutions to a wide range of non-linear wave equations resemble those of non-radiative free waves. Our theory is completely given in the critical Sobolev spaces of the corresponding nonlinear wave equation and avoids any assumption on the energy of the solutions.
... We start by the odd dimensional case and then deal with the even dimensional case. Please note that a similar result for odd dimensions has been proved in Côte-Laurent [1] by the Radon transform. The novelty of our result includes ...
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In this work we consider weakly non-radiative solutions to both linear and non-linear wave equations. We first characterize all weakly non-radiative free waves, without the radial assumption. Then in dimension 3 we show that the initial data of non-radiative solutions to a wide range of nonlinear wave equations are similar to those of non-radiative free waves in term of asymptotic behaviour.
... A similar formula has been known for many years, see Friedlander [10]. One may also refer to Li-Shen-Wei [14] for an explicit formula for all dimensions d ≥ 2. This map between initial data and radiation profiles can also be given in term of their Fourier transforms, as given in a recent work Côte-Laurent [1]. We may also give a formula of free waves in term of the radiation fields G − via a time translation ...
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In this work we consider the operator (TG)(x)=S2G(xω,ω)dω,xR3,  GL2(R×S2). (\mathbf{T} G) (x)= \int_{\mathbb{S}^2} G(x\cdot \omega, \omega) d\omega, \quad x\in \mathbb{R}^3, \; G\in L^2(\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{S}^2). This is the adjoint operator of the Radon transform. We manage to give an optimal L6L^6 decay estimate of TG\mathbf{T} G near the infinity by a geometric method, if the function G is compactly supported. As an application we give decay estimate of non-radiative solutions to the 3D linear wave equation in the exterior region {(x,t)R3×R:x>R+t}\{(x,t)\in \mathbb{R}^3 \times \mathbb{R}: |x|>R+|t|\}. This kind of decay estimate is useful in the channel of energy method for wave equations
Channels of energy estimates control the energy of an initial data from that which it radiates outside a light cone. For the linearised energy critical wave equation, they have been obtained in the radial case in odd dimensions, first in three dimensions in [8], then for the general case in [10]. We consider even dimensions, for which such estimates are known to fail [2]. We propose a weaker version of these estimates, around a single ground state as well as around a multisoliton. This allows us in [1] to prove the soliton resolution conjecture in six dimensions.
We show the existence of the full compound asymptotics of solutions to the scalar wave equation on long-range non-trapping Lorentzian manifolds modeled on the radial compactification of Minkowski space. In particular, we show that there is a joint asymptotic expansion at null and timelike infinity for forward solutions of the inhomogeneous equation. In two appendices we show how these results apply to certain spacetimes whose null infinity is modeled on that of the Kerr family. In these cases the leading order logarithmic term in our asymptotic expansions at null infinity is shown to be nonzero.
Exterior channel of energy estimates for the radial wave equation were first considered in three dimensions by Duyckaerts, the first author, and Merle, and recently for the 5-dimensional case by the first, second, and fourth authors. In this paper we find the general form of the channel of energy estimate in all odd dimensions for the radial free wave equation. This will be used in a companion paper to establish soliton resolution for equivariant wave maps in 3 dimensions exterior to the ball B(0,1), and in all equivariance classes.
This short introduction to microlocal analysis is presented, in the spirit of Hörmander, in the classical framework of partial differential equations. This theory has important applications in areas such as harmonic and complex analysis, and also in theoretical physics. Here Grigis and Sjöstrand emphasise the basic tools, especially the method of stationary phase, and they discuss wavefront sets, elliptic operators, local symplectic geometry, and WKB-constructions. The contents of the book correspond to a graduate course given many times by the authors. It should prove to be useful to mathematicians and theoretical physicists, either to enrich their general knowledge of this area, or as preparation for the current research literature.
This work is devoted to the description of bounded energy sequences of solutions to the equation (1) □u + |u|4 = 0 in [inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="01i" /], up to remainder terms small in energy norm and in every Strichartz norm. The proof relies on scattering theory for (1) and on a structure theorem for bounded energy sequences of solutions to the linear wave equation. In particular, we infer the existence of an a priori estimate of Strichartz norms of solutions to (1) in terms of their energy.
In this paper we study 1-equivariant wave maps of finite energy from 1+3-dimensional Minkowski space exterior to the unit ball at the origin into the 3-sphere. We impose a Dirichlet boundary condition at r=1, meaning that the unit sphere in R^3 gets mapped to the north pole. Finite energy implies that spacial infinity gets mapped to either the north or south pole. In particular, each such equivariant wave map has a well-defined topological degree which is an integer. We establish relaxation of such a map of arbitrary energy and degree to the unique stationary harmonic map in its degree class. This settles a recent conjecture of Bizon, Chmaj, Maliborski who observed this asymptotic behavior numerically.
Let u( x, t ), where x ∈ ³ , t ∈ , be a C ∞ solution of the wave equation on {| x | > a } × for some a > 0, and suppose that u = 0 for | x |> a, t < 0. One then also has u = 0 for | x | > a + t, t > 0, so that u (., t ) can be thought of as a wave expanding into a previously undisturbed medium. One can now ask for a description of the asymptotic behaviour of u as | x | → ∞. It turns out that there is a v 0 (θ, τ) ∈ C ∞ ( S ² × ) such that in the topology of C ∞ ( S ² × ). This limit may be called the radiation field of the expanding wave u . (See (2) and the earlier papers quoted there.)
We consider 1-equivariant wave maps from 1+2 dimensions to the 2-sphere of finite energy. We establish a classification of all degree 1 global solutions whose energies are less than three times the energy of the harmonic map Q. In particular, for each global energy solution of topological degree 1, we show that the solution asymptotically decouples into a rescaled harmonic map plus a radiation term. Together with our companion article, where we consider the case of finite-time blow up, this gives a characterization of all 1-equivariant, degree 1 wave maps in the energy regime [E(Q), 3E(Q)).
We consider the radial free wave equation in all dimensions and derive asymptotic formulas for the space partition of the energy relative to a light cone, as time goes to infinity. We show that the exterior energy estimate, which Duyckaerts, Merle and the second author obtained in odd dimensions, fails in even dimensions. Positive results for restricted classes of data are obtained. This is a companion paper to our two nonlinear papers with Andrew Lawrie.
We consider the Cauchy problem for systems of nonlinear wave equations with multiple propagation speeds in three space dimensions. Under the null condition for such systems, the global existence of small amplitude solutions is known. In this paper, we will show that the global solution is asymptotically free in the energy sense, by obtaining the asymptotic pointwise behavior of the derivatives of the solution. Nonetheless we can also show that the pointwise behavior of the solution itself may be quite different from that of the free solution. In connection with the above results, a theorem is also developed to characterize asymptotically free solutions for wave equations in arbitrary space dimensions.
The classical Radon transform, R, maps an integrable function in Rn to its integrals over all n − 1 dimensional hyperplanes, and the exterior Radon transform is the transform R restricted to hyperplanes that do not intersect a given disc. A singular value decomposition for the exterior transform is given for spaces of square integrable functions on the exterior of the disc. This decomposition in orthogonal functions explicitly produces the null space and range of the exterior transform and gives a new method for inverting the transform modulo the null space. A modification of this method is given that will exactly invert functions of compact support. These results generalize theorems of R. M. Perry and the author. A singular value decomposition for the Radon transform that integrates over spheres in Rn containing the origin is also given. This follows from the singular value decomposition for R and yields the null space and a new inversion method for this transform.
Following our previous paper in the radial case, we consider blow-up type II solutions to the energy-critical focusing wave equation. Let W be the unique radial positive stationary solution of the equation. Up to the symmetries of the equation, under an appropriate smallness assumption, any type II blow-up solution is asymptotically a regular solution plus a rescaled Lorentz transform of W concentrating at the origin.