
À propos du suivi psychanalytique d’un jeune enfant autiste dans un dispositif de soins au Japon

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Résumé Introduction Nous présentons la première étude de cas d’un enfant franco-japonais de moins de six ans résidant au Japon et recevant un traitement psychanalytique. Diagnostic L’enfant a présenté de nombreux symptômes altérant la communication et les relations sociales avant deux ans, tels qu’un retard de langage, des stéréotypies, une absence de contact visuel, un retrait relationnel, et a reçu le diagnostic d’autisme et de déficience intellectuelle. Intervention thérapeutique L’enfant et a été suivi depuis ses deux ans à une fréquence de deux séances de 45 minutes par semaine, associé aux interventions de deux volontaires qui ont assuré un rôle de soutien psychoéducatif. Apports de l’étude Nous détaillons la nature de son monde interne ainsi que la manière dont le contexte japonais et pandémique a limité ses progrès. L’étude de cas révèle la quasi-absence de prévention et de traitement de l’autisme, au Japon, pour les enfants d’âge préscolaire, ainsi que la difficulté des établissements homologués par l’Agence pour l’enseignement du français à l’étranger (AEFE) à accueillir les personnes avec autisme. D’un point de vue psychanalytique, l’étude de cas est une contribution originale s’appuyant sur le corpus théorico-clinique de l’école française menée par Geneviève Haag et la CIPPA, en contexte japonais. Conclusions Le Japon doit développer des actions de prévention des troubles du spectre autistique en formant les professionnels et en identifiant le risque chez les bébés dès l’âge de six mois. Un rapport sur l’accueil des personnes handicapées au sein des établissements homologués par l’AEFE est urgent et doit inclure les parents, y compris ceux des enfants qui ont été contraints à la déscolarisation. La durée du traitement des demandes à la MDPH est excessivement longue : dans le cas présent, aucune réponse après deux ans et une perte du dossier circulant entre les services consulaires et la MDPH. La prise en charge de l’autisme infantile précoce est globalement dominée depuis des décennies par les approches comportementales et psycho-éducatives. Elle doit aujourd’hui s’associer davantage à un questionnement sur le monde interne, des hypothèses et des outils développés par une école psychanalytique française encore trop méconnue sur le plan international, spécialement au Japon.

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The evolution of autism diagnosis, from its discovery to its current delineation using standardized instruments, has been paralleled by a steady increase in its prevalence and heterogeneity. In clinical settings, the diagnosis of autism is now too vague to specify the type of support required by the concerned individuals. In research, the inclusion of individuals categorically defined by over-inclusive, polythetic criteria in autism cohorts results in a population whose heterogeneity runs contrary to the advancement of scientific progress. Investigating individuals sharing only a trivial resemblance produces a large-scale type-2 error (not finding differences between autistic and dominant population) rather than detecting mechanistic differences to explain their phenotypic divergences. The dimensional approach of autism proposed to cure the disease of its categorical diagnosis is plagued by the arbitrariness of the dimensions under study. Here, we argue that an emphasis on the reliability rather than specificity of diagnostic criteria and the misuse of diagnostic instruments, which ignore the recognition of a prototype, leads to confound autism with the entire range of neurodevelopmental conditions and personality variants. We propose centering research on cohorts in which individuals are selected based on their expert judged prototypicality to advance the theoretical and practical pervasive issues pertaining to autism diagnostic thresholds. Reversing the current research strategy by giving more weight to specificity than reliability should increase our ability to discover the mechanisms of autism. Lay Summary Scientific research into the causes of autism and its mechanisms is carried out on large cohorts of people who are less and less different from the general population. This historical trend may explain the poor harvest of results obtained. Services and intervention are provided according to a diagnosis that now encompasses extremely different individuals. Last, we accept as a biological reality the constant increase over the years in the proportion of autistic people among the general population. These drifts are made possible by the attribution of a diagnosis of autism to people who meet vague criteria, rather than to people who experienced clinicians recognize as autistic. We propose to change our research strategy by focusing on the study of the latter, fewer in number, but more representative of the “prototype” of autism. To do this, it is necessary to clearly distinguish the population on which the research is carried out from that to which we provide support. People must receive services according to their needs, and not according to the clarity of their diagnosis.
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This book examines the phenomenon of social withdrawal in Japan, which ranges from school non-attendance to extreme forms of isolation and confinement, known as hikikomori. Based on extensive original research including interview research with a range of practitioners involved in dealing with the phenomenon, the book outlines how hikikomori expresses itself, how it is treated and dealt with and how it has been perceived and regarded in Japan over time. The author, a clinical psychologist with extensive experience of practice, argues that the phenomenon although socially unacceptable is not homogenous, and can be viewed not as a mental disorder, but as an idiom of distress, a passive and effective way of resisting the many great pressures of Japanese schooling and of Japanese society more widely.
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Distribution électronique pour EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences. © EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit.
This is an account of a personal journey from a foreigner in Japan to a psychoanalyst. The complicated issues of my family and discrimination in my childhood made me need to think about myself and the human mind. Although I would become a psychoanalyst after psychiatric training, the training of psychoanalysis in Japan at that time was not so established that I had difficulties to find the way to get it. I describe a number of events through my trainings, which were psychoanalytic psychotherapy in the Japan Psychoanalytical Association, psychoanalysis at the Menninger Clinic and in the Japan Psychoanalytic Society, and Amsterdam Shock. Especially, Amsterdam Shock was a turning point for the Society to change training systems. And also, that was the point I had to decide how I would reorganize my life; to become an analyst or not. They set me onto a long road toward becoming an analyst, but the experiences on this long way and in my childhood have become bases as an analyst. I mention the issues of psychoanalysis and working as a psychiatrist in private practice under the national health insurance system.
In a developmental perspective, autistic behavior can be understood by analyzing the spatial representations of the organism and its proximal space. One can observe that a number of autistic children's activities aim to stabilize an evanescent body image. Deprived of the usual representational means, autistic children develop a series of behavioral adaptations designed to unify and stabilize the different spaces in which they navigate. The concept of prothèses de rassemblement, or regrouping tools, includes and describes these behaviors.
The present study was designed to examine the reliability and validity of the Autism Psychodynamic Evaluation of Changes (APEC) scale, developed to assess the evolution in individuals with autism under treatment. The APEC scale focuses on the key role of impairment in body image construction, which requires cross-modal sensory integration through emotional communication with motor representations. Thus, the body image construction is associated simultaneously with spatial and temporal organization and allows the emergence of self- and others-representations. The use of the APEC scale, with its seven domains (expression of emotion in relationships, eye contact, body image, graphic productions, exploration of space and objects, time perception, and verbal language), underlines the importance in autistic disorder of anxieties related to body and spatial representations, and of impairment in the body ego construction which is closely linked to the emergence of individuation/separation processes. This study was conducted on 73 children and adolescents with autistic disorder. They were recruited in day care facilities where two caregivers independently gave their ratings based on their clinical observation on a daily basis during the same month. Analyses included assessing construct validity through correspondence analyses and inter-rater reliability using kappa coefficients. The APEC scale offers a reliable and validated psychodynamic assessment of interest for professionals (such as child psychiatrists, caregivers, therapists or teachers) and researchers working with children, adolescents and adults with autistic disorder, especially in the follow-up of their evolution. The APEC scale provides an approach at the interface of psychoanalysis and neuroscience, and is also of interest for clinical and developmental psychology. Using the APEC scale in a range of different practical and research settings will foster links between psychoanalytic perspectives and educational training for children with autistic disorder, and will contribute to the dialogue between psychoanalysis, neuroscience and psychology.
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