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Electromagnetic Fields of Wireless Communications: Biological and Health Effects

  • National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Electromagnetic Fields of
Wireless Communications:
Biological and Health Effects
This book reects contributions from experts in the biological and health effects of Radio Frequency
(RF)/Microwave and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) used in
wireless communications (WC) and other technological applications. Diverse topics related to
physics, biology, pathology, epidemiology, and plausible biophysical and biochemical mechanisms
of WC EMFs emitted by antennas and devices are included. Discussions on the possible conse-
quences of fth generation (5G) mobile telephony (MT) EMFs based on available data and correla-
tion between anthropogenic EMF exposures and various pathological conditions such as infertility,
cancer, electro-hypersensitivity, organic and viral diseases, and effects on animals, plants, trees,
and environment are included. It further illustrates individual and public health protection and the
setting of biologically- and epidemiologically-based exposure limits.
Covers biological and health effects, including oxidative stress, DNA damage, reproduc-
tive effects of mobile phones/antennas (2G, 3G, 4G), cordless phones, Wi-Fi, etc.
Describes effects induced by real-life exposures by commercially available devices/
Illustrates biophysical and biochemical mechanisms that ll the gap between recorded
experimental and epidemiological ndings and their explanations.
Explores experimental and epidemiological facts and mechanisms of action. Provides
explanations and protection tips.
Transcends across physical, biological, chemical, health, epidemiological, and environ-
mental aspects of the topic.
This book is aimed at senior undergraduate/graduate students in physics, biology, medicine, bio-
electromagnetics, electromagnetic biology, non-ionizing radiation biophysics, telecommunications,
electromagnetism, bioengineering, and dosimetry.
Electromagnetic Fields of
Wireless Communications:
Biological and Health Effects
Edited by Dimitris J. Panagopoulos
Designed cover image: © Shutterstock
First edition published 2023
by CRC Press
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ISBN: 9781032061757 (hbk)
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ISBN: 97810 03201052 (ebk)
DOI: 10.1201/9781003201052
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by Deanta Global Publishing Services, Chennai, India
The Editor ........................................................................................................................................vii
Contributors ......................................................................................................................................ix
Foreword ...........................................................................................................................................xi
PART A Physical Properties of Wireless
Communication Electromagnetic Fields
Chapter 1 Dening Wireless Communication (WC) Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs):
A.Polarization Is a Principal Property of All Man-made EMFs
B. Modulation, Pulsation, and Variability Are Inherent Parameters of WC EMFs
C. Most Man-made EMF Exposures Are Non-thermal
D. Measuring Incident EMFs Is More Relevant than Specic Absorption Rate (SAR)
E. All Man-made EMFs Emit Continuous Waves, Not Photons
F. Differences from Natural EMFs. Interaction with Matter ..................................... 17
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, AndreasKarabarbounis, and Constantinos Lioliousis
PART B Biological and Health Effects of Wireless
Communication Electromagnetic Fields
Chapter 2 Public Health Implications of Exposure to Wireless Communication
Electromagnetic Fields ............................................................................................... 79
Anthony B. Miller
Chapter 3 Oxidative Stress Induced by Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields.......97
Igor Yakymenko and Oleksandr Tsybulin
Chapter 4 Genotoxic Effects of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields................. 137
Ganesh Chandra Jagetia
Chapter 5 DNA and Chromosome Damage in Human and Animal Cells Induced by
Mobile Telephony Electromagnetic Fields and Other Stressors .............................. 189
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos
vi Contents
Chapter 6 The Impacts of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields on Human
Reproductive Biology............................................................................................... 219
Kasey Miller, Kiara Harrison, Jacinta H. Martin, Brett Nixon, and Geoffry N.
De Iuliis
Chapter 7 Effects of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields on Human and
Animal Brain Activity.............................................................................................. 275
Haitham S. Mohammed
Chapter 8 Electro-hypersensitivity asa Worldwide, Man-made Electromagnetic
Pathology: A Review of the Medical Evidence........................................................ 297
Dominique Belpomme, and Philippe Irigaray
Chapter 9 Carcinogenic Effects of Non-thermal Exposure to Wireless Communication
Electromagnetic Fields ............................................................................................. 369
Igor Yakymenko, and Oleksandr Tsybulin
PART C Effects on Wildlife and Environment
Chapter 10 Effects of Man-made and Especially Wireless Communication
Electromagnetic Fields on Wildlife.......................................................................... 393
Alfonso Balmori
PART D Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms of Action
Chapter 11 Mechanism of Ion Forced-Oscillation and Voltage-Gated Ion Channel
Dysfunction by Polarized and Coherent Electromagnetic Fields ............................449
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos
Chapter 12 Electromagnetic Field-induced Dysfunction of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels,
Oxidative Stress, DNA Damage, and Related Pathologies ...................................... 481
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, Igor Yakymenko, and George P. Chrousos
Index ..............................................................................................................................................509
The Editor
Dr. Dimitris J. Panagopoulos (electromagnetic elds – biophysi-
cist) was born in Athens, Greece, where he lives and works. He
has a degree in Physics and a PhD in Biophysics both from the
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He com-
pleted his PhD on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
(EMFs) in 2001, and two post-doctoral studies on the biological
effects of microwaves (2004) and on cell death induction by wire-
less communication (WC) EMFs (2006). He worked as a post-doc-
toral researcher and lecturer at the Department of Cell Biology and
Biophysics, NKUA, (2002–2014), where he gave undergraduate and
graduate lectures on radiation and EMF biophysics and performed
research on the effects of various types of EMFs in experimental
animals. From 2014 to 2018, he worked as a research associate at the
National Centre for Scientic Research “Demokritos”, Laboratory
of Health Physics, Radiobiology, and Cytogenetics, researching
effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on human cells. Since 2018, he has been working
as a researcher at the Choremeion Research Laboratory, Medical School, NKUA. His experiments
were among the rst that showed damaging effects of man-made EMFs on DNA and reproduction.
He has also shown benecial effects on reproduction of EMFs that mimic natural ones. His theory
on the biophysical mechanism of action of EMFs on cells is considered the most valid amongst all
proposed theories and is cited by more than 700 scientic publications. This theory has explained
the sensing of upcoming earthquakes by animals and the sensing of upcoming thunderstorms by
sensitive individuals through the action of the natural EMFs associated with these phenomena. The
same theory has recently explained the induction of oxidative stress in cells by EMF exposure. Dr.
Panagopoulos has shown why the specic absorption rate (SAR) is not a proper metric for non-
thermal effects; why man-made (totally polarized and coherent) EMFs are damaging, while natural
EMFs are vital; and why highly varying real-life exposures from mobile phones and other WC
devices are signicantly more damaging than simulated exposures with invariable parameters. He
has also shown that genetic damage caused by WC EMFs occurs similarly in human and animal
cells. Dr. Panagopoulos has also argued that photons are strictly wave-packets, not particles of light,
and that man-made electromagnetic radiation does not consist of photons but of continuous “clas-
sical” polarized waves, in contrast to what has been postulated by quantum physicists for the past
100 years. He is the rst or sole author in more than 40 peer-reviewed highly inuential scientic
publications, which have been referenced more than 1,800 times by other scientic publications and
has been included in the Top 10 cited authors by the Mutation Research journals.
Dr. Dimitris J. Panagopoulos
Alfonso Balmori
Environmental Department
Castilla and León,
Valladolid, Spain
Dominique Belpomme
1Medical Oncology Department
Paris University
Paris, France
2European Cancer and Environment Research
Brussels, Belgium
George P. Chrousos
University Research Institute of
MaternalandChild Health and Precision
UNESCO Chair on Adolescent
Health Care
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Medical School
Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital
Athens, Greece
Geoffry N. De Iuliis
Reproductive Science Group
School of Environmental and Life Sciences
College of Engineering, Science and
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Kiara Harrison
Reproductive Science Group
School of Environmental and
Life Sciences
College of Engineering, Science and
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Philippe Irigaray
European Cancer and Environment Research
Brussels, Belgium
Ganesh Chandra Jagetia
Department of Zoology
Cancer and Radiation Biology Laboratory
Mizoram University
Aizawl, India
Andreas Karabarbounis
Physics Department
Section of Nuclear and Particle Physics
National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens
Athens, Greece
Constantinos Lioliousis
Physics Department
Section of Applied Physics
Electronics Laboratory
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Athens, Greece
Jacinta H. Martin
Reproductive Science Group
School of Environmental and Life Sciences
College of Engineering, Science and
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Anthony B. Miller
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Kasey Miller
Reproductive Science Group
School of Environmental and Life Sciences
College of Engineering, Science and
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Haitham S. Mohammed
Biophysics Department
Faculty of Science
Cairo University
Giza, Egypt
x Contributors
Brett Nixon
Reproductive Science Group
School of Environmental and Life Sciences
College of Engineering, Science and
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Dimitris J. Panagopoulos
1National Center for Scientic Research
Athens, Greece
2Choremeion Research Laboratory, Medical
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Athens, Greece
3Electromagnetic Field-Biophysics Research
Athens, Greece
Oleksandr Tsybulin
European Collegium
Kyiv, Uk raine
Igor Yakymenko
1Department of Public Health
Kyiv Medical University
Kyiv, Uk raine
2Department of Environmental Safety
National University of Food Technologies
Kyiv, Uk raine
We regret to announce that our teacher, colleague, coworker and friend, Dr. Constantinos Lioliousis,
Professor at the Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, who
distinguished himself in the elds of applied physics, microwave electronics, telecommunications, and
biological effects of electromagnetic elds, and contributed to this book as a coauthor in Chapter 1, a
brilliant scientist and a man of ideals and integrity, passed away soon after the completion of the chapter,
at his 82 years. Chapter 1 of this book, which represents his nal contribution, is dedicated to his memory.
Information and communication technology is an ever-evolving medium which has penetrated all
aspects of life as we know it, accruing unprecedented societal benets. But with those benets come
risks that need to be managed, and this book presents an exceptional, fact-based foundation for the
Originally developed as a military tool, the wireless aspects of information and communication
technology are complex and multi-faceted, with nuances unique to each type of mobile or cordless
device, infrastructure platform, and exposure character, with effect metrics driven in large part by
the sophisticated interplay of genetics and epigenetics.
To fully understand the depth and breadth of wireless technology and its health implications
takes time, intelligence, and longitudinal effort. The growing scientic literature on wireless tech-
nology’s biological activity alone includes thousands of peer-reviewed papers. The tasks of both
learning this eld and integrating the many strands of emerging knowledge portend multiple years
of commitment.
In a time when opinions, informed and not, are readily available through multiple journalistic,
entertainment, and social media platforms, the attainment of factual truth is elusive. But it is only
factual truth that can ensure societal decision-making that is both reliable and actionable. Therein
lies the value of this coalescence of professional factual thinking put forth here by Dr. Panagopoulos
and his colleagues that represent a cross section of the worlds top scientists and their work on the
biological impacts of wireless communications technology.
This book effectively and efciently presents the critically important science that leads to
informed decisions about health, safety, and the environment. All the critical scientic aspects are
considered in a learned fashion on these pages, presented by scientists who do the actual work,
and who have done the heavy lifting of sorting and integrating these complexities for practical
This book is a necessary factual truth resource for scientists looking to informedly pursue wire-
less communications subject matter; for responsible employers looking to protect those in their
workplaces; for regulators looking to protect health and the environment; for clinicians looking to
do the best for their patients; for policy-makers looking to make informed changes to ensure public
safety; and for consumers looking to balance the benets of technology with protections for their
children, families, and friends.
Read this book. Absorb its contents. Believe it. And be comfortable acting on this knowledge.
Dr. George L. Carlo
Washington, DC, USA
December 2022
Abbreviations: B-eld: magnetic eld. E-eld: electric eld. EHS: electro-hypersensitivity.
ELF: Extremely Low Frequency. EMF: electromagnetic eld. EMR: electromagnetic radiation.
LF: Low Frequency. MT: mobile telephony. MW: Microwaves. NR: New Radio. OS: oxidative
stress. RF: Radio Frequency. ROS: reactive oxygen species. SAR: Specic Absorption Rate.
ULF: Ultra Low Frequency. VGIC: voltage-gated ion channel. VLF: Very Low Frequency. WC:
wireless communications. Wi-Fi: Wireless Fidelity. 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G: rst/second/third/fourth/
fth generation of MT.
Static electric (E) elds are generated by (macroscopicaly) standing electric charges (actually
nothing is “standing” at microscopic level), and static magnetic (B) elds are generated by direct
and constant electric currents (directional movement of electric charge with a constant velocity).
Only static (invariable in time) E- or B-elds can each exist alone without the coexistence of the
other. But again, nothing is absolutely invariable in time, and, thus, totally static, and single E- and
B-elds exist only approximately in certain occasions, such as electric elds of “isolated” charged
objects or of electric batteries and magnetic elds of certain minerals (magnets).
When electric charges oscillate back and forth (as e.g., in alternating electric currents), both E-
and B-elds are generated that also oscillate in phase with the charges. Thus, oscillating electric
charges generate oscillating E- and B-elds simultaneously, and the frequency of the generated
elds is the same as the frequency of the oscillating charges. The generated E-eld oscillates in
parallel to the direction of charge oscillation, while the generated B-eld oscillates vertically to this
direction. Due to this strong interrelation and coexistence between oscillating electric and magnetic
elds, we talk about electromagnetic elds (EMFs). Oscillating electric and magnetic elds are not
only generated simultaneously by oscillating electric charges but also the one reproduces the other
each moment, and the two of them (vertical to each other) can propagate in space in the form of
electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic radiation (EMR) vertically to both of them. Thus, elec-
tromagnetic waves are E- and B-elds oscillating with the same frequency vertically to each other
and vertically to the direction of their propagation. The plane of oscillation of the E-eld is called
the polarization plane of the wave. The frequency of the emitted EMR is the same as the frequency
of its oscillating elds and the oscillating charges that generate them. Thus, oscillating E-/B-elds
not only create each other and always coexist, but they also have the unique property to reproduce
and propagate themselves in the surrounding space, even in the absence of a material medium, i.e.
in the vacuum. All electromagnetic waves propagate with the velocity of light, which is different in
each medium. The velocity of light (and of any electromagnetic wave) in the vacuum or in the air
(measured by the pioneer physicist H. Hertz to be approximately equal to () 3 × 108 m/s) represents
an upper limit for all known velocities of any material or energetic entities (Tesla 1905; Alonso and
Finn 1967; Jackson 1975).
In nature, all electric charges oscillate in all possible directions, and the generated EMFs/EMR
have similarly random polarizations; in other words, they are not polarized, apart from specic
occasions that are locally and partially polarized. Moreover, they do not oscillate with a unique fre-
quency and in phase (coordinately). By contrast, electric charges in electric/electronic circuits oscil-
late in unique directions (determined by the geometry of the metallic conductors) and coordinately
(with a unique frequency and phase), and, thus, the generated technical (man-made) EMFs/EMR are
totally polarized and coherent (Panagopoulos et al. 2015a). All anthropogenic EMFs/EMR oscillate
at subinfrared frequencies (0–3 × 1011 Hz) (Figure 0.1).
DOI: 10.1201/9 781003201052-1
10-14 3×1022
O gamma rays
N 10-12 3×1020
I hard x rays
I 10-10 3×1018
G soft x rays
10-8 (= 10 nm) vacuum ultraviolet 3×1016
Z 102 3×106
Radio Broadcasting
N LF (30-300 kHz)
VLF (3-30 kHz)
ELF (3-3000 Hz)
ULF (0-3 Hz)
mm waves
O 10-2 RADAR
MW 3×1010
N WC carrier waves
100 TV Broadcasting 3×108
G 104 3×104
106 3×102
108 3×100
10-6 3×1014
10-4 (= 0.1 mm) 3×1012
WC EMFs (2G-3G-4G-5G MT, Wi-Fi, DECT, etc)
FIGURE 0.1 The electromagnetic spectrum with the ionizing, visible, infrared, and subinfrared parts. Man-
made EMFs occupy the subinfrared frequency range (0–3 × 1011 Hz), and WC EMFs always combine MW
carrier frequencies with ELF modulation and pulsation. Natural EMFs in the subinfrared part of the spectrum
are cosmic microwaves, atmospheric EMFs due to lightning discharges (VLF, ELF), Schumann resonances
(ELF), spontaneous ionic oscillations in cells (ULF), etc.
2 Biological and Heath Effects of WC EMFs
3 Introduction
During the past ve decades and beyond, a great amount of scientic knowledge has been accu-
mulated regarding the biological and health effects of man-made EMFs and corresponding EMR.
High-voltage power transmission lines and transformers operating at the Extremely Low Frequency
(ELF) (3–3000 Hz) band, specically at the so-called power frequency (50–60 Hz), radars, and
various types of analog transmitters operating at the Radio Frequency (RF) (300 kHz–300 GHz)
band and in its highest part called Microwave (MW) band (300 MHz–300 GHz) (Figure 0.1), were
the rst powerful man-made EMF/EMR sources that attracted the attention and concern of scien-
tists and physicians for their biological/health effects (Persinger 1974; Presman 1977; Marino and
Becker 1977; Adey 1981; 1993; Goodman et al. 1995; Puranen and Jokela 1996).
This accumulated knowledge is of particular importance today, as wireless communications
(WC) have become an important part of daily life. In WC technologies, the information is con-
veyed by electtromagnetic waves transmitted by devices and corresponding antennas. Today’s digi-
tal WC technological products include mobile phones and corresponding mobile telephony (MT)
base antennas; cordless domestic phones; wireless Internet connections called Wi-Fi (Wireless
Fidelity); wireless connections among electronic devices (called “Bluetooth”), etc. All digital WC
devices and corresponding antennas emit MW carrier waves that are necessarily modulated and
pulsed by low frequency (mostly ELF) signals in order to carry variable information and provide
simultaneous service to many users. The levels of EMF emissions from WC and other technolo-
gies have increased exponentially, especially during the past 25–30 years that digital WC are in use
and, similarly, the human exposure to these EMF emissions. This tremendous increase of human
exposure to EMFs is an unprecedented phenomenon throughout the billions of years of biological
evolution. Most importantly, as explained already, all anthropogenic EMFs differ signicantly from
the natural EMFs in that they are totally polarized and coherent. Therefore, living organisms are not
expected to have natural defenses against anthropogenic EMFs.
While the rst-generation (1G) mobile phones in the 1980s were analog and of limited use,
digital MT technology since the mid-1990s has evolved fast by producing the existing second,
third, and fourth generations (2G/3G/4G) of devices/antennas with each next generation transmit-
ting increasing amounts of information/data (voice, text, pictures, video, Internet). Today the mas-
sive deployment of the New Radio (NR) 5G (fth generation) MT/WC system around the world by
the telecommunications industry, which is expected to further increase considerably the existing
ambient EMF levels, has already started and is rolling out, despite serious concerns expressed by
scientists (Miller et al. 2018; 2019; Hardell and Nyberg 2020; Kostoff et al. 2020; Levitt et al. 2021).
At the same time, during the past 2 years, humanity was suddenly confronted by a pandemic due to
a new virus. As a result, a lot of concern has been raised among scientists and the general popula-
tion regarding the health and environmental consequences of a vast technological expansion that is
taking place uninvited to such an extend.
Natural EMFs/EMR in the terrestrial environment (geoelectric and geomagnetic elds, atmo-
spheric discharges, Schumann resonances, solar light, cosmic microwaves, gamma radiation, etc.)
are never totally polarized and maintain relatively constant average intensities. Those that are
locally polarized, to a signicant degree, are static with constant polarities, such as the geoelectric
and geomagnetic elds (with average intensities approximately (~) 130 V/m and ~ 0.05 mT, respec-
tively). Similarly, static and locally polarized are the cell membrane elds (~ 107 V/m). During short-
term changes of 20%–30% in the average constant intensities of both the environmental and the
cell membrane natural EMFs, health problems and biological effects respectively are initiated (see
Chapter 1 and Presman 1977; Dubrov 1978; Panagopoulos 2019). This fact suggests that the com-
bination of polarization and variability provides a basis for EMF bioactivity (Panagopoulos 2019).
Now, all man-made EMFs produced by electric/electronic circuits are totally polarized and oscil-
lating, and especially modern digital WC EMFs vary greatly and unpredictably at all times display-
ing, apart from the ELF pulsing and modulation mentioned already, signicant random variability,
mainly in the Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) (0–3 Hz) band, with intensity variations usually exceed-
ing by more than 30% (and even by more than 100% in many instances) the average values because
4 Biological and Heath Effects of WC EMFs
of the varying information they transmit and many other factors (see Chapter 1 and Panagopoulos
2019). These signicant physical differences between natural and man-made EMFs explain their
corresponding differences in the induced biological/health effects.
Natural EMFs are necessary for maintaining the health and wellbeing of all living organisms on
Earth. A characteristic example is the atmospheric “Schumann” resonances that attune the brain
electrical activity in all animals (Persinger 1974; Wever 1979; Cherry 2002; 2003; Panagopoulos
and Chrousos 2019). By contrast, man-made EMFs have been found to produce a great number of
adverse biological and health effects. These include changes in key cellular functions; oxidative
stress (OS); DNA and protein damage; cell death; infertility; cancer; effects on the immune system;
changes in human/animal physiology, such as brain activity; pathological symptoms referred to as
electro-hypersensitivity (EHS); etc. (Adey 1981; 1993; Liburdy 1992; Walleczek 1992; Goodman et
al. 1995; Santini et al. 2005; Phillips et al. 2009; Hardell and Carlberg 2009; Khurana et al. 2009;
De Iuliis et al. 2009; Johansson 2009; Szmigielski 2013; Houston et al. 2016; Yakymenko et al.
2011; 2016; 2018; Mohammed et al. 2013; Balmori 2015; 2021; Gulati et al. 2016; Zothansiama et al.
2017; Miller et al 2018; 2019; Panagopoulos 2019; 2020; Irigaray et al. 2018; Belpomme and Irigaray
2020). From all anthropogenic EMF types, WC EMFs seem to be the most adversely bioactive,
mainly because of their increased variability (Panagopoulos 2019).
Under the weight of accumulating scientic evidence, the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has categorized both ELF
and RF (in fact WC) man-made EMFs as possibly carcinogenic to humans (IARC 2002; 2013).
More recent updates on human cancer epidemiology and animal carcinogenicity studies argue that
WC EMFs should be categorized as “probably carcinogenic” or “carcinogenic” (Miller et al. 2018;
2019; NTP 2018; Falcioni et al. 2018; Hardell and Nyberg 2020).
Signicant scientic evidence shows that the bioactivity of WC EMFs is mainly due to their ELF/
ULF components and that RF/microwave carrier signals alone, without modulation, pulsing, and
variability, do not usually induce biological effects other than heating at adequately high intensities
and frequencies (Bawin et al. 1975; 1978; Blackman et al. 1982; Frei et al. 1988; Walleczek 1992;
Bolshakov and Alekseev 1992; Goodman et al. 1995; Penael et al. 1997; Creasey and Goldberg 2001;
Huber et al. 2002; Betti et al. 2004; Goldsworthy 2006; Höytö et al. 2008; Franzellitti et al. 2010;
Campisi et al. 2010; Mohammed et al. 2013; Panagopoulos 2019). As summarized by Goldsworthy
(2006), “it is widely accepted that continuous unmodulated radio waves are of too high a frequency to
give biological effects but they do become effective when pulsed or amplitude modulated at a low fre-
quency”. All endogenous physiological EMFs discovered so far within living organisms, such as the
intracellular spontaneous ionic oscillations, the endogenous electric currents that control all cellular
and tissue functions, or the electromagnetic signals of brain and heart activities, oscillate at low fre-
quencies (ELF/ULF). And then, like in all forms of matter, molecular oscillations and thermal noise
have frequencies in the infrared band. RF EMFs have not been detected in living organisms (Alberts
et al. 1994; McGaig and Zhao 1997; Huber et al. 2002; Nuccitelli 2003; Mohammed et al. 2013). It
is, thus, absolutely expected for living organisms to be more responsive to external EMFs of similar
frequencies. Although this notion for the principal role of ELFs in the bioactivity of WC EMFs has
long been available and repeatedly veried, many studies focus exclusively on the RF part of the WC
EMFs. A most common problem in published reports on the effects of WC EMFs is that many of
them refer to these EMFs simply as “RF” or “microwave”, without assessing or even mentioning the
inevitable coexistence of ELFs, which are actually the most bioactive (Pakhomov et al. 1998; Betskii
and Lebedeva 2004; Belyaev 2005; EPRS 2020; 2021; Karipidis et al. 2021).
Recently, because of the highest microwave carrier frequencies (“mm-waves”) of the 5G, cer-
tain Russian studies reporting “non-thermal effects of microwave/mm-wave EMFs” came to light.
These studies were written in Russian and became known mostly from reviews in English by other
Russian scientists. Three such reviews are by Pakhomov et al. (1998), Betskii and Lebedeva (2004),
and Belyaev (2005). In several studies reviewed in Pakhomov et al. (1998) and Belyaev (2005), ULF/
ELF and Very Low Frequency (VLF) (3–30 kHz) components were present in the form of pulsing
5 Introduction
and/or modulation/intermittence/variability, while no information on possible existence of such
components was provided in the rest of the reviewed studies. Similarly, in the Betskii and Lebedeva
(2004) review, information on possible existence of low-frequency components (ULF/ELF/VLF) is
absent throughout the paper, but their presence was again not excluded. As it is unlikely that any
microwave electronic circuit/generator is not turned on and off, even only for energy-saving reasons,
the existence of ULF/ELF/VLF components, and the separate roles of the low and high frequencies
in the biological effects, need to be carefully addressed in all experimental studies employing RF/
microwave EMF exposures and in the related reviews in order to prevent misleading conclusions.
This can be done easily and reliably in experimental studies by performing and reporting electric
and magnetic eld measurements in the ELF band by ELF eld meters and/or spectrum analyzers.
Thus, all experimental RF/microwave studies should necessarily include such measurements, and
review studies should necessarily report the ELF components in the various exposures.
While one effect induced by high intensity (>0.1 mW/c m2) and frequency (1 GHz) microwave
EMFs is that of heating exposed materials and living tissues (as happens in microwave ovens with food)
(“thermal effects”) (Metaxas 1991; Goodman et al. 1995; Creasey and Goldberg 2001), the vast major-
ity of the recorded biological/health effects at lower – environmentally relevant – intensities (from either
RF/WC or purely ELF EMFs) are not accompanied by any signicant temperature increases and, thus,
have been categorized as non-thermal effects (Goodman et al. 1995; Belyaev 2005; Panagopoulos et al.
2013; Yakymenko et al. 2016). Still, the metric for RF EMF bioactivity suggested by health agencies
is the Specic Absorption Rate (SAR) (IARC 2013), which, apart from the fact that it is impractical
because it cannot be measured directly but has to be calculated (usually by simplistic and inaccurate
methods), actually accounts only for thermal effects because the only reliable way to estimate it is by
measuring temperature increases (see Chapter 1 and Gandhi et al. 2012; Panagopoulos et al. 2013).
While man-made EMFs cannot directly break chemical bonds and, thus, cause direct ioniza-
tion of molecules, they are capable of inducing such effects indirectly, by triggering production
of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cells (De Iuliis et al. 2009; Burlaka et
al. 2013; Pall 2013; Houston et al. 2016; Yakymenko et al. 2016; 2018; Zothansiama et al. 2017;
Panagopoulos et al. 2021). Such species can damage any critical biomolecules, including DNA. The
(over)production of ROS in cells and the consequent OS that arises can be triggered by irregular
gating of voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) in the cell membranes due to purely ELF/VLF man-
made EMFs or the ULF/ELF/VLF components of the complex WC EMFs (Creasey and Goldberg
2001; Panagopoulos et al. 2002; 2015a; 2021). Today, irregular gating of VGICs in cell membranes
by man-made EMFs has been veried by many experimental studies (e.g., Liburdy 1992; Piacentini
et al. 2008; Cecchetto et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2021) and presented by reviews (Pall 2013; Bertagna
et al. 2021). Thus, we are dealing with mechanisms that result in chemical changes of critical bio-
molecules without heating the exposed biological tissues.
Although the majority of peer-reviewed published studies (more than 60%–70%) indicate effects
of purely ELF man-made EMFs for eld intensities down to less than a few V/m or a few μT, or of
pulsed/modulated RF/WC EMFs for RF intensities down to less than 1 μW/cm2 even for short-term
exposures (Goodman et al. 1995; Santini et al. 2005; Phillips et al. 2009; Panagopoulos et al. 2010;
Szmigielski 2013; Burlaka et al. 2013; Manna and Ghosh 2016; Yakymenko et al. 2011; 2016; Leach
et al. 2018; Panagopoulos 2019), health authorities responsible for setting exposure guidelines in most
countries have adopted limits that are thousands (and even millions, in some cases) of times higher,
as set by a private, non-governmental organization (NGO) called the International Commission on
Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP 1998; 2010; 2020; Hardell and Carlberg 2021). These
limits may provide limited protection against thermal RF effects, but certainly not against the non-
thermal effects of the purely ELF man-made EMFs or the ELF components of the complex RF/
WC EMFs, which actually constitute the vast majority of the reported biological and health effects.
Indicative threshold EMF/EMR intensity levels found to induce signicant (non-thermal) bio-
logical/health effects and the corresponding ICNIRP (2010; 2020) limits for public exposure in the
ELF and RF bands are shown in Table 0.1. It is evident that serious biological and health effects
Threshold EMF/EMR Intensities for Indicative Biological/Health Effects and Corresponding ICNIRP Limits
Incident EMF
ICNIRP Intensity Limit
(6min Average, Local
Threshold Intensity for
Effect Initiation Exposure Duration Effect References
(CW or pulsed)
(1–50 Hz)
5000 V/m 0.002 V/m
0.0021 V/m
10 V/m
12 h
4 days
Decrease in protein
synthesis rate
Increase in DNA synthesis
Cancer (humans)
McLeod et al. (1987)
Cleary et al. (1988)
Coghill et al. (1996)
ELF-B (50 Hz CW) 2 G (200 μT) 0.002 G (0. 2 μT) Years Cancer (humans) Feychting and Ahlbom
Pulsed RF (GSM) 1800 MHz
Pulsed RF (GSM) 900 MHz
Pulsed RF (GSM) 1800 MHz
3655.6 μW/cm2
2014.0 μW/cm2
3655.6 μW/cm2
<1 μW/cm2
0.25 μW/cm2
0.32 μW/cm2
6 min/day, 6days
158–360 h intermittently
19 days (48 s On/12 s Off)
DNA damage, cell death
(fruit y ovarian cells)
OS, DNA damage,
embryonic death (bird
OS, DNA damage,
embryonic death (bird
Panagopoulos et al.. (2010)
Burlaka et al. (2013)
Yakymenko et al. (2018)
[ICNIRP (2020) limits calculated for 900 and 1800 MHz according to formula: 0.058fM0.86. CW: continuous-wave. G: Gauss].
Biological and Heath Effects of WC EMFs
7 Introduction
such as OS, DNA damage, cancer, etc. may occur from exposure to ELF EMFs or WC EMFs at
levels thousands of times lower than the corresponding ICNIRP limits, while more subtle cellular
effects may be initiated at ELF thresholds more than a million times lower than the corresponding
ICNIRP limits (McLeod et al. 1987; Cleary et al. 1988; Feychting and Ahlbom 1994; Coghill et al.
1996; Panagopoulos et al. 2010; Burlaka et al. 2013; Yakymenko et al. 2018). Hence, these limits do
not provide any health protection.
Because of these facts, and regardless of our remaining knowledge gaps, health complaints
are increasing, especially among people residing close to antennas or high-voltage power lines,
accompanied by increasing cancer rates and symptoms of unwellness (Kundi and Hutter 2009;
Gulati et al. 2016; Zothansiama et al. 2017; Miller et al. 2018; 2019; Belpomme and Irigaray 2020;
Lopez et al. 2021).
The situation may seem confusing with several other studies reporting no effects of ELF or pulsing/
modulated RF/WC EMFs, especially studies that have employed simulated WC EMF exposures from
generators, “exposure chambers”, or “test” mobile phones with invariable parameters (carrier frequency,
intensity, pulsations) and no modulation (ICNIRP 1998; 2020; IARC 2002; 2013; EPRS 2020; 2021;
Karipidis et al. 2021). Indeed, about 50% of the studies that employ simulated EMFs do not nd effects.
In contrast, among studies that employ real-life exposures from commercially available devices with high
variability (such as mobile or cordless phones, Wi-Fi, etc.), more than 95% nd effects (Panagopoulos et
al. 2015b; Yakymenko et al. 2016; Leach et al. 2018; Panagopoulos 2019; Kostoff et al. 2020).
Bioelectromagnetics is a complex scientic eld, featuring an equal combination of physics and
biology. This is why collaboration among experts from different areas (e.g., physicists with biolo-
gists, or medical doctors with engineers) is necessary. EMF bioeffect experiments must necessarily
be carried out by scientists/teams that combine adequate knowledge in both the physical and the
biological parts; otherwise, the methodology may be awed and the conclusions misleading. The
use of any devices such as generators and exposure chambers provided by companies for exposure
of biological samples to simulated EMFs without knowing and measuring the physical details of the
generated EMFs is a major aw in experimental studies.
Unfortunately, conict of interest, corruption, results depending on funding, and misleading
information in scientic papers have become usual phenomena in the eld (Hardell and Carlberg
2021; Leach et al. 2018). Conict of interest is not necessarily limited to economical/professional
benets but may also include other types of personal rewards (Panagopoulos and Karabarbounis
2020; Panagopoulos 2021). It is not unusual for important ndings such as those reported above to
be concealed or neglected in many publications, while their consideration is necessary for further
At the same time, the massive deployment of the 5G MT/WC system in order to achieve ever
increasing data transmission rates and the so-called Internet of Things (IoT) is well underway
despite serious concerns expressed by many expert scientists who have asked for a moratorium in
5G deployment (Hardell and Nyberg 2020), as implied by the Precautionary Principle (Harremoes
2013; Read and O'Riordan 2017; Frank 2021). Indeed, the deployment of 5G will require a huge
increase in the number of base antennas, combined with potential increases in transmission power/
intensity, and thousands of satellites in the atmosphere to complement the base antennas. Moreover,
the increased amount of variable data transmitted by this new WC EMR type make it even more
variable in intensity, waveform, frequency, etc., with inclusion of ever more variable ELF pulsations
than previous types of MT/WC EMFs (Rappaport et al. 2013; Dahlman et al. 2018). Thus, 5G is
expected to signicantly increase public exposure and consequent health problems (Panagopoulos
2019; Hardell and Nyberg 2020; Kostoff et al. 2020; Levitt et al. 2021).
Strangely, in 2020, the ICNIRP increased the general public exposure limit for WC EMFs (2–6
GHz) averaged over 6 minutes (min) from 1000 to 4000 μW/cm2 (from 1 to 4 mW/cm2) instead of
decreasing it (ICNIRP 1998; 2020). Also strange were the technical reports and papers referring
to the characteristics of 5G that do not provide any information on the ULF/ELF/VLF components
of this new WC EMF type, as if their authors are not aware of their existence (EPRS 2020; 2021;
8 Biological and Heath Effects of WC EMFs
Karipidis et al. 2021). As already mentioned, carrying out studies involving WC EMF exposures
without searching the low-frequency components and attributing any observed effects to the RF/
MW carrier can be very misleading. Similarly, reviewing and evaluating other studies by look-
ing only at the RF/MW part of their EMF exposures and ignoring the low-frequency part or not
examining whether the exposures are from real-life WC devices/antennas or simulated signals with
xed parameters and, thus, signicantly less bioactive, as in EPRS (2020; 2021) (EPRS: European
Parliamentary Research Service) and Karipidis et al. (2021), is a awed methodology. Thus, not
only are WC EMFs dangerous to life, but the evaluation of their risks by certain reviews and orga-
nizations is awed as well. In view of the fact that the ULF/ELF/VLF EMFs are actually the most
bioactive, the low frequency (ULF/ELF/VLF) pulsations of the most recent generations of WC
signals such as the 4G and 5G should be in the forefront of bioelectromagnetic research in order to
allow the correct evaluation of their risks.
Because of the described confusion and misinformation, many people, especially among the
general public, make careless use of WC devices, utilizing cordless domestic phones and Wi-Fi at
homes and workplaces for convenience instead of using wired connections and attaching the mobile
phones on their heads/bodies, subjecting themselves day and night to simultaneous telephone and
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth EMF emissions from their “smart” devices. Unfortunately, they also give such
devices in the hands of young children or even expose their embryos during pregnancy. So far, the
authorities do nothing to educate them or protect them.
When, in many cases, people realize they have become hypersensitive to man-made EMFs,
their efforts to restrict unbearable symptoms, especially from WC antennas, usually lead to risky
solutions, such as metal shielding in their houses and even in their clothes. Any EMF-shielding
attenuates not only the detrimental anthropogenic EMFs but also the natural and absolutely vital
Schumann electromagnetic resonances, which actually attune our brain activity (Persinger 1974;
2014; Wever 1979; Cherry 2002; 2003; Panagopoulos and Chrousos 2019). Therefore, such solutions
should be considered only when other ways of protection are not possible, and should be applied
cautiously (after careful EMF measurements) and partially (e.g., only on certain wall(s) of a house),
possibly in combination with earthing, and/or scientically tested “Schumann generators” emitting
very weak signals that mimic as closely as possible the Schumann oscillations (Panagopoulos and
Chrousos 2019).
It seems that humanity and science are coming to realize that the price for the comfort provided
by technology and the convenience in sharing information may be compromised health, wellbeing,
and natural environment, when technology is not carefully designed to respect these values and
health authorities do not set safe limits.
Another particularly worrying phenomenon is research on nanobiotechnology – magnetogenet-
ics carried out during the past 10 years. Such research is crossing sensitive boundaries of bioethics
by trying to control the cellular processes via magnetic nanoparticles injected in cells and manipu-
lated by external electromagnetic signals (Monzel et al. 2017; He et al. 2021). Such methods can not
only have unpredictable, adverse effects on the cell/organism, granted that such nanoparticles are
unnatural and foreign to the cells, and are, thus, dangerous for many reasons and probably toxic, but
can also violate the privacy and freedom of a treated individual, who could then be monitored and
manipulated remotely by electromagnetic signals. It is questionable how such research is considered
acceptable in the scientic community and compatible with bioethical principles.
This book on the Biological and Health Effects of WC EMFs includes contributions from top
international experts on the various areas of this important subject and is published to increase
scientic knowledge, awareness, and debate that would benet science, public health, and the
environment. Expert scientists were invited to submit specic chapters on the physics, biology,
pathology, epidemiology, and plausible biophysical and biochemical mechanisms of action of WC
EMFs. The invitations were specic. The contributors were invited to write on topics related to
their previous publications and expertise so that the book covers a minimum number of the most
important topics.
9 Introduction
Because both RF and ELF EMFs are contained in all WC EMFs, studies on both frequency bands
are examined in the chapters. Thus, the book describes effects from most types of man-made EMF
exposures. In all chapters, the terms “EMF” and “EMR” (for example WC EMFs or WC EMR) are
used interchangeably with equivalent meaning, as EMR is produced by temporally varying EMFs,
and man-made (polarized and coherent) EMR carries net EMFs as well (Panagopoulos et al. 2015a).
Moreover, because all types of WC EMFs commonly combine MW carrier waves with ELF modu-
lation, pulsation, and ULF random variability, their biological/health effects are very similar, and,
thus, they are treated similarly in the chapters, emphasizing though that newer generations of WC/
MT EMFs (3G/4G/5G) are increasingly more variable and, thus, increasingly more bioactive. The
terms “cell phone” and “cell tower” used occasionally in the book refer to digital mobile phones
and base station antennas respectively. Thus, they have the same meaning as “mobile phones” and
“MT base station antennas” (used in most cases) since all existing MT/WC systems (2G, 3G, 4G,
5G) today are digital. Digital MT uses the so called “cellular system” according to which the space
is divided into areas called “cells” with one base station in each “cell”.
The chapters present cutting-edge knowledge on the effects of man-made EMFs on living sys-
tems and their mechanisms. It is evident that serious effects induced by man-made and especially
WC EMFs, such as genetic damage, are well documented as resulting from OS. This explains other
reported pathological conditions, such as infertility or cancer. It is also evident that a most plausible
biophysical/biochemical mechanism for OS induction in the cells is the dysfunction of the VGICs in
the cell membranes and that the low frequency (ELF/ULF/VLF) components (pulsation, modulation,
etc.) of the WC EMFs play a major role. The chapters emphasize the need for setting much tighter
exposure limits and recommend prudent avoidance of exposure to man-made and especially WC
EMFs, a moratorium in 5G roll-out, and urgent application of the Precautionary Principle (Harremoes
2013; Read and O'Riordan 2017; Frank 2021). Moreover, the chapters underline the need for improve-
ment and standardization of the experimental procedures, use of real-life EMFs, and better denition
of the EMF exposures by measuring all their parameters, especially the low-frequency ones.
I thank all the distinguished scientists in this book for kindly accepting my invitation, for their
high-quality contributions, and their collaboration during the editing process. Inviting the chapters,
editing, and shaping this book was, for me, a unique experience and a great source of combined
knowledge. I also thank Dr. G.L. Carlo for writing the Forward of the book, and Dr. G. Singh from
CRC for his invitation and repeated reminders to submit a book proposal.
This book will have served its purpose if it contributes toward setting scientic research in this
eld on a better base, leaving behind conicts of interest and misinformation; when evidence-based
discussions on the consequences of WC EMFs and possible correlations between an EMF-polluted
environment and viral and other diseases are unbiased and welcomed by scientists, concerned indi-
viduals, health authorities and governments; when suggestions on individual and public health protec-
tion, and the setting of biologically and epidemiologically based exposure limits are also welcomed.
Finally, this book will have served its purpose if it contributes toward a “real and honest sci-
ence” as Dr. Neil J. Cherry (1946–2003) would say. A science that is applicable to life and works for
the benet of humanity, not for its destruction or enslavement. A science that increases awareness
on the safety of our natural environment and our planet Earth, which is in great danger because of
the uncontrolled expansion of human technology and the unrestricted use of the natural resources.
We are gifted to live on this beautiful planet. We should love and respect it and live in harmony
with it without destroying it. We should not disturb its natural balance by destroying the forests,
changing the weather, genetically modifying our food and the natural organisms, lling the sky
with thousands of satellites, and polluting the atmosphere with chemicals and articial polarized
EMFs/EMR. Instead of trying to inhabit other planets unfriendly to life, we should rather protect
our home Earth, which is unique in the known universe. The balance of our planet is very fragile,
and so is our existence. We all share the same home and the same future. It is our duty to protect it.
Dr. Dimitris J. Panagopoulos (Editor)
10 Biological and Heath Effects of WC EMFs
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Levitt BB, Lai HC, Manville AM, (2021): Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic elds on ora and fauna,
part 1. Rising ambient EMF levels in the environment. Reviews on Environmental Health. https://doi
Liburdy RP, (1992): Calcium signalling in lymphocytes and ELF elds: Evidence for an electric eld metric
and a site of interaction involving the calcium ion channel. FEBS Letters, 301(1), 53–59.
López I, Félix N, Rivera M, Alonso A, Maestú C, (2021): What is the radiation before 5G? A correlation study
between measurements in situ and in real time and epidemiological indicators in Vallecas, Madrid.
Environmental Research, 194, 110734.
Manna D, Ghosh R, (2016): Effect of radiofrequency radiation in cultured mammalian cells: A review.
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Metaxas AC, (1991): Microwave heating. Power Engineering Journal, 5(5), 237–247.
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Nuccitelli R, (2003): Endogenous electric elds in embryos during development, regeneration and wound
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Pall ML, (2013): Electromagnetic elds act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce ben-
ecial or adverse effects. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 17(8), 958–965.
13 Introduction
Panagopoulos DJ, Karabarbounis A, Margaritis LH, (2002): Mechanism for action of electromagnetic elds
on cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 298(1), 95–102.
Panagopoulos DJ, Chavdoula ED, Margaritis LH, (2010): Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation
to its intensity or distance from the antenna. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 86(5), 345–357.
Panagopoulos DJ, Johansson O, Carlo GL, (2013): Evaluation of specic absorption rate as a dosimetric quan-
tity for electromagnetic elds bioeffects. PLOS ONE, 8(6), e62663.
Panagopoulos DJ, Johansson O, Carlo GL, (2015a): Polarization: A key difference between man-made and
natural electromagnetic elds, in regard to biological activity. Scientic Reports, 5, 14914. https://doi
.org /10.10 38/s rep14 914.
Panagopoulos DJ, Johansson O, Carlo GL, (2015b): Real versus simulated mobile phone exposures in experi-
mental studies. BioMed Research International, 2015, 607053.
Panagopoulos DJ, Chrousos GP, (2019): Shielding methods and products against man-made electromagnetic
elds: Protection versus risk. Science of the Total Environment, 667C, 255–262.
Panagopoulos DJ, (2019): Comparing DNA damage induced by mobile telephony and other types of man-
made electromagnetic elds. Mutation Research Reviews, 781, 53–62.
Panagopoulos DJ, (2020): Comparing chromosome damage induced by mobile telephony radiation and a high
caffeine dose: Effect of combination and exposure duration. General Physiology and Biophysics, 39(6),
531–54 4.
Panagopoulos DJ, Karabarbounis A, (2020): Comments on “diverse radiofrequency sensitivity and radiofre-
quency effects of mobile or cordless phone near elds exposure in Drosophila melanogaster”. Advances
in Environmental Studies, 4(1), 271–276.
Panagopoulos DJ, (2021): Comments on Pall’s “Millimeter (MM) wave and microwave frequency radiation
produce deeply penetrating effects: the biology and the physics”. Reviews on Environmental Health
37(2), 295–297.
Panagopoulos DJ, Karabarbounis A, Yakymenko I, Ch rousos GP, (2021): Mechanism of DNA damage induced
by human-made electromagnetic elds. International Journal of Oncology, 59: 92.
Penael LM, Litovitz T, Krause D, Desta A, Mullins JM, (1997): Role of modulation on the effects of micro-
waves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells. Bioelectromagnetics, 18(2), 132–141.
Persinger MA, (1974): ELF and VLF Electromagnetic Fields. Plenum Press, New York.
Persinger MA, (2014): Schumann Resonance frequencies found within quantitative electroencephalographic
activity: Implications for earth-brain interactions. International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and
Astronomy, 11(1), 24–32.
Phillips JL, Singh NP, Lai H, (2009): Electromagnetic elds and DNA damage. Pathophysiology, 16(2–3),
Piacentini R, Ripoli C, Mezzogori D, Azzena GB, Grassi C, (2008): Extremely low-frequency electromag-
netic elds promote in vitro neurogenesis via upregulation of Cav1-channel activity. Journal of Cellular
Physiology, 215(1), 129–139.
Presman AS, (1977): Electromagnetic Fields and Life. Plenum Press, New York.
Puranen L, Jokela K, (1996): Radiation hazard assessment of pulsed microwave radars. Journal of Microwave
Power and Electromagnetic Energy, 31(3), 165–177.
Rappaport TS, Sun S, Mayzus R, Zhao H, Azar Y, et al, (2013): Millimeter wave mobile communications
for 5G cellular: It will work! IEEE Access, 1, 335–349.
Read R, O’Riordan T, (2017): The precautionary principle under re. Environment: Science and Policy for
Sustainable Development, 59(5), 4–15.
Santini MT, Ferrante A, Rainaldi G, Indovina P, Indovina PL, (2005): Extremely low frequency (ELF) mag-
netic elds and apoptosis: A review. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 81(1), 1–11.
Szmigielski S, (2013): Reaction of the immune system to low-level RF/MW exposures. Science of the Total
Environment, 454–455, 393400.
Tesla N, (1905): The transmission of electrical energy without wires as a means of furthering world peace.
Electrical World and Engineer, 7, 21–24.
Walleczek J, (1992): Electromagnetic eld effects on cells of the immune system: The role of calcium signal-
ing. FASEB Journal, 6(13), 3177–3185.
Wever R, (1979): The Circadian System of Man: Results of Experiments under Temporal Isolation. Springer-
Verlag, New York.
Yakymenko I, Sidorik E, Kyrylenko S, Chekhun V, (2011): Long-term exposure to microwave radiation
provokes cancer growth: Evidences from radars and mobile communication systems. Experimental
Oncology, 33(2), 62–70.
14 Biological and Heath Effects of WC EMFs
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electromagnetic fields: Protection versus risk. Science of the Total Environment, 667C, 255–262.
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high caffeine dose: Effect of combination and exposure duration. General Physiology and Biophysics, 39(6),
Panagopoulos D.J. , Karabarbounis A. , (2020): Comments on “diverse radiofrequency sensitivity and
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Panagopoulos D.J. , (2021): Comments on Pall's “Millimeter (MM) wave and microwave frequency radiation
produce deeply penetrating effects: the biology and the physics”. Reviews on Environmental Health 37(2),
Panagopoulos D.J. , Karabarbounis A. , Yakymenko I. , Chrousos G.P. , (2021): Mechanism of DNA damage
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Piacentini R. , Ripoli C. , Mezzogori D. , Azzena G.B. , Grassi C. , (2008): Extremely low-frequency
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Rappaport T.S. , Sun S. , Mayzus R. , Zhao H. , Azar Y. , et al, (2013): Millimeter wave mobile communications
for 5G cellular: It will work! IEEE Access, 1, 335–349.
Read R. , O'Riordan T. , (2017): The precautionary principle under fire. Environment: Science and Policy for
Sustainable Development, 59(5), 4–15.
Santini M.T. , Ferrante A. , Rainaldi G. , Indovina P. , Indovina P.L. , (2005): Extremely low frequency (ELF)
magnetic fields and apoptosis: A review. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 81(1), 1–11.
Szmigielski S. , (2013): Reaction of the immune system to low-level RF/MW exposures. Science of the Total
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Tesla N. , (1905): The transmission of electrical energy without wires as a means of furthering world peace.
Electrical World and Engineer, 7, 21–24.
Walleczek J. , (1992): Electromagnetic field effects on cells of the immune system: The role of calcium
signaling. FASEB Journal, 6(13), 3177–3185.
Wever R. , (1979): The Circadian System of Man: Results of Experiments under Temporal Isolation. Springer-
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Yakymenko I. , Sidorik E. , Kyrylenko S. , Chekhun V. , (2011): Long-term exposure to microwave radiation
provokes cancer growth: Evidences from radars and mobile communication systems. Experimental Oncology,
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